Possum In Peril Weekly Comics Talk

Possum In Peril ep 8! A very special episode

Possum/Peril Season 1 Episode 7

Possum And Peril are back from the being alive mines to bring you another scandalous, titillating episode of comics talk with the girls!

In this week’s episode, we talk about the crushing gravitational pull of the black hole of transmisogyny in comics; remembering Rachel Pollack and giving trans women their flowers; The Glorious Thousand Year Gay Agenda in Sins Of Sinister and the direction of the X-Line after the fall; Stephen King’s It in the age of 4Chan and darkweb snuff p*rn in World Tree #1; Black gay people and sexual workers at the heart of the history of jazz in Deep Cuts #1; and the first non-Vertigo/Young Animal DP book that really gets the Doom Patrol over in Unstoppable Doom Patrol #2.

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  📍 Hello welcome back to the podcast. My name is Peril. Wait, you're peril. I thought I was peril. You're having a mental episode and I'm actually peril. You need to psychically rip yourself away from the idea that you are me and reconstitute the identity that you had before that. 

Well, I see peril.

I I think this is individualism and I think that's your main problem. See, under, under Astral communism, we are all one comrade. Astral 

Communism. We are all peril. You, you know I'm a libertarian, right? I gotta, I gotta reassess it. This is the Libertarian podcast. Wait, what? Where we believe in less government.

And more G guns. I don't know what libertarians believe. 

I thought libertarians. I mean, I am a libertarian. I thought libertarians believed in like fucking teenagers. 

They, they, okay. You know, I'm not a libertarian anymore. I'm, I'm an astro Navigate tricks or whatever you are. See, 

that's way better. I, I ideally, I ideally like it when my podcast partner don't, are, are not pedophiles.

I think 

that's a good thing. This is an anti pedophile podcast in case you were wondering. Yeah, just to, 

just to clear the air. I know there was a lot of ambiguity, but we are aggressively anti pedophile and an anti-Nazi. I, I cannot believe that would ever need to be said anyways. But anyway. What was your name again?

Pll. You? No, I'm, I'm peril. No, you're peril. I'm per, 

this is, and this is peril and PLL 

Peril and peril.

Weekly comic chat with the astro molecule 

with the girl. The girl 

singular. Of which we are all 

one. We are all one girl. One girl under girl in girl with girl and girl for girl. Mm-hmm. Girl on girl for girl. Yeah. Also 

ice cream. And ice cream. Yeah. Can that be in our political praxis and lesbianism?

Yeah. See 

there are three chemical elements of the universe and it's girl ice cream. And come put 

the three together, baby. 

Oh yeah. That's a scene. Scene together. Yeah. Churn that butter. That's a, that is an in joke for precisely one 

person. I get it. But I know it's not for me. 

It's Oh, right. Tea. Welcome to 

Jarrell and Peril, where we talk about comic books and you know, other things.

We haven't had a podcast in like a hot second. I think it's been like three weeks since we've recorded Yeah. Two, three 

weeks. We 

kind of wanna, yeah, we kinda wanna switch up some things. I guess we'll talk about it. How was, how was, how was your, your week 

Purell? My week was pretty all right. It was, it last three weeks, I guess my last three weeks.

It's been up, down hectic but generally pretty good. I finally cracked into the Rachel Pollock Dtra Omnibus. I'm nearly done with it. 

I, yeah, you're so ahead of me on that. That's 

because I support women. 

Peril. Oh, I, I support women. 

How d do you read their books? They're Doom Patrol, Omni Buy. I'm gonna, I bought it.

Yeah. Well, a lot of people are gonna support women. I 

think that was my first omnibus that I ever bought. Wait, was that really your first omnibus? Yeah, it was the Rachel Pollock doom Patrol. Wow. Like a big hard cover, Marvel fucking omnibus. Yeah. And then I bought Gwenpool, the Gwenpool Omnibus, which is bigger.

Wow. Rachel Pollock 

cracked your or popped your omnibus 

Cherry. Well, you know, the thing is I have maybe 9 million single issue comics and you're, you know, if you, I figure if you buy. The hard cover or the omnibus or the, the, the trade you can, you can start to get rid of that collection and, and live a normal life.


So what else did we do? I mean, oh, you know what happened? Actually, we went to a different comic book shop.

Oh my fucking God. 

We went to Cape and Cow in Oakland. 

Yeah, we went to Cape and Cow in Oakland. And I would just like to start out with saying I'm so jealous. It, like, it was really nice. It was really nice. It was beautiful. Beautiful. Well stocked. They had all this new shit that, like, I've been trying to, like, I've been trying to get the Layla Star hard cover in the store.

I've been trying to get all this other shit in the store. We don't get any of that. They had everything and they had it triple stocked. They had a fucking triple stocked and it wasn't a mess. No, we, they didn't have 25 copies of some goddamn Jim Starlin book that nobody gives a fucking shit about, but like, not the new Star Wars title this week.

For some fucking reason 

it wasn't Florida's ceiling overstock of just like, Five different Golden Age, wonder Woman number twos, that is all covering the escapist. Like there wasn't, 

there wasn't enough volumes of Sandman volume one to like kill an adult human by dropping it on their head. Like a fucking, like loony tune sketch.


Actually one of the better comic books stores I think I've ever been to in my entire life. It's 

so fucking cool in there. The staff is incredibly friendly.

Like they're well, they're like stocked the fuck up. Like they got everything you could ever want. They're right next to Hot Boy's Chicken in Oakland too. So if you wanna stop and get yourself some comics and some goddamn good like spicy chicken, go . Place an order at Hot Boys.

Go over to Cape and Cowell. Yeah. Get your goddamn comics. It's a 

beautiful afternoon. Oh, beautiful afternoon. We, we did that last week. It was glory. It was absolutely glory. I was like, my hands are so greasy from all these fries and chicken, but I need to go into the comic book store and touch everything.

