Passionately Wrong Podcast
We've all encountered people who are passionate about their views. Often, it seems they are just as passionately wrong. If we’re honest with ourselves, I think we’d all agree that sometimes we are among those passionately wrong people. How can we recognize when we’re wrong? And then what do we do? More importantly, how can a former Green Beret and a former S&P 500 General Counsel help? This is the Passionately Wrong Podcast, where we challenge your assumptions, offer different perspectives, and hopefully help you make better decisions. We'll discuss various topics from work, fitness, the military, and living overseas, but whatever we talk about, you can be sure that we will try and give a balanced view and not be passionately wrong.
Passionately Wrong Podcast
E021 - Interview with Army Chaplain Charlie Shields
Topics covered in this video:
- Charlie’s start in the military as a Ranger, then departure and theology training
- What the Master’s of Divinity training is like and why he sought a Doctorate of Ministry
- Charlie explains why the Army has Chaplains - America is a country of faith, and needs religious leaders in uniform
- Chaplains are soldiers, and meet all the same requirements other soldiers do
- Chaplains are also staff officers, and advise their commanders
- Why confidentiality is so vital to the Chaplain role
- Charlie’s impressive record of parachute jumps, serving as a Jump Master
- Chaplains are non-combatants, prohibited from carrying weapons
- Requirements for Chaplains to get admitted to the military, role of endorsing agents
- How the Army accepts the spirituality of soldiers
- No Chaplain will impose religion on a soldier
- Charlie’s views on what drives recruitment and military service
- Charlie’s son and daughter and their ties to the military
- Best part of being a Chaplain - impact on lives, helping people
- Worst part of being a Chaplain - breaking bad news to families, esp. suicide issue
- What’s a Chaplain’s typical day look like? How long is it?
- Is it a good job, does it pay well? Comparison to non-military pastors
- Going into combat unarmed
- How assignments are made; one Chaplain for every command
- Charlie’s jump aspirations, the 173 Club
- Do Chaplains have to be all things to all people? “Provide or perform”
- The two people who care about soldiers most: Sergeant Majors and Chaplains
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