WDYM What Do You Mean?

Things that make you go Hmmmm in Dragon Ball

February 23, 2024 Michael Gillespie Season 2 Episode 33
Things that make you go Hmmmm in Dragon Ball
WDYM What Do You Mean?
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WDYM What Do You Mean?
Things that make you go Hmmmm in Dragon Ball
Feb 23, 2024 Season 2 Episode 33
Michael Gillespie

Text and Talk!

 Join me as we unravel the puzzling aspects of the Dragon Ball universe that fans are dying to understand. We'll explore why Earth's human fighters haven't taken their training to the next level in the Room of Spirit and Time, and how Gohan's latest transformation may be a beacon of human potential within the series. Get ready to tackle the big questions, like the impact of the Dragon Balls' ability to wipe the slate clean, leaving us wondering about the true stakes of this fantastical world.

Prepare for a dive into the rich tapestry of Dragon Ball lore, where we probe the Namekian Book of Legends for its hidden Saiyan secrets and Super Saiyan God insights. The potential destiny of Namekians as universal custodians and Kami's voyage to Earth are just the beginning of our deep dive into untold stories and forgotten realms. We'll look into the mystique of fusion, celebrating the possibility of female warriors, and entertain the thought of uncharted Saiyan diversity to paint a broader cosmic picture. With speculative discussions on the possibility of new characters and backstories, this episode offers an imaginative exploration that steps beyond the familiar saga of Goku, teasing the minds of Dragon Ball fans everywhere.

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Intro by Kobeofei via Fiverr
Season 2 Artwork: Ishida1694 via Instagram

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Text and Talk!

 Join me as we unravel the puzzling aspects of the Dragon Ball universe that fans are dying to understand. We'll explore why Earth's human fighters haven't taken their training to the next level in the Room of Spirit and Time, and how Gohan's latest transformation may be a beacon of human potential within the series. Get ready to tackle the big questions, like the impact of the Dragon Balls' ability to wipe the slate clean, leaving us wondering about the true stakes of this fantastical world.

Prepare for a dive into the rich tapestry of Dragon Ball lore, where we probe the Namekian Book of Legends for its hidden Saiyan secrets and Super Saiyan God insights. The potential destiny of Namekians as universal custodians and Kami's voyage to Earth are just the beginning of our deep dive into untold stories and forgotten realms. We'll look into the mystique of fusion, celebrating the possibility of female warriors, and entertain the thought of uncharted Saiyan diversity to paint a broader cosmic picture. With speculative discussions on the possibility of new characters and backstories, this episode offers an imaginative exploration that steps beyond the familiar saga of Goku, teasing the minds of Dragon Ball fans everywhere.

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Use the code WDYM


Email me! Thewdympodcast@gmail.com

Intro by Kobeofei via Fiverr
Season 2 Artwork: Ishida1694 via Instagram

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the WDYM, the what Do you Mean podcast. Now everyone gather around and listen to one of Hamilton's best podcasts. No research to back this up. Here's our host, Michael Gillespie.

Speaker 2:

And continuing the theme from last episode, where we discussed Dragon Ball and its future and all that stuff, we are discussing the head cannon, or ideas that I come up every time I watch Dragon Ball. I'd be like, hey, why are they doing that? Or you know, why is this still a thing and this, that and the other? So that's what today's episode is about. We're going to cover 10 topics that make me scratch my head and go, hmm. But without that, let's get a call on action going. Let's say if you well, you listen to the show on a regular basis or not. I would really appreciate you going to Apple and leaving a comment, a rating, something on there. I wouldn't mind that at all. Also, email me, hit me up at the WDYM podcast at gmailcom. Again, that's the WDYM podcast at gmailcom. So 10 things that I find interesting by Dragon Ball that maybe ask questions or something like hmm well, why do they do that? Or something like that? So the first one, the first one, or number one, number one of the humans on earth, why is Bulma the only one able to collect Dragon Balls? Why is she the only one able to get six out of seven, seven out of seven and always making wishes, and if you watch Dragon Ball superhero Dragon Ball super superhero she always has them. And she makes these wishes about getting eyelashes or getting a fatter booty you know that stuff and it's like are you kidding me? Are you? You just the only one that could do that? Now, granted, they say that Bulma is one of the smartest people on earth, and rightfully so. She is able to put a whole house in a capsule and able to release that anytime, and it magically just houses set up like it's never been touched before. Maybe she is one of the smartest people on earth, but let's take some of some of the other aspects and put it into into the world of Dragon Ball. What I mean by that is let's take someone like I don't know, peter Parker, who is a freaking genius in the Marvel comic book world, and have him have this genius teenager, a gifted teenager that goes to high school, notices the sky going black and a big old dragon in the sky, is like, wow, how do they do that? And have this kid build him a dragon radar and make a wish for himself. Why can't that be a thing? I think that'll be very interesting arc, to say the least, is like to have someone who can rival the genius or have the ability to get the Dragon Balls themselves. You would think, like the Red Ribbon Army would have a way to make a dragon radar to find a Dragon Balls themselves, because I'm pretty sure they know that they exist but yet they haven't done that yet.

