Your Heart Magic

The Magic of July: Akashic Energy Update

July 04, 2024 Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright Episode 77
The Magic of July: Akashic Energy Update
Your Heart Magic
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Your Heart Magic
The Magic of July: Akashic Energy Update
Jul 04, 2024 Episode 77
Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright

What do the Akashic Records have to say about the current energy as we move into the magical month of July?  How does this line up with the upcoming astrological and moon cycles? Why is this information increasingly relevant, and how can we feel empowered to work with energetic cycles?

Join Dr. BethAnne in today's episode, where we are diving into the upcoming month of July and exploring the energy forecast. Key talking points include: 

  • Energy update for the upcoming month: what to expect + how to navigate
  • The astrological archetypes of the month and upcoming moon magic
  • Spiritual perspectives and higher wisdom to support your path
  • Tools for harnessing, understanding, and working with the current energies

Tune in next week for a new Talk Story Time episode. New episodes of Your Heart Magic drop weekly each Thursday at 6pm HST.


Your Heart Magic is a space where heart wisdom, spirituality, and psychology meet. Enjoy episodes centered on mental health, spirituality, personal growth, healing, and well-being. Featured as one of the best Heart Energy and Akashic Records Podcasts in 2024 by PlayerFM and Globally Ranked in the top 5% in Listen Notes.

Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright is a Licensed Psychologist, Spiritual Coach and Educator, and Akashic Records Reader. She is the author of the Award-Winning Lamentations of the Sea, its sequels, and several books of poetry. A psychologist with a mystic mind, she weaves perspectives from both worlds to offer holistic wisdom.

If you’d like to explore what your Akashic Records have to share with you to guide you on your path at this time, you can find more about Akashic Magic Sessions HERE or Creative Soul Coaching HERE. Alternatively, sign up for the monthly newsletter Akashic Magic. Each month offers a unique perspective on the current energies along with intuitive writing prompts! Members enjoy a free gift— a complimentary copy of  Dr. BethAnne's book, Cranberry Dusk— upon signing up. 

STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Ranked in the top 5% of podcasts globally and winner of the 2022 Communicator Award...

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

What do the Akashic Records have to say about the current energy as we move into the magical month of July?  How does this line up with the upcoming astrological and moon cycles? Why is this information increasingly relevant, and how can we feel empowered to work with energetic cycles?

Join Dr. BethAnne in today's episode, where we are diving into the upcoming month of July and exploring the energy forecast. Key talking points include: 

  • Energy update for the upcoming month: what to expect + how to navigate
  • The astrological archetypes of the month and upcoming moon magic
  • Spiritual perspectives and higher wisdom to support your path
  • Tools for harnessing, understanding, and working with the current energies

Tune in next week for a new Talk Story Time episode. New episodes of Your Heart Magic drop weekly each Thursday at 6pm HST.


Your Heart Magic is a space where heart wisdom, spirituality, and psychology meet. Enjoy episodes centered on mental health, spirituality, personal growth, healing, and well-being. Featured as one of the best Heart Energy and Akashic Records Podcasts in 2024 by PlayerFM and Globally Ranked in the top 5% in Listen Notes.

Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright is a Licensed Psychologist, Spiritual Coach and Educator, and Akashic Records Reader. She is the author of the Award-Winning Lamentations of the Sea, its sequels, and several books of poetry. A psychologist with a mystic mind, she weaves perspectives from both worlds to offer holistic wisdom.

If you’d like to explore what your Akashic Records have to share with you to guide you on your path at this time, you can find more about Akashic Magic Sessions HERE or Creative Soul Coaching HERE. Alternatively, sign up for the monthly newsletter Akashic Magic. Each month offers a unique perspective on the current energies along with intuitive writing prompts! Members enjoy a free gift— a complimentary copy of  Dr. BethAnne's book, Cranberry Dusk— upon signing up. 

STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Ranked in the top 5% of podcasts globally and winner of the 2022 Communicator Award...

