Your Heart Magic

The Magic of June: Akashic Energy Update

June 06, 2024 Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright Episode 73
The Magic of June: Akashic Energy Update
Your Heart Magic
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Your Heart Magic
The Magic of June: Akashic Energy Update
Jun 06, 2024 Episode 73
Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright

What do the Akashic Records have to say about the current energy as we move into the magical month of June?  How does this line up with the upcoming astrological and moon cycles? Why is this information increasingly relevant at this time, and how can we feel empowered to work with energetic cycles?

Join Dr. BethAnne in today's episode, where we are diving into the upcoming month of June and exploring the energy forecast. Key talking points include: 

  • Energy update for the upcoming month: what to expect + how to navigate
  • The astrological archetypes of the month and upcoming moon magic
  • Spiritual perspectives and higher wisdom to support your path
  • Tools for harnessing, understanding, and working with the current energies

Tune in next week for a new Talk Story Time episode on Rewilding Our Soul. New episodes of Your Heart Magic drop weekly each Thursday at 6pm HST.


Your Heart Magic is a space where heart wisdom, spirituality, and psychology meet. Enjoy episodes centered on mental health, spirituality, personal growth, healing, and well-being. Featured as one of the best Heart Energy and Akashic Records Podcasts in 2024 by PlayerFM and Globally Ranked in the top 5% in Listen Notes.

Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright is a Licensed Psychologist, Spiritual Coach and Educator, and Akashic Records Reader. She is the author of the Award-Winning Lamentations of the Sea, its sequels, and several books of poetry. A psychologist with a mystic mind, she weaves perspectives from both worlds to offer holistic wisdom.

If you’d like to explore what your Akashic Records have to share with you to guide you on your path at this time, you can find more about Akashic Magic Sessions HERE or Creative Soul Coaching HERE. Alternatively, sign up for the monthly newsletter Akashic Magic. Each month offers a unique perspective on the current energies along with intuitive writing prompts! Members enjoy a free gift— a complimentary copy of  Dr. BethAnne's book, Cranberry Dusk— upon signing up. 

STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Ranked in the top 5% of podcasts globally and winner of the 2022 Communicator Award...

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

What do the Akashic Records have to say about the current energy as we move into the magical month of June?  How does this line up with the upcoming astrological and moon cycles? Why is this information increasingly relevant at this time, and how can we feel empowered to work with energetic cycles?

Join Dr. BethAnne in today's episode, where we are diving into the upcoming month of June and exploring the energy forecast. Key talking points include: 

  • Energy update for the upcoming month: what to expect + how to navigate
  • The astrological archetypes of the month and upcoming moon magic
  • Spiritual perspectives and higher wisdom to support your path
  • Tools for harnessing, understanding, and working with the current energies

Tune in next week for a new Talk Story Time episode on Rewilding Our Soul. New episodes of Your Heart Magic drop weekly each Thursday at 6pm HST.


Your Heart Magic is a space where heart wisdom, spirituality, and psychology meet. Enjoy episodes centered on mental health, spirituality, personal growth, healing, and well-being. Featured as one of the best Heart Energy and Akashic Records Podcasts in 2024 by PlayerFM and Globally Ranked in the top 5% in Listen Notes.

Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright is a Licensed Psychologist, Spiritual Coach and Educator, and Akashic Records Reader. She is the author of the Award-Winning Lamentations of the Sea, its sequels, and several books of poetry. A psychologist with a mystic mind, she weaves perspectives from both worlds to offer holistic wisdom.

If you’d like to explore what your Akashic Records have to share with you to guide you on your path at this time, you can find more about Akashic Magic Sessions HERE or Creative Soul Coaching HERE. Alternatively, sign up for the monthly newsletter Akashic Magic. Each month offers a unique perspective on the current energies along with intuitive writing prompts! Members enjoy a free gift— a complimentary copy of  Dr. BethAnne's book, Cranberry Dusk— upon signing up. 

STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Ranked in the top 5% of podcasts globally and winner of the 2022 Communicator Award...

