Your Heart Magic

Living With Purpose and Intention

March 03, 2023 Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright Episode 7
Living With Purpose and Intention
Your Heart Magic
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Your Heart Magic
Living With Purpose and Intention
Mar 03, 2023 Episode 7
Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright

Are you looking to live with a sense of purpose and intention? In this episode, Dr. BethAnne shares her expertise on how to find your purpose and how it can have a positive impact on your life. She will also delve into topics around collective purpose and the importance of having a sense of purpose that resonates with you. With her guidance, you will be able to explore your individual purpose and the path of love as a path to purpose.

Dr. BethAnne also offers unique insights into the spiritual growth and development journey and how the importance of having a sense of purpose can help to create a life of joy and fulfillment.

Tune in next week for a new episode on, You Are The Oracle: Understanding Signs.  Dr. BethAnne will be exploring ideas around how to understand signs and synchronicities, connect with your inner oracle,  and feel empowered in your spiritual and intuitive growth.

TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE SUN: 122 passages on finding new life after loss


Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright is a Licensed Psychologist, Spiritual Educator, and Akashic Records Reader.  She is the author of the Award-Winning Lamentations of the Sea, its sequels, and several books of poetry. A psychologist with a mystic mind, she weaves perspectives from both worlds to offer holistic wisdom.

If you’d like to explore what your Akashic Records have to share with you to guide you on your path at this time, you can find more about Akashic Magic Sessions HERE. Alternatively, sign up for the monthly newsletter Akashic Magic. Each month offers a unique perspective on the current energies along with intuitive writing prompts! Members enjoy a free gift— a complimentary copy of  Dr. BethAnne's book, Cranberry Dusk— upon signing up.

STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Ranked in the top 5% of podcasts globally and winner of the 2022 Communicator Award...

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Are you looking to live with a sense of purpose and intention? In this episode, Dr. BethAnne shares her expertise on how to find your purpose and how it can have a positive impact on your life. She will also delve into topics around collective purpose and the importance of having a sense of purpose that resonates with you. With her guidance, you will be able to explore your individual purpose and the path of love as a path to purpose.

Dr. BethAnne also offers unique insights into the spiritual growth and development journey and how the importance of having a sense of purpose can help to create a life of joy and fulfillment.

Tune in next week for a new episode on, You Are The Oracle: Understanding Signs.  Dr. BethAnne will be exploring ideas around how to understand signs and synchronicities, connect with your inner oracle,  and feel empowered in your spiritual and intuitive growth.

TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE SUN: 122 passages on finding new life after loss


Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright is a Licensed Psychologist, Spiritual Educator, and Akashic Records Reader.  She is the author of the Award-Winning Lamentations of the Sea, its sequels, and several books of poetry. A psychologist with a mystic mind, she weaves perspectives from both worlds to offer holistic wisdom.

If you’d like to explore what your Akashic Records have to share with you to guide you on your path at this time, you can find more about Akashic Magic Sessions HERE. Alternatively, sign up for the monthly newsletter Akashic Magic. Each month offers a unique perspective on the current energies along with intuitive writing prompts! Members enjoy a free gift— a complimentary copy of  Dr. BethAnne's book, Cranberry Dusk— upon signing up.

STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Ranked in the top 5% of podcasts globally and winner of the 2022 Communicator Award...

Listen on: Apple Podcasts   Spotify







Below is a transcript of the episode as generated by (*please note, this transcript has only been edited to put in line breaks for easier readability and may contain errors where a word or phrase got lost in transcription.)

[00:13] Opening Credits

Aloha and welcome to Your Heart magic and illuminating space where psychology spirituality and heart wisdom meet. Here's your host, Dr. BethAnne Kapansky. Wright, the clinical psychologist with a mystic mind.

[00:36] Introduction From Dr BethAnne
Aloha, everyone, welcome to your heart magic. This is Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright. And today we are talking about living with purpose and intention. This, to me is such a beautiful topic, and it's always relevant. But I feel like it's extra relevant right now. Because as we have gone through this shake up and our world over the last few years, I think a lot of people have been revisiting the question of what is my purpose. And for some people, it might be the first time that they've really thought about that. And they're going through the initial stages of some kind of spiritual awakening, or really coming into a new level of consciousness within themselves. And so they might be asking the question for the first time or asking it through a new level of awareness they didn't have. And for many people who might have already been on that path, they've been invited to revisit that question.

Sometimes just through circumstances where they thought their purpose was taking them in one direction. And as 2020 hit, and our world's gone through all these changes, those doors might have been shut. And so there's been this forced invitation of revisiting, well, what is my purpose? And why am I here? And I thought it was supposed to go this way, maybe I'm not. So it's always a relevant question extra relevant right now and a really fun topic to talk about. So today, we're going to be looking at understanding what is purpose? How do we make sense of it? Can you have more than one purpose? Is there just like one thing that you are meant to do? Or is purpose multifaceted, and looking at ways to get in touch with our purpose no matter where we're at, on the path?

