Coming Together: Interrelationships of Evolutionary Astrology Teachings

Saturn in Pisces Part I

Bradley Naragon Season 1 Episode 12

This episode Bradley is joined by special guest, Emelia McKay. Emelia is a non-dual astrologer, artist, and musician. This conversation is part one of an exploration of the many layers of meaning of Saturn in Pisces. This is a non-technical astrological talk that explores the metaphysical meanings of Saturn in Pisces from both a non-dualistic lens as well as the Evolutionary Astrology lens. 

Artwork for this podcast is by Lauren O’Connor. Lauren is a tattoo artist, poet, and cofounded The Collision Course with the Cosmic Flesh with Emelia McKay. You can find more from both Lauren & Emelia on IG at:

The Image & The Oracle

#saturninpisces #nonduality #pisces 

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