How To Be WellnStrong

53: Healing Chronic Illness with Frequency Medicine | Dr. Chris Motley, DC, DABCA

Jacqueline Genova Episode 53

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Joining me today is Dr. Chris Motley, a Doctor of Chiropractic and a certified practitioner in acupuncture, applied kinesiology, clinical kinesiology, and liver methylation therapy. Based in Nashville, Tennessee, Dr. Motley treats patients in-person and through virtual consultations worldwide. Dr. Motley's treatment approach integrates various modalities. He employs Chinese Medicine, bio-resonance therapy, herbal remedies, emotional processing, cranial therapy, and kinesiology techniques. In this episode, Dr. Motley and I discuss unique forms of therapy like frequency medicine that are used to address complex health issues such as Lyme disease, parasites, and chronic viral infections. We also discuss how emotions can influence the onset and trajectory of diseases, and the importance of optimizing our detox pathways to maintain optimal health. 

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*Unedited Transcript*


Dr. Chris Motley: I'm doing well. I'm doing well. How's, uh, how's the day treating and where are you? Where are you located

Jacqueline: I, I'm in Greenville, South Carolina. I was about to ask you the same thing. 

Dr. Chris Motley: Yeah. I'm in Nashville. 

Jacqueline: I actually moved here two years ago, um, from Boston. So I'm a, I'm a northerner. My family's in New Jersey. I went to college in Boston, stayed there for a few years after graduation, and then decided to venture down south about two years ago. So I'm still relatively new, you could say.

Dr. Chris Motley: Wow. Yeah, yeah. Boston. Yeah. It's,

Jacqueline: Big change.

Dr. Chris Motley: yeah, it's a big change. Do you like it? You like it pretty

Jacqueline: I do. I do. The people are so much friendlier. Um, there's more, I feel like, outdoorsy things. I mean, the Swamp Rabbit Trail here in Greenville is, I don't know if you remember that,

Dr. Chris Motley: I love to go back. I, I, 

Jacqueline: you should come visit Dr. Motley. I'll be here. So let me know.

Dr. Chris Motley: I'll let you know. I mean, I, I really do get like, I was supposed to go see court. She does like some [00:01:00] of the podcasting with me, you know, in courts out in Charleston. And then, um, but I'm saying like sometimes I come out there, I have to do like North Carolina go out there sometimes for, um, acupuncture, 

um, training. So yeah, it's, it's, um, yeah. It's cool though. 

So, well, I'm happy for you, and I'm glad you allowed me to come on your show, and I really it. I, um, you know, I, I talked to Josh. Josh came in, yes, two days ago?

Jacqueline: Oh nice.

Dr. Chris Motley: Josh was in town for his mastermind. I'm part of his mastermind, but I didn't get to go because I just, I see it's so busy.

I told him, like, man, to schedule off two days off work with patient load,

Ain't no way. I mean, but it was good to see him and you know, and I just talked to Jordan Rubin He used to do like him and Josh friends. I talked with them yesterday and just good to catch up, you

Jacqueline: I love that. Well, this is an honor for me. I had Dr. Axe on and now I have you, two of my favorite people. So I'm Truly though, it's, it's true. I've been, I've been following your, your work and listening to you and Courtney on [00:02:00] Ancient Nutrition Podcast for years. So I feel like I know much more about you than you know about me,


Dr. Chris Motley: probably do probably not much of a goofball am so if I if I go into goofball them right now I'm so sorry, but yeah,

Jacqueline: no, I'm a, I'm a huge fan of all of your work. And quite honestly, Dr. Motley, it was a struggle for me to narrow down what I wanted to focus our conversation around. So I hope you don't mind, but we are going to be jumping around a bit, but I promise it's It all relates as you, as you very well know.

Dr. Chris Motley: Totally. Yeah. You let me know. I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm easy breezy. Like hopefully I can give you some good answers or good thoughts. I just like a good conversation. I don't want it to be like one, but

Jacqueline: a hundred percent. No, I'm the same way. And I don't know if you had a chance to check out WellnStrong too, but, um, it started out as a blog back in 2020 and I started this podcast a year ago in May. So it's been exactly a year, Dr.

Motley, that I've been doing this and I'm still a novice, but I've been enjoying it so much. It's just, An incredible way to, you know, speak with people like yourself whom I've admired for so [00:03:00] long. And it's, it's been so much fun.

Dr. Chris Motley: it is, it's a, it's an experience to take a blog and take your written word and realize how much therapy it can be for yourself. 

Like I, I find that You actually, people say you find yourself, but really is there some deeper caverns in your heart that you go, I never thought I thought about life that way, until somebody told me.

Or until I wrote it, that's how I felt. And I'm like, huh, and that's how the podcast, you know, cause Josh is doing a lot more podcasting on like his part and then we're doing ours and I'm like, there's parts of it that they want me to do some of my own stuff and I may do it, you know, and, um, but I'm here at the office all day, you know, working,

Jacqueline: You should. I'm just amazed. I always learn. There's always something new I'm learning from you. Like it's just, it's, there's no truly that, like there's always something, so you're just a wealth of information. I, Highly encourage you to do that. 

Dr. Chris Motley: Oh, I appreciate it. I, I just, sometimes I wonder, I'm like, am I just giving out a whole bunch of, you know, [00:04:00] useless facts or figures or something, but there's part of it that it's like, how can you make things practical, you know? I think it's all about investigation. We do podcasts. I think

that, you know, if I can't quote, solve the problem, I'd rather be able to give you information that lets you lead you to the person.

And that's my goal. That's what I do here at the office. I mean, I, I work on a lot of things. 

Jacqueline: That's, that's the mission of my platform is to encourage readers to be advocates of their own health. And you do that through empowering them with knowledge. Right?

Dr. Chris Motley: that is exactly right.

Jacqueline: the more facts they have, the better.

Dr. Chris Motley: and I, you know, I, I could say something like one time, like you see it all the time, right? You write a blog and sometimes you're like, well, I wonder what this is going to do. And then you'll get like six people that says, Oh my word, that that's what I needed as opposed to, I want a thousand of them to saying that, and you're like, no.

That six, one of those six people, it changed their lives and I'm like, I got to remember that 

Jacqueline: Yeah. That's why we do what we do. That's why I love connecting with people in the health space. 

Dr. Chris Motley: yeah, you keep doing it. You got a gentle heart. You just keep doing it and keep rolling with it. 


Jacqueline: [00:05:00] no I appreciate that. Well, I'd love to first start in asking you how you found yourself in this very unique space of employing practices like frequency healing and Chinese medicine when it comes to treating patients and really assessing the root cause of disease.

Dr. Chris Motley: that's a good question. I love frequency medicine and I'll tell you my first introduction to it and most people may not know this, but there are um, Machines that really can measure the frequency off of individuals and I say measure them, but you can take the person's voltage from their skin. Okay, so you have electricity running through you.

And that voltage can put off different amounts of electromagnetic waves and biofields around the body. When I got into it, I didn't necessarily know what that was. Um, my dad had a friend that had a radionics machine. Now, if you. [00:06:00] Tell individuals and people who are listening today would be like, what in the world are you talking about?

There's a really cool website called Kelly research tech. It's like actually the machines that can, uh, they're called radionics machines. Now, some people love the idea of using radio waves to actually measure frequencies off the body. Some people don't, but the biggest thing was this, my dad's friend who was, and I would say this, he was a guy just from the South.

And I'm not saying that, you know, he was a Southern man that just, you wouldn't expect him to know anything about frequency medicine, but he had gallbladder issues. And he had a gentleman come to his church and he had this machine and with the machine he said he used the frequencies from the machine to help his gallbladder heal. I was like, what are we talking about? And then my dad had liver issues. Like my dad had gone to the emergency room because what we found out eventually was that my dad had really bad liver flukes. He had tons of parasites in his liver and he had a lot of sugar handling issues. But my dad was able to help his liver by using a machine.

Now, this is the kicker [00:07:00] at the time. I didn't really know what that was. And I was like, man, you can use somebody's voice imprint. They're literally their voice signature to get an idea of what's going on in the body and fast forward. So the listeners don't get bored out of their minds. But when you start to look into, um, that kind of, um, framework, you think we're more than just the structure.