And as I sat down to make some bullet points for this podcast episode, which is usually what I do when I'm going to create, it occurred to me that there could be so many versions of how somebody might answer this question. There is a reason that the question of purpose is a philosophical and existential debate that goes back from like, probably the beginning of time. So given that I do not expect to answer those big questions in this day's podcast. But hopefully, this will bring some ideas through that really helped spark and you newfound awareness and excitement over your purpose and some fun dialogue around that. When I looked up purpose, the word and I just did a Google search on it, just to have a sense of like, how does the dictionary define purpose, I saw two things, the first one which was a noun, and it was the reason for which something is done or created.

So the purpose of this podcast is to inspire your hearts and inspire your heart magic and to teach others about heart wisdom. That's an example of using purpose and a noun form. The verb is have as one's intention or objective. So I am purposing, this podcast to the inspiration about what purposes? That's a bad way to use it as a verb in a sentence. But basically, purpose is kind of our why, you know, it is like, what is the reason that I'm creating something? What is the reason I'm doing something? What is the reason something exist? And that is what drives our intentions. So when we think about living a life of purpose and intention, and how do we live more intentionally, to me purpose is like this big umbrella. And then underneath that, once we figure out what is my sense of purpose, that's what allows us to live with more intention and meaning because we try and move up about our lives in a way that is in alignment with our purpose, and we have that greater purpose to come back to and check in with, and to course correct if we feel like we've gotten off track.

[05:14] Understanding and Defining Purpose

So I think defining purpose in a way that serves us, and works for us is very important, and is probably the difference between feeling and alignment and really dialed into your life and like you're staying in your magic and staying in your heart magic versus feeling like you are floating around in the breeze and kind of drifting aimlessly waiting for your purpose to somehow find you and to find you to find you. I have been both of these things, I like the former much better than the latter.

So let's dive in to what purpose isn't, before we get into what purpose is, and the one thing I really want to say about this is that purpose is not our roles in life. Purpose is not, I'm a writer, or I'm a speaker, or I'm a parent, or I'm a psychologist, it's not a label, it's not a one dimensional category that we say, well, my purpose is this. And as we are growing up on our individual paths, for many of us, there is a little bit of a kind of linear way of looking at life that's historically taught, at least in kind of the current generations. And that was you go to school, and you get an education. And then after that, usually you either go to college, or you develop a trade or you figure out what am I going to do as an adult? Like how am I going to pay the bills, what's my job going to be? What are my role is going to be, maybe somewhere in there a relationship happens, marriage happens, kids happen, that kind of stuff.

There's been a lot of people making breaks from the kind of traditional lifestyle in recent years. And there's nothing wrong with moving on that path either. There's many, many paths that we can take. But I think so often, we feel that our purpose, particularly when we're younger, is a little bit more one dimensional. And if I can figure out what I want to do with my life, then that is going to give me a sense of meaning and a sense of direction and a sense of purpose. And sometimes that's appropriate for the age that we're at, and it's appropriate for our developmental level. And it can even feel really satisfying are fine for a while, you know, our purpose can intersect with the role if we feel that it's in our hearts that we want to somehow teach. And so we go to school and learn how to be an educator, and we get hired. And now we're working in a school system. And we are responsible for students, we might feel like we are fulfilling that purpose in our heart through the role of being a teacher.

But there might come a point in time where that begins to feel less satisfying. Or you think to yourself, I gosh, I I want more than just being a teacher. And you don't know exactly what that is, you just know that there's something there that feels a little bit juicy or a little bit more delicious, a little bit more multi dimensional than this kind of singular way of looking at what is purpose. And that is usually when somebody might start going through an evaluation process. And they might start asking the question, well, what is more, and who knows what that could lead to, that could lead to so many different paths from redefining and re inspiring yourself in your role as a teacher to choosing something else entirely to picking up a new hobby. I mean, there's many, many ways that we can sort through this concept of purpose.

For me, I think the most important thing is having a sense of purpose that resonates with what is in our heart, because that is our heart magic. That is our authentic self. You know, that is really our compass. So it's not about what do you decide to do when you ask this question. It's more about figuring out how to do it in a way that aligns with what's in your heart. But as we said, purpose is not this one dimensional thing and it's not something that is unchanging. Our sense of purpose can be fluid, it can shift as we shift and we understand our relationship with life. I am sure that if somebody asked me at 18 years old, what is your purpose I would have answered very differently than I do right now. At 45 years old, I probably would have answered differently at 25 and 35, it can shift and it can change.

So we know that purpose is multifaceted, it is fluid, it can be evolving. And it is not something though that is intended to be elusive that we never figure it out. And we're forever seeking. I think that when we feel like okay, I at least know what it is for right now. And I know what it is in this moment. That is what allows us to feel like we're moving in a direction that is aligned for us. And so we tend to feel very lost if we don't have a sense of purpose, and we don't have a sense of what we belong to. So I think it's a question that whose answer is important to our psychological health and to our spiritual health.