Yeah. And we had, we had to like desperately try not to buy 

things. I ended up buying something, it was a water bottle with Whitney Houston on it, like a Nalgene bottle just covered in Whitney Houston stuff. And I was like, I need this bottle. It's so cute. It's incredibly good. They had so much of everything and like it was just accessible , 

yeah, it's really, so the thing about our stores, it's kind of a double-edged, I don't know if double-edged store is the right word. Maybe it is like where it's like, on one hand we're a very like hole in the wall location and there's certainly a charm to that.

Like there's certainly a charm to like, we are this very. Cluttered location where you can find a lot of things that you wouldn't expect to find. Like stuff that's like at a print or just like we just have, it's like, yeah, have a huge extensive collection. Like people come to us because we have a lot of personality, but we definitely bank on that personality quite a lot.

And we kind of have to, we kind of have to, cuz the store is like just so cramped and crowded and Yeah, working there is kind of just a, a constant game of Tetris, Uhhuh. 

 It's, it's got a lot of history to it thing. It's like, as a bookstore, it's kind of been around since like the seventies not really the comic book section that started in the early 2000, 2000 2011.

2011, right after Comic Relief when not a business. And it's this collection of inventories from other  comic bookstores who that have shut down in the Bay Area. So it's just this really intense inventory and the ordering the people who are doing the ordering at that store.

Like, I'll. Never understand it, but we, we get such wild, wild things in that, in that store that we have to restock. Mm-hmm. And people come in there and they're just like, oh my God, I've never been here. Like, this is an amazing place. And like it's a real experience mm-hmm. To, to go there. I had that experience when I first started going there.

Yeah. It just, it just feels so, like, it's got so much spirit and personality and like everyone who works there is so fun to hang out with and talk to and it's so welcoming. Mm-hmm. And like we, we work really hard to create this environment where it feels good to hang out there and like read comic books and like, talk about stuff and like You know, culturally we, we put a lot into it, but it's, it's, it's struggles in that there's just not enough space for everything.

Mm-hmm. I guess there's not enough space for everything. The consistency of ordering is just not there. Like, we're trying to have a little bit more control and power over, like ordering. Cuz there's a lot of things that I would like to get into the store and sometimes we get all of those things and, but sometimes we just don't.

And the reason why is kind of unclear. It could be any number of, a couple of, a couple of people of like, why we didn't get something, something got missed. So like, we're trying to get a little bit more control of that and to kind of like, pivot on something you said, something we've been kind of talking about recently is that cis people can't read the room at a second grade fucking level.

We put so much like Pearl and I are Pearl and I, and look, we've already docked ourselves. Purell, Purell. Parole. Parole. Parole, oh God. But like, like Pearl and I like put so much into the store. Like our coworkers put so much into the store. We all put so much into this fucking store. And like, we do get some of it back.

Like there are some like parents who are like really, really happy that we like, can show them things. There's a couple of like queer folks who like come in like, we are a destination for like trans femmes and like other queer people to come because they know like the hot trainees work there. But at the same time, we just get misgendered like on a daily basis and we put up a fuck.

We've put up signs. Like we just, it's dizzying. 

It's so dizzying. Yeah. Like we're both just trans women, like in comics and we, we really struggle with being seen. We struggle with getting misgendered likes, you know, a lot of kids come in there with their parents and their parents will be like, ask him what you want child.

And then I'm just like con constantly trying to foster an environment where it's okay to ask questions and it's okay to like, Ask for help and, and it's a fun place to be, but at the same time, I don't know how to create an environment that's not transphobic to me. Yeah. 

Yeah. It's hard. It's hard and it's like, as, as we've talked about off camera, like it can get, so like we, we, we create this environment that is like so friendly and welcoming, but if we push back on our pronouns, even in the most gentle way possible, even with the most gentle corrections we can get painted as hostile so fucking fast.

And it's really, really hard to tell when that's going to happen and when somebody is going to be normal about it. You never really know, especially with Berkeley liberals, like Berkeley liberals especially are, especially with comic book men and Oh comic book men, I barely even like, depending on my mood, like if comic book men are really, really annoying me, then I will fu like, then I will just be like, no, fuck you.

But like, Some of these men, it's like, it's really unclear if they're like one step away from an unhinged like rant and like threatening violence. Like these parents, I like some of them. I like, I, I'm like, okay, I could probably correct you. But those, those people are few and far between. I really don't know with a lot of these people how they're going to react, and I'm sure you feel the same way.

And so it's just kind of just easier to swallow it sometimes than it is to like correct anybody. But which is, which is a so 

self-sacrificial moment for me at least, is like, oh yeah, like not saying anything. Not talking about like how I've just been, you know, he himmed or like absurd or absurd or any of that.

Like I hold it and I move forward and I just try and get through this customer interaction and then they're out the door and I can like breathe again. But it, it's so dizzying. Like the rest of the day I am just like, damn, I can't believe, you know, I'm like, damn. I'm like literally like, Got my cleavage out and I've got like my hair up and my mascara on and I'm just like, damn.

I really just look like a boy to these people. And they really all just think I'm a man. Like, it just fucks with me. Fucks with my head. Yeah. And it 

hurts. It hurts a lot. And like if these were people who were like raving transphobes, it would be a little bit easier cuz it's a little bit easier to tell 'em to go fuck off and eat shit.

But like with these people who you're really not clear if they're like intentionally mis-gendering you or if they're like, if it's just the like cis people can't read at a, at a second grade level kind of thing cuz like cis people just cannot fucking process trans women's existence. And like, it's like I don't, I don't know what to do.

We're both, so obviously women are, at the very least not fucking men. Like we're, yeah. I, I find, 

I think we're both pretty visibly queer and trans. It's just like, Yeah, it's, it gets hard cuz sometimes it'll be like a, a lot of times what happens to me is it's a parent with their child. Yeah. And they're trying to like, create a moment for the child to like, talk about what they want and like ask, ask the nice man what, what you like to read and he'll help you find a book.

And I'm just like, I, I could correct this person right now. But then I become this like, teachable moment. I've actually done this before where I like correct someone in front of their like five year old. And it was so, so uncomfortable. It was like, yeah. It like just kept, he hemming me and I was like, it's, it's, she her, it's like I'm a woman.

Like I, I can't. I can't help you if you're gonna keep calling me a man. Yeah. And he just got right in the face and he kept saying like, really weird things. He's like, oh, but we're all just, we're all just one human though. Really? And he Oh, that kind. He just kept saying all this like weird hippie shit. And a child was just like, dad, what are you doing?

Why do you keep saying we're all one human? I don't under, like, the kid just had no clue what was happening. Yeah. And then I was like, I committed a faux paw. And she was like, what's a faux paw? Like what? And I was just like, I, I hate this interaction so much and I want to run away. Like, I don't wanna be this teachable moment for you.

I don't wanna be a teachable moment for your child. Like, read the goddamn room. Like there are, there have been trans women working in the store the entire time I've been coming in. Same. When I started working there, there was two other trans women working. And I, I think this store has a pretty good tradition of like keeping trans feminine people around.

Yeah. I've definitely worked on that. To like keep the store that way. I think that's a really special thing about it. I think trans women themselves feel safe in our store. Yeah. Cuz we've created this environment for, for us which is always the goal for me to like build queer family, build queer community and, and safety as much as I can.

Cuz there's not much for us out there. And like, on top of that, like, if, if any of these people are just like, obsessed with Fox News or something, or anything NPR or even, it's just like they're getting a lot of propaganda right now about what a trans woman is, what a trans woman does the ways in which we are dangerous.

The ways, you know, all these like intense propaganda moments that tell them that trans women are like this pivotal point of political whatever. 

Yeah. We, it's, it's scary. It's weird. Yeah. We like in the teachable moments thing is kind of the best case scenario for how a lot of these interactions go down.

Cause it's either that. Or parents become hostile and violent or they just don't hear you or care, and then they just keep doing it as if you didn't fucking say anything. Like there's not really a way to win, like nine times outta 10, there's no fucking way to win. Like one out of 10 times somebody will go, oh, I'm sorry.

And then correct it. But one out of 10 is not great odds and you just, you just can't fucking do that forever. 

You it and yeah, it, it grinds on on me. It grinds on me. Like, I would ha I have to do this every single day almost. Yeah. And like correcting someone and like, like literally I've corrected someone and then we talk for like 20 minutes about like transgenderism 1 0 1.

Yeah. And like you can just ask a person's pronoun and like, you can just be really normal with, you know, like, you, I feel like you've been around me when I do this. I like a regular comes in and he's just like, how am I supposed to do pronouns? Like, I don't get it. I'm just like, I guess I'll talk to you cuz you're like this regular, but like, I'm not, Paid enough.

Yeah. To be your teacher on this. But yeah, I guess that is a best case scenario, but it like grinds on my soul daily. Yeah. And like is that it's not a price I'm can pay for working. I don't know working 

any service to this. That's the problem is it's no better anywhere else. In fact, it's slightly better here than you might get in like food service.

Because in food service I was just misgendered on a constant basis. It was, it was just never fucking ending. Like 

I think, I think what's difficult here is we put our heart and soul into this store. Yeah. And we work really hard to create an environment and it doesn't come back to us. Yeah. And that is somehow more painful.


I, I guess, yeah cuz like in food service, like there, there's at least, especially in like, like a McDonald's e situation, but like even really in all food service there's at least a like, We all know what this is and like, I like, I I can be a little bit more Fuck you about it. Yeah. Like it's, it's a little, it's a little easier to just be like, oh my God, customers rolling through, eat shit and die.

Like I, at least that's how I, I got really feral at food service. I, I can't do food service anymore. Like actually, like fried my brain. But like, it's harder when it's these people who are coming in every day who are like, or, or every week who are like regulars, who are people who are like, you actually have some sense of their taste and some sense of like, Who they are.

And like we put so much of ourselves into this. Whereas like with food service, it was just like, we know what the situation is. I don't give a fuck about this. You don't give a fuck about me. Like whatever. Like we're like, this is a hostage situation. This is not service. This is a hostage situation.

Whereas like we are working at the comic book bookstore, working at the comic bookstore, it's like, oh, I actually give a shit about this. We really do put our hearts and souls into this. Like we work really hard to cultivate these spaces and we've kind of, yeah, we've cultivated the, the store as a queer space.

We've cultivated, like helps cultivate this store as like a lot of neighborhood children come in. And that also is part of the terror of like the misgendering situation and correcting people is like, we all know what people say about trans women and kids. It's the same fucking playbook they used on gay men.

It's the same fucking playbook they use on literally any marginalized group. Is that we pray on children is that we pray on children. And that's this 

weird thing that happens at the store. People just drop their children off. Yeah, they just fucking leave. And the kids, the kids just hang out in the manga section usually.

Or in the kids section. They just read books for like sometimes for hours. Yeah. And like we become this strange daycare moment. Yeah. 

And it's like, it's like listeners out there, you know how hostile that can fucking turn if that's painful. Like Yeah. Like it's all, it scares me. It scares me. Yeah. No, when I first started working here, like when parents would come up and want, like, want to, you know, know where things were for their kids or like ask for Rex, I was kind of scared to go back with them because I was like, how are they going to react if I this very visibly, like this very visibly trans woman person, like comes back with their kid to like help show them where a thing is.

Like, am I gonna get like whatever? Like it hasn't happened yet. Thankfully, and I've gotten a lot more comfortable with just like, oh yeah, oh, over here. Like, I, I, that has not happened. This is a hard thing to admit, but I'm just going to do it. I know it's going to happen one day. Like, it just like that, that's just a reality that I have had to accept is that one day there will come a time when a parent is going to flip their shit.

