WDYM What Do You Mean?

Awaiting the Next Chapter in Dragon Ball

January 29, 2024 Michael Gillespie Season 2 Episode 32
Awaiting the Next Chapter in Dragon Ball
WDYM What Do You Mean?
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WDYM What Do You Mean?
Awaiting the Next Chapter in Dragon Ball
Jan 29, 2024 Season 2 Episode 32
Michael Gillespie

Text and Talk!

Ever found yourself humming "Rock the Dragon" out of the blue, or impersonating the Ocean Dub voices when no one's around? I invite you to join me as I share the profound impact Dragon Ball has had on my life, from its Z saga to the latest Dragon Ball Super developments. This episode is full of  nostalgia and anticipation, woven together with personal anecdotes and an unwavering passion for the series. I'll explore the memorable and the  unique Ocean Dub voices that have resonated within the hearts of fans for decades. As we revisit these cherished memories.

I'll discuss the hiatus-ending Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie with its renewed focus on Gohan and Piccolo, my anticipation for the introduction of Dragon Ball Daima—and the new directions it promises—will surely infect you with excitement for what's to come. Join me as we celebrate the legacy, critique the creative directions, and look towards the future of Dragon Ball.

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Email me! Thewdympodcast@gmail.com

Intro by Kobeofei via Fiverr
Season 2 Artwork: Ishida1694 via Instagram

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Text and Talk!

Ever found yourself humming "Rock the Dragon" out of the blue, or impersonating the Ocean Dub voices when no one's around? I invite you to join me as I share the profound impact Dragon Ball has had on my life, from its Z saga to the latest Dragon Ball Super developments. This episode is full of  nostalgia and anticipation, woven together with personal anecdotes and an unwavering passion for the series. I'll explore the memorable and the  unique Ocean Dub voices that have resonated within the hearts of fans for decades. As we revisit these cherished memories.

I'll discuss the hiatus-ending Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie with its renewed focus on Gohan and Piccolo, my anticipation for the introduction of Dragon Ball Daima—and the new directions it promises—will surely infect you with excitement for what's to come. Join me as we celebrate the legacy, critique the creative directions, and look towards the future of Dragon Ball.

Get $10 off of Dr. Squatch soap right now!
Use the code WDYM


Email me! Thewdympodcast@gmail.com

Intro by Kobeofei via Fiverr
Season 2 Artwork: Ishida1694 via Instagram

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the WDYM, the what Do you Mean? Podcast. Now everyone gather around and listen to one of Hamilton's best podcasts. No research to back this up. Your host, Michael Gillespie.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to another episode of the WDYM, the what Do you Mean? Podcast. I'm your host, michael Gillespie. As always, hope everybody's doing good, hope everybody's doing well. Today, this episode, we're going to go back into the nerdy slice of life, so to speak. We're going to go talk about one of my favorite IPs, one of my favorite animes of all time. It's Dragon Ball. I love Dragon Ball. Just let it let that be known. First and foremost. I love Dragon Ball. We're going to get into that, talk about the history of it, talk about diamonds coming out in the fall of 2024.

Speaker 2:

But first I need to do a call of action. Call of action is where I ask you to go to Apple Podcasts, go to the WDYM podcast and give me a review. Give me a review, give me a rating and let me know what's going on. I've been doing this for about roughly three years now, two seasons in, and I have aspirations and hope to make the podcast bigger and better. But if you go in there, tell me what you like, tell me what you don't like, give me a rating, just let me know. Let me get some input. That's one way. Or we go to the older school and just drop me an email. Let me know what you think via email. The WDYM podcast at gmailcom. Again, that is the WDYM podcast at gmailcom. Give me, if you want to shoot me an email, I will freaking read it here. I will read it here. If it's a g rated email, read it here and we'll just go from there, man. But I'd appreciate that. Open the dialogue, open the conversation here on the podcast, without further ado. We're going to talk about Dragon Ball One first of four months.

