Journey to Marriage - A Show for Catholic Couples

How To Create Space In A Relationship

September 06, 2022 (Raphy Feolino) Season 2 Episode 335

Hey there! Thank you so much for listening to this episode. Do share us your thoughts or breakthroughs with us by DM’ing us on Instagram @journeytomarriage!

Secondly, we’d love to give you a FREE gift for being a loyal listener for our podcast. It’s called “A Simple Guide To Discerning & Preparing For A Holy & Thriving Marriage.”

We made this FREE guide specifically for helping young adult Catholics successfully navigate their journey to marriage with more clarity, confidence, and peace!

Download your FREE gift here:

Lastly, if you desire to transform the way you communicate in your relationship, so you can finally share your true desires and feelings to your partner, without having to nag, demand, or cause more conflict…

Grab Your Pass  To The Holy Couples Communication Workshop: