Positioned with Kimberly Knight

37: 10 Things You Can Do Now to Elevate Your Love Life

December 19, 2023 Kimberly Knight
37: 10 Things You Can Do Now to Elevate Your Love Life
Positioned with Kimberly Knight
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Positioned with Kimberly Knight
37: 10 Things You Can Do Now to Elevate Your Love Life
Dec 19, 2023
Kimberly Knight

Heads up, ladies - this one isn’t only for those who are single! 

Do you want to rev up your love life and set the stage for a fantastic year ahead? Maybe you want fresh insights and practical tips to elevate your relationships. In this episode, we discover 10 surprising ways for wives and future wives to take charge of their love lives and thrive. 

Besides God, the most important relationship and the longest one you will ever have in your lifetime is with yourself. Whether single or married, focusing on personal well-being and growth makes an individual more attractive to a future partner or current spouse.

If you're ready to invest in yourself and transform your relationships in the coming year, this episode is for you.

In this episode, you will:

  1. Gain valuable insights and action steps for both wives and future wives.
  2. Understand the importance of personal growth and reflection in improving your relationships.
  3. Learn how to elevate your love life in the coming year.

How can you practically implement the tips and action steps shared in this episode to elevate your own love life in the coming year? Come share with me on social media!

Mentioned Resources

Episode 2: Build Your Village

Episode 28: Finish Your Year Strong

Connect with Kimberly

Join Love Labs - Love Labs, is a transformative monthly membership program designed exclusively for single, Christian women seeking to position themselves for love, marriage, and meaningful relationships.

Join the waiting list for Positioned for Love - Ready to find the love you've prayed for and deserve? Join Kimberly's Positioned For Love program, tailored for single Christian women, and gain exclusive early access to our next enrollment.

Follow Kimberly on Facebook

Connect with Kimberly on Instagram

Visit her website

Download your copy now -> Should You Take Your Ex Back

Show Notes

Heads up, ladies - this one isn’t only for those who are single! 

Do you want to rev up your love life and set the stage for a fantastic year ahead? Maybe you want fresh insights and practical tips to elevate your relationships. In this episode, we discover 10 surprising ways for wives and future wives to take charge of their love lives and thrive. 

Besides God, the most important relationship and the longest one you will ever have in your lifetime is with yourself. Whether single or married, focusing on personal well-being and growth makes an individual more attractive to a future partner or current spouse.

If you're ready to invest in yourself and transform your relationships in the coming year, this episode is for you.

In this episode, you will:

  1. Gain valuable insights and action steps for both wives and future wives.
  2. Understand the importance of personal growth and reflection in improving your relationships.
  3. Learn how to elevate your love life in the coming year.

How can you practically implement the tips and action steps shared in this episode to elevate your own love life in the coming year? Come share with me on social media!

Mentioned Resources

Episode 2: Build Your Village

Episode 28: Finish Your Year Strong

Connect with Kimberly

Join Love Labs - Love Labs, is a transformative monthly membership program designed exclusively for single, Christian women seeking to position themselves for love, marriage, and meaningful relationships.

Join the waiting list for Positioned for Love - Ready to find the love you've prayed for and deserve? Join Kimberly's Positioned For Love program, tailored for single Christian women, and gain exclusive early access to our next enrollment.

Follow Kimberly on Facebook

Connect with Kimberly on Instagram

Visit her website

Download your copy now -> Should You Take Your Ex Back