Seattle Colleges International Programs presents... Conversations with!

S2E33: Seattle Colleges Conversations with! International Student Hafsa Aguilou of Morocco

April 24, 2024 Evan Franulovich Season 2 Episode 33
S2E33: Seattle Colleges Conversations with! International Student Hafsa Aguilou of Morocco
Seattle Colleges International Programs presents... Conversations with!
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Seattle Colleges International Programs presents... Conversations with!
S2E33: Seattle Colleges Conversations with! International Student Hafsa Aguilou of Morocco
Apr 24, 2024 Season 2 Episode 33
Evan Franulovich

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In this our thirty-third (33rd) episode of Season 2, Seattle Colleges host Evan Franulovich interviews international student Hafsa Aguilou about her experience here at Seattle Colleges and about life in the United States. 

(Originally recorded November 2023)

1:19 - Meet Hafsa!

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Show Notes Transcript

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In this our thirty-third (33rd) episode of Season 2, Seattle Colleges host Evan Franulovich interviews international student Hafsa Aguilou about her experience here at Seattle Colleges and about life in the United States. 

(Originally recorded November 2023)

1:19 - Meet Hafsa!

Copyright © Seattle Colleges International Programs 2023. All rights reserved. For more information about being an international student at Seattle Colleges, please visit

The theme music 'Bounce' is an audio file pursuant to the Pixabay License as defined in the Pixabay Terms of Service available at https://

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Evan Franulovich:

Welcome to Seattle Colleges International Programs and our show Conversations with! where we talk to people that help you understand how you too, can be an international student in the United States and why Seattle Colleges should be your first choice. We'll talk to students and staff and agents and government folks, all kinds of people, about what you can expect when you're getting ready to apply or travel here, what you'll experience while you're with us and how it can all lead to an amazing life. Don't forget to check out the Seattle Colleges International Programs website at where you can find a treasure trove of information about the school, the programs here and, best of all, fill out and submit your application. Again, that's Hey, everybody, it's Evan Franulovich. Welcome back to"Conversations with!" here at the Seattle Central Campus in beautiful Seattle, Washington. I am here...I'm excited because this is our first guest from Morocco. It's our first student that I've talked to from Morocco. So Hafsa, how are you?


Good. How are you?

Evan Franulovich:

I'm wonderful. I'm full because I ate a lot during Thanksgiving.


That's good for you.

Evan Franulovich:

It's good for me. Did you have any Turkey at all?


Yeah, I ate in Seattle...

Evan Franulovich:



In the college...

Evan Franulovich:

Yeah...They had a meal?


Yeah. They had a lot of Turkey.

Evan Franulovich:

That's true. They did. Yes. That was the thing on Friday, right?



Evan Franulovich:

Or was it Wednesday? I can't remember...


No, on Friday.

Evan Franulovich:

It was Friday. That was really great.


No, it's Wednesday.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh maybe was Wednesday. It was the last day


Of classes yes. It was the party there. of classes.

Evan Franulovich:

And who put on that party? Who was responsible for it?



Evan Franulovich:

Yes. I think teacher Kevin and he's my teacher. He's your teacher.



Evan Franulovich:

So teacher Kevin is with the Intensive English Program. And well, let's back up before I start getting into that too much. Tell people where you're from in Morocco. Maybe your full name, and any maybe what you plan to major in.


Okay. Hi, my name is Hafsa Aguilou. I'm from Morocco, Kenitra. And my major... I wanted to do nursing, because I really love this like, like...I love this because when I was in Morocco, I do like, around one week or something like that. I tried to work like in this kind of major.

Evan Franulovich:

Yeah. And did you work for an organization? Or did you work in a hospital?


No, it was like... because, like the doctor who I work with, he need assistance because his assistants go to a vacation. So I do this one week for her. And I see plenty of things, so I like it so much. That's why I want to do it with

Evan Franulovich:

Wow. That's really great. So you plan on my work. pursuing nursing? And you'll do four years of study here. That's your plan?



Evan Franulovich:

And then after you get your bachelor's degree in nursing..



Evan Franulovich:

you'll go back to Morocco to be a nurse?


Actually, I'm still thinking about that. If I like found a good job here, maybe I would stay but if I found a good job in my country, maybe I will come back.

Evan Franulovich:

Right. Right... Have you... do you know what it takes to... as far as like getting a license? Do you have to have a license to be a nurse in Morocco? Or is a license not required? Do you know?


In Morocco? No. It's not required.

Evan Franulovich:

It's not required.


was three months in this laboratory. So I know a little a little bit things. And this doctor work with this laboratory a lot. That's why he chose me to do this way.

Evan Franulovich:

Well, that's cool. So you you can get your bachelor's degree here in nursing. Just go back and start working as a nurse.


Yeah, maybe I will. That's... it's like 70% maybe it will stay here.

Evan Franulovich:

Okay. Okay. Yeah, one way or the other. Now, you have family in Seattle?


Yes. It's like a little fam... a little bit small family. It's my brother, his wife and two children. I'm sitting with him.

Evan Franulovich:

Right, so older brother or younger brother?



Evan Franulovich:

Older brother. So how long has he been in the United States?


He was here since maybe 2003.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh, so a long time.



Evan Franulovich:

What brought him to the United States originally?


Like it was this... I think I know the name in Arabic. But it was like when they... they do something in Morocco, they do something like every year. You can, you can enroll to.. How can I? They choose like a little bit of people and they came here with a visa or something.

Evan Franulovich:

Okay. So kind of like on an exchange program, or he came here for..? Was it... Did he come originally for education? Or did he come for work originally?


With.. for work.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh for work? Okay.


What does he do? Now, If first when he just came, he wasn't here in Washington. He told me he was in California or something like that.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh, Okay. So he had done many jobs. But now he has he have small restaurant here in Seattle. He does. Do you want to plug the restaurant? you want to tell people what which restaurant is it?


Yeah, it's near to school. It's like just five or three minutes.

Evan Franulovich:

It's from Central?


Yeah, it's Casablanca Express.

Evan Franulovich:

There you go. Casablanca Express. Check it out. So pretty authentic Moroccan food, I'm guessing.



Evan Franulovich:

Oh, I gotta check it out. That sounds really good. I love Moroccan food. If you've never been to Morocco, you should go. Just for the food. Do you miss? Well, you probably don't miss... because you get food from him all the time yeah?



Evan Franulovich:

So you don't really miss them.


I'm there all the time.

Evan Franulovich:

That's good. Do you cook as well?


Yes, sometimes. Sometimes I go to the cooker and told him something about our old original meals. So sometimes I go there and check like in the in the back.. like the cooker. Sometimes I like just told him we do that or we don't do that or something like that.

Evan Franulovich:

Right, right, right. Oh, that's really cool. All right. I'm gonna check that out. Okay, so you were in Morocco? Your brother was already here? Is that why you decided to come to Seattle?



Evan Franulovich:

Okay. You didn't consider any other cities in the US?


No, first when I just came I'd go to the agent.

Evan Franulovich:



That told me Seattle have a good colleges, and it will be good for me to come here. So, it's not the only reason that's my brother here. I just like check if there is a good, good schools or not.

Evan Franulovich:

Gotcha. And so did you apply to any other schools other than Seattle Colleges?



Evan Franulovich:

Just Seattle Colleges...And always the Central campus? Yeah yeah. Cool. So you started in the


Yeah. Spring? Right? Yes.

Evan Franulovich:

And you...So you're in level five of our Intensive English Program now, says that mean, you started as a level three?


Yes. Wow. Because your English is quite good. Thank you so much.

Evan Franulovich:

So when you first got here, your English was, I mean, you've improved a lot. It seems like.


When I... actually when I just came here I like... I was know how to write or something like that...but to talk with this level... No. When I just with a lot of people, that's why I can go to level three. Because actually, when I just came here, I have a problem with the all languages. So they put me in level two.

Evan Franulovich:



But I do this in the first... first week, and they level me up to level three.

Evan Franulovich:

Great, great. And that's nice, because at level three...levels, three, four, and five are considered a bridge, right? So you can actually start taking some college credits...



Evan Franulovich:

As a level three.



Evan Franulovich:

And what was the class you were allowed to take?


