Beards on the Street

Beards On The Street Episode 19 - Unveiling the Dark Truth of Human Trafficking, Operational Tactics of Underground Rescues, and Embracing Daily Self-Improvement: A Thoughtful Voyage through Serious Issues and Professional Growth

September 15, 2023 Parry Dean Ward & Aaron Pehrson
Beards On The Street Episode 19 - Unveiling the Dark Truth of Human Trafficking, Operational Tactics of Underground Rescues, and Embracing Daily Self-Improvement: A Thoughtful Voyage through Serious Issues and Professional Growth
Beards on the Street
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Beards on the Street
Beards On The Street Episode 19 - Unveiling the Dark Truth of Human Trafficking, Operational Tactics of Underground Rescues, and Embracing Daily Self-Improvement: A Thoughtful Voyage through Serious Issues and Professional Growth
Sep 15, 2023
Parry Dean Ward & Aaron Pehrson

Ever thought about the power of daily self-improvement or the harsh reality behind the trafficking and exploitation of people? Imagine a conversation that takes you through the joyous times on a boat, then transitions into serious discussions about trafficking, slavery, and exploitation in the medical industry. With the backdrop of the new movie 'Freedom', we delve deep into these grave issues, enlightening ourselves about the commendable work done by Operation Underground Railroad in rescuing children from trafficking situations, and the critical need for awareness among adults and children alike.

Striking a balance, we also navigate through the practices of self-improvement and professional growth. We talk about the concept of reading 10 pages a day in our book club, the art of taking notes while imbibing self-help content, and the benefit of connecting people to services through our unique business Rolodex. If you're an agent looking to expand your horizon while being a part of a self-motivated team, we throw open an invitation for you to join us. Together, we can dream big, overcome obstacles and transform them into growth opportunities!

Rounding off, we take a stroll down memory lane, appreciating the pioneers who established our locality. We emphasize the importance of taking time off to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy life. So, dear listeners, join us in this blend of serious discussions, business insights, and casual reflections, and let's continue these engaging conversations next week. We are here to intrigue, inform, and inspire!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever thought about the power of daily self-improvement or the harsh reality behind the trafficking and exploitation of people? Imagine a conversation that takes you through the joyous times on a boat, then transitions into serious discussions about trafficking, slavery, and exploitation in the medical industry. With the backdrop of the new movie 'Freedom', we delve deep into these grave issues, enlightening ourselves about the commendable work done by Operation Underground Railroad in rescuing children from trafficking situations, and the critical need for awareness among adults and children alike.

Striking a balance, we also navigate through the practices of self-improvement and professional growth. We talk about the concept of reading 10 pages a day in our book club, the art of taking notes while imbibing self-help content, and the benefit of connecting people to services through our unique business Rolodex. If you're an agent looking to expand your horizon while being a part of a self-motivated team, we throw open an invitation for you to join us. Together, we can dream big, overcome obstacles and transform them into growth opportunities!

Rounding off, we take a stroll down memory lane, appreciating the pioneers who established our locality. We emphasize the importance of taking time off to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy life. So, dear listeners, join us in this blend of serious discussions, business insights, and casual reflections, and let's continue these engaging conversations next week. We are here to intrigue, inform, and inspire!

Speaker 1:

Music Morning beauty.

Speaker 2:

Morning Dana.

Speaker 1:

How are you?

Speaker 2:

man, I'm good. How are you, brother, doing? Really good.

Speaker 1:

Welcome. Welcome to Beards on the Street.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's get it rolling. Huh. Yeah, we've had a good week, been a kind of a little bit of an odd week, but a good week, Ah, it's been a great week, dude, for sure.

Speaker 1:

You know busy weekend went boating, had fun up on the lake.

Speaker 2:

Sure was a good weekend. It was fun, had a blast man yeah I love. I had no idea how much I was going to enjoy a cabin cruiser.

Speaker 1:

I told you, dude, it's fun, it really is, man, it's the whole chill and relax and hang out. And you know good conversations and Good food and hang out. Good food, good drink, just all of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you.

