Beards on the Street

Beards On The Street - Episode 37 - Real Estate Marketing Mastery and Cabin Chronicles: Boosting Engagement, Crafting Memories, and Wilderness Encounters

Parry Dean Ward & Aaron Pehrson

When my son, the marketing prodigy, steps into the room, you know you're in for an enlightening experience. He joins us this Friday to unravel the mysteries of social media marketing in real estate. With a knack for creating content that resonates and educates, he's the maestro behind an astounding 400% boost in my social media engagement. Prepare to be captivated as we share the personal narratives that have paved our paths in the entrepreneurial world, revealing the passion and dedication behind our family ventures.

Laughter often accompanies learning, and our trip down memory lane to the family cabin construction is no exception. From an amusing mishap with an exercise ball to the astonishing craftsmanship of a 12,000-square-foot haven, we recount stories infused with creativity, growth, and the warmth of shared memories. And if that's not enough to pique your interest, our close encounter with the majestic wilderness, featuring a wild moose, is sure to pull you into the adventures and raw beauty we've experienced. Pack your virtual bags; this episode is a journey through the heart of a special place we call home.

Speaker 2:

Oh it Friday, people Good morning everybody.

Speaker 3:

How you doing? Mr AA Ron, Doing way good man, Doing way good, Ready to get the day rolling, yes sir.

Speaker 2:

Get the weekend rolling, that's right. Yeah, you got an open house tomorrow, man, I way good Ready to get the day rolling. Yes, sir, get the weekend rolling, that's right. Yeah, you got an open house tomorrow, man, I do Talk about it.

Speaker 3:

Fantastic townhome down in the Independence area. It's just west of the freeway off in Bluffdale. It is a cool house. Yeah, it's. I mean she upgraded the hell out of it, dude. Yeah, she did like counter, like everything, the nicest countertops, all the, all the technology, all the master switches uh, very smart house on demand. Hot water uh, she's got. Is she leaving the fridge? Yeah, wow, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Now let me tell you about this fridge?

Speaker 3:

well, no, it's.

Speaker 2:

The entire appliance package is oh yeah, so she totally upgraded the appliance package. I don't know what it is, but it actually I was messing around with it because if you want, like, say, a bowl of soup or a cup of tea, it has a function on the fridge where you hit a button and it heats the water up and you don't have to nuke it or anything.

Speaker 3:

You don't need a pot on the stove anymore.

Speaker 2:

And it was hot.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like burn your mouth hot.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's. Uh, I mean it's a barely two year old, all of it, the whole place is just. I mean it's incredible, so it's, it's great value. 495, it's just over 2500 square feet.

Speaker 3:

Uh, three great layout unfinished basement right, so room to grow and it's an amazing little area. Everybody I know that lives there. I mean our friend lindsey, she's she's moved her in the neighborhood, she's bought and she's moved in the neighborhood, she's bought and she's holding on to them, renting them and just basically moving around and upgrading as she's going Smart, she loves the area.

Speaker 2:

Tax breaks, yep. So that's what Aaron's doing tomorrow, from 11 to 2.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, anybody who wants to come out and see, or even looking at an investment property, come take a visit. Yeah, very good one.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, hey, hey people, welcome to Beards on the Street. I'm Perry.

Speaker 3:

This is Aaron.

Speaker 2:

That's Aaron, and that guy right there in the middle happens to be my youngest son.

Speaker 3:

Marketing extraordinaire.

Speaker 2:

Marketing extraordinaire Bubba dude.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the dad nameba. It's funny. I call my boy Bubba yeah, we can be Jayden was always Bubba growing up. That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Brady was beer ad, or what was Brady beef? Yeah, brady was beef beef stick, cj was Seabers.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Jessica was sis. That's awesome yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then Nanners.

Speaker 2:

And Savannah was Nanners.

Speaker 3:

That's what we call. Brandon's Savannah is Nanners. Yeah, that's cool.

Speaker 2:

So I'm really, really excited to have my kid on Going to talk about some really fun, neat stuff that I'm doing with him.