Like it is, it is very likely. I don't wanna say it's certain, but it's likely enough that like, I just have to expect that some parent's gonna get fucking violent one of these, one of these days. Yeah. 

And I, that's reals fuck. Like, I, I feel that like I actually grew up in a, in a daycare. Like my mom ran a daycare outta the house I grew up in and eventually I got old enough to like be an employee of the daycare and like help my mom out.

But, A lot of the parents are like, pretty homophobic. Yeah. And once I started transitioning, like there were points where my mom really needed help, but I was like, mom, like your parents at this daycare, like, don't allow SpongeBob to play in the house because it's too gay. Like, contractually SpongeBob can't play in the house.

Yeah. Like for some of these parents. And I'm just like, I, I can't come be a trans woman and like, help you take care of children. Like, it's, it's too politically charged. I, it scares the fuck outta me. Yeah. You know, and I'm actually really good with kids. I'm so good with kids. Like No, you 

are like, I've, I've watched you with like, I'll just say your family cause I don't, you know, I don't wanna use names or whatever, but like, I've, I've seen you with young, like, like with younger members of your family.

I've seen you with kids that come into the store, like you're incredibly good talking to kids. 

Yeah. It's, I don't know, it's. It's something I grew up around. It's something I know how to do. I know how to take care of kids. I, it's not a skillset I'll ever really be able to do anything with at this point.

Yeah. But yeah, it's just like, it's all these things all at once that make it really hard to work there. And then, I don't know one of my main tactics is like, there was a period of time where I was the only trans woman working there and I immediately called it percep for pip. It's fine for, I immediately called up my good friend possum and I was like, do you, are you looking for a job?

You should come apply at this comic book store because I just needed another, Tea girl in the house. I needed someone who could like see me. I needed someone who I could have solidarity with around like, all the bullshit that I experienced in terms of like experiencing trans misogyny. It's, you know, and I'm so, I'm so glad you're at that store with me.

Like I I we help each other out so much there. Yeah. Just we, we like, we just look out for each other. We make sure the other person's eating. We like, are there when mis like intense misgender drinks happen and like mm-hmm. We cover for each other and like, we stand up for each other and it feels really good.

Yeah. I, I didn't so much, I didn't I love you too. Oh. I didn't expect to really talk about all of this today. Yeah. Wow. We kind of, kind of got this really happened. I, I think we've just, it's been mounting for a long time and like building up within us and like. We just need an outlet to talk about it.

And I guess this is as good as any Yeah, 

and I mean also what's going on nationally, but like, let's not, it can't, let's, let's not get into on 

too much at top of all that, every morning I look at my phone and I see some new fucked up trans legislation across the US and across the world that is just like, so painful to watch and so painful to like, have to be on my feed.

Just like with trans sports, trans people being allowed to exist, trans people allowed to like get access to medical care. Like it's just like across the board, like there's all this really fascist stuff happening to us and it, it makes it hard. It, it's just it's just on top of everything else. It's on top of this mountain of transphobia that we're always experiencing anyways.

Yeah, it's, it seeps into our work life. Yeah, 

it's, it's just constant. So bef you know, at before, before we, you know, continue for another 20 minutes on the subject cuz it is, you know, so deeply painful. I will just say, first of all, be kinder to the trans women in your communities. Be kinder to all trans people, but also be kinder to the trans women in your communities.

And also that includes other trans people. But we won't get into that, that, that's a whole separate thing. And the other thing I will say is that you fascists will die in the streets like the same Nazi dogs before you. Like, there, like there will be no heaven for you fascist fucks. Like you will rot, you will rot in your sewers.

So like, you know, like, you may kill me, you may kill us.  You can try  at the end of the fucking day, your soul is festering out your fucking asshole.  I would  rather die than to just be stuck in this horrible, wretched existence of being a soulless fuck,  feeding on the blood , of trans children and feeding on the pain and misery of everyone around me to, in this weird, like Christo fascist jerk off.

 You can misgender us, but. None of y'all will see heaven and y'all's lives will just be miserable and painful. And we'll never experience a modicum of the joy that either peril or I experience on a daily basis with the, with our communities of loved ones. So, you know, if you're a fascist, consider not doing that or getting got, you can do that yourself actually, if you wanna get, got yourself diy, you know, di iy, if, you can't get someone to kill you, then homemade is fine.

We really, we 

are evil trainees. We 

are, you know what, honestly, good for us. Like, I'm not doing that good trans shit. I'm not being the, I'm not being the fucking good one. I am, I'm a faggot and a pervert, and I will see e every one of these fuckers in hell. So,

So welcome to Possum and Peril, where we talk about how fascists will never be happy. And trans genocide is an ever looming, horrifying specter, but even in the wake of it, we still find happiness and community together. And also sometimes talk about comics. 

Oh yeah, comics. Let's talk about comics. I forgot about that.

I forgot. That was like 25 minute rant. I think. I think we can move on. Yeah, I 

think we should move on. We may or may not. Some of this, we'll figure that out. But it's also important stuff. So I, I, I don't fucking know. Whatever they need to hear it. They do need to hear it. These cis people are fucking wack.

If they can't read, they might as well listen to it

, I really feel like, ugh. Hold on. Pause. 

 Hold on, I'm 

pausing. I gotta go fucking

get a bizarre bag of clothes from Skinner right now. Hello. Okay, we had to take a very quick break, but we're back after the commercial break. I hope you enjoyed all of the ads that people are definitely paying us for. Yeah. 

, we would like to shout out a special sponsor. His name is Skinner.

He gave us a lot of cool shirts and. Leggings and shit with, yeah, 

Skinner just came over randomly and was like, Hey, I have a bag of clothes I'm trying to get rid of. Do you want them? And I was like, yes. 

