Mortgage and Mindset in Minutes

Spiritual awakening with Carolyn's Coaching Services | Meditation | Personal Growth - Ep 121

Tiffany Rose Season 2 Episode 121

In this episode of the "Mortgage and Mindset in Minutes" podcast, host Tiffany Rose interviews Carolyn Zaiser, “Founder of Purple Rain Healing” | Connects people to their spirit.

Carolyn specializes in spiritual guidance, mentoring services, and distance energy healing to help individuals achieve personal growth and success. She shares her personal story of transformation, which led her to her current path of helping others. Carolyn discusses motivation, personal growth, and success and explains how individuals can find their inner energy and motivation to start a new successful and relaxing life. The discussion also covers the relationship between emotions, personal relationships, and success. Carolyn also provides tips on how to lead a successful life.


  • Carolyn's Inspiring Transformation Story
  • Finding Inner Energy and Motivation
  • Navigating Personal Growth and Achieving Success
  • The Connection between Emotions and Relationships in Achieving Success
  • Expert Tips for Leading a Fulfilling and Successful Life

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Tiffany Rose is a host of a podcast, author of a best-selling book, and top 1% Mortgage Loan Originator with over a decade of experience in home financing. Tiffany Tuazon believes buying a home should be an exciting, fulfilling experience. 
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0:02 Welcome to the mortgage and mindset in minutes podcast and I'm your host, Tiffany Rose, where you'll get a little on mortgage and a lot on mindset.

0:12Hi Carolyn.

0:13Hello Tiffany.

0:14How are you?

0:15I'm great, thank you so much for joining us today and thanks for inviting me, go ahead and introduce yourself Carolyn's eyes and you're with Purple Rain healing.

0:24Yes, that's my own business and I'm a channel.

0:27I'm a distance energy healer and I'm a spiritual awakening mentor and I also have a Youtube channel that I post channels that I do from the light keeper.

0:36So that's kind of another story where they kind of showed up one day and I started realizing I was a prolific channeler.

0:41So I have a youtube channel under Caroline sizer to actually present those for people who are going through awakening and for their support along their journey.

0:49And then I have a facebook page on Purple Rain healing where I post shorter poems and channels and it's to support people going through awakening.

0:56So that's in a day to the actual purple rain healing business that I just mentioned.

1:01So, okay, awesome.

1:03So tell me a little bit about, you know, going back before you got to your career that you're in.

1:09Now, tell me a little bit about maybe how you were feeling, what struggles you had, where you're at, in your life in the past, you're talking with respect to me for my spiritual awakening, yep.

1:20Before your spiritual awakening.

1:21Where were you at?

1:22Yeah, well, you know what, I've had a pretty typical, I guess, really wonderful life Midwestern upbringing.

1:32nothing dramatic.

1:33I've just been very fortunate in having a great life, but I was in the like what I would call corporate America for, oh gosh, dozens of years, dozens.

1:43And that's what I was doing, following that trajectory, moving up the corporate ladder and my last position before I'll tell you the story later, before everything started with my awakening, I was a vice president and I was like working hard and doing this 60 hour a week, that's my life, right?

2:00Well, pretty much I didn't have anything that wasn't great in my life.

2:06I've been on my own for quite some time.

2:08I have a lovely community, live in lots of good friends travel.

2:13I wasn't looking for anything to change.

2:15And then it did.

2:20No, I was gonna say what, but what I will tell you is the lead up to the awakening, which is what I think your main point is is I noticed and a lot of people start having this, having this great discomfort and churning of my work.

2:36I had shifted into a new position for a year.

2:39I had been another place 17 years and it was, you know, going well for me, but I knew I needed a change.

2:44I went to this new place and all of a sudden it was not a fit and I've never had that happen in my entire life.

2:51I could tell it was just within me that something was having to change and shift and I knew I couldn't stay there any longer.

3:00So this was that start of that, I should have known when I look back that this was going to be explosive.

3:06Okay, so again, it I kind of have just had a real traditional trajectory of life, nothing tremendously dramatic, at least in my in my view.

3:21And I love I love that, I love that you're explaining that because for the people that are watching this, they aren't necessarily in tremendous abusive relationships, tremendous pain, struggling there are those people, but then there's also the people that are listening to this on their way to a job that's 9 to 5 or they feel burdened or maybe just don't quite have their purpose or they feel like there's gotta be more to life, but they're not unhappy, they're just super happy the way that, you know, they're not enjoying life, the way that life is meant to be lived.

