Business Blasphemy

EP83: Embracing Inner Freedom, Spirituality, and Healing with Latoya Zavala

Sarah Khan Season 3 Episode 83

This week, we dive deep into the often misunderstood concept of manifestation with energy mastery guide, LaToya Zavala. 

We explore the difference between "woo" and physics-based understandings of energy, the science of vibration, and how universal laws interact with our thoughts and beliefs -- without our input! 

LaToya breaks down the four core aspects of manifestation, emphasizing the power of belief over mere actions. She also shares her powerful personal journey from religious indoctrination to embracing spiritual practices that defy conventional understanding. 

Discover how your beliefs, conscious or subconscious, directly influence your reality and how you can harness your inner power to manifest true freedom. Join us for a conversation that challenges the norms, breaks down spiritual jargon, and empowers you to reclaim your truth.

Guest Bio:
As an energy mastery guide, LaToya Zavala works with badass women coming from male-dominated industries like the military & government spaces, who now want to take their gifts and talents to a new level of purpose, prosperity, and power even if they’ve tried Vet resources, and conventional counseling and coaching, using her Aligned AF methodology -- one part of her powerful Goddess Collective.

Want to learn more about the Goddess Collective? 
The Goddess Collective is opening spaces through the month of September. If you're interested in deep diving into Vedic astrology work, purpose discovery, manifesting and attraction tools and practices, let's have a conversation!

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The Business Blasphemy Podcast is sponsored by Corporate Rehab® Strategic Consulting.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Business Blasphemy Podcast, where we question the sacred truths of the online business space and the reverence with which they're held. I'm your host, sarah Khan speaker, strategic consultant and BS busting badass. Join me each week as we challenge the norms, trends and overall bullshit status quo of entrepreneurship to uncover what it really takes to build the business that you want to build in a way that honors you, your life and your vision for what's possible, and maybe piss off a few gurus along the way. So if you're ready to commit business blasphemy, let's do it. Hello, hello blasphemers, welcome back.

Speaker 1:

I am so excited to share my friend with you today. Latoya and I met through a mastermind and we have just I mean when I tell you how freaking phenomenal she is and just what a sense of joy and just like calm you feel being around LaToya. Honestly, it's amazing. So let me introduce her before I share her goodness with you. Latoya Zavala is an energy mastery guide who works with women who are badasses coming from male dominated spaces and industries like the military and government and now want to take their gifts and talents to a new level of purpose, prosperity and power, even if they've tried vet resources and conventional counseling and coaches, and she uses her aligned as fuck methodology in her goddess collective to do that. Latoya, thank you so much for being here today.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. It's my honor and it's my pleasure, especially because you're such a delicious energy to be around, and I'm so grateful for our friendship, our connection and this blasphemy space.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know, if you can't blaspheme, what are you going to do? Right, I want to dive right in because I know manifestation energy, like this entire space, it has a lot of like controversy and it has a lot of like differing thoughts and perspectives, and some people are like super woo and some are like woo adjacent, like me, but like then there's others who are completely no, this doesn't, it's not real. I would love for you from your perspective, because I've had the opportunity and the privilege of working with you one-to-one and experiencing your gift and I mean I was blown away by just the outcome of our time together. But I would love to start with like what do you think people are either getting wrong or misunderstanding about the concept of manifestation?

Speaker 2:

Beautiful question, super juicy setup, so there's a few things. Super juicy setup, so there's a few things, and the first is this the term itself. Energy is not a spiritual term, and what I mean by that is when we talk about the sun, for example, and the way that it gives heat and light, we talk about it very comfortably in terms of energy, terms of energy. Right, we know now that energy is everything. We know now that the earth itself is vibrating at a particular frequency and we're very comfortable about talking about that in terms of energy. So science has now confirmed that all matter is in fact vibrating and therefore is energy, including us, including us. So now we've come to know that you and I are vibrating ourselves, right, subatomically, talking about ourselves subatomically, we're vibrating and the space that we're vibrating in and the space around those vibrations is, in fact, energy. So you as a human being, are simply a collection of cells that are vibrating energy. You literally are a community of energy biophysically. So now would it not make sense, as we're moving into a space where we get to understand ourselves better and better and better, would it not make sense to understand now ourselves in terms of energy? We also know that things that vibrate, that are vibrating energy, typically have a field around itself because it's vibrating. We also know that if it's vibrating and it's energy, that it's probably vibrating at a particular frequency, right, and that frequency gets to radiate out. This is physics, right? This is what we're talking about. So if we now have confirmed that we biophysically are the same as what we have been studying in terms of energy, right Then would it not make sense to now understand ourselves in terms of energy? Right?

