Sex, Love & Everything In Between

Ep 71: Feminine business, Shamanism & taking a Masculine cleanse w/ Taj Savitri

May 16, 2024 Meg and Jacob O'Neill, Taj Savitri Season 2 Episode 71
Ep 71: Feminine business, Shamanism & taking a Masculine cleanse w/ Taj Savitri
Sex, Love & Everything In Between
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Sex, Love & Everything In Between
Ep 71: Feminine business, Shamanism & taking a Masculine cleanse w/ Taj Savitri
May 16, 2024 Season 2 Episode 71
Meg and Jacob O'Neill, Taj Savitri

Discover what it truly means to walk the feminine path with integrity and the power of a Masculine cleanse with Taj Savitri.

Taj is an amazing CEO, Mexican medicine woman, business priestess, and co-founder of Tulum’s intentional community, Mother Tree.

In this episode, join Meg and Taj as they have a heartfelt conversation about feminine empowerment and spirituality. They dive into the journey women experience as they transition from the maiden to the mother archetype. They talk about how major life events like death or loss can help women anchor more firmly into their truth, becoming more discerning and "unfuckwithable," able to see through the nonsense.

Meg and Taj emphasize the importance of women being intentional in their relationships and connections, whether it’s in their personal life, business, or other areas. They highlight that embracing destruction, chaos, and discomfort is a vital part of the feminine experience. 

This episode covers the necessity of letting life guide women through tough transitions and seasons, even if it means taking a break from certain aspects of their business.

They also riff off on:

  • Meg and Taj discuss the transition from "maiden" to "mother" archetypes and how it relates to becoming "unfuckwithable" and having stronger discernment
  • They emphasize the importance of being precise and intentional in relationships, business, and who you connect with
  • They touch on how embracing destruction, chaos, and discomfort is part of the feminine experience
  • Meg and Taj talk about allowing life to guide you through uncomfortable transitions, even if it means letting go of business for a period
  • They both share personal experience with burnout and rebuilding business in a more "regenerative" way
  • They dove deep into the topic of building strong foundations through a process that listens to natural cycles, not something fast or "extractive"
  • Taj talks about the "masculine cleanse" being undertaken and bringing internal masculine energy into balance

and many, many more.

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⚡️Let’s Stay Connected:

IG: @the.meg.o @thejacoboneill @sexloveeverythinginbetween

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Want more? Here are some of the offerings & courses you can join us in…

The Desire Date: A sexy date night experience for couples ready to re-ignite passion & deepen intimacy. --->

Ignite Your Intimacy: A 4 week course for couples ready for a sexier, wilder, more ALIVE relationship… NOW! --->

Jacob & Meg also coach individuals & couples. Reach out to them via Instagram for more information. 

Show Notes Transcript

Discover what it truly means to walk the feminine path with integrity and the power of a Masculine cleanse with Taj Savitri.

Taj is an amazing CEO, Mexican medicine woman, business priestess, and co-founder of Tulum’s intentional community, Mother Tree.

In this episode, join Meg and Taj as they have a heartfelt conversation about feminine empowerment and spirituality. They dive into the journey women experience as they transition from the maiden to the mother archetype. They talk about how major life events like death or loss can help women anchor more firmly into their truth, becoming more discerning and "unfuckwithable," able to see through the nonsense.

Meg and Taj emphasize the importance of women being intentional in their relationships and connections, whether it’s in their personal life, business, or other areas. They highlight that embracing destruction, chaos, and discomfort is a vital part of the feminine experience. 

This episode covers the necessity of letting life guide women through tough transitions and seasons, even if it means taking a break from certain aspects of their business.

They also riff off on:

  • Meg and Taj discuss the transition from "maiden" to "mother" archetypes and how it relates to becoming "unfuckwithable" and having stronger discernment
  • They emphasize the importance of being precise and intentional in relationships, business, and who you connect with
  • They touch on how embracing destruction, chaos, and discomfort is part of the feminine experience
  • Meg and Taj talk about allowing life to guide you through uncomfortable transitions, even if it means letting go of business for a period
  • They both share personal experience with burnout and rebuilding business in a more "regenerative" way
  • They dove deep into the topic of building strong foundations through a process that listens to natural cycles, not something fast or "extractive"
  • Taj talks about the "masculine cleanse" being undertaken and bringing internal masculine energy into balance

and many, many more.

⚡ If you loved this episode & the podcast, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss anything.

AND… it would mean the world to us if you rated & reviewed the show.
We carefully read each and every review, and we love hearing about your experience with the podcast!

⚡️Let’s Stay Connected:

IG: @the.meg.o @thejacoboneill @sexloveeverythinginbetween

⚡️ Connect with Taj:


Grab the Relationship Freebie here -->

Want more? Here are some of the offerings & courses you can join us in…

The Desire Date: A sexy date night experience for couples ready to re-ignite passion & deepen intimacy. --->

Ignite Your Intimacy: A 4 week course for couples ready for a sexier, wilder, more ALIVE relationship… NOW! --->

Jacob & Meg also coach individuals & couples. Reach out to them via Instagram for more information. 