Actually, in level three, I just like take two classes: listening/speaking three and write/reading three.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh okay. I thought there was like a orientation to college class or something.


Orientation 100 I think?

Evan Franulovich:

Yeah, maybe.


Yeah, I take this in level four.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh, you took it in level four.


In the summer quarter.

Evan Franulovich:

Gotcha. Gotcha. So summer quarter is a little bit shorter than fall and...How many weeks was your summer?


Eight weeks, but the... during of the classes was a little bit longer. Because, because it's just eight weeks.

Evan Franulovich:



For example, in spring quarter, we did just study for two hours and five minutes or something like that. But in the summer quarter we... we study for like three hours or around three hours.

Evan Franulovich:

So they make it a little longer so they can shorten up the time. Well, that's kind of nice. Then you've had more vacation between the end of the summer and the beginning of fall. What did you do during the did you vacation


Yeah I go to Oregon? at all? Did you...

Evan Franulovich:



There is a lot of beaches there.

Evan Franulovich:



So cool.

Evan Franulovich:

Yeah, yeah I grew up on the Oregon coast. I grew up in Florence. Did you go to Florence?


No, I just like in the first like cities next to Washington.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh, so like Portland...



Evan Franulovich:

So do you know anyone down there or did you just go to explore? Actually, my... my sister in law was knowing like some beaches that her friend told her is a good bit places. So we go there. That's cool. Wow. So you've been to Washington, Oregon, anywhere else? Have you been anywhere else?



Evan Franulovich:

Maybe in time. So this is a fall. Are you done with your fall quarter now? Is it finished?


Yeah. Just this week. This is the last week.

Evan Franulovich:

Last week. So we're... it's not even the end of November... I mean, we're right at the end of November then you'll have all of December before you have to go back to class.



Evan Franulovich:

So what do you plan to do during December?


Actually, I'm not sure yet. But maybe I can't go so far away, because my sister in law just like she's just like, give us give us a children.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh! So she had a baby? Yeah. Ah, well, congratulations!


Thank you so much.

Evan Franulovich:

How old is? just must be a month old or?



Evan Franulovich:

Not even...


Like 15 days?

Evan Franulovich:

15 days? Oh, my gosh. So you must be busy helping her? That's awesome.


Yeah. Busy helping her and her mother is we have a lot like plenty things to do together in home or visiting places here in Seattle or something like that.

Evan Franulovich:

Right, right. Wow. 15 days. That's amazing... So okay, so let's talk a little bit about your Intensive English classes, because we've talked about the Intensive English Program many times on the show, but can you give you're in level five? Tell us what kinds of things you focus on in class, at that last level, at level five?


Actually, I focus about my writing because I know in college, I need to write a lot of essays.

Evan Franulovich:



So I need to be like in a good level...

Evan Franulovich:


Hafsa: writing so the teacher can understand what I'm trying to say and this things, as I'm focusing of taking friends, because I know in college, I will study with American students and these things, so I need friends to ask or to discuss to, to study together.

Evan Franulovich:

Sure. Yeah.


They can help me or help him with if I know something.

Evan Franulovich:

Right. Right. That's cool. Have you made a lot of friends since you arrived?



Evan Franulovich:

It seems like you talk to a lot of people. I see her out in the hall sometimes. You're pretty social.


Yeah. I have like a lot of friends here. Because when I just came, I don't know anything. I found that I need to talk with people so I can have new information that can help me. Right. So that's why I'm trying to have a lot of friends to discuss with.

Evan Franulovich:

For sure. Yeah, were you...So when you first were leaving Morocco. Had you had you been outside of the country before? Was this your first time?


No. This is my first time.

Evan Franulovich:

Wow. Were you nervous?


Yeah, it was like very hard, but it's okay, it's good.

Evan Franulovich:



Now I used to, and my family can't help me too, because I have my brother.

Evan Franulovich:

That is nice.


That's that's helped me a lot.

Evan Franulovich:

Sure. So I've been to Morocco. Morocco is quite different than Seattle. How has the difference in weather been for you?


There's a big difference. In Morocco the weather is it's so nice. Not very hot. Not very warm. It's good. Yeah, you can everyone can used to the weather in Morocco, but here it's very, very cold.