Speaker 3:

He is just blowing up your social media dude. He is blowing me up. Well, and the fun thing, I guess the big point about why bringing him on is he does this for all kinds of different businesses, but if you're one of our real estate friends watching, there's nothing wrong with coming after one of our guys that's doing doing no, that's, that's honestly yeah honestly, aaron, that's the whole reason I have him on here is I.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I guarantee people have started to see the uptick in in and and the quality and just everything that has to do with my whole social media and and it's all because of my kid right here.

Speaker 2:

He's got he's got a business called why we dream, let me throw that up on there and uh, he, he started this business because he owned a different business that he did all the marketing on, and and I mean that business was cranking, um, it was based around my grandson and, uh, rankin, it was based around my grandson. And yeah, yeah, and that's where. That's where Jayden basically cut his teeth and marketing. Yeah, Jayden, I mean tell us a little bit about your dream here and why we dream.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, just like you said, I learned my marketing Really just the school, of part jobs. Like I'm'm not classically trained, I didn't go to any university or have a degree in marketing.

Speaker 2:

uh, it was really out of a necessity and he went to the same college that I did which is what no call the score hard knocks, yeah, hard knocks real learning black practical application.

Speaker 1:

Yep, exactly, and pretty much it was just out of a necessity. Me and my wife had a goal to start a business after our son who passed away, and in order to make that goal a reality, we had to learn how to reach other people right. And the biggest thing I learned through five years of doing that is that people don't get on social media to be sold to right. So many businesses and individuals think, oh, marketing means I need to go and pitch a product or I need to constantly try to get people to go and buy something or go and do something right. The reason you get on social media is one of two things to be entertained, right.

Speaker 2:

Yep or to be educated.

Speaker 1:

So if you provide one of those two things whether you're entertaining or you're educating that's why people get on there, and through that experience, we've partnered with tons of different businesses and you can even throw up those graphics.

Speaker 2:

All right, which one do you want, bubba?

Speaker 1:

you can go to the first one so right here yep, so we started doing the marketing for my dad, perry dean. So, um, and it's only been what?

Speaker 3:

three weeks and we've already seen an uptick of 400 hundred percent incredible tell me that's not, so he has four likes now shut your mouth, you're talking about that but that that's the crazy thing it's like.

Speaker 1:

Within just a matter of weeks, we're already seeing exponential numbers, right? So you can see 360% in engagement and then 2.4% increase in total followers. So the thing about marketing is it's a compounding effect, right? So the more you do it, the previous content compounds and gets you more views on the next content, right? So that's the thing A lot of people will start. They're really excited at first and then the excitement wears off and then they stop doing it and they kind of get in this cycle right, where they try it and then they stop doing it, they try it and then they stop doing it. Why are you guys smiling?

Speaker 3:

Because he you hear it.

Speaker 2:

Because I had a gurgle in my belly.

Speaker 2:

He had a rubbler go on, and aaron looked at me anyways, so the key here the key here is what I'm hearing jayden is is that the services that you provide help people so much because it's you forget about it. That's what I love about me is we're all so freaking busy with our lives that you try to do it all by yourself, and it's nearly impossible because there's just so much and there's so much you need to do and watch and the back area and the numbers and the. I mean on and on and on and on. So hiring somebody like you, you know, yeah, it's going to cost money, but but ultimately, you know, in the real estate business, for us I mean literally one deal a month and I'm paying for all my social media, which is going to bring me deal after deal after deal.

Speaker 3:

What I think is actually pretty fun watching, just as a because I'm I mean, I'm right here with you, but I'm watching it happen and, uh, jayden, it's how, how incredibly you guys have been able to capture I mean, he's your dad, so you know him but the but, the way you're presenting him, the way you're putting out his information, and and uh, the how, the way you're creating the story around him, his story, who he is, his message, how he thinks, believes and cares about his clients. You're doing an amazing job, man.

Speaker 2:

He is. He just basically sits down and Jaden, what are the three? You've got basically the hook and then the main story and then the ask or the call to action, the call to action, the call to action yep, yep.