Listen on: Apple Podcasts   Spotify







Below is a transcript of the episode as generated by (*please note, this transcript has only been edited to put in line breaks for easier readability and may contain errors where a word or phrase got lost in transcription.)

[0:13] June's energy, including movement, completion, and healing.

Aloha and welcome to Your Heart magic and illuminating space where psychology spirituality and heart wisdom meet. Here's your host, Dr. BethAnne Kapansky. Wright, the clinical psychologist with a mystic mind.

Hello, hi, everybody. Welcome to Your Heart magic. This is Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright and happy June. Today we are talking about the energy of June and we are doing a June Akashic update and looking at what the Akashic records have to say about the month ahead, and also talking about what the moons are doing and a little bit of Astro talk. So I'm excited. And with that, let's dive into all the juicy June energy. It's interesting because June is a month where there is a lot of movement going on. And we start June in Gemini season, which is a quick moving sign, it's an Air sign. And Gemini is about communication and ideas and movement and curiosity. It's ruled by Mercury. So there's a sense of June beginning anyways astrologically with all this, like zip Enos and movement to it. And I certainly think the Akashic Records echoed that energy when I open them for the month ahead. 

If you have followed my work through the podcast or on Akashic magic, my monthly newsletter offering then you know that the Akashic Records often speak through metaphors and pictures. And sometimes in direct messages. A lot of times, it's very common for me to see some sort of a visual image when I'm working with the records. And I'll say something like it feels like this, or it seems like this. And there is a sense of interpreting some of the symbols and pictures that come through. And when I'm opening the records, one of the ways that I always know that I'm in the records is to have some sort of an image that I can anchor into that represents whatever it is that I'm channeling, and I use that as a jumping off point. 

So when I opened the records for June, I immediately started getting similar kinds of images. And the first one was of seeing people in a long line as if they had just disembark from a plane. And they were going through customs at an airport and they had their passport. And somebody was like stamping it. And I could hear this like really loud stamp, and this person telling that the individual You're all clear, go on through. And then that image shifted to one that was of a very similar theme. And I saw somebody sitting in a car. And again, they were at the border somewhere and there was a gate and they were giving their information to whoever was manning the booth and everything checked out and the gate lifted. And it was like given this green light. And that was really the energy of June it was this all clear.

 Go on through a green light to move forward with whatever it is that we have been feeling tied up with or whatever it is that's perhaps felt like it's been holding us back. So June begins with almost a sense that we've passed some stage or disembarked or move through this first leg of the journey. And now we are on to whatever is to come after that. And that certainly fits in with where we're at in the calendar year, June marks the halfway point and is the, I guess, the final month of the first half of the year. So there's kind of this fun energy to that, that we're moving into the summer season anyway, summer for us winter for the southern hemisphere.

 So there is a rhythm that kind of times out, I think with where we're at in the calendar year, but energetically, they're very much was a sense of completion. And I like to interpret the records and the context of the story that they're telling us. Because whenever we receive messages from the records, it's never meant to be standalone, and not interpreted in light of other information. And so when we're looking at well, what is the energy this month, I find it really helpful to look back at what was the energy the month before and what's the overall energy for this year. 

And the energy for the month of May was about healing and come furred and constellation, and receiving whatever we need for healing and our life at that time. And healing, we are told by the records, at least for the month of May was not something that we had to work for it was something that we were just going to receive. I thought that sounded like a beautiful message, but the caveat that I would want to share, and I learned this from years of being a therapist, and being somebody who would identify with blocking a healing path, is that healing doesn't always look the way we expect. 

And sometimes what we need for healing, and what shows up in our life for healing, what spirit knows we need for healing what the universe knows we need for healing, sometimes those things aren't always the same. So if you had a May, and you feel like you thought healing was going to be gentle, and you had some form of upheaval hit, or had things going on, or look differently than you expected. That's okay. 

[6:03] Trusting the healing process and mapping out personal growth.

