Beards on the Street

Beards On The Street Episode 21 - Juggling Social Life, Encountering Storms, and Making Real Estate Moves: A Dive into the Thrills and Challenges of Everyday Life

Parry Dean Ward & Aaron Pehrson

Ever found yourself at a concert that was just too late for your liking? Join us on Beards on the Street as we recount our week, which included an epic hike and the Scrimmo concert experience. We also touch on the addition of a new crew member who (surprise surprise) doesn’t have a beard! We keep the conversation light and engaging while also sharing how family obligations sometimes take precedence over our social life.

Imagine a storm sweeping through your city, causing immense devastation. We take a moment to discuss the recent storm in Hawaii and urge our listeners to help the survivors. Amidst this, we also update you on our exciting book club and the upcoming virtual meeting. Our YouTube channel is growing steadily too! We also recount our hike at Bell's Canyon and remind you of the importance of health and wellness.

Ever thought about investing in real estate? We share some personal experiences and stories relating to the Diesel Brothers, and how their impact is felt in our community. We also give you a virtual tour of a $23 million off-grid home and appreciate the sophisticated engineering behind it. We're all about keeping things relatable, from our weekend plans to the odd need to restock tomatoes for the breakfast burrito. So, come along and join us on this fun-filled journey. Beards on the Street is all set to engage, entertain, and enlighten you!

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello. What's going on, People?

Speaker 1:

morning, happy Friday.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to Beards on the street. I don't know why I like saying that.

Speaker 1:

That's fun. Yeah, I'm proud of it. Try it. Beards on the street. Beards on the street.

Speaker 2:

Do you have to have a beard to be on Beards on the street?

Speaker 1:

I don't hey, Ron, I don't think so we're in and funny thing where we have a newer crew coming today. I'm super excited about her, but she doesn't have a beard, then I guess you don't have to have a beard.

Speaker 2:

She's going to be a great. I'm actually really glad you don't have to have a beard. Yeah, that would be weird on a girl. She's going to be a great addition. I know, dude, I'm excited, I'm excited, excited to. I'm in a matter for just a minute, but, kerry, we'll see you shortly. Yes, we will. If you're watching this, we'll see you shortly, we'll get a game plan and we'll get you rolling. That's right.

Speaker 1:

All right, brother. So how was your week? It's been a. It's been a good week. Yeah, we had a great hike, really enjoyed it. Yeah, you dude you, you. You weren't as far ahead of us than you. Then I thought you weren't. You weren't as you. You go a lot, you go fast, and I went faster this time and you weren't as far ahead as I thought you were. Oh, when you turned around, weren't you about a quarter mile ahead of us?

Speaker 1:

More like a half Okay, but let me tell you, of course, of course dude.

Speaker 2:

I mean, here's the bottom line. You're sweat dude, I don't do anything.

Speaker 1:

half ass, bro, no, no.

Speaker 2:

So anybody that knows me knows that I'm not going to do it half ass.

Speaker 1:

And so we weren't half ass and he and I were motoring dude, but we weren't quite. We're not, you know, we're not running like you were my legs are pretty damn sore today, and I was exhausted yesterday. I went and did legs last night afterward and, yeah, I couldn't do that sore.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I couldn't well keep up with me duty.

Speaker 1:

And then my knees will be sore. I don't know that didn't sound right either.

Speaker 2:

I'm just going to say stay up your knees, hey Ron. Oh my gosh dude.

Speaker 1:

Dude, it's been a quiet concert week. What's going on?

Speaker 2:

Well, I had a chance to go to, uh, boss skags, but I had to pass on that because I had grandkids stuff. Um, we got concerts coming up. We got uh, I sent you the one where my buddy, ryan Kent, it's his 50th birthday. Happy birthday brother. Happy birthday brother. You know they're having Steve's bands going to be playing out there. It's going to be fun. It's a Saturday, starts at five. This.