Speaker 1:

So that's how we structure all of it and that's the whole goal. Right, because you know, if you ask someone what is, what is your unfair advantage in your industry, it's you, it's your story. Right because there's I don't know how many realtors in the state of utah, but probably thousands. Right?

Speaker 3:

oh yeah, ten thousand. Is it more or eighteen? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

eighteen thousand right, and so it's like how do you stand out from the other individuals?

Speaker 1:

it's you right, so I was gonna say, because I'm perry dean, that's how I stand out yeah, exactly because you have a story that no one else has, right, and that's what people want to follow anyway. And going back to what you were saying, so the way we structure our reels is you have a hook, so within the first three to five seconds you really need to capture someone. That's just brain-scrolling, you know, mindless scrolling. You want to be able to have them stop. Then you need a good story, right. So you try to tailor your reels that they actually tell a story. They take them through a process and quickly, yeah, and quickly, um.

Speaker 1:

And then the last thing is offers. So you want to make sure that you want to. You want to tell them what to do next, whether that's to follow you, whether that's to like it, whether that's to leave a comment, because, people, if you don't do that, they'll maybe like your video, but then they just keep scrolling right because you didn't tell them what right, because there's no call back.

Speaker 3:

And on to the next one.

Speaker 1:

Huh yeah yep, so um, and then, if you want to go back to those other slides, I can show you. So, as far as our marketing, we mainly do social media marketing, so organic, and then we produce podcasts. So this client right here is actually a golf course that we started doing their marketing just a month ago and they are up 19,000% in accounts, reached 5,000 in accounts engaged and they've grown 100% 95% on followers.

Speaker 1:

So they've doubled their following and we were just talking to them yesterday and they have a board and everything and their minds are just blown because they've worked with probably five other marketing companies and their numbers stayed almost exactly the same with all of the marketing companies. And literally it was like we came in, we started doing reels, we did a huge giveaway, like we put a lot of uh plans into action for them and they're now looking to expand their package. They now want to do an adult podcast. They see the benefit and the tangible results. Like on Black Friday they had their biggest day of sales in their pro shop ever. Wow, yeah, it's really, really cool.

Speaker 2:

Hey, that's my kid.

Speaker 1:

No it's right, we produce podcasts and then we do just digital marketing for companies or a lot of individuals that just want to build their own brand.

Speaker 2:

So, guys, if you know, let me get a little, give a little bit of insight from my end. As a client, jaden shows up with his team. They have all the gear, all the equipment. He's got a guide or a number of different questions that he asks you and they basically get all the raw footage. They take all that raw footage back, they edit all the raw footage and add in all the cool stuff that you're seeing out there with text and music and just all of that, and then they literally post for you whatever the package is that you've got from them. They post X number of times and then on top of that, like I said, in in the back area that nobody sees, they're watching it like a hawk and they're they're paying attention to what works and what doesn't work.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's, it's pretty involved. I don't want to. You know it, it's, it's. I can't tell you enough how the money you spend to have this service done saves you so much money. And what it's done is, it's allowed me, it's freed up my time of doing all that so that I can do what I'm good at, which is work, sell real estate, not market. Yeah, right. So really, really cool, if anybody out there wants to, uh, wants to. Uh, reach out to jaden and and and have a meeting with him to see if it makes sense. Uh, hit me up, you can direct message me or jaden at why we dream, um, and we'll, we'll get you set up with him for sure, because, uh, not only is he my kid and I freaking love the heck out of him. I'm so proud of him. I'll tell you, aaron, this kid right here, one of my biggest heroes in my life, yeah, awesome man.

Speaker 3:

I freaking love this kid. Jaden, I want to hear your favorite worst story about Mr.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Dean oh boy, because the people watching we all know and love this guy. Favorite worst story about Mr Perry Dean oh boy.

Speaker 2:

We all love and love this guy it would be good to hear one of your stories. You mind your mouth when you're talking about me, not only my dad.