Speaker 2:

I think the term woo comes in because this wisdom has been around for ages without the technological tools to tell us that it is in fact so Right, and because that was the case and it was attached to beliefs and religion and cultural practices, then it came over to us as woo. Then it came over to us as woo, but now we have the tools and the technology and the techniques to understand. It is, in fact, physics and biophysics. So we now have the choice to connect it to beliefs and spirituality or to simply understand ourselves in terms of energy. So that's number one, right, and the way that I see it, the way that I see it is what we understand as woo is in fact, our super intelligence, our subconscious intelligence, our divine intelligence, activated in a way that we haven't experienced it before. That's how I see woo. So there's that the other thing that I feel that we get wrong.

Speaker 2:

We talk about manifesting right, the term itself. Manifesting in its most simplest form means to bring about, and what I have understood in studying this and studying this and studying this for so long and from so many different aspects, there really are four aspects to manifesting, and I think that this is the issue right. When we started moving into manifesting, it came to us in forms of law of attraction, which is fantastic. But that's not the only universal law. There are others that are, in effect, number one. Number two universal law is universal law. It just is right, it is and it is at work at all times. It doesn't need us, it doesn't need you and me. Right. Law of attraction doesn't need you and me, it's already at work. Right. Law of give and receive doesn't need you and me, it's already at work. Law of gravity doesn't need you and me, it's already at work. Law of gravity doesn't need you and me, it's already at work, right?

Speaker 2:

So when we're talking about universal laws, they are already at work, and what has happened is it came to us as this is something we need to practice, and that is not the case. Universal law is universal law and it is already at work. So what do we get to do? We get to have inspired thought and keep that channel open. Believe in the inspired thought, in our purpose, in our potential, in ourselves. Universal law then interacts with the inspired thought, with the belief and with your actions, right? So really, the only two pieces that we get to truly interact with is belief and action, because inspired thought is always happening. It's always happening. Universal law just is. It's always interacting.

Speaker 2:

So what we get to do is work on our beliefs and our actions, and the truth of the matter is that balance gets to be more in the belief than the actions, because if your belief is fucked up, everything else is fucked up, meaning you have inspired thought, you know universal law is working and you get to action.

Speaker 2:

But if your belief is fucked up belief in yourself, believe in your purpose, belief that things can happen for you, belief that money is coming, belief that you're worthy I mean, there's so many layers, if any of that is fucked up, then it's going to affect your actions. That's where self-sabotage comes in, that's where imposterism comes in. That's where you receive the money but it flows right out of you and you can't keep it. That's where that comes in right. All of the other things are affected truly by belief, and so I think a lot of times what we get wrong is we feel like we have to practice universal law and that's the be all to manifesting, and it's not true. It's actually four parts, and the only part we really truly need to focus on is that belief piece Because, again, if it's out of whack, it will cascade into the other four pieces.

Speaker 1:

My gosh, okay.

Speaker 1:

So hopefully you now have an idea of why I love Latoya so much.

Speaker 1:

This is probably the most accessible and most relatable explanation I've ever heard about manifestation, law of attraction, all of the universal woo stuff that we hear so much about in the mainstream, right?