3:53So yes, that's the initial to me, that's when you know something's up, okay?

4:01Now, when we tell me when I talk about my awakening story, you'll see that I was blasted awake.

4:05So, you know, again, some people have that slow grow of that awakening, but that discomfort and this is what I've always said in my sessions actually my spirit team and their spirit team comes through to combine into providing messages.

4:21What they say is when you start feeling dissonance okay and that's that separation of joy to like you're getting anxiety, you're feeling unhappy, you're sad, you're depressed, things are starting to separate, its that dissonance, that's a sign for you to know that something is up because that's not our natural state, our natural state is to enjoy life.

4:44And so many of us run around doing things that don't bring us that joy and so they say one of the first signs and this is what happened to me was dissonant.

4:52So if you walk away with any word to remember, that's an important word, that is important and I know I used to get the sunday blues and I would tell people about it and they would say I get the same feeling sunday around five or six o'clock at night, I start thinking about what's my week gonna look like, What problems were ideal was I dealing with that work on, on friday and oh I hate Mondays and but they're not, they don't consider themselves unhappy people, they really life should not be, I can't wait until friday and then they enjoy saturday, sunday and then monday sucks.

5:26So and you know what?

5:27That's I'm glad you brought that up because I lived my life that way for a long time.

5:31I wasn't miserable in my job, I liked it a lot and I had a number of different pieces of my career, but to that end, I was always looking for the weekend and then you're living it up or doing everything you possibly can in a couple of days, and then I remember somebody once saying to me, so what do you do on the weekends?

5:45I said, what do you do on Sundays?

5:47Typically I said, well I just get ready for work.

5:49I mean like mentally get ready for work and so yeah, that's exactly how many of us live and we don't realize that that's actually a little bit of that sign of that dissonance, that wait a minute something's up, but we're also not taught in our human world or cultures or societies to listen to that.

6:06We don't understand that we just think this is the way life is supposed to be, hence the summit of the universe speaks because little, those little cues that are always eating at you and talking to you and poking you on the shoulder and trying to get your attention, but we don't listen until some something major happens.

6:25So it's unfortunate.

6:27and this this interview, when I'm asking these questions, it's not even necessarily for the people listening to say you need to switch careers, it's find a way to be grateful and happy in the career that you're in, or maybe a little tweak in the position or waking up in the morning and being thankful for 10 things, something to make you feel like, well I feel fulfilled and not dreading not, and I think the other part of this is, and I don't know, you might be getting to this later, but if you don't mind, I'm gonna I'm thinking for so the other part of that is is as you're doing that and you're in your current career and your current job, because we're still in three days, we have to make money, you know, the money will come to us, but still, as you're in that job, you know, starting to think about the things when you're feeling that dissidence and you're feeling like you're not that comfortable with things anymore.

7:15Think about the things you always have loved to do or that you've been passionate about or that you wish you could do, but you always thought were completely improbable or impossible.

7:25And I'm here to tell you they're not they're not impossible, they're not improbable.

7:29It's the mere fact that we start putting some energy forward as we as we move forward, putting energy into that thing that we enjoy one little thing a day to build something out because what it does is that creates momentum and it creates energy toward that thing and then the universe, you can call the university spirit team, whatever matches you starts matching you, particularly you're going through the awakening and you just keep moving forward, so you can still have that job.

7:57But then on the side you're working towards your passion and then eventually you can switch over, I have found that with a number of people, but again, it's about it's a patient's journey, but it's about sticking with it and following what you really love, even if you think it's the most improbable thing on earth, I mean, and mine's pretty improbable my story, so, and that's why we need people like you to coach us through that and give us the okay time block, 15 minutes or all these amazing services that we'll get into later that you do.

8:27That's why I want people to connect with you and to have access to you because that is what's gonna help them navigate through.

8:35Okay, well, now, what, how do I get out of me?

8:39let's dig into the to the good stuff, let's walk me through when you got your awakening or what happened leading up to that awakening.

8:49Okay, so I have never been involved in any spirituality, metaphysical stuff, I always thought it was cool and but never, it just wasn't me.

8:58And so it's not like I had what I called gifts, right?

9:02Or knew anything about them.

9:03Well, I kind of have to start with my dark night of the soul because I actually ended up in 2015, I'm single on my own love in my life, just, you know, having my life this man drops in my lap who I just met, we became great friends and like, instantly overnight, I felt like I knew him, I didn't know squat about soulmates, anything like that.

