The Judo Mindset

Authenticity in Sharing: Beyond False Prophets

Dave Mills & Rahelios Season 1 Episode 3

In this thought-provoking episode of The Judo Mindset Podcast, titled "Authenticity in Sharing: Beyond False Prophets," Rahelios dives into the critical importance of authenticity in sharing knowledge and experiences. In an era where misinformation and 'expertise inflation' are rampant, this episode offers a refreshing perspective on being true to oneself and others.

Rahelios shares personal anecdotes that highlight the pitfalls of false prophets and the value of genuine expertise. He emphasizes the responsibility of sharing only what one truly knows and has experienced, urging listeners to avoid the traps of inauthenticity and exaggeration. 

This episode is not just about cautioning against being misled; it's also a call to introspection about how we present our own knowledge and experiences to the world. It's a discussion on the balance between being a lifelong learner and stepping up as a teacher, mentor, or guide in areas where we truly possess expertise and understanding.

Join us in exploring the fine line between sharing authentically and the dangers of becoming what Rahelios terms a 'false prophet.' This episode is essential listening for anyone seeking to navigate the complex world of information sharing, personal branding, and self-representation in the digital age.

Tune in to "Authenticity in Sharing: Beyond False Prophets" for insights into embracing genuine expertise and the power of true authenticity.

Don't be a false prophet. Don't be a faker." I'm Rahelios, and you're listening to The Judo Mindset Podcast, where David Mills and I share tools and secrets to help you discover the life of your greatest inspiration and to live that life with power, joy, and intention.

We've been talking about sharing your talents and gifts authentically with the world, but we're also living in a time where fakeness is at an all-time high. False prophets are literally everywhere. With the advent of the internet, everybody is an expert, claiming knowledge about things they often know little to nothing about. We don't want to be one of these people. We don't need any more of that.

I'll tell you a couple of stories from my personal journey. A few years ago, during a time when my wife and I were having some struggles in our relationship, we decided to see a marriage counselor. On day one, as she introduced herself, I asked her, "How is your marriage doing?" She immediately became uncomfortable, glanced down at her left hand where her wedding ring used to be, and informed me she was recently divorced. That certainly was not the outcome we were looking for. I promptly ended the meeting, telling her we had nothing to talk about, and left.

I guess I was being a bit presumptuous, for sure, but if I'm going to receive counseling on my marriage, I want to know that the person advising me has achieved the thing they're advising on. It just makes sense.

So don't be a false prophet. There are so many people claiming to have magical abilities. One of the biggest areas filled with false prophets is the realm of making money. People on the internet tell you how you too can become rich in no time. Many of these people, if they are making any money, have done it solely by teaching people how to make money, which is ironic.

In my own case, I recently put up a video discussing the potential power of your mind to affect your physical reality. I since went back and took that video down. Although I know some things about it, there is a lot to talk about, and I realized it deserves a much deeper consideration. Some of the concepts I presented and some of the vocabulary I used were not entirely accurate. As I listened back to it, I realized that there was very limited value in that video, so I took it down.

I'm extremely exhausted with, over the years, hearing from people professing to know exactly what they're talking about, only to find out they're just another false prophet. Perhaps no area is greater for this than religion and spirituality because so many things there are seemingly unprovable. There are so many people professing things that nobody knows.

We don't want to be a false prophet. Now to tell you a bit more, another personal story. This presents a double-edged sword, and again, we find that point of paradox where all truths seem to lie. It can paralyze you.

As I realized it's time to share my gifts, my knowledge, my experiences with a greater audience, I became my worst critic. For instance, in music, I've reached some level of accomplishment. I play pretty well, have a family band, and it's really quite fulfilling and fun. Yet, when I decide to put myself out there as a music instructor, I start feeling small and insignificant, thinking about all the musicians who are far more advanced than I am. I start feeling like, "Who am I to be a music instructor?"

This happens in other areas of my life as well. For example, in raising children or home births, I have a lot to share, but I often feel like, "Who am I to say anything about this?" So, I become paralyzed in that area. 

The key is that you are never perfect at anything. Nobody is ever so expert that they've reached the pinnacle of accomplishment. You never arrive; you're never there; you're never the ultimate expert in anything. But does that mean that you should not share? No, it doesn't. The key is to share authentically.

Share who you really are, the knowledge that you have, the experiences that you've had. Be honest about that, just be authentically you. There's always value in turning to those who are behind us on the path and assisting them with the things we've learned. Don't try to teach them how to get to where you haven't even been yet. Share your journey with them as you learn, and show them what you've discovered.

That's one of the things we're doing now with The Judo Mindset. One area we'll be able to help with is the financial area. David Mills is very successful financially, so he has a lot to share there. I would not consider myself a great financial success yet, although I do have expertise in living a really good life with very little in terms of finances. 

As my financial situation grows, I'll have more to share. The Judo Mindset is about so much more than just making money; it's about living your true authentic purpose.

Don't let the fact that you're not the expert you aspire to be paralyze you. Don't be inauthentic, but don't be so paralyzed that you are the forever student, always learning, never sharing, never doing. That's the danger.

So, there we go. I'm Rahelios. Please visit and sign up there for our free newsletter. We'll be sharing more tips, knowledge, and experiences about many aspects of life, including family, music, and living your true authentic purpose. We'll talk again soon.

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