Evan Franulovich:

It's chilly, compared.


I'm a person that's don't like this cold so much. But Im...

Evan Franulovich:

So how do you adapt? You just put on bigger coats?


Yeah. I wear a lot of clothes and my friends notice. They told me have you wear a lot of clothes.

Evan Franulovich:



But I like that.

Evan Franulovich:

Do you still go outside though? I mean, it's not like you just stay inside all the time.


No, I don't I sit inside. I go even I have a I have a hard time with weather, but I don't just stay at home or something like that. I try to wear good clothes.

Evan Franulovich:

Yeah, yeah.


And go...

Evan Franulovich:

It's totally possible. Yeah. I mean, it's not like it's snowing outside. I mean, today's a beautiful day.



Evan Franulovich:

So what do you do for fun? I mean, I know you hang out with your family a lot, and you help your family. But do you do anything around the city? That's fun or...


Sometimes I hang out with my friends.

Evan Franulovich:



Yeah. Or to watch TV? Because I like to watch, like, movies or something like that, so...

Evan Franulovich:

So there you go, right. Your friends, the friends that you've made, are they mostly international students then? Or have you made domestic student friends as well?


Actually, the most of my students is international students like China or the things.

Evan Franulovich:

That makes sense.


I have just like, I know, just one friend from America, and yeah...

Evan Franulovich:

All right. Well, maybe next quarter, then because in the winter, you'll start your college classes. Right? Yeah. Because you're graduated now or graduating?



Evan Franulovich:

From the...


Level five

Evan Franulovich:

From the level five. Yeah. Well, that's exciting. Do you know what your schedule is going to be already? Do you know what classes you're going to take?


Yeah, I already choose two classes. I need to take the third class, but after taking a test of math.

Evan Franulovich:

Math placement.


Yeah. After that, I will take a math class. The two classes is English 101, and sociology.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh, cool.



Evan Franulovich:

Psychology? Yey, they're so similar so...Well, that's really great. When you were in Morocco, did you go to like a private school? Or did you go to a public school?


In Morocco I was in the university.

Evan Franulovich:

Or you were?


Yeah. I graduated from my university.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh, so you already graduated from university? And then you came here to just change careers?


Yeah, first, I was thinking to continue...but when I learned a lot about an advisor to help me a lot to know what I really want. I choose nursing because in university, I was studying chemistry. It's a little bit like, it's not similar, but it's close a little bit..

Evan Franulovich:



And when I read too much about the information, what I need to read and these things, I decided to do nursing.

Evan Franulovich:

So you have a bachelor's degree, that's really interesting and I'd like to talk about this if you don't mind. Because we have a lot of students who, like they contact me before they decide to be a student, and some of them have already received their Bachelor's degrees in their home country. That's what you did. Yeah?


Yeah, but from students from Morocco that we have a little bit of small problem is our bachelor's degree, we take it in three years. But here we you should take it in four years.

Evan Franulovich:



So when you came here, if you want to continue your studies, you should do a test, I think, and study here for one year, then you can continue your studies in the university. Right. So when you applied, did you upload your transcripts from the university you attended?

Evan Franulovich:



And how much of the work that you did in Morocco transferred? Like did they accept as credit? Yeah. I when I... before I came here, I sent to Seattle College, all my grades in this three years, and they accepted

Evan Franulovich:

All of it? Or most of it?


I think most of it because it's the industry years, I have like six quarters, and so we say in Morocco, six semesters.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh sure yeah.


And one semester, it wasn't like a good grade because the five semesters was in a high score, but one of them it wasn't in a high. It's just like in the middle.

Evan Franulovich:

So that will help you right, because then you'll you already have some of your college finished.



Evan Franulovich:

Towards your bachelor's degree here.


Yeah, and they told me like the all the classes that is similar to chemistry, I can just like, check at this and don't check the score.

Evan Franulovich:

Well, that's nice. They'll save you time and money.



Evan Franulovich:

Well, so how long do you think you'll end up staying at Seattle College before transferring?


