Seeds For Your Marriage

What a Woman Can Do For A Successful Marriage / Relationship

Trisha Walker, Thomas Walker Season 2 Episode 23

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What a Woman Can Do For A Successful Marriage / Relationship
Guest: Romesa Wilson

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🔸Empowering Marriages and Ministering Together: A Conversation with Romisa Wilson

This script captures a heartfelt and insightful discussion between hosts Trisha and Thomas Walker and their guest Romesa Wilson, founder and minister of 'Desperately Seeking Jesus.' Romesa shares her journey of prayer and ministry, particularly how it has strengthened her marriage and family life. She recounts the evolution of her ministry, from prayer calls to organizing women's retreats and the impact of these gatherings. The discussion also covers the importance of communication, serving each other in marriage, and the power of viewing one's spouse as a gift from God. Through personal anecdotes, Romesa offers wisdom on overcoming challenges in marriage with faith, prayer, and the support of one's partner. The dialogue is a blend of personal testimony, spiritual encouragement, and practical advice for nurturing a God-centered marriage.

See more about Romesa here:

We are Trisha and Thomas Walker, licensed ministers, relationship coaches, & prayer counselors where we teach couples how to deepen their relationship with each other and with God. This is the Seeds For Your Marriage podcast where we share biblical wisdom and practical advice on building a strong, healthy, and fulfilling marriage rooted in faith. These marriage stories are to inspire you and give you a deeper understanding of God's design for marriage and steps to having a Christ-centered and thriving family.

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Learn about Trisha and Thomas Walker and their ministry, LGLP Ministries, Inc, visit:

So we're Tricia and Thomas Walker This is from Romesa Wilson She is a dear friend of mine and she believes in ministry called desperately Seeking Jesus She does prayer ever and we'll all let you tell more about what you do with that But essentially how we just started doing this was that during COVID, the Lord just started telling me that we needed to share our testimonies and we started doing some things online And we are about to be hosting a marriage retreat in the San Francisco Bay Area in February 2023 And the Lord told me, Now it's time to start getting others testimonies of a married couple couples Their testimonies, And so we're praying about it I just I just really wanted to, Romi said, share her story and her testimony on just her life, her marriage, her family So we're so welcome And thank you for having me here Oh, excited to be a part of just excited to be a part of it and just, you know, honest I'm thankful to God that I can share You know, a lot of times when you're walking through a journey of marriage, there's moments in your marriage like that Is there going to be a testimony out of this text? Is there going to be a mess out of this mess? Yeah Oh, my God Oh, Lord But I'm thankful for that God's like, yeah, there's a message that came out of that mess There's a testimony that came out of that test And, you know, he gets all the glory for it All of it I won't take credit And I know my husband won't take credit, and I just want to honor my husband right now He's out working Thank you, Jesus, that he has employment because we've walked through unemployment in our marriage But I'm thankful And he's at work But we're one, so I know whatever I share, he's in total agreement But I just want to honor my husband and thank God for him And honestly, you know, everything that I do, I wouldn't honestly be able to do ministry and work and all the things that I'm able to do without my partner in life, Christian Wilson He's an incredible man, a man of faith, and I'm just blessed to be his wife So thanks for having me, guys You're welcome So can you just tell me briefly what you do desperately seeking, Susan Desperately Well, where did that come? Well, there's a story about that Well, you know, what's so funny is, you know the Lord So I loved that movie growing up in the eighties You know, I love that movie And I remember just thinking, God, what is this that you're cultivating in my life? And with prayer and just this place of going, getting up every morning And honestly, it was a journey It was really because of my marriage God had invited me into a place of prayer and intercession for my marriage Now, about eight years ago, he told me to get up every morning and I did And I first started in prayer just seeking the Lord And as it kept going, I'm like, God, I'm just desperate to see change I'm desperate to see something within my marriage and within my family That's kind of the birth of the ministry It was desperately seeking Jesus not seeing them, but Jesus And it started there, me crying out to the Lord And then I had an opportunity through a local church to host a small group And one of the things that the pastor had said was invite people in to what you're already doing Well, that's what I was doing every day, was getting up every morning and just praying and seeking the Lord And I would worship and I would just read the Bible And so and also, you know, being someone who works commute, I was commuting at the time, I really wanted to be able to participate in a group, but I just didn't know how I was going to do that And so I knew I was supposed to invite other people into this, what God was doing and cultivating in me I just didn't know how it was all going to happen