[10:54] Different Dimensions of Purpose: Collective Purpose

Some of my ideas on purpose have to do with my work in the Akashic Record. So I want to preface kind of these next few points that I'm going to share with that. And it's not uncommon when I'm doing a records reading for somebody for them to ask what is my purpose? And to have this genuine curiosity of what do their own Akashic records have to say about what their purpose is? And it's always a gift for me when I get asked this question, because in those readings, I'm learning as much as the individual is who's asking the questions. And I'm learning about the many purposes that people might have in their soul plan. So just a little qualifier with this, this is where this information comes from really, as my work with the Akashic records.

And my first observation with purpose, when we talk about there's multi-dimensional purposes, is that all of us have a collective purpose. And there's different layers, if you want to think of in this collective purpose. If you are here, right now, at this point in time, you have some form of a collective sole purpose with the rest of humanity. I'm not going to pretend to give you the answer to what that is. That is above my, say, my paygrade, if you will. But that is something that I often run into in the record that clusters of people come together. And they are holding space for something holding space for change to happen holding space for light to come through, they might come together as a shared group with a shared interest. And there is a reason behind that that is kind of like the bigger picture soul stuff that I'm not going to attempt to answer today.

But do know that you have a collective purpose with being in the space and time right now in humanity, and that that is attached to many others paths. And even though I said that's a kind of a huge question to even begin to try and answer, you've actually probably seen threads of that before in your life, where you don't quite know why. But you can see that you are in a group, or ants and somewhere and you're there at the right space and time and you kind of have that deja vu moment where you feel like something bigger than you is happening. And you can't quite put words to what it is. But there's this resonance inside of you that like in this moment, you're meant to be in that space, and that you are somehow connected to something bigger than yourself, and there's something going on around you that's bigger than yourself.

So most of us can relate to having that kind of a transcendent moment. And oftentimes that is connected to some sort of bigger collective purpose that we all have. And then in that collective purpose category, there is more of individual collective stuff that you might be working on. And I want to give you a good example of this. This is something that has come up a lot and records readings. I have done a lot of work with women, and many of them are mothers, and I've heard of many women who are clearing some sort of Mother wound or an ancestral wound and their maternal line. I do not think it's a big secret that there is trauma and wounding in the feminine and and our relationship to the feminine. There is and male as well. And there's many men who might have purpose with that. And of course, there are people who have purposes with either who aren't necessarily identifying as that gender. So it's not this really linear thing. But I can speak specifically to my work and say that many women that have come to me who have children often are clearing some Some sort of karma. Not always, it's just a theme that I've noticed has come up over the years. And so maybe there was something where there is a wound around.

We'll say magical women in the family, women with intuition, not being able to own that and claim that. And you are the one who is going through this clearing process of really getting in touch with your intuitive gifts. And you recognize perhaps that your own mother perhaps had these gifts, and maybe she was able to actualize them, and they were welcomed, and maybe they weren't, you know, maybe she wasn't able to. And so there's a difficult relationship there. And you are a mother yourself, and you feel this sense of, you know, I want my child or my daughter to be able to grow up free and clear and to really feel empowered as an intuitive or feel empowered as an empath. That would be an example of some form of collective purpose that you might be working through, because it's bigger than just you. But it pertains to you individually and your journey.

[16:14] My Experience with Collective Purpose

Another good example of that is I when I was going through the heart of my grief journey over losing my brother Brent and 2016, I had a lot of different griefs that started popping up around me and losses at the time. And I remember too, that there was a ceremony that I went that I was called to during that time, and that's probably a whole other episode. So I won't go into the details of that. But I knew I was being called to this weekend and called to the ceremony up in Canada, that I was going to, and I was receiving a reading. And I remember asking, like, what's this weekend about? For me, I know I need to go. And something that came through is you're processing grief right now bigger than just your own. I didn't really understand it at the time. But this was coming through and readings around them, like you signed up to help others process grief, you've signed up to process your own grief, you're processing your grief, you're helping others process their grief. And like I didn't really see the pieces of that.

And most likely, I still don't see the full picture of that I'm not sure I can understand it from my perspective, you know, right here at this point in time. But since then, I think it's fair to say that I went on to do grief work. And I went on to use my grief in a really raw and vulnerable way to write books about it, and to speak about it. And I've received feedback before from people where they say, Thank you for writing this. And it was almost hard to read, because I felt like I was there with you, you know, and you really laid your heart bare, and I really appreciate it. And I've you know, heard those things. And I get it now, that part of me really kind of going through this grieving process was beyond just my own stuff. And it has also been something that has helped others.

And during that weekend that I went to Canada and I did the ceremony, I had a lot coming through. And I remember just having this huge weight and this huge heaviness. And now I might look back on that and realize that in a collective sense, maybe there's some collective grief or Karma around grief that I was choosing to process as a soul during that time. Sometimes we don't always have a super specific understanding of what that is. But I do remember being told you're processing beyond yourself. So you don't need to over attach to it. Or wonder why it's feeling this heavy. Just know you're processing things beyond just you and your processing for areas in the collective. And that was very helpful to me, because then I didn't attach so hard to like, Well, why am I feeling this way? You know, me, me, me, it was more like just let it flow through. And trust that whatever I'm meant to take from it, I will and whatever is just meant to be felt by me will also pass through.