I think the advisor now told me like two years. Oh, it's two years still

Evan Franulovich:

The first year like the first requires, I need to just read the basic thing. And the next year here, I will start to study all the things about nursing. Right. This is good to know. So a lot of people have their


I think Community College first because here I learned a bachelor's degrees, or they have a lot of university work and lot of things first about American culture. So I can when they want to come to the United States and study. But sometimes community colleges may or may not be a good fit for them. Did you consider just going directly to a four year with the work that you'd already done? rather than coming to a community college first. I go to university or something like that, I can know how to how to like, how to enrolled with the class with people with the study how how it's come. Because the study here is so different from studying my country, there is a lot of things that is not similar. So when I came here to college, I can know how to be my, my study will be well in, in university or another college or something like that. They teach me a lot, because when you came here, they know that you are new, they, they try to teach you everything you need. And they they focus on, like, have friends and to be comfortable in your class to ask to. It's like this.

Evan Franulovich:

All right. That's good. Let's... sometimes it's difficult to get a visa or when you talk to the visa officer. They'll be like, hey, why are you... why do you want to go to a community college? You already have a bachelor's degree, why would you go backward? In your case, it makes sense. Your pathway makes a lot of sense. When you went for your visa interview, did they ask you about this at all?


Yeah, they asked me why you want to go there why you don't want to continue your studies in Morocco. They told me when you go there where where you will live. And they asked about my suppose sponsor, that will give me money on this thing. They they ask all these things.

Evan Franulovich:

And in did you get your visa on your first?


Yeah, it was so easy to get it.

Evan Franulovich:

It was so easy. Well, it's not easy for everybody. Well, that's great that you got it so easily.


Yeah. I just wanted to told everybody that in Morocco, you should just tell the truth. Tell the truth. And you shouldn't be nervous. Because if you like answer and you are nervous, they can say maybe he is he lie, or there is weird thing there just be not nervous, be normal, and just tell the truth.

Evan Franulovich:

Yeah, that's all that's really great advice,

actually, we always say:

"Hey, be really prepared." Because when you're very prepared, and you really understand your path, like how I'm going to get from here to hear and these are my goals. When you understand that you feel more confident, and then you're less nervous. I mean, there's so many really great reasons to just prepare for the interview.


And you should be confident about every answer you say.

Evan Franulovich:



Like, how long do you want to be here or you should be...Give him a direct answer, not just maybe, or, I don't know, or something like, just I want to sit for four years or three years or whatever.

Evan Franulovich:

Sure. Now, I know that there are at least two there's a consulate in an embassy in Morocco. Yeah. There's one in Casablanca and one in Rabat.


Yeah, I was in Casablanca.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh, you went to Casablanca. Yeah. Aren't you closer to Rabat though?


Yeah, I was close to Rabat but they sent me to Casabanca Casablanca... most of people go to Casablanca.

Evan Franulovich:

Interesting. Did you work with Education USA at all, when you were in Morocco? I know they have two centers. It's a governmental agency that helps students like explore becoming a student in the United States.


Actually, before I came to Morocco, I was in a program. It's that American doors in Morocco and Kenitra like I was studying for free English for two years. Every...every weekend. And they give me all the things that I need like, like...they give me bagpack. They give me all the books that I need to read with, and they, they... we go to a lot of trips and these things.

Evan Franulovich:

That's cool. Who...who ran that program? It doesn't have a name?


I don't have a name, but I know that it's from America because yeah, this place it's very, but I think they stop after me with one year.

Evan Franulovich:

Gotcha. Well, that sounds like a really great program. and that kind of got you prepared. Your English improved. I'm guessing quite a bit.



Evan Franulovich:

When did you start that? How old were you?


I was like, before I take my baccalaureate, I was like 15 or 16 years old.

Evan Franulovich:

Yeah. Okay. That makes sense. It seems like we have quite a few students that come from Morocco. I don't know why we have more from Morocco than, say, Algeria, Tunisia, or whatever. But we have quite a few students that come from Morocco. So maybe it's a little bit easier to get a visa. Have you heard from other students about their experience going for their visa appointments? From Morocco? Actually, before I take my visa, I ask a lot of students, that's what they are here in Seattle Central or South, they give me a lot of information about how to get a visa, they told me this advice, advice that I told you now. Right?


So yeah, I was asking before that.

