Episode 16: Trinity Sunday
A Catholic Life
A Catholic Life
Episode 16: Trinity Sunday
Jun 04, 2023 Episode 16
A Catholic Life

This is Episode 16 of the A Catholic Life Podcast.

In today’s episode, on Trinity Sunday, I address the following: 

1.     The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity and the Importance of Praying the Athanasian Creed

2.     The Upcoming Apostles Fast

3.     The Feasts of St. Francis Caracciolo, St. Boniface and St. Norbert

This episode is sponsored by PrayLatin.com. PrayLatin.com offers Latin prayer cards to learn and share prayers in the sacred language. Learn your basic prayers without spending more time looking at screens. Conveniently carry these Latin prayers with you on the go. Share basic prayers in Latin with your family and friends. PrayLatin.com prayer cards are available in various formats. Practice your pronunciation with easy-to-follow English phonetic renderings of Latin words. PrayLatin.com also offers Latin-English rosary pamphlets with the traditional 15 mysteries. Visit PrayLatin.com today and take advantage of generous free shipping offers on both domestic and international orders.