So that's kind of a snapshot of collective purpose, and how that comes through for people. One last thing I can think of is, it came through last year in the Akashic newsletter and it was sometime in the spring, where I was doing the watch the energy for the month ahead, and I want to say it was for March or April of 2022. I can't remember which one, but it was this big month of change. And the records were sharing this message around change. And I asked the question like how do we work with this constructively, and something the record said, which I thought was very interesting is that for a lot of people, they hear the word change, and there's fear for them. Right change is scary. Change equals, put the label there. What is it? Is it bad? Is it uncertain, you know, most of the time If somebody says changes coming your way, people's first reaction is not like, oh, well, I better stay open and curious. Their first reaction is some form of like, oh, or like, Oh no, or that's not what I want to hear or something like that. Which is really kind of an interesting thing when you think about it, that our instinct is fear. And it is that this is something to brace ourselves for.

And the records invitation was- change does not have to be bad, it does not have to be negative. And they said specifically in that message, we are not telling you this to scare you, or to make you think this is a negative month. This is positive change that is coming for all of you. And some of that might be experienced in a way that might not feel positive while you're going through it. But ultimately, like what if you knew this was helping line you up for your greatest good? And could you work with your reaction to change? And could you when you think about change, just work on that initial knee jerk, oh, response, and maybe just work on being like, How can I embrace change with more play? How can I embrace change with more joy? Or at least more like laughter? And a sense of humor to be like, Oh, no, I thought life was going that way. And now we're going this way. And I'm just here for the ride. How can we bring lightness to it? And they said, and so doing, you are working on transmuting the karma and fear around change.

And that right, there was a collective purpose. You know, one person can't do that on their own. But what if we all change our perspectives on change? How would that change the attitudes around it? So that's what the collective stuff looks like. And on any given day, I actually find it comforting that no matter what else, if I'm trying to work with something constructively, I can know that somewhere out there, I'm probably contributing to shifting the paradigm of reacting from a space of peace or a space of thoughtful response, as opposed to some of these fear based reactions that we have are all programming or reacting from the wound, I'm being somebody who is invested and helping heal that wound through doing my own individual stuff.

[22:24] Understanding Individual Purpose

So we can find individual purpose in those bigger collective things. Having said that, of course, each of us has an individual purpose, we would not be here if we did not have an individual purpose. And finding this is important, in a fluid way, because when we find it, and we have a sense of what am I about today, why am I here? Why am I showing up, it acts as our jet fuel, our rocket fuel, or gasoline that kind of keeps our vehicle going, it gives us a sense of direction, it gives us a sense of meaning. We might not every single day feel that some days are just hard days. And our purpose is to make it through the day and get back in bed as soon as possible and get a good night's sleep.

So I'm not talking about like every single day. Having that sense of I am here for a reason. But I am talking about more often than not, when we're able to connect with that it helps drive us and it helps move us in a direction that feels in alignment with our path. So figuring that out for ourselves can be important. And my view of individual purpose is that it is multifaceted, that instead of a singular thing, it's more like a collage, or a mosaic that you're working on, I think about this as a soul collage. And if you were to make a visual, like a vision board, of all the things that you are interested in the things that you want to do hopes and dreams that you have for how you might contribute to the world. What matters to you? Like, what are your values? You know, some people are called to different things that they really have a strong sense of, like, I want to contribute to this. And for other people, they might care about it, but it's not their thing. You know, somebody else has been called over here. So what would your vision board look like? What would your soul collage look like? And if you allow yourself to think about it from a more multi-dimensional perspective, what's your spiritual purpose? What's your individual purpose?

Even though your role is not your purpose? Do you find purpose in the roles that you serve? And if so, like, what's the value behind that purpose? You know, what's the value that you're serving? You know, maybe You say, Well, I'm I'm in this, you know, I'm filling a role of a family member. You know, I'm a daughter, I'm for baby mama. And maybe, instead of calling that my purpose, I care about those things because I care about kindness. And I care about connectivity. And I care about relationships. And I care about taking care of beings in my life that are vulnerable. Those things might all be part of my soul collage and my greater mosaic of purpose. So the values that help drive my why it's not the role, it's the values underneath them.

So if we could do this big soul collage, we might see that we have a sense of spiritual purpose. And many people who feel like they've been called the spiritual path and maybe identify with words like light worker, or just spirituality of living a little bit more magically, people like that might have a sense of like, I'm here for spiritual purpose. And they might have a sense of kind of very, like mundane purpose as well. And I've got this other purpose, you know, that I really care about with my job. I'm an accountant. And I actually care about the numbers. I like, the organization that I'm working with. Organization is important to me, making sure that things add up is important to me, I like what I'm contributing to. My job isn't my purpose, but I'm part of something that is it's a nonprofit, and it's contributing to the world and this really cool way, and I care about that. And I feel like spiritually, my purpose is that there are these individuals that I keep meeting coworkers, and they're at the beginning of their journey, they're kind of spiritually curious on the path. And I keep feeling like I'm being put in their path. And they'll ask this question. And I kind of know the answer, because I went through that stuff myself. And I feel like I'm kind of meant to be a light to them.