What if it's not even about business? What is what if it's just about purpose and creativity? Like what if we were like relating to it more in that way and how we can come more into our artistry and our creativity and lets that process teach us. So it's like you're learning a new instrument, you're learning how to paint how to draw, like the process is going to be awkward. It's going to be messy. So anytime you're coming into a new level with your work in the world, it's not going to be pretty it shouldn't be pretty anything that is always pretty imperfect. I have a lot of questions. Yo, yo, yo lovers, welcome welcome. Welcome to sex, love and everything in between where the O'Neill's you're here with Meg and Jacob. And this is the place we have really uncensored conversations about sex, intimacy and relationships. We're super excited. You're here. Enjoy this episode. Hello, beautiful humans. Welcome back to sex, love and everything in between. I am here with the glorious Taj. Hello, Hi, beautiful. I'm so excited for this conversation. And I love I actually we'll we met online, we've never actually met in the flesh. And we were just vibing before we hit record, and were like, well, I was saying that it takes a lot for me to follow someone online. Like it takes a lot for me to feel someone and be like, yeah, like, I want to. Because when we follow people online, it's like I want to be in their world. I want to like really know what's going on in the world. And you we had some mutual friends but yeah, you. I just feel like from from what I felt from you and your presence online, you were just a woman that stands in such deep integrity. And you are truly the embodiment of what you teach. And you just radiate Integrity and Authenticity. And I think in the online space that can that's something I have such deep discernment for these days. I feel like collectively, there is such a refinement of discernment online and yeah, so I just first want to honor your for for just like, yeah, walking your path and really, really leaving in such deep integrity. Thank you. That's one of my top, top top values. Ah, yes. Epic. Let's start. I want to hear I would love to hear in your words, what you do in the world and the work you really do with women. And then I want to circle back to the masculine cleanse you were just talking about. Okay, okay. Um, so, my work has, it's like the same as it was five years ago when I started doing this work. But I think it's just deepened in a lot of ways. So the work I do is very shamanic in nature, my work is has always been because of my connection to the earth. And when I was like, rocking it, in my business, I took all of that money and I bought lambs until in Mexico builds a food forest and a regenerative community. So it's always been about the feminine and, and all the ways, but mostly like bringing it back to the restoration of the feminine the Earth, our connection to the earth, the connection to our wild. So I support women with just deepening into their femininity in a true radical, authentic way, but also supporting them in their business and their relationships and their lifestyle transitions. Because it's, it's all woven together, one affects the other, you know, and so, the work is very shamanic. It's about understanding the deeper spaces within yourselves the subtlety and love the subtlety is like, getting into like, it's like, the things that we feel that are unsaid and like going into those places that holds so much potency, that our our edges that we're afraid of that are usually the things that are getting in the way from us being in our full radiance, or full potential or full powers woman. So it's not I don't really like doing the like surface level superficial, like business relationships, all of that. I like to really go in deep it's like let's go through it. Let's get into it. And so yeah, that's that's like an in a nutshell. I do. No wonder I love you so much, because you've got lots of Scorpio energy. Me too. Yeah, I'm a Scorpio sun and Rising. Oh, that makes so much I'm a rising me so we can see each other Yeah, and I feel just in that, like, peace around going to the depths, I like my individual journey was very much when I when I first found the world of like consciousness and spirituality I often say it was like from the shoulders up, it was very much like Abraham Hicks and like, you know, say the affirmations and, you know, think think my way into what I want. And it was a beautiful time in my life. But the deepest power I've felt in myself and in connection with life has been when I began that, what I call the feminine descent, like the descent into the body, that ascent into the darkness like it is with that they like the shamanic pieces of, of yeah, that journey. And so I'd love to hear like, was that? Was that similar for you? Or what was it? What was your journey that like really took you into into that descent and into really loving the depths? Oh, okay. It was I'm trying to think of the moment that I really started to go there. I love that you just touched on the piece of like, when you started your journey and conscious like awakening awakening opening, to just these higher ways of seeing more clearly right? Engaging with reality and just being more aware to like, oh, this, this is true. This isn't bullshit. Like, this is the truth of like, my reality. This is the truth of like, what's here, what's present. I feel like when my journey started, as well, it was a lot of like, especially when you're doing a lot of psychedelic stuff totally. Like, color, butterflies and hummingbirds. Like very, like vibey like, okay, you know, like visions. And, you know, you're in a deeper self discovery of your true soul essence. And I really love that place. And I love that place. And I, you know, my awakening happens in an iOS go ceremony. And so after that, I started doing a lot of like LSD on my own. A lot of I was in an iOS good church. Oh, my gosh, well, in the States or in the States. That's cool. Yeah, yeah. And so, you know, I went and I just really love it's like, wow, like the visions and the art, like the art that can come from these places. And us, it just sounds so much better. And color, you're so much brighter. And so I really love that space. And I feel like I was really marinating it in it for a while we consider it's like the upper worlds, right. And then I had, I had a miscarriage a few years ago, four, four years ago now maybe. And that's what brought me that's that was like the opening and the very beginning of going into the underworld and those like deep, deep spaces, and it was a lot of it was a transition from maiden to mother as well like shifting these archetypes. And so it was all of this like nice naivety and in a sense, and these aspects of myself that I was like really looking at and needing to let go as I was actually dealing with, like a real life like death, miscarriage blood, like, you know, like really going into some spaces that were like really triggering. And it's just kept going and going and going and going. And I've been on it for four years, and I've just been deepening and deepening and deepening and thinking that at some point, it would stop it would end and I think it's really about learning how to have your feet and all the worlds at once. Um, yeah. Yeah. So that was like a big piece of it. And I think another thing that's coming to mind is when I started exploring my sexuality, I had a partner, Ozzie partner at the time that had like done like a lot of shamanic work, he was 11 years older than me, and we went to esta together and he was always like, celebrating me being naked, like, taught me about nonsexual Tyche. And like, just he taught me so much and so when I started going into those places with him, it was that was kind of like the first layer and then there was like an initiation through him in many ways. But then when you go through an initiation and your own into Journal space, it's a very different experience when it's related to when it's related to death and your identity. You know, I really love that you spoke about that transition from maiden to mother. And I think Jacob and I were only talking about this in one of our latest podcast episodes, and we're talking about it in relationship to dating. And it's like, you know, the maid in when she dates, kind of very easily able to be manipulated. A man could say, like, Oh, my God, it's like, a man could come on, come off as like, super spiritual, and we're like, Oh, my God is the maid. And it's like, Oh, my God, he's spiritual. And he likes the same things as me awesome. Like, you know, come into my body, like, you're welcome. Where that transition when a woman really anchors into, like mother, which is it can be energetic, it doesn't have to be the physical manifestation of motherhood is, I like to use the word like, she becomes unfuck winnable, like her discernments. Right. And this is really the descent into the women descent into the body, where a woman begins to be able to hone this skill of like, being able to taste bullshit, like when something is off, and that can be in dating, there can be in a relationship that can be in business, it can be anywhere. Yeah, I think that I love and I've witnessed that in myself, like the strength of my inner bullshit meter, and like how discerning I am across all of life. Girl, this is something I literally was reflecting on. Because I feel like I've actively have been in that since my pre like my recent separation, where I'm like, Oh, my God, there is a huge shift that's happening in the way that I view partnership and the ways that I view my relationships to others. And I think that was like kind of a last last piece around this really big initiation around death. And I love that touched on that, because it it that shift impacts everything. But there's levels and layers to it. It's like a domino effect. And would you say like, I'd love to hear your like, almost like, shamanic Perspective Perspective on this to like that transition from meat into mother or? Yeah, would you say like that, that, like a death is