Speaker 1:

You know a little bit of excitement, but yeah well, can't get away from that, can we?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Nope, not with some of the crowds, yeah.

Speaker 2:

What are you going to do? People bring people friends on into the group and you can't always predict how people are going to behave Exactly. Yeah, so there's a new variable sometimes, Sometimes.

Speaker 1:

All right, brother. So what do you got planned for the weekend?

Speaker 2:

Honestly just going to kick around and join my kids. Good, we're going to probably go see that new freedom movie. Oh yeah, take my kids.

Speaker 1:

What is that about?

Speaker 2:

It's OUR. It's the Operation Underground Railroad. It's about trafficking. Yes, oh yeah, they feature basically one of their extractions in Columbia and they feature how some of the kids are groomed, then kidnapped, and then you know the whole process and it was. It seriously makes me sick, yeah, yeah, and it's just one, it's one family's experience from it and so it's my understanding. And so they go in and extract a boy and a girl from a situation. They kind of show their experience how they got groomed, how they got picked up.

Speaker 1:

You know the I'll bet it's really good. But man, I'll bet it's.

Speaker 2:

I thought really hard about whether or not to take my kids Right. I know my parents took me to Schindler's List. They wanted me to see, to have exposure to some real life, to what's gone on, what humanity can be about, and it's kind of my thought I have a 14-year-old. Be a little eye-opener, just be aware be aware, be aware, be careful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, you know it's. Unfortunately, it's a lot more prominent than you or I know.

Speaker 2:

I got to be in one of his. I listened to one of his talks and he talked about how, right now, slavery, the trafficking that I guess it's more prevalent than it was when slavery you know America's history of slavery. There are more, wow.

Speaker 1:

It just flattens me.

Speaker 2:

And a lot of it is that sexual trafficking and exploitation of kids and women.

Speaker 1:

Wow yeah, there are a lot of freaking, dirty-ass people in this world there really are man there really are just feeding on people and ruining lives.

Speaker 2:

Wow, well, that's really all I've gotten in Monday. Obviously, we've got the fireworks and all that. So that's just my goal and enjoy the kids that way. Yeah, I'm gonna go and get the fireworks. I don't know, I'm gonna go just find a part. Yeah, I'm gonna find a part.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know we have a concert on Sunday night. What possibly you do? I do for sure.

Speaker 2:

I just find you got about it. Who is it?

Speaker 1:

Little Feet. You know that. So good, dude, they're kind of a. Best way I can explain them is they're kind of like a jam band, but really good. I mean you'll recognize some of their songs because they're mainstream. But yeah, I'm looking forward to Sunday night just going out and chilling out and hanging out at the. I might go to a concert that on Sunday, Right. So I mean I'm not a hundred percent.

Speaker 2:

Please you might go, because she doesn't. Well, she has to work Monday.

Speaker 1:

I don't know I've got to check on that. Does she work Monday? I'm not sure. Okay, usually I'll stay. I'll be on standby. You'll be on standby, okay, and usually if it's a holiday like this one, she's got to work. But I'm kind of thinking, and you to holiday, I know Okay, but I'm kind of thinking that maybe doctors don't stop, do they? And hospital.

Speaker 1:

Well, not really, but their staff doesn't stop, because I mean they freaking run them like rented meals, dude. And I mean Lisa, literally this week was not home before nine o'clock. Every night she leaves. She leaves at six, 30 in the morning and was not home before nine.

Speaker 2:

She's a hard worker woman.

Speaker 1:

She is and she takes her job seriously and she it's like it's her own thing, Like she has some serious qualities that a lot, a lot of people don't have. She doesn't just show up and put in the time like 99.9% of everybody else Clock in.

Speaker 2:

Do your time, clock out she's looking for to handle things in. Yeah, yeah, yeah, place is better for it is.