All of those things might be parts of your purpose. Purposes, are multi dimensional.
And threading back to the Akashic records, and what the Akashic records have to say, a lot of times when somebody asks, like, what's my sole purpose, you know, I will see things like you're here to be a change maker, you're here to be an activist for this or to spread awareness around this. Something like that, that is this bigger thing. And then I might see, you know, like, writing is really important to you, and voice is important to you. You know, there's things in your records that your voice is meant to contribute to the world, you care passionately about the environment, you are a steward of the earth and your care for that, it was meant to be a contribution at this point in time. So there's kind of this open language, often in the records for somebody where their purpose is something that they have left room for on their soul plan to arrive at in different ways.

I have never done a reading - ever --- I was pausing to make sure that I was speaking truth to all of you - where it is, your purpose is this and it's like very fixed. And these are the steps that you're meant to take to get there. And you didn't take it a year ago. So sorry, you missed it too bad, no purpose for you. Like that does not exist in the records, there's many paths to the mountaintop. And if for some reason you miss the path to that particular mountain, then we live in this really beautiful, amazing creative universe of opportunity and possibility, another mountain will be put before you with a new path to take you to something similar, like you cannot miss your purpose. And you can't mess up you sometimes we might feel like we're off track. But there's always a way to reinvent, or to weave that into the path. You know, oftentimes, God is it can be called Creator and like the Great Creative Being is sometimes what the records will use to refer to is that concept of source. And so there are many, many ways to create and many pathways to get there in this incredibly intelligent creative universe that we're in. So we need to be flexible and we need to be fluid in that.

So we have many reasons and ways to understand our purpose but I do think it comes down to like what is your why, and that our why really helps us understand our sense of purpose and our sense of being In the world, and our 'why' can change as we change, it can change as we grow. It can change as we expand in consciousness and our ideas around spirituality and what is the self? And how do I kind of intersect with the world around me change, our 'why's' can definitely change. So I think it's something that's important that we revisit every now and then and just kind of check in with ourselves, is this still moving me in the direction that I meant to go?  And our answers to that helps us figure out the direction that we're meant to go.

[30:37] Navigating Times Where You've Lost Your Sense of Purpose

There are times that we are meant to search for our purpose. And we are meant to redefine what is our why. So I'm about to give you a few ideas, how to figure that out for ourselves, and just good things that we can keep coming back to, to find that for ourselves. But I want to make sure that if you're listening to this, and you think, Well, I used to know what my purpose was. And now I have no idea. Or I don't even know where to start. Or you're just struggling somehow and you feel like you don't know what your why is. I just want to say like - restt assured, that is fine, my friend. We all go through periods of redefinition. And we all go through periods of kind of that metamorphosis process, where we understood ourselves to be will say the butterfly, we've gone through caterpillar to cocoon and where the butterfly, but we can grow into something bigger multiple times in our life.

So, many times when we lost our sense of purpose. It is a message from our intuitive self and our soulful self. And I guess our psyche, that lets us know, hey, time to revisit like your inner terrain cut time to come back into yourself time to redefine this time to go on a treasure hunt for your truth. And to refigure out what are you about. And before I jump into all of that, I just really want to say that I am not talking about feeling lost if somebody is going through a depression or grief, or something like that, that the experience of that is so strong and oppressive. It often kind of hinders our joy, and really hampers us from being able to connect with these things.

So if you're listening to this, and you're going through something right now, and it's really pressing down on you and you think I'd like to find this again, I'm just not there right now just receive today you're doing great. We just part of part of life. We go through these times where we're not really able to do the work. And we're like, I can't go on a treasure hunt for my purpose. Right now. I'm too busy, just trying to like stay afloat. Like it's all good, you're beautiful, where you're at. These words will be here for you when you need them. Just trust them to kind of seed in your heart. And when the time is right, whatever you're meant to take from this, you will so no pressure today, no pressure, no pressure ever in this podcast. These are ideas and frameworks for how we might better understand our journey. They're never ever how to and they are certainly not should and must.

[33:18] Getting in Touch with Purpose: What Lights Your Heart Up?

Alright. Back to purpose, getting in touch with it a few ways to get in touch with yours. Number one, What lights your heart up? I love this question. It's just so fun. What lights your heart up? What makes you excited, like what brings you joy? What do you get excited about. And my qualifier for that is that to really take away a sense that it has to be something big, something big might light your heart up, like you might actually get like super excited if you think about you want to be an artist and I don't know create a bunch of art. And you hope that you learn new modalities and it's super exciting for you and you've got big dreams around that that can light your heart up. There's nothing wrong with that I got some big dreams myself. But I don't want us to dismiss things like well- my heart lights up, I get really excited by colors- I do I'm get really excited by colors! They're really fun to me, I love color. Or I get really excited just by being out in nature. Or I get really excited when I go into a crystal shop, you know, or whatever it is. Whatever your things are. They can be small things it can be when I'm outside my heart just lights up. I just love being in the mountains. You know, I feel like my best version of self.