And I remember being away on a work trip in a hotel room and the Lord said, Do a conference call And I'm like, okay And that's what I did I just looked into how do I do a conference call? Because at that time, Zoom wasn't like a big thing, you know, eight years ago and you think about it So it was like, how can I do this on the go? Or, you know, get people from all over just to log in? And it was like, do a conference call So that's what I did And we're here now, eight years later, going after God every morning, Monday through Friday, 6 am to 630, we have seen miracles, signs, wonders on the phone line It literally is one of those things where women will come from all over God actually spoke to me He said this is going to be a national ministry And then all of a sudden there'll be women logging in from Georgia, Arizona, Washington, Alaska, just you name it And I'm like, wow, God, this is incredible And then he began to show me that there's there was a need on the line for more for us to come together and connect And so that's when he started birthing the retreat So we would then go every year to South Lake Tahoe for a retreat because we always would hear each other on the phone, but we never really saw each other And so here we are this weekend We're going to our seventh year retreat, South Lake Tahoe There's 40 women going up desperately seeking Jesus And he meets us every time And so I'm just so thankful for this ministry because even during the pandemic, I thought, okay, God, I don't think you want me to do this anymore I think it's over But God said, No, I want you to keep going because it's not your ministry, it's mine And there are people who are desperate, least seeking me and they need this And what I love is that I'll have people reach out to me and they'll say, You know, I was really needing a word from the Lord, and I just log that number and you were on there You were just on there like, they're surprised you're still on there You haven't stopped, you're consistent And I think that that's been just the beautiful thing that God has done, is he just says, I want you to do this This is your assignment in your life So so when he said, just just in listening to that, like so good and I have so many questions already, but I just have one follow up and it's kind of a plug, but not really, because it does relate to marriages And we're doing the retreat in February throughout 2023, and you've done it for seven years for women Can you just talk about the importance of retreats and setting aside time? Yeah, it's interesting because when I sent out the email to the women a few days ago, a secondary email, I said, This is not a vacation This is not a girls getaway, this is an encounter And that's the importance of setting aside the time Well, we're busy We've got so many different things Kids work bills, just you know how it is when you're married It's just like, go, go, go And I think even just as women, but I mean, as a married couple, imagine just going away and focusing in on each other and focusing on God, What a blessing that is I just think of it like when the Bible talks about several times, Jesus would go away to pray He would have you walk on water or he'd have miracles or just different things that happened But he would consist only go away And so, yeah, and that was something that he was showing us in those moments of this is important, rest is important, Sabbath is important You have to get away from all the things, the responsibilities, and you have to go and be with the father And there's a blessing in that every time In fact, the disciples got to see exactly what happened when Jesus would go away, they saw him what transfigured they got to see him change because he was actually away with the father They got a glimpse of what happens when we go away with the Lord and spend time with them And we're so intentional We're like, I just want Jesus I only want you And that's what we do We just get there and we just go after Jesus the entire weekend And sometimes we forget to eat, sometimes we don't sleep, we just go after the Lord And it's absolutely incredible Like when we come back, we're change We are not the same So I would just say for your retreat, there is a blessing, especially when you get to do it with your spouse What an incredible blessing that will be to just say we're going away together and this is not like a vacation We're trying to get away from the kids Like, no, we're going and we're going after Jesus together Right? And I think that's awesome Yeah, that's awesome So it's important Yeah Well, I like what you said about being intentional because I think this is why a retreat has just been placed on our heart for so long Though the Lord has said you're going to be doing retreats and we've been a part, we've been invited to be a part of different retreats, maybe co-hosting or whatever But, you know, he said this is going to be something that we do because even early in our marriage, like the first year we were married, married, we were in, you know, we went to a marriage retreat and I just was just like so blown away And just the things that I was learning that I never heard before Right And because you go to church, you do different things And then a lot of the messages are tailored to a married couple will be real about being in the church It's like how many churches are real about where you are in your marriage? Well, you know, so these things become really, really important to find those safe spaces where you can Yes, authentic and really present And that's what it is, I think about just the women that come They can be real, they can be authentic, they