Speaker 1:

And so I mean, first of all, perfect for this show, because we talk about you know, the BS in the business space, and I love that you have pulled the focus away from, like you said, interacting with the universal laws, the things that are already happening, the things that we cannot affect, to the things that we can affect, which is our beliefs, right, and so it's not just I wish for a thing, I'm putting it out in the universe, like you have to really believe it in yourself, and so what I'm understanding is it comes back to doing the work of ensuring you're aligned with your beliefs Absolutely, and I love this because this is something that I've always said and held as absolutely fundamental what your values are, what your beliefs are, your self-belief, your self-trust, your self-concept. That's where everything begins, and it's just added another layer to it that this is also where manifestation begins, and it's just added another layer to it that this is also where manifestation begins. It is.

Speaker 2:

And, if you could allow me, there's one other piece where we're not understanding. We are always manifesting, right, we're always manifesting. We're not always manifesting what we desire, ooh, ooh, yeah, but we are always manifesting what we actually believe, and I really am going to hone in on that, actually, because what we're wanting to believe, what we say, we believe, can be quite different than what's in your subconscious and what's vibrating in your energy body, and that is really what you're manifesting.

Speaker 1:

That is going on a poster somewhere, because we're always manifesting, maybe not what we desire, but definitely what we believe. If that doesn't stop you in your tracks to make you go, well, shit right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because it gives kind of a renewed sense of importance to what are you actually telling yourself, what dialogue is happening in your head on a regular basis, because I don't think we actually think what. So when I work with clients, one of the very first like fundamental pieces we do is values work, and I know it's one small part of belief, but it's shocking to me how many of us don't really step back and think these values that I thought I held all my life, do I actually still believe in them? Do I actually still resonate with them? And the number of clients who shift their values when we work together back into alignment with who they are Like, oh, I actually don't believe that anymore. That's something I grew up believing, or that's something my church told me, or that's something that my friends circled.

Speaker 1:

It's fascinating how many of us change our beliefs when we sit and intentionally reflect on them, and I have a feeling that this, I mean I don't have a feeling. I know that this probably also translates to our belief systems. Right, one of the play on words when I talk about BS, it's not just bullshit, it's also your belief systems, and a lot of the time the two are one in the same, and so evaluating that belief system is super, super important. I want to pause and I want to ask what I call, lovingly, the villain origin story and, for those of you who are listening and are like Sarah, why do you ask people their villain origin story every week? It's a play on Avengers. I'm a huge nerd. How did you come to entrepreneurship and, specifically, how did you come to this particular niche?

Speaker 2:

Again, a fantastic, beautiful setup, because it actually exactly what you were talking about belief systems. That, in fact, is actually my specialty. So, in a nutshell, all of my degrees are in spirituality and theology. I have a bachelor's in theology, I have a master's in divinity, I of a postgraduate in clinical pastoral education, and then spiritual degrees and certificates after that, when I was five, I knew that I would be doing this work. When I was five I was in the back of a church and I looked at the pulpit and I said that's me, I'm supposed to do that. But I was told by people who were standing around me that that could not be me, because I'm a woman and women don't take those kinds of leadership roles. And I believe them. So again, belief system right, I believe them.

Speaker 2:

And that kind of threw me into tailspin as far as purpose and desire, because my desire was always to help people heal and I just was looking for different ways to do that. Very early on in elementary school I was sexually molested and then later on, early teens, I was exposed to sexually exploitation. Teens I was exposed to sexually exploitation and then after that it kind of set the stage for me to be in a domestic violent relationship which I was in for a few years. And coming out of that well, in the midst of that, coming out of that, in that story, I was really in the throw of depression and suicidal ideation and behavior, attempted suicide twice and in the process of my soul seeking healing, oh, there was so many things. I had a pastoral counselor, I had a psychiatrist, I had a psychologist, I was on medication, I was hospitalized, I mean, you name it. I was doing it, I was doing it and I still felt like I fell through the cracks when I decided to leave my partner who was domestically violent. There was a calling that happened in my soul and I felt it literally vibrate through my body and what the words that came to me was it's time, and I didn't need any explanation, I knew exactly what that meant put my clothes in a trash bag and I left everything else though I had been paying for everything else and I left and so rebuilding myself financially, mentally, emotionally, physically, relationally, you know, was definitely a journey and in that journey quite a few you know, spiritual understandings happened in me. So that began.