Speaker 1:

Now he's a client, that's right?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't care. This kid's used to me, Trust me.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for that, dad. It's cool to see the evolution, right, Because if you look at me, you know six years ago it's a totally different guy, right, Like I was still trying to figure out what I was going to do when I grew up, Right, and um, it's really cool to see that I've I've really come into something that I not only love. It's really cool to see that I've really come into something that I not only love, but something that I am good at. Yeah, Everyone's goal.

Speaker 2:

So as far as a story, though, I mean, where do I begin? What you got too many?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, know I really? You know, we just filmed a round of content for for my dad and uh, I loved the cabin story of our cabin catching on fire. You know there's. There's other stories that we talked about while we were there, about. You know how we got almost beat up on the street one time I didn't almost get beat up, they got beat up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they got beat up, and even to him. You know, here's just a funny story. I remember we had a big exercise ball in our backyard. And they're out back and he has a baseball bat and he says, hey, throw that exercise ball at me. And so we toss the exercise ball at him and he swings his bat and it hits the exercise ball and just bounces right back and hits him in the face. Oh, I did, smacked me Almost knocked me out.

Speaker 2:

I almost knocked myself out, that's awesome. I'll never live that down with these kids. One of those bam bam. Oh, it was. It's like one of those things where you don't know what the hell's going on, but you know it hurts.

Speaker 1:

Right. Oh my gosh. One of my memories I've just been thinking about lately is since we talked about the cabin. Just building the cabin was a crazy experience in itself.

Speaker 3:

Three years.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my dad's not in construction. He's not, you know he. He doesn't know a blueprint from anything else. I don't think so. Uh, but we built that cabin. And how many square feet? 12,000 square feet?

Speaker 2:

yeah, it was 12,000 square feet, had, uh, uh, six garage bays wow, four down lower. Two upper had a mother-in-law apartment above the, the garage. The garage was, it was. It was attached but by just a hallway and it was all on its own and had a real lower section. Uh, man, this cabin was.

Speaker 2:

I poured my heart and soul into that thing for three years had a custom spiral staircase that was made out of logs. The treads were made out of logs that I had a guy specifically come up. So picture a tree that if you and I grabbed our arms around we couldn't get around this tree. That's how big this tree was right in the middle. And then a guy came in and chainsawed out and put the treads in the tree. So it was.

Speaker 2:

It was these treads going up and then all the railing and it had a big balcony that went clear across the whole entire cabin from upstairs and all the railing was was metal railing that looked like twigs. And then in that log where the staircase was, I had another guy come up and he actually sawed into the log a mama and a couple of baby bears that were actually part of that log. So I mean that just tells you one of the things. I mean the flooring. We did a tile wood flooring and and the wood was, uh, all the base and all the casings was reclaimed. Uh, trestle wood from off the great salt lake that had been like it had salt. It was almost petrified this wood.

Speaker 2:

It was so hard I can't tell you how many saw blades. We went through cutting this wood and I mean the salt would be in the air. You could taste it when you were cutting it in the in. It was kind of cool there, and I mean the flooring. We had these tile and wood. And then I I bought indian head nickels and everywhere there was an intersection was an embedded indian head nickel. I mean I could go on and on and on this next season.

Speaker 3:

Let's drive up there and see if we can.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see if I can yeah, yeah, the, the, the hearth stones alone. I bought these rocks from from southern utah, these slabs of rock. So picture a rock that is basically a three foot by three foot rock or two foot by three foot. That's 20 feet long or 30 feet long. So they, they brought up this hearthstone on one truck. It was so heavy they had to. We had to have a crane come up, a big, huge crane, and the crane craned this rock basically in the opening of the window, and these guys put all these metal pipes on the floor and we had actually put all the joists in in preparation for knowing that this hearthstone was coming. All of the floor, joists were on like four inch centers or six inch centers, carry all the weight to carry the weight, and then they put it on these, these metal bars and just basically worked it across and put it in place and set it down. They jacked it up, pulled out all the things and set it down. Oh, wow, tell me that's not cool. Wow, yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What else do you remember about it?