Speaker 1:

Saturday this Saturday I have, I have another birthday, Do you? Yeah, so maybe I'll and I do too.

Speaker 2:

So basically I'm going to go out there from five until whenever. And then my buddy, matt. You know, matt Schultz, it's his beautiful wife Birthday, so having a gathering there too, dang it. So you better be running around like me, dang it, don't just go to one.

Speaker 1:

I can't Maybe three Right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah so uh, it has been a boring week for freaking live music live music, otherwise not boring. You know, I'm going to go to a concert with my, with my sons, on Monday at Sandy Amphitheater. It's called uh, revolution, yeah, yeah, with all your boys. Yeah, with Brady and Jaden for sure. Oh man, how fun, bro. Yeah, that's going to be great. I'm looking forward to it.

Speaker 1:

And then I got them as friend or suggestions on. Would it be weird if I know, okay, I'm going to can. I add them to my top 50? Good luck.

Speaker 2:

And then uh, uh, keb Mo, which that's another really good one dude I'm looking up. I mean Keb Mo is actually playing down at the UVU, which is a weird place, but I saw.

Speaker 1:

I saw one of my very first concert there. Uh, it was the is it cool. I've never been there. It was inch, it was it was an outsider.

Speaker 2:

No it was.

Speaker 1:

It was inside in like the gymnasium and it was uh, it was a group called the used and this was back early 2000s. They're Scrimmo, I mean local. They got big. We got a kind of a Scrimmo concert that we did.

Speaker 2:

Oh my hell, dude, definitely not my kind of music.

Speaker 1:

And I got you Scrimmo dad yeah. We, yeah, no kidding Well the bottom line is they were.

Speaker 2:

Aaron, my wife said no more extra curricular.

Speaker 1:

I, I've got to be careful because your wife's going to say no more, aaron, yeah, there, watch yourself.

Speaker 2:

You got to check yourself. Yeah, you wreck yourself.

Speaker 1:

I'll catch it. I will not let that happen Now.

Speaker 2:

I will not be that buddy and all I was was a freaking taxi all day. Anyways, by the way, you know, clutch, I mean, they're a good band and and they've got some stuff that that you can listen to, but it definitely wasn't my crowd or my, my, my kind of concert. No, I agree. Oh well, it is what it is Still. Live music yeah, my music's always good. It just it just wasn't what I wanted. I wasn't what I wanted to hear 10 o'clock at night.

Speaker 2:

You're just well, that's the other thing, dude. They had three bands and so by the time freaking clutch got up there, it was like 10 or 10, 30. You know, we listened to maybe two songs and I was like, let's go, I'm out Too tired for this. Yeah, yeah, all right. So, uh, concert wise this week, I'm not really sure what's coming up other than the one with my sons, but I guarantee I've got others on my schedule that I can.

Speaker 1:

I think journey's out at you, son of a night. Ooh, tonight Is it journey, or there's, I think so. I think so.

Speaker 2:

I've seen them a bunch of times they're good.

Speaker 1:

My friend told me to come out tonight but That'd be a fun one. Yeah, but for sure we know what. We would know every song, of course, right.

Speaker 2:

Yep, um, moving on from music, we've got uh. I sent out a little post this morning and uh basically said hey, you, you Click on our uh link and go to our YouTube page and subscribe to our podcast. So anybody and everybody out there, please go and subscribe so we can start building our subscription and and and we can have a little bit better access to you guys and it'll be much easier for you to see us. You know it just a little Interesting.

Speaker 1:

I found it interesting, but after last week's podcast I had somebody approach me to talk to me about my podcast. So there's, there's, and I didn't even have a clue they were following or paying attention to anything I was doing. So it was, it was. It was neat.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, and I sent it to you. I thought I'd loaded it up, but I guess I didn't. Um, but I got an email yesterday from from, uh, free, what was it called there? And free something anyways. Uh, what their, what their whole program is, is is there.