We don't always know how ingredients are working together to alchemize into healing and our lives, there is this mystery ingredient to any healing journey, where we show up, we do the work, we know what to do, we show up for inner work, we open up to whatever modalities we're using. And then we have to trust the process. We have to trust life, we have to trust this wild alchemy, and this underlying energy that we can't see. But that is helping weave things together into a greater hole or a more healed fabric and bring about restoration and our life to whatever it is that we've been working on shifting and working on bringing more healing to.

 So whatever showed up for you, this may maybe just open to trusting that there was something there that was helping you on your healing journey. And it was helping you come to a place of moving into June, where the universe is now stamped your passport for the year of 2024 and is saying okay, you are all clear, we are clearing you from one stage and we're going into the other. 

In the message for June, the record specifically referenced the overall theme of the year of 2024, which was the anchoring of the light. And the idea that 2023 was a year about the light evolving the light being not only cosmic energies and things happening in terms of the Earth and Earth change and the electromagnetic field and some of that bigger metaphysical, cosmic, galactic juicy stuff, but also that we were the light that was evolving, that our light, our purpose, how we understand ourselves, how we feel called to move our energy in this world and act our purpose, how we understand ourselves, that that was evolving as well. 

And not this year. It's about whatever has evolved anchoring and settling and like a house that's been newly built and constructed and resurrected with great thought and great care. And now it's settling into it to joints. And we are asked to not only decorate the house to understand this new structure, but to maybe do a little bit of patching or repair work anywhere where we thought something was constructed just right. 

And then we realize like nope, it still needs a little shoring up, or it needs this in order for it to to be just right. So this year might feel a little bit like tending to some of the grittier details, and tending to some of the smaller details. And at the beginning of 2020 for their records and couraged us in January to think of the month of January like we had gotten out of a big ship. And we're standing on new land and it's unexplored. Maybe we have a map from one person who's keen before and it just says like New Earth, new land, new territory, and we don't really know what's on that map. And our job is going to be to start to fill up that map and start to venture forward and create some sort of a compass or a key or something that orients us to this new landscape that we are looking at. The records often speak through metaphors and symbols. 

And I find these so helpful because they give us a way to conceptualize themes on the journey that we're all experiencing. We're just seeing them a little bit differently on our own individual paths. But I love having a good old fashioned metaphor to look at and use that as a fun way to enter about my journey and so we all like hopped off in January from this boat ride of 2023. And now we are ready to scope out the land for 2024. And the message for January was all about surveying the landscape, and really taking time to figure out, Where are we what supplies do we have? What's the next best step forward? The guidance at the time was about taking a moment to breathe and be thoughtful about the intentions that we wanted to move forward with. 

So we weren't just rushing off without thinking about it, but that we were bringing a sense of purpose and intentionality to our steps. And they referenced that metaphor in June's message and said, Okay, you ventured forth like you did the surveying thing. And you spent the last five months making notes on this map that you're filling out about what you discovered in this new land, what you discovered in 2024, where you're at right now and your journey with yourself and your light and your life purpose, and how that's intersecting with the bigger cycles. Right now. 

We were given this gorgeous guidance for June to really think about, what have you put on the map so far this year? Where did you think you were going one way and you discovered you had your map all wrong? And you had to cross the section out and say, well, that's not right. If you take a right there, it's going to take you on a detour into this. And if you go in this direction, you're going to find, you know, whatever metaphorical lands it is, what have you learned about what you're mapping out? What have you discovered what has looked the way you expected? Why it has been completely different, we were guided to take a little bit of time to do some inventory this June and ask ourselves those kinds of questions. 

[11:56] Gemini season, New Moon, and Solstice with insights on emotional intelligence, self-love, and nurturing relationships. 

So that we can have a sense of not only where we've been, but also come to a sense of completion. For the last few months, when we do that kind of reflection and evaluation, I find it's a beautiful way to know exactly where we're at. Sometimes we see themes and patterns and have new insights and see the bigger picture connecting things in our life. And I think it clear space to move forward. And so maybe that's our way of stamping our own passport and saying, Okay, I've checked in with myself, I know where I'm at. And I'm all clear. And that is where we find ourselves in June, moving into new territory, some kind of a new cycle. And there's a sense of freshness to the energy, and again, a sense of movement and curiosity. 