required? Right? Like, oh, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yes. Like, when is it not, though, you know, anytime. Anytime we want to come into a more elevated experience in any area of our life, there's something that has to be sacrifice. You know, and it's not easy, because as we know, those in the personal development world and industry, it's like, your identity gets wrapped into that archetype, it becomes solid. And then when life does life and starts to kind of dismantle that based off of a prayer and intention that you're holding, you're like, Whoa, wait a minute, I don't think it was ready for that. And it starts showing you all of this shit that you're just like, I can see it now. It's so clear in front of me. And it's so painful to let go of to let go of the ways that I was doing things and it's so uncomfortable. It's such an uncomfortable process to shed that skin and yeah, I think especially with with the media and how you were voicing that, like she's just kind of like yeah, whatever. You know, she's she's the cool girl, she wants to be the cool girl she wants to be liked, she wants to be loved. She's maybe still working out a lot of her daddy issues like she wants to. She wants the outside world and it's actually very typical for the maiden wanting the outside world to affirm that she is okay that she is beautiful that she is loved that she is worthy. And then when you shift into the mother, it's a lot of clean energy. And I was thinking about the the word clean because I don't necessarily love how it gets used. But like really, when you're sitting in your sovereignty and in your, in your respect for yourself, I would look at it that way, like the respect that you have for yourself, the respect you have for this one sacred life, the respect that you have for the depths of your heart and your soul. When you look at it that way. You become more discerning you become more are precise in the ways in which you're creating chords with others, the ways that you're engaging with others, because you realize that there are 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of people that you can experience and why are you going to choose to experience this one person that doesn't value you are respect to you. But you have to believe that. So, you know, when we're looking at these pieces, it's a huge death that takes place because you have to get really fucking honest with yourself. I love the way you use the word precise them. I love that so much like precise with the people you're choosing to relate with. And isn't that like, and I think this ties in with the word integrity, because you need to be precise and intentional with how you're using your energy. And, you know, is what you're choosing in alignment with what you truly value like that is integrity. And, you know, I've been speaking about this lately with women in my community around. And I haven't linked these two, but I'm seeing it as almost like the maid and values. What people think of her more than her truth, and what the truth of life or the truth of her body is really calling her into she values more, you know, why am I being she values more? Yeah, what people are thinking of her in perceiving her hours or, you know, then then the truth where you know, that mother or that Queen energy is like, I will hold the fucking standard, I will listen and act on my motherfucking truth no matter how painful no matter how inconvenient no matter how uncomfortable. And I often say walking the path of the feminine is very inconvenient. Like if you want a convenient life, like don't, don't do it. No, I'm going down with the ship man. And I think that ties in a lot. We'd like the pieces around death you just said to like, when we're diverted to our truth, when we're devoted to deeply listening to life, life is gonna ask us to do shit that feels uncomfortable, or shit that's gonna, you know, shift the fabric of who we know ourselves to be or how our life is, or has, you know, worked in the past. And that's, that is the way of the feminine, though. A hundreds of different women in this lifetime. Know, Like, what a joy and how fun and also how inconvenient or inconvenient to even experience that in one month, every week, where a different woman wear a different season wear a different archetype. You know, so think about, you know, just the span of one year, how many different versions of us we grow with our hair, we pick up a new thing that we're interested in, we read a book, like we're so receptive to the world, to the environment to life penetrating us that we receive that we want it to grow and amplify that it just it's constantly life is constantly shaping us into these different expressions of, of the feminine of life. And what would you say is like, for a woman that's wanting to really walk that path? And yeah, really walk the path of the feminine or follow her truth? Like, what would you say to a woman that's new to that experience? And wants to allow the many phases of the goddess or the many versions of her to to come through but fears feeling like that resistance? What would what would, what would you invite them into? I call it edging. Tell us more. So anytime that we have like a new identity, because we can always feel it, we can feel the invitation we can see it we can get glimpses of her summoning us sorry, like calling us forward. It's not always easy on the nervous system. Because we have so much to sift through to distill to work through otherwise we would be there already. So one of the things that I would invite them into is just starting to see where their edges are playing with that identity that's calling them forward. It could be like, as simple as a haircut that might be like the edges thing that you do. I know for myself years ago, I did something that was like ripping the band aid off for me. I was like, I don't want to be presented as like the good girl anymore. I really want to, like anchor myself into the space as like a leader. And I posted a nude photo of myself on my Instagram. Because I was so afraid. But the thing that I was the most afraid of was what would my parents think? Mostly my dad I was like, What would my dad think? Right, which then comes back to like, we're always in some way seeking like daddy's approval, we want to be the good girl. And I remember calling a girlfriend who's still a really good friend of mine. And I was like, Hey, I'm about to do this thing. And I'm terrified. Can I call you after from like, Davao? She's like, Okay, let's go, let's do it. And I posted this photo, and it was just the photo, it was the copy that I think was the most provocative, which was, like, I was tied up, I was spanked I made out with a woman like all within a month. And so the photo was like, actually pretty playful and classy with like, the little tidbits blurred out but it was like what went with that, which was, I think, very confusing for people that have never seen me in that expression. So I'm kind of intense in that way. Like, just go all the way the fucking all the way in. And, you know, whatever their version of that is, I am absolutely an extreme, intense person. And it's something that I am working on this year, if any more like, okay, here, here's the like, sweet surfing spot. That's not always the way but for some people that know that they just need to like they've been at that edge for a long time and they're just not doing anything sometimes it really is the moment of like, surviving the moment that you're the most afraid of. Right and so for me it was definitely got messages from my family. I got an email from my grand grandfather that was like Can you please take it down? How was that how did you navigate that and hold yourself through that? I said, I'm sorry. I can't I wouldn't be in integrity with myself. Yeah, I mean, there were there was death. There was definitely backlash from my family and that moment my mother definitely had some things to say she was like God because of the guy that you're with, you know, and I felt I still I felt so free I felt so liberated my business completely took off from that point like the women that came into my field were like, they had been strippers previous to like, you know, and started doing really well in their business or they kind of went through the same initiation and thing where they all of a sudden like posted a photo of them naked like it was full of liberation going on around me because of that one thing that I did you know, and yeah, and it just kept opening and opening and so then I kind of got into this place where it's like finding band aid to Reebok because I was like, oh my god, okay, like this feels really fucking good. Um, so yeah, start small. Start small start simple however that looks I love I want to like dive deeper in here like after you posted that photo. Was there any times like especially getting the backlash from your family? Was there any times where you were kind of like oh my gosh, I I want to take it down I want to almost like step back into my good go ways or did you feel really fucking solid? I felt really solid because at a real key thing. Yeah, humans to circulate. I think it helps to have really strong women around you and a partner that like I mean, he's a he was a healer you know, so he was like really supporting me in the process is super proud of me. He took the photo so you know, I I had moments where I could feel my body like sweating and buzzing you know, but a lot of the feedback that I got from people from people that weren't my family was like, Oh my gosh, this like mad respect, you know? So I think also receiving that was was really powerful. And my whole journey has kind of been like that. I've always been super vocal super like saying what I want to say was nobody's saying it. I think if anything now more these days, I'm a little bit more like a hold myself a little bit closer. Like I don't need to actually be the one that goes in and lights the fire, you know? Yeah. And I think that that piece like when you're talking about inviting women to like find their own edge. I think that is one thing to do the thing It's another thing