Sinners Pulpit

Intrigued by Law, You May Find Grace

July 22, 2023 Sinner's Pulpit Season 1 Episode 7
Intrigued by Law, You May Find Grace
Sinners Pulpit
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Sinners Pulpit
Intrigued by Law, You May Find Grace
Jul 22, 2023 Season 1 Episode 7
Sinner's Pulpit

Per usual, we tossed religion and "what people say" in the trash here. Dad lays down a "cheat sheet" of his study of God's laws.  If you love deep study of things, this cast should fire you up to dig into more yourself. If you're more like me (the son) you'll appreciate the cheat sheet b/c it is really interesting and gets you to the punchline: death is separation from God, and it's awful. Life is walking with God and it's grace that offers us that abundant full life. 

Longer, thought-provoking content lives at the Sinner's Pulpit.

Show Notes Transcript

Per usual, we tossed religion and "what people say" in the trash here. Dad lays down a "cheat sheet" of his study of God's laws.  If you love deep study of things, this cast should fire you up to dig into more yourself. If you're more like me (the son) you'll appreciate the cheat sheet b/c it is really interesting and gets you to the punchline: death is separation from God, and it's awful. Life is walking with God and it's grace that offers us that abundant full life. 

Longer, thought-provoking content lives at the Sinner's Pulpit.