So what does light your heart up? Maybe your heart gets lit up being in like a toy store and seeing puppets or children's books or something really fun and you have no idea what lights your heart up or why If that does, we do not need to interpret what lights are heard of it, but it is helpful to know what lights are heard up. And from time to time, I think it's really fun to make a list of what does light my heart up. Like what's exciting to me when I think about kind of collaging words to create a super cozy scene, like a wind storm with fuzzy socks, and a cup of hot cocoa and a fun book, and little twinkling white lights. That image right there lights my heart up. That sounds really beautiful to me, when I'm in the right space. And the reason why is just one like It's cozy. Yay, I love cozy. But the energies that that scene emits of like warmth, and of being held and kind of home and hearth. There's some clues in there to me about what I value and what's important to me. So we don't have to interpret why it lights our heart up. It's just helpful to have these little vignettes and word collages of what does light our heart up and have fun with it.

And we can take those things and put them into a bigger picture and say, well, then what are the values in that, that might feel valuable to me? Or are there energies in that, that might feel meaningful to me, not everything that lights our heart up has to be like our end all be all purpose. But if it lights our heart up, it can be part of our purpose for being, you know, it can be part of our purpose for creating joy. It can be part of our purpose in some shape or form. So What lights your heart up? What are you excited about? Just really fun thing to journal about and write that down and see what's there for you. Number two, a way to get in touch with your purpose, write out a manifesto of belief. That's what I call this. And it's based on a piece of writing that called 40th manifesto. I wrote it, I think the evening of my 40th birthday, and at the time, it was 2017. I had been on the island of kawaii for 17 days, I think. And I was about to turn 40. And so there was this kind of fun intersection of age where I was moving into this new chapter and this brand new decade, right as I'd made this, like big life change, and I wrote a manifesto of belief which I'm actually just going to read to you instead of describing it to you. So let's do a little bit of a storytime and then we'll talk about some ideas behind this and how you can write your own manifesto of belief.

[37:45] Reading a Passage on Purpose from Transformations of The Sun

40th manifesto. It's July 27. And I'm not 40 It feels like a good number. I get to enter into a new decade with a shiny zero and a solid four in front of it. Four points equal a square with no weak points. So in numerology, a four represents stability, security, structure, organization and home.

It's an auspicious age for this new book of life. I believe in trying to leave an age better than I found it. I think I did that with 39 I believe aging as a gift because it means we still get to be a participant in life.

I believe I have many feelings surrounding outliving my brother that I can't quite name. Brent was supposed to hit 41st and beat me to it by a year. Now he remains forever 39 And my heart and I miss him.

I believe and trying to find gratitude for life. I believe it is a gift to be on earth at this time. I believe in I believe even with all the struggles and pain that it is still a privilege to live and learn and love and breathe and be a part of humanity. As cliche as it sounds, I am grateful for the gift of life, my gift of life, our gift of life, this earth's gift of life, and so infinitely precious and meant to be cherished.

I believe and joy and pizza and beaches and dogs. I believe we all have an inner mermaid longing for the songs of the sea. I believe in finding the beauty each day even if you have to look a little harder for it on some days. I believe in being an active participant in the process of life. I believe and reinvention.

[39:43] My Experience with Loss and How It Impacted Purpose

The passage goes on a little bit more but that gives you a good idea of it. And a manifesto belief is exactly what it sounds like. What do you believe? At that point? In time, those were some of the things that I believed and they reflected my growth and where I was at. I do believe in reinvention. And my primary purpose for moving to kawaii that was my word. I said, I'm going for reinvention. I want to reinvent myself over there. And I know I meant to I just don't know what that's going to look like. So I knew that was part of my why I'm here for reinvention. I knew that part of my why was just fine stuff. Like I said, beaches and joy and dogs. I'm one sick call, got a little bit of a whimsical streak in me that's really playful. And little bit of a novel, say I like to have fun and like a little bit like a fairy that way. And I like to weave that whimsical streak into my words.

But I believe in whimsy, you know, and I believe in magic, and kind of finding that playful part and that innocence in life. And I believe fervently and at the time, I believe that I still believe it now, but at the time, it really drove me. I was still in this ebb and flow of losing brands. And it had been about a year and a half. And it really brought home to me, this Crux that if we're here, even if we're struggling here, during our life here, we're still here. And we get to be a participant in life here. And if we're still here, then there's always room for hope. There's always room for change. And something that I really worked through and my grief process over Brunt was realizing that, like he didn't even get to be here for another day of having a day in the doldrums. You know, where you're just like, life's a bummer. What's it all about? And things are just hard, and you feel lost. And like I said, you just want to go back to bed. Maybe we can kind of laugh about those days, sometimes they're not very laughable, but we do all have them. It's part of our experience of being human and part of kind of this exercise of being human.

And, you know, it kind of struck me Brent never gets to have a day like that and doesn't get to maybe wake up the next day, you know, sometimes we kind of spontaneously turn the corner, or things just feel better. And it's such a good feeling because we feel like we've like kind of come through the tunnel, and we're moving back into the light. And it's such a great feeling when that happens. And so this idea of him not having chances and opportunities and possibilities, like least in human form, was really soul stirring to me. And so for a while really reignited my passion and desire to make the most of my life. His loss became part of my why for finding the courage, I needed to move to the island of kawaii and like make this crazy leap, where I basically left life as I knew it, and what I created and went and started all over.

