Today we’re talking about great things coming together in Leadership, Quality Excellence, Lean Six Sigma and evidenced practices in Youth Development. We’ll be dropping some Structured Methodology for Problem Solving. While Ollenburg LLC enjoys work with so many industries, services and nonprofits, much of our practice over the years has featured in depth job analysis for manufacturing and automation. We’ve so enjoyed touring client facilities to study and design operations, flow, innovation and getting the right people in the right seats with the right resources; and these are mutual passions of today’s host and guest. Contact and topic info are at: Alan Goodman - The Zenquest of Leaders Podcast —
When we speak of problem-solving methodology, We can’t help but sing the praises of Appreciative Inquiry, The 5 Whys, SWOT Analysis and deBono’s Six Hats of Thinking. In fact, when we presented Six Hats at Johnson Controls International Headquarters in the technology showcase for FUEL Leadership Bootcamp, the JCI leaders were so enthusiastic about what Six Hats can do, they synched up the showcase lighting to mirror and transition with the color of the hat we were describing.
Our guest is Alan Goodman! Our conversation today will also highlight Entrepreneurial risk, Zen via the Emotional Lap, Getting Past Failure and Adventures in Dishwasher Loading.
We met Alan through Marquette University’s 707 Hub, when Ollenburg LLC sponsored Rev Up MKE by delivering coaching to the winning startup. Alan won that competition and returned the following year as a judge.
Here’s a little intro on today’s guest…