We have more electricity and information running through our system. And that's what Really intrigues me. So when I got into this space, I was going to chiropractic school. I had gotten to a car wreck Literally two weeks before I went to school two weeks got rear ended really bad go to school My neck would not stay in place.

Like I was having like great i'm having migraines Before I go to chiropractic school start getting my uh, getting chiropractic care, which is great But my c1 c2 vertebra kept slipping out of alignment. I know many people out there go. That's me. That's what's happening Well get this I go to school first month three months and i'm you have a clinician So you have somebody take care of you, but my neck would keep going out [00:08:00] One of my friends up the street did this form of kinesiology that we do here at the office.

My mentor, Dr. Dowdy, uses different devices called biofeedback to measure certain frequencies that come off the body. Well, my friend, Brian, uh, Steve, his last name is Brian, but he goes, Hey, I want you to try this technique. He goes up to, he, he takes me to, um, the clinic, but he's treating me off site. And so, he, uh, looks at me and he's like, Well, your neck problem's not really your neck, it's really your gallbladder.

And I was like, What do you mean my gallbladder? And, um, Chinese medicine, he says, on this area, if you look at the Chinese medicine chart, and people who are watching, it starts at the edge of the eye, and it goes around the ear, the meridian line, and goes down through the shoulders and through the neck.

But, it goes right through the neck and through the TMJ. And I always had tight TMJ. Always my whole life. So he worked on that through two days. Maybe the second third day. I had like rigor mortis My body went this tightness. I was like, oh my word. This is crazy I'm feeling all this stuff drainage and I was sleeping 13 [00:09:00] hours at a night.

I never sleep that long Maybe six seven hours and I woke up the third day and my neck felt so good. I was like, oh my goodness I was like moving my neck around. I was like, huh frequency medicine and then I was like wait and so if you tell me that I'm if I was gonna go to school and no You No, the word knock on anybody that's doing a certain technique.

But if all I had to do was just keep kind of like just doing the same routine on patients all day, every day, I couldn't do that. I'm just not wired like that. And when I started to learn that you can measure frequencies off the body and utilize different areas to find out what it is, like you could find out it was parasites, yeast, mold, viruses, fungus.

It could be a structural misalignment that leads to your pancreas being out of alignment, or that pancreas has a worry conflict that's with your mother and you've, you've gained through genetics and you think. I could get a parasite because my, my, my pancreas is weak because my mom's genetic coding. Yes, that stuff intrigued me.

And so with all that to say, Jacqueline, when I learned that I [00:10:00] started to work on people in the office, in the, um, clinic. And if you see some of the people that come into the office every day here, um, finding the frequencies, like for instance, and I'll, I'll let you jump in. I'm taking over too much, but when you.

When you look into somebody who has like chronic neck issues, like I just got done working on a patient this morning before we jumped on here. And if I would have gone the normal route, which is great, you know, we do x rays which are needed and you know, you have to have certain types of examination.

Every time we'd work on the lymph nodes around the throat and work on the meridian system around the TMJ, which is gallbladder and small intestine, she would like just overall, and she's like, Sometimes she feels really great. She goes, I'm getting really, I'm feeling really toxic. But with the biofeedback, I go in and check the neurological tooth.

I go check the current around the teeth and I'm like, Oh my goodness, these areas are really lit up. You need to go to a biological dentist. Goes there three out of the four areas where she had wisdom teeth full of infections.

All cavitations. Now, if it was just me, you [00:11:00] know, you know, as well as I do, you study cavitations, you go, well, Oh, it's just neck pain.

And you're going to live with it for the rest of your life. You're like, no, as long as you have that. And I didn't find the frequency off of it. She just stay in pain.

Jacqueline: Hmm.

Dr. Chris Motley: So I'm thankful that frequency medicine, people say, what's frequency medicine, literally taking the biofield and the current off the skin and learning how it's digitized.

Like how can we get a representation to a number and then finding that frequency range. Like let's say from 400 to 420 little microhertz like you thinking what does this all mean certain infections live in those ranges and if you can identify that they are in that frequency range in a certain area of the body, you can estimate that there is an infection probably that lives in that frequency range in that area.

Does that make sense? So, oh, they're in 420 and I'm like, uh, they got yeast.

Jacqueline: Yeah.

Dr. Chris Motley: That makes sense. So I hope that was a big long caveat to guys get into frequency medicine. It's the wave of the future and you know you I'm [00:12:00] talking a lot now guys But just think about it certain even certain places and hospitals around the country use ultraviolet lights, right?

they literally flash light to kill off infection and the beauty of it is this I You can take a light source and you can use that to disrupt the metabolism of a bacteria

That is amazing to me. Like, you know, and that's just the, that's just hitting the edge. I think that we're on the brink of more frequency medicine.

The other part of it is I think that they're going to try to monetize it and that's why they're going to make it. They could, I'm not going to go into that realm, but

Jacqueline: that could be a whole conversation in itself, Dr. Motley. But the thing I love is I feel like all of the quote unquote like hot areas that us folks in the holistic and alternative space are talking about now, it'll probably take another decade or so before like conventional medicine actually.

It kind of jumps on the train and it actually starts to explore it. But I mean, this stuff, it's, it's ancient. It really is ancient. And I think the technology now is evolved such that we can actually see there is [00:13:00] truth to it. And I had a Dr. Tony Jimenez, I don't know if that name rings a

Dr. Chris Motley: does ring a bell.

Jacqueline: He founded the Hope for Cancer clinics.

I had him on the show, I don't know, a month or so ago. And one of the most interesting parts of our conversation was when he was talking about the frequency of a cancer cell and how you can actually measure it. And just the energy around it, it's dark and you know when you expose it to light and oxidation and it, it dies and I just think like that's a whole other aspect of cancer, right?

That we, you know, that folks don't necessarily really think about and it's just, it's so fascinating.

Dr. Chris Motley: It is, it's like when you think about how, um, cells have certain vibrations, and vibrations will emit certain wavelengths, and, and he's like, it's, it's devoid of certain colors, 

and certain cells have certain wavelength patterns, but remember, if wavelengths can actually be shortened, They'll create sound

Jacqueline: Exactly.

Dr. Chris Motley: and it's if you're in cancer form, you know like you say anything like you could have high amounts of bacteria [00:14:00] strep or cancer cell and They're having a certain vibrational pattern and that influences the area around it Like you just said like it could be darkness Can that be in a spiritual aspect of saying because it make the whole body dark could I would suspect so and I think that's why you know, I love to hear that conversation because The more and more I study about vibrational patterns and tones from certain types of cells, uh, it's even more interesting.

It's that if you create a sound or use a let w a wavelength, it's just like music. They call it the out of phase, right? If you take one wavelength and across and overlay it with another pattern that's the complete opposite of the wave, you'll cancel. So it can work that way, you know? Or you can take a wavelength or light pattern and actually amplify the signature so high that it pops the cell open.

Jacqueline: yeah,

Dr. Chris Motley: And that's less invasive than doing like too much chemical intervention, too much radioactive intervention. And I'm no [00:15:00] way I'm knocking anybody that does those. So please know that, but 

it is interesting though. Isn't it?

Jacqueline: I love I love that you touched on that. So I mean again, we could chat for hours But just on this topic I was with I was with my mom for the past several weeks just doing a bunch of different complementary and alternative therapies for cancer and I She basically did a lot of these machines for the first time.

She did the Rife machine, which I'm sure you've heard about. Um, and she also got to experience, and I did as well, um, one device. It was like super tuning colors and bio cybernetics, which basically consisted of a series of different sounds and colors to super tune areas of your body. So I like, Would touch this, this device and on the computer, I would show all the areas of my body that were quote unquote out of balance or deficient.

And then for an hour, Dr Motley, I would just sit there with headphones on and be listening to different sound frequencies and have different. You know, light patterns on my [00:16:00] forehead and like, and it was incredible. And after that experience, I mean, I, whether it was placebo or not, I felt so much better.

But then when you actually read into the science behind it and you hear conversations like ours, you realize there's actually a lot going on beneath the surface of these simple modalities, you know.

Dr. Chris Motley: it, it, it is. It's, it's. I love like when you say you touch that and I think people are going, what, what are you guys talking about? But like, you always say like the visible spectrum is Roy G. Bibb, remember we live in that and like the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. And, and they say like the chakras in certain areas of the body.