Speaker 2:

I knew that I didn't want to help people heal clinically because it didn't work for me. And so I was like, how do I help people like me that that doesn't work for Right? So that's where all my theology training came in, because I felt called like this is the only way that I knew, based on my upbringing, how to help people heal non-clinically. So, yeah, that's what I became and I was a missionary and I was a pastor and I was a preacher and I was eventually became a chaplain in the hospital and a chaplain in the military and I was doing the thing when I was coming out of the military because that was another call. By the same, I entered a healing process for myself again and I stumbled on Reiki through a massage therapist and I had such a profound experience that countered everything that I believed In my previous belief system. Reiki is the devil and everybody practices it is of the devil. And and yet I was so desperate because of the physical pain that I was in I was like do what you do, girl. And she did it and I had such a profound physical and spiritual experience. I didn't tell anybody because I couldn't, because I couldn't explain it and I didn't know what it was and it definitely was contrary to everything I had been teaching, preaching. But I went back In the midst we were adopting my middle child and the same thing was happening.

Speaker 2:

He was falling through the cracks because the wait time for a therapist for his, for what he was going through was six to eight months and I was like what am I going to do with a five-year-old boy who is desperately needing help for six to eight months? So I took him to the Reiki specialist and she was like bring him on in and at six years old he had a profound experience. Not knowing what Reiki is, not knowing what to expect, not knowing you know anything. He just went down on the table and had a major, profound experience, so much so that he was trying to do Reiki on my baby girl, his little sister. So I couldn't explain, I didn't know what it was, but I knew I was. It totally opened my mind, my heart, my energy. I was like I got to find out what the fuck this is, this, this. I got to find out what this is and I opened myself to it.

Speaker 2:

And then, you know, god bless her, my practitioner. She was like I think you just need to be attuned so that you can continue to help your family and possibly the people because I was still in the military possibly the people who you're serving could benefit from this I was like, let's do it. So I attuned level one, then I attuned level two and after a year of practicing and I was getting ready to move, she said I think you're ready. And I was like, let's do it. And I attuned master level and so that's really the story. But the desire in my heart was always there and the call and the experience was more than I could explain and then I didn't feel the need to explain it. I was like it just is. And yeah, the same healing that I'm receiving I want to give to other people. And that's what started the path. And then more and more and more, and now I'm doing activations and I'm channeling and I'm doing Vedic astrology and really helping people to be free. And that is the bottom line.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, what a story Helping people to be free. And that is the bottom line. Oh my gosh, what a story Helping people to be free. Just it resonates so deeply because, until you experience that little bit of freedom in a different way, I don't think enough of us realize that we aren't free. There is so much baggage, there is so much damage. There is so much, just so much indoctrination, there is so much.

Speaker 1:

And you know, when you talk about freedom, there's always that surface level. You know freedom and guns Like that's what you know, my brother jokes about freedom and guns. I'm moving to Texas, but it's it's. That's not the freedom that I think we truly need or that is serving us in the best way, and I think what you're talking about. I remember when, the first time I heard you tell your story and the first time I really had a conversation with you, the energy that you exude I really had a conversation with you the energy that you exude you personally reflects what I think the true freedom that so many of us seek but don't realize is missing is. And so I just want you to know how much I appreciate you being in my space, because every interaction with you is a reminder of what we're doing this for right.

Speaker 1:

I mean, yeah, money is fantastic and everybody needs it and I would love a giant mountain of it, but that's not what we're here for, right, and it is to find that level of freedom that allows you to just expand who you are and stop feeling so constricted. And that's something that I've personally experienced lately and again I will honestly say that a big part of that was having worked with you, that there was this almost awakening of. Awakening of and a validation of what I think I've known deep down for a long time, but just for whatever reason or another indoctrination, the spaces we're in, the people, the programming, all of that stuff. It keeps us so distracted we don't realize that that's what we're missing, Right. And then there's the context piece too. If you've never really experienced it, how do you know what you're missing?