Speaker 2:

They're a national organization where they've got I think it showed a million something subscribers and uh, they, they basically go to different cities or different areas and rank um podcasts and, uh, they sent us out a thing and said we're in our, we're in the top 70 podcasts. Uh, we're actually 46 on that list of podcasts here in the Salt Lake area Related real estate, related podcasts, any podcast, oh, wow, any. And it said there's 1000. So, wow, yeah, I was pretty impressed and I went through and looked at a bunch of the other ones and some I knew of, you know, just because they're, you know, based around TV or whatever. But uh, yeah, man, I was pretty stoked. That's awesome. Yeah, you know, it's a subscription type thing, so I'm sure they're trying to to to sell us on their program, but it was still kind of cool that they recognized us and and and see us.

Speaker 2:

We're in our second season, according to them. So, wow, that's great. Yeah, that's great, so I like it. I like it a lot. Sorry, I can't remember the name. Oh well, um, so we, uh, we had a very successful uh mixer this last mixer about a week ago, a week and a day. Thank you all for everybody and anybody that that donated school supplies it was. It was really cool to take them down. We took it, yeah, we took it down to the granite school district to their big warehouse and then they distributed out to the schools that that really, really need it. I have a. I have some things that I need to do.

Speaker 1:

I have a, I have some family that are that work for in the counseling um department for the underprivileged. You know the youth there and there's there's major need in the granite school district there is.

Speaker 2:

And you know what ongoing. If anybody wants to donate, reach out to us and we'll get it from you and we'll make sure it gets down to the school district.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you what. In Granite School District there's a food system and I wish I knew the numbers, but it's thousands of children who, if they don't eat at school, they don't eat, yeah, breakfast and lunch, and then oftentimes for the weekend they send them home with food packs, because it literally is, I mean, for one, it's the school and their teacher and their counselors. That's their Basically, they're consistent home base, that's the stability and support they have in their lives.

Speaker 2:

How is that even?

Speaker 1:

possible. Well, the thousands of children in that single school district I mean there's three or four school districts here locally in Salt Lake County and to have that many children who wouldn't eat otherwise, who don't have a consistent place to go and lean on and get support other than their school, the classroom, their counselors, and then they get sent home with lunch packs. That's how they eat, wow.

Speaker 2:

That's insane buddy. It blows me away. It blows me away that there's that many.

Speaker 1:

It pulls in my heart, man, yeah, I guess I just don't even have a clue.

Speaker 2:

We really don't have a clue.

Speaker 1:

Nope, we don't Just off in our little bubble.

Speaker 2:

Kind of sad. I mean, we're trying to do our part, man. We're trying to you know what these mixers and tying them to some kind of a charity or something that does good in the community. Man, that's I love it.

Speaker 1:

If you're watching and you have any input on some areas that need help for upcoming mixers, we'd love to have input.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we would.

Speaker 1:

Because we want to make a splash and make an impact. That's our goal with this.

Speaker 2:

Yep. Matter of fact, I saw on the news this morning there's an organization I'll look it up that's been vetted by KSL TV and is it's where you can donate for these poor, freaking people that all their everything burned down over in Hawaii.

Speaker 1:

Is that what we're doing? This next one, though? I think so, yeah.

Speaker 2:

We want to help out. So we'll make sure that when we start advertising which will be really soon, for the next mixer, for the September mixer that understand, guys, that this is going to be pretty much just a money. You know, don't ain't money?

Speaker 2:

QR code that goes directly to this Directly to this vetted resource that came straight from KSL, so I'll put it out there. And it's real important because, you know, the scumbags out there are always feeding off of people's misery, so we want to make sure that that money is going to actually go to the right people, absolutely. So that will be. Our next charity is to and man, I don't know what to say about that thing that hit them so hard, so fast and just I bet every island now is kind of reconsidering their fire system, the how they.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, I've been watching Aaron and a lot of people are pissed off because, I mean, I understand it. I mean lives were ruined and lives were taken, but they're so mad at the state and I mean, again, I don't know enough about it, but it sounded to me like it was so fast and so volatile that any pre-warning there's a picture going around of one of the roads along the shoreline where people just got out of their cars and dove into the ocean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I saw that Cars were burning around.