Speaker 2:

Another thing about humans on earth is why no human fighter has ever gone through the room of spirit and time, or, in the English dub, the hyperbolic time chamber. The hyperbolic time chamber is where a war, you can go in there, get a year's worth of training and then come back out and only only one day has eclipsed in the real world. Why hasn't any human done that? I have not seen it. I read the manga. I think Tien was the closest one to do, but he gave up at the end, gave up his turn to somebody else. But this whole time Goku's gone in there, I believe twice. Vegeta's gone in there numerous times. Piccolo's gone in there once. You're trying to tell me that Krillin, yamcha, tien, they couldn't go spend one day in training there with each other. Why isn't that happened yet?

Speaker 2:

And they always say that the potential of humans is unknown. And let's look at that, for example, and they say that Gohan has the potential to be the strongest fighter in the universe. Well, he's half human. Now that he's had this recent power up spoiler alert if you don't read the manga or watch superhero the movie he's gone into beast mode. Now he has this thing where his hair is grayish, white, eyes are red and he's extremely powerful. Now we don't know how powerful he is compared to the Goku and Vegeta's out there at their current god level or Ultra Instinct slash, ultra Ego modes that they have. We're getting ready to find out what the chapter coming out here pretty soon because the spoilers for chapter 102 has Gohan and Goku fighting. So we get to see exactly how strong beast mode is compared to Ultra Instinct and maybe Ultra Ego.

Speaker 2:

But the groundwork is laid for a human to be OP if they would just go through the hyperbolic time chamber at least one time. Always believe in human potential. As a Dragon Ball fan and, yes, we all love our sayings always think that humans can be something. Look at Tien at Dragon Ball. If he's human that 3 eye guy, is he a human? And look how he was hanging with Kid Goku for a time. Why can't he go through the hyperbolic time chamber. Maybe he would unlock some potential or something so he could get the power boost needed and he could hang with the other fighters, because none of the humans really hang with none of them. None of them hang with sayings. Now Piccolo got to increase and all the sayings have their increase. There's just no chance for a human to withstand anything when it comes to these sayings. Okay, now Piccolo is going to get the power boost due to his wide wings. Let's see him. He also sort of gets the power boost.

Speaker 2:

Number two number two the lack of consequences. This has always been a thing for Dragon Ball, because anything happens. Oh, we'll just go get the Dragon Balls and wish it didn't happen. Or hey, we need to restore this, they're balanced, let's just go get Dragon Balls. Why is there a lack of consequences? For example, you got King Kai's death, the death of a Kai. That should be something big. That's happened. And how often does a Kai die? So, just to recap, in the series, goku grabbed Cell and took him to King Kai's planet and blew up there. That's cold, blooded. I teach you, train you, teach you to KO Ken and everything. You have the audacity to bring this dude here and blow up my planet that's so cold. And to this day, to this day, he still did so. There hasn't been a Kai, and I think it's North Kai. I think there hasn't been a Kai to watch over the region. Why has that not been another Kai born? Or you know what's the situation with that. I think that's very funny that there's no consequences to that. Take, look at old Kai, for example. He was stuck in his e-sword. He talks about consequences too. For example, he is one. He is one.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't like the idea of Dragon Balls being used. And the manga. He says no, you mustn't use the Dragon Balls. They hurl the cosmic order into chaos. Learned long ago I wanted to make is to use them on their planet. They never interfere in other planets fates. So the old Kai doesn't really like the Namekians using the Dragon Balls elsewhere. And now you know, look at the series. Now there's Dragon Balls on planet cereal where granola is at. You got Namek has their ball, their Dragon Balls. Earth has their Dragon Balls. You don't know what's all out there. There's always no consequence to that. And old Kai has even gone on to say that in the manga.

Speaker 2:

Another one, and it might be smaller, you or something like that. But UB or Majin Buu or Kid Buu in this example, ub has siblings. He has five siblings. He's the oldest of those five siblings. If you go through the show, kid Buu ate two of the Kai's and killed two other, two other ones. What if headcanon? What if those siblings are Kai's? Have you ever really seen a Kai die? When old Kai died, he gave us like to Goku. What happened to him? He just got a halo. King Kai, he has a halo. He still has his body and he has a halo. So I'm starting to question if Kai's can really die. That's one of the things that is headcanon for that. Number two lack of consequences. Number three number three Namekians.

Speaker 2:

In general, namekians play a huge role in Dragon Ball. Again, they they create the Dragon Balls which you can make a wish. There are rules to each set of Dragon Balls by the Namekian. That makes them. They have a huge role. Let's take a look at Zalama. Zalama is the creator of the Super Dragon Balls and he's still alive somewhere out there, and then the Super Dragon Balls can grant any wish possible.

Speaker 2:

Also, the Namekian Book of Legends. This book had recorded how to create or how to become a Super Saiyan God. What are the Namekians doing? Are they like like universal watchers and stuff like that? It's weird that you know the Namekians have this Namekian Book of Legends that record Saiyans. What else is in that book of legends? That's one of the things that has got me super curious about the Book of Legends, like what's all in it? What can they possibly have in the book? And one thing I do want to talk about is the Great Excursion that happened on Planet Namek. The Great Excursion was where, like Kami, left Planet Namek and arrived here on Earth. How many other Namekians have done that before? I think that is interesting to have. What about the Namekians? Like the race that garlic junior was Like. He looked like a Namekian at first and I thought he was a Namekian too, but is there like a rivalry between them and the Namekians? I think that could be a possible arc if they went in depth With the nemekeans, find out what you know, what they, what's going on with them.

Speaker 2:

One of the things that I like, always like, is the the idea of a demon realm. Now, we've talked about a hell realm before, but a demon realm like the last Unknown and Dragon Ball would be like a demon realm and I'm not talking about the demon realm that we know like hell or Home for infinite losers or that type, talking about demon realm where the demons there are so corrupt, so evil that you can't wash your souls. You can't wash your souls and purify them. Like these demons are so bad to a point where they have a Kai just to watch them, like a ma Kai ocean, like a demon version Kai. That that's his job. He needs to keep the demons under control, build society, just like how Shin Kabito, the four directional Kai's north, southeast, what north, southeast, west have a structure of of Kai's, of good people in heaven, where they could do the same thing for hell. I just think that'll be an interesting development, plus the fact that any demon that comes back and kills puts somebody in limbo. If you go back to Dragon Ball, where tambourine killed Krillin that's what said Goku off, because he was told that he can't die Because he was killed by demons, so his, his soul was in limbo and that just ticked Goku off to a certain degree and that was good in Dragon Ball.

Speaker 2:

That is number Four. A demon realm. Number five. Number five Female warriors. I don't know about you, but I always liked the idea of having female warriors on the scene, like in Dragon Ball. We had Bulma granted, she's not a hero or not a fighter, so to speak but we had Chi Chi and it was cool to see Chi Chi fight and we had launch with her gun and her sneezing and stuff like that. And we even had female villains Like Colonel violet. Colonel violet was a female.

Speaker 1:

That was evil, and that was interesting.

Speaker 2:

So I Always like to have meant that's what I think that's what made Not her to a so interesting, because we had the female and male dynamics and it was interesting to see, like Hinata and Sakura, like what do they do? Like they were fighters to naked. They had hands too. So I think having female warriors Benefits Dragon Ball as a whole. You can't tell me like he was decided for. Karen Califla and Dragon Ball Super were named their parents. So, and then we love Android 18. So the female warrior should be a added version or added to to Dragon Ball number six.

Speaker 2:

Six different versions of sayings. Now look here everybody named mama Love sayings. We all love sayings. If you are in the OC community where you make your own characters, you will see a plethora of sayings. But the funny thing about it is that everybody is the typical Black hair, brown eyes saying Super Saiyan and all that stuff. What about a blonde tailed saying? Or white Tilt saying or black tilt saying like? And then have those have those aspects of what. What does a blonde tail saying does? Like? Maybe they're more gentle and they don't care about fighting like the brown tailed sayings or the black tail sayings are all about fighting and instantly get different modes and different types of Super Saiyan, or they can go Super Saiyan at all. Those different types of sayings would be interesting.

Speaker 2:

Some people will say, like, well, you know, all the sayings died when they were all called back by Frieza. Now let me ask you something. If your boss called you, say, hey, I'm gonna need you to come to work ASAP. Do you Russian? Are you rushing to get there with that fast? I'll tell you I'm not. I'm like, okay, well, I'll be there when I get ready, okay, and then shoot and that type of request. I could be, you know, conquering a planet. And then next thing, you know, boss calls it hey, I need to come back to planet Vegeta. Like, okay, boss, I'll be there, I ain't going right now. You can kick rocks, I don't care about Frieza, I ain't going right now. I'm gonna sit here on this planet and chill for a little bit. He didn't tell me when to be there. He just said I got to show up. I guarantee. I guarantee there's some sayings out there, just like I'm not gonna be chilling, like I ain't going back, he ain't paying me, I'm busy doing something else. So I do think a Different version of saying would be interesting.

Speaker 2:

Also, somebody that I met, that I came across on Twitter, made his own version of sayings, called a cento saying. The cento sayings of got a very primal look to them red face paint and they are very primal, like, like everybody likes, the Super Saiyan 4. This is like equipment to Super Saiyan 4. The design of the character looks like Super Saiyan 4 but has no way of going. Super Saiyan 4 has his own lore. This guy, bon Lupi, the guy was on Twitter that made the cento saying, has done a good job of making Backstory purpose, what like, what their designs are and everything. So if you get a chance, go ahead and check them out on X or Twitter, whatever you want to call it, and look up the lore he wrote for a cento sayings and all sento sayings are related to or named after Bath products. So Genius, that is absolute genius. A cento saying is an idea that rocks dragon, so to speak. Okay, number seven Seven movies need to be canon.

Speaker 2:

We've already started that approach with Broly and, and Gochita are now officially Canon in Dragon Ball world. But what else? What else could be canon? As a couple things, if you watch the movies, you know there's some things that could be added to it to make the idea cooler. Or to make Dragon Ball cooler Pun intended, cooler, frieza's brother. If you added Frieza's brother to the mix I think that'll be such an dynamic for Frieza. Think that'll be a good idea because if you watch the movie you know Kula was not very fond of his brother, you know didn't mind him dying or something like that to that nature. I don't remember the exact of coolers revenge, bringing him into Canon, getting a chance to rewrite the character where maybe he gets along with his brother and his he is brother struggling like dying, coming back and All that.

Speaker 2:

What if he's like you know I heard you died, brother, and you know, come back in and you know, help him train or help him conquer the world, or something like that. Having cooler in there is a very interesting idea. Another thing the tree of might. The tree of might was where Someone planted a tree, planted a seed on earth, and that seed began to drain the energy of earth to bear fruit. Now, one interesting aspect of the tree of might is what the earth cannot Sustain a tree of might. What if there's a planet that could? And it bared fruit and it made those people, those fighters, those Warriors who ate the fruit, substantially stronger. There's an arc right there. There's an arc in something. If you bring the tree of might into a, into a cannon world, that'll be interesting. Janimba, an ultimate demon. You know how strong he was in his movie. Make him can, but that has to be like Inboss type stuff, because he was, he was, if they, if it was done, if I remember correctly, janimba was a, a Fusion of all the demon souls into one body and he was wrecking stuff. So if you brought Janimba back into the fold, make him cannon, that would be interesting. That was number seven, number eight, eight. We need to have Some kind of a weakness for sayings.

Speaker 2:

At this point, the sayings are like Superman, unimportant. That's what exactly what I mean. I mean, if you think about Superman, superman is to a point where it's like what's, what's the character default or character fault that Superman has? That's where these sayings are. How do you beat somebody? It's all about power. That's boring to me. When it comes to that, every character should have a weakness. That's what makes the X-Men, my opinion, one of the most popular Comics of all time you got. Cyclops can't see, but he has optical blasts. Charles Xavier Stuck in a wheelchair, but he has telekinesis. You know, those are the things that are cool about characters that have character flaws. These sayings don't now what could be.

Speaker 2:

What I've noticed from the past is that seems like weather affects the sayings, like if you go back to World's strongest, you see that Goku was having difficulties with ice without with it, with powering up. He was marching in castle. He said it's so cold I can't generate any power. I was one of the lines in the movie. Another one was where one of the bio fighters was using ice to Freeze Goku's limbs and I stopped before Krillin and Gohan got there. We need to develop some type of weakness For the sayings, and now the only thing I could think of is weather. Weather was the only thing that can stop Goku from kicking, but, and he really didn't stop before that long. I think that'll be something Headcan wise to be looking at that number eight, number nine.

Speaker 1:

Nine fusions.

Speaker 2:

The fusions need to be more in depth. We need to go more in depth with the fusions. For example, the metamorions. The metamorions are the beings or being, depending on how they ever did. This showed Goku a Dance to where two people could come, become one fuse and become a new warrior. Now let's think about that for a second. Somebody taught Goku a Dance and he remembered it showed go go to his son and trunks the same dance and now him and Vegeta are doing it To. But let's break that down.

