Beards on the Street

Beards On The Street Episode 28 - Real Estate Riches and Whimsical Wonders: Tapping Into Davis County Deals, Pumpkin Patch Fun, and Historical Family Tales

Parry Dean Ward & Aaron Pehrson

Hey friends, ever chuckled at the idea of 'Bentley powder' or reminisced about the good ol’ days when your back didn’t ache at the thought of adventure? Well, we’re mixing humor with hot real estate tips, laying out why the market's ripe for picking—especially with a $50,000 carrot dangling in Davis County. Whether you’re an experienced investor or a first-time buyer, this episode packs a punch with insights that'll have you ready to leap into property investment, election season or not. And for those sitting on the fence about mortgages, we've got a perspective that might just tip the scales for you.

Gather 'round as we swap tales from our recent pumpkin patch escapade—complete with gear-shifting toddlers and my potential PG-rated body painting debut next fall. There's a special kind of magic in community events, and we're planning to amp up the fun next year. But it’s not just about the laughs; it's about building connections and sharing stories. So, bring your curiosity, throw in your two cents, and let's shape our show together with the topics you're itching to hear about.

Pour yourself a glass and join us on a scenic stroll down the Buffalo Trace, where history and family anecdotes blend into one. If tales of 400-foot cliffs and frontier pioneers tickle your fancy, this chapter's for you. Plus, we're cracking open the family album, sharing how my parents' love story is entwined with the history of York, Pennsylvania. And, as always, we wrap it all up with an eager invitation to engage with us in real estate—your ventures are the stories we want to help write. So, if you’re keen on a cocktail of history, humor, and home ownership, this is the episode for your playlist.

Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, hey, welcome to Beards on the Street. Welcome to Beards on the Street. What's up? A, a Ron, not much man, it's been a been a long week. Yeah Well, I got to be gimpin' around on my leg. He's, he's, he eats some Bentley powder. Bentley powder, what's that? Well, so some really good friends of mine have a dog named Bentley. Oh man, and it's a, it's a, it's a she dog, and sometimes her vagina gets sore and they have powder for it. So anytime, anytime in our group, with somebody's acting like they're Welcome to the show, they call it Welcome to the show. So basically, we're saying you're being a wimp Because you need some Bentley powder.

Speaker 1:

You said something different two days ago. No, that's exactly what I said. What do you mean? That's exactly what I said. Well, well, I'm getting old and everything's starting to hurt and fall apart. Guys, welcome to my world man, the world of parody man. Whatever, I'm a spry little sucker. I've had to stay off my feet all week trying to just let my leg heal, if something. I have no idea what happened, but it's been. It's been fun, it's getting better. I'm actually very happy it's getting better. I'm not going to tell you what I'm going to call that, but he does need some Bentley powder.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, all right guys. Hey, what do you think about the new flashy lights behind? I love it. And then the obviously the logo behind me. Yeah, check that out, dude. Move your head. There you go, my big head, guess guess which one's him and which one's me. It's my, my, my son called. Yeah, you don't have Hollywood hair like that. Whatever Get, your hair Looks exactly the same. Yeah, it's been a good week though. Some major movement on in in real estate in my world. I mean, we've put a couple under contract and I'm getting a new listing. Congratulations, yeah, things are, things are starting to pop and happen. So it's, it's exciting. Heck, yeah, you know, we we say it all the time, guys we, we a hundred percent depend on you guys to to give us some referrals to keep our pipeline full. So it's, there's been some fun stuff going on.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of talk around, you know the, the idea of waiting for the rate to come down to, to get, get into the market, and there's there's a there's a lot of reasons why not to wait. Well, shawna on our team was telling us about some program in Davis County where you actually can get up to $50,000. Do you heard about this? I mean, it's not. It's pretty limited on on what income you can have. I think it's under 70. Yeah, just under 70. Which is still $50,000. Now you do have to pay it back, but you, there's no payments on it. So basically, you buy a house, let's say you live in it for five or 10 years and you've got $150,000 in equity. You're going to have to pay that back out of your equity when you sell your house.

Speaker 1:

But, dude, 50 grand, holy cow, and 10,000 of it you can use as a buy down. What does the other 40 grand go towards? Whatever you want, like a price reduction. Wow, it's pretty big, true, true money. 50 grand Cash and any, okay, well, that that really brings me to some ideas. I mean buying a duplex or buying a home, being able to actually utilize that money. Uh, you, you'd be paying rent, otherwise, why not put that towards a house? Get into it, get the tax benefits, get yourself your own property. You can improve and have it grow and and you and you'll have that equity later it will come out. But it's free money. And here's the cool thing is it's completely separate from the mortgage. So just to give you an example Okay, so in the program we talked about a couple of weeks ago, where you can actually get a loan that will give you the funds to do the improvements you want, so you could go in, buy the house.