And I can get into that and people think it's not unusual to me. It's not. When you look and say how well a color can represent or the vibrational pattern, but in it cool, like in Chinese medicine, like the red would be the, the, the fire element, like what brings metabolism, what makes you have a lot of energy and that's at the very root of the body near the testicles near the ovaries.

That's where you're going to get your fire. A lot of your mitochondria, but if you move up and it goes to like. The [00:17:00] green area, right in the middle of the area where it's like near your, your gallbladder and liver. It's like, what is bio colored? Green. You go to the stomach. What is chime? And what is chime?

It's like yellow. And see, you know what I mean? And then you think you could use a light source, a color to find out if you're actually in production of the fluid that would make you actually healthy. And, and people are thinking that's odd and unusual. I'm like, not at all. It's like kind of simplistic in some way,


Jacqueline: is. Yeah. Yeah. So, so interesting. And I've also, yeah, you, you would have loved this room. It was basically filled with all these different machines. Most of them from Germany and they were all just, yeah, 

Dr. Chris Motley: So it's, yeah. Yes. Cybernetics like, because, um, I, have you ever heard of Cosenta? It's a place down in Arizona. And one of my patients said they had a similar device, but he had Lyme disease so bad that when he, he had, he had got parasites when he was 12. And it was so bad, Jacqueline, that it fused his bones in his elbows.

And he was, and he got stem cells and helped [00:18:00] him out. But like, you know, if your mother went through those sicknesses and you see how much they decline, but he went there and they're doing different light sources because When they're measuring you and they see those the health of the condition the beauty of light sources and frequency medicine and vibrational patterns Is that if there is so much adaptation in the tissue where the tissues harden up Where it's hard to get the herb in there hard to get the tincture in there hard to get there It's like he needed light source because there are areas that his babesia was so deep I'm like, they're gonna have to use certain juices his other Chinese medicine practitioner That has the color to pull it out and the light source to go in.

And the guys gained 10, 15 pounds getting stronger. And I'm like the wave of the future. I can go on other stories about that. There's another device I saw in Poland. That was amazing that got people out of their alignment like two, three weeks. 

So we'll keep talking, but. I 

Jacqueline: we'll touch on that because that was part of my protocol too. And even when it comes to breaking up [00:19:00] biofilms, like I'm sure there's a lot, a lot of power there. Um, but I've, I've heard you say to that even electricity helps the arteries and lymph nodes flow. Um, and I, I am really curious, Dr Motley, From what you've seen, you've obviously worked with thousands of patients.

What are some of the top most responsive, you could say, chronic diseases when it comes to using frequency therapies?

Dr. Chris Motley: Um, to me, I would say the top would be anything that has to do with chronic infections that namely have to do with the cranium. So anything that's neurodegenerative. Um, so I'd say diseases like Lyme disease have been very, very responsive, very well. Parasitic infections of the brain and of the heart. and strep.

So I hope I, I want to categorize it. So people out there wanting to know is like Lyme, parasites and strep. Epstein Barr virus has done really well, um, using frequency medicine to identify. Um, and I think that those are top three infection, um, [00:20:00] categories. Frequency medicine has to do with, like I say, categorizing like an autoimmune.

I'm not saying it cures it. I'm just saying that I've seen issues with lupus, lupus being cleaned up. Hashimoto's, is a big one. I've seen patients going to full remission on that. Um, I've seen patients that have had, uh, autoimmune that, well, I can't say it here, but I'd say people have had different types of, um, bone conditions that have really resolved only because frequency medicine was used to actually identify methylation issues where they had vitamin D upregulation issues and they could not use the vitamin D.

Um, I hope I'm, I hope I'm not going too far off the beaten trap trail, but, um, And rheumatoid, and this is the thing, I'm not saying with rheumatoid, but rheumatoid being identified when people had chronic severe fungus of the lungs and of the heart. And the family line had it. Then they found it medically and cleaned it out.

And all the rheumatoid went away.

Jacqueline: Wow.

Dr. Chris Motley: Um, emotionally, um, [00:21:00] I think that some of the top things is learning the spinal and finding through frequency the spinal levels that are so locked up from your emotional fatigue that your brain suppresses it that I cannot register it because I'm too tired. That's a very good, like people do EFT tapping, but I use frequency medicine to find the areas of the body that are locking that up.

And I will say this, so, um, top conditions, my opinion, I think I do pretty good at strengthen up heart, heart conditions, bladder conditions and kidney conditions. I think I'm pretty good. And, and, and Tom, so I know it's a lot, but I'm telling you, like, sometimes like for instance, and people out there listening, what does this all mean?

Patients come in and they'll have heart palpitations, chronic chest tightness. They'll have a fib. And, you know, they have to get a, you know, a procedure to get it to clean up. But, if you use frequency medicine, you can find the areas, not only in the spine, but the lymph nodes that are actually, they're blocked, and they can't get a lot of signal to the brain.

But you'll find, through frequency, the hidden, [00:22:00] those subtle frequencies that are related to certain infections that the person probably had as a kid.

And, you don't have to be the person to solve it, but you could say, oh, they had strep, did you have mono, da da, and they'll go, oh yeah, I had mono like four times. And then, you know, it's just. Disregarded. Oh, he had mono back then and I was like, no, you go get a blood test and get it really sick check and you'll find strep all over the person. That's the beauty of this frequency medicine.

Jacqueline: That's

Dr. Chris Motley: then we just find the earth to clean it up and you start working on spine.

They're like no more hayfib. Oh,

Jacqueline: That's, yeah. That's so interesting. And I'm sure, like, you also uncover a lot of other co infections. Like, I've read that Lyme, specifically, and Mono, like, if someone has a Mono, they probably 

Dr. Chris Motley: yes. 

Jacqueline: Yeah.

Dr. Chris Motley: Lyme, Lyme, Ehrlichia, Rickettsia, Babesia, Bartonella. Um, The best is when, when somebody comes in and they've, you know, and I love all the testing out there and I, I did on my Instagram and, and, you know, Facebook and such, but they're like, okay, where's this Babesia, but there's [00:23:00] like, I have, you know, we try to test for frequencies of 70 different types of Babesia.

You find those, or when we talk about like Epstein bar virus, cytomegalovirus, herpetic viruses, they're all herpetic. And then also if somebody's had adenoviruses, I know I'm going down the rabbit trail, but man, you, you would, you could ask somebody if they had chronic junk in the back of their nose and throat when they were a kid

and they had to get their adenoids taken down their tonsils and they think it's gone.

Jacqueline: It's 

Dr. Chris Motley: Sorry, they're still there. 

And they're always gonna have chronic allergies and chronic sinus. Sinus and chronic bronchitis.

Jacqueline: Yeah. That's crazy. So, so interesting. I'd love to just like come into your office and shadow you and just like be a fly on the wall in all of your conversations with patients because I bet I've learned so, so much.

Dr. Chris Motley: Jacqueline, you'd be there and you'd be like, no wonder you don't have many friends. You just sit there and talk about parasites all day and infections. I'm like, you know, it's, it's, it gets ingrained.

Jacqueline: But you know what? You're so passionate about it [00:24:00] and you're helping so many people and it's, it's not work for you, right? It's your passion. And I feel the same way when I discuss, you know, when I have conversations like this, like it's, It's just your passion, you know?

Dr. Chris Motley: Yeah. It livens you up a bit because you can see like, uh, how people, when people suffer, um, You're saying it's like, right, right. It's like when people suffer, you, you, you see how our systems in our country are set up to where they're just not investigating. And then when you can see that something could help somebody, you're Exactly. please listen to this.

Please go do this. You know?

Jacqueline: Yeah. And it's life changing, right? Like, good health. It's, it's, yeah, it's life changing. But going back to emotions, you talk a lot about emotions. This is one of my favorite topics to discuss when it comes to the pathology of disease, um, specifically with cancer. But you've also spoken a lot about the unique energy frequencies associated with the different emotions.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know that in Chinese medicine, different emotions are correlated to different organs and elements. So with [00:25:00] that in mind, what role does acupuncture play when it comes to addressing emotional strongholds, um, that contribute to disease in the body?

Dr. Chris Motley: Oh, it's, it's has like most everything in my opinion, but I would say that, um, how can I, Put this so I don't get, uh, overwhelming to myself and to the listener, but when we, when you're looking at emotional fatigue, I always try to explain it to my patients that each organ is correlated to a particular emotion because the organ has biochemistry, hormones, neurotransmitters that normally that organ emits or releases in response to the particular emotion that you're experiencing.

Does that make sense? So if you went told somebody that the stomach is related to over concern or being worried or caring more about somebody else's emotion than yourself, then the neurology of the body would say, okay, the [00:26:00] stomach doesn't need to produce a lot of acid to produce, to break down food. I'm going to take the excess energy cause I'm overstimulated and put it into my fight or flight apparatus.

Right? So each emotion, When you find somebody that's chronically worried or chronically over concerned, like the mothers that love their kids, the fathers that love their kids, and you're like, I would rather help my kid out before I feel better because I feel better if my kid feels better, which is the norm.

I get that. But what you're doing internally, and hopefully People get, they're falling along when your brain tells your body that I'm okay. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm worried about my kid. You will signal to your spleen and your white blood cell production that you don't have to go out and send all the antibodies out.

Bring it all back in because I got to take care of my kid before I take care of myself. I got to take care of the people in my family, which is great. I'm not saying that it isn't. But if you do that over [00:27:00] time, your brain gets that program pattern and the stomach gets weak. And that's what we call Chinese medicine.

That's why I love it. It's called spleen stagnation, chi stagnation. There's not a lot of energy in the area because it's going to the extremities and going to go fight or flight or think out of a problem. So when I look at your tongue, I'd go, Oh, there's paleness in the area that's represented in the stomach and spleen.

And there's swelling around the area because your spleen has to work harder that hope this makes So you look at a person and you say the emotions And the frequencies that are given off of it, you can then say, you can ask them the question, like you say, I'm a mother and I'm really worried about my kids all the time.

This person will usually experience more issues with Epstein Barr virus or strep or having a swollen spleen or blood sugar issues because it's also spleen pancreas. Those are two organs, right? You probably have had that. You're like, Oh yeah, I've had blood sugar issues and, you know, I, and if you look at the tongue, there's a split down the middle of my tongue because I had a stomach surgery, Jacqueline, in [00:28:00] 2017, because I'm always over concerned about my mom and about things like that and my patients.

Jacqueline: Yeah,

Dr. Chris Motley: So, each organ, I just want people to know this, please don't look at Chinese medicine as woo woo, because if you think about it, around each organ is fascia.

And they basically are connective tissue, and that connective tissue transmits electrical signals. And in the Chinese medicine world, that electrical signal with the water and the proteins of the fascia is what carries the emotional signals, which indicates to the organ, kick in.

Jacqueline: yeah,

Dr. Chris Motley: So, With all this to say, whenever you start to use needles to redirect the energy and into basically engulf that organ and energy, you're also going to find out the areas along the spine with acupuncture, which areas have to be open and awakened.

So the brain can then also neurologically, not just fascial, but neurologically can understand what's going on within the organ. 

But the beauty of it is. Like even in German new medicine and, uh, uh, [00:29:00] Ayurvedic medicine. This is the kicker for me. I always tell people, remember, the action of the organ. Many people are like, you're a, you're a biology nerd, dude.

I'm not gonna listen to this. I get it. 

But if you think about what an organ does, you have to equivocate that to what's going on in your brain. So even if it's not going on in the organ, your brain's thinking it, it'll trigger the organ.

Jacqueline: Mm hmm. Mm

Dr. Chris Motley: That make sense? So, let's say for instance, real quick guys, small intestine.

What does small intestine do? People say, Oh, it's just part of your digestive system. Like, no. It basically pulls out all the nutrients out of the food you just ate. You extract everything you can from your food. You get all the nutrients. You get fed by it. You're like, I'm getting everything out of this that I can so I can get energy.

Then you stick it to through the ileocecal valve and go to your colon. You poop it out. But what happens if you have gotten to, like, that's your colon, I mean your small intestine. But what if you're in a [00:30:00] relationship and you got everything you got out of it that you needed to get out of it. And now you're done and you're like, I need to put this into my colon or put it out into my wastebasket because I can't handle anymore.

Now your small intestine could be hunky dory. But if you keep signaling that to your brain, your small intestine goes, wait a minute, that's the same signal I get every time I get food down here. I have to get rid of something I processed.

Jacqueline: hmm.

Dr. Chris Motley: So your small intestine gets overstimulated. Because you have to keep holding on to the thing you, you, that you're, you're done with.

And so you find people that have appendix issues and ileocecal valve issues. And they're like, why is this part, oh, it's like, because you're stimulating with your thought process. 

Isn't that crazy? So always take the organ action and match it

to what's going on in your heart and your body. It'll tell you what's your emotion.

So hopefully 

Jacqueline: interesting 

Dr. Chris Motley: the people out there.

Jacqueline: No, I again I find all this fascinating it reminds me there is this chart and I remember seeing it before my conversation with [00:31:00] dr Very unique to Sonia who has done a lot of work with healing breast cancer naturally and this chart dr. Motley I'm sure you've seen it. It basically outlines um or provides like context around women in terms of their personality types who go on to develop breast cancer on like the right versus the left side and how the right side was more correlated with, you know, relationship problems with the male in their life, whether that be their father or their spouse.

And I find it so fascinating that when you look individually at these, you know, women who have breast cancer and you ask them their family history, repressed emotions, you know, They all have similar types of conflict in their, their lives when it comes to a certain side. And again, some people can look at that and say, Oh, that doesn't mean anything, but there's a, there's a pretty positive correlation there.

Dr. Chris Motley: it is a very big correlation. And you hit the nail on the head. Like when he says that you can look, and I love that you just mentioned that you can look, I do a lot of like, uh, circulation on the tongue and the hands. You can look [00:32:00] at a person's right hand and the left hand, and I could do that with you right now.

And I can tell you what probably your dad And what kind of health conditions he had in his genetic line compared to the mom, because on the right side, the right side of the body is controlled by the left brain, which is quote, the more logical and the more logistical, which is more related to the male DNA.

And the right of the brain is controlling the left body. So you'd say, Oh, right sides related to my male side, which means I get passionate about it. But when you have the right side and you say, what's the breast have to do with this? You would then, you would then correlate it and say, okay, there is what we call the nursing or the nesting conflict.

Right. In that female, I would guarantee 95 percent of those ladies basically would say there is a nursing conflict like you can't let people out of the nurse or you didn't feel like you were nurtured by the male side of your life. I didn't feel like I got fed and then you go and so that person will overproduce and tell their mammary glands to [00:33:00] overproduce more milk because they have a nesting mechanism because they don't want to do the same thing.

They want to be the provider and nurse everybody else so they're singing to their breast to overgrow. Now that's one aspect. And you can see, and you look at that genetic line though, Jacqueline, you go, Oh, their whole family line's like that. Isn't that 

crazy? Sorry I went, guys, I went down that trail though, you know?

it's like, it's, it's so good like how you can look at like, you know, left and right brain stuff, and it's so good though, you 

know what I mean? Um, stay tuned. Yeah, it's like, and it could that you can like know what your emotions do, you 

Jacqueline: Yeah. But like with that too, Dr. Motley, I mean, everyone experiences, you know, negative emotions and negative memories at some point in their, their life. So what like practices you mentioned EFT before, which I'm a huge fan of, but what other practices or strategies can people Employ to help them let go of those emotions, because I think there's also a lot of fear right around repressed emotions and disease development because we are learning a lot more.

So, you know, [00:34:00] we don't want to fear monger. But like, how do we really help people? release these depressed emotions.

Dr. Chris Motley: It there's a lot like I love then when I say EFT I love like emotional freedom technique and I think it's worked so well I mean if any if everybody out there listening they say what is that? It's like tapping the beginning and ending points of acupuncture points to open up circulation of the electricity EFT I always try to keep it practical for the patient so that the people out there listening doesn't have to think they have to go find another doctor to do, like, NET.

I do, like, neuro emotional techniques. There are, um, um, there's, like, neurological resetting, desensitization techniques. Um, but if we, if anybody said in a nutshell what could actually help you feel really good that you can do at home, Literally guys, I usually get a book and it's on my bookshelf back here.