Speaker 2:

The metamorions, who are they is? Can there be evil versus a metamorion? Imagine that the metamorions have different phases of dances. This dance was a simple pose and then put your fingers together. What happens if you add a moonwalk or you know saying I add something else to it, where the fusion dance or the fusion is now an hour long? That's. That's one of the things that I always Excited me about the idea of the metamorions, like if they showed Goku the simple, the simplest dance and it's just that, it's. Did that? Imagine if they did a more complex, complex dance and got a different fusion that lasted longer?

Speaker 2:

And the same thing you need to be said about the batara earrings. Right now the batara earrings can't do anything for Vachito. This is when Goku and Vachito fuse with the, with the earrings from the gods. Their fusion can last only maybe 10 minutes if they're using their god key. Other than that, they get no, no, no, I take that back. Their fusion with the earrings is supposed to be permanent. Yeah, so their fusion with the earrings is supposed to be a permanent fusion unless the power Exceeds the body. That's that's what I got from it, because in Dragon Ball, super Vachito couldn't last longer than 10, 15 minutes being fused because of the power of the Super Saiyan God key. So what happens if someone like old Kai Start tampering with the power of the fusion earrings and make it more of a stable fusion because his fusion with the old witch and a Kai? Imagine what they could do if he actually put his genius or his magic levels together to form that type of fusion or a different version of the Pitaya rings. I think that'll be interesting. And last thing I wanted to touch about this they always say that who would win between gochita and Vachito, the fusions of Goku and Vegeta, and Most people say, hey, it'll be same people, it'll be a be a tie. Then I always look at what's the fusion technique a fusion taught by mortals or Technique by the gods and I always think that Vachita would be gochita, based on that Thing alone. So that was number nine the metamorions and the fusions. Number ten, ten the past or other stories that could be told in Dragon Ball.

Speaker 2:

I Think that the idea of getting away from the sands would be a Decent idea for a little bit. You know, like we always touch on Yamoshi, the original Super Saiyan guy, and what happened to him, because before we knew a Super Saiyan bro, we all thought that was Yamoshi coming back to fight with Goku, before it turned out to be Burly. But what about what else? What else could we find out about? Like, what about Frieza? And like, what's what? What's what's going on with His race and his people? Like I always had this headcanon idea that you have Frieza King, cold, cooler, all these Frost, all these cold names, and there's a similar species, just like Frieza, that I would name after warm things like oven and whatever grill. I don't know, I'm just naming things off right now. But the idea of having a warm race warm race Frieza clan and a cold race Frieza clan and find out what happened in their past. I've already touched on the Dimeckians. As far as hey, maybe they had a war with them the Machians that'll be interesting. I always think that'll be interesting. What about Masaroshi? I remember we had that one manga where I was reincarnated as Yamcha, where someone who read the Manga's got re-increded as Yamcha and went, went as Yamcha through the whole series.

Speaker 2:

What about Master Roshi? What would it be interesting to see some of the stuff that he did? Or go into the, the side stories that Dragon Ball had with Picon, like how did he die? How did he become so powerful? What happened to him? Oh, libu, one of Earth's mightiest warriors that died a long time ago. Could there be Interest in the Dragon Ball past? Zalama, what's he doing? What about bears? How did he become a God of destruction? I think those, those are interesting to Create more story if we go into the past or do a side story so we can figure out some other things that's happening Along with Dragon Ball, because ever since Goku has come around, the story has been fixated on Goku, and rightfully so. One of the most popular anime's in the world, in the world in all time, all because of Goku. So I just think that'll be interesting if we dipped away from Goku and see what. What other stories Can we possibly tell. So that's my top 10.

Speaker 2:

Head cannon, head scratching things about Dragon Ball. So what do you think? What do you think of that list? I think that's a pretty solid list. The lack of consequence that's the biggest one for me, but I always liked the idea of humans the humans doing something other than Bomo is having the Dragon Balls, but that's that's it. That's the 10 things that I think. Questions that I ask about Dragon Ball that can be looked at even further. With that being said, we're gonna bring the episode to an end. Being a fan of Dragon Ball this long, I only asked myself questions about this by the daggone series, and so I thought that was good, good way to do. Top 10 things that are on my list. Thank you for tuning in to the WDYM again. If you got something, you got something. Reach out to me. The WDYM podcast at gmailcom. Again. The WDYM podcast at gmailcom. Thank you for listening. As always, we'll be back stronger, bigger, faster than ever. Till next episode. Peace out, girl scout, boy scout, peace, thank you.

Dragon Ball Head Canon Questions
Exploring Dragon Ball Lore and Ideas
Dragon Ball Fusion and Backstories