Speaker 1:

Let's say, you buy a house that that that needs some serious improvements. Wow, okay, double combined, dude, you, you. You go in, you get the loan, you get the money for the improvements, you get an additional $50,000 on top of it. Oh my gosh, it's awesome. Well, and not to mention that right now there are, there are deals to be had on houses. You wait for that rate to come down, and we all know what will happen is rates come down. A lot of people want to come by, right, so go up, yeah, because competition gets heavy, that's right, right. And then, all of a sudden, you're out there, frustrated as hell, because you're putting in offer after offer and of course, you, you know we, as your agent, are going to write the offer as strong as we can write it for your circumstances. But we're not God. I mean, we can't just make up stuff. The long and the short of it is is they'll pay more for the house, exactly, which means right now you can get a better deal. You have a slightly higher payment, but for now, for now, but in the next six, eight months, when things come down, getting preparation for that election that's going to come, I think right now is the time I do too, you know. I mean, even if you have to make a little higher payment for six or eight months or whatever, it is Okay. But I mean, everything we're hearing is that rates are going to come down because of the election, right, but then competition's going to go up. Yeah Well, you're going to go up. You'll pay, you know, 30 grand more. Take advantage of some of these opportunities, like the 50 grand that Davis County is giving out in a grant, you know. Take advantage of the loan that gives you the money to do the upgrades. Heck yeah, and get the house you want and and have a lamb, have a lower, lower balance, lower payment. Yeah, a lot of really neat opportunities.

Speaker 1:

If you, if this, any of this, sounds at all interesting, we'd love to talk to you. Yep, absolutely so. Listen, guys. We got a couple new things that were that we're doing. I actually learned them from my son, dude, on his podcast. We're going to start doing what we call the Beards on the Street submissions. Okay, so part of our episodes every single week Is this, where you submit on yeah, where people Right, right, yes, wrong submission dude, get your mind out of the gutter, okay, well that. So we're going to have a link that we'll, that we'll post up on, you know, facebook, instagram and whatnot, that you guys, as our listeners, can jump on and and ask us questions. Anything, I don't care what it's about, whether it's about life, work, real estate, sex, love, relationships, you know, because we know about it all knitting, knitting, voting, music, right, you name it. So I think it's going to be really fun because you know Jaden and Lindsay it's a really funny part of their thing because some of the questions are just in the way they have to answer them. It's, I mean, we're going to answer them.

Speaker 1:

It was sure fun meeting your kids at the pumpkin patch. Yeah, it was. Yeah, thanks for coming out guys. Yeah, no, kidding, thanks everybody that came out and supported our team. You know, had the had the creeper there, the little rat rod that the kids freaking loved.

Speaker 1:

I mean, those, those, those kids are ninjas, baby, like they touch everything. You couldn't relax the whole time. Oh my gosh One. I left my wallet in there, Didn't even know it till the night was over. I'm so lucky because I mean, kids are kids. They're like, oh hey, look what I found Money. Yeah, you know my little prism so I can see the lights.

Speaker 1:

That thing was so yacked up you couldn't even see through it. I'd left the keys in the ignition. Some kids trying to start my car. Oh my gosh, like on and on, my blinker thing was bent clear over to the left because they all kept trying to shove it over. Oh my gosh, I think they thought that was the shifter. And then I watched some kid, both hands on my shifter, just jerking on it, dude Trying to. Oh my gosh, I was like holy cow, what am I doing? But you know what? It was kind of the hit of the thing. Kids loved it. Yeah, it was worth it.

Speaker 1:

It's like when my grandkids come over, it's going to take me a couple of weeks to get the creeper back in order. Right, even my grandkids loved it. I don't know if they've ever seen it Really. Yeah, they need rides, dude. Yeah, they do. Yep, that grandpa, get in there and go do some donuts.

Speaker 1:

All right, when you when you rolled into the pavilion, I'm like, oh, here we go. I thought. I thought you're for sure going to just rally it. Dude, if it would have been blacktop I probably would have, but it was dirt I would have thrown. I'd have thrown dirt all the way across the entire stadium and it would have filled the whole place with dust. So I mean I'm crazy, but I'm not that crazy. I'm not that, I'm not that inconsiderate, right, because it was already dirty enough. I don't know about you, but man, I went home, took a shower, because it was, I was covered in dirt, total dust bowl, yep, but man, it was a good time, it was, kids had a blast, they didn't run out of pumpkins. It was amazing the amount of people that came. Dude, I am shocked. Yeah, yeah, like shocked. Yeah, it was fun. Thousands of people, it was insane.