Speaker 1:

So you know my opinion, and hopefully maybe somebody that that has the power to be, she deserves a big, fat raise. Yeah, because I'm telling you right now, and they're, they're, their turnover is horrendous and they're shitty at hiring. That's why. So there's, they're, they're using an abusing. They are using an abusing, yeah, big time. Well, and it's in the medical industry and it's just, I don't know, dude, don't even get me started. Yeah, I'll start dropping F bombs and all kinds of stuff.

Speaker 2:

Just one more, one more thing that points to the sweetheart she is huh Yep, Exactly.

Speaker 1:

I'm a very blessed dude.

Speaker 2:

You are for sure she dresses you well too. Yeah, she does. He comes in with new clothes and it's like where did this go? At least, yeah, at least, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you'd have met me before her. Harley Harley shirts it was pretty much Harley shirts and shop shirts, yeah, and when you get your way, you still wear those and they're they're mostly black. Yeah, what's your favorite color, aaron?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh, I did know that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, purple. I like pink a lot too, but purple.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, mine's black.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like black, I like most of what I want to wear is black. Yeah, black and red.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why you don't wear a lot of red. I don't Well, I'm usually pretty red myself anyway.

Speaker 2:

So when I wear red, I'm really red I mean look how red. I am Right, that's just from all the sun from our hike yesterday.

Speaker 1:

Holy cow dude, what a good hike Killer hike, I told you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when you, I put out some ideas and you're all no Mueller park, that's right. I'm like okay.

Speaker 1:

Aaron's like shit dude.

Speaker 2:

Okay man, do we both going to save someday? No, we got there and I'm like, wow, it was beautiful, it's so beautiful. And quite frankly, probably I mean the majority of the whole time Shaded mostly, yeah, and it was dude, the ferns and the green.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, it was amazing dude, Did you see all those little like? They look like freaking leeches on the trail.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, do you see the three or four inch long slugs as well? Yes, like, where's their shell? They're slugs, they don't. Those are snails or snails. Slugs don't have shells.

Speaker 1:

Well, the slugs look like blood suckers to me.

Speaker 2:

I wonder if you could cook those somehow and eat them. Yeah, no kidding, no chance, no chance. But if you're in survival, could you?

Speaker 1:

I would say no right now, but who knows if I got hungry enough, who knows Right Because I have a pretty strong will to live Right. So I had the grandkids two of my grandsons, for for a few days or a couple of days this week.

Speaker 2:

That's fun man.

Speaker 1:

It was fun, but man besides the tornado they are such tornadoes, Like they're little ninjas, dude, Like I'm telling you they're little ninjas. Yeah, and it's so funny because I just kept saying over my youngest Jameson, he, he, he's a button pusher man. You see a button, he's going to push it. I don't care what it is. I can't tell you how many times I ring the doorbell. I took them to, I took them to the aquarium and there's a lot of buttons there and he pushed every one of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's so cool. Yeah, did you get to touch the stingrays and stuff, or?

Speaker 1:

He didn't, but my other grandson did Jericho, that's awesome. Yeah, he touched the stingrays and some starfish and huge starfish.

Speaker 2:

It's awesome.

Speaker 1:

You got to go do that man. Yeah, it was cool, it was really cool and I enjoyed just being around them and hanging out with them and getting to know their personalities and and changing shitty diapers and gagging and.

Speaker 2:

We should have got video of that You're changing the diaper.

Speaker 1:

It's so funny I was, and I was literally gagging over and over and over.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, I would have paid to see that and Jericho's just looking at me like what's wrong with you? I'm a dean. Why Marvelous act this way?

Speaker 1:

Well, it's so funny because I just kept telling Jamie I'm like dude, if you got to go to the bathroom, tell grandpa, tell grandpa. Okay, if you got to go to the bathroom, tell grandpa, like I. I couldn't tell you how many times I told him. Nope, he went up in the room and hid and grabbed his pants. That's funny.

Speaker 2:

Still loving.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome, man, you know that's true. Love, dude. Yeah, you're willing to change it Really is. So, yeah, we've got. We got some really cool stuff going on, dude. Yeah, we started our book club, Let me. Let me pull this up real quick Right there the 12 week year.