Speaker 2:

I actually read a story about this guy that he had gone to the part store or some kind of a store, saw what was going on, hauled ass, went home, grabbed his wife, like literally walked in and said we leave now. And they tried to get out but traffic of course was a mess and they ended up bailing on their car and actually running to the water and they kept. There was a big storm, I guess, so it wasn't like, it was just a calm, nice Hawaiian, oh man. So the wind's blowing like crazy, so there's waves and white caps and I mean total chaos.

Speaker 1:

So danger in the water and then fire coming off them, and they had to keep going in the water.

Speaker 2:

And then I guess there was some kind of a seawall and they would crouch down and get down as far down in the seawall as they could and just crouch down, oh my gosh man. And then when it got too hot they would go back out in the water, get wet again, come back in. I mean back and forth. Wow, tell me that I'm getting goosebumps talking about man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wow, can you imagine that, just to survive man? And I guess there's I think it showed 1,300 people still missing, oh my gosh. And they're right now. They've only as of what I read the last, they've only searched 30% of what's there, what's been burned, what's been burned, and they're already at over a hundred people dead. So just horrible, horrible circumstances. And you know, I mean I'm sure they felt like they were right in the middle of an apocalypse, I'm sure they thought the world was coming to an end. So that's going to be our next charity. I think it's a good one, and we want to reach out in any way we can to help the survivors and then the people that basically have nothing.

Speaker 1:

I would love to hear of any of our top 50s. If there's anybody in our top 50 that directly touches.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they have somebody there, A family there.

Speaker 1:

I mean we need to hear, and because there's a lot of Islander, people here in Utah?

Speaker 2:

man, yeah, there are. So you know, it's touching a ton of lives here, yeah, a ton. So, yeah, reach out to us guys and let us know if there is something very specific that we can really focus on to really help some people. Yeah, that would be cool, alrighty buddy. So moving on, so we talked about our mixer. We're still doing our book club every every morning at nine. We're going to try to go Monday live on zoom. Okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

We're getting close to the end of this one, aren't we? Yeah, it's been a great book, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know it's kind of tactical, multifaceted and just you know it's got sections that are for for team leads, like us, and it's got sections for business and for personal and for whatever. So, but no, it's been a great book and we'll we'll just kick out and, hopefully on Monday, have it on zoom and then and then we can see the people. We know they're on, yeah, get participation and yeah, exactly yeah, the other way we were doing it just I mean through this system was just just broadcast to the world as the team was watching. So you don't know, I mean, maybe there were participants, we don't know. Yeah, so those of you that didn't want to participate and and maybe were, we'll be able to recognize that you're on and and seeing us.

Speaker 2:

Really quick, I'm bringing up a slide. This is our, this is our our YouTube channel page. You see the subscribe button there. Guys, please jump on, go and subscribe to our channel and and show us some love. You're going to start seeing some, some different social posts that we'll have. Just a quick link and and we really want to build up our presence and and and make it happen on our, on our YouTube channel. All right, so just checking my, my little deal hiking. Where do we say we're going? Bell's Canyon, Bell's Canyon.

Speaker 1:

We're, we're. So basically it's a there's kind of two stages of the hike. You can walk up half a mile out and then around the lake. I think you and I maybe you'll motor up and try to get to the falls. Yeah, but this, this hike we when? How far is it To?

Speaker 2:

the falls.

Speaker 1:

Do you think A couple of miles, oh that that you know you have to go up.

Speaker 2:

You have to go up the rocks that are hip, high Dude so Kind of up, mueller, I did six miles, I did over six miles, did you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you went out three out three back, right, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Little over three.