to then like, you know, I was having a conversation with Amy Rushworth last week and she said, like, hold the pose, you know, and I loved that, like, it's, it's one thing to post the photo, it's another thing to keep it up when there is backlash, or it's one thing to set the boundary with someone that's trying to overstep it. It's another thing to hold that fucking boundary even when it's, you know, someone's pushing up against it, or someone's uncomfortable with it. And I think that's probably something that's not spoken about enough is the like, what it takes to actually hold that and be a woman. Yes, like, that stays in that. And I think, you know, there's probably a million examples of that you have of that in, in business, I think in leadership, That's so fucking huge to do the hardest thing and then just stay holding that even when people are uncomfortable with it. Because they've been in a good girl there. That's the like, I don't want to make people uncomfortable. I don't want to piss anyone off. And I think when we're taking these leadership roles, it's important that we're able to, you know, hold what we know to be true, even in the face of whatever might be coming at us. Or what's coming up for us. So yes, yes, yes, yes. You know, I think that that's like, I think at this point, I'm kind of used to things coming at me, I've had so many different iterations of that. I think it's more about what comes up in this new like this, this new thing that we're trying we're doing or saying it, you know, it's it's always part of the, the expansion, and it's, you know, there's a difference between someone who like has no profile picture, like our cat profile picture, they're like, You suck, and you're like, Okay, Tom 1992, you know, versus like, someone that is like, really well known and respected in a space or like, you pedestal them, and what comes up for you in that moment. I think that that's like the hardest work because then you're battling your own mind and stories. And you actually have to take a stand for yourself and find that somewhere in you to take a stand for yourself, which is not always easy to find. Mm hmm. You spoke like right at the beginning of our conversation about not not liking to have the surface level conversations in business and wanting to go deep. And this is one of the things I see that's like, a very important conversation to have around business is, especially as women like, I truly believe, as we increase will, if we desire to expand our impact, and expand our leadership and expand our income, we need to be expanding our ability to hold emotions and hold discomfort specifically, and on leisure as well, right. But I truly believe is, especially in leadership, because we cannot expect that it's just like, awesome, everything just goes well. And we're betting hundreds and 1000s of dollars or millions of dollars. And everyone's always liking us and everything's perfect. It's like, no for choosing to, you know, lead their life is going to lie. If he's he said before, there's gonna be things for us to meet. And if we're trying to avoid that discomfort, we're also going to be avoiding the impact we can have and the leadership that we can, that we can really, you know, stand in in the world. Mm hmm. Absolutely. Yeah. It's, it's really the difference between collapsing, collapsing under the pressure or letting the pressure open you and expand you into receiving more. Tell us about a time where you have allowed the pressure to open you into receiving all I feel like it happened this year. Really, actually, this past year has been one of the hardest years of my life. It's really they really ever really got initiated. I got I went deep, deep, deep deep into some stuff. Like I'm surprised. Like it was it was one of the I am kind of having a moment right now where as I was like, getting over here and and sitting in my stool, I was like, Oh, this is this is like a moment of spaciousness. I've been in like a pressure cooker is what it's felt like for the past year. And you know, a little bit of my story is that I burned out at like the peak of my career like, multiple six figures in six months. It's like rocking it going going hard. And it just all came tumbling down and they say it takes about two years to come. To restabilized, your nervous system after burnout, I took two years off, and just chose to like, be with the resources I had barely sold. And we were talking about this like integrity piece, it was like, I'm not going to sell anything, until I know how to sell in a way that feels nourishing and good for my nervous system. Because I can't teach women how to do that, if I don't know how to do that myself in a good way. I'm just gonna repeat the cycle. So there was there were many, many, many, many moments where I was like, Is this self sacrifice? What's going on? What are we doing what's like, a one to four into something, but I don't know how to like step back into this. And so it's actually where a lot of the core pieces of the earth based wisdom in feminine shamanism came into how I teach business now, it's a lot for me to trust in how life was moving me and initiating me taking me into moments where, you know, I was so used to like standing up and making money and selling whenever I needed to do that. And I just absolutely refuse to do that until I got the like, green light in my system, which for me, that took a couple of years. And I put myself into some situations and experiences that revealed a lot to me, as far as why do you burn out? Why do you override what your body is telling you? Like, what what is actually the undertone underneath all of this. And so that was like, a one. I mean, it was a long, long period of pressure. But I really felt it last year in particular, where it it taught me a lot about resiliency, like what does it mean to? Have you ever been in a sweat lodge? Yeah, yeah, I had a prayer a couple of years ago in a sweat lodge. And I started to notice that it was a prayer for, for union for relationship. And I started to notice that when it would get too hot, my spine would start to collapse. And I knew in that moment, that there was like a bigger message in that when the heat is on when the pressure is on, can you actually keep your shoulders back and your spine straight. And I had to actually go through the learning like the spiritual learning and lesson of that, when I was experiencing that heat and that pressure spiritually, and like what was coming up in my life versus like, being in a an experience that of course, like it gets hot, you want to lay on the ground, you know, cool off. But when life is like the 365 sweat lodge, like how do you find it in you to keep your spine straight when all you want to do is collapse, and just say like, I can't do this anymore, I give up. I don't want to do this, this is so hard, like I can't see my way through or out. So that's what actually brought me closer to the land. Because there were moments that that was like, All I really had to hang on to is like, going to sit by the river, or going to pray with the lands or like having so many like voices in my head are unlike success and failure. And you should be doing this and this is where you should be in your Speedo starting over in a lot of ways. To actually hear myself in a pure way I had to go on these long walks and be with nature and just go and give offerings to the lands and it was like the one thing that felt so real and so true for me because I also didn't see any other business coaches that I wanted to hire that were doing it in a way that I wanted to do so there wasn't anyone that like, it was like all of this is horseshit. Like no one's actually fully embodying like the feminine in a way that is like very reflective of how we naturally are which is like in relationship to the land so it's not like I could hire someone that could help me like move through what I was moving through. I'm the one that had to move through what I was moving through in order to gain wisdom but I had to be incredibly angry incredibly trusting the process which was so scary. It was it was yeah, it was like one of my worst fears actually like happening and now being like mostly on the other side of it and seeing like how it all makes sense and and why it's happened. It definitely created a strong spirit in me Ah, I adore all that you just shared. And I have like a million questions that I want to like, like, so many places I want to waive now. One of those places, I really, you know, in my experience, there was a time in, on my path, and specifically around business where I had this idea. And it was definitely something that was in the collective like, you know, probably in our collective field of, you know, feminine coaches. This, this idea that like, being in the feminine, especially doing business in the feminine, meant, it always had to feel good. And it always had to be full of pleasure, right? And it was always this idea of Yeah, like pleasure, and it feels good. And it's like, softness, and all of these things. So in moments where my business was moving through a death cycle, or I was encountering challenges in my business with that story, I had this idea of like, what am I doing wrong? Am I not doing the feminine, right? Am I not being in the feminine, right? Like, what what am I fucked up? What am I doing wrong. And I really believe that story of like, just like truly boxing the feminine into that, like pleasure and feeling good. And whatever, is truly such a disservice to women wanting to walk this path, because I truly believe like, what and I'd love to hear you deepen into this, like, what you just shared, is the feminine, like the feminine is deep listening, the feminine is being what with what is alive and not feeling the need to change that or manipulate it or like get rid of it. It's truly allowing, like life to motherfucking take you. And that means, you know, maybe letting go of business for a year or two. And that's inconvenient and uncomfortable and doesn't always make sense. Mm hmm. Yeah, it's to do business truly, in a feminine way. Because there is the way that is