It's like acupressure made simple. This is what I would do. And people like to take a cheat sheet and I'm not saying it, whatever emotion you're finding in your life. So this is what I [00:35:00] would say, find a chart that has the Chinese medicine aspect of organ versus emotions. So like, if it's a heart, it's joy.

If it's a pancreas, it's worry. If it's stomach, it's where, you know, you find out what you're experiencing. And then I find that acupressure book and I tell my patients, go to the section of a book that says, how do I treat my stomach? And where those acupressure points out. And I'm telling you doing that.

Will help you process your emotions. You don't think it will but you'll after a few weeks doing that you're like man My anxiety is a lot lower the other thing and I hope this is practical for everybody The other thing I always suggest is there you ever seen those body bars? They're like they're shaped like s's that you can do people think they're just for back massage.

Not at all And, and Jacqueline, maybe you want to put this on your blog, I mean, whatever, you know, you can, if not, but if you find an acu, good acupressure book, it's Acupressure Made Simple by Debra Bleeker, it, for instance, if you go, okay, I worry all the time, worries associated with stomach, go to the part of the book that says, oh, what, what acupressures help heal [00:36:00] the stomach?

Go to those points and work on those points and that will help you process your emotions You could think of the thing while you're doing that point That's what eft is trying to do, but you can go to those points and go what makes me worry go down the list and what you'll notice is Like talk therapy like you could say i'm worried about my kids And i'm guarantee you think about your kids and the first thing that comes your brain goes I gotta make sure this this this this while you're thinking that rub the point out because there's a blockage from your nervous system To your organ Because you have created a blockage.

All right, the next thing is taking that S bar and on your chart, look at the spine and organ relationship of the spine. You can do, it's called associated points in Chinese medicine. Guys, you, you gotta have everybody massage your back. In fact, half the time people are like, I just asked my husband to please just rub this point on my shoulder, but they can't do it right.

And when I hit, they're like, that, can you please teach him? Teach him, that's it, right? You know, and I'm like, okay. Relax, you're going to be [00:37:00] okay. You take the S bar and you go down to that part, if hopefully you can reach it, like literally thoracic seven, eight, and people think it's too much work. You work that out, Jacqueline, it will help you process that emotion really well.

And you're going to notice how tender that area is because so much input of that emotion is going into your spine. And your brain can't overtake. It's overwhelming. So you open it up. Um, and you start seeing people going, I still am worried, but it doesn't make me get as anxious anymore because you can have enough energy in your brain because you're taking care of the area of the spine.

You're like, Oh, I can, I can handle it. I'm, I'm opening up. I can, I can do this. So I hope you guys take that. And if I really look at the acupressure book. And look at the areas of spine and use the body bar. 

I mean, that's, that's what I would do,

Jacqueline: I'm, I'm getting those two things right after this conversation ends, making a note on my Amazon account. 

Um, super interesting. And the other thing too, I love Dr. Motley is like, we don't necessarily realize how tense we are. [00:38:00] Until we go to a practitioner right or go to an acupuncturist and they they're feeling around and you know again Like we're used to it, right?

We become used to just being tense and I had a really interesting experience where I Had muscle testing done and I just found that to be incredibly Fascinating and insightful in terms of figuring out like blockages in your body But yeah, it's just crazy even just little manipulations and you know you do feel an emotional difference after.

Dr. Chris Motley: You do. I mean, people think you want to make it like, um, some of the techniques I use here, it's like when people think about getting a chiropractic adjustment or, you know, rubbing a point out when you, I always suggest acupuncture as well. I mean, like that's going to open up a lot. Um, but when, when emotions are overwhelming, we have to remember that our bodies have adapted so well to the emotion that we will block as much information as we can to our cognitive thinking.

Like, we're just like, well, we got to deal with it and we'll just shove it away. The beauty of it is like, when you open it up, like you have somebody muscle test you and you hit a point and you're like, they touch a point on your back [00:39:00] or an acupuncture point. You're like, that's fire. And that's bringing me off the seat and it hurts.

But when you open it up, you'll go, man. All this memory's flooding back, like you have people that cry on the table, and they're like, I, I just remembered da da da. It's like, why? It's like, all the information stored in that little area was not reaching your brain to bring it to full cognition. And it's okay, it's like, and I always tell people, it's all right, we'll do it step by step.

And You know, using muscle testing and kinesiology and biofeedback. Uh, and it's funny because a person already knows, you know, you already know when you, when they tell you, you're like, yup, that bothers me a

whole lot. And I am, I'm ticked off. I'm mad about that. I get it. And you go, well, you let yourself feel it. But you didn't allow yourself to feel it enough to try to, to mend it. Because you may have a worth issue, like, I don't, I don't have enough time to mend it. 

So you have to go into those little intricacies, but I, I, I will say this though, like, okay, for instance, like, I have, um, my whole family has heart stuff.

Like, my mom had a, a, a stroke, my dad's had a [00:40:00] mini stroke, heart attack, stuff. And the family, and, you know, one thing I use with the body bar, I want everybody to see, I personal experience, when my heart gets tired, does anybody out there get there, and I know you, when your heart gets tired and drawn, and you're like, Man, I'm using a lot of energy, and I'm exhaustively using my energy to help people and myself, and I love doing it.

But there comes a point sometimes when you lose direction, right? You lose passion. That's called the pilot light in Chinese medicine. They always say if you lose that, your heart qi, your blood is stagnant, your qi is stagnant, your heart, and you can know the heart is not feeling comfortable putting that much energy out anymore.

It's just like, I'm getting the same return for too much output. There's no yin and yang. The crazy thing is, is that people are not touched. Does that make sense? You, you just want somebody to come up and rub your shoulders. Why? Because that's the area of the heart, the T1, T2. You just want somebody to put their hands on your shoulders and say, It's going to be okay.

It's alright. And you're like, yes. And I'd almost break down and cry because [00:41:00] somebody finally recognizes. But when you touch that point, That's the input right and you're like on that upper neck and right where your neck meets your shoulders You're like it is so sore. My neck hurts all the time But the thing is you want somebody to do it but I'm saying if you can't do that you take that body bar and wear that area out and it's gonna be so tender and You're gonna be like it may not be as good as somebody else putting their hands on me But I'm gonna put the yin in so I can get the yang back out.

Jacqueline: So interesting. I love that. Yeah. I mean, the body keeps the score. Right. And I think something that's really interesting is that people go to therapy, like talk therapy. Right. And I mean, I don't know, Dr. Motley, I'm sure it's helpful for some folks, but I can't imagine just going over the same issues over and over again with a therapist, like, I can't really imagine how that could be helpful for the long run, um, but I think if you couple that with body work, right, just this whole conversation, everything we're talking about, 

Dr. Chris Motley: Yes 

Jacqueline: really, really big implications.

Dr. Chris Motley: Oh, it's, [00:42:00] it's truly because the hard part is that like, I mean, I know I've done talk therapy and I'm not putting it down in any way. I'm just saying like with talk therapy, it's like if, if you, if you're trying to get it to where you let it out and they say it could make a change because you don't want to keep amplifying the program that's set with the word, right?

But if you open up the area of the spine or do acupressure, acupuncture, or tapping, which you are doing though. Is inputting more energy into that system. So you actually may have the ump to go do something about it. Cause if you keep talking about it, you're all, you're working at like a 50, 40, 50 percent battery.

I'm like, no, if you could operate at 80 or 90%, you'd probably be like, heavens, I shut down when my mom comes into play because it's too exhausting to work, to talk to her. And then you're like, Okay. Now I'm like, I can do something about that. I can set this boundary up.

And I think everybody out there is listening.

Like I guarantee you, everybody out there, Jacqueline's like going, Oh, I know somebody out there. 

It's just like, and they're like, I need to do the tapping and I need to run the point out when I'm thinking about them, but [00:43:00] I'm like, that's. What's needed though. 

Jacqueline: Yeah. Exactly. No, I couldn't agree more. Um, it's funny too, and I think a lot of people tend to ignore, you know, Symptoms their body might be bringing up because they're either a scared or again, B, they might just be used to it, but going back to the heart element. So you can't see it right now. I purposely wore a high T shirt.