Speaker 1:

I mean, I have one story, so the cabin was I don't know. Would you say it was remote. I would say, I mean it was up in Cozzy Estates.

Speaker 2:

So if you know where Cozzy Dam is, you go all the way down to the bottom of Cozzy Dam and then, and then there's a gate and that goes up in and there's like a hundred and something different properties up there. Wow.

Speaker 1:

But they don't plow the roads to get up to the cabin, and so you had to snowmobile, you know in the winter you know, during the winter you had to snowmobile pretty much from the base up to your cabin, right, but we would go up there and spend a week or or so a weekend, and so we'd have to bring food and we'd have to bring, you know, just all of our stuff. So my dad ended up buying it was like a toboggan sled that would hook on to the snowmobiles, and so we pack all of our food, clothes, suitcases, everything on this toboggan right, and he's like hey, right on the back of it and just make sure nothing falls off. So I'm standing on the back of this toboggan holding on and we're ripping up this hill right up to the cabin. And then it started going downhill and we're increasing.

Speaker 1:

My dad, if you know anything about him, he, he, he needs speed. Right, we're cruising down the hill and we hit a big bump and I bump up and I look down and I'm no longer attached to the snowmobile and the beat that was on to the snowmobile had popped up and I'm like whoa. And then it goes back down and just digs into the snow and just pretty much catapults me over the luggage and all the suitcases and all the food.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all the stuff. There's just food around me, there's suitcases and I looked up and my dad just keeps going.

Speaker 2:

I get up there. Oh whoops, I got a story about what happened?

Speaker 2:

I got a story I got to tell about Jaden, since we're on the cabin, so none of the workers, like the painters and all those guys, none of them had the equipment to get up to the cabin during the winter time and so I had, I had chains on my on my truck and I would drive them up there and then I'd have to take them back down to the gate. So one one day we'd finished working up and I think it was the painters I had them all in my truck and Jaden. We kind of had a thing Jaden used to love to sleigh ride down the hill because I mean he could go for forever. So I'm in front of him, he's on his sled, by himself, coming down the hill, and I'm taking these guys to the gate, which is probably what jayden three miles, four miles yeah, at least so anyways, uh, as I got probably a couple miles ahead of jayden, I saw a big moose, and I mean it was down right just off the road or he's gonna be sledding on through

Speaker 2:

and I'm just like, what do I do now? I should have just stopped and waited for him. But in my mind I'm thinking, hey, I'm just gonna haul butt down, drop these guys, and I'm gonna come right back up. So so I do, I go down, I drop the kids and I'm worried about Jaden. And I'm coming up and as I'm coming up the hill, I see Jaden walking down the road and he's crying and he's got his sled behind him. And I talked to him. Dude, he's sledding down this hill and this moose came right up to him and was blowing snot and snorting and pawing the ground and walking all the way around Jaden and Jaden's just sitting there on the sled just like, oh, I'm going to die and could have, could have, yeah. And this moose just basically stomped all around him and blew snot on him and then walked off and Jayden was walking down the road.

Speaker 3:

We'd both be crying over that one. Oh man, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I remember I was sitting there and I saw it as well, but then it came up right up to me and it was probably only like six feet from me and it kept kicking the snow back with its hoof, just stomping it, and then it would put its antlers in the snow and would flick the snow at me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this was a big moose. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

Bull. So yeah, A bull moose. And I think what scared it away was when you turned around and it heard the car coming back this way like I was hauling ass to get back up to jayden, oh wow like I was motoring it oh my gosh dude, holy cow lots of good memories at the cabin, yeah

Speaker 2:

yeah, we had some fun, fun parties. Tell tell one quick memory about the parties we had up there.

Speaker 1:

Uh, I mean, my dad knows how to throw a party and uh, I mean, like he said, there was a gate at the bottom. So I usually was manning the gate, letting everyone in and, uh, you know, into the party.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, I think you know, I remember uh, not what they had in mind when they build a community with a gate right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't think anyone was super stoked about it, but um but no, having a Halloween party up there, I remember that that was super cool. But just having the life band in the cabin was really awesome. It was almost. It was almost built to have a live band. Yeah, I did so picture this, aaron.