Speaker 1:

I think the couple of the main draws obviously your car, but the people who did face painting Pace painting is a big thing, cotton candy, you know. I mean not that I'm in charge of anything, but but I think next year the, the brokerage, should maybe do something where they have, you know, three or four face painters there, like in a section where. That's just it. Because you saw the lines for the, for the booths that were for face painting, and I mean, quite simply, we never had that problem, but we had a steady, steady flow of people. You know what I'm? I'm actually good at body painting. Maybe I'll bring Right. Paint you with some band powder, no, but you know I could lend my skills, I guess for the kids, right, I'm just going to leave that one right there. I thought about it. No, I really can. Oh my gosh. Okay, this is a PG program, I'm being PG, I'm just offering my skills next year.

Speaker 1:

So anyways, guys, on these whole submission things, look for our posts out there and, and please participate, man, send us in some, send us in some, some good questions that Aaron and I can sit here and yak about and laugh. I can think of three or four friends that are going to get this full of questions. But remember, we're trying to keep this PG, so we'll, we'll try to do the best we can. But you ask it, we'll answer Right In our best PG way that we can. Right, absolutely. And maybe our program's going to go from being PG to being are and maybe in just maybe we could get some real estate questions. Right, right, oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

So also, guys, another quick thing Aaron and I are really trying to build our, our, our group of people that are what do you call them? Were people, subscribes, our subscriptions, subscriptions. It just shut off because you forgot to remind me. You keep touching the remote. Well, I didn't touch it enough. I won't actually touch it like three times. Oh my gosh. Alexa, amazon photos there we go, there we go Back on. Anyway, we want to get as many subscriptions as we can. Guys Like I. I mean, I want to have a goal of of over the next few months to get up to like a thousand dude or 500.

Speaker 1:

So we can't make you do it, but we would sure love if you guys would just go to our YouTube channel or our YouTube page, which is the luxury agency, and subscribe and in our question the question section, you know how about some guests or some ideas of topics that we'd love to see? We'd love that. What do you guys want to hear us talking about and put on? Real estate related or not, doesn't matter. Yeah, we'd love to, because we have we have a pretty big network and we'd love to bring people on and talk about whatever's important to you. Yeah, if you've got some people that that that you think are interesting, or have a, have an amazing message, whatever that looks like, give us a shout.

Speaker 1:

We're, we're working on, you know, kind of starting a lay of a flip leg in our business and so we're going to be bringing we first and foremost, I think, bringing on some contractors and different tradesmen and actually going out to some jobs. And you know, I mentioned my brother does flips all the time. I'm going to hit him up and maybe we'll go out and get some video and pick his brain for a minute to. He'd be fun one for asking a praiser. Yeah, I mean, he is an appraiser, been an appraiser for a hundred years. I think that he'd be a makes sense person to bring on here as well. Yeah, so okay, we need to do it, stevie. Get on it, baby.

Speaker 1:

Um dude, I had to talk about our book. That's been fun actually, dude. I love it. I watched. I watched the other day. I was actually I was getting irritated at you because you weren't listening. You were just on your phone. I was looking at you saying I was looking up, I know where.

Speaker 1:

So I went on a trip and and there was a, a gentleman there that sent me this book and it's about the, the Buffalo trace brewery or distillery, in Kentucky, on the Kentucky River, and anyways, he was telling us how cool this book was, and he wasn't kidding, because it's. It's not just about the distillery, it's about American history, american history like no other, like in that region. It was right before the Western frontier, was, you know, early 1800s, guys, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 100s, what did I say? 70 hundreds, I don't even know if I could repeat it. Late 1700s, into the early 1800s and on, actually, into the 1900s. And, uh, man, the history is just like a woman. We were talking when there was nobody, no white people.

Speaker 1:

What blew me away was, uh, you know, the distillery. How much so they built it out of bronze and copper, right, well, eventually. So, basically, the first part of it was is the, the original, and I don't know any of the names, I can't remember them, but the original, original. People went out there and actually discovered this area Leastown, lee, leastown, um, can't remember the name of the other one. Uh, anyways, the longer the short is is is. I mean, some of these guys lost their life right there where it's at right that we were reading about. But this book goes through the whole history of of, of before anybody had gone in there and it was just the indigenous people.