I'm wearing one of those patch monitors because I just started to develop heart palpitations like 2 or so weeks ago. But I've noticed that once the anxiety subsided, the heart palpitations stopped, right?

And that's literally a prime example of psychosomatic. I mean, not psychosomatic, but the relationship between your emotions and, you know, again, how your body reacts and responds 

specifically when it comes to the heart. 

Dr. Chris Motley: Oh, it's, it's really when you, I've had like when the one thing that got me when I had Lyme disease really, really bad is my heart palpitation would be so hard. And my, my heart was popping out of his chest and I'm, I'm 32, you know, 31, 32. And I'm like, I'm just getting older. I'm like, [00:44:00] no, your heart should not feel this way.

But like even in your case, like, you know, with palpitation, with anxiety, I would always suggest too is like when you get testing done and they do more just be like Be extensive and but don't be overwhelmed by getting tested for things that could go into the emotional heart space So I would say for you like if you've like, yeah, i've had epstein barr and i've had lyme and strep Those are the things that I would keep cleansing You But the anxiety portion is like, this is what I always say with the heart.

This is what my heart's always been tired is because when I wake up in the morning, or if I'm going on, like, if you're thinking about your kids, right? Your brain, of course, is presupposing what's going to happen. Like I've got to have this much energy to make it till seven o'clock before I can get them slightly ready for bed.

And your body for that day is trying to make an account going, man, do I have it? And that creates a lot of anxiety and we want to create enough energy to the hearts for the heart go to go. [00:45:00] I can make it, you know, and that's why I like doing the points around that area. I'm telling you, Jacqueline, get that 

and get those points and do it.

And you just send me your number and I'll text me and I'll tell you, you'll be surprised. You won't even your heart palpitations. If they don't reduce to 80 percent 

Jacqueline: Yeah, 

Dr. Chris Motley: I'd be very surprised.

Jacqueline: yeah. Super, super interesting. No, I'm, I'm excited to get it. Yeah, I got little things like that that you can just integrate to your day, change your whole life. Um, but going back, Dr. Motley, so you, you spoke about this a few times. Parasites. This is a really hot topic. And I mean, I think there's a lot of confusion around it because there's a lot of misinformation, but you do such a great job of really just setting the tone for what parasites are, who should be doing a parasite detox.

So for listeners out there who never even like, Heard of parasites in the context when it came to having them in their own bodies What what should they know? Let's just do like 

Dr. Chris Motley: Uh, 

Jacqueline: notes 101.

Dr. Chris Motley: yeah, 101, um, Everybody has parasites. [00:46:00] Uh, you cannot be afraid of parasites. You're gonna have them if you lived anywhere in the world. Um, 101 is if you suffered for like, suffered from where you eat something and you continuously bloat up right after you eat. That's a clear sign that you have a parasite.

If you continuously have mucus or foam in your poop and you have diarrhea, that's pretty much consistent. You either got a bad bacteria or you pretty much have parasites. Um, chronic fatigue that is coupled with digestion is what I would suggest that you would have to really look into. Parasitic infection and chronic heart conditions are something I really, really focus in with parasites.

Now with this, I want everybody to know that. If you, this is not for just people who did mission work or traveled overseas, but normally what I would find is that like a patient will have like a story in their life where they told me that they got sick right after a certain event. Like I had a patient who's had, I just saw her just a couple of days ago.

And she said, Oh yeah, um, I found evidence of frequency of [00:47:00] plasmodium, which is malaria. But in her history, she did not indicate to me that she grew up in Fiji and been bit by tons of mosquitoes. Can you get malaria from mosquitoes? Yes. So what I want everybody out there to know is if you want to round in with your bare feet, you can get small little roundworms that go up into your feet, jump into your lungs.

You cough it up, you swallow it, gets in your intestines, you poop it back out, cycle continues. You get bit by a flies or mosquitoes and get those infections. That's one. Could you get it from your pets? Yes, you could totally. I mean, there's spores that actually can get underneath the fingernails of your pets or on their fur, and then they get into your skin and they're so small they can crawl into your skin.

We're not trying to be scary, but the one thing I always tell people, like, don't be afraid of parasites. There are many ways, yes, I've seen roundworms that have come out that are three, four feet long in a patient. A lot of people practicing out there, they've had it. The importance of it though, is that, you know, back in the olden days, you'll hear a lot of reports, you see it on Instagram, where they say, we did de deworming.

And they say, well, we don't have [00:48:00] it in this day and age. And that could be farthest from the truth, in my opinion. I've seen patients that have had it. But, getting rid of parasites, because our food, depending on your food sources, is such a huge issue nowadays. Like, you know, certain vegetables and fruits will carry lots of parasites, and greens will too.

And even certain types of livestock. It is important that you keep your digestive system and like the, the, the actual acidic balance really, really balanced pH, like alkaline and acidic to eat up all the, all the larvae and all the eggs and such. So if you're asking me like, what is the importance and what is the, the one on one is that you have to realize that most people all have parasites.

Is it a good idea to do a parasite cleanse twice a year? I think it is. I really do

very much so. And in fact, If anybody out there has had chronic digestive system, like literally you've seen them people like you go, man, I know people that said I've had diarrhea for almost five years straight. You need to get a parasite test.

You can go to Parasite. [00:49:00] org. Parasite. org and they'll give you a home test and even test for roundworms. And people say, what is the importance of that? Side note. You can go to sometimes cities, and they will not test or use filtration for certain types of roundworms. They may do for the cysts, but they do not take into account the amount of Helminthes, or the amount of roundworms found in the water.

Jacqueline: Wow,

Dr. Chris Motley: had people come to me bringing me city affidavit, uh, city reports that said oh, we had huge amounts of the bacteria E. coli, but we also had um, Giardia. High amounts in our water sources. Drinking it, And 


Jacqueline: crazy.

Dr. Chris Motley: isn't that crazy? And then if you poop out, and you find out, get on a good anti parasitic.

Artemisia, Vidanga, Black Walnut, Wormwood. But it is important, because you don't want those little critters to get into your blood and go up into the cranial area. I am not trying to be scary, guys. I'm just 

saying that those are possibilities. So that's one on one. Do a cleanse. Try to do one twice a [00:50:00] year.

Jacqueline: So interesting. And does that protocol, Dr. Motley overlapped with what you might call like a detox cleanse? Like is that something because again detox another really hot word people are throwing around for an otherwise healthy individual who may not be experiencing digestive issues or other symptoms How often should they be detoxing and when I say detoxing, I mean, there's so many different things, right?

There's coffee enemas. There is herbals like what what's your take on that?

Dr. Chris Motley: I think when they get detoxed, it is a word used often and I think I shy away from when, you know, when patients, they had the best intentions. So if you guys are out there doing detox, no way am I talking bad about what you're doing, and I think it's great. But I think it's because they think, well, I'm feeling really bad right now, so I plan on doing a really good juice detox for a week and a half, and somehow it's going to reset my body from eight months of living like horribly.

Like, you know, or eating horribly

Jacqueline: want the quick fix.

Dr. Chris Motley: they do. And is it overlapping with [00:51:00] parasite? It doesn't necessarily overlap because parasites are smart

Jacqueline: Mm hmm.

Dr. Chris Motley: and parasites need certain types of herbs to actually get them out. Like I love coffee animals. Don't get me wrong. I love them. I think that, but I've had patients that have done coffee animals for.

Three months almost every day for three months and finally had a big batch of parasites in their liver and their liver gets really large and you know get swollen because there's parasites that were dug in so deep now again the quick fix is Can I do this in two weeks and get rid of that? But you know as well as I do so anybody out there listening, what do I like detox?

I do a system of methylation checking which I do like my friend. Dr J. Dunn has a really good website called holistic methylation with a W Holistic methylation. I'm not plugging here. I'm not saying getting any feet, you know, kickback. But what happens is your body I try to keep myself in a consistent basis of trying to strengthen my liver and my kidneys Does that make sense?

So in methylation I take my gene report and I kind of get my ideas like which nutrients i'm naturally deficient in Like I don't do a lot of vitamin d production. I don't do a lot of good b [00:52:00] product, you know b b assimilation like mthfr but all I have to say is You can do the detox You But the better way to do it is to get a gene report or find a functional medicine doctor that can actually help your liver and your kidney stay on a continuous balance because you'll wear your body out doing a detox every so often because people think like I gained 16 pounds of inflammation weight, which is true.