9:26I knew nothing.

9:27I just was like, wow, I really resonate with this person, let's go have a drink.

9:31And so we got together and it was finally three weeks later, you know, cause we're all, we got our careers and we're too darn busy and this will teach, this teaches me a lesson and let me tell you because I wasted so much time saying I'm too busy and he did too.

9:45And what happened is we ended up seeing each other that february of 2 15 and then diddled around again in about three weeks later, got together and ended up having about a month together where we were together all the time from March until april of 2 15 and on his birthday night we were celebrating his birthday and we were gonna go on a camping trip for the first time in the summer.

10:06I'm like, oh, this guy is so fun, we're just having a ball together.

10:09And so the next day I end up, we go to work on a monday and we usually text each other each night, just, hey, what's up and want to come over, whatever, have dinner and I didn't hear anything from him that night, but I was super busy with my career and I'm like, I'm sure he's busy too.

10:25So the next morning I wake up Tuesday morning and I have a litany of text from him and it says I'm at university hospitals.

10:33I have been here all night.

10:35I fainted at one of our local grocery stores.

10:38He says I have a brain tumor.

10:40They took it took five MRI's to figure out that I had a brain tumor.

10:44I need to have surgery.

10:45I was just like, oh my God, this is my Tuesday morning.

10:48I call him up.

10:49It's the first time we talked on the phone, if you can believe that.

10:52And I said, what's going on?

10:54He says, I've got a brain tumor.

10:56They found it.

10:57It's started to grow like five weeks ago.

10:59I've got to get this thing out.

11:01And so everything changes.


11:03So that was a start.

11:05And I could tell you a lot more detail.

11:06But needless to say that was the start of me saying to him, you're moving in with me, I'm gonna take care of, you will get through this together.

11:13And literally I was his caretaker for the next 10 months.

11:16But during that first surgery, they determined that he'd had glioblastoma.

11:20Brain cancer.

11:21Which if you know anything about brain cancer, that's the worst kind you have, can have.

11:26It's about 98% of people die within 14 wounds cure.

11:32And consequently, we went through an unbelievable 10 months together, which was full of beauty and full of tragedy and stress.

11:42Like you would not believe, but full of beauty and which is really hard to explain how that could possibly be needless to say during that year, I also quit my job.

11:51All right, so you can see where this is going, right?

11:53So, I quit my job, we're moving through this, that was then december of 2 15 december 2 16.

11:59He started really showing signs of true dementia, and this is where I knew things were falling apart.

12:04So he entered hospice, that's a whole other story in itself, and that's where everything really fell apart.

12:11And they essentially said, this is the first time we've heard this because we were so positive about moving forward, He's we're gonna cure this is gonna be a problem.

12:21And we, it was just the two of us doing this, nobody else really was involved.

12:24And lo and behold, the first time we here in january to 16 that he's dying.

12:30I mean, the hospice people basically said, which is all another conversation while he's dying and For whatever reason, we just never really had understood that long story short, he then ends up passing away in February of 2 16.

12:46and I was not there, he ended up going back home and his brother took care of him.

12:51He did not want me to have to experience that in my home and leave that as a memory.

12:57I did not see him for the two weeks prior to that because he wanted to be on his own and he passed away and I immediately went into my dark night of the salt.

13:07My dark night is still really kind of started in january with all the hospice stuff and then when he passed away it just culminated and then from there, that's when things took off, which I'll stop there for a second because what I'll tell you too, and I think this is important for people to know is, you know, you're probably sitting there thinking, well, so you're awakening started with your dark night assault.

13:25Well, I thought it did.

13:26I didn't know what this was now that I look back just a year or two ago because mind you, this has only been three years.

13:33I looked back and I realized, oh no, my awakening began in 2010 with an end of another relationship, which was very kind of chill and not dramatic, but what it was and this is so powerful because so many times the ending of relationships and I think often times for women can offer us an opportunity all of a sudden to go, oh my gosh, because what happened to me is and and I'm no youngster, So I had always been in a relationship with someone from the age of 15 until now, Okay, but what happened when I ended that relationship, I realized all of a sudden, I feel like I'm 15 again, that was the last time I had been single and been on my own and I was like, had this wide awakened feeling of like now it's my time.

14:23It's for me.

14:24I'm going to figure out who I am.

