FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast

Mastering Mindful Snacking: Your Guide to Healthier Eating Habits

Turo Virta

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In this empowering FitMitTuro Fitness Podcast episode, I'll be sharing practical strategies to help you break free from mindless munching and cultivate a more conscious relationship with food.

Are you tired of falling victim to snack cravings and feeling guilty about your eating habits? You're not alone. That's why I'm here to guide you through proven techniques to recognize triggers and keep healthier options at your fingertips. Drawing from my own journey, I'll reveal how I overcame snack cravings and learned to navigate the delicate balance between indulgence and portion control.

But that's not all – I'll equip you with actionable tips to conquer snack urges and hunger pangs, from incorporating protein and fiber-rich foods into your meals to practicing mindful eating and mastering the art of delayed gratification. Together, we'll tackle emotional triggers and set practical calorie limits, empowering you to make informed choices and reclaim control over your eating habits.

Whether you're struggling to curb mindless snacking or seeking a path to healthier living, this episode is your roadmap to success. Join me on this transformative journey and discover the freedom that comes with mastering mindful snacking.

Action Items:

Implement one or two of the strategies shared in this episode and experience their transformative impact firsthand.

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Hey, and welcome to this fit withdraw fitness podcast. Today's episode, I'm talking about eight strategies how to avoid unnecessary snacking. As this is some topic, I recently talked with one of my coaching clients and I was asking about weekly meetings and what they tend to well, and what they are most proud of themselves. And, and a couple of my clients actually answered that they are proud of themselves, how they were able to not snack at all. And I want to know that, okay, this is it's a, it's a obviously great thing, what you should be proud of yourself. But it's not necessarily done most sustainable long term syrupy as that this way you are practicing discipline, how to be kind of perfect. But then now, what often happens is that when you are not able to follow, you're kind of all in or nothing rules, then you end up going totally overboard, and not dealing like that, if you can stick with there's something wrong with you. And that again, leads do that you are not feeling confident about yourself and you feel guilt and shame, because you were not able to follow you're also so this is kind of all in or nothing thinking and, and I in this episode, I'm providing a solid case for what I use myself, what I always try to recommend for my clients. And the most important thing, what you what I want you to get out of this episode is not to try to follow all eight rules. So pick maybe one or two strategies and try to implement this into your life and then you will see what is going to happen. And then what what kind of results what is working for you individually as we are all different than that. The same strategies don't work for each individual. And these are just my thoughts. And obviously, if you have anything else I would love to hear from you. So if you have any thoughts, any topics that you would like to buy Torker feel free to shoot me a DM on my Instagram, or email me Turo at fitment So those are the simplest ways to how to reach out to me. So when it comes to snacking, more, I often say that is something first of all, what I struggle with myself also personally as often I find myself using it kind of comporting myself getting rid of kind of uncomfortable feelings. And it is it is something what really requires to pay attention and feeling like that, that I don't I have, there is something else I don't need to if I'm bored, if I'm stressed that I don't try to suppress those feelings, my unwanted feelings into a food. So first, the first step is to kind of trying to recognize what is the difference being actually hungry, or, or having kind of some kind of uncomfortable feelings. So, so if you really have a reading, so physical hunger and breathing, so there is a there is a physical hunger is that when you are actually hungry, and cravings are something that you might you are probably seeing or smelling something and you get those kinds of juice, you get the craving that now I would like to get this something to suppress your unwanted feelings or something, what you really actually want to have, but you necessarily you don't need it, you are not physically hungry. So it's all those cravings. They can be triggered by some emotions, like stress or boredom, or you have some kind of habit and and they are they are through our hunger cues are is usually easiest science to know if you're actually hungry, is I love to use this talk myself that that if I'm actually hungry, or if I'm if I'm having a craving so this is first episode of mega mega desk, and I simply ESPYS to Apple this I like to call it an apple test. And so it means that that you are are you willing to eat an apple before? And if you if the answer is yes, you probably are hungry. So so this is how the process