Speaker 1:

Dude, when you showed up at road by V, you were like drip, drip, drip, drip, drip.

Speaker 2:

I told I told my wife it wasn't really a drip, it was a flow. Yeah, you were, you were flowing, dude. And what's funny is remember the one time I flipped my hat and got got my sweat all over you and you grossed out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know why that would gross you out. I heard you wiped off somebody's face with your sweaty shirt.

Speaker 2:

Probably my wife. I know she has to put up with me. It's awesome, but no, I had already. I'd already shaken my hat out multiple times at that point, dude.

Speaker 1:

This is a. It's actually a pretty neat hike. It's just right right there off 94th and and wassage, so it's, you know, central valley. It's a fun hike, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Guys, come and join us, man I I know I've had some people say they'll show up and then they don't. I got my buddy Nate who's a regular yeah. Nate's a regular he and I.

Speaker 1:

he and I are doing a little little uh, life talks together and it's man, it's a. I enjoy it.

Speaker 2:

Guys, it is, it's really fun. It's once a week, you know, get you off your couch, get you out. You know, even if it's, even if it's conflicting with work, man, your health is important.

Speaker 1:

So we're done. We're done typically by 10 o'clock Um, that's all the latest and that's on the longer hikes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, and you can go at your own speed, and you can go as far as you want and turn around when you need to Go ahead, so it's anyways it's.

Speaker 1:

it's a good time. We'd love for anybody to come out.

Speaker 2:

You know, as you know, I was recently down in Arizona I can't remember if I told you this or not, but it it just tells you to of how dangerous it can be down in Arizona. But you know how they have all the signs at the at the start of the trailhead talking about, you know, animals and this and that hazards down in Arizona. Swear to God, dude, they have on the sign when you, when you're halfway through with your water, turn around you could die Seriously, like it's so hot. When I, when I hiked down there, it was when I hit halfway in my water I turned around and I mean I was dying when I got back, oh man, dude, like it was, I think it was 105 or 107.

Speaker 1:

When I've done my longer hike. So, like a blanch or red pine, white pine, I actually bring a bag of Himalayan sea salt.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so you don't cramp up.

Speaker 1:

Oh, cause I do cramp up. On the way down my leg I start, I start falling apart. Yeah, cause I'm. I've sweat in you and with the way you're sweating I was cramping yesterday. I'll bet you're. I'll bet you need some salt. Oh, I ate salt.

Speaker 2:

Yep, all right, that's enough housekeeping fun stuff. What do you want to talk about, aaron?

Speaker 1:

Man, you know what's been on my mind. I've I've been doing a little bit of shopping for an investor. Okay, so every day, first thing I pop in and I just cruise the new listings and see what's available. You know, and it seems like right now it has been heating up three to five, and this is I'm just shopping East side. Three to five, Primo flips Wow yeah, Legitimate opportunities, you know, invest, make some great money. But the flip side to that, you know, these are good, these are the kind of properties that and what kind of ARV are you talking on these?

Speaker 1:

So the you know intro prices from 400 to 600. And then you know you're seeing after repair values what that means of 750 to a million. Wow yeah, so like do the work.

Speaker 2:

So not just not not working on something for three to six months and then making 20 or 30 grand. No, no, minimum 100 plus grand.

Speaker 1:

Wow, yeah, yeah. So some amazing opportunities. But what I was actually thinking about, you know there's some different ideas and options we hit. So, Dean, as we both know, we have front end financing, so we have the acquisition money available, hard money. So we're looking for, you know, the investor we're talking about, who we're hoping to talk to when we're talking about this today someone that has $100,000, you know 50 to $100,000 that they could invest in a flip like this. And you know, and we have the contractors, we have all the different tradesmen- yeah, it's basically plug and play, yeah.

Speaker 1:

We can walk you through the flip process, help you get into this business. But these are so, these are all East side. These are all incredible rentals. So you do your, you do your flip, you have your, we have the front end money to buy the property. And then you know, you could refi and hold it, you could refi and keep it as your residence.