Speaker 2:

But I think we know we do know, we do know, and you said it so beautifully. The way that I describe what I do is I help women know that. They know that. They know that they know what they have been suspecting all along. Yeah, and that came from an outworking, of working with literally hundreds and maybe thousands now of women.

Speaker 2:

And I'm just going back from, even back from when I was working in the hospital, it is always that we suspect, we suspect, our spiritual giftings, we suspect that we're really powerful in certain these areas. We suspect that I'm really here to be doing this. We suspect, we suspect that I'm really not even supposed to be in this land. I'm supposed to be over there, right? We suspect these things and it is. It absolutely is projection and indoctrination. Why? Why we don't allow ourselves to confirm and know that? And I'm saying that because because, first of all, the suspicion is there and also, I would say, it's the projection and the indoctrination that has redefined them for us. So there's a mindfuck that happened and we were taught that certain things are freedom when it really isn't. So you know, it's, it's like the elephant who is chained and is given this reign of of land and he's thinking I'm free in this land when in fact he is still chained Right. And so there's there's, there's a redefining that has been particularly for women of what freedom is. And yet I know that.

Speaker 2:

I know that I know especially those who are called to do rebellious shit right, those who are called to tear down some things and reactivate some things and free people, and the pioneers, the revolutionaries, the mavericks. The mavericks, they know what freedom is and now it's the shedding of layers, the defining for self, the know that. They know that. They know that. They know, which is why I do Vedic astrology because, yes, I can teach people to embody their intuition and move in that which I do, but because the mind fuck and the indoctrination and the projection has been so strong for millennia. I think that Vedic astrology is a beautiful way to see it, right, to see it in black and white, in geometric shapes, because it satisfies that piece of us, right. And then it almost bolsters us, almost like medication, right. It bolsters that foundation so that we now have a firmer foundation to then move in what we have suspected and known for all along.

Speaker 1:

You know I love this and I want to just kind of go back to where you were talking about. It's the women who are called to do the rebellious shit, and I want to touch on that for a second because one of the things that I have experienced so I had an experience in my car, probably 10 years ago, 15 years ago, maybe, somewhere in there I for a long time knew what my career path was. I knew what I was going to do, I knew what I was good at, I knew what I was good at doing I'll put it that way and I remember driving in my car and I just had this moment where I had just learned the term and the term escapes me now, but it has to do with when you're driving down the street and you see other people in their car and it dawns on you that each of those people has a whole life and a whole experience and a whole world that you'll never know about. And I don't know where that came from, but in that moment of realization I stopped and I pulled over and I had this like I just sobbed because I'm getting emotional, I don't want to I had this knowing, this deep knowing that I was meant for more and it was so profound, but I didn't know what to do with it, and so I continued on the path that I was on, and I'm sharing this because what I did realize after that was this feeling inside me of like, yes, I'm going to continue on the path that I know I'm on, that I feel safe on, but I personally am feeling like something is missing. And so I started to deconstruct those pieces of me that were performative and I mean the result is what you see today, like I don't bullshit, you know, you, you all know who I am, but this was a deconstruction that was years in the taking in, in the making, I should say. But when you, when you really look back at the level of indoctrination and some of that is still there it's incredible that I've I've even come this far.

Speaker 1:

But the reason I'm sharing this is when you talk about the women who know that, they know that they know that they know are the rebels and the mavericks and the people who want to shake shit up.

Speaker 1:

Why, why is it that we still look at those women as the rebels, as going against the grain, as doing because rebel, rebellion, rebellious, maverick all those words are not necessarily positive connotations and I know that when I have acted from that space, from that I guess what people would call rebellious or assertive or against the status quo, it's always been met with disdain, it's always been met with negativity and I'm often accused, I guess, of operating from a too masculine energy. And I'm curious about your thoughts around that, because my personal perspective is, yes, a lot of capitalistic corporate society and culture is very toxic masculine energy, and there's been this pendulum swing all the way to the other side of like toxic masculine energy and there's been this pendulum swing all the way to the other side of like super hyper feminine energy. But do we not need both? So this is a two-prong question Do we not need both and, if so, like in what kind of balance? But also, why do we still view the rebels and the Mavericks as wrong or to be feared or to be aware of?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because they are.