Listen on: Apple Podcasts   Spotify







Below is a transcript of the episode as generated by (*please note, this transcript has only been edited to put in line breaks for easier readability and may contain errors where a word or phrase got lost in transcription.)

[0:13] Akashic energy update for July 2024, featuring a new start and renewal.

Aloha and welcome to Your Heart magic, an illuminating space where psychology, spirituality and heart wisdom. Meet. Here's your host, Dr bethanne kapansky Wright, the clinical psychologist with a mystic mind.

Aloha, everybody. Welcome to Your Heart magic. This is Dr bethanne kapansky Wright, and we are jump starting July with an Akashic Energy Update on your heart magic. I always do an episode on the first Thursday of a new month where we look at what do the Akashic records have to say for the month ahead? What's the energy? And then weaving in a little bit of Moon magic. And when do the new moon and the full moon fall, and a couple astrological insights as well, and anything else that wants to come through. 

So the Akashic Records called the month of July regeneration, and it was a month where there was a sense that everybody will be given a brand new start. And the way that this came through in the records was so delightful. I saw this image of somebody going to bed after a long day, and they woke up the next morning, and it was almost like something magical changed in the night. 

If you've ever had an experience where, for no particular reason, you wake up and everything feels lighter. It feels brighter. Maybe you got a amazingly good night's sleep, and it's a weekend or a day off, and so you feel really excited about the day ahead, or maybe you're on vacation, and you feel really restored and rejuvenated, and you just wake up with this pep in your step, and the world feels full of possibilities, and there's a bright energy to it. 

There's a sense of renewal. And we might have that feeling that anything is possible, magical things are waiting to happen. That was the energy for July of 2024 and I never know what the Akashic records is going to have for us when I open up the monthly energy, but I love receiving the months where the energy just feels so bright and optimistic. And there's a bit of a continuation going on from June of this year, where the Akashic Record said that there was this collective wave of momentum and good energy that was coming through, and that June was this month of everything is cleared. You get a stamp on your passport. 

You've made it through the first five months of 2024 now you're into the six month June, and you are cleared to go past the gate and you're gonna chart your course and see what's in this new land, right? What's in this new country that you've landed in. They gave us all these really fun travel metaphors and this sense of starting out on a great adventure, and July continues that energy. 

And what it felt like was that June is the forward to a story. That if we were reading a new book or writing a new book, sometimes an author will put some kind of a preface or forward or an introduction before they do chapter one. And so sometimes it's this arc or narration that sets the tone. It gives the reader an idea of what's to come. There can be a sense of premonition or excitement, depending on the kind of story that you're reading about. And then you really get going with the story, and you take that first step, and you get into the first chapter and start to find out what's the story about. 

[4:06] Receiving inspired ideas and taking action.

And that is how July feels. It feels like June was the Preface. July is chapter one, and I had just so many images and their records were coming through that were talking about beginnings, inspirations. And so what it felt like this month is that we might feel very inspired to start something new. We might feel life coming back to something that we thought was dead in the water.
There was this beautiful image and the records of seeing a whole bunch of boats out on the water, and there was no wind, a bunch of sailboats, like a regatta or something like that, and out of nowhere, like the wind, finally started moving again, and so the sails open up, and everybody is suddenly able to move and start to go forward in their journey. 

Journey, and it felt like that was this beautiful metaphor for how we might feel in our own individual boat of self, and that there will be a sense of inspiration coming our way, and that's going to vary how that translates to you based on who you are and what you're working on in your life right now, what goals you have or might come through for something tangible, a creative project. It might be a relationship. It could be something career wise, it could be just there's so many ways that this might show up. 

But again, there was this idea of newfound inspiration or something that feels like it's been at a standstill, or you thought that you were done with something, and it gets this second burst of energy, gets this comeback, kind of regeneration, resurrection, sort of energy. So there was this wonderful energy for the entire month of July, and it felt like June had this huge swelling of momentum, and that it starts to level out some in July, I didn't get a sense of it dissipating so much as it dispersing, so that it wouldn't quite feel so intense all at once, but that it would be dispersed throughout the entire month. 