Speaker 2:

It's a huge great room, so the ceilings are 30 feet up in the air.

Speaker 2:

And it was this big bank, and so the whole entire shell of this was hand-pilled logs and the smallest log was probably 20 inches in diameter. So I mean, these were big gnarly logs and it had these big windows and we would set the band up in the great area. And I had these big windows and we would set the band up in the great area and then everybody looked right into the kitchen and then I had a huge covered patio on the backside and it was just perfect. I mean, I threw parties up there there was probably 200, 250 people.

Speaker 3:

I wasn't part of any of this, but the story that kind of rings to me is Steve yeah, when he had to go do his appraisal and you it's also snowed in and to get finance clicked over, construct a permanent financing on it.

Speaker 2:

Had to do a sign off, had to get an appraisal.

Speaker 3:

So he that's how I met Steve. He hired someone to come in and grade the road, like to get access so an appraiser could get there, because it's not full year access right. Well then, post-appraisal he got in trouble. He had to hire somebody to bring back the snow out of the road.

Speaker 2:

Hey, you had to do what you had to do.

Speaker 3:

You literally were not considering any expense from the log construction, the hearth that I'm hearing, the size oh, it was really, really, really cool cabin, wow, yeah, needle for needle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it was great at that period of my life. I'm glad I don't have it now for upkeep and just and just all that, but I'm pretty proud that that's something I accomplished In my life. I mean it's, that's cool. Yeah, really cool.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, thanks for having me on guys. Do you bet you? Thank you, bubba, appreciate it again.

Speaker 2:

Why we dream. If you want to want to reach out and and chit chat with Jaden about hiring him, give me a shout and We'll get her done.

Speaker 1:

Love kid. See you man. Thank you appreciate that all righty dude.

Speaker 2:

So let's uh, let's chat really quick about what's going on with rates dude.

Speaker 3:

uh, it's, it's amazing. So almost a general consensus. If you're watching any social media, any, any news, anything that's going on they're talking about what's coming. This next year, rates obviously got to an all-time high. They peaked out at just over 8% at one point and now we're seeing FHA rates in the early sixes. Yeah, which is incredible. And, guys, the big thing that dean and I've been talking about and, if you want, are you paying any attention to anybody doing real estate or anybody talking about real estate? Um, is the bent? Is the pent-up demand there?

Speaker 3:

are so coming yeah, there are so many people over the last three or four years that you feel?

Speaker 3:

it, dude, oh yeah, oh yeah, the activity I mean it's starting to really, really engage. But the big thing is is over the last several years, when we had the major run up in our market where we saw these huge, massive gains in appreciation and value, there was all this talk of when you make an offer, there were 30 plus offers, appraisal contingencies being waived, which means basically, it doesn't matter if it appraises whatever. Whatever it is, whatever the overage is, we'll pay the difference. You and I sold, we helped, we helped a seller sell a home in in Eagle Mountain. Yeah, made 150,000 over and this wasn't even in the peak 150,000 over appraised value. Yep, and they knew it and they were okay with it and they moved forward. That's the market we're in.

Speaker 2:

That's the market, that's coming.

Speaker 3:

That's the market that's coming and the interesting thing is there's a whole bunch of people, when you're shopping with a budget, when you're shopping with being conscious of what your payment is, and there were a lot of people that bought homes that just they're like we don't care, it has three bedrooms, I don't care that it's not in the city I want to live in, I don't care that it's you know, it doesn't have a garage or whatever. You had these non-negotiables that no longer mattered and all you did was got the home you could win the bid on.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and a lot of those people. And it was really frustrating for a lot of clients. That, because I mean we can only write an offer as strong as what they can afford and so you know there's only so much that we can do to try to win that. And I mean money talks, and if somebody outbid you and brought more money to the table, then you were SOL.