If you're not familiar with Skinner he's a really fucking cool, like comics and like merch artist, he does a lot of like, you know, that kinda like doom maternal metal, like in terms of like metal with like a lot of like goopy monsters and like ripping flesh and shit.

Yeah. That's his vibe. And it fucking 

rocks. Very psychedelic. It's like psychedelic melting zombie stuff. It's so cool. I've actually been following his art since I was a teenager. I really like it. He's it's really cool to, he, he comes into the store sometimes and we've kind of become friends since then.

Yes. What he's cooking do. Sweet 

fucking dude. So sweet. Incredibly nice guy. Sweet pie. Mm-hmm. He's got a book coming out in, I don't remember what's coming out. What's coming out this year's. Like try Tri Gore Labyrinth. Tri Gore Lab's. Tri Gore Labyrinth coming out through Fantagraphics. So keep your eyes out for that cause if you like sick fucking Yeah, just like metal shred and monster art and shit.

It's really good stuff. Yeah. We have a lot of his 

books at the store. He, he signs most of them. He does some variant covers for ??????Orks and a few other things. 

Yeah, it's a cute children's book, right? ORs? 

It's like young adult, I think. Young adult. Okay. And it's yeah, I have a bunch of signed copies at the store.

Come on out, get 'em, check out Skinner. Good. Good Dude. He is doing a lot of cool work on like, doing the background visuals for like metal concerts and shit. It just like is doing it. I can't wait to go see his like Halloween setup. With Peaches, Christ. Oh, hell yeah. That's gonna 

be cool. Oh hell. Who is, who is Peaches Christ.

Just to, just to cover 

that Peaches. Christ is just an infamous San Francisco drag queen who does a lot of cool horror stuff. I, I've seen billboards of her in the city doing all kinds of bizarre like theatrical plays. Like does an all drag queen. I remember there was one, it was like an all drag queen, gender swapped friends.

I remember seeing a billboard for that. I, you know, like just if in the, in the, in the scene of San Francisco is kind of just one of the, the, the queens 

out here, no one ever told me life was gonna be this gay.

Cool. Yeah. No one ever told me either. Now it's wildly gay, unstoppably gay and I can never go back. Oh yeah. 

No. You got like transformed. You got like forced emed by God. Yeah. What 


fuck? God no. That's kind of hot. God. Are you there? God, it's me for Stephanie Possum. If you could force fem a few more bitches, that would be 


Gucci Force fem 

the world who run the World Force fems, TRAs. I 

. So what are we gonna talk about today? In terms 

of what we have want? Okay. Well actually the only other thing, thing I wanted to talk about actually was That me and Possum kind of want to try and do a different format for the podcast. Mm-hmm. Where we focus on maybe one thing that we've both read and we do deeper dives on just 

one thing.

Just one thing, just keep it focused. We're talking about doing that with something is killing the children up to and including House of Slaughter as well which we've both read all of something and Book of Slaughter and Book of Slaughter, read books. I've read Book of Slaughter. I also have not read Book of Slaughter.

We're also going to be doing this for Rachel Pollock's Doom Patrol. I'm actually just about done with it. Payroll hasn't, doesn't support women. I'm like, 

50 ish pages in, it's out of like 700. I know. It's a whole omnibus. Omnibus are 

intimidating. It is intimidating. It took, it took me months to actually crack that open.

Cause it was intimidating, but, and 

you're not even done with it yet. And I You've been reading it for like three weeks now. Yeah, 

, I've taken some, some pauses in it. It's very good. I, again, I don't wanna spoil anything. We will do a deep dive on this. It's fucking great. It stands up there with the best of, of the Doom Patrol runs Rachel Pollock goaded forever.

Also Macy Rest in Peace. The last note I'll also say about that was that DC was supposed to put this out in 2017 and then they didn't, and then they put this out in 2022, you know, only a few months before she died. So I would like to, Shout out DC for eventually fucking doing the right thing. But also this is the first time her run has ever been collected.

And it was only collected right before she fucking died. I'm glad she got to see it. I'm glad she got to have her work in print and I'm glad that we've sold that motherfucker outta the store. That's like our best selling omnibus. You've sold so many. We've sold so many. But also DC like, I see you. I see what you're doing.

Like what do you like? What do you mean? Like you, you never collected this un until It's just this omnibus edition o only a few months before she died. Like, fuck off. She's so 

important to comic books. She is like, as far as I can tell, the first openly trans woman writing comics for like Yeah. One, at least one of the The big two.

The big two. Yeah. 

She ver vertigo. She all, she's a bunch 

of, she's created the first trans characters. First trans superhero. Yeah. In the DC universe. Like these are monumental like accomplishments. Like we should have been celebrating her and like giving her roses like. When it's like women in comics, like mm-hmm.

When they do their like, women's, you know, month or like, they're like DC Pride, like, 

and they never gave her shit. They never gave her shit. The only, the only person I've seen actually give her her flowers is Chris Conroy, who's an editor over at dc. He does a bunch of like the Sandman Universe stuff. He does a bunch of like black label stuff.

He did, I saw him shouting out her on Facebook where he was talking about like, if you liked Vertigo, she's partially responsible for this. Like, people give, like Morrison all the credit and like Morrison is a big part of that. Moore is a big part of that. But like Rachel Po, like, he was basically saying correctly that Rachel Pollock like, Push the fucking bounds of how weird a Vertigo book can be.

She pushed the bounds to allow like a lot of like vertigo favorites to exist. A lot of vertigo favorites don't really exist or would not have had a space without her. She's just as fucking important as Neil Gaiman. She is just as fucking important as Graham Morrison. Like, my gosh. You, you don't see 

any memorials to her at all in any of the books?

Like, no. A lot of times when an artist or a writer in the comic book world, like passes away, like you'll see like in memorial sort of pages throughout a lot of the, the books coming out. And I haven't seen anything for her. No. When, you know, when the guy who voiced Batman passed away? Chris Conroy.