Speaker 1:

Well, the Indians well, they picked it because of the Buffalo trace, which is hundreds of thousands of Buffalo would go across the trail looking for food, cross the river and actually made a, made a road, made a, made a you know a several hundred yards. I can explain that it was. It was compacted so much over a you know 14 foot or 20 foot wide area that had compacted down like two feet. It's kind of cool. Literally literally grew, run into the ground and the natural ground where these Buffalo come through, and I mean there were so many. They rumble the ground, sound like thunder and just shook, shook everything because there's hundreds of thousands of Buffalo, because where this is at guys on the Kentucky river I guess there's parts of the Kentucky river that that there's cliffs that are as much as 400 feet high, holy cow. So this was just a natural area where the Buffalo figured out they could get across the river. So they're chasing Salt Lake's weird, I mean, yeah, salt Lake, this is a real hit.

Speaker 1:

It was a history of America, talking about why they picked it, and then and then the future of the whiskey trade, that that happened from that area. Shawna said Aaron's not going to live this down. The Bentley powder oh my gosh, that's right. It's a new office job oh my heck, that's right, shawna.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, in this book I mean it's, it's, it's talks about a lot of history and right now we're just barely getting to where the actual Buffalo trace distillery I guess it's already been there and had gone through multiple hands but basically, the, the um, a gentleman that that had a, that had a vision, ended up building this. He went to Europe and was so impressed with all, the, all the distilleries over in Europe that he came back and just had this vision to build this, this distillery that was better than any distillery in the world, and he spent from copper, all copper, only the liquid, only touched copper. So that's, I mean that's a hand mashed. I mean just crazy stuff, dude, to create an impeccable whiskey. We did the math. It was, it was like 70,000 is what he, what he spent to build the distillery which is, which was to the tune of like 70 million nowadays now.

Speaker 1:

Now, money and yeah, just wow, blew me away, but anyways, it talks about him and, and he ended up eventually selling the land and the distillery for 500 bucks. I bet you money. That was just like a title transfer. So taxes were lower. Well, no, he and the guy that bought it and remember we read in the last one, they butted heads.

Speaker 1:

I mean, the dude was in financial, it was. They didn't call it the great depression. This was before that, like in the 1870s, if I remember right. Yep, where, where it was just bad, lots of default, lots of loans going back. Yeah, it was just. But I think that's kind of the, the attrition that had to happen and and and you know, I need to talk to you about how you started over in Europe and Europe and he went to public office is why? Kind of what? He? Yeah, it was the man for 16 years. He changed his focus, or eight years, something like that. Then he became a congressman or representative or something. Yep, yeah. So, anyways, really, really interesting guys.

Speaker 1:

I highly recommend the book. Um, it's what we're reading right now. It's pretty cool, it's been a lot of fun. The good little break yeah, it was a good little break from.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'm a pretty positive dude anyways, but I love this stuff, this history stuff, and I wish I would have paid better attention back in school. Yeah, if the teachers would have talked about it in this context, maybe we'd have listened. You know what? There's so much truth in that dude, right, because the things that I did learn and the things that I paid attention to it was because the teacher was a good teacher. They liked it. Let's be honest, back when I was in school, I mean, all the teachers were most of the teachers were a hundred years old and it was boring as hell and by mind was just constantly cranking, right. So, but yeah, I mean, if you make it around whiskey or women or motorcycles, or this was about the muscle car, yeah, this is about the time I did have interest and I did have a good history teacher.

Speaker 1:

I remember, yeah, mr Hughes, I think, anyways, but it was good. Yeah, one of the classes I did like was history. Oh, it's one of the classes you did like. Yeah, I thought you were saying it's one of the classes like oh, no, this is one of the classes I liked. I didn't like English, I didn't like math, the uncomfortable pause, yeah for sure. So, all righty, really quick, going to keep promoting this until it's over.

Speaker 1:

And that's my niece that had breast cancer An amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing person is. She's not going to do the party anymore, I think it just got overwhelming for her. But she, for her 32nd birthday, is putting together 32 baskets, so to say, for 32 women that are in need. And I spoke to her the other day and they've got they've got more than enough women that have been nominated, but they are still looking for and they still they do have quite a bit of stuff. But if anybody wants to donate to these baskets, even if it's not 32, I mean, doesn't really matter. You know, it's such a great cause and it's not just, it's not just women with breast cancer, it's women that are having a hard time with challenges, with anything. So really, really good cause. I'm actually, I'm actually pretty excited about it and and of course, my wife Lisey is is is all over it and in doing all kinds of cool stuff and that basket will be nice. Yeah, it will be. I can't even wait. So just wanted to give a big shout out that. That's her Instagram page, so if you want to reach out to her and help out, do so. Highly recommend it.

Speaker 1:

I also want to, I guess, remind folks so there's a lot of agents, friends of ours, that are watching this. We're we're trying to grow, so we would love to talk to you If you know anybody who's struggling and or just not a fit where they're at or just want to change really what we're looking for somebody who's interested in the social part of the of the real estate business. We do our mixers, we do our hikes, which we're now transitioning. We're actually going to talk about that. Yeah, we're going to transition and now the weather's changing we're going to go and start doing some yoga as a group. This is going to be good, it's going to be fun. Mine and your fat ass doing yoga, erin and some spandex do it. So downward. Oh, I love yoga, but it's really good for us and I'm excited for it. I've already talked to a couple of the friends and they're coming, yeah. So you know any of you agents out there or if you're thinking about being an agent and you want to come and just chat with us and see if there's a good fit to join our team, call us. We'll teach you how to properly network with your crowds and how to how to really set it up to where you have a viable business, no matter what the market's doing. That's right.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, our Thursday morning hikes now it's getting cold and there's going to be snow and we can't really do a hike. I mean, we are going to plan like a snowshoe thing. We will do that. It's not going to be a weekly thing, but anyways, we, for our weekly event, we're going to do this yoga thing and we're still working out all the logistics and we talk. Like Aaron said, we've talked to a couple of people that are that are going to come in and teach it and I'm excited that's going to be fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and I think you know, instead of doing it on Thursday mornings, I think what we're going to do, guys, is we're going to actually do it Thursday early evening, like a 5.30 start time, and that way, you know people can come that work the nine to five and still come and partake, because you know our hikes it's, it's awesome, it's first thing in the morning, but a lot of people can't participate because they're running kids to school or have a job or this, that or the other. So I think it's going to be, I think we will be doing it later. You know the 5.30. We're looking at our office has a big training room, and so you know what. Here's the thing, too, guys. Our biggest thing is we have, we have people that that will come and teach the classes for us.

Speaker 1:

What we really don't have is a location to actually do it. So if you know of someone or you know of an area or something that could hold, you know, I don't know what, 20 people, hobbes, yeah, 20 people you know, on a weekly basis and they'd be willing to help us out and we could do something, please let us know, cause I think I'm, if we have to, I'd do it here, but I would like to find something that's that's really cool. Yeah, do you know what I mean? Yeah, what do you think? I don't know. Maybe your ward house, Ward house, my house, your house? It's like, what the hell are you talking about? Dude, it's a ward house, ward house, right, I could feel, play out words there. I could fit so many people in my house. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know where to Like anywhere, like a, you know, I mean, as long as it's warm. The women don't want to freeze Right now. It's our office, we have a space, but we would like to get away from her. So if you know any spaces, please let us know. Like just something cool, yeah, yeah, I asked my cousin's wife, case, and they have a space, but she's got an on compete. She didn't perfect Right, then we could all jumped in the pool after In the winter. Hell, yeah, is it outdoors? I have a heater. Yeah, they have an indoor yoga studio in their basement. Oh, yeah, well, that dumb non compete. Yeah, but I get it. Yeah, totally. Yeah, I figured, alrighty man, anything else, hi, ava.

Speaker 1:

So, ava, I'll tell you a quick story about this. Just cause she, she waved, she was living, she's, she's from Columbia and she was living in Florida, met my little brother when he was down there on his mission. When he came home, she moved up here and basically became a part of our family. Her last name is Ward. Wow, that she changed Really, yeah, wow, and has had her two kids and I mean, yeah, she was, she was or still is a massive part of our family.

Speaker 1:

It was like that's really cool, yeah, kind of cool, and I was like Ava, my mom did that and married my dad made me Before or after, literally after the, after the mission? Yeah, well, literally, wow. Yeah, where'd your dad serve? York, pennsylvania. Oh yeah, that's where I was born Up in the northeastern, uh-huh, I don't know. Yeah, it is Well kind of Alrighty man. Well, guys, we chatted about a lot, but look for those links to to send us some questions. So I think I think it's going to be fine. We'll be having some fun with that, for sure. Yeah, for sure, I'll look forward to that, alrighty guys. Well, thanks for joining us. We appreciate it. Have a freaking fantastic week and please let us know if you need anything. You help real estate. Yeah, we're here. We're here trying to fill our pipeline and we would love to represent you and and do what we do, because we're pretty good at it. All righty.