Ended Up In Vegas

Selling Smart: Realtor Red Flags

Nicci Pucci & Meghan Ramos Season 2 Episode 1

Have you ever heard a realtor say, "it's a great time to buy," or "it's a great time to sell."

That's the criticism we hear most about our industry colleagues, and so we are clear - we are not them!

We are the realtors who are going to tell you, no, it's not the right time for you.

On this episode of Ended Up In Vegas we discuss the local market, what's happening in the housing market in Q1 of this year, and our advice for all homeowners  considering any type of transition with their real estate portfolio.

We are ready to hear your questions, recommend a property value, or start the conversation about your goals for the future. Send us a DM or leave us a comment and thanks for listening!