
Episode #7: Todd Asmuth (SHINE Technologies), Learn about creating nuclear fusion productsnergy across the world


This podcast just blows my nuclear fusion mind. Todd Asmuth (President and CSO) and his colleagues at SHINE Technologies have done an incredible job commercializing products around nuclear fusion.

It's one of the greatest startup stores no ones really knows about. And I'm not overstating here.

I've known about this nuclear fusion company since they started many years ago. I think technically SHINE in 2010 but they had their roots in a prior company started by Greg Piefer before that.

When I would hear about their future plans, I thought there was no way they would pull off their plan. Just insane.

Well, I was wrong. They are pulling it off. And they're doing step by step, changing the face of imaging and nuclear medicine, and next up is nuclear recycling and then nuclear fusion for energy production.

Todd is quite a leader and does an amazing job articulating what they've done and their future plans. It's inspiring.

Todd share some stories how they're optimizing their nuclear fusion methods. He also shares the price for a gram of the isotope they are producing for nuclear medicine, mind boggling. And you thought gold was expensive.

Check this podcast out if you want to learn a lot about nuclear fusion and that fusion can be used for more than just creating energy. And maybe, most helpful for general business knowledge, is how to commercialize a technology in a stepwise fashion starting with something that's doable now (stage 1: imaging) but with the end goal of something planet changing (stage 4: fusion energy).