usually goes. So ask yourself a question. Can you eat one piece of fruit? And if the answer is yes, then go for it. So eat one piece of fruit. I like to I like to personally apples. It could be anything. It could be oranges. It could be beer. whatever food you eat, so eating, it's not that complicated. So don't make it too confusing, then the second rule is that if I'm able to get out, wait, can I delay that urge of breathing. So do not give your body immediately what it wants or your mind what it wants. So create a rule. So it could be just setting a timer. And I usually I love to recommend here to use like a set a timer with your phone, like, ideally, it could be 15 minutes. But if you are brand new doing it, it could be just simply sitting for five minutes. And within that time, you could be eating something else first. For example, it could be a piece of fruit, or some source of protein, for example. So something what you probably naturally do not want. But if you're actually hungry, then you are, I'm pretty sure you are okay with that option, too. So, and ideally, if you after that you have it, you have waited. And then if you still want something done, there is a big chance that you were actually hungry, and you didn't have a craving. So then go for it, eat all snacks or foods, what do you want. So those are kind of the first two rules, what you would be doing, and those are my favorite snacks. So then strategy number three would be then to kind of looking at what your how your meals are looking like. So. So often the snacking, I feel myself, I recognize it right away if I hadn't had enough protein, if I didn't have enough fiber. So those are two kind of macronutrients, which are causing that you are feeling more hungry you need you have that urge of snacking more often. And what means in balanced meals. So how to make sure especially protein is one of the one of the most common things was most common missing macronutrients what many people even most of the people do know that protein is important. They try to include some protein, but they have no idea how much protein they're actually eating. And if you think that there is some protein, but it's there what how much protein there is? Cause for example, most people know that x are source of protein, but how much protein how much protein has one, Nick? So the answer is around seven grams. And that is not a lot of protein. So what is what if you're, if you are consistently finding yourself hungry, snacking, tick how much protein you're eating, and that could go is around 1.5 times your body weight, so in kilograms, so if you're, if your weight is around 70 kilos, at least 100 grams of protein per day, and if you are not getting I'm not saying that you have to eat only as as, so x should be the only source of your protein. But it says that if you are eating one or two weeks, you get 714 grams of protein, and you still need a lot of other protein sources to hit your protein goal. So just keep in mind that that where to get those protein how much actually you are eating. So this is this is kind of that step number two so so when you are having enough protein, enough fiber fiber is a poor example. Great sources are fluids. And that's why that was kind of that setup is one and two, waiting and making sure that you eat first something else. So then strategy number three is hydration. So sometimes you can be actually thirsty and not hungry. So it's also very hard to recognize if you are actually thirsty or if you are hungry so so making sure that you have had enough water so this is also one of the what you should be adding into your checklist that if you really want to snack to make sure that you have big glass of water before going into your food. So So hydration is more it it is often it's one of the most things would recognize what you recognize that if you are not drinking enough, you end up eating more so, so more more hydrated, you are less likely it is that you are going to actually snack. And then Tip number four is it's kind of related what water was the number one and two is that practicing that kind of mindful eating. So Paying attention to show a hunger to use and, and really, really eating when you are hungry. So, so mindful eating is, it's, it's so helpful. And usually often it's not. Often people are thinking like, that's what these are what I'm eating, instead of pretending like that's how I'm actually eating. So mindful eating is, I'm sure you have heard about it. And it's this simple checklist is that you are sitting when you are eating, you are kind of trying to enjoy every bite, and it says that you are just selling food into your mouth. And then and so just staying at trying to eat kind of as low as possible. So don't rush things don't eat while you are going. So sit down, take your time, eat what you want, and try to try to slow things down. Like if you are, you're having a four bullet put fork down, somebody likes to count there and how many times they are chewing like, I did it for a while myself, like 25 to 30 times, if you are counting, that was honestly that story. Like it didn't work for me, I didn't enjoy doing it. I obviously it worked, it helped. But I recognize that I'm not able to stick with that. But for some people, that kind of therapy is working so so making