Speaker 2:

And so are you talking? Are you talking, Aaron, that that basically we're going to partner up with them? And we're going to, we're going to help them run the whole entire thing. So it's, it's. It's literally not a major time consuming thing for us.

Speaker 1:

So a couple of things. We're looking to do some of these. So we're looking for capital investors, people who want to invest and participate in us flipping homes Yep, or the investor who just wants to buy one for themselves and flip it. We have the contractors. We have the relationships.

Speaker 2:

If they want them, some of them will have their own.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, yeah, so if you're, if you're on the fringe, if you even if you have a portion of that and you wanted to participate and maybe we can find a couple other investors together and we could do a project together, you bet that wouldn't co -op it. Yes, that would be anyways. So opportunities are a boundary. There are a lot of opportunities right now and if you've thought about getting into it, you don't know how.

Speaker 2:

Call us, call us, man, just call us. It's only a conversation for crying out loud. Let's talk about what we can put together. Yeah, and if it makes sense, do it. If it doesn't, then tell us. The pound's sand, it's, it's all right.

Speaker 1:

There's. There's just so much opportunity. I get ahold of us. These are, these are for I'm talking to our top 50 or people that we're in relationship with. I know all of our friends that they've all got great jobs, great money. Yeah, you know what? If you, if you want to get into some real estate, let's do that together.

Speaker 2:

It's much better to let not money just sit in a bank account because you're not getting Jack Do-Do for that, not even meeting. Or even even in the stock market, it's not the greatest Right. You know this is tangible.

Speaker 1:

See it right in front of you and killer return We'll be able to show you kind of what, what the acquisition price. We can do the fix up projections and then talk to you about what we could sell it for. Yeah, and we'll be in it with you After the.

Speaker 2:

ARV, we'll, we'll, we're there. Okay, I like it. You know, you came to me. You came to me and we're talking about the diesel brothers.

Speaker 2:

Yes, my son sent me this last night. Oh, that's right, gabe sent it to you and my kid grew up with some of those boys or he knows them all. You know they're, they're, they're some pretty cool guys. They're fun. I don't, I don't know them that well. I know one of them pretty well, keaton. I've, I've, you know it's been in your house Getting to my house. I've been around him and we know a lot of the same people. But these guys are they're. They're not only studs and they're not only funny and they're not only, you know, put on a good program, but, dude, they're good dudes. Yes, like I mean they've done some really cool stuff for some people that really needed it. If I remember right, there was a thing in them in the news about some guy that had some trouble with his car and people were being mean to him, and I mean like it was turning into a major scene and I think these guys went up and actually helped the dude.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they went and extracted the vehicle, yeah, fixed it for him, did their thing and actually turned it out to this badass, yeah, product, just because they were so pissed off how the guy was being treated by these matter of fact, one of those guys that was being it was over a campsite, yeah, and one of the guys that was being a total turd worked for the state or the or a county or something and got fired over it. Oh yeah, Good for him. Anyways, check this bad boy out. So I know this episode or this thing that they did was it's been about a year ago, but it's new to us. So, whatever, and I actually looked it up and it's available, man, If you got an extra 22, $23 million sitting around this place is cool. It's a totally off grid six bedroom, amazing, Like like the engineering that they put into this house that you don't see and don't know about.

Speaker 1:

So, wow, yeah, he walked the property, I was, he did a, he did a, he did a tour. It's on YouTube and there's the listing right there, guys, and you know he, it was fun because you can tell he's a, he's a tradesman, he knows, he can appreciate, he knows he knows quality workmanship, he knows mechanical systems and he just walked around geeking out on all the stuff that the average Joe wouldn't, yeah. But it's also where all the detail and care and it just shows the quality of this property.

Speaker 2:

You know, helicopter pad, I mean dude, the whole gamut, I mean in the back, dean, it has a.

