Episode 66: Loving neighbors in "America's jihad capital." AI comes to church. Down Syndrome is their spiritual gift and superpower.
The Christian Chronicle Podcast
The Christian Chronicle Podcast
Episode 66: Loving neighbors in "America's jihad capital." AI comes to church. Down Syndrome is their spiritual gift and superpower.
Jun 05, 2024
The Christian Chronicle Podcast

A few months ago, The Wall Street Journal called Dearborn, Michigan, "America's jihad capital," a characterization that the city's mayor called "inflammatory and untrue." The fact is that Dearborn (population 110,000) is America's only major city with a majority Muslim population. Parkside Church of Christ, a congregation that grew up in Dearborn Heights and peaked during the 1990s, decided to stay when Arab Americans and Muslims started moving into the community. The congregation's minister, Wayne Beason, talks about how Parkside Church of Christ loves its Muslim neighbors.

What happens when AI (artificial intelligence) comes to church? Preston Road Church of Christ (Dallas, Texas) minister Josh Kingcade helps us explore the dimensions of this question. Should we assume that using AI in church life and ministry is all bad?

It is accurate to say that Down Syndrome is the spiritual gift and superpower of Ethan Etter and Hope Martin. They share how they prepare and speak to thousands and how their lives are full of joy.

Link to The Christian Chronicle's Cheryl Mann Bacon's story on Ethan and Hope

Link to Extra, the book that Ethan and Hope's moms wrote

Link to video of Ethan and Hope at Abilene Christian University chapel (2024)

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