Speaker 1:

Is it that simple really?

Speaker 2:

Because they are, yeah absolutely Because they are and and this is part of my work to help them know that they are. And it's unapologetic, you don't need to apologize for it. And it's unapologetic, you don't need to apologize for it and you can just be. And I say it from this perspective always because I understand it this way. I'm just using him as a name because everybody knows the name right. But Martin Luther King Jr was a rebel. He was a rebel spirit and we needed him to be that. You understand what I'm saying. If he were not rebel, I would still be physically in that slave paradigm. You understand. We needed him to be that.

Speaker 2:

And he was viewed as negative, as a troublemaker, as a stirrer, not just by white people but by black people also. Like you're stirring shit up and it's bad for us. People are getting beat up, people are getting tear gassed on, like stop the bullshit, this is the way things are and let's just maneuver in this way. Hey, listen, god will figure it out. God's going to save us. You know all these things. So I need us to know that right now he is the proverbial savior. But at the time it wasn't that way for everybody. Some people were like supportive and let's go. Let's go March. But that's not the truth. As far as community and society was concerned, you understand what I'm saying. So there's always going to be a community and a society and a norm. Ok, and it requires for someone to rise up in opposition. And they are rebels, they are revolutionaries, and it is important for us to see them that way. Yeah, watch out for them. Yeah, they're bad asses. Yeah, they're stirring shit up. Yes, they're tearing down shit. Yes, they're, they're, they're not. Um, what do you call it? They don't play well. Yeah, they don't. They're not sharing their Play-Doh, they're. They're going to take their ball and go home and guess what? It's uncomfortable, guess what? It's not societal, normal kindness, but guess what, when it is their time and they move in their higher purpose, we need them to be those people.

Speaker 2:

And so when the women come to me and they're like, oh, you know, they just keep telling me I'm the center of attention and I'm really not, I'm just trying. I said no, oh, you know, they just keep telling me I'm the center of attention and I'm really not, I'm just trying. I said no, no, no, stop the bullshit. Stop the bullshit. You are the center of attention, you were designed that way, you're called to be that. Yeah, oh, they say my ego is too big, my head's too big. Yeah, yeah, yeah, stop the bullshit. I know they don't like it, but when it is your time, that is what you. You were designed that way for a reason. For a reason and I am so grateful because I know me and a lot of society is going to benefit from it it takes that. It takes someone to say what the hell? No, I'm doing this shit, no more, otherwise you and I wouldn't even be able to vote. Yeah, somebody had to be the rebel, the revolutionary, the one that people don't like. And yeah, it's, it's okay, it's okay. So what?

Speaker 1:

you're saying is don't be sad that your rebel tendencies get you in trouble or they're not viewed the way we wish they would be viewed, that people don't immediately understand why you're saying things the way you're saying, that you're designed that way. The number of people, and even personally the number of times I have felt like you know out of alignment, something's missing, something doesn't feel quite right. It's often because you're trying to conform to a standard that you're not meant to conform to. You weren't meant to Well geez, you weren't meant to.