14:25I mean it was kind of not conscious but conscious and for the next like six years I started things started opening up to me.

14:32I was delving into as many of us do the falsities of the world, the you know, the things that, you know, delving into religion.

14:40Delving into government.

14:41Delving into politics.

14:42Delving into all of this in the mystical, magical and but not in that way, but more understanding the current state of things.

14:50And then I have my dark night of the soul which then wakes me up to all of this.


14:55So that's what happened.

14:56And essentially I'll stop at this part.

14:58But because I don't know how far you want me to go.

15:01But then when he passed away and I had my dark night of the Soul, I went through grief for literally less than a month because within two weeks I knew he was here in in a huge way.

15:15I have 100 and 70 pages of signs and messages with him and with other things that started happening to me over the next year.

15:23And I took journal daily.

15:25And that's a whole another tip I would offer.

15:29But anyway, so that's in a real nutshell how things started for me and got me into this warp speed awakening, which I, so when you say dark night of the soul.

15:41Exactly do you mean by that?

15:43Thank you?

15:44And I don't like acronyms and I should explain that.

15:47Ok, so here's how I see the dark night of the Soul and again, I channel prolifically.

15:53So I've had this conversation as well.

15:54They've verified this essentially.

15:56The awakening can start in a way like minded where it's gradual kind of like figuring it out.

16:03But I'm not knowing there's such a thing as an awakening.

16:05I'm just learning that, wow, what I grew up knowing really kind of isn't it's you know, the way of the world isn't as wonderful as I thought.

16:11It like pulls that wool off your eyes.

16:14So what I believe and what I have seen is if we don't really wake up then and start to get it oftentimes depending on our trajectory and what we've come in to incarnate and to do, we will get a traumatic situation occurring to us to shake us awake, okay, to shake us awake, because it's kind of like, well, your soul self tried the gentle way and you're kind of not getting it fully.

16:46We gotta get you to get it because for me it was very important that my into it gifts would explode because they all did and like almost overnight now it's still been a journey to understand them, but at the same time I had to have that trauma trauma to my nervous system essentially and that's exactly what it was a trauma, to my nervous system.


17:08, so sometimes that is exactly what will happen, that what is called a dark night, this whole, a very difficult situation, the death of a loved one, maybe an illness for yourself and at, I don't know, I mean, they don't have to be that dramatic, but oftentimes they are and then you're shaken awake now, you can also block all that too, even if you've been shaken awake, and I firmly believe once you have chosen to come in and wake up, your higher self is going to continue to help you do that, right?

17:43And so there's all different levels of that.

17:45I have found some people going through the awakening and they're kind of smooth sailing, they don't have a dark night of the salt, a lot of people do.

17:53And I don't know if we, frankly, I could not have said to myself in 2010 and forward, oh well I really want to wake up, so let's not have the dark night because I just want to wake up now, I didn't know I was going through anything.

18:07So that's what the Dark Knight is or can be, you know, that makes perfect sense.

18:13And whether you are, I go to the christian church, I've used to go to catholic church is growing up, no matter what kind of church or if you just are at home meditating whatever you believe in buddha, card reading, I don't care what it is, everybody says, you know, I've heard stories that the pastors talked about at the church, you know the struggles that you go through to have that awakening, they don't really call it the awakening, but realizing like, oh my gosh, that happened to me for a reason and it doesn't matter how or who you believe in and what church you attend, you will get some sort of awakening one way or another, it could be small, big, we just hope for people listening to this, that it doesn't end up being big that they get shaken now listening to someone like you tell the story and talk not hopefully avoiding the dark knight, which I hope that you'll be able to help them with.

19:09So right, and I can talk more to that and I did want to make one more statement, kind of might take us into a different arena, but we don't have to okay, what, what I have come to understand is we're all going through ascension okay, which is that shift and that change?

19:25Not everybody has chosen to awaken, okay, because awakening is the conscious awareness of all of what's happening when all of a sudden you're, you know, I could talk about all of this when all the mystical magical shows up and you're like, oh it's all real, it's all real.

19:42Okay, so not everybody has chosen to waken up, but everybody is ascending because we're all taking in the energies were all shifting with planet Earth, all of that.

19:50So some have chosen to just not participate in that part.

19:54But those of us who are, were those way showers, were the the ones who are helping pave the way for the others.

20:00And as we take in that light through the awakening, we offer that to other people to assist them forward.

20:06So that's something I wanted to comment on.