And the way that I felt the inspiration coming through was like popcorn popping in a microwavable bag or in an old fashioned popcorn maker, that there would be these kernels of ideas and insights that would just pop in your mind and make a light bulb going off. You would have this sense of, Oh, I really want to try this? Or, Oh, I've been trying to solve this problem, and I just saw my solution to it. Or it could even be something simple, where you're looking for the perfect place to go to dinner on a Friday night with your friends. 

And you think you've tried everywhere, and you are racking your brain for, is there some place new or some hidden little gem that we haven't gone to in a while, that we've forgotten about, and then the light bulb just goes off and it's like, oh yeah, we haven't gone to here in forever. I've heard such great things about it. Let's go there so it could come through in big ways. It could come through in small ways. We can just stay open to it. But what the records recommended was actually writing stuff down as it comes through. 

And I saw somebody like pulling a notebook out of their pocket and making these little bullet point notes every time they get a great idea. And the idea behind that was just capture it that if you have something come through, make a note in your phone or make a note in your journal, just write down an idea list, and it felt like this is the bucket list for the second half of 2024 and the records are really clear to say that this is not a bucket list of, like, here's all the things I want to do before I die, not in like, the grandiose bucket sense kind of way, but more doable things that you really want to hone your energy and focus on accomplishing, or achieving or trying to manifest before the end of 2024.
And when I asked about, how do we best navigate the energy this month, one of my favorite things that came through in July's message was this gorgeous guidance from the records to not only write down the ideas that come through, but to think about making a plan, so that when we get the idea, we have a sense of what's the next Step.  

And it didn't have to be the next 10 steps of a plan. It was more the idea that what a gift to receive, an inspired idea, right? Like, think about how many times that we're sitting dead in the water, or the wind does not feel like it's stirring our sails, and things feel a little bit more mundane, or we're just going about ordinary life, and we have to work a little bit harder to see the magic or define that inspiration. 

So when inspiration is flowing in a more natural way, and it's happening collectively, and when something's happening for several of us all at once, that energy kind of riffs off of each other and builds and there's a collective wave that happens for many of us. I love that, but when we have those bigger, inspirational, energetic months to think about what a gift it is to receive an inspired idea, and if it's coming into your mind and it's hitting your heart, then it is something that is meant for you to bring out into the world, into some shape or form. You're the only one who can take that grounded step and who can do something to make it happen. 

So there was this sense of you don't have to be responsible for the inspired idea. Let. Us take care of that. You just stay open and see when it hits you. But the onus of taking that step, of figuring out, what do I need to do next, it's on us. And that felt lighthearted, that didn't feel like you have to do some big, huge, heavy thing. It was just a reminder that if we want to create the path of inspiration, we stay open for it, and then when inspiration hits us, we look at what's a step that I could take to move the energy in the direction of this idea that I just received. 

And the records gave a almost like a layer cake, a multi tiered guidance system for how we might think about inspired ideas this month. And first they said, When you receive ideas, find the things that feel really doable and come down to your own devices, like you are the one who decides I want to try this new restaurant, or I'm going to I've always wanted to write a book, and I'm going to do an outline. 

[11:03] Manifestation, writing, and creativity with spiritual insights. 

If nothing else, I will get an outline. I'm going to write all my ideas down and do a few chapter ideas, something that you don't need a lot of help with. You don't necessarily need much luck or magic. You just have to take that idea and designate a time, sit down and make it happen. 

And so they said there was something about that energy where we can manifest it within our immediacy, and we can just use our determination and our capability that is really good for us. It gives us such a sense of self satisfaction and competency, and just feels really good when we realize how amazing and capable we are and how much we actually can accomplish, when we just decide to follow through and to stay with something. 