So that was my manifesto, belief at the time. And I find it helpful to revisit and rewrite something similar, like what do I believe right now? What do I still believe in and on days where I'm feeling really lost? If I can write down? Well, I believe in love. I still believe I'm here for a reason. Maybe I have no idea what it is today. But I think somewhere in me, I still believe that. I believe that that nature heals. You know, nature has been a friend to me so often if the world has felt unfriendly, and I kind of go find myself there again. You know, I'll write down the things I believe just right now at that point in time. So sometimes the manifesto of belief is what do I believe today? You know, it might be I believe that I like to be the best Batman I know to be today. Something that gives us a compass.

[43:59] Manifesto of Belief

So write your manifesto a belief, let it be as grand as you want it to be. Let it be as simple as you want it to be. Let it be whatever you want it to be whatever your heart sparks. But that's a great way to create a grounding point and something to compensate yourself into. And then the last number three is to think about what are your hopes, wishes and dreams? When we think about what lights are harder? Do you have hopes, wishes and dreams that light your heart up? Do you have something that you look at something somebody else is doing and you think I really wish that I could do that? Or ash they're living so courageous and free? I wish I could to or you have something maybe nobody else has has a template but you just think I just hope at some point I really find when I need to make this move or change jobs or do through this thing, you know, what are your hopes, wishes and dreams.

And our job isn't to judge are those realistic, it's just to connect with that vision. And my experience with this is that there are answers to our purpose and our hopes, wishes, and dreams. Now, they might not always be meant to come out in the form that we're envisioning. Oftentimes, we create a hope, wish or dream based on what somebody else has done. So we look at somebody we admire, and we think, gosh, if only I could have a life like theirs, well, that's not authentic to you. There's elements of that, that reflect that something you are desiring as well. And it is helpful for you to get in touch with what that is. So what it is about it that sparks something in you.

Even if it ignites jealousy, jealousy is a fantastic teacher, it helps us identify something inside of us that we wish we had a little bit more of. But it has to be in a way that's authentic to us. We can't take somebody else's life and what they've created and say, want that for me. It's not coming from your heart, it's not coming from your heart magic. It's not coming from your soulful blueprint, which is in your heart. So it has to come from you. So our job isn't though to judge if they're realistic, it's just figure out as best as we know, what are they and to know that if it's in our heart, and it's some of our some form of our hopes, wishes and dreams, it's probably meant to come out in some form.

And like I said, we often project how we think it will look just based on what we think we know. And many times our hopes, wishes and dreams might look different than what we have imagined and our mind because we haven't created them yet. So we base it, envision it based on a template of what somebody else has done, or our best version that we're able to vision. And oftentimes, the universe has a much better version in store for us. So we can be flexible with that. But know that those are your hopes, wishes and dreams for a reason. And again, write down underneath any of these.

So what is it about that that you value? Do you value travel? You know, are you really seeking to have more adventure in your life, maybe your hopes, wishes and dreams has something to do with I just wish I could change my life entirely. And, you know, almost like be this other person. I'm so tired of this version of myself -okay, this is awesome. This is awesome. Like, you know, that you're feeling a little trapped and you're feeling kind of stuck. And so it doesn't necessarily mean that you need to like go revamp your life. And, you know, walk away from all of it.

Stay in your heart. If you're meant to make big changes. If you're listening to your guidance, it will find you, but you already know you're ready for growth, you're ready for adventure. You're ready to shake up the paradigm of yourself. You are ready to break the mold of how you see yourself and maybe how others see you. And you are ready to do something different. So how could you bring that energy into your life right now? What could you do right now that helps you feel a little bit more adventurous, that helps you feel a little bit like a mold breaker in your life? How could you instigate change and your life right now? How could you at least create a container for that to happen? How could you take a new class or buy a book or a really fun Oracle deck that you're interested in and be like, I've always wanted to learn how to read the tarot. I don't know how to do it. I'm gonna take this class, I'm going to learn this thing. I'm going to self-develop this, and I'm going to have fun with it.

And again, we are not interpreting what the final product looks like as we do this. What's interesting about our purpose is that our purpose really comes from our heart. So our mind scrambles and it tries to figure it out because our mind like certainty, it doesn't like the feeling of being in this very nebulous space. When I said I'm coming to Kauai and I want reinvention. Doesn't that sound inspirational? I got really inspired reading those words. If I didn't know me, and I read them I would be like, yeah, reinvention. I want reinvention. And then what happened when I lived through reinvention is I actually realized that it's not not glamorous, and not quite as fun as it looks. I mean, it was really hard. I went through so many changes and shifts and identity. I went through so much and like surrendering my heart to this journey, and really got worked over a few times by whether it was the universe karma circumstances. I'm still figuring all that out. But it was really hard.