20:08Oh, thank you know, I love that.

20:11Now, going back to when you met Kent, I think that's pretty amazing that he didn't have anybody that could take care of him.

20:21So you guys both met and you both agreed that this is the right choice and this is what's supposed to happen.

20:27That's incredible to me.

20:28Well, it's really incredible because, I only really knew him a month and a half.

20:33But it was as though we've known each other eons and I didn't understand it then, but I sure did afterwards.

20:40And, he honestly, and this is the really amazing part.

20:45So when they told him your brain tumor only started growing about five weeks ago.

20:50Later on I realized, oh my gosh, that's when I met him.

20:55So here's the thing he came in, he incarnated in to assist me forward.

21:01It was part of a plan that he will assist me forward by meeting me having the brain tumor.

21:09I know this may sound farfetched to a lot of people that might not fully understand this, but I have a brain tumor.

21:14Shoot me off on my awakening and now here's the thing he's in my life.

21:19Still we do the distance energy healing together.

21:22A month after he passed, I started hearing him actually sooner than that, but he said to me, this is before I ever knew any healing modality.

21:30I was like what?

21:31He said, we are going to heal people together and I said okay.

21:36And I was just used to hearing things from it.

21:38So I would document all this and later on it has come full fruition to that.

21:44But so again, to that point, there was great purpose in me meeting him.

21:49It was not just like meeting anyone else and having a relationship, it was found.

21:54I know we're soul mates do.

21:55I've gotta, I tend to be somewhat of a past lives come through for my clients regularly.

22:02So I tend to be somewhat of a past life expert, which is so interesting, but I also have found many of mine as well as some friends helping me find mine.

22:09But the point is is, we're definitely soul mates have traveled many journeys together and this one is super important because where we're at with the ascension.

22:16So he has come in to blast me awake.

22:19Move on work with me now as I continue forward and helping anything that's a huge point you just brought up and I'm so glad that you mentioned that soul mate.

22:29A lot of people think that soulmate is, which I'm still learning about this myself, soulmate, someone that you're supposed to meet and be married to forever and, and live happily ever after.

22:38There's different versions of soulmates.

22:40There could be a soulmate that you know, helps you heal and helps you awaken, like what you're and they move on and whether they passed away or maybe there's a friendly breakup or I was married to somebody who I feel like I was definitely a soul mate, he was in my life for a reason, but it's to teach me some hard lessons because it was not exactly a marriage.

23:01Yes, so just real quickly on soul mates, because I just posted a video just yesterday, it's a page long of a channel that I do, I get the channels and was on soul mates and I said to them, no, I don't want to do a channel so much.

23:15Everybody does that and they're like, no, this is different.

23:18People need to understand this.

23:19So basically then go out and watch my my video, which I think they get a lot out of, but just in essence to what you are, what you said is soulmates come in for us for part of our life.

23:31It's not one of those things and we have in humankind said, oh well the love of your life, you stay with them forever.

23:37No, that's not the case, it's friends coming in and out.

23:40It's family members who you might be soul mates with sometimes coming in for a very important time in your life to help launch you for it.

23:47And what I have found is it's reciprocal.

23:50There's there, it's never, well I don't want to say never, typically not a one way street, there's, there's benefit for both parties were both teaching each other.

24:00Yeah, soulmates are very interesting.

24:02So yeah, I would say check out my video that I just did and so this is in june so, yeah, it's so we'll make sure that there's a link for that.

24:10It would be great.

24:11That's listening can access that.

24:13And I encourage people listening to be open minded about, like I said, whether you and I bring up the christian church just because I go to the christian church, I know when I talk to my spiritual medium and I tell my church friends, hey, I spoke to my dad that's passed away and he said that he mentioned my nephew needs glasses and he does and he mentioned my daughter and he knows things through this medium that I connect with and people that believe in God that go that believe in jesus and they go to church every sunday, think I'm insane for explaining that I connect with my father who I believe is in heaven and has passed on and I had a conversation with them.

24:51So I really encourage people listening that be open minded them open you are and you will receive so many wonderful gifts and people that walk into your life and I've kind of become somebody who back in the day when I didn't even really go to church much and didn't do my tarot card readings, I was just a mortgage loan officer and I become that person that I used to make fun of like, what is this crazy lady talking about, Ricky and tarot cards and she did past life regression.

25:20And I love that.