can be vulnerable, and they realize, hey, I'm not alone Right That sisters going through that or that sister overcame that And I can get through that, too So that's where they they're able to have so much victory and freedom And when the women that I invite to come and speak like they share their testimony Right So they share you know, we've had some powerful testimonies come out of these retreats and women hear that and they're like, wow, I didn't know that looking at hers, she was going through that or she dealt with that But I also dealt with that So now I can get my break through, too There's power in the task So good It's so good to know that you're not alone, because that's one of the first things we let people know when we coach couples is your relationship isn't broken It is now You may be in a place where you're challenged, but the response is more important than that and what we do with it and how we handle it and walk through it together And so that's kind of my next question for you, because you said something about giving your ministry to God and God, letting you know that your ministry is his I'm going to venture to move beyond my next question, which is I'm sure you and Christian are saying, God, our marriage is yours and it's not ours We get to collaborate on it, but it's his marriage He put it together He's going to prosper it Yeah So can you just I kind of want to get to overcoming And can you think of a time in your marriage where it was challenging and just maybe some how you walk through it to the extent you can share what you walk through and and just some lessons learned through those through some of those seasons Yeah, well, I totally agree You know, God brought us together We met actually in retail in San Francisco at the Gap and Christian was my trainer for the first day, taught me how to fold sweaters and 20 years later, here we are We we never knew that to crazy kids You know, I wasn't saying he was insane, but God just did something radical in us and I got saved and was on fire for the Lord In my job He was like, What happened to you? And I want to know about that And in that relationship of me witnessing to him, God birthed that relationship So he did that God brought us together and we haven't been apart since that first moment And I think in our marriage we just celebrated 20 years of marriage So thank you, Jesus But we had challenges and we've had to overcome some things I think the biggest thing was, you know, when my mom was ill, my mom was sick, and I had a kind of a stress relationship with my mom over the years But in that moment, she needed me And it was actually my husband who had suggested, bring your mom to the house, let your mom come and let's let's take care of your mom And we did that, but we didn't realize that that would test our marriage We didn't realize that that was going to be hard It was a hard season because we had to sacrifice She had Alzheimer's, so she needed care So my husband had to sacrifice He had to go from working full time to working part time He had to help make breakfast and we had to get her up and get her to bed And we had to do things that he probably didn't want to see from his mother in law But we did that and our marriage has been strong But that was a hard season because there were moments when he didn't feel valued There were moments when it was hard for me, and then the Lord decided in the midst of that to just expand the ministry I was just on the phone doing the prayer line, and then all of a sudden people would say, Can you come speak at my ministry? Can you come do this? Then the Lord said, I want you to do a podcast And all of a sudden all these things started happening and I felt like, How can I do this in this season? But God's that I'm doing this in this season for purpose But it was hard because of course it's like, Well, I need you here now You can't go there And it was like, But God is asking me to do this And so we were having this just challenge in our marriage And I remember spending a lot of time in prayer because I felt like this is not something in the natural this is this is something that's happening in the spirit and and we know that we're going to go after something The spirit We got to fight it on our knees We can't we don't fight against flesh and blood And we were finding that we were going after each other on different topics, whether it be finances or just whatever it was and just time and things that we needed in the kids It's like, okay, this is this is not this is not natural This is a spiritual thing And we need to fight this together on our knees And so my husband says, Why don't we lead a Bible study together? So in the midst of all of that, my mom's living in the house She has Alzheimer's She's on medication for that She's having episodes I mean, it was crazy We're having to call the police because she'll just get out of the house It was just wild My husband says, Let's have a Bible study in our house, like, Oh, man, here we go And the Lord did something in that because the Bible study was called spiritual roots And my husband's very passionate about the word of God, specifically going back into our Hebrew roots And so, you know, he was sharing every night about that, and we were going deep in the word of the Lord I used to tell people would have to put on snorkeling gear because we were going real deep into the word of the Lord And my husband's passionate about the added It was a beautiful season, but God was like, in this, I want you to continue to do this I want you to pray I want you to minister together I want you to connect I want you to believe me and have