Speaker 2:

It's been kind of a fun idea man.

Speaker 1:

It is. I enjoy it and for anybody that sees this or watches this every morning at 9am, monday through Friday, with the exception of Thursday because we're on our hike, which we'll talk about in a second. So Monday, tuesday, wednesday and Friday we read live on Facebook and also on YouTube and we're just we're going to pick a new book as we roll through these books and you know it's all just positive, good information. You know Every one of these books that we're reading. I don't know if you've noticed the similarities between a lot of them, but they all say you should be reading 10 pages of something that's going to build you every single day. So we do it every morning and we want to share with our people.

Speaker 2:

So open invite to come into the office anytime you'd like. If you want to just be here with it, yeah, and if you ever have that availability.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or just like I said, jump on and see us on Facebook and we may switch up and start doing it through something like Zoom, where we can actually see the people that are watching it and have you know where they. Anybody wants to conjoin it?

Speaker 2:

That's actually a good idea, just for a team function, I bet yeah.

Speaker 1:

I just think it'll be a little better because then it will be easier to interact. And I mean it's kind of hard on Facebook you don't know who's watching. Do you know what I mean? And I would like some feedback. I mean, we stopped multiple times in the middle of reading the book and actually discuss it and discuss what we're talking about and try to figure out how we can utilize it in our lives and make it work for us.

Speaker 2:

You know today when we're discussing, you know measurables and being able to you know track what you're doing so you can actually know if you're moving forward. He's got another book that directly ties to that. It's some type of an accountability book. Well, we'll read it again. I think we need to read it. We'll read it. Next one, huh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So anyways, we'll let you know if we're going to do the Zoom thing and anybody that wants to can hop on there and have a read. You know I like reading. I've always been a huge reader.

Speaker 2:

Wednesday, when you were through grandkids, I read oh you did. Yeah, lindsey and Shada had to endure through re-bubble it, through it, reading out loud. It creates a little bit of an anxiety for me, which you know I think I did. I did, I know I did fine, but it's not the same experience. I enjoy sitting and listening. I mean I write two or three pages of notes every day. Yeah, you do, I enjoy it. I really enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

That's why, you know I know we've talked about this, but you know, as I'm driving around, I've always got something on a book or a video, I mean a audible of some sort, and I've never really been a big fan of listening to to. You know, self-help type stuff development stuff, because I want to take notes and it seriously bugs me that I can't take notes because I'm driving. Yeah, I think you're.

Speaker 2:

I think we're only. I think I don't know the percentage, but it's such a small percentage of what we actually can retain. I mean just listening, audibly, Right, being able to write it down, being able to read it.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's a it's really and really, you know, put it in our own lives and and figure out a way to take the message that we're reading and implement it.

Speaker 2:

That's the reason we're doing. It is to improve right, Exactly yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, so, anyways, guys, join our book club. It's, it's, you know, it's all good, it's just good, positive, fun, happy stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would say Always we're, we're. Our space is all about growth, personal development, improving our lives and moving and being better influences, right yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's give a quick plug to our business Rolodex. Basically, what this is, guys, is it's a business directory. We've talked about it and we're going to continue to talk about it because we want to grow and build it and and start having a lot of people actually take advantage and use it. It's just a bunch of different service people that we as a team all know and and our people know. I had a couple of people send me out some, some really good information that that we're adding to it. Okay, one of them's a Mason. You just I mean, it's just nice to have have a platform that you can go to and and find good people that that can do services or or whatever for you.

Speaker 2:

I know Greg's clients and friends off his fit top 50. There's an electrician that we need to add. Oh, that's right, we met him at the mixer. I have an electrician as well, as they do automated blinds and and shades. Oh, very cool yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, if you guys want to access that, hang on, bam, just hit that QR code that I'm showing right now. That takes you to our website and up in the menu, just click on business directory. It's that simple. And then there's categories and whatever it is you're needing, just click on the category and, uh, like I said, if you know of anybody, or if you are someone that that you want to add to this, uh, shoot us a text and we'll get you added to it and and make that happen.

