Baby Baking & Kid Raising

Overcoming isolation in parenting: How to build your village

Aliza Carr and Joseph Sgroi Season 3 Episode 3

In today's episode we are sitting down with two incredible women, Ariel and Keshia, both mums of three children and business owners of the newly launched From Day One. On this podcast, and recently in broader society, we are talking a lot more about the village that women need and deserve, that they often don’t have. Women have never been more isolated in their parenting journey and you have both set out to change this - a very ambitious and incredible goal. 

From Day One facilitates Mother's Groups, Play Dates, events, access to support via specialists and a drop in space for mums to use as a home away from home during the first 12 months post-birth. 

Here are some of the questions we asked them:

  1. How did the idea of From Day one come about? 
  2. How did you start going about changing the landscape of something so huge but also so impactful? 
  3. What are the main themes you find in facilitating From Day One?
  4. How do you start with building out a place to fulfil the needs of mums, whilst also trying to make it a sustainable and profitable business? 

You can learn more about From Day One here

Please note that the information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider regarding your own pregnancy, birth and health conditions.

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Find Aliza at @bumpnbub and Dr Joe at @drjosephsgroi

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