Speaker 3:

Well, these same people have been sitting in homes that they don't really love, but they've got these two and three percent rates and they're just kind of sitting holding. How do we, how do we ever move?

Speaker 2:

because you're going to double or triple your rate man, I'm predicting that that come second quarter of next year, I think it's.

Speaker 3:

I think there's going to be, I think it's going to be a crazy market guys, if you've been sitting watching, so if you're the person who couldn't quite make it happen because you didn't have that extra cash to overpay, or you got beat out 10 times, 15, 20 times, like a lot of people I know did you guys, now's the time because we're able to. There are some great values and opportunities. We're able to structure some financing where you know we can even still Financing.

Speaker 2:

they're throwing a lot out there, Right and some financing where you know we can even still financing they're.

Speaker 3:

they're throwing a lot out there right and sellers are willing to contribute. If you're, if you're hoping to get a deal, if you're hoping to be able to find a home that you know and you you'll love, or transition out of a house that you bought that you didn't love, you have the equity, you have the ability. Let's help you make that move, get you into something you like.

Speaker 2:

But don't wait right, because what they're talking about is or you're going to re-write back into the same mess.

Speaker 3:

They're talking about. Rates typically come down the same way they went up. Okay, Over the last several years there's been six incremental major shifts up in rate.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, every time the Feds met, they were raising it Every single time.

Speaker 3:

And now they're coming down, and now every time, yeah, they're talking six drops over the next year and, as that happens, more and more of that pent-up buyer demand, seller demand that didn't make that transition is going to come to the market and the deals won't be there. We're going to see another run-up of the prices. We're going to see multiple offers again. I agree.

Speaker 2:

So big predictions that January we're going to see the biggest January. So seriously, guys, if you're considering buying or selling real estate, do not wait.

Speaker 3:

And, guys, if this even just spurs on curiosity, reach out to us. Let us talk about your situation, let's build a plan. So I don't know, if rates do come down another half point, we strike, or maybe we get ahead of it, right you?

Speaker 2:

know, maybe you're a seller and you're going. Well, hell. If that's the case, then I want to wait when the market's crazy. But all I can say to you is where are you going to go?

Speaker 3:

Where are you going to go? Right, we've got to create a plan. Let's get ahead of it. Let's help you guys make some good moves. You guys, this next year is I mean it's poised to be one of the biggest transaction, biggest appreciation years, better than 22. Wow, yeah, I mean I can't fathom, because we haven't seen the drops, we haven't seen prices come down the way people think they should have.

Speaker 2:

No, not at all. No, it's. I mean a little bit.

Speaker 3:

And situationally.

Speaker 2:

we see some stuff From my experience, where I saw the biggest in drops was in new construction, because they were so overinflated.

Speaker 3:

Right, and there's so much overhead and they have a ton of inventory right now.

Speaker 2:

And they're willing to give some serious concessions Right, right now.

Speaker 3:

Well, they saw, the magic number was sub-6%, and so a lot of builders were actually paying for the rate to buy down on the rate. Yeah, sub-6%.

Speaker 2:

Who were we talking the other day and it was $40,000 in concessions. A DR Horton, I believe, offered that. Yeah, it's $40,000 in concessions A DR Horton, I believe. Offered that. Yeah, or Edge. I can one of the two Well probably both or both.

Speaker 3:

Well, when you're carrying that kind of an inventory, you've got to get it going, you've got to move it yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, like I said, guys reach out to us and chat with us. I mean, it doesn't hurt to have a consultation and and figure out if now is good for you or or not.

Speaker 3:

Right, we want to be helped. So if it's in your head, let's just talk, let's get going. Yeah, I say yay, yay, yay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, buddy, we had our mixer last night Another successful great. I mean, all you people out there that come had ugly sweater. I had santa claus, santa claus peeing on frosty with a bunch of lights. Right man, that thing was hot. It looked hot dude, so anyways, uh, thank you everybody for for coming out and supporting our cause.

Speaker 2:

uh, we've got, I've got a bunch of food in my truck that, uh, I'm gonna run down to the food bank and and, uh, no, it was total again, total success. Uh, brendan was there, he was on our show last week and and this is what I'm going to tell you something really quick.