25:21I stayed open minded, I got to that point and something shook me and now I'm, I'm meeting all these wonderful people and I've been so beyond blessed through putting my hand out and asking and going, okay, give, give me what Exactly.

25:36And you, I'm so glad you brought that up because a couple of things that you made a point of that I want to emphasize, first of all, being open minded is critical during this journey.

25:45I have been an adventurer and explorer through all of this.

25:48There's nothing to fear.

25:50There's nothing to be worried about because the more we do that, the more we bring, you know, bring in that feeling and that emotion.

25:55I have just explored.

25:56And as I've done that so much has opened up to me because I just find this fascinating, right?

26:02It's a magical magical journey and then I was gonna say something else and I can't remember what you just said, I'm sure it'll pop up because now I'm gonna ask you about your services, tell people that are watching this, how you can help them with everything that we've been talking about your different services and maybe even give us an example of somebody that you helped.

26:23Yeah, sure.


26:24So first of all, my distance energy, healing and channeling service was my first service I offered where I actually do distance energy healing and that's the whole story of how it came to be.

26:34But I had to heal myself twice seriously when I was traveling one time and then also at home which they made me prove it out.

26:41And so I practiced for quite some time before I actually offered my first service and created my business.

26:46And that was my impetus because I started seeing results.

26:49And I'm one of those where I want to prove things out first for myself before I would ever you know, offer it to somebody for a fee.


26:55So needless to say distance energy, he healing and channeling what you, what is offered there is as you meditate in your home or relax and becoming whatever you want.

27:05I meditate in my home and we energetically connect with our spirit teams and I bring them in.

27:11I work with Kent, he helps facilitate that whole process as well as with me.

27:16And during that time I will work on the physical or emotional situations that you need assistance with spirit team assists with that as well.

27:25All right.

27:25And I'm energetically in the body alright, So I I meditate and I close my eyes and I'm in your in the body in a form where I'm working through it energetically.

27:35But during that same time what I'm doing is I'm channeling the entire session, so I'm talking and working and it is a conversation with our spirit team.

27:44So what you get is you get a minimum of eight pages and sometimes they're much more than that of information of narrative from the time I start to the time I end and you get the opportunity to ask some questions to, you're gonna get a lot of information from them in general.

27:58But this is your chance to have a conversation with your spirit team.

28:00So I ask my clients, you know, send what you want and lots of times past lives will come through to connect in with what's happening in their current life and then we do the healing too.

28:09So it's really robust.

28:11It's amazing what comes through.

28:13And then what I do is I record all of that in my iphone, just that conversation back and forth, kind of like I'm the facilitator alright.

28:21And then I transcribe it into a beautiful document that people receive and then the energies continue to unfold over days and weeks in their physical body.

28:31All right.

28:33That's distance energy healing and channeling.

28:35Now, what I realized was the channeling so powerful on its own that I started offering just that because not everybody needs a healing, right?

28:43But what is offered in that is the same channeling that I just mentioned that conversation, but we also do chakra alignment and balancing so you're energetic boost, but we're not focused on a specific illness or issue.

28:59Alright now what I always tell people and I want to say this here too and this is in the documents is you know, if you're seeing a doctor for your for your situation, your physical ailment, emotional ailment, you know, you always want to talk to your doctor before you stop or start doing something because there will be recommendations come in but we will never diagnosed or make prognosis.

29:17Okay, so we will assist energetically and will assist with ideas on different things to do as well.

29:24so that's so that's distance energy healing and channeling and then also channeling All right, because some people just want the documents and information.

29:32What I started in november of last year is spiritual awakening mentoring for people who are going through this process of spiritual awakening and for those of you who don't know what that is.

29:42You can go online and I would say look at a whole bunch of different websites to understand because not no one's going to tell you what it means.

29:49And so anyway I work with people who are going through the awakening process and my background prior to all of this happening to me was in human resources and management of very large teams.

30:00So I was constantly counseling people particularly in human resources in their personal lives or their work lives.

30:07So this made so much sense to me where I realized, wait a minute what would help people so much because I was kind of doing this after my sessions, we would have time where we talk about the documents and I found myself channeling more information and offering them my experiences.

30:22So now I offer hour long sessions for awakening mentoring and essentially we get on like this right here, we can either do a zoom or we get on the phone and I can record the sessions as well, but I bring in our spirit team in addition to the two of us having a conversation walking through the life journey walking through the awakening journey, helping people move forward in their awakening journey and start achieving some of the things maybe they want to achieve or else just getting through some of the tough stuff and I channel prolifically through those sessions, which are, it's fascinating.