Speaker 2:

Like I said before, I really enjoy Dragon Ball. I love it so much. Now I came into watching Dragon Ball or Dragon Ball Z. I started with Dragon Ball Z. I remember early episodes of watching Dragon Ball, but it didn't make sense to me. I didn't like what is going on. I was this kid with the spiky hair orange I must have called like a rare episode where I didn't know what was going on. It didn't set, so to speak, once I started watching Dragon Ball Z and when this intro came on, it was over. The tenacity of this intro was amazing. This is Rock the Dragon and blew my mind as a child. Blew my mind as a child and, to this day, one of the greatest intros to an anime, I don't care, hands down. I mean there's been some good ones. Let's say that first and foremost, there's been some good intros. But watching Goku fight at a super fast speed, watching everything going on, master Roshi fighting, Krillin fighting throwing a Destructo disc I was like what is going on? My mind was blown After the first couple episodes. Seeing Raditz and knowing that he's saying he's Goku's brother and he beat Goku and Piccolo easily, it was over. It was absolutely over.

Speaker 2:

I am such an old school fan I call myself an OD fan. You might be asking yourself what is OD? Ladies and gentlemen, that means Ocean Dub. I am an Ocean Dub fan. You may be like what is Ocean Dub? Back then it was in syndication. It wasn't on Tsunami where you can get, you have a place to go to go watch.

Speaker 2:

I had to wake up early in the morning on a Saturday after going through school. Monday through Friday, my one time to sleep in didn't happen because I knew Dragon Ball was coming on between six, seven, seven, 30. I didn't know what time it came on, but I made sure I was up to watch Dragon Ball. It was phenomenal. Just the first of four was phenomenal.

Speaker 2:

I got attached to the voices of the of the ocean dub group. Now the ocean dub group hands down, set the bar super high for Dragonball. The thing that now is that was one of the things now, um, one of the things about the ocean dub is that at the time that I knew they didn't have all the episodes I we would get. We would get past the same saga, we would get to the namax saga and then we get to the freezer saga and we would get so far where Goku would go fight, get ready to fight, getting you Reset and go back to the episode one, back to the Raditz saga or saying cycle, whatever one call it. That's how old of a fan I am. Like I said, I'm an ocean dub guy. When I watch old school movies like Tria, might, dead zone, od, the ocean dub voices, it just takes me back to a time in Dragonball where everything was freaking phenomenal. Ladies and gentlemen, there is voices on the ocean dub that's still killed today. Now there are two main voices at the ocean dub kill. In my opinion it was piccolo and vachita. I did request some voices.

Speaker 2:

Now you may ask yourself or what about Goku? Sean Schumel is Goku, so I'm not even going to try to compare the OD Goku's voice with Sean Schumel. Sean Schumel has completely Owned the role. He's taken over all, so that's not even up for question right now. Sean Schumel owns that role. But when it comes to the ocean dub, there's some lines in there, there's some acting in there. That is freaking amazing. Now you may, you may, have heard some of the ocean dub and then compared to fundamental. You think that's good, uh-uh, this one right here, this ocean dub, the ocean dub lines hands down the greatest, some of the greatest lines in Dragonball that they should have kept Some of these things and not changed in any of not changed any of. The first example is when uh Goku first comes back to earth after getting his training from king kai and he asks his power level amazing.

Speaker 3:

Then she. Now, what does the scouter say about his power level?

Speaker 4:

It's over 9000.

Speaker 2:

What 9000 amazing, amazing that delivery, amazing that that's another hook by brian drummond. Brian drummond was the original voice of achita. Oh, he, he kills it. And another one, another one that hands down, kills it. For the OD Ocean dub people, it's scott migniel. Scott migniel played piccolo. He puts so much of him in piccolo it's, it's irreplaceable. If you're od, if you're ocean dub fan, scott migniel is your piccolo. Just listen to this example of his version of piccolo.

Speaker 4:

I'm finished with you, garland, you'll wish you're dead.

Speaker 3:

You'll be helpless. Try to imagine how to feel to live unable to do anything with all that power you possess. Then you'll know what hell is really like oh my goodness, another example. Goku, looks like you could use some help.

Speaker 2:

And the thing about this sign, the way he walks in.