Evan Franulovich:

How did you ask them? How did you identify these students?


Actually, the agent that give me their numbers, she helped me, this agent helped me a lot. It gives me a number of few students that is already been here. So she told me if you want to, like just give informations and to be more sure about what you want to do.

Evan Franulovich:

So I know that some students just apply directly, some students use agents. It sounds like you chose to use an agent.



Evan Franulovich:

Was it? Uh, I mean, it sounds like it was a good experience. Is that true?


Yeah. It's a good... so good, because they did everything that I just give him my information.

Evan Franulovich:



And they did everything for me.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh, that's so great, huh. Very cool. All right. Well, great. Oh, do you hear that? That means it's time for Trivia. So in this part of the show, we asked five questions, and these might relate to Seattle or going to school here. If you get them all right, you're on our wall of fame. And if not, well, you can cry yourself to sleep tonight in your big pillow. I'm just kidding. It's no problem. It's just for fun.

First question:

What is the name of the big mountain just to the South and East of us? It's a National Park. What is the name of that big mountain?


I know but I forgot one second...

Evan Franulovich:

I'll give you a hint. It starts with an R


R......... Oh my god.

Evan Franulovich:

It's Mount Rainier. Mount Rainier National Park is just to the South and East of us. It's the biggest mountain in the Northwest.


Yeah, my brother told me that and they... we will go there.

Evan Franulovich:

Yeah, you should definitely go there.



Evan Franulovich:

It's so pretty.


Yes. They told me there's a lot of nature and trees...

Evan Franulovich:

When you got here before early in the spring. Did you see snow? Did you drive up to the mountains? Have you been up to the mountains yet?


No. Not yet.

Evan Franulovich:

So you haven't been in the snow at all?



Evan Franulovich:

Exciting. Well, that'll be great. I know you guys have snow in Morocco because you have the Atlas Mountains right?


Yeah, we have Ifran. But when I go to see Ifran was was there was no snow.

Evan Franulovich:

There was no snow. Do you... Do you travel a lot throughout Morocco. Like have you been up to Tangier?


Yeah, I go to a lot of places like Marrakesh and places around there. The Tetuan is in the the South, and a Ifran what else? Rabat, Sale, Temara...

Evan Franulovich:

What's your favorite city?



Evan Franulovich:




Evan Franulovich:



Ther's a lot of natural places... mountains. I love, I loved it.

Evan Franulovich:

There you go. Go to Marrakesh guys. Check it out. I haven't been to Marrakesh, I'd like to go. Maybe when I get to Morocco. Hopefully in the Spring. We'll see. Okay,

question number two:

How many quarters are there here at SeattleCollegesIntl?


How many quarters?

Evan Franulovich:

How many quarters?


Five? There are four quarters. Why did you sa... In one day... in one year?

Evan Franulovich:

In one year.


Oh, I was thinking like how many levels you should... you should do. I know four... four quarters and you can take one off.

Evan Franulovich:

Yes. Yes, that's right. For quarters. She did. She knew the answer. All right. Very good. We'll give that one to you. All right. So question number three: How many...How many credits do you have to take in order to have a full load to meet your visa requirements?


I think like 12.

Evan Franulovich:

Yeah, that's right. Good job. All right,

question number four:

Here at Seattle Central. We have an animal that's associated with our college.



Evan Franulovich:

Got a tiger, the Seattle Central Tiger. Whoo! Now you say you watch a lot of TV. So question number five has

to do with is:

What was the last movie you saw?


Last movie is a Turkish movie, and it's talk about... it's talk about Israel and Palestine is so old movie. It's an old movie.

Evan Franulovich:

The last movie I saw that was shot in Istanbul was a movie called Kedi. Have you heard of this movie? It's a movie...It's a documentary about the cats of Istanbul. Because Istanbul is pretty famous for all the cats they have written. You should you should watch it. It's highly recommend Kedi tell you guys out there. K-E D-I. Ah, cool. Well, that's great. So you did pretty well. Hope you get up to Mount Rainier or even up to just the past because play in the snow. That'd be fun for you.


Okay, thank you.

