Unfazed Under Fire Podcast

The secrets to maintaining executive resiliency in today’s topsy-turvy world with Dan Blackburn

David Craig Utts Season 1 Episode 7

We hear a lot about the critical nature of resilience for executives leading today’s organizations.  In this podcast, I am joined by a fellow Executive Coach and former Whole Foods Executive, Dan Blackburn, to discuss the importance of resilience in the executive suite.  The podcast defines resilience, what it takes to engage and retain it, and why executives must prioritize resilience if they expect to manifest great results for themselves and those they lead.   

 Dan’s strong mix of experience as a wellness expert and former executive brings a profound yet practical perspective on what it takes to succeed in the executive suite during these increasingly disruptive and uncertain times. 

Dan Blackburn’s links: 
Tula Organizational Wellness - https://www.tulaorganizationalwellness.com/ 

Dan’s launch of his book “Lost and Found” - https://www.tulayogawellness.com/workshops/booklaunchpresale-lostandfound-bydanblackburn

Unfazed Under Fire Podcast - Host: David Craig Utts, Leadership Alchemist

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