performative and fabricated. It's if like Hollywood, in a way, you know, I know. And it's, it's what we forget. And I think sometimes don't realize until we have our own experiences like that feminine is actually quite destructive. And in caught in a constant state of renewal, and if we don't know how to be with that, then like, we're gonna hold energy in our businesses and in our life that is like stagnant, it's old, it needs to be deep, decomposed in order to actually create fertility as creators. So I was even reflecting today, I'm like, what if it's not even about business? What is what if it's just about purpose and creativity? Like what if we were like, relating to it more in that way, and how we can come more into our artistry and our creativity and let's that process teach us so it's like you're learning a new instrument, you're learning how to paint how to draw like, the process is going to be awkward, it's going to be messy. So anytime you're coming into a new level with your work in the world, it's not going to be pretty, it shouldn't be pretty anything that is always pretty imperfect. I have a lot of questions. Agreed. I think there's like the discernment piece again, I love that you said because it's true. And it's real. There is like performative, like, you know, this, this performative femininity or like this, that energetic and I love that you said the feminine is destructive, and I'm really seeing that now in the way you're bringing it into, like being with the earth and that earth based shamanism, which is obviously witnessing the earth in her destruction and her fertility and her life and, and being inspired by that allowing that same force to move through us and our business and our entire life. It's it's being, it's being very intimate with the cycles of life as being intimate with the transitions in life. And when we look at the seasons, and we look at like how the animals are, I mean, it's fucking wild out there. Like, lions, like eat gobs of other like, types of animals, like right in front of the mother, you know, it's, it's bloody, it's wild. It's random. It's beautiful. It's chaotic. It's everything. And you know, when we can come into intimacy with with the lands and nature in that way, we start to really see like, I feel like something I've been witnessing for a lot of women. I sit back and listen quite a bit. I watch and then I'll come through And I'll have my thing to say it's a very like projector way of just, you know transmitting but a listen a watch and I can tell there's like this squirming that's happening with the feminine right now we're women are like, I want to be all of me, I want to be everything I'm so tired of being this one thing, I'm so tired of niching down, I'm so tired of like, trying to, like do business the way that this person does business, I'm so tired of like trying to create content to fit this for your fucking algorithm. You know, like they're really wanting to just like, I call it like the Britney moment just like shave off their hairs. And I can feel it. It's it's like rumbling underneath the surface. And, and. And, yeah, I think it's about coming into deeper connection with that wild and that shamelessness. And I know there's layers even within that, it's like, what if you do it like what society gonna think we're so rewarded for being the woman that has like, the perfect months and like the consistency and like, the business that seems to not move or shift or have anything happen in a negative way, or the perfect relationship with a perfect face and the perfect outfit and the perfect hair, and it's just, it's suffocating us spiritually. Oh, and I feel I love that you said collectively, you can feel that almost like that rumbling or that dislike. And yeah, I feel I've witnessed that collectively over the years that as people like as humans that consume social media, especially in the industry we're in, people are so much more fucking discerning people don't want the perfect fucking grid and felt like people want to feel you. And people want to Yeah, people want all of it, like the masks and like just just all of it. Like, that's real. I know, when I see something that's so curated. I'm just like, there's no feeling to it. Yeah, yes, very narrow barrel. What was up is very sterile. Yeah. Uh huh. Yeah. So my curiosity is in those like, I would love to hear how you're meeting business now in a way that you didn't before. Like, when you're when you were burnt out, when you were in that season of business, what shifted for you. I really, and it's not, it's not easy, I'm just going to start by saying that. It's not easy. I'm really learning how to listen to the seasons, I'm really learning how to listen to the cycles, I'm really learning how to move in a way that is, you know, there's these moments, you're like, oh, I need a cash injection or like, survey for something, or whatever the things that we do, and not letting those be the things that moves me. Not letting those be the things that start to make it normal that I'm, I'm starting to, like, create in a way that has a bit of like, an extractive energy, you know, and so I'm just being very careful about what I'm creating, and why I'm creating it and when I'm creating it, so I've set up my business in a way to have winter off. And, but doesn't like just even saying that, I'm like that, that feels hard. Because everyone works during winter, you know, maybe I'll have something that just feels really easy for me, but I'm working during summer, summer summers, the working season, you know, summers when the farmers work, you know? And so, um, I'm starting to look more into how to build in a way that's regenerative and gentle built, doesn't need to be fast, it doesn't need to be quick, when we're really careful about the ways that we're planting seeds, and we're like tending to the soil is really it has an impact on how things grow. And one of the the issues that I had had previously is that I, I never really had an opportunity to build a solid foundation. And so when I started to receive more clients and started to get more exposure, it just came tumbling down. Did It Again, I ran through a few cycles of that and happened to get happened like two or three times. And that foundational process, that foundational building process could take a year. It could take quite a while to actually build something that is going to last that isn't just a program or course that I try on and see if it works. It's it's something that I'm looking at like what it what am I actually like, what would I enjoy doing next year in the following year. And so I'm really having having some good talks with myself around like, it's okay to take your time, it's okay to have a steady build, even when the rest of the world around us is moving very quickly. Because, you know, we kind of it we pay attention to every what everybody else is doing and wanting to keep up. And so I really had to put blinders on and really pave my own way that I'm moving and the ways that I believe that this is like the most natural and optimal wave for the feminine to create takes a nine months to make a baby, you know? Yeah, no, yeah. I so feel you like I've had seasons, and I probably had two scenes in my business as well, where like, things just went, like skyrocketed. But from this place of like, how much can I launch? How much can I create, boom, boom, boom, what's the like? Like, it was just very, it was almost about made an energy, right? It was like, Oh, my God, this is exciting. Now this is exciting. And then it got to a stage where that, you know, that that crumbled in a way or that just didn't feel sustainable anymore. My business, you know, there was a bit of a death cycle. And that's, that's for me, too. That's probably happened twice. And for the last year and a bit, I have similarly been so intentional, of letting go of anything that feels like there's an urgency behind it. Like I'm I'm so and that still comes up for me in business. But I'm so much more intentional about catching it now and being like, ah, like, Why do I feel like I have to create this or have to launch this? Or why do I feel like it has to be on this particular date at this particular time? And yeah, building even now the structure of my business now like I have my business isn't membership. And that's a slow fucking build. Right? That's a membership is a slow build. And I'm so about it, like I'm just so. So seeing more of like the body of work I'm building out. And the law like this, like maturation of myself as a leader, that's not like, Oh, my God, I need to make 100 grand now. But like, what am I what am I going to be standing for, like, in 345 10 years time? Like, what movement? Am I creating for my community to be a part of, which was never anything I considered, like two or three years ago, was just like, how do we make money now? What's exciting? How do I make the most money now? Yeah, and I think that it's beautiful to make money quickly. I mean, it's like mine, but I didn't come from money. So when I started making all much money, I was like, Oh, shit, I was like buying a brand new car, like, you know, revamping my wardrobe and all this stuff. And there's not a lot of education, I think making the money is the easy part. Like, if you know how to sell put your face out there, you believe yourself. You have a lot of wisdom. And you just learn it. You just learned how to do it. Yeah, but the harder part is building. There are a lot of coaches. But there are not a lot of brands, like people building brands and come like something bigger than just being this one solo person that showing up as the talking head and saying buy this thing from me. It's it's getting really strategic about your legacy, your long term vision, and I love that you said body of work. What am I going to be known for? And even just that piece alone, takes sitting with yourself. It takes listening, it takes holding yourself and integrity. And that is true leadership. It's not your it's not your just coaching and mentoring. What is the unique work that's coming through me who am I? And in my teachings that are