faith And I'm telling you, it wasn't easy It was some hard times You know, we'd be in the middle of the Bible study My mom would be calling out for us, you know, things like that, because she didn't really know what was happening But we persevered And I remember one night we were serving our it was like a serve week, and we decided to serve our small group by washing their feet And my husband and I began to wash the feet of the people at the small group, and the Lord just spoke to me He said, This was why I did that, because I wanted you guys to come together as one and I wanted you to understand you serve one another and that's what you're doing And in that moment, I realized that that is what I'm to do as his wife, We I serve my husband and then he serves me He was showing me And as we began to get this revelation, it just seemed like that burden got less and less And I remember a husband told me one day, he said, you know, I was praying and the Lord told me, your mom is a gift Mom And I'm like, What? What? We didn't realize that eight months later, the mom's health started declining and she passed And on the night that my mom passed, right before that, she was in hospice care in the house and she was fading And I was my husband says he looks at me, he's like, you're going to need to go and you need to say goodbye to your mom And I was like, I can't do it I can't do it And he said, We're going to do it together And we went in the room and the Lord took her and we were together My husband was standing at the foot of the bed praying over her, and I was at her feet, praying for her again God showed me you're serving one another Yeah And that's what it means in the marriage You serve one another And in those moments, that's how you overcome Yeah, because we can be so focused on the problem instead of thinking about each other and serving, like, What can I help you with? What can I do for you? How can I make it easier for you? How can I so it was like we just started to learn that through that season and support one another My husband's been my biggest supporter That's awesome I've been his biggest supporter Yeah, we just learned through that That's beautiful, you know? I love that And I just have a question that I have so many questions, but we're going to get you out here on time like we were committed But Romi, So this is good So we might have to do a part two Go ahead and let me set that up right now Okay So when we're serving each other, let's say we have expectations about what we're going to get back or, or the heart position when we're serving It's a conditional serving, right? I'm serving you because I am expecting that you are going to do this thing for me, but then that thing doesn't happen Can you just go into that one a little bit? Yeah, That's real Yeah, it's real It's so real But you know what God told me about that in a season when I was just praying for my husband and, you know, the Lord told me he said, the way that you ministered to people that you don't even know is the way you should be ministering to your husband at home is like, think about that Like a stranger on the street I'm giving them food, I'm giving them money, I'm praying over them, I'm prophesying, I'm calling out the treasure But I'm not doing that for my husband, you know? And the Lord just began to speak to me about that's how you serve your spouse, is that you call out the treasure, You speak those things as if they were You're their cheerleader You're the support, and you're not expecting anything in return You're just being obedient to the Lord So maybe it's a text Hey, I just want you to know I love you, babe I appreciate you Thank you Or it's a scripture or it's a song I remember when, after my mom passed, was going through a tough time with the family over finances My husband sent me a song to minister to me in that moment, and that song brought me breakthrough because I was hurting and in pain But he didn't want anything in return He was just serving me And then in turn, and we just keep doing this with each other and we're not expecting anything We're just being obedient to the Lord And that's why it's important to us as married couples that you pray not just together, but even separately to hear from the Lord because the Lord will begin to tell you how to minister to your spouse and how to pray But he he told me straight He's like, the way you do that to other people on the street Your first ministry is your your home So you should be doing that to your family And so I learned that my family is my first ministry Tricia knows there's times when I'll be go here, go there, and I'll say, I can't go because I got to be with my family And I have learned I don't even have to apologize about that Yeah, because that's my I'm serving my family, especially knowing my husband's love Language is quality time I need to be there He writes me there, you know, And thank God after 20 years, honey, he just wants me around, you know? But your language is bonding time You didn't know we I think you want to hang out there, but Yeah, but that's what I've learned is, like, I'm not I don't need anything in return I just want to bless my husband, just like I'm doing in ministry with these women on the boat Go into town like I can bless my husband Just to say, you know, I'm not expecting anything from these women, but I'm just serving Right Really, really good Well, I like what you said You said by serving each other that you've overcome that And it just made me think of the scripture that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony And it just sounds like just from when you like, over these last 20 years