And so when I signed up for reinvention, I had this vision of what it would look like that some How within three or three to six to maybe a year's time. And being here, I just kind of see this new blueprint in my mind and be like, Oh, all right. Well, you know, I was a psychologist in private practice identifying this way. And now I'm supposed to call myself the intuitive psychologist and I'm going to create this new offering. And here's all the steps that it's going to take in order to do that. And I'm serving my new purpose. And wasn't that fun. I let myself go through change for a year. No, no, no, no, no, no, not what it looked like, not what my experience was. My experience of reinvention, reinvention was transformation. It was it was chaos, it was encountering everything holding me back, it was smacking into walls inside of myself, where I was like, Oh, you've got some really deep self doubts here. It was being invited, slash pushed to like root those out. And it was really about me seeing myself differently before I was able to translate that in a way that I was able to show that part of myself to others in a different way and own it, nobody was going to come along and say this is your purpose, BethAnne. And this is what it looks like.

Reinvention for me meant understanding myself in a different way, inventing myself innovating myself in a way that was more authentic to my heart. And then I had to understand what the hell I just invented, or was trying to invent. And then I had to put language to it, and take all that and grounded and put it into some sort of language to communicate to people. It was messy and hard. So we got really stuck, because we expect our mind to figure it out. And we want the certainty because it feels so uncomfortable for our mind, to seek and to reinvent and to transform and to be in that space of cognitive dissonance and uncertainty.

And yet, the path of the heart is not linear like that. The path of the heart says, Follow what lights you up, stay with whatever it is that feels like your highest why, when however, you understand that, keep listening to what is inside of you. And most likely what you will find and the spirit is cyclical and spiral way is you will be going along. Following your heart is best, you know how, and one day you might just see that bigger picture. And you might be like, Oh, duh, like my purpose is to teach people about heart wisdom. Boy, that wasn't so hard. You know, that actually happened to me. I didn't know for the longest time what to even call what I was trying to teach how hard is it, it seems like a no brainer. Now from this vantage point that it took me so long to figure that out. But I didn't get it at the time that I was teaching heart magic, and that I was going to really delve into what that was.

So our heart lets us know and gives us the vision and the right time. When we are trying to connect to our purpose. And we're trying to live by the heart, we have to trust the hearts way of giving us that information. And so the heart says Follow the signs. Follow the synchronicities, follow what lights you up, follow up resonates with you follow what feels most right at a point in time. And the bigger vision will come and it will come in its own process and it will come in divine time it will come when your souls knows you're ready for it, you're not going to get some blueprint and be told these are the steps you have to take, you actually have to create those steps through following your heart. And then you get the bigger picture of what you've been creating all along.

[53:44] The Path of Love as A Path to Purpose

Alright, last point. Before we wrap up for today. If all else fails, and you are in the doldrums and you're having a rough time and you're in the nebula right now, or you just feel really lost on a given day. Our higher purpose is that we are always here for love. We are here as a soul to learn about love and to experience love and to understand the million multi-phase faceted faces of love. You know love is really our connection to God, to the universe and mysteries to whatever that language is that resonates for you. So we always know that we are here for that. And that path really begins with like, How can I love myself and this right now? The best way to understand love is to think about how do I make the most loving choice for myself right now. Our relationship to self-love to love within ourselves is going to be one of the best gateways to understanding our relationship to the bigger picture of what love is.

So if nothing else on any given day, just say how can I best slug myself today. What's the most loving choice I know to make for myself. And that might be be kind to myself. It could be saying no to this thing that stressing me out, it could be go to yoga class, it could be half that slice of pizza. I don't know what the best way is for you. I just know how to do me. But I know that when I asked myself that question, if I can bring love into the equation, then every single day, I know I'm living with purpose and intention. And I know I'm fulfilling my greater purpose, which is really to learn about love and to have an experience with love as a soul and a human form. And so we're always on track when we're doing that, always on track. With that, we are wrapping up for today.

[55:47] Coming Up Next Week

I just said something a little bit ago about following the signs and signs and synchronicities and what lights our heart up. And that is actually what we're talking about next week. Next week's episode is called You Are the Oracle understanding signs. And we are going to be talking about making sense of signs and synchronicities. How do you understand those in your life? What might they mean, and just diving into whatever wants to come through and be shared on that? I have no idea. I haven't thought about it yet. That was just the intuitive idea I had for next week's episode. So I'm excited to see what information wants to present itself to us. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for joining me today. I'm so glad you're here. It's fun to see this community grow. I will be back next week with a new episode of Your Heart magic. And until then, be well. Be Love, be you, and be magic.

Introduction from Dr. BethAnne
Understanding and Defining Purpose
Different Dimensions of Purpose: Collective Purpose
(Cont.) Different Dimensions of Purpose: Collective Purpose
My Experience with Collective Purpose
Understanding Individual Purpose
Navigating Times Where You've Lost Your Sense of Purpose
Getting in Touch with Purpose: What Lights Your Heart Up?
Reading a Passage on Purpose from Transformations of The Sun
My Experience with Loss and How It Impacted Purpose
Manifesto of Belief
The Path of Love as A Path to Purpose
Coming Up Next Week