Inspired to Be

TREND ALERT! Add a pop of red to elevate your vibe | Inspired Moment

May 27, 2024 Elise Ingegneri Season 2 Episode 6
TREND ALERT! Add a pop of red to elevate your vibe | Inspired Moment
Inspired to Be
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Inspired to Be
TREND ALERT! Add a pop of red to elevate your vibe | Inspired Moment
May 27, 2024 Season 2 Episode 6
Elise Ingegneri

Today I wanted to talk about The Red Nail Theory!? What is it and do i think it's real? YES! I love it. I recently chose red nails and i can tell you it works.

Here's a breakdown of my experience with Red Nail Theory:
1. Helps harness the energy of confidence, empowerment and even create conversations with new friends. Your red nails red might uplift someone's spirits or help them feel more dynamic and vibrant.
2. Influences your mood and emotions, evoking feelings of excitement and enthusiasm, allowing you to show up in your most feminine and aligned vibration.
3. Has helped me think about adding red and other fun colours into my wardrobe, moving away from neutrals and blacks!

Have you tried the red nail theory or painting your nails red? Id love to hear your experience.

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Love and Light, Elise x

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Show Notes Transcript

Today I wanted to talk about The Red Nail Theory!? What is it and do i think it's real? YES! I love it. I recently chose red nails and i can tell you it works.

Here's a breakdown of my experience with Red Nail Theory:
1. Helps harness the energy of confidence, empowerment and even create conversations with new friends. Your red nails red might uplift someone's spirits or help them feel more dynamic and vibrant.
2. Influences your mood and emotions, evoking feelings of excitement and enthusiasm, allowing you to show up in your most feminine and aligned vibration.
3. Has helped me think about adding red and other fun colours into my wardrobe, moving away from neutrals and blacks!

Have you tried the red nail theory or painting your nails red? Id love to hear your experience.

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I can't wait to hear how you are inspired in your life. If you would like more you can connect with me here:

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Love and Light, Elise x

Hello, my loves. Guess what we're talking about today. On Monday Mini Ep. I wanted to talk about harnessing the energy of getting your nails done red. Red Nail Theory!

So this is something that I've done a few times, but last week I said to you guys on Instagram, I need to get my nails done. I can't choose between red because I'm going on a weekend away with my husband, which, by the way, have not done two nights away from my children since being parents of three. So we're very looking forward to this. Chloe is now three years old, so it's a very needed little stay cay or not a stay cay. We're going away, away. We're taking an airplane. So we are so excited. Like, beyond excited. 

So anyways, getting the nails done for the weekend away, and I said, shall I do, like a neutral nude pink or shall I go red? And I've done red before. I love it. It just gives me all the vibes, all the energy, all the feels. So I wanted to pop on and give you a little bit of a boost about this red nail energy. If you haven't done your nails red before, this is your sign to go and do red nails. Like, seriously, I don't know what it is, but it just makes you feel so feminine, so powerful, so energized, so sexy. And one thing that I really struggled with was like, it's not going to match everything that I own. So I started wearing more red. I'm wearing a red top right now. And then I realized, oh, my gosh, I love wearing more colors. So I've started to try and incorporate more colors in rather than just beiges and blacks. And I'm just loving it. I'm loving the vibe. So this little mini ep, little mini motivational Monday is to just give you a bit of a motivation to try new things in your wardrobe, your nail color that could potentially give you a little bit of a boost of vibrant energy, of feeling good, of feeling like yourself. And by all means, if you're the girly that loves wearing the neutrals, the black, the whites, I have been there. Then you do you. But this is for my girlies who are feeling like they want to jump out. They want to try something a bit more vibrant, a bit more energized.

So let's talk to how I'm finding showing up, wearing and adding colors into my clothes and colors into my nails. I'm gonna call this the red nail theory, or shall we call it red nail energy. What do you think? Let me know. Anyways, I'm gonna start by calling it the red nail theory. And the first thing I want to talk to is confidence and empowerment. So red is actually a colour that symbolizes passion, energy, power, and confidence, which is really cool, especially if you just kind of feel blur. I don't know what it is, but I think there is definitely some truth to these colors and how they make you feel. There's been heaps of hype on TikTok and Instagram about the colors and what suits your skin tone, and I'd love to do that. I actually would love to have a guest on to talk about different colors and how they suit different skin tones and how they can make us feel and what colors are suitable to wear to different occasions, to sort of harness different energies. So I would love that if you know of anyone, please tag them or send them my way so that we can sit down and have a chat. That would be amazing. So red is a really bold color, isn't it? It really does draw attention. So by wearing red nail polish, I have personally felt more confident, more assertive, more in my own power. I don't know what it is. I think it's just that when, especially your nails, like, it's something that you see all the time, you just see this pop of red. It kind of just gives you a little boost, a little reminder to, like, stand up taller, to feel a bit stronger, more powerful, more important. Especially someone like me who I don't go to work. I don't go on an office job anymore. Sometimes I feel really lacking in what's my purpose. Like, where am I showing up? Am I just a stay at home mom? Which is absolutely ridiculous, because imagine if you weren't the stay at home mom, you would have to pay someone to look after your children. You would have to pay a nanny to come in and do all the things that you do. So you are valued. Your job as a stay at home mom is not below anybody else's job. It is one of the most important jobs in the world. But you probably understand if you're in my same similar situation that sometimes you just feel, like, lacking that kind of power, that empowerment, that, like, feminine energy where you're just, you know, you go to work, you feel really good, you get dressed up, you know what I mean? So I love a red nail for that. Red is a color that really does stand out and makes a statement, and I have really felt that. 