So they said, Write those ideas down and then to stay open for ideas that we need a little bit of help. We need a little bit of luck on our side, we need the right timing. Maybe we need spirit to inspire us or to help us with something. So let's say that instead of writing down the outline for a book, you think, Well, I really want to write a chapter, but I'm super busy, and it's very hard for me to carve out that time, and so I'm going to need spirit to help me clear space. 

And maybe you open yourself up to spirit and you say, okay, spirit, I am committing that I am going to write a chapter by October, but I need a little bit of help. Help me to find a weekend where some of my commitments just evaporate, or I can just feel that that's the right timing so that I can get it done then, and I can get going. It could be anything that we call on Spirit for help, or we need to ask somebody. 

Maybe, in that case, you might ask a partner or ask somebody else, can you take these responsibilities so that I have this clear day we might ask for what we need, something that we need to remember that we're in a co creative relationship with spirit, with each other, with our collaborations and our partnerships, and that there was something about remembering that sometimes we cannot do it all on our own. We need a little bit of help from our real life friends and from our spirit friends, our imaginary friends, our intangible friends, I should say. And there's something about that CO creativity and CO collaboration that's really good for us to remember. 

And then the third tier of this kind of triple fold cake of dreams and possibilities and writing our ideas down is to write the big ones that feel like we would need something a bit more magical and miraculous, something that feels a little bit out of reach, like I want to write a book and I want to finish it by the end of the year, and you haven't even started yet, something that you could strive for, or that you would really need to open and call in some serious manifestation magic. 

And they said it, it doesn't have to be something that feels impossible, like if you've never written anything, but that that would be the big goal. And you don't think it's doable by the end of the year, maybe you put it out there anyways and say, if nothing else, I want to get a chapter done. And I'd like to get a couple chapters done before a year's end. 

But if I could have a full rough draft and have the whole thing written, that would be my miracle. That would feel amazing. So you would ask for that. You might not say I want to write five books before the end of the year, like make it something that you have to stretch for, but that doesn't feel so outside of the realm of possibility that you can't energetically align with the intention. 

That is one of the ideas behind when we're working on manifestation, we want to be able to align with it. So if it feels so far out there that we can't believe it could ever be possible, it is harder for us to line up our. Energy with that vision so reach beyond what you can grasp, but just far enough that you could kind of see it. It would be a stretch. And they said that is so good for reminding us to always stay open to expanded possibilities and to always remember miracles happen. 

Magic happens when we set an intention and a goal for something bigger to happen. If we continue to focus on that and believe it can happen, the more likely it is that the path will line up for us to achieve that, and magic and luck and blessings can pour in to support us in doing that. So amazing energy from the Akashic records for the month of July. 

July opens in cancer season. Cancer is the energy of it's the water sign. It is the crab. It is about nurturing and our inner world, intuition, relationships, emotions. Cancer is also the archetype of the Great Mother and the Cosmic Womb. So whenever I think of cancer season, especially the Cancer New Moon, which is happening on July 5, I always think about, what am I origining in my life right now? And that beautifully parallels with the energy of the Akashic records, where they said July is a month of Genesis and regeneration. 

[16: 40] Aligning emotions and intuition for personal growth and manifestation.

So the astrology is right there, supporting the Akashic energy. And on July 5, on this new moon, and in cancer season, it's a really beautiful time to think about, what new beginnings. Are you nurturing in your life? What seeds are you planting? What might you be reinventing or rebirthing? 

And how can that come from a place that feels authentic to your heart, authentic to your inner world, your emotional self cancers everything about our hearts and our inner world and our emotional body, and when we are in alignment with our feelings, when we are working with our feelings constructively and learning the wisdom in them, and learning how our feelings help reveal more of our heart wisdom and our authenticity, Then we make sure that the seeds that we're planting are in alignment with the desires of our heart and line up with the things that light us up and are in flow with our intuitive self and our inner self. 