Speaker 1:

Alrighty, uh, newsletter. Yes, I'm really excited about this one, dude. So we now, we now have our website fixed. Oh, please, right there. Now, if you go to our website and you go to our newsletter, there is an area there where you can just simply put in your name and your email and it will automatically sign you up to where, every single month, you'll get our newsletter. And, guys, this newsletter is kind of fun, uh, you know, I, I think it's great content because it's stuff that we're doing and and, if you're in our world, you know, I want to know about you, you want to know about me, but we have recipes, we have, uh, concerts that we're going to because, you know, if you know me, you know I'm a huge music buff.

Speaker 2:

But I'm just telling you, man, uh highlights pictures of our last mixer.

Speaker 1:

And when we first started it was three pages and we're actually up to six and I mean it's, it's. It's a quick read guys. It's not like this long and it's all just a bunch of text and it's boring and it's actually fun. You get to see pictures.

Speaker 2:

There's one, there's one section that's for real estate. Yeah, why? The rest of it's our lives, our friends, our live, like you know, social.

Speaker 1:

but it's good stuff, even on the real estate, because all all it does is we're we're just giving you, on a monthly basis, a quick overview of what the real estate market looks like here in Utah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean who doesn't want to know that right, especially if you own a house. Right?

Speaker 1:

But on the flip side of that as well, not only can you app's be added to the newsletter, but we can also set you up to where, once a month, you get what we call a market report on your home. A lot of you are getting it, but some of you aren't. And I mean, who wouldn't want that? Who wouldn't want to know exactly what's selling and what's foresell in their neighborhood that compares to what they own Absolutely? And all you got to do is shoot this quick text and and we'll set you up.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's, it's Amazing and no skin off our back is no skin off our back. Set it up. You get the good information monthly exactly so.

Speaker 1:

The newsletter, guys, is you know it's some really good, fun stuff and and you know we're open if any of you have any ideas out there. You know, one of the ideas that that I was chatting with somebody I can't remember who it was is we're gonna start. We're gonna start highlight, highlighting a little more in detail the, the, the charity that we're, that we're doing for that?

Speaker 2:

That's a great idea. Isn't that a killer idea?

Speaker 1:

That's a great idea and really have some, some really strong, good information about it.

Speaker 2:

Why didn't we think of that? I don't know. Oh, that's a good idea.

Speaker 1:

Good idea, so yeah, so I mean it's guys. We're constantly making this thing better.

Speaker 2:

We think, and if we're not tell us, yeah, you tell us how we can make it better.

Speaker 1:

Yes, please, we would love that. Yes, please, tell us how we can make it better. One last thing is our hike. We talked about it briefly earlier. Every Thursday morning at 8 am we do hike and it's just. Anybody can come hang out. I've had a number of people tell me that they'll come and then they didn't show up. A bunch of slackers, all levels.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it is Dean runs up the hill, I do, I crawl.

Speaker 1:

Well, if I'm gonna do it, I want to do it, or it's gonna affect me the most.

Speaker 2:

He's coming down the hill yesterday and I swear to you he's wearing a hat. I swear to you he's like talking to me at his drips coming off the bill of his head.

Speaker 1:

You know I'm sweating when the hat's full.

Speaker 2:

The poor, poor fiddles like quivered down the ground like oh man whatever, I took him off leash.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking you know that that I'd overdone it, because I mean, dude, we motored up that hill, motored like I was passing bikes, I wasn't running, but I was, yeah, right there, yeah, and then I jogged all the way down or most of the way. That's cool, but anyways, I let Finn off because I was thinking that I'd overdone it for the little guy. And Shit, he took off and was running down and prancing, getting clear ahead of me and run it all the way Back and so, trust me, he wouldn't.