that you've all been married, you know, he didn't know or when you first met And, you know, there's a growth process, right? There's a growth process when you first get saved or you first just, you know, decide I'm going to oh, Lord, there is a process Yeah So how would you say that the obedience to the Lord and just how is all of that that you're talking about helped the both of you, even him, to be able to allow you all to just overcome and to and to just really grow together? Yeah The mirror did not grow apart Yeah And I think, you know, I think here's the thing Like there was a season in our marriage where I'll be honest, like, I was on fire for the Lord and, you know, my husband was just growing, you know, he's just growing and trying to figure out everything And, you know, I would get frustrated sometimes because he wasn't where I was And I'm you know, he was kind of like, okay, you doing too much? And the Lord just began to speak to us both about we're each on a journey, right? His journey with the Lord is different from my journey with the Lord Although we're together, we're not going to experience the Lord the same way We're not going to hear him the same way We're both different That speaks to me differently That speaks to him differently When I worship, I do one thing my husband, and that's okay because we're both on a journey with the Lord, and that's one of the things God had to show me Respect the journey that each one of you are on right? And then the Lord began to say to me, Rumi said, Begin to pray for your spouse and ask for the Holy Spirit to do the work because you are not the Holy Spirit Like you have to tell me You need to get out of the way We live here Let me do what I do best You just pray You just pray And you believe that I will do what I said I would do Because what I promise for Christian is the same I promise for you, I'm no respecter He will encounter me He will experience me He's on a journey And I'll never forget My husband's a mountain biker He loves to go up in the mountains and ride his bike One day he came home He said, Babe, God spoke to me I'm like, Oh, he did it And he said, Yes And what he told me, he said that we need to be equally yoked And so again, I was like, Look at the Holy Spirit, because I was just letting God do what he does He's on the journey and God spoke to him and began to give him revelation And from that moment on, my husband has just been so on fire He just began to go into his word and just go on the journey with the Lord It wasn't me And if I could even encourage there's women that have husbands that they're like that I wish he was like my pastor, you know, I wish you could be a deacon Listen, your husband, God, ministers to your husband, you know, you just let him do it It's it's in God's timing He's on a journey Our responsibility as what? Just pray and even vise versa If husbands your wife isn't there, just pray God will meet them Because we have that promise in the world when one is saved in the household all out of faith Right? So they're under the covering in the household and you just believe God and he will do that So my husband, I have grown together in the journey We've grown And he's just he's seen my growth and I've seen his growth and we celebrated each other And one of our best things to do is talk about the Bible We'll be driving on a road trip and I'll be like, What do you think about this? And then here we go We just go back and forth, back, and that's something we love to do And I believe the Lord is pleased by that because he gives this, you know, revelation on it, and I'll get my revelation on it And we're on a journey Each one of us, you know, we're not competing We're not trying to it's not a sprint, you know, it's a marathon And we're just walking it out with Jesus And at the end of the day, what we have found is it's really about our seat It's about our children, Right? What are our children seeing from their parents as we're going on the journey to show them what it means to live for Christ? Amen So and this is what marriage was doing So you just hit and we're getting close to the heart to stay tuned, everyone that's coming So I'm pleased that we talk about Tricia and I have a model of framework that we believe in called the Seven Seas of Collaborative Marriage And you've hit on a number of them today, maybe knowingly or unknowingly, that you did on the most recent When you talk about celebrating each other over we don't do that enough celebrate And it's the small things that actually can yield big results But there's one see that is probably the most common See that is the derail of marriage communication, healthy communication Is that an area that you and Christian have had to work on as well is the way that you how you relate and walk with each other and just maybe as the last question, just some thoughts about that, right? Just how you communicate Yeah, I think we're different I mean, we communicate differently And I think what we've learned over the years is that that's okay But we have the common goal, right? So we may communicate differently, but we have the same goal And so how do we get to that goal? How do we bring it to the table? And I think we always just go back to the the beginning of like we were friends before we were anything And so we just bring it back to that place of communication as friends, you know, and then husband and wife And I think what I've learned is to be a really good listener And yeah, because I think, you know, sometimes in communication we always want to go But but I would communicate from a place of offense and it was bad Like my husband could rarely give