Yeah. When Chris Conroy died, like there was all kinds of memorials for him. Like a lot of people were talking about it and Rachel Pollock passing away wasn't  a sudden thing it was happening kind of slowly and the week we all kind of knew it was coming Yeah. Is you, you know, she passed away over a period of like years.

It was, it was like three, four years. Yeah. Like we, we knew it was coming, like it was something we were prepared for and still there's just nothing. 

Some of the only people I've seen talking about it were Chris Conroy. I saw Neil Gaiman, like Neil Gaiman's friends with her. , he was talking about it there, there was a couple like trans women, , or just  women writers.

I don't, I don't know if they're actually trans women or not, but like writers who were, who did some retrospectives on her, but they were just like independent, comics, critics and such.  The medium at large didn't say shit. And 

this is why we want to say some shit. Yeah.  , part of why we made this podcast is we want to talk about people like Rachel Pollock who aren't.

Really  being celebrated in comics when really they are monuments,  pillars of  modern day comics is,

yeah, no, there's gonna be fucking, there's gonna be fucking memorials for you know, and not to like, not, not to diminish the, the humanity of any of these men or anything.

, they're guys, , they deserve to be remembered when they die, , we're gonna get retrospectives about fucking like Scott Lde and Brian Azzarello and shit. , whenever they pass, like they're, gonna get their fucking pages or whatever. And even,  like crusty, like nasty motherfuckers like Frank Miller or , God help us all.

Dave Sim are gonna get like, oh no. Oh, Dave Sim. Oh, Dave SIM's gonna get memorialized so hard. No, it's going to be like the worst week on comics. Twitter. I hate that comics. Twitter's gonna be like, it's gonna be like Henry Kissinger dying. Like, so when, when, when Dave Sim dies, we're gonna have like one good day.

We're like, everybody's like really hype on Dave Sim dying. And then the worst people in the world are gonna be like, you can't celebrate Dave Sim dying. And then we're gonna get a bunch of Dave Sim memorials or whatever. And a bunch of people are like, you can disagree with his politics, but Dave Sim was a monument.

A monument to what? He drew a cartoon aardvark like, come on. Like, , like fucking Jeff Smith  did the same shtick, but he wasn't a weirdo racist. Like Jeff Smith was just like, I'm just writing my little bone books. And you know what? They're dope. Like people are gonna remember Jeff Smith, but we're gonna have the most annoying people in the world remembering fucking, like remembering Dave Sim because he knew how to.

Steal Gustav door paintings and put them in the background of his art. Shitty aardvark comic. Mm-hmm. Man really likes Gustav dor. And you know what, that's the first piece of taste. I'll, I'll give him Gustav DOR does kind of fucking rock actually. But anyway, let's, let's look, let's like actually talk about comics.

I'm gonna 

take a quick break actually cuz I have to do something in the bathroom. 

Wow. Can I join you just to make sure you don't get lost. 

We're in my house.

All right, we are back. I hope that the advertisers were very poignant to your interests and what you like to buy. 

Yeah. Since, behind the bastards had to drop the Blue Apron Child Hunting Island ads, we have decided to pick them back up. And to be clear, it's about like, it's more Lord of the Flies, you know?

It's about like eating cannibalism. Also Ronald Reagan coins. I'm just stealing behind the bastards bits. I I'm gonna stop. Okay. 

All right. Nito bomb. The Great 

Lakes bomb. The good. Yeah. Nuke The Great Lakes. We're just, we're just ri riding the wave of success. Yeah. From behind the Bastards because we know they hire trans women over at Cool Zone Media, like a bunch of them are trans femes, so, Ew.

What the fuck? We just did that whole segment, bitch. I don't, everyone else gets to be 

transphobic. I don't 

get to be transphobic. Oh, are we, are we doing, like are we doing, are we doing transphobia to each 

other? Well no, that wouldn't be respectable. Yeah. 

And we are at first and foremost respectable trans women.

We marry cis men. We get the uterus surgery, the uterus surgery, that thing where we, where we get three uteruses three so we can have as many kids as we want. Yeah. We keep 'em in little pouches, like a possums. Okay. We are, this is definitely how birth works. 

We are moving on. We are moving on. New subject.

Okay. I wanted to talk about the sins of sinister event. Mm-hmm. In X-Men, which just wrapped up on Wednesday with the release of sins of Sinister dominion. Mm-hmm. I read Dominion yesterday cuz it came out yesterday and. I am reeling and I need someone to talk to about it. I cannot 

wait to hear your thoughts on, on, on shims of 


We, we can, we can sort of walk through what happened in night, crawlers and Moral X-Men and storm in the brotherhoodhood of mutants and the ways that it like coalesced into sins of sinister dominion a bit. And that's what I wanna talk about. 

And what I wanna talk about is I'm gonna talk about we're gonna talk about World Tree the new James Tiny in Horror book because we are tiny in stands around here.

And the new and the new one as expected fucking bangs. So we're gonna talk about that. We're gonna talk about the new doom Patrol series coming out of DC regular right now. And I'm finding myself unexpectedly, like, kind of digging it quite a bit more than I, more than I expected to. It's not, it's no Rachel Pollock.

But it's still really good. As well as a little book called Deep Cuts, which is coming out, actually just came out this week. It's gonna be an a jazz anthology. I don't know if it's gonna be a continuous story or if it's going to be separate stories within the world of jazz. I don't know how much of it is like, based on specific real people or if it's just kind of like fictional characters and specific time periods that were like instrumental in the formation of jazz.

But it fucking rips. I really liked it. I was already excited about it, but I, I'm, I'm definitely gonna be subscribing to it now cause it's very good. So that's, that's mainly, 

yeah. I'm gonna have to subscribe to it too. It looks really good. It's a lot. And I liked the art. I liked the art. In the first one you said it's gonna be different artists.

