Blue Collar Business Nuggets

Nugget - Ask for what you need....adjust when you don't get it.

May 12, 2023 Seth Lewis Season 1

I had to part ways with my CFO. He was a great guy and helped me in a lot of ways. When we had some urgent adjustments that had to be made in one of my went multiple months without me getting what I needed. Did we both have fault in the game....yes. But it showed it wasn't a fit and a change needed made. Hiring a new person they came in and did exactly what I needed for the current role. 

It's okay that as your business has different needs to make sure you have the right person. Their skillset helped us during a period of time but wasn't the right set for the future. 

Check out this nugget and I encourage you to make the adjustments you need as well! 

 Have a nuggets to share? Email me
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