Baby Baking & Kid Raising

Chatting all things Hypnotherapy with Hypnotherapist, Tanja

Aliza Carr and Joseph Sgroi Season 3 Episode 1

In today's episode we are sitting down with Tanja, a Hypnotherapist who primarily works with women in the context of working through stress, fertility, IVF and health issues as well as subconscious beliefs and reprogramming trauma. This is a topic that neither of us knew much about, but something we are so interested to learn more about. 

Some of the questions we asked Tanja include:

  1. What is hypnotherapy and how does it work? 
  2. What first got you interested in this work? We know you didn’t have an easy time on your journey with parenthood, is this what promoted this amazing work?
  3. What kind of issues or concerns are you generally working through with women or families? 
  4. Can everyone benefit from hypnotherapy? 
  5. Do people need to be open to it before commencing?

Connect with Tanja at or book a session at

Please note that the information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider regarding your own pregnancy, birth and health conditions.

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Find Aliza at @bumpnbub and Dr Joe at @drjosephsgroi

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