Speaker 2:

And here's where that gets to be so important, because it does feel a little lonely. Yeah, you do stand out, you are different and you play different. So now what we get to do is we get to come into places and I'm just saying like the goddess collective, but there are others out there, right, you get to come into places where you can connect with others who are also designed this way. That can't happen, though, until you accept and this is the piece right, getting back to the four prongs of that manifesting right it's that belief and that acceptance until you stop beating yourself up about it, trying to mask it to fit in, you know, trying to redefine it, you know, trying to play nice, you know. Until you stop that and shed the layers that cause you to feel like that's necessary, and really truly accept yourself as the pioneer, as the revolutionary, as the one who's here to shake some shit up, as the one who's here to bring blasphemy to business. Until you accept that 100%, you are not going to enact the law of attraction. Who will attract the others who are of that aligned frequency, because it is a frequency so that you don't feel that aloneness as much anymore, right? However, comma, and you are the spearhead for whatever. You are the spearhead for, what does that mean? That spearhead is the one who cuts the wind. So there are going to be times that you are in front and there's nobody beside you, right, but you get to have that support and the others who are kind of like you. You get to have that support and that connection who will help foster that community and tribe that gets to feed into your energy, that helps keep you going. But know that you are the spearhead and it requires at many times. There's not going to be anyone to the left and to the right, there's not going to be anyone wearing that same uniform that you're wearing. There's not going to be anyone right With those same, with the same thoughts and the ideas and understandings. And there are going to be those who are going to be like shh, be quiet, hey, lower your voice, hey, don't say it so many times. Right, there's going to be that. So let me bring it if I can bring it real quick back to the male, female energy. I just want to say this real quick this pioneer, revolutionary, rebel spirit is neither female nor male energy, right, it just is. And so, whoever is the call to be, is the call to be right. Whoever is the designed in that way, is the designed in that way, and there are more masculine and more female energy ways of bringing change and it really gets to be in how you're designed.

Speaker 2:

I would say that, yes, for millennia, we as a race have been under super dominant male energy in various perspectives in progress, in business, in religion, in many different ways. And the pendulum, I would. From my perspective, I don't think we've swung the pendulum all the way to feminine energy. I think we're still trying to bring it back to equilibrium and in order to do that, you have to overcompensate by speaking a lot more about feminine energy and divine feminine energy in order to bring it back. This way, and I feel we will get to a point where we are more balanced. So what does that mean In its practical, simple terms?

Speaker 2:

Male energy is the do, the go, get it, the action right, it's the drive. When we're using terms like we crushed it today, you know we're going to conquer our goals today. Right, we got to. Hey, rise and grind. These are male energy terms. Right, these are male energy terms. On the other side, is the flow right. So the feminine side is the receiving, the allowing, the flow, the intuition. Right, touching base with our emotions. Right, so we've brought in emotional intelligence. This is a feminine energy thing that we've brought into business. We're teaching it in the military. Right, so this is coming into balance. This is how you see the two coming into balance. Right, military is a very dominant male energy and now we're talking about emotional intelligence. Right, we're bringing the two together. So when we're talking about two together, so when we're talking about, hey, you get to also run your business action with ease and grace and flow feminine energy right.

Speaker 2:

Flow and glow these terms. Feminine energy right After I've made my calls and I've reached out and I've sent the emails, male energy Now I get to trust that all of that energy is bringing the fruits and I am worthy of receiving feminine energy. So this is how we create the balance and we do need the two. And it's okay that we within ourselves, particularly women, but everyone overcompensate because we have been under very toxic male energy for a very, very, very long time, for generations, and so it's not just practices, but it's now ancestral and generational layers that are on top of us, and so it's okay that we lean more to the feminine energy now, because we're not in balance. We're not even okay with saying the word woo. We're not even okay with saying the word flow yet Not yet right. We're not even okay with feminine energy practices.

Speaker 2:

We're still hiding a lot of us in the corners when we're talking about full moon and new moons. Right, this is feminine energy practices. We're still hiding a lot of us in the corners when we're talking about full moon and new moons. Right, this is feminine energy. So many of us are leaning more towards feminine spiritual practices right, yoga and some of the African tribal practices that include female deities. That is still not a widespread thing, so I'm just encouraging the ladies who are listening. It's okay that we're overcompensating to bring that into a normalcy into our lives, because that is a reconnection, subconsciously and energetically, to the feminine power that is within us that has been suppressed for way too long.

Speaker 1:

What a beautiful reframe. Thank you so much for that. You're welcome. Last question what is one small shift everyone listening can make today to help them shift their beliefs?

