Serene Reflections: From the Heart That Seeks the Way
The Serene Reflections Podcast is a series of Dharma Talks from the Wallowa Buddhist Temple in the mountains of Northeast Oregon in the United States. Reverend Clairissa Beattie, a Zen Buddhist monk and priest, invites you to join in listening from your own place of stillness, from the Heart That Seeks the Way. Each talk lasts about half an hour or less. Settling down to hear these clear and quiet teachings through the gateway of the ear may serve as a general introduction to Chan or Zen Buddhist practice within your inquiry into Mahayana Buddhism, or as a supportive adjunct to your own unfolding spiritual work. These gentle, introspective recordings flow from one monk's personal reflections on the myriad facets of Zen practice. Episodes of the Serene Reflections Podcast are prepared with the help of the monks and congregation of the Wallowa Buddhist Temple, offered throughout the seasons for the benefit of all beings, including you, wherever you may be.
TO CLARIFY: This is the original Serene Reflections Podcast. It is the only podcast affiliated with the Wallowa Buddhist Temple.
Serene Reflections: From the Heart That Seeks the Way
89 As Windbells Resound 01-02-22
On the first Sunday of the New Year, Rev. Clairissa points toward reminders of our Original Buddha Nature which reverberates through all beings. She speaks of the various forms of Maitreya, the Buddha Yet to Come, and she invites us to join her in listening to Keizan’s teaching on Kayashata and his teacher Sōgyanandai, two Ancestors in our Sōtō Zen lineage.