Baby Baking & Kid Raising

Episode 12: Diet and supplements - the effect on fertility

Aliza Carr and Joseph Sgroi Season 1 Episode 12

In today’s episode we are sitting down with Stefanie Valakas, a dietician and nutritionist who specialises in reproductive health, fertility and pregnancy. Stef owns the incredible virtual nutritionist practice, The Dietologist, where her and her team guide, empower and educate families through their journey to parenthood. Stef also talks us through her own recent journey where she chose to freeze her eggs at just 27 years old. 

Topics we cover are:

  • Can we impact our egg and sperm quality through what we eat? 
  • How can diet effect fertility and what does the evidence say around best dietary practices?
  • How do you support couples with IVF and fertility through diet and supplementation? 
  • Why did you as a 27 year old, choose to freeze your eggs? What did this process look like? 
  • How does PCOS and endometriosis impact fertility, and what can we do holistically to support these conditions

This episode is sponsored by Eugene Labs, a game changing Australian company that specialises in genetic carrier testing. 

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Please note that the information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider regarding your own pregnancy, birth and health conditions.

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Find Aliza at @bumpnbub and Dr Joe at @drjosephsgroi

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