Different artists. Everyone. Yeah. Ju Bas going to do an issue. Okay. Toby Cypress is gonna do an issue both excellent, excellent artists. And yeah, the, okay. Yeah. We'll, we'll, we'll, we'll get into that in a minute. So where do we wanna start? Do we wanna start with maybe, 

well, I honestly, at this point, I kind of just wanna touch on everything because we've kind of been recording for a while now.

Mm-hmm. So, yeah, I'm just kind of gonna walk us through sins, the sinister a bit. Let's start there and then, yeah. 

And then we'll touch all the other bases. But yeah, let's start with, let's, let's start with sins of sinister. I want to hear your takes on sins of sinister. I want to hear your perspectives cuz I've, okay.

My thing is, like, I'm not currently reading X-Men, but I get a bunch of the low down from peril and also I check in a lot of the books. So I've been checking in all of the, the sins of sinister books for sale. And I've been flipping through them and reading through them. So I, I haven't like officially read the whole thing, but I've read big pieces of it and so I have some, some basis for it.

Did you read. 

The, the very first thing in the sins of sinister arc is actually book called Sins of Sinister number one. Mm-hmm. I got the Emma Frost variant because holy cow, she looks hot as fuck on this cover. Yeah. 

I'm not a big art germ bitch, but like art germ. Got it. Fucking You don't like art germ?

I like art. Germ is fine. Art germs. So good art germ. Look at this. No. Okay. No, that's what I'm saying though, is that I'm not a hu I like, I enjoy art germ fine. I'm not usually a huge art germ person. Like, I enjoy what they do. However, that Emma Frost cover is extraordinarily hot. Like, it's, it's so good.

It's so fucking good. 

Anyways, you, did you read 

this one? I, I flip. Oh, you kind of flipped through it. I kind of flipped through most of 'em. This, this 

created such a buzz when it came out. Like a lot of people were talking about it. It's basically well, I mean, if you haven't read. House and powers of X, that's where you really need to start.

If you want to get in a sense of sinister it, it's sort of like lays the foundation. And even on the first page, it's a huge reference to house and Powers of X where they start to describe the not cloning, but the resurrection, the resurrection eggs, and the way that that works. Mm-hmm. Which is ki kind of complicated to describe, but it takes five different mutants with five specific power sets to be able to create resurrections.

And in, in sins of sinister, he has hacked that by turning one of them into a sinister version of himself that is implanting his own d n a into everyone who's being resurrected and basically taking over Kra koa. By creating these sinister versions of himself. And when they come out sinister, they have the red diamond on their forehead.

Just like Mr. Sinister. 

Yeah. He slips sinister into the water supply to make all the fricking crack Owens 

gay. Yeah, that's really a good way to boil it down. This is really funny scene, right when it opens, when he's like getting people outta the eggs and he's just gailey just with his big cape on. And he says to me, my mes 


In, in reference to the, the o one of the opening pages of House of X, powers of X where Charles Xavier does his, his iconic to me, my X-Men, while the naked people are crawling out of their birthing paws. It's a really great scene. And then, yeah, sinister says to me, my mes another thing I'll throw out there, cause I think it's gonna be foundational for people to understand, there's a mutant named Moira McTaggart and her whole thing is that when she dies, the universe resets.

To her birth. To her birth. However, sinister has kind of. Made some clones of her and figured out how to hack her power set with these clones so that he can make artificial save points. Like he's making human save points. Mm-hmm. 

More or less so because she's cloned. When she dies, she goes back to the point in which she started existing as a clone, not to the point of being a baby.

Mm-hmm. So, and he's, he keeps them in these pods and yeah, if he kills one of them, he's able to hack it so that he gets all that information that she accrued during her life. And when the universe was reset and in this, what happens is he starts doing his thing and he, he does these like experimental universes.

We'll hear, he'll just like genetically fuck up the planet and like do a reset back to before and like collect the data. From that. However, in this one, he starts fucking everything up and he makes everyone send us to rise. And he's going ham, and he's just doing some kind of wild ass experiment. And he loses the Moira's like someone stole the lab and then he's stuck in this, this like experimental universe.

He didn't mean to keep going. And the way that the sins of sinister event is structured is there is the sins of sinister number one book, and then it gets split off into three different things. It gets split off into night crawlers the Immoral X-Men and Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants. Each one is a continuation of different X-Men books that are coming out.

So Immoral X-Men is kind of a continuation of 

yeah, immortal X-Men, right? Immortal 

X-Men, which is kind of the Kieran Gillen run. And then Night Crawlers is a continuation of like the way of x. Sort of run, which is written by Cper fan, 

a friend of the pod Seia, 

big, big friend of the pod.

And then storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants, which is a continuation of kind of Ewing's sort of X-Men red series. And they all kind of split off and like Storm in the Brotherhood of Mutants. One is like 10 years into the Sinis, the sinister verse. Mm-hmm. And then like night crawlers, one is 10 years in and they're all kind of following different sects.

Storm is like a, like a strange sort of like rebellious group. Mm-hmm. I think In Storm actually winds up with Dominion over the Moira for the most part. And she she uses kind of her rag tag group of Rebels to  commandeer everything and like try and take care of everything she believes in, not resetting the universe.

So it's just like there's too many, like we can't reset a universe. We're already 10 years in, we're already a hundred years in, and eventually they go to a thousand years, which is kind of structured after House of Powers of X. Yeah. Which takes you from 10 years in, a hundred years. In a thousand years in they do the same thing with these.

We actually go a thousand years into this wild, sinister verse. And yeah, this wild things happen in these like in in storm, like they take the bones of a dead crack koa and they turn it into a spaceship. Oh, that's sick. 

Oh, easily. 

And they're like, they're like flying through space in like the bones of oa.

It's so, it's so, so, so, so, so, so, so cool. A big part of sins sinister actually has to do with destiny, mystiques, lesbian marriage. Mm-hmm. Where they're gay together. Destiny has in destiny of X, when you're reading those books like One through 10 Destiny of X I think in like Destiny of X three or four, she has this vision where she understands that like in order for Mystique to keep living, like it's not gonna be on this Crack Owen timeline.

Mm-hmm. You know, she, and that's All Destiny Ever Wants, is just a half her fucking wife with her. It's all she's ever wanted. And so she starts like figuring some other shit out so that she can be in a timeline where mystique lives longer. And she, in the sins of sinister event, she discovers that this is the longest mystique will ever live, is in the sins of sinister event.

And so she kind of starts teaming up with, not with Mr. Sinister, but Mr. Sinister actually gets taken into four different people. 

Yeah, he gets, he gets splintered off. So like, instead of being like, it's suited like cards, right? So there's like, yeah, the sinister of diamonds, the sinister of hearts, like, I don't think it's exactly called that, but the 

lore on that is that there was a, an original sinister and that none of them are the original sinister, but that, that sinister wanted to God.

Where is that? Is that in the storm, in the Brotherhood of Mutants book? Basically that sinister wanted to, oh, I think it's in Night Crawlers three. I don't think I have that on me. That sinister basically figured out that like the world's gonna be overtaken by ai and which is kind of like what everyone's always realizing in the X-Men is that like, robots are gonna fucking kill them.

Like the sentinels are gonna kill them, Nimrod's gonna kill them. And the original Es es Nathaniel Essex, Mr. Sinister realizes that, and he creates four clones all. Who are like the diamond, the club, the heart and the spade, right? Yeah. Spade Spade. And yeah, that's kind of what they discover in this, that they're all like these four and they all have different paths.

Like Nathaniel's, like this fucked up geneticist mother Righteous, who is the sinister of hearts is like this deep wizard magician woman. And like, that's her path. And then there's a spade who is like a, I think he's like a strange science man. And then it's like a techno wizard almost. He's like a strange yeah.

Techno wizard. And anyways, they all have these different paths and oh God, am I explaining this right? I feel like I'm just like nerd ranting at everybody. 

No, I love your nerd ranting. And I think that's the reason we have a 

podcast. Yes. It's, yeah. Anyways, it's all been culminating through Storm Night Crawler.

And immoral X-Men. My favorite, I think is Storm, but it's really hard to choose because the night crawler ones are really good. The night crawler ones actually follow a kymera, which is when they combine genetically two different mutants. It follows mostly this woman who's like a night crawler wolverine.

And they, her name's Wagner Rain, and she's fucking hot. Oh yeah. She has a baby in the very first night crawlers. Mm-hmm. And the baby is like golden. Yeah. Did 

they, they ever explain that? Well, 

like, yeah. It, it kind of wraps back around, I think in send the sinister dominion and as soon as she gives birth to the baby, the baby is a type of night crawler and it, it bas away.

Mm-hmm. Like it already can ba and it. Go somewhere else and no one knows where it went. And it, she just gave birth to this baby that like teleported away. Hell yeah. It's like fucking tragic. And the horror, she goes on for a thousand years looking for this baby. It winds up in the care of Mother Righteous who has been cloning.

She basically takes all the night crawlers and she turns them into a cult and she keeps them alive for way too long and uses them to steal artifacts of magical power throughout the universe so that she can basically send all the information she's had for over a thousand years back with one of the Moira's back to the starting line.

And she'll have all that information magically while Mr. Sinister himself trying to do it scientifically. Mm-hmm. Anyways. 

No, that's fucking sick. I, yeah, I really like, like Spurrier, Gillon and Ewing are both, are all three of them really a perfect fit for, it's such a cool team. It's a great team.

Like they all work really well and like from what I've read, Really in sync together. They have a lot of, if you've read other of their books, like a lot of similar sensibilities, but also diverging ones that  are very complimentary to each other while also being just divergent enough to , , the differences can kind of  interlock really well together to make them just like even more complimentary to be honest.

There's, they're just a really good creative team. They're really good individually. They're really good together. I, I think this is a really high peak 

for like, crossover events. It was a good, good crossover and it's fun cuz it's a crossover between all the different books that are happening right now, which is kind of like, it's all like in the family, you know, like that's something I really like about this event.

I wanna talk about what happens at the end. So if you're listening to this and you're like reading this and you don't wanna know what the end is like, skip ahead like five minutes or some shit. So basically at the very end of the sins of sinner, sinister dominion, we find out, I mean, we kinda already knew, but we find out that Mr.

Sinisters main goal has to been to basically achieve godhood. He wants to collect really all information, download all mutants into his body, and become a God, and become what he calls a dominion, which is something that's described in house and powers of X a lot as something that has so much information that it rises above to become like a larger God type figure.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's real Godhead shit. Yeah. So in this book, he actually achieves it. He actually achieves it. He does this thing where he, yeah, basically devours all the mutants. . The way he describes it, he says I. , when they tore control away from me, they meddled with my top level work, but the infrastructure remains.

My psychic inferno fail safe controls of which are here. It will kill every single mutant person in the universe with my modified X gene and used them as fuel. And then he's working with Moyer herself at this point, and he says, come on Moira, don't look horrified. We were going to wipe this dimension anyways, one final atrocity before last call.

And then you just see every mutant ever just burning. And he's basically in a way devouring them. And he ascends into this godhood. And when he starts to ascend, he notices that there's already this sort of giant red god that is blocking him from godhood. 

Yeah. He basically like loony tune splats. Like when, when Wiley Coyote puts up the.

The painted wall or whatever, and then he tries to run into it and he like splats against his own mural. 

And this God like speaks to him. It says, I am the being that is harvesting the power you stole as whatever is yours is mine now. I am a being infinite knowledge and perspective. I could tell you everything.

Instead, I share a single fact. 

Who am I? Not you. Oh yeah, not you. Damn. That's a, that's a hard line. So he basically 

discovers that everything he's been working towards for a thousand years will never come to