Speaker 1:

It has a pond that has it's layered retention ponds and the idea behind it is is each layer it, it's it skims off the top, so it's the clean part of the water and by the time it gets to the bottom one where they have pavilions and swim decks, and it's a, it's a freshwater pond. At the bottom it's clean, that's clean, clear, clear water, clean for swimming. So it's it's basically a freshwater pool. You know that kind of detail. It's on 49 acres. I mean, it's got a. It's up in.

Speaker 2:

I think it's in Camus or it's just outside of a park city and you know, I, I didn't, I didn't watch the whole entire video, but I mean just some of the 45 minute property tour.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. And he didn't stop talking the entire time he was. It was, I don't know. He's doing good things. He could be a realtor.

Speaker 2:

Hey, we should hook up Right, but anyways it was. Yeah, it was kind of a cool, fun, fun little thing. So if you want to jump out on Facebook and I just typed in a 23 or $23 million off grid in Camus and it pulled it right up, yeah, so fun little thing.

Speaker 1:

Fun little video to watch from some local talent, All right brother Well, uh, when are you going, when you no, no, no, when are you? When are we going to float on your boat again?

Speaker 2:

That is a good idea.

Speaker 1:

You've taken twice with you now this summer, and I'm Jones in for another trip.

Speaker 2:

Well, here's the deal, dude. I don't know Cause this weekend shot and the weather's not supposed to be the greatest weekend last weekend was a funeral, previous weekend I mean and I think next week is is my brother's big shin big at his house? Yeah, that's on a Saturday. I'm looking forward to that. Yeah, it's going to be fun.

Speaker 1:

And I need to read the last one. I need to read my tomatoes.

Speaker 2:

I'm almost out of tomatoes. Dude, I'm a hundred percent out of tomatoes. Those are so good I'm going to add.

Speaker 1:

I've been adding them every day to my breakfast brito fresh tomato. It's so good Along with eggs, garlic and garlic.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, dude, I don't know how any chica can kiss you man. I don't know. They keep wanting to like I get within. I get within two to three feet of you, man, and it's like what the hell? I always ask Aaron, what did you eat, dude?

Speaker 1:

I have yet to have a single one of them.

Speaker 2:

I just have a really sensitive sniffer dude Like I I, I can sniff it out.

Speaker 1:

Yep, you do Yep, but it's good for you, it's good for your heart, right? My mom always told me that garlic is good for your heart.

Speaker 2:

It's not good for your love life, but it's good for your heart. You know what? Maybe that's my problem. That's it, dude Garlic. Well, nobody's just going to come right out except for me and say, dude, you stink man.

Speaker 1:

What did you eat? Not a single one has had a thing to say about it.

Speaker 2:

But when they just disappear, nothing, nothing. There's been a lot that I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. But yeah, man, I'm. I'm looking forward to getting up on the boat, dude Um maybe we're just going to have to do a quick overnight or maybe go up on on on.

Speaker 1:

Friday afternoon and come back. Saturday you can neglect her I know she's up there collecting a lot of dust by herself all the way up there, and I know Eden Okay.

Speaker 2:

Well, like I said, maybe we're going to have to do a quick trip a Friday. Come back Saturday of next week or something. That'd be awesome, yeah, or Saturday, sunday I need some boat time. I really do, all right, peeps. Well, thank you guys. So much, appreciate it. Uh, you know. Uh, reach out to us and and and let us know what you think. If you've got ideas, if you think we suck, if you, if you want to hear certain topics, let us know. I mean, it's always just about airing in the mind. It's kind of personal life and we add a little bit of real estate into it.

Speaker 1:

One last time. If you're thinking and want to dabble in some investing, come talk to us. You can be part of one. You could do, I mean or contract, you could be part of it. That way you can, I mean, come talk to us. We're getting going on these.

Speaker 2:

We are and I get them across my desk all the time All right people. Well, thank you so much. We appreciate it and have a fantastic week. See ya, See ya.