Speaker 1:

He was just fine. Yeah, that was fun, yeah, so, guys, if you want to join our hike you know you can you can reach out to us and we'll send you the invite. A lot Of you are already getting the invite. We'd love input on some fun hikes too. Yeah, I mean Boy Mueller Park. I used to do that all the time back in the day. Of course, I lived in Centerville, so it was just up the hill, and my grandkids live Literally at the mouth, right at the mouth of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, so anyways, let us know if you guys want to come out and be on the hike about it for a second.

Speaker 2:

I'm cruising up in, I'm on time, he dials me up and gives it. Has a voice, like Aaron has a problem of being on time. Whatever, where are you and I'm like, so I'm not even late yet how am I getting this call and then?

Speaker 1:

what did you?

Speaker 2:

say I don't know, but I look me in my rear view and you're behind me.

Speaker 1:

He's like I'm in the park, I'm like liar.

Speaker 2:

I thought that I was in the valley, the ravine I had to. I had to give her all. We were always resin. It's fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but yeah, other than that, what do you got? Maybe we should talk about a little real estate today. You know what, what?

Speaker 2:

I would. I actually would like to just put out here where we've we've made one new addition to our team. Who's been just incredible.

Speaker 1:

Shana, you're amazing. Yeah, where she's been hard-working, shows up every day.

Speaker 2:

Nose to the grindstone complete addition to our space, our environment, the energy, and you know what we want. We, I want to attract more, I want, I'm putting the invite out if you, if you're someone who wants to be part of a. Whether you're an agent currently or thinking about becoming yes, yes, if you're, if you, if you have an interest in being part of a fun, you know, synergistic, active group, that's us, that is us and work.

Speaker 2:

We're constantly looking to improve. We're constantly growing. We're our. We would love you as part of our team, so please reach out. If you know anybody who needs to be part of something like that or they're struggling, please reach out guys.

Speaker 1:

I mean, if you're an agent and you're either on another team or just with a different brokerage or this brokerage, we don't care. What we do care about is that you're a self-motivated Person that wants to grow and build and be better. Be a better person, be a better agent, and it's not always all about the money. It's about Making our lives to where we want to come to work, we want to be here, we want to, knowing it is fulfilling. Mm-hmm, I mean, dude, I love what I do. I wake up every morning Energized and on fire. I love our environment. It is, it's awesome. Let's actually show them, dude we're talking about. Okay, so this right here, guys, is Aaron's dream board. And, yes, every single person in this office has a dream board, every single one of us.

Speaker 2:

I think I took a picture, also Greg's, or Greg's, did you?

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you pulled that one up, but guys, it guys, there's Greg's our goal is to put out we know what are we doing, this for, what are we trying to accomplish, and that All of us. It gives us an opportunity to see what I'm doing, what you're doing, and we can all push towards it. The funny thing is Shawna again talking this last week she's been putting down some of her, her goals and inner intentions and and she's just you know she was got teary-eyed but she's like they're happy to you know it was, it's cool, it is cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's cool that you and we actually talked about it a little bit this morning in the book club is. You set up a system and the the, the. What we were reading was it's not. If it's not working, don't change. Don't just change the system, I change your execution. If you're executing on it and then it's not working, then you got to start making. But too many people set up a system, don't execute it and then think it's a system.

Speaker 2:

I wonder why it's not working, right yeah?

Speaker 1:

So I mean, I love that. It's all about the execution, Absolutely. So show you a couple more things here, guys. So this is a look. What we did is uh, we talked about it on a previous episode of Beards on the Street Uh, we bought a cricket so that we can. We can do a whole bunch of cool quotes and just neat stuff to make our space better.

Speaker 2:

We're tagging up the office with positivity.

Speaker 1:

Now you can see right there. I mean, you've heard us talk about the power of one. That's just the simple be 1% better every single day. Make yourself 1% better.

Speaker 2:

That requires focus and intention towards a decision where you're going what you're doing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, every decision you make is either sending you on an upward path or a downward path. There's no middle ground, guys.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing, but if you really look at it it really is up or down, it is Towards or or against what you're trying to accomplish in life.