Speaker 1:

What are you doing here?

Speaker 3:

Don't worry, I didn't come here to help you. I got a score to settle with these three.

Speaker 2:

So the one thing I do want to add to that is that over the course of the series Piccolo has matured, and that's the only reason why I give christ sobot some credit. He has matured piccolo to a point where he sounds like what I think piccolo would sound like in the modern day time Of dragon ball and dragon ball super era towards the end of z. This is the way he sounds like now. Christ sobot, hands down, is a great voice actor. He's done numerous voices for funimation and everything, and here's an example Of christ sobot as piccolo.

Speaker 4:

Do you want to know what he's thinking? He's not thinking about strength or about competition. He's wondering why his father is standing there letting him die. And so your son may be the most powerful person in the world, but he's also a scared 11 year old boy.

Speaker 2:

So the beginning of piccolo was kind of rough. That was now what he sounds like. Now it fits In my opinion. It fits what Piccolo was saying now and also with Chris about he also does Vachita too, and his Vachita has gotten better over time. At first it was a little rough, a little sketchy, but his version of Vachita is pretty decent.

Speaker 3:

It is time to take back what is mine. I will not live my life as your second. That time is over. Every breath you take is an assault to my honor. But no more, kakarot. By my hands you will be cut down inch by inch, the way you are cut down my pride, vegeta. What did you say? His power level is? It's over 9000.

Speaker 2:

Does that sound like the ocean dove to you? It doesn't. Now look again. I want to give credit with credit, to Chris Sabat. It's a great voice actor, but he's not. He's not Brian Drummond.

Speaker 3:

I keep forgetting that you're an earthling. Now you don't even have a tail, do you? Why did you let them operate on you what they do get you while you were sleeping? Now I see why you have no decide. Oh my.

Speaker 2:

God, that's my background. I am an ocean dub dragon muffin, always will be. If I get a chance to watch ocean dub, I will, all the way through the freezer saga. That's where I stopped. Reason why they messed up cells so bad. That's the only bad. I've heard boo before ocean dub and that's bad too, but the ocean dub cell trash impressive, I must admit.

Speaker 5:

You've exceeded me trunks, at least in the area of brute strength, and yet you have absolutely no chance of defeating me.

Speaker 2:

That is their version of cell and I will say Funimation cell knocks it out of the park For the record. I hate cell with absolute passion. The way he was just annoying as hell, but the voice actor amazing.

Speaker 5:

I admit, in terms of raw power, you have me bested. My own strength doesn't even begin to compare.

Speaker 1:

However, you still don't have a chance of defeating me, not a chance in hell.

Speaker 2:

So that's one thing. That is one thing Funimation has done well, cell boo, mr Satan, those voices are out the park, out the park, top notch Good Funimation. But before, before we go there, I just want to play one of my favorite clips of Scott McNeil's piccolo, because it's amazing man, and I feel like fans of Dragon Ball today have no idea what Ocean Duck was His piccolo.

Speaker 3:

Amazing. You're just a coward. You and the other two won't take me by surprise this time.

Speaker 4:

You are the best. I don't need any help finishing you off.

Speaker 2:

Scott McNeil. Stop that. Y'all. Are you kidding me? Scott McNeil is a monster.

Speaker 4:

Three of you are so easy to beat One on one.

Speaker 2:

One of my all time favorite scenes in Dragon Ball dead zone. It's when piccolo is just whooping on sound show. Oh my god, if you get a chance, go watch. If you find a copy of Ocean Duck Dragon Ball is the first movie called Dead Zone you get to see Kami actually fight. You can see Garlic Jr. You can see like an old school before Super Saiyan was a thing Goku, krillin, gohan and Piccolo Amazing. You cannot convince me. Ocean Duck wasn't good. It was great, even though the only thing that that foundation got good is Sean Schumann.