coming through me that are different from everybody else, like what do I want to be known for? What do I stand for? And what what do I need to shift and move in my life, my lifestyle, who I am, who I'm being my relationships, my business, even the type of clients that I'm bringing into my space in order for that to in order for us to build in that way. And that is that takes a high high level of thinking and high self trust to move forward in that direction. When there's nobody else doing it in that way. It's at Should be really fucking intimidating. You're like, Hey, is anybody else around? No? Okay, I'm the only one. Okay? We got Yeah, sorry, true because it's so easy to just follow the trends of what's alive and what you see what's working for other people and to be like, Okay, I'm just gonna replicate that. But like you said, I've tried that, that does not feel fucking good I was that I was wanting to have my Brittany moment when I was doing things like that. It's like, oh, my gosh, this was caged. And I don't feel like, you know, and I think especially as women or feminine beings, we can never fucking, like, put on, you know, use someone else's formula and think that's going to make us feel alive and true. In our business, and in our purpose. It's the worst I tried to when I when I was coming back online, I was like, here's my moment, we're doing it. And I launched a course called Money Maker. He's like, I know, I teach people how to make money. And it totally flopped. I was like, oh, energy, and this is just not it. And I remember sitting at my altar, and I was like, God, your break, like, what is it? Like, what is it? If it's not this anymore? Then what is it? And I heard Sramana, which is my facilitator training. And I was like, oh, no, no, not this. Can't be this. Because I had a lot. Come. I mean, just all sorts of things come up around like I mean, I have healers in my family. I'm psychic mediums, super sensitive, Scorpio raising, like I'm deep in the shamanic realms, like I live my life in a very subtle energy. I'm like, basically, on psychedelics all the time, just naturally. And, and to have this come through as like, you're gonna teach a feminine shamanism training? I was like, No, that is like asking to get counseled. I'm a woman of color, but I'm white passing, is this going to be disruptive when it comes to? You know, like, indigenous cultures, and I'm gonna get canceled for this. And, you know, there's this whole thing about the word or shamanism. And, I mean, I went through a really big process around like, who are you? Who are you to, like, actually teach this and bring something like this forward, and even like, my age, and I'm pretty trendy, and I love beautiful things. And I love dressing up. I don't, I don't walk around wearing the garb to try to perform and be it. I just am living that way. And that was that was the reason why I was the perfect person to teach this. And it's, you know, I moved to the first training, and we're gearing up for the second training. And every day, it makes sense. Every day, it starts to make more and more sense, but yeah, it definitely. It brought up a lot. It brought up Saul so much. And you know, the thing is that we all live in a very shamanic way all of our ancestors have, like we have shamanic roots. And it's really about reclaiming that. And using that, that wisdom of like working in our dreams and working in these, like, knowing these realms, that are there present in this body that is still and knowing how to navigate and bring the tools and the resources to move through these initiations. So you don't have to do it for like, a few years are, you know, like, the very sacred moments of this life, that we're all just remembering. And you don't need to dress up and perform as a shaman in order to, to reclaim those roots. Like it's wisdom of the Earth, it's, it's wisdom that is like natural, and for all of us. And so, I think because I have that high level of discernment, and I just don't give into the whole, like, performance and all of these weird, like, ego boxes and edges, but I actually am like the perfect person to do it. You know, so, yeah, it takes a lot to to walk your own path and to bring your body of work forward, but it's actually what makes you stand out. It's what's going to last beyond all these trends beyond what you see other people doing that is like a formula that works because people that have the the formulas that work the best, and that last are their own and that are true to their soul and their connection to spirit. And that's all that really matters at the end of the day. Yes, yes. Yes. And I'm curious when all of those pieces came up for you when like God was like, you know, shamanism training, feminine shamanism training, and all those pieces came up was that a big journey to get from feeling that As the truth to like taking action on that, and trusting that vision and bringing it alive, I feel like I've blacked out in over like that, and then it was Yeah. I know. I had actually talked to a friend. And I called him up and I was like, Hey, there's this thing coming through. And I don't know. And he's in, he read my, I think even my gene keys and he was like, No, you're actually, you're meant to do this kind of work, like it's part of your gene keys to bring these traditional teachings and bring them forward, that a plot that applies to these times. It's like, I think that's what we're learning how to do. Because I love tradition. I think tradition is beautiful. It keeps us deeply connected to our roots and helps us stay grounded, actually. And also, there's so much changing in the world right now. So how do we bring that forward in a way where our current vocabulary link? Like, how do we understand it in these ways? And how do we bring it forward in a way that applies to like, the younger generations, and so the work that we're doing right now, and so, it was a process to, to run that training once a launch for it, because I was like, I don't even know if I have the words yet to Selfoss or, like, explain exactly what it is. And it was perfect. And I went to the perfect initiation through it. And it was perfect. And it was it. At first I was like, I don't, I don't even know what is happening. I'm here I'm doing it. I'm like, people trust me, and they believe me, they're on this journey with me, like, you know, when we have these ideas and, and like Spirit is speaking to you in this one, you're like I'm building this thing that doesn't exist is was just the thought form. And now we're in the experience of it. And here we are, people are like paying me for it. They want to be facilitators in this training. I mean, I was a little beside myself. And now coming into the second iteration of it, the second cohort, I'm like, Oh, it makes so much sense. Like it's starting to reveal itself more and more every day. And I can definitely see how it's going to expand and be something bigger. And, you know, when I was very receptive to feedback, which I can't say in the past, I would would have been receptive to feedback, I actually really didn't like feedback, because I don't think everybody give feedback in a good way. But I really received it and listened to the women. And it also allowed us to practice circular leadership as well, which is actually a core piece of Sramana I believe that we need more female leaders and, and what better way to do that than in practice in a container. And tell us more about what you mean by circular leadership. So, um, you know, I lead and I teach, and I have all the lessons and I lead the journeys and the practices and the embodiment and, and also, I invite the women forward, to use their voice, I invite them forward to share their gifts, I invite them forward to give their thoughts and opinions. So like one of the things that we practice, even just coming on to the calls, I'm like, Okay, I would like for you to read the field, what's in the field between the, you know, the women that are here, and each one will will go through and they're like, Okay, I feel like you know, there's a little bit of like, resistance or, you know, doesn't really feel grounded. And so, I kind of start off that way, a lot of the time. I'm like, What do you think instead of me being the one to share here in this space. And I really got to see them come out of it just feeling so ready to share their gifts, so ready, like lead in this way. And I think that's something that I started to not really enjoy and a lot of coaching containers and transformational work was like I was being spoken at, instead of, you know, or like, I think it's valuable to be taught a certain modality or a way of being or embodiment, but I think what we need more of is women actually, leadership is learned in practice. Yes, you know, and I as an Aries, I think I've always been a natural born leader. My mama would always tell me be a leader, not a follower. granted my mind. But I really had to go through experiences that were really uncomfortable and me being the only one speaking or me being the only one sharing my opinion or sharing a story or a song. And leaving in that way to actually learn how to be a leader in my own way. I love that so much. I wonder we're coming up to nearly time. But I want to circle back to something you shared before we hit record, which was you being on a masculine cleanse, and I would love to hear more about I know you've, you've been through a breakup in the first part of this year. So this is obviously off the back of that. So tell us what a masculine cleanse is why you've chosen this. I've done thank you, this is really juicy. So I've done a lot of work with the feminine, obviously, like my all my work, all of our work is like rooted in feminine healing, if I'm going to restoration, Feminine Empowerment. And I really believe that I really believe that the world is just like 1000 eyeballs looking back at us, we're just seeing ourselves and everything, you know. And I looked at the mirror of my recent partner. And I was like, I would like a clear mirror. I would like a different mirror next time around. And that was me taking