Speaker 2:

I'm going to lean on Deepak Chopra for a moment this is something that I do extensively in the group that I run and to really talk about the law of infinite potential right, or the law of potentiality, and what he says in his book, the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. What he says is one of the ways, one of the simplest ways that you can get back to your infinite potential is to take some moments every day in silence, and that has been one of the most powerful things that I can do for myself and that I really encourage everyone to do. And we can gloss over that, because there's so many other cute and fun practices to do and new and exciting, and yet I feel the most powerful is to sit in silence, and I need to differentiate that just for a moment, because he does. There's a difference between meditating and silence, because there are so many different ways of meditating. You can meditate with mantras, with affirmations, with music, with nature. There's so many ways.

Speaker 2:

Silence does not necessitate meditation. Silence is just that. It's silence. It doesn't require you to have your eyes open. It doesn't require you to sit. You can walk and be in silence. You can be on your porch and be in silence. You can be in your room in a corner and be in silence. You can be at a cafe, at around people, and be in silence. And what happens is when you're in silence, you hear your core self. You hear your thoughts. You hear your judgments, your criticism. You hear your beliefs and your questioning of your beliefs and you hear what you're thinking and why you're thinking and how you judge yourself and how you judge other people, and you hear that. And as you're working through these things, you also can hear your inner child. You also can hear your higher self. You can also hear your future self. You can also hear your wealthy self. You can also hear you know yourself. That's in higher purpose, but it requires silence.

Speaker 1:

Latoya. This has been less an interview and more a sermon. This has been so fantastic.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, no, no.

Speaker 1:

Didn't mean for that to happen. Do not apologize. This has been so fantastic I'm like I wish we could go longer. This has been such a wonderful shift and reframe just in even my own sort of understanding and beliefs around manifestation and energy and just how things come to be, and you've actually helped me feel a little bit better about my maverick self. So thank you for that. Tell everyone where we can find you and if you'd like to talk about your program, please do.

Speaker 2:

The Goddess Collective is just that. It's a collective of goddesses, and my intention is that we do. We go deep, diving to reconnect with the goddess within you. What I mean by that is the divine feminine within you. It's broken up into three phases, which I don't think I've ever said publicly, but I will say here.

Speaker 2:

The first phase is I am, the second phase is I create and the third phase is I own. And the first phase I am is unfucking your identity. And the second phase I create is unfucking your wealth, wealth, consciousness. And the third phase I own is unfucking our understanding around our own energy. I believe that these three pillars and these three phases accelerates our ability to be in that infinite potentiality and to create and to manifest and to bring change and to rebel and to tear shit down and to build shit up and to change our world and to have the impact that we're supposed to have.

Speaker 2:

I am so in love with it now, because of what it has become and it's called the Goddess Collective. I'm opening the doors the first weekend of October through the three-day intensive which is called Goddess Unlocked, so we get to unlock you for three days and then we move into the collective where we do the phenomenal work of energy activations and ancestral healing and the beautiful shedding and deproming and all the other things that happen. And there's some really juicy juicy other things about it, like Vedic astrology and the treasure chest and all of the other things, but that is the nutshell. October 4th through 6th, goddess Unlocked opens the door to the Goddess Collective.

Speaker 1:

I will have all the links in the show notes. Make sure you head down there to check it out, and you can find LaToya everywhere. She's on all the socials and, honestly, just the most delicious human to just spend even a little bit of time with. Thank you so much for being here.

Speaker 1:

It's been my honor, fantastic and guys like I say every single week, you can have success without the BS, and this week extra emphasis on BS as belief systems. I will talk to you next week. That's it for this week. Thanks for listening to the Business Blasphemy Podcast. We'll be back next week with a new episode, but in the meantime, help a sister out by subscribing and if you're feeling extra sassy rating this podcast, and don't forget to share the podcast with others. Head over to businessblasphemypodcastcom to connect with us and learn more. Thanks for listening and remember you can have success without the BS.