What I was gonna say is, I don't know what the hell the topic is in the last in the, love it. In the last recording, we talked about law and grace, and I've been in a deep study of we know what grace is. We know we talked about it in the last podcast. Um, but in the writing, it's an obstacle law and grace law is too hard. Grace is too easy. So in the last podcast, we talked about grace and the true meaning of it being unmerited favor, but we also talked about how it is also, it comes with not just to get outta hell free card. It comes with the influence of divinity. Remember we talked about that? I do. But in this deep study of law, it's amazing. What we don't know about law and what Christian do Christiandom has done to law is like, wow, it's such a, What do you mean? What's the wow? The Wow is I ask everyone I meet, well, what do you think the law is in Bible study? I ask people on the street and they said, what do you mean the law? You mean like the speed limit? I said, no, biblically speaking, what do you, and they say, oh, everyone knows that the 10 commandments. All right. So, and that's true, but that's like saying there's 30 gallons of water in the ocean. It's true, but there's so much more. I Like that. And I think if people knew the depth of this law, they would run the grace. Yeah. And that's, that's people that know a little bit, like not everybody does name the 10 command. I think most people, to your point on the street would say like they have heard of the 10 Commandments, right? If you were that what, like Jay Leno used to do, it goes through the street, right? And just like ask people random questions, most would be like, I have heard of it. Couldn't recite the 10. And then some people that would say they're Christian or brought up Christian or go to church, sometimes that's an answer, which is a not quite the answer. When you ask certain questions, um, they might be able to recite them, right? So there's layers. But your, your conjecture is that they'll, they'll say the 10 Commandments, they may or may not know them, but to your point, like just the depth of it is unknown. It is known. You mean their depth or Their depth around Yeah. Their understanding that it goes far, far, far beyond the 10 Commandments. Like the 10 Commandments is like CliffNotes for law. um, CliffNotes would be a good a a maybe a topical description, but 10 Commandments, I've, Well, they're, they're topical They're, they're 10 of 10, of 613. Yeah, 613. Because, and what's what's amazing is just a quick study of the Torah, which means that's the Jewish law. That's the 613, you know, that's the rabbinic tradition, but it's also, you can find each and every one of them in the Pentateuch, which is the first five books of the Bible. That's the tour. That's what the, the Jewish nation stands on. But a quick study of that will show, what's interesting is that they revere everyone as much as the 10. And, and to them, it's not called the 10 Commandments, it's the 10 sayings. And they, they purport that, is that a word? Purport? They purport that. I'll check it Out. They believe, thank God for editing. Uh, yeah, they believe that all of the 600 can be found in the 10, which is very interesting. But the word Torah means instruction. So anytime you break God's instruction, we could go back to the very first breaking of it, and we know what that is. Um, that was it. And what happened, what's interesting is when you, when you break God's instruction, what happens is another law comes in, it's like when you turn off the light, darkness comes, but darkness has no power. Mm-hmm. So when you break that law, the law of sin and death comes in. And we're told in, in, in Paul's epistles that now that law of sin and death, you're in it bald and man was in the law of sin and death. You're under the instruction of, of sin and death now. And you can't get out of that until what the law of Christ, which is spirit and life. So it's an amazing study. But, so, you know, we are screwed from day one. We're born under the law of sin and death because of what someone else did. I need to drink coffee. You talk a little bit. I'm not sure if that's a, a whole topic in and of itself. I get stuck on that all the time. Like I don't even know how to talk to friends about that either. That I don't know if that point comes up a lot, but I often bring some of the logical argument to this. And if you tell me I'm screwed and now kind of forced under the law of what you're referring to as sin and death because of something else someone else did, like that's a, that's a sham that's a, I mean, and so that goes back to, well, that's what scripture says, but I, I would get, if people came to me on the street and said, that's the basis for all of this and why I need Jesus and why I need grace bull, because like, yes, I am not, I am not paying for Adam and Eve's dumb ass mistakes. Like that's just ludicrous. But that is the entire meaning of scripture in that think about, let me just open up law a little bit. When you break the speed limit As if you haven't well, I mean open it up to this conversation. When you break the speed limit, you might, let's, you might get $140 ticket. You might get grace where the officer says, Hey, look man, I feel your pain. You're running late. Your wife is mad, baby screaming dogs barking and let you go. But think about breaking the instruction of the one that's perfect and all powerful and all knowing He says the penalty is death. I mean, Yeah. So he's not playing around like when, if, and that makes sense, right? Like if you were completely per anything you're completely perfect at, or anything completely perfect to, to ruin that or mar that, even like with a small blemish, be like, it's kind of a big deal because he knows no wrong. He knows no wrong. And, and what's amazing too, I found the root word to Torah means to throw or, or flow. In other words, it is perfection. And this is the only way. It's like the purity. We talk about perverting. Something is taken away from its purity. So think about when if you break that, and that's how man felt according to the scriptures, it makes no sense to the, to the, to the mind, to human mind. This is actually, so this is actually fun for me because I think we've discussed together and, and on this cast actually the idea of people having to get their head around God becoming man that right. Sometimes that's the part that like people can read and even believe and say, historically things are are believable. Uh, Jesus was a man, but this whole Son of God thing, right? But actually we've never uncovered this part like that point that I have to be stuck as, as man, not Mike, the man like myself, I messed up, man is stuck in this because of what the first one and two did that's messed up How do you say you're actually gonna then follow that all the way through? Cuz that right there is just, that doesn't follow any other lessons I've learned in fairness. Well, you know, it goes back to truth. Is truth always fair? I mean, it is what it is. If, and again, the scriptures are all I have. It's like a math book or you know, it, It's, but we say that God is just right, right? We would say that. Right? And so just, I usually