Speaker 1:

This is what it's all about.

Speaker 2:

This is what it's all about, guys. Um, brendan has come up with a system. If you didn't watch our last episode, I highly recommend you jump on and watch it from last week, episode 36. This guy is just such a stud Making such an impact.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, making a major impact in veterans' lives that have this PTSD, and they do it with a VR goggle system that they basically go in and play a game and I don't know all the medical or what's going on on the inside of that. It really stimulates trauma centers. But, man, anyways, last night I was sitting there, as I was sitting with you, a guy that I knew showed up was a friend with a friend, started talking to him, invited him and all his buddies to come over and hang out with us, and I was was telling him. I didn't realize he was a veteran, but in the conversation he explained that he had just been to one of his sessions, uh, with his, with his therapist, across the street, across the street.

Speaker 2:

That's why he walked into the guy's house, yeah, and come to find out, just sitting there talking with him and his buddies, that this guy has some serious PTSD. I mean, he did two tours in Iraq and then Brendan showed up. Because I was telling him about Brendan and saying, dude, I promise you I will hook you up with this guy. So when Brendan showed up, I actually walked him right over and introduced the two and they just started talking and I just let them have their moment. And that's why I do this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah is for that well, and you guys, um, I've I've had a couple friends kind of tease me because there's a lot of a lot of our real estate friends and mortgage and title friends come, of course they do you. It's about networking, it is, it's about socializing. There's no competition here we want.

Speaker 2:

We want agent participation. Bring your people to our things we do this monthly.

Speaker 3:

We have a great crowd. It's growing all the time, big time. Yeah, I mean brendan found his financing through our, our five million yeah so that's what it's about, guys.

Speaker 2:

For me is it's it's I. I'm a social butterfly. My wife gives me crap all the time about my social butterfly wings.

Speaker 3:

This is an excuse for you to throw a wedding party, but it's awesome.

Speaker 2:

I love people, I love hanging out and it gives a platform where I can meet a bunch of new people and on top of that, I can have my people meet people. Yep.

Speaker 3:

Yep. Yep Agreed.

Speaker 2:

So if you're not on the list and you're not getting the invites again, direct message us and just say hey, I want to be on the invite.

Speaker 3:

Guys, it's the second Thursday of every month. It starts at 5, doesn't go late, it's a Thursday evening.

Speaker 2:

We just go to whenever. I think I got home last night about 10.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and you know it's easy. You can pop on through you, can you know? But it's always tied to a great charity. We'd love to see you come out. We want to. Anybody and everybody who just needs a tribe or a crowd come hang out with us and we're starting to do raffles at all of them.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we gave away some really cool gifts last night.

Speaker 3:

So that's fun, it's fun. Yeah, it's what it's all about, baby it's all about all righty dude.

Speaker 2:

We're 38 minutes in.

Speaker 3:

I think we've been, we've been running along, we've been running over lately, have we? Yeah?

Speaker 2:

well, we got a lot to say. That's right. All right, people. Well, I really, really appreciate you hanging out with us for a few minutes this morning and please, if you haven't done it, go to our YouTube channel Beards on the Street Podcast and subscribe you can do it.

Speaker 3:

One last little plug If you've thought about this transition, making a move, just visiting with us, we can talk to you about your current equity position in your place, what it's going to take to buy a place. If you haven't, let's just have the conversations. It's not going to hurt anything to talk to us about it.

Speaker 2:

Plus, we'll set you up on our neighborhood news where once a month, you get a report of the condition of real estate in your neighborhood.

Speaker 3:

Who wouldn't want that Right Updates on any activity that's specific to your neighborhood? Yeah, buddy, yep.

Speaker 2:

All right people. Well, thank you so much. Have a fantastic weekend and we will see you remotely. I'll see you remotely Right Next Friday. See ya From Mexico, heck yeah, awesome, okay, okay. Love you guys. Bye guys.

Speaker 3:

See ya.