me anything because I'd be offended and the Lord had to show me that's a spirit of fix And you need to work on that because you know anything I mean anything he'd say, I just would be offended So I had to constantly feel like I was on a defense mode or victim mode or, you know, And so I had to learn I just need to listen, because what I've learned is, as I listen to my husband, he actually wants the best for me, right? He he his heart is good He's very my husband is the type of man that he's a very protective husband And he just wants good he wants good for me, his kids And so when he's sharing his heart, I need to listen And then then when I listen, I'm able to see his heart if I'm constantly talking and saying But, but, but, but you don't understand I don't hear his heart Yeah So I need to listen I need to The best advice someone told me is you can't listen with your mouth right? I didn't listen to it There's a reason why we go to these corners Watch your mouth, listen with your ears, and just listen to what he said And when I do, I'm like, Wow, that's good He He has a heart My husband's heart is for me He just wants what's good and then vice versa You know, my husband has learned, you know, my personality You know, I'm pretty much this is me I'm bubbly I'm on ten most of the time Yeah And he's had to learn that and understand that Okay, How I communicate is, you know what? I'm a nurturer, so I'm always going to communicate from that place of I just want to make sure everyone is taken care of And, you know, I'm like a mama bear, you know? And so I've learned even with our kids, you know, our our older son just turned 18 And so, you know, he's been giving him some advice in life And then I'll be like, well, you know, take it easy on him You know, he's, you know, because I'm Mama bear, but I've had to learn You know what? It's okay He needs that And then my husband is learning because my husband and my son and I have such really good communication He's learning to tailor his message Better right to not be so, like, you know, but like, you know what? Maybe I also should just listen to what my son is saying and things like that So we've learned this place of communication and honestly, we are still growing 20 years eight into I don't even know how people do it You're just getting started Just getting started Like literally just getting started And it's just it's honestly, it's a daily journey But can I just say this and I know we're wrapping up I always believe that we have the power of life and death in our time That's what the Bible says, right? Yeah So what I'm communicate to my spouse is it bringing life? Yeah And I'm very conscious of that What I'm speaking is it bringing life So we won't let the sun go down on our anger We not go on and on night on a bad note We're going to love on each other We're going to get out and say, I love you Yeah, we're going to speak lights because that's where the enemy wants to come in It's the words He will literally go after the words that you speak to your spouse and he'll hang on those words and you'll be thinking about, Oh, I can't believe he said that to me And then you'll just be hanging on it And I can't believe she said that Right I'm telling you right now, be intentional about speaking life Speak life Even if you still upset, Just say, Babe, I love you, I love you And I just like because it's it's in that you begin to cultivate an environment where it's safe, it's loving, and then you can just work through those things by talking it out So we've just been big on that We speak like to each other that's so important And it in those spaces where trust begins to happen and more mobility begins to happen, and you, that's where you grow closer together in your relationship Yeah And so yeah, that, that is so, so powerful I mean, I just remember just even years and I mean, I mean, it happened to our marriage You're going through a lot in there There are many times where, like, I wasn't getting I needed and there were areas that he was doing things that was hurting me and I was just like, Lord, like I could tell, like you said, I could take offense or I could go to the Lord and I can pray and ask him how he sees my husband and and see him in his the fullness of who God has called him to be And that's what I had to do And I had to see him the way God sees him and start buying into that and prophesying into that and speaking that over him and thinking that like him and that, you know, things began to change So, yeah, it's it's very powerful We agree, totally agree Yeah Love it So, so for me so tell me if you could just speak of blessing over people or we get off what do you want to say? What do you want to bless people with? You know, I guess I would just say what God always tells me about my husband, that he is a gift And just remember that I guess I just want to leave you with that is to remember that your spouse is a gift They're not a burden They're not a hardship They're a gift because God is giving you someone to do life with for the rest of your life till death do you part He's giving you someone to help, someone to lean on, someone to counsel, someone to teach, someone to laugh with, cry with Come on Right Go through life with and I think about that I get to go through life with my husband We've seen ourselves in the good, the bad, the ugly But we're living in the overflow in the season and it's beautiful to look and go Remember where we started? That's the blessing It's a gift Marriage is a gift It's from heaven for sure God had his intention for marriage, and it's such a beautiful gift from the Lord that He's given us And so how I