sure that you are having water having read it, and then then if you still feel like it, then go for it. Because the last thing what I want you to do is that you are kind of telling yourself that if I'm not able to stick with my plan or with my goals with my discipline, that there is something wrong with me because there is a there is a big chance is that at some point you are going to you're going to snack anyways so so don't kind of make this all in or nothing type of rules. So always rules what I love to use for myself and for clients that if I can do this, then I do that. And all kinds of things like that, it's always kind of thing what you want to do, it's possible to do, but you have to do something else first. And these are these are the strategies makes you feel a little bit less frustrated and you are going to feel more confident that you're actually able to do it. So then rule number five is that kind of thing in it what kind of snacks because it's often is that what what snacks you have available so keep it keep those your snacks up snack options, kind of healthy and always available. So when you if you go to your boundary or you have somewhere in your home where you have your snacks like I know we have I have a snacks, but there's always what is reasonable first so if you if your problem is for example, eating chocolate, or some sweets or chips that they are not the first thing what do you see that you have always option for kind of healthier snacks. So whatever you are aiming for, what if it's eating more fruits, eating more vegetables, eating more protein so that you have that your snack, that healthier option is always available. So it could be protein bar I don't I personally don't like to use them as a source of protein. But for example protein bars they are it depends on a lot of on brand and Marcos there are so many different options available. But I kind of keep them for myself like as an alternative for some sweets and chocolate or some candy. So I instead of having that, that if I'm having sweet cravings, I want to have something sweet. So I rather use protein powder instead of the thrill thing because it's the sweet is the into eating it and it has some protein but it should not be the kind of only your source of protein because that is that is just the city city source. And anyways, I wouldn't recommend to eat more than one protein bar per day. Yes, that is it and there are different brands, I personally have some kind of data system issues with some of the brands so so but with some others, they are totally fine. So it really depends on brand. It depends on your gut, what you are digesting what not so, so this is just to keep in mind that giving those kinds of snacks, healthier snacks always available and that you have access to them that you don't find excuses for yourself that they don't have anything else so, so this again grades even if you are snacking, you're snacking kind of little bit better. And then tip number six is is identifying those triggers you have. So, when you find yourself in situations that you are always snacking when when it happens. So, looking those triggers, so, if you are I like to use kind of some kind of journaling to see if there is some trend if you find some trend when those situations happen, is it when you are when you are having those snacking habits so are you are you stressed? Are you tired? Are you bored? And if it's there some certain time when it's happening. So, when you have identified triggers or is it something that you see or smell something is there something in your environment that you could be changing of identifying or changing those patterns? So, if your environment if your home if there is some visible if you see there is a bowl of candies or or chocolate always visible and when you pass that place or in your working place if there is some visible views what you are seeing Could you be changing those or is there is there like that when you get home from work that you are kind of feeling that an hour I'm stressed and I need to eat something or is it in your when you are in your work that there is a PC situation then then you are looking to kind of suppress that stress with food and or if it's evening watching TV or Netflix and you find yourself boring, bored and in that moment you are using food to suppress those feelings so this is it says that gives so much clarity so much knowledge for yourself from your own triggers your habits when it's happening and then when you first step is always to identify them and then it's the act and do something against then tip number seven is to actually keeping full children so so this is one of the things like what my for example what my wife see her poll is not the so you don't need to she have not a lot of weight to lose but she's always like to reason for the startup to drag her forward and and even seen no shirt a lot of photo like what is healthy, what is not healthy, what is maybe good, what is not good and and it's funny to see how she is coming to me and telling me that Oh Did you know that there are so many calories in these foods and I would have if I want to have 300 calories I would eat so much with this food and and with this it's only like a small portions and there's so many calories so so this is this is something when you