You know what is really cool about red nail polish? The conversations it creates. So I feel like sometimes, well, if you're like me, I'm not super. What are the two words? Introverted and extroverted? I'm not really extroverted. When I'm out in public, I get quite shy. Even if I've met people a few times, I sort of feel nervous going up to them. I kind of want them to come up to me first. I get. I don't know. I don't know why I feel that way. But what I've noticed wearing red nails is that it starts conversations. So, like, I'll show up to Pilates and someone will be like, I love your nails. What color is that? And then we'll chat, or, like, mum's at school pickup and drop off. Same thing. So it's like a conversation starter. And interestingly enough, something popped up on my instagram the other day where there was a mum who started an account, or she decided that she was just not showing up for herself and dressing nicely because she was a stay at home mom. Exactly what I just said. So she started dressing really nicely every day, putting effort into her outfits, really looking into fashion, and she really loved it. Started wearing more colours, and she said she ended up, over time, obviously, creating new friendships because she would show up to events and school drop off and school pickup, just feeling herself feeling great in her outfits. And it was a conversation startup. People would say, where did you get your shoes? Where did you get your bags? I love your top. I love your hat. You know what I mean? So I really feel like this comes into colorful outfits as well. I feel like it really jumps out. And that can be nerve wracking because there's definitely some things that I want to wear. Like, I'm wearing this red top right now, and I love wearing it, but I know that it will draw attention to me. So that's something I've kind of had to work past because, like, that's okay. Do you know what I mean? Like, it's not a big deal, but that's obviously a personal thing that you have to think about and work through in your own mind. If that's something that sort of worries you a little bit, obviously, don't go and wear a red top if that's not going to make you feel comfortable. You have to do you. And different colors suit different people. I know some friends and even some of my kids look amazing in yellow, but I could not pull off yellow. Yellow does not suit me. I love how it makes me feel. Sunflowers are beautiful. They give me so much joy. I love when my girls wear yellow. It looks so nice on them, but it does not suit me. Isn't that just really cool, though, that by adding a color in, doing your nails, putting a little bit of effort in, and I guess maybe it just radiates this energy from you then, because you feel like you're showing up for yourself, and then people feel that energy, and they come across to you and they talk, and I just think that's so cool. So I love that. That is the biggest thing that motivates me to just, I don't know, keep just feeling in my own energy, feeling really vibrant, feeling really feminine that I'm attracting people that feel the same way. Do you know what I mean?

Mood enhancement is a big one. Colors, as I said, can enhance our moods and emotions. And this is why I've also started to try and incorporate colors into my clothes. I love black. I love a good black outfit. Some days, a full black outfit is so chic. And I especially love black for, like, walking and working out, because you don't have to think about it. You can just grab it and put it on. And also, when you're sweating, that's kind of gross if you're wearing colors and you can see the sweat marks in different areas of your body. But I definitely feel fantastic when I wear, like, greens or pinks, you know? So think about the colors that really boost your mood. What do you feel good in? What do you look at yourself in the mirror and think, yeah, I'm feeling myself wearing this. Just wear it, girlfriend. Just wear it. You deserve it. You deserve to feel good. So, yeah. Specifically to red, though, it is really stimulating to evoke feelings of excitement and enthusiasm. So it's definitely a mood booster. It definitely makes you feel that, like, empowerment that you're in. Your women like femininity. Do you know what I mean? So painting your nails red definitely gives you the chance to uplift someone's spirit, help them feel more dynamic and vibrant just by being in your presence. So I painted my nails red. I don't know if I'm gonna keep up with it or not. I'm definitely one who goes with the flow. Sometimes I'm feeling it, sometimes I'm not. But nails, it's a big choice. Cause it has to last for, like, three to four weeks. Do you know what I mean? 

I'm loving it. I just wanted to share that with you because I really felt that it was a little motivator that maybe you haven't thought about and maybe you could start incorporating. Please let me know what you think. Come on over to Instagram, share any people with me who you have noticed or seen that are experts color therapy or, you know, that color assessments with clothing, because I genuinely would love to sit down and have a chat with someone and share that with you guys.

So happy Monday, beautiful friends. I hope this motivates you. I hope you have a really beautiful week. I can't wait to be in your ears again on Wednesday. I have Dee Zibara coming on, and we're talking about hormone health and simple and easy and relatable, realistic ways that you can help your hormonal health. So that one's going to be really cool. So can't wait to be in your ears then. And thanks so much for listening. 

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