And as I said, that beautifully fits with Gemini season, which is a little bit like flitting around like a butterfly. And being dynamic and being communicative and movement and experimentation and trying new things. Gemini is not a grounded sign, it's an Air sign, it's a sign with lots of momentum going on the record said there would be a lot of collective momentum happening in June. So you might find that showing up in your life where you have newfound motivation, new inspiration for something and you might ride the wave where you're inspired by where others are at and feel that coming up and the collective energy. 

Either way, this is a great month, for tangible steps and for making progress on the past, and for trying new things, and allowing yourself to be the explorer who has passed through the gate. Now you're in this new country, and you're going to stay open to what's in store for you and perhaps not attached to how it has to look. But stay curious and just be the observer and the traveler of your own journey. That's a gorgeous way to work with the energy this month.

On June 6, we have a New Moon in Gemini. New Moons are always about beginnings. They're about setting intentions. They are about planting seeds and thinking about what are we constructing in our life, we know that change is the only constant. And so we're always working with the energies of what is being deconstructed and transformed and destroyed. And what are we releasing? What are we letting go of what is kind of falling apart and what is coming together. And new moons are a wonderful time to look at what we want to construct and bring together and our life and to honor any releases that we've had over the last season. 

This parallel so nicely with the message on the Akashic as well. And that guidance that we can do a little bit of inventory taking and reflect on What have we been mapping the last five months? And what didn't look at all the way that we thought when we entered this year? And how can we work with that constructively what hidden gifts have grown up in its place. So that is happening in June 6, and then we're going to have a shift into cancer season on June 20. And that also marks the summer solstice for the northern hemisphere. 

So June 20, is the start of cancer season and cancer season is a very different energy from that fast paced, dynamic moving Gemini energy. Cancer is a water sign, it is about intuition, emotions, heightened emotions, and finding our emotional intelligence. It is about self love and nurturing our relationships, nurturing our sense of routes and belonging and what we call home. Cancer can be a rather introverted sign, which is interesting when it's at the height of the summer season and the northern hemisphere. 

And it falls on Solstice, which is usually a time where many people are more outward than inward, but we can be both at the same time. And I always remember that something really fun about the crab is they can tuck into their shell when they want to. And they can poke out of their shell and move around and have a lot of movement when they want to they can do both. And so cancer teaches us that we can be both inward and outward at the same time. And cancer inspires us to work with our inner world and work with our more private life and private self, or at least self that we might not always share with everybody else. And to also still feel free to show ourselves to those around us and to have a lot of movement in the outside world and within whoever and whatever we feel called to show up with ask for Solstice, it is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. It is usually the day of the year where the sun is out the longest. 

And for many, there is a big celebration of light that goes on. And I think there's many traditions and things that mark the solstice for a lot of people. years ago back when I lived in Anchorage, Alaska, I almost always wanted to go out and climb a mountain on Solstice, a lot of times it was flat top, which a lot of people climb. If you live in Alaska, maybe you've been up to flat top on the solstice, it can be like a big party up there. I remember one year climbing up there around 10 at night and Alaska is so cool in the summer, because it's the Land of the Midnight Sun. So the sun just kind of hangs in the sky all night and doesn't really go down or it gets a little bit dusky. But it never really gets dark. But that year for Solstice, somebody had hiked up a giant jumbo trampoline. And they've set it up on the top. And the fact that they held that thing up a mountain to have like a trampoline party, I was like my hat is off to whoever did that you are amazing. 

[18:10] Solstice, Full Moon, and Capricorn energy with a focus on celebration, foundation-building, and introspection.

That's a way to celebrate Solstice. So Solstice might not quite look like a giant trampoline on the top of a mountain for you. But I do think that energy kind of embodies the fun of it, and of being celebratory, and really looking at abundance and where's the light showing up in your life and just a celebration of light, and lightness and play. Enjoy. Now if you're in the southern hemisphere, then it's winter solstice for you, and things are flip flopped. 