Speaker 1:

This one right here. This is our uh in office TV. That, uh, we've just, you know, different quotes from different books or different quotes that that we have. You know, if you're not increasing, you're decreasing. Stop selling and start solving. That's a big one in the real estate industry. Sure, at least it is to me. Um, you know, here's a good one, aaron. Whatever makes you uncomfortable is is your biggest opportunity for growth. Ain't that the truth Boy?

Speaker 2:

Obstacles of the way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love all these you know, and, and so we have all these quotes, work and stills your worth. You know, that's self worth man.

Speaker 2:

The more you invest in yourself, the more you work towards what you're you're trying to accomplish, the more about the self worth you create. Right, that's where it's all created.

Speaker 1:

And how about this one? A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. How's that? Not for the 1%? For sure it's not perfect action.

Speaker 2:

It's it's action and it's being putting your feet on the, on the path.

Speaker 1:

This is our uh this is our production board that we had done up. It's a really cool glass board with our logo on it that we can at a glance look and see what what our production is.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, I was going to sorry. I'm referencing the other board that has the couple of different books principles that we've written down as well. Yep, that's a different one.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if we got a picture. I think we did have that one. That's our. That's our, our meditation room.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, our champagne room, yeah, and hey, this is our studio, right.

Speaker 1:

This is our studio right here of uh, where we hold these uh beards on the street.

Speaker 2:

I like it. That's fun, man. And and, by the way, that this space, this, this, the use of this, where we would love all of our people to utilize and, you know, do some of their own videos like this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, guys, if you want to come in and use our studio, come on in.

Speaker 2:

We have. We have friends that come in weekly almost and they have their own podcasts and they just come in and set up and and they use our stuff and they have their own podcasts and unrelated to us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there are other agents that have their own thing going on. We don't care. Yeah, we'd love to help. So that's a that's kind of a quick look around of the office. Maybe we'll do a video next time and where we can kind of walk through with a video. But come down and see us. Come down and say hi, we're. We're usually here, you know, during the week, until earlier, late or mid afternoon, I would say.

Speaker 2:

One more time. This is a call out If you're, if you're floundering or if you feel alone in this, could this business can be lonely, it can be. It can be frustrating, it can be frustrating, I mean, and who you're surround yourself with, it does matter. So if you're, if you're struggling at all, or if you're or you're excelling and you just want to be part of something fun, please get in touch with us. We want to talk to you.

Speaker 1:

We do and I'm going to do a quick shout out to my VIP 50 and VIP 100. And anybody that knows me. Guys, trust me, I'm, I'm, I'm a mad dog and I need lots of business in my freaking pipeline all the time, and right now my pipeline is a little bit light. You closed it all out. I did. But my shout out is please, if you know anybody that's going to buy or sell real estate, call me, give me a chance, shoot me a text. Don't just think that I've got so much going on that I don't need it, because I do and I want it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we need, we need our, we need the love.

Speaker 1:

And any of you that I've, that I've worked with and and helped through the process. Man, if you put some shout outs on this and and tell people what your experience was with me, man, quite frankly, I hope it was fantastic because I love my clients and I go to bat form dude and you do. You know, I just love, I love every, every aspect of what I do, especially the negotiation side of it. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah, alrighty, you got anything else, kid, I don't, but let's go have a good weekend and uh yes, sir, happy, uh, happy, pioneer day or days of 47.

Speaker 1:

I don't know which. I don't know which is correct or not correct. I think it's all about the same. You know, this area was settled by pioneers. Everybody knows that, you know. And uh, it's a beautiful area, man, I love where I live. Dude Agreed, we could live in a good place. Freaking love where I live. Yep, alrighty guys. Well, thank you very much for coming out and joining us. We appreciate it. And uh, hopefully we'll see you next week. Thanks, guys, have a fantastic week.

Music, Cruising, and Discussing Serious Issues
Book Club and Business Directory Explanation
Invite Agents to Join Growing Team
Negotiation and Appreciation for Home