Evan Franulovich:

So we usually at the end of the show, we like to ask if you have final words of wisdom or advice for students, they could be back in Morocco, or they could just be in Middle East, North Africa, anywhere in the region. Just like if they're thinking about coming to the United States to be a student? Or maybe they're considering Seattle Colleges. What kind of advice would you give them?


First, I want them to be ready for the weather. They should be ready for the weather and for the water too because I have a problem when I just came with the water.

Evan Franulovich:

What!? This is the first time any student has said that. What what was the water problem?


I don't know, but I don't like the taste. And even when I when I drink a lot of water, I still feel that I need more.

Evan Franulovich:



Yeah. I like take for one month or two months to used the water to the water.

Evan Franulovich:

To get used to it?


Yeah, I have a big problem with the water when I just came.

Evan Franulovich:

So what did you do? Did you just buy water in the store because of that...


No I just like... drink water from the store.

Evan Franulovich:

Interesting! So to address that, that's... I've never heard any...of my other interviews say something like that. And normally, Seattle has some real high quality of water. I mean, if you compare it to water in any of the other cities in the United States, we have a real high quality but I mean, it might taste different or be something in... in your case, it was different. So that's really interesting. If you go to like Eastern Idaho, you know the state that's next to us. That's... I've been where my godfather lived. He had a well, and I thought that the water tasted like rotten eggs. Oh, I think there's a lot of sulfur in the water. So I didn't like their water. But they were used to it. They didn't think it was a big deal.


Yeah, I think with time you can used to anything.

Evan Franulovich:

Maybe. That's so interesting that you had the water thing. So yeah, okay. Good. Anything else? Or is that your big?


Yeah, and about the clothes?

Evan Franulovich:

Oh, yeah.


Yeah, they should bring a lot of like warm clothes.

Evan Franulovich:

Right. Right, right. Yeah, bring warm clothes for sure. But you were here during the summer. How was the weather during the summer?


Yeah, it was very nice. It was cool.

Evan Franulovich:

Seattle is really nice in the summer, but it is starting to get chilly like this morning it was a little icy outside.


Yeah and the nights.

Evan Franulovich:

Yeah. Well, that's really good. Really good advice. But you don't have to bring a lot of clothes if you don't want to. We do have some really nice... Have you been to REI?


What is it?

Evan Franulovich:

REI. It's a it's one of our famous stores here in Seattle. It's called REI, which stands for recreational Equipment Incorporated. And they sell like a lot of mountain climbing gear and outdoorsy kinds of clothing. So the people that want to go outside and play, you know, they have good clothes, they don't get cold or wet or whatever. Check it out. We do have some nice stores if you don't want to bring all your clothes. But I know clothes are probably cheaper in Morocco than the United States. So you can save money if you bring them but yeah, be warm. Well, good advice. Great. Let's talk last thing. In season two, I've asked my my guests to speak in their own language. You are a first language Arabic speaker so, some people may have never heard Arabic but you're not my first guest who speaks Arabic. But yeah, if you just want to say something like if it's just to the people back home or if you want to say something about going to school or whatever kind of advice you want to give or just maybe you'll 20 seconds worth of Arabic just so people can hear it.


Okay, we'll talk with Moroccan Arabic.

Evan Franulovich:

Oh cool.



Evan Franulovich:

I know right it's a little...


~Speaking in Arabic~

Evan Franulovich:

Nice, beautiful language. I love it. Well, so thanks so much for coming in today.


Thank you so much!

Evan Franulovich:

I really appreciate. I caught her in the hall the other day and I was like :You should be on my show!

And she was like:

whoa. But she's here today. We really appreciate you coming in and sharing your story. And yeah, I look forward to seeing you again in the near future. Have a great holiday season everybody. Take care. Byebye. Conversations with! is painstakingly crafted for you by the Seattle Colleges International Programs department and supported by the lovely folks here on our campus. This show is produced and edited by me Evan Franulovich. We welcome your emails and questions about coming to Seattle Colleges. Please reach out to us via our website or just give have us a rating and a review on Apple podcasts as this helps others discover the show. Also, don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok or YouTube at SeattleCollegesIntl, that's SeattleCollegesIntl. And be sure to check out all of the shows here on Conversations with! Thanks for listening and we'll see you next week.