And if you're listening to this podcast, then you might celebrate Winter Solstice by thinking about the return of the light and how this is the shortest day of the year for you and what have you learned as the light has dwindled? What are you looking forward to as the light promises to start growing again, and maybe just taking space to really tap into the cancer season energy and being and words and being introspective and thinking about what are the gifts of darkness? What are the gifts is stillness? What are the gifts when we go inside of ourselves and things slow down a little bit? So no matter where you're at in the world, I am wishing you a magical Solstice I always love solstices and I love equinox and I'm a celebration person I love the moon cycles like I love all of it. 

I love cyclical living. I love knowing what some of the big transits are and the dates are and living in rhythm with nature and honoring nature cycles and looking at how those themes apply to our lives like that is magical to me. So no matter where you live, I hope you find a way to make the solstice magical and to do so I'm hoping that honors the exchange of light and dark in your life and whatever that means to you. On June 22, we have a full moon and Capricorn. Capricorn is a sign of work foundations and distri. Full Moons are a time of celebration, completion abundance,

we celebrate what has come to fruition and what we've been growing, growing. And our lives, even as Completion can also signify time to release and let go and to say, I have completed my cycle on this and I release what I can't carry, or what I'm ready to shed to Mother moon right now. And I, you know, send it up to the love of the moon light. So it is just a wonderful time to celebrate living cyclically. And looking at both sides of abundance, which includes what we've grow in, and then what we're releasing so that we can continue to grow and continue to bring new things and, and Capricorn is an earth sign. 

[21:08] Reflect on what you've built over the last 6 months, and make shifts if needed, to align with the new cycle.

So there might be themes coming up for this Full Moon that have to do with the foundations of your life. What you're building in your life may be things having to do with roots and belonging and security. It could have to do with work and partnership and industry. Capricorn is the workhorse of the Zodiac, and is never afraid to roll up its sleeves and get to work and to just start building something and to make sure that everything is secure. And bringing that back into this idea of anchoring the light, it strikes me that Capricorn is a really nice reflective sign of this idea of anchoring the light.

 Capricorn asks us to look at not only how is the light anchoring in our life, but are we building a strong foundation to support ourselves and a strong foundation to support however, we feel called to share our light in this world. And if we see areas and our foundation where there's cracks or where they need a little bit of shoring up, how might we attend to that. 

And since every new moon to Full Moon is about a six month cycle, the New Moon in Capricorn was back in December of 2023. So you can also reflect on what have you been building over the last six months? And what's working with that? And is there anything that's not working that you're ready to make some shifts on? So we have a lot coming our way this June, I like the month of June, there's something about it that always feels really light. To me, it feels a little bit more fun. Maybe that's because it is Solstice month. I am in Hawaii. Now I live in the northern hemisphere.

 So it's always been summer solstice for me, but there's something about this energy that feels a little bit celebratory. So whatever your June brings for you, I hope you find ways to celebrate it. I hope that you have fun as you embark on this new cycle of what's next for you and play around a little bit with the metaphor of being a traveler through the year 2024. And you've just been given the clearance to move into this next phase and I hope that it is a beautiful June for you. I will be back next week with a new your heart magic. It is a talk story episode and we will be talking about the idea of rewilding our souls and what that means. So until next time, have a beautiful week. And be well be love. Be you and be magic.

You've been listening to your heart magic with Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright. Tune in next week for a new episode to support and empower your life

June's energy, including movement, completion, and healing.
Trusting the healing process and mapping out personal growth.
Gemini season, New Moon, and Solstice with insights on emotional intelligence, self-love, and nurturing relationships.
(Cont.) Gemini season, New Moon, and Solstice with insights on emotional intelligence, self-love, and nurturing relationships.
Solstice, Full Moon, and Capricorn energy with a focus on celebration, foundation-building, and introspection.
Reflect on what you've built over the last 6 months, and make shifts if needed, to align with the new cycle.