I get off dairy and yeah, don't eat the foods that inflame you. I get it. But you're not necessarily going to repair your cells. By doing a two week detox just honest with you may clean out some things And some people say well, I do fasting. I love fasting. Not everybody needs to do it So I'm not a big quick fix guy My goal is I'm all about the journey and I'm telling you what people in my opinion Do you need to make a choice if it comes to health?

It's like when people come to see me They're like well how fast And I'm like, it's a journey. It may take me a year, maybe a year and a half to get you feeling 80 percent better. [00:53:00] Um, but with parasite cleansing, depending on how long the parasites been and how many eggs they laid, you know, you need to do a little separate detox.

So I hope that answers the questions. I'm not about the quick fix. I think you should really just overall, just work on well balancing and get a good effectional functional medicine doctor, 

Jacqueline: Yeah. 

Dr. Chris Motley: to keep you clean and do those parasite cleanse 

twice a year and do some coffee enemas.

Jacqueline: Yeah. That makes sense. I couldn't agree more. Going back though to the gene mutations, I also have an MTHFR mutation. Do most people have that? I remember reading somewhere that most people actually do have that genetic variation. And how do we, I mean, like, supplementation wise, like, how do we address that?

Dr. Chris Motley: a good report because I don't want everybody out there to think I have to hurt me get a gene report You know where people say it's too much, you know, because that's what they're gonna say, you know There's there's for everybody out there think about like an MTHFR gene creates an enzyme that basically helps your body take folate Folic acid which you get from your greens and for your orange juice [00:54:00] break it down so that you can take the b12 out of your body out of your food and assimilate it to make carbon and hydrogen.

That will help you with osteoporosis, autoimmune, cancer, histamine breakdown. So people say, do everybody have it? I have pretty, I've had some gnarly in THFR. My parents, thank you parents for giving me that. Appreciate that. I was the last, I was the baby. I was the runt in the family and I got the Lyme disease and all these things.

Okay. Everybody usually has like maybe a double recessive. MTHFR gene, but not everybody has it. I've seen people with their gene reports come in and they've had pretty clean MTHFR. And, they'll live a long time, but if they have like a vitamin D receptor gene that's off, they may feel sick the whole time.

You know, you're like, you're gonna live for a long time, but you're not gonna feel great, you know. Um, but, no, not everybody has it. I think it's important if you're chronically sick, To get a gene report and see if you do have MTHFR because your [00:55:00] body, for some reason, your parents genetics were not geared to break down the B12 efficiently to make the carbon and hydrogen, and carbon and hydrogen is needed for all your cell activity. Um, so, To answer that, I, I think anybody's had Lyme disease, parasites, chronic strep, anybody's just felt like even, you know, breast explant, um, illness, things like that, I would suspect they have MTHFR, and so you just have to be able to use your liver to detox properly, that's what methylation is in a nutshell, you gotta utilize the B12, um, and this is other signals, if you have MTHFR, so this is a big kicker, If you eat foods and your ears get real red and your hands get real red and you bloat really quick or your pee is really yellow after you do anything with high amounts of vitamin B and you get the shakes, 

Jacqueline: Yeah. Hmm. Interesting. Interesting. I was going to ask you, what should people be looking out for? 

Dr. Chris Motley: Oh yeah, like you know people that tell you that they go man every time I do a vitamin B [00:56:00] for crying out loud like I can't do it I can't I get the shakes and I get it or anybody that tells you this um man I stopped doing coffee 

can't do coffee I can do a little green tea is why because that's a CYP gene but that has a lot to do with how you MTHFR is like you need to get methylated check you 

Jacqueline: Yeah. I, uh, I did a report, Dr. Molly. I don't know if you've heard of MaxGen Labs.

Dr. Chris Motley: I love it. 

Jacqueline: Yeah. Oh, 

Dr. Chris Motley: yeah, he's does it. He's the, he's the guy who came up with it here. Yeah.

Jacqueline: okay. See, there you go. Yeah. I, it was so comprehensive. So in depth. I did that last year and it was incredibly insightful. I love how they provide descriptions too, for you about like your body type, like mindset. I could have been an Olympic athlete because I had all of these like genetic variations and I was like, I don't know if that's pretty accurate, but 

Dr. Chris Motley: Hey, Chad did a great job when I like, it's like they, you know, I need to get back on the max gene cause they did a great job. Like, but it is true. When you read a gene, a gene report, you can find out like, like, it's funny. Like parents will bring their, their gene report in for their kid who has [00:57:00] ADHD OCD.

And, and, but before they even tell me that, and I'm not saying that's smart. It's just, I've been trained in it. You can read the report and go, this kid's got this personality, right. And he has this aggression trait and they're like. Yes, you should have been a, an athlete. I, there are things I tell people.

I'm like, dude, this person is meant to be highly intellectual and probably should have been in this type of world. And, and they're like, yeah, I was like, but they had the genetic variance that probably set them back, but it is cool because you

kind of drink, you're like, maybe I could have been an Olympic swimmer

and I'm like, Yeah, 

I mean, yeah, if you could be like Sean, I'd be like, um, every time, like whenever she, like, like if I see, see her at Andrew, they're always like, she's just so strong.

And I'm like, I'm not really a man. I'm a boy around them. You know what I mean? You just like, 

God, like, I don't know. It's like, I give Andrew her husband a hug and it's just like, you give him a hug and he's just so big. You're just like, like his shoulders, like two of me, you know what I mean? Like, it's just,

Jacqueline: I 

Dr. Chris Motley: you know. it's 


Jacqueline: what, their [00:58:00] Maxton reports would look like.

Dr. Chris Motley: Oh, I mean, just.

Yeah. Probably just, you know built strong muscles like in their adrenal body types probably had the probably had the ability in their in their genes to create tons of a testosterone aldosterone, I mean 

testosterone and adrenaline to meet the demand 

Jacqueline: Yeah. Crazy. So, so interesting. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a huge fan of, I mean, again, I think sometimes too much information overload could be a detriment, but I think it depends and, you know, Who's who's holding the information and how are you're gonna use it, right?

Dr. Chris Motley: Yeah, yeah and you got you had to be like and whatever you get a gene report And and I hope everybody knows like if I get passionate about saying these things. It's it's Just know that I don't get, I'm not trying to say go do all these testing, but I am passionate about like finding out about something, but don't get overwhelmed.

Just take it at, you know, take a good look at it, see what you have, find a doctor that's not overwhelming and too excited, and just get somebody that's easy, knows their stuff, [00:59:00] and makes you feel comfortable. That's how you do well.

Jacqueline: Yeah, so true. 

Dr. Chris Motley: That's that's the key. 

Jacqueline: Yeah and going back to to herbals. Dr Motley, do you find that in your practice you Prescribe more herbal remedies over supplements because you you deal with a lot of chronic infection a lot of lime,

Dr. Chris Motley: Yeah, I I do. Um, but because I know there's like a lot of people that disagree So the functional medicine doctors out there love you. I mean, I have a lot of friends we have I think over the years like i've done a lot of genetic testing and i've done a lot of methylation checks with what I do I just believe that there are herbs and there are spices that I think god put on this green earth to Handle certain receptors in the body.

So what i'm saying is that if You I use more herbs because if you do go get a lot of, uh, genetic testing and methylation testing and such, you, you know, you could be walking away taking 15 to 16 things at a

time. What [01:00:00] I found that was most congruent with my patients was that I would find two to three really good herbs that resonated with them to clean up an infection.

So one, one aspect of the health is like raise their vitamin D absorption and to raise their immune system to where they can find, and I agree, I totally agree. But there comes a point where it's like, you have to make sure you take all the cofactors for that vitamin D so it keeps it active. So the person may be taking a lot of, a lot of nutrients, right?

This may not be the best path, that's how I do it. But I'll find if a person has certain herbs. And with muscle testing or kinesiology or biofeedback and I'll go there's three or four herbs and then when I do their methylation check They only need a few things So I'm using the herbs like vitamins and minerals.

I'm not saying to replace it, but a lot of them do have vitamin mineral type content with them and they have different plant constituents that actually help basically heal the cells. So I would rather, in my opinion, use more herbals to do that. [01:01:00] And then add in like the vitamins and minerals after that's how I do it.