30:57and so you get that offered as well as some of my experiences in this general conversation as well during the mentoring.

31:05So, so there's longer mentoring or short term mentoring, so that's why my three main services, I love that and I do love that you give them for the skeptics out there because I'm still a skeptic, my tarot cards and they're spot on.

31:20I still no way.

31:21That's so for the people that come to you and they have a tangible document that they can hang on to.

31:30And as a reminder of what you know, the session was like, sometimes it's all, it's all a blur.

31:35You have so much going on in your head also to go, oh my goodness, this actually came true.

31:40This, this reel, there's t shirts about this ship is real.

31:44And so for them to have that.

31:46I love that you document everything and you also, it sounds like you give an offer for a first timer or you know, I can talk about that if you like.

31:56Yes, yes.

31:57So tell us what you can offer listeners today and before I do that real quick, I want to make a comment about the document that you just said.

32:02This is real important.

32:04The document is part of the healing.

32:06So what they've told me and I've had people tell me this without me ever saying anything to them is there's vibration in the words that they bring in because I don't change anything.

32:14I give the, the words that they give and you can feel that vibration coming into.

32:20So there's healing within the words because it's all energetic.

32:22Okay, so you get that in the document to in addition to like you said the reminders of things and people then you can go back and actually read it again as time goes on.

32:32So so with respect to the special offer that I want to make is I am so jazzed up about the spiritual awakening mentoring because I've seen such positive results for people and the prolific information that comes through I am offering for those of you who have never had a spiritual awakening mentoring session with me a one time session for $60.

32:57My normal rate is $100 and then the longer term mentoring it's a little different but that's that's a real special $60 for an hour long session because really we what it'll do is it'll give you the opportunity to see what this is like and to really understand the power behind this.

33:13And the other nice thing that I do is I can get on zoom with you or and record that so that you have it in a recorded manner rather than thinking you have to take notes.

33:22So anyway, so $60 for a session and I'm getting ready to schedule into like the early part of july right now.

33:28So I know this is going up probably july sometime.

33:31So we'll work to schedule with you.

33:34All you have to do is go to my website.

33:36Purple rain healing.

33:38It's one world purple rain healing dot com and there's a contact me section.

33:43Okay, you can either contact me there or go straight to the one on one mentoring but mentioned this, mentioned the video that you saw and I will honor that rate for you, but I would love to work with you because there are really powerful sessions plus it gives you a sense of what this is all like as you're going through the awakening journey.

34:01Now, I do work with some folks who aren't going through awakening and we do the same thing.

34:05It's just, you know, the awakening isn't something that they're familiar with, so it's not just exclusive to people who are going through awakening even though that's my niche audience.

34:14Well whatever needs to happen are meant to be, will will happen.

34:18I mean it will come through, I'm in that and I, I feel that I got the chills when you said that in your words, the vibration, the energy that goes into there is like not even from you, I feel like angels are screaming right now at certain people that are low listening to this going call and we will talk to you and we'll figure this.

34:36It's amazing.

34:37It really is.

34:38It's so exciting.

34:39I get blown away every day by the sessions.

34:42I do.

34:42I never get tired of it cause it's always something new because everybody's journey is so different and they have unique messages for everyone.

34:48So yeah, that's it's an exciting part of what I'm doing and how fulfilling is that.

34:54Of course I do mortgage financing and it's fulfilling.

34:57It's great and I get to do this as well and it's so fulfilling in other ways and it's just, it's been amazing journey and meeting all the people and being awakened myself every day I learned.

35:08So I so appreciate you being a part of this.

35:13I'm looking forward all the success stories from all these clients that are gonna be calling you and getting awakened and getting healed and getting happy.

35:22So yeah, exactly.

35:23Moving forward on the journey because it's a beautiful journey and you know, it's just you know like like what came through the other day was grabbed the gold ring, go for it.

35:33You know, open up your mind to this, be an adventurer, be an explorer and have patience through the process and just know that it's gonna come to you.

35:41Just let it be, let it flow go with the flow.

35:46I love it.

35:46Well, thank you so much Caroline.

35:48I'm welcome.

35:48Tiffany, thank you all for being part of the universe speaks and I can't wait for this to air.

35:53Thank you.

35:54Thank you, Take care.

35:56All right, bye bye.


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