And then we have a Full Moon in Capricorn coming up on july 21 and what I love about the moons this month is when we think about using a new moon to plant seeds, to get a restart, to look at what we're beginning and we look at that from the perspective of cancer's energy, of being in our intuition, being in alignment with our emotions staying true to who we are, creating the things that feel like a home for us and that create a sense of nurturing in the world, a sense of love and compassion and self love. That is everything that's being planted on the new moon, and then the Full Moon in Capricorn is all about what we're building. 

And so we're planting these seeds on the new moon that have this really yummy, juicy heart based intuitive stuff to them. The origins of those seeds are coming from our heart and coming from that beautiful emotional, intuitive, cancer energy. And then Capricorn is how are those seeds growing? Because Capricorn is the builder. Capricorn is the material manifestation and building strong foundations. 

And even though Capricorn and cancer are at opposites of the Zodiac, they can work together when we are in alignment with our inner world, and we're making sure that what we're building reflects what is in keeping with our heart and what is in keeping with our soulful self. And so we get to see on the Capricorn Full Moon some of the fruits that start to come from those seeds. 

This is also the second Capricorn Full Moon this summer. There was one earlier at the end of June, on June 21 right after Solstice. And so I think whenever a full moon falls twice in one sign, there's this, like extra, extra, like double energy of it. 

And so you might reflect back to what was going on for you on the 21st
What was that full moon? About what came into manifestation? What abundance was there? And how is the full moon on july 21 and Capricorn building on that? Is there a completion of something? Is there a continuation of something? 

As you look at this greater story that you're writing, what would you. Say, has been the big arc, or the big theme of the last month, from Full Moon and Capricorn to full moon and Capricorn, and just looking at that as a way to gain intuitive insights about your life and continue to set the path for the energy in August and for the next new moon. 

[20:18] Moon cycles and welcome to Leo season.

Because, as all of you know, even though we celebrate completion on a full moon and we plant our seeds on a new moon, the story is always ongoing. We are always in the cyclical living where something's completing is something's beginning and it's all overlapping. And so we work with that by looking at the bigger arcs and themes that move us from one moon cycle to the next, and reflect on what's changed from that moon to the next. 

What is changing in us? How are we understanding ourselves differently? What new inspirations have shown up? What new steps have we been given? And we see our growth that way, and sometimes we see the nuances of growth that we might miss if we weren't taking the time to really look at the small subtleties of how we're changing season to season and Moon to moon. 

July ends with Leo season. Leo season starts on July 22 I am a Leo. My birthday is on july 27 so I love myself. Leo season. Leo is all about the heart. It is all about courage and loyalty, and Leo is connected to the sun. Leo asked us to step into the spotlight of our own life and shine in the ways that we feel called and sometimes that might be in a way that is more public. 

Sometimes it might be in a way that we do it more gently, and it is just stepping into a fuller expression of ourselves. There is no right or wrong way to shine. We all do it in our own way and our own timing, but I love the idea of stepping into our fullness, stepping into the light, thinking about what lights us up, and how am I moving in the world right now in a way that reflects that light in my heart, and I'm able to share that or show that, or demonstrate that somehow to others. 

So July starts with this beautiful, cosmic mother, cancer, energy and all this regeneration and beginnings, and it ends with being in the heart and stepping out into the light and becoming a fuller expression of ourself. So beautiful energy for the month ahead, I'm so excited to go live it and to experience the gifts that July has in store for us. 

I will be back here next week with a talk, story time episode, and in the meantime, thank you so much for joining me for your heart magic podcast. Have an absolutely amazing week. Happy July to you. Be well. Be Love. Be you and be magic.

You've been listening to your heart magic with Dr bethanne. Kapansky Wright, tune in next week for a new episode to support and empower your light.

Akashic energy update for July 2024, featuring a new start and renewal
Receiving inspired ideas and taking action.
(Cont.) Receiving inspired ideas and taking action.
Manifestation, writing, and creativity with spiritual insights.
Aligning emotions and intuition for personal growth and manifestation.
Moon cycles and welcome to Leo season.