responsibility for my experience. And so because I know through the work that I do, anytime we go in, and we start cleaning up and becoming more familiar, and developing a relationship with some part of us inside that it cleans up the outside the outside world. So this really is like a journey of coming deep into fathering myself coming deep into being my own grandfather deep into being my own lover or my own provider. And the only way we can really viscerally experience, that is when we let go of the hooks and the cords that we have to any masculine figure or energy in our external world being that for us. So it's like calling all of our energy back to actually hold that and contain that and be in that experience. So I know that the next partner that I want to be in union with like, it needs to be different talking, talking about like going from meat and some other like, I feel like I fucking landed in mother after, you know, this, this previous partnership where I was like, wow, I've seen in the past where I would just start dating right away. Or I would just start doing all the things that you do when you're like, hi, I want to feel relevant again, or beautiful, you know, like the validation. You just want to feel good after like heartbreak. And I just kept hearing like, I don't want to use men. I don't want to use the masculine. I don't want to use them because I'm in pain or I'm uncomfortable. I actually want to sit with what's here and be in my own discomfort, be a big girl do my healing, so that when I am ready to go out there and to meet other men, it's coming from a place that doesn't have all of these wounds that played out my previous relationship. So that because if I'm attracting someone from that place, it's not going to be the clearest mirror. So that's been my intention. So ultimately what it is is like yeah, no flirting, no dating no like no charm between you and any man and really just being present with your energy and looking looking for that deep within and I feel like you know so so much of Feminine Empowerment like we've gone deep into that work but we also need to have balance gray so like things are shifting industry in the world and I think women are really struggling right now feeling their own resiliency feeling their own tenacity feeling their own containment when the strong emotions come and it's also because they haven't kind of leaned into what's your What is the age of your internal masculine Is he a Peter Pan or is here King? Because when he's a king? Yeah, when he's a key thing you're like, I'm gonna fucking figure it out. There is no like collapsing. Your feminine says I desire Hear this, I want this, I want safety, I want stability I want, I want to like move through life in this way, there's that part of you, that's going to be like, I'm going to fucking figure it out, I'm going to learn it, I'm going to get up early in the morning, I'm going to get uncomfortable, and I'm going to meet this moment. So I understand for myself, they're like, That's actually me also being responsible with my work. So like to, to lead the feminine into their feminine healing and embodiment, we can't have one without the other, you have to become the container and the chalice to actually receive more of what you want out of life, especially during these times. So, um, yeah, starting 30 days, and then we'll go go to 90 because like I said, I'm pretty intense. So my question how long okay, I love that. I fucking love that question. How old is your internal masculine, I've never heard someone say like, that is up to you king. And I think, I think here is that a woman can work on that and like, you know, work on her internal masculine to activate an inner king without it then going into HyperX independence. Right, right, I think there is this, like two ends of the spectrum where someone has a Peter Pan, you know, in a masculine, so it's like, looking externally, you know, Where's daddy come and provide for me come and provide for me, I can't do anything myself. Right, where we can activate that inner King and still be a woman that desires a man to lead us so desires a man to provide in whatever way that might look like for us with the power of having our own and a king is that that's not coming from this place of like, neediness, I need that, right? I love that you said to I don't want to use the masculine or I don't want to use a man that was just there was just so beautiful. It's like, I don't want to use that to fill this part of me that I'm not willing to fill myself. I love men so much. I agree. And I think men are wonderful, and they're going on their own deep, deep purge healing journey right now. And I you know, I'm aware of the dating worlds and dating apps, and like, the ways that we all use each other. Like, we all use each other in some like shadowy way, right, or, like, projected onto one another. And I've had an experience where I was used, you know, like, I, we've all had that, you know, and I've really got to sit with that and reflect on that. I'm like, oh, okay, there's a mirror here, what are the ways that I have in the past, use the masculine, to feel better about myself, or to feel as though you know, I am valued and worthy. And that was like a really big piece for me, I was, I was looking for that, I was looking for that in the wrong person. And the invitation was to actually like, in a very fucking solid wave, find that in myself. And so I love the masculine I love men and actually feel like this is, you know, my way of expressing that love, I don't want to come to you with my shit. And like, dump it on you and it's going to be subtle, it's not going to be obvious, I'm going to present myself, I'm going to present myself perfect and beautiful, and, you know, play the part and do the dance with you. But that's how all of it is, you know, we're, we're sensitive. And so I'm really, really excited about, you know, on the other side of it, what comes to everybody has so much shit come through, but like, what, what comes through and one of the things that's been so clear, for me is like, really strong boundaries, like having more about better time trusting myself clear direction. You know, it's like, as you were saying, it doesn't have to be this way where you're like cutting off from your, your feminine. I think it actually gives a lot more space for your true feminine power to come through. Because there's containment, you don't have all of these leaks, that are kind of pulling you in all of these different directions, which makes us exhausted makes us feel depleted, you're actually starting to feel more full because you know, where you're going, you know what you're doing. You have your boundaries. You're the king actually values himself. So he's not just going out hanging out with anybody, you know, he's on a mission, he knows what he's doing. And so it's been really eye opening to see that and I'm also watching them differently. I'm like, like being a man, you know, just watching how they do things. And and I a few years ago, I actually did a one month shamanic journey and study of getting to know my internal masculine, like, what he likes, what he wears what it looks like, and it actually I'm triggered a separation at that time because I'm a better man better. I mean, it was it was so interesting because it starts to make you realize, I think for anyone even wanting to be in a relationship, if you don't know what it's like to feel safe and your own containment to hold your emotion and not collapse, right? You're providing that for yourself instead of a partner, then you're not really going to know what it feels like when you go into partnership. Oh, Amen. Yes, yes, yes, yes. So it's, it's actually deep, deep, valuable work for the for women to do, I'm not saying you have to like, go this extreme, but just be in awareness of it. It's gonna help you make more money, you're gonna be more more focus, have more energy, probably have better relationships as a result, because you're gonna value yourself more and feel more full and more whole. You'll actually start to understand like, Okay, this is, this is masculinity, because you're holding it, you're experiencing it in your body, instead of just being a witness and reading books. I feel like we read so many books, and we take so many courses, but the real work that sticks is actually when we go on our own journeys. Emily actually, like sit in the heat in the fire of gaining that wisdom. Yes, yes, yes, yes. I love that so much. I something that came through for me when you were talking about like, if you were to just go back out into a relationship now dating now like, it's like you would bring all of these things, but it would show up in really subtle ways. And I think this is, you know, this is such a deep part of the work I do with women. And I was even speaking to a woman that listens to our podcast, and she was like, I thought it was he was just doing all the wrong things. And I was just perfect until I started listening to your podcast and I started to see all the subtle ways that I was emasculating or manipulating or trying to control and I think it is like we as women owl Yeah, like it can come out in these really subtle ways when we're trying to change a man or trying to you know, control him and it isn't always this explosive thing or this really obvious thing it can be incredibly subtle. And I think the work of coming into deep union whether this is before we are in it or you know, whilst we're in partnership is to be so devoted to cleaning up those subtle pieces. It's so devoted to cleaning up those patterns that are creating you know, the subtle manipulation the subtle pieces of control because that is fucking game changing. So game changing. Yeah, and it's not about changing them. I think it's about like being like, actually that person's behaviors and no, I don't mean Yes, thank you. You know, it's like very clear that that's a no for me like I won't tolerate that actually. You don't even need to go into changing at that point. Yes, yes, yes. Oh, I have loved this conversation touch is there anything I'm gonna give you time to