would just bless you is just just step into the gift that God has And there's there's definitely challenges But it only makes you stronger It makes your marriage just so much stronger Like when I walk through that with my husband and my mom at the end of it, I just looked at my husband I was like, I am so blessed Oh my gosh, It just made me love him more, trust him more, respect him more, honor him more and just fall deeper in love And I think that's the thing we have to remember, even when sometimes it's messy, marriage is messy We know that there's two people coming together with different personalities trying to work this out, and it's messy Trust me I know But it's a gift because what it does is it teaches you about yourself I think I've said this and someone said this to me and it's so true You really learn your self in marriage It just do you Just because there's another person looking at you and they know you at home, they know the real you They know what you look at when you wake up They know what you look like when you go to bed They know everything And that's powerful because they literally know you They know you and you know that And you get to just walk through the life together and then you see growth and you see victories and you see testimonies and got to see things So I just bless all that are watching I bless your marriage I bless the gift of marriage I even believe that, again, those marriages that that wording that that my husband, he came into that revelation not equally yoked I just feel like the Lord is leveling that now and he's joking you up again What you felt like I'm going here My husband's like like lagging or my wife isn't there yet I just believe the Lord in this season He's literally bringing you into alignment He's yoking you up and you think about the yoking is so that you can do the work together is so that the plow, the field together is so that you can receive the blessing together That's why he yokes you up together So you're stronger together, He yokes you up so you're stronger together And that's the thing The enemy wants people to forget is you're actually stronger together Yeah And so I just bless your marriage strength in your marriage that you would just be yoked up, strengthened together and that no man can separate it, right? No man can separate it with God is brought together No man can separate He is faithful And I just want to leave you with this I was thinking about coming on here today, and the Lord reminded me on my wedding day, our best man sang the song to us as a blessing Great is thy faithfulness And there's a line in the song that says Morning by morning new mercies I see a man in I just released that to you guys today, morning by morning So every morning you wake up to your spouse, he's giving you a new mercy, give you another chance to bless one another, love on each other and just come together and be stronger together Morning by morning, new mercies You'll see greatest thy faithfulness So God bless you guys God bless you With you Thank you so much Yeah, Really so Thank you so much Goodness gracious Thanks This is powerful You bring it You said you're always at a ten on your energy level We it But you don't just bring a bunch of puffery like you're bringing rock, you're bringing foundation, you're bringing grace and you're bringing years of experience with knee scrapes You know what I'm saying? Like you've been on your you walked through things and I just love that And if there's one last thing I would just add on to that blessing that you just gave is everything you talked about went back to grace and everything He's my foundation And so it's going to be really, really hard Like marriage is hard enough, but it's going to be really hard without Christ A man is a man See out real quick as we end this one guy, Grace, the big C Yeah, he's the big C is the main thing You're right Is the foundation, then Well, we love you both And love you guys, love everything you're doing and just how you represent the kingdom, the realness, the and everything that you just pour into other people And I really look for it I have not met Christian yet, so I hope that we're Oh, yeah, sometime soon Well, he's better looking than me, that's for sure Well, bless him and thank him for just obviously for you and and what you are doing together to advance the kingdom and to really show the world what a kingdom marriage looks like, what a kingdom family looks like in your community and in the world Mm hmm Yeah Well, bless you guys And again, I'm so honored that you would ask me, and I'm ready for part two that a British Christian to have a good ring ST How many ladies would say, Come on, there's 40 women Wow Yes, there's 40 That's incredible We are just so excited and just blast in the Lord's just download it And who is gonna be good this time? Yeah, well, plus, you will have a wonderful time Yeah Yeah So, you know, like the Holy Spirit party Yeah, totally Well, we're going to go ahead and pray, Christian, so that when you get back Yeah That he recognizes it's breakfast in bed, you know Yeah We anything that's needed He's just like I got to, you know, so well vice versa I will be blessing him because he's holding down the house No boys and a dog So I'll be blessing him when I come back because he's sacrificing so time while I go off with the women So usually he comes, but this year he's not But I'll be blessing him and thanking him for this, allowing me to go and just experience this, that And that's that's really good Really good All right, all right, all right So easy way to say goodbye I guess we're just going to have to do it Yeah Then I bless you