And so you finally usually see people that can knock down their, their dosage levels to many things by really starting off with herbs. That's my opinion. That's what I've seen. That's what I do every day in the office. So,

Jacqueline: that makes sense. What are your top three herbs for Lyme disease?

Dr. Chris Motley: uh, Japanese knotweed, cat's claw. Um, there's a tie on this one too, but like I see, I love Japanese knotweed, cat's claw, neem, which is Malia and hutania, uh, which is really good for Bartonella. So there's probably more, but I think I see, Oh, what am I saying? There's, there's actually, I got to add in black walnut.

I'm not kidding. Black walnuts, probably like one of my, I should have said that being, it's like my baby, I like, should have a black walnut farm and wherever I live in the future.

Jacqueline: Interesting. Okay, I have to add that I started taking a Japanese knotwood, but um, I know we don't have too much time left But quick note, so I messaged you about this. I think that's how we first connected on Instagram. I Found out well I've had [01:02:00] Lyme disease for the past decade or so and wasn't treated acutely when I found out I had it because I just had antibodies to it.

It was an old infection. And they say antibiotics only really work in the context of acute bites, right? Within like 30 days or so. So I've just had this for the past, you know, 10 years. I've just had chronic fatigue, brain fog. All that fun stuff. But, um, I did a pretty, um, intensive and interesting Lyme protocol that consisted of hyperbaric, oxygen, glutathione, IVR2 synate, and a bunch of other

different, yeah, and 

whole body, whole body, hyperthermia, 

Dr. Chris Motley: That's great. 

Jacqueline: I did two sessions. I got to 107. 6, which is the max they take you to. And I stayed awake, um, for the first hour and a half, but I mean, you're monitored, like they have, like you all hooked up to everything. Yeah. And it was really interesting because just like the science behind it, how they say like Bartonella, I mean, specifically that, right.

strain is very heat sensitive and [01:03:00] that it dies at, I think it's like 106. 9. And then while I was doing that, I also had IV antibiotics and I heard that like the heat also makes antibiotics work a lot more effectively. So it was really interesting, Dr. Motley. Again, like I, I mean, we'll, 

we'll see, 

Dr. Chris Motley: I would do it in a heart There is a patient of mine just sent me one about a patient who would did that in um in Germany

And it did really well. It knocked it out and uh I'm all for it. I, I, I don't have like a, a thing in my, my heart that goes, they can only do it this way or that way.

Like not at all. I've had patients that had done hyperthermia and I've had some that did different genetic, uh, genetic therapy with it. But if you're right, like those infections will, they need to be burned out. They're so resistant that like when people come to me and they'll say like, you know, I've treated a lot of Lyme, but there comes a point too, when I, when I have a patient truly in my heart that I, I know that they need like extra They need like deeper.

And I'm like, I can get 60 percent of this done. That's my motto. 60 70 [01:04:00] percent I can get done. The other part, you hyperthermia. If you have to get, if you have to get that done, do it. I mean, like you got to clean that stuff out of your blood. Um, so kudos to you. Um, I want everybody out there, like, like, there's a few different places that use different light therapy that get down deep into the tissue.

And, there's, that's what I love about frequency medicine and 

different alternative medicine. There's ways to clear it. I've seen people, I've seen people go to clinics and make sure that you just magnet therapy to use polarity of the body to actually activate certain cells in certain areas and kill off infections.

And done great! 

Like they come back and I'm like you did what? Oh, they put the magnets here here now Then I'm starting to use magnets, but I'm like those people are the big dogs. I'm 

Jacqueline: Yeah. 

Dr. Chris Motley: I don't know about that I understand the concept

Jacqueline: Yeah, and the thing I love Dr. Motley is like their program was so Comprehensive and the way they pair everything like the way they pair the IV antibiotics with the hyperthermia Then you follow it with the colonic the day after like it's just so so structured [01:05:00] But I think it's that combination of therapies that makes everything so effective I had chelation like all things All things, again, I've never had in my life that I've read about.

I had auto hemofusion, 

um, which is really interesting. 

Dr. Chris Motley: Yeah. Yeah. I've never had that happen and done that before I mean I haven't any markers But I've had times where I think I had babesia toxicities a little bit right here And so like I've been getting more toxic You know, doing well 

cleaning out a lot of more stuff, but I thought, yeah, man, I may go to their

clinics and just having to do tests and run it on me because if I do have it, I want to get it cleaned out, 

Jacqueline: Yeah. Yeah. It was a little scary, but I think again, once you just do it and you realize how resilient your body is. And, you know, I mean, Hippocrates spoke about fever therapy, like hundreds of years 

Dr. Chris Motley: Yeah. 

Jacqueline: know, there's definitely something to it.


Dr. Chris Motley: Oh yeah. I embrace

a fever when I, when, when I have a fever. Yeah. We got to talk about fevers. I love it. I embrace them. I do a lot 

Jacqueline: Yeah, 

Dr. Chris Motley: with fever. Seriously,

Jacqueline: Yeah, just so many interesting therapies that, again, we're only just tapping into right now, you know.

I mean.

Dr. Chris Motley: And [01:06:00] it's just, and you know, hopefully it's not suppressed. Hopefully that they're allowed and you know, it's for the greater good. I'm with you.

Jacqueline: Yeah. Couldn't agree more. Well, Dr. Motley, again, I could spend hours chatting with you, so this is going to be one of many, hopefully, future episodes we'll have, 

Dr. Chris Motley: sure thing. Sure thing. 

Jacqueline: of your time. Where can listeners follow you?

Dr. Chris Motley: Um, I, my, my feed is at dr Motley spelled out dr Motley on Instagram at dr Motley on YouTube and Facebook and, uh, tick tock. I got a tick tock. And so, um, I. I'm trying to revamp my website because I really want to be user friendly. That's my goal today. I'm actually having a meeting about that because, you know, you get so used to like social media and you just want to make sure that all the platforms are satisfied, but that's where you'll find me.

And, um, I do a membership as well, which, but the membership's really about putting out like good live Q and A's. And, uh, for people who want a little bit more in depth. 

And that's where you'll find me. So if you guys need any extra information, I'm here to help. And hopefully, and I'm here at the office, so I'm in [01:07:00] Franklin, Tennessee, or right outside Nashville.

So if you ask where Motley's at, Motley's usually at the office working on people. So.

Jacqueline: I love it. Awesome. Well, I will include the links to all those in the show notes. Um, I will also be coming to pay you a visit at some point in the future, 

Dr. Chris Motley: Do it. 

Jacqueline: last question for you is what does being well and strong mean to you?

Dr. Chris Motley: Being well and strong, that's a great question, is, people would say balance, but I would say that, of course you want balance in the Chinese medicine world, and I think personally I'm just really analyzing myself, is to take all the guilt that you feel for not meeting everybody's expectations because the energy I put out to help everybody else feel better or feel happy or feel joyous, but realizing that there is a, if there's too much output in life.

That I have to equalize the input [01:08:00] and not feel like I'm selfish, but realize I'm preserving Myself to be the best form I could be. So the goal in the journey is to release the selfishness idea and So like I'm doing this all for me. No, I'm actually doing it for you as well So I'm saying that's what strong and balanced means to me is because everything else can run off that Like, Oh, I'm going to go do a beautiful workout.

I'm going to go take a walk and it's not selfish. 

Jacqueline: Yeah, 

Dr. Chris Motley: that's my thought. 

Sorry to get too, so introspective, but that's how I feel. 

Jacqueline: That's why I love you and all your work is because there's just so much truth embedded. You're, you're a philosopher at heart. I think you are.

Dr. Chris Motley: had some people tell me that. Hmm,

maybe, maybe, maybe,

I've had some, yeah, it's really funny. You mentioned that some people have asked me about that.

Jacqueline: all right. So when, when you publish it, we'll have you back on.

Dr. Chris Motley: I'll let you know.

Jacqueline: All right, Dr. Motley well, thank you again. And yeah, I hope to meet you at [01:09:00] some point soon.

Dr. Chris Motley: Yeah, I definitely let me know when you come into town. We'll set it up. It'd be great.

Jacqueline: Awesome.

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