tell people where to find you and anything else you want to share? But any before you go there is there any anything else you'd love to add anything else you'd love to bring and share? Let's see. You know, there's been this peace around joy. What's been coming up recently. There's we can get like soup especially being like super Scorpio energy, life, death, like all the things, I just want to affirm how important joy is and like, creating moments of joy and life in between, like, all transitions, you know, like, what will always be in cycles will always be in life and death and life of life will be lifing that's what life does, you know, and to just remember to, yeah, enjoy the moments in between and even if you're like in something really intense and difficult and initiation and upgrade, like whatever you want to call it, like to try to find the joy in it and create the joy in these moments. And something that I'm personally working on is is deepening and this is part of this is also part of my, my masculine cleanses like pouring into something so for me right now it's guitar and taking care of my body and eating raw recently and just really finding the joy in getting back or at something. And it's not even about the end result. It's the process of like one step in front of the other one moments at a time. And really savoring just that process alone has brought so much compassion and so much joy and humility into my life that has created a ripple and in all other areas of my life that I'm trying to get to a certain point, whether it's the relationship with 100k months again, or whatever. So that's just something that I really want to affirm is to find the joy in the moments of taking one step at a time, and celebrating yourself in that because that one step alone is like a huge success. I feel you that's been so real for me right now, especially like coming into, like, motherhood and birthing a child. I'm like, so I'm certainly here to like, just be in the simplicity of, of moments, because I know that's going to be the reality when I'm, you know, a mother, okay, like, you know, the, almost like the monotony of life and just seeing how much I like race to do these big things, or be in my business or do these things or I'm like, can I fucking enjoy, like, I'm just so about being a homemaker right now. I'm, like, you know, cooking and cleaning and doing things, and I'm just finding the joy in tasks that I would have usually been like, oh, whatever, I'll outsource that. So I can go and do other things. And that I'm finding such a deep joy and like, I'm being so fed by that right now. You will never get these moments back. This is like, this is the last moments of you being Meg is Meg, without, like, Meg is Meg made, and you know, of course, like, she'll be there, she'll, she'll be wild and holy doing her thing, you know, but it's, it's, it's like, the inhale before the exhale, these are the last moments that you know, I'll be doing what I'm doing in this current chapter. You know, like being in the, okay, we're building we're moving. We're, you know, and there are some of my favorite moments that I look back on, like when I was very, very, very, very, very beginning of building my business, like on sales calls and just been really excited about, like sales and like trying something new. And I think we take those moments for granted, because we're, we're so excited about the next moment, but it's to come. Yeah. Yeah, you know, I turned 35 This year, and it landed so hard. And I was like, whoa, okay, mid 30s. Like, I never thought we'd be here. I remember when my mom was in her mid 30s. And it just seemed like, it wouldn't ever happen for some reason. And landing in it and like, how these years go by so quickly in this life is so precious. But if you can find it, if you can find it somewhere deep inside of you to just Yeah, recognize the preciousness of this chapter this moment. This in between? Oh my gosh, I think the next chapter just gets so much sweeter. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay, my love, if you want to tell everyone where to find you also tell everyone about this incredible feminine summit that you're putting on that I'm a part of that there's so many fucking amazing women, like so many amazing women. I know, I'm, I'm like, just even for me to just sit and receive everyone. I mean, to be like this, yes. But to just like, receive the wisdom of all of these women is just, I feel so lucky. Um, so we have the feminine nature Summit coming up. So it's May 28 to June 1. And this is about the feminine way to success. So we have four pillars, we have divine union, regenerative wealth, and we have full spectrum womanhood. I can't remember. But it's good. It's gonna be rich, it's gonna be rich, it's gonna be deep. And we're bringing in a lot of these different elements around how Yeah, how to really create a life that you and your own definition is successful in a way that feels nourishing to your feminine spirit and considers your relationship to this earth. I believe that if we are not giving back or in good relationship to that which gives so abundantly and so generously to us, which is great mother, then we're not actually working in a good way like that. That is, yes, I will stand by that. So if you're interested in exploring with this, this path and the sway looks like that is like deeply, deeply nourishing and your movements to success then. Yeah, definitely be a part of it. And Meg has a link that she can share with you guys. I'll put it on the show notes. Yeah. Yeah. Now friend Chelsea Chelsea do Huntsman Madeline moon? Yeah, just a bunch of phenomenal women coming to teach and share. And yeah, I'm excited to receive I'm excited to be a part of it. I'm also so excited to receive from the women. There's some really good stuff coming through my friend Maria as well who does like erotica ecology, which is about like arrows with nature in the land and tantra teacher is going to be a part of it. We have like terreni, who is teaching about like the stories of your womb? So there's even this element to have like, your heroines journey, what are the seeds that you're planting and the story that's unfolding? That is your life? Like if you were to look back and read a book, so Oh, artistic leadership, that was the last that was? What is it? artistic leadership, so really embracing the element of creativity when it comes to your work? So it's not just this formula? You write the thing? You post the thing? It's like, where's the artist in you? Where's the muse? Where's the musician? Where's the poet? And how does that get to be woven into what you're creating your purpose, what you're doing in the world so that you feel alive, you feel lit, you feel excited about doing what you're doing every single day, because we are creators. We are like, that's, that's our purpose. You know, like we're here to create more life and to inspire into the direction of expansion and growth. And so we we have so many so many incredible women and incredible topics. So yeah, and I'll be leading like shamanic journeys, embodiment, somatic work in the mornings, and then we'll have the speakers at night. Amazing. And you're the facilitator training Sramana that you spoke about as well. That's doors are opening for that soon on right now. Yeah, if if you're interested in that reach out to me to have a conversation about it. So it's Sramana feminine shamanism facilitator training. And we have it's a very interesting journey of dreamwork, psychic mediumship working with the seasons and cycles, transitions in life. We talk about plant was done medicine, power animals and how to bring that into your work. So if you're an entrepreneur, or if you're doing women's transformational work, you get to learn how to bring this into your work because it's to be a woman is to be masterful in your gift of sensitivity. You know, so like, why I call it feminine shamanism is because it's it's finding power in your softness, finding power in the subtle, you don't need to go out to Brazil and get blasted. With Ayahuasca ceremonies, you can do a rose data you can work with, you know, the plants that are here and around you, you can work in ways that are soft, and actually the ways that are powerful for women we work with intuition we work in like the most precise and subtle ways and so to be able to embody this and to know this and to feel this in your body is going to make you more masterful in guiding other women not from logic not from what you think they want or need, but from like, how the template is displayed through mother. So that that starts August 1, for a second cohort. Amazing. And where can everyone find you on Instagram at Taj dot savatree Tiny xometry Yeah, yeah, incredible. I mean, I'll have I'll have all the links below so people can go and find you. But thank you, this has been such an incredible conversation. I adore you and even just like full circle moment, I feel like this conversation has even shown me Yeah, even more deeply your level of integrity and just devotion to your truth. And I think again, in the industry that we're in that can be noisy and it can be easy to buy into the urgency and buy into whatever else is doing I think you stand is such a pillar of, of integrity and all of like the the true feminine way and I'm just so grateful to be witness to what you stand for in the world and in this industry. So thank you Taj. I adore you. Yo, yo, yo, thank you so much for tuning in to another episode of sex, love and everything in between. Now if you'd like to stay connected with Megan, ie, you can head on over to Instagram and follow me at the Jacob O'Neill and where can people find you lover At the.mag.oh amazing and yeah guys check out the show notes for all other information in regards to what we've got coming up. And yeah, we're super super grateful that you guys for taking the time to listen in to this podcast if you do have any topics or any questions like I said hit us up on Instagram and we'll see what we can do. Apart from that have a beautiful, beautiful rest of your day. Thanks for being here. Big Big Love