Speaker 2:

We finally get Funimation to take over. When they take over, they complete the whole series of Dragon Ball Z. 291 episodes finishes Dragon Ball Z. And then we go to couple years later we get the step child of the franchise, dragon Ball GT. And Dragon Ball GT was rough, to say the least. You know, once they chopped Vegeta's hair and gave him a mustache, I knew something was wrong and they converted Goku back to a kid. I was like, okay, we got that in 153 episodes of Dragon Ball and we're repeating it again. That was the idea. Now the creator, kirito Yamada, helped with the design, but not the story, and lo and behold, dragon Ball GT went 64 episodes deep before it was done.

Speaker 2:

At that time we had a Dragon Ball hiatus where we didn't get nothing, absolutely nothing, to 2013. We fast forwarded 2013. We get a movie, dragon Ball, battle of Gods, where we introduce a new anti-hero I don't think I don't consider her a villain An anti-hero called Lord Beerus, who is a God of Destruction, comes in with his angel Whis and they are looking for a Super Saiyan God Whoa new lore in the IP of Dragon Ball. Ladies and gentlemen, we got some new stuff. How happy could a fan be? So with that, we get a new movie. We get to see a new power level. We're now using God Key and, lo and behold, we get Dragon Ball Super.

Speaker 2:

I'm excited. I got new Dragon Ball. That's cool with me. New opening, new possibilities, everything. It's a great time. I'm super excited to have some more Dragon Ball. I love it. I get new stuff. That's all I really wanted in life right now.

Speaker 2:

Just give me some Dragon Ball, some new Dragon Ball content, because again, years and years and years of repeat of the same story told over and over again, wasn't fun as a fan. So we get Super. Initially. Initially I was just happy to have content, new content. But then the story got weird because they started repeating what happened compared to GT. One example Frieza comes back. Like okay, you know, frieza is one of the all time best villains in anime. Okay, you could come back, whatever. Then Future Trunks comes back. I was like, okay, we're repeating the same story. Okay, 17 is super strong. Okay, that's like Dragon Ball GT with Super 17. Whatever I mean, it's basically they're repeating some of the stories that we got in GT, and 64 episode says GT wasn't good. And I can tell you that GT wasn't great. You're good at all. So Super comes out and has currently seven arcs. I count seven arcs the Bear Saga, universe 6 Saga, future Trunks Saga, the Tournament of Power. That was good.

Speaker 2:

And now we're into manga, only sagas with the Galactic Patrol or the Moro Saga, and then the Granola Saga, and then we get movies in between there, after Battle of Gods we get Resurrection F, which was okay, to say the least. After that we got Broly Super I'm sorry, dragon Ball Super Broly where we get to find out Broly can actually talk. They redo Broly where he is a talker and not just saying Kakarawada time and destroying, but he does go berserk in the movie. Spoiler alert if you haven't seen it already. So we're repeating storylines again. We're repeating a lot of storylines. Come on, guys, why are we, why are we doing this? And then, at that point, dragon Ball Super ends 131 episodes. That's it. That's the end of Dragon Ball Super.

Speaker 2:

So where do we go from here? Because the manga is still coming out once, once a month in Japan and we're starting to get volumes over here, and then again they go beyond the anime, but we don't get nothing. We don't get nothing. In between, the anime has been shut down because of poor animation and I guess you know at this time, digimon was coming out with a 20 year anniversary. The studio decided to focus on that, but Dragon Ball is just sitting there with a Internet show, dragon Ball Heroes, and it's just basically what if? Super Saiyan, god Goku fought Super Saiyan for Goku, so Goku versus Goku is just a whole bunch of what ifs and all that stuff, and it was just, to me, not entertaining at all. Not entertaining at all. I'm not going to waste my time watching it because they're just making things up and all that. There's not storyline Dragon Ball and I'm not going to watch it. So, with no anime At 2018, there's no anime. We have to wait four years before we get something.

Speaker 2:

And what do we get? We get a breath of fresh air when it comes to the anime with another movie Dragon Ball Super Superhero. We're not listening to Head Shalana anymore. We're getting a new soundtrack. Goku and Vegeta are not the main characters. Gohan and Piccolo are how exciting is that for me? Fresh blood, because, if you know Dragon Ball, now we have Piccolo and Gohan being the main protagonist of the show. Goku and Vegeta are nowhere to be seen, and we have a new soundtrack. So everything is a breath of fresh air for the Dragon Ball community, in my opinion, and it was what was needed. We need go-tun and trunks to freaking grow up and we need Piccolo and Gohan to be protagonists. Now the villain of the story is Cell, which is a repeat of what's been happening before, but it's not the same Cell from the series, so they get half credit for it. So that's the last thing we got.

Speaker 2:

Now, again, the manga is ongoing. We're finally getting into some new stuff now with the. I guess we're going to call it the Black Frieza saga, because Frieza is now black. So the future is now about to be ongoing. And now they introduced a new. They introduced a new anime called Dragon Ball Dima. They may ask yourself what is Dima?

Speaker 2:

Well, they go on to say Dima's coming out fall 2024, a story that's never been told, and I'm guessing again, they didn't give us a lot of information to go by, just that basically everybody turns into kids, with the exception of Gohan. I didn't see Gohan turn into a kid, I didn't, you know. And Gohan just got this new form, this beast form, I'm hoping makes him the lead character from now on. But we'll see. But yeah, everybody's been turned into a kid, even the, even Supreme Kai Kabuto. They're all kids. Goku, machida, everybody, knock, knock, dragon Ball, gt. So a story has never been told before.

Speaker 2:

And the 10, I'm assuming there's a couple assumptions through this whole thing is that this is happening between a 10 year gap between the death of Kid Boo and then the next tournament with UB. But we decided to turn everybody into kids like GT. And the thing that I'm trying to understand is why? Why are we doing this? Because if you want to tell a story about a kid, you got UB, you got UB just sitting there. He's barely been touched in the super manga, barely been touched in the super anime and there's so much potential to have the reincarnated version of Kid Boo doing the journeys that goku and machida doing.

Speaker 2:

Now that they're kids, you can't tell me that's not entertaining, when the idea of Majin Boo being a destructive, powerful force destroying the whole universe and having UB go through that universe or anything like that I'm not saying I'm a writer or anything like that, but I can tell stories like that. I'm like, for example, let's just shoot the breeze real quick. Let's just say somebody comes to Earth and recognizes Majin Boo or Kid Boo's power and it's the innocent child he wants to take revenge on on UB. That story could play out. There is so much potential with telling the story from UB's point of view, as opposed to goku and machida. But we, I'm starting to think when we ever get away from goku and machida, I, you know that's, that's the main thing. So Diamond comes out of fall 2024.

Speaker 2:

And yes, let it be known that, yes, I am. I am excited to have some Dragon Ball. You know, again, dragon Ball is my all time favorite anime. It's it's my favorite so much that I've decided to make my own universe from Dragon Ball. You know, create my own story so I could write my own story and have my own fun of how things should be or how things could be if they decided to extend the universe that way. There is plenty of things to write about when it comes to Dragon Ball. Trust me on that.

Speaker 2:

But Diamond's out and will come out this year and, yes, I want the content, I want to have something to entertain myself with. So I'm not even going to act like that's not what you know. I'm not going to act like I'm not excited to have any Dragon Ball content. But why can we get super Super, like a super season two or something like that? But we're getting Diamond and again, I'm excited. I want it, I do want it, but I think they should have used Oob. I think they should have used Oob. So what are your thoughts on Dragon Ball? If you care, I do, I do a lot. So I'm hoping Dragon Dragon Ball Diamond is good. I mean, animation is crisp.

Speaker 2:

But it's that 10 year gap where a whole bunch of things happen. And last and one more thing why I got to, why I got this. Let me talk over the reason real quick. It's 10 year gap, a lot of things happen, but then we get to after the gap, after the tournament. They all know. So I bet you go. Hmm, but again, hit me up. Hit me up, email me, drop me a review, please do again. The W D Y M Podcast at Gmailcom. I hope to hear from you guys soon. I'm your host, michael Gillespie, of the said podcast. I'm not going to say it again. Thank you for tuning in and I will see you soon, guys. Peace out, girl Scout, boy Scout. Peace out.

Dragon Ball
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