say just and fair are the same word. Um, or, or very close. So well just is What you Deserve is it just got holding me. But is he ho How does he hold me accountable for two people's mistakes for forever? Because let's go back to the very beginning. It he said, if you eat of this tree of knowledge, you will die So the just sentence for that is what? Truth, he can't lie. So man was without death before he, he violated the instruction of God. I know. But then why so? Because now we're all born after Adam. Yeah. And we have To, so when he made those instruction, like when he gave that instruction, let's, let's take that for face value. Am I to believe or is there evidence proof or anything you can help clarify? I'm to believe that was an instruction to Adam or Eve that was like, this is a pretty big deal, Adam and Eve, the rest of man depends on you just following my instruction. I mean, that would've been great if he had said that Yeah, that would, that would be helpful. What he said was truth, you know, two plus two is four. And when you go at or take away from it, you don't have truth anymore. So he said, because he is all knowing if you eat, if you do this, you will die. Because that's the, it's not like a penalty for him. It's just like, it's two plus two plus four. It is what it is. He said, I am what I am. So for him, it wasn't a penalty for God, it's not a penalty. It's that when you turn off the light, If this, if this, then that. Yeah, If you turn off the light, you're gonna have darkness it's truth. it a consequence, a known consequence. It's like the law of gravity. The law of mathematics. It's all true. It's not like if you say two plus two is five is not a penalty, it's just not true. So yeah, this resulted, I get it. Cause you violated the truth. He is truth. I know, but I didn't violate the truth. Huh? But I didn't violate the truth. Right. But you as a human now, all of us were born from Adam. We were in, we're, we all have the image of God. But if you look at scripture closely, Adam is the image of God. He's this child of God. And later you see where now we become children of Adam. So now we have to take on Adams. We're back to truth. We come from his nature, which is now blemished. So it's truth, it just comes from, we inherit what Adam had and he lost. And I can follow the spirit. See, I can follow a path inheritance and like that. That makes sense in a lot of things. I feel like I'm I guess Wrapped around in that. No, it was, It was, I'm glad we touched on it. Like I, I don't think that just like snap um, solves that maybe for people that would wanna argue it with you. I think the inheritance part does make sense. Like that's a little bit like passing down d a like you Yeah. You can't take you, you can't take out the DNA of me or your father but we're making some in, we're making some inferences here. That's, that's all I'm saying is like, mm. Would've been, I think maybe, I don't think scripture cleared that up, like when that deal is sort of made or not a deal. But like God says this is the truth if this then that, right When he says that, it wasn't real clear that like, and by the way, when you soil this and ruin it, that is now going to carry from you. I forever. And by the way, what's a little confusing for me too, and I, that's what I like bringing up the confusing parts, right? The friction for people. Yeah. That are just like, have taken it and tossed it out. I know you do because I go, I go through. Yeah. I'm not, and I'm not, I'm not looking to refute it. I'm looking for those things that are confusing, that trip people up. Yes. So it's like, if you get through 'em, then it's like, okay, I can actually get to the good stuff if I can lower some of this friction for myself. And if I was just processing through that, like already I'm a little like, oh man, I don't think I should pay for what Adam did. But now we're talking inheritance. Okay. So let's make that inference or that, let's say that this whole conversation, God telling us the truth implies that, Adam, you're gonna pass this on forever. However, what you also told me was the truth is the penalty is death. You eat of that tree, you're dead. Is there any maybe translation or verbiage that we need to know about in terms of dead? Because I, my understanding of death, right? I think of it ends for him, ends for eve. However, if that was the truth, and God can't lie, does he not reneg on this a little bit? Because then he gives them, he says, you're dead. Let me give like, I'm a super nice God though. So just kidding. Let me give you some, you know, now you know, you're now, you know you're naked. Let me give you some deer to cover yourself with cloth and okay, you don't actually dying and you don't go to hell today. I'm gonna give you some ways to cut, redeem yourself and, and now live under law. You know what I'm saying? I'm like, yeah. Yes. Cause like I question, I thought they were done. They're donezo. No, they're done. Eat the apple. You're Done. Let's define death. It's separation. Yeah, Please do. It's separation from what And how do we even get that for, for people listening? That's, I want you, you're gonna go farther on that. Why do I today? I mean maybe it's just words getting mixed or misconstrued. The, the understanding we have of death, if that's the word. Death doesn't mean separation to me. Death means like separation does make sense. But like, you know, death in today's verbiage is probably a poor synonym for what you're about to explain. I would say death is a separation of life, like light and darkness. Light has power. Darkness has no power, but death. See, that's where the human mind thinks death is like demand. His closes his eyes biologically he could, uh, ceases to function. But that's what he told Adam. And they reasoned like, Hey, Satan said you're not gonna die. But how many humans now die? A Lot? No, no. How many die eventually Oh, like all of them. Okay, I so I Well, I was gonna say, I, I thought, I thought we were going way back to separation from we are life, which is God, therefore we are not everybody dies if you believe We are. So all men die. God wasn't lying and he wasn't imposing a penalty. He was saying, if you do this, death is gonna come in. So Adam, separation From life wouldn't life, You're gonna have separation from me, which is the ultimate life, right? I mean, think about it. God gives life Yeah. And, and we, we were, we and Adam was allowed to be in concert with him and walk the garden with him. Yeah. And It was perfect. That's like, that's sounds pretty sweet. So that's life. That that's a good definition. God. So, you know, he is the ultimate life. So but he just says, if you do, if you disobey me, the penalty's death, and it's always death, it's death when you and I break God's instruction. And that's the big thing. And someone would say, oh, oh, so why aren't I dead? Well, the whole premise is, is that you're separated from God when you sin. And then people would run and say, oh no. So every day, 900 times a day, I'm separated. And that's, that's where now we get the mercy and grace of God because of his love. He now steps in and takes our penalty. I mean, that's like the whole entire scripture.