when you keep for Jordan and you learn to take time to educate yourself it's kind of like a school you take time to educate yourself with the foods you are eating on a daily basis. And then you are you are give yourself like so much like a like a school you go to university you take your it's not always so easy to do it but with the food when you learn from those habits you learn foods what you are eating on a daily basis it gives you so much more knowledge about your daily habits and affords what you love to eat on a daily basis. So so when you take I don't say that you have to It's a tool it's not something that you should be doing the rest of your life. But if you take let's say for a week or two from your life and try to use force gave everything what you are putting into your mouth try to measure it as as accurately as possible. And then you will learn that while there is what I can have to eat my calories or or what kind of snacks you could be eating. So this is this is definitely something what I would recommend you to do and often that snacking is causing like that if you have had, let's say your breakfast you had a you don't have breakfast, or you had some just some croissant or some other like just really really light breakfast and then you find yourself that you asked kind of snacking all the time or if your meal is just to sell it without any protein or anything. And, of course, it gives you like you have had, like, I don't know, 200 calories, and your body requires maybe 2000. And it's no wonder that your body screams for energy. So you might be feeling all the times negative. And this is something what my my wife also recognized that her portion sizes for her main meals, they were so small, that she was kind of snacking all the day. And even there was not much food at any time. But that if see when she started to increase her portion sizes on her main meals to recognize that all this way, she's not snacking all the time. So. So for some people, it might be actually increasing your portion sizes, especially protein, and during your main meals, and then kind of that you don't you're not snacking all the time. And then the last tip, what what is what is what I personally, it's my favorite, what I do that I set the rules for myself for my snacking. So I set the kind of calorie limit for my snacks. So I'm allowing for myself, let's say, at this point, it's 300 calories per day. And sometimes it's 400. Sometimes it's more, but at this point, I'm trying to follow a 300 Calorie rule for my snacks. So it means that I'm allowed to eat 300 calories in form of snacks. And that is outside of my mealtime. So how I actually do it is is that they, they kind of poaching my snacks. And it's, it's I have in this way I have always absent. So if I feel like that I want to have chocolate I bought in 300 calories of form of chocolate or if it's some days, it's ice cream. Some days it's it's cookies. And if I feel like that, okay, now I might be actually hungrier. So it could be some Greek yogurt with strawberries. So if you if you have tracked your calories at some point you you know the difference what is between having like low fat Greek yogurt with strawberries. So strawberries has have around 30 calories per 100 grams. And so I could have one kilogram of strawberries, if that would be my snack. And if I add that with some Greek yogurt, so let's say that I would have 150 grams of Greek yogurt that's almost like a breadboard I'm using it's like I don't I think 5060 calories around 60 calories, I think it's pretty accurate per 100 grams. So let's say I have 200 grams of fat, Greek yogurt, and pudding, they're like, five 600 grams of strawberries, that is my 300 calorie snack. And that is a lot of volume. I still enjoy eating strawberries I enjoy, like Greek yogurt, I wouldn't enjoy eating just to plant Greek yogurt without anything. But with strawberries, that's a very good source of protein gives me feel fuller for longer. And that should raise my hunger. But obviously, that's not something what I want to do every single day. So in those days, when I'm not when I'm not eating that kind of snacks, I'm I'm I might want to go for cookies, obviously amounts, what I get with 300 calories or less, but there's always an option. And with this rule, there is no like kind of limits what you can do, you don't need to feel guilty, but it gives you kind of that freedom, what I want to do so. So these were nine of those, my top eight tips. And if something some of these, you felt like they are, this was something that they sounded good. Please try it, don't do not try to do everything at the same time pick one, maybe two strategies of this and start implementing these and then if they are not working, they are listening to him implement another strategies if you if you have those strategies in your mind you hopefully you can write them down. And but do not try to implement them everything at the same time. So I hope this helps. And if it does, I really love to hear hear from you. And if you haven't leave a five star review in iTunes or Spotify. Those are helping a lot to get this broadcast out for more people. So I really appreciate all who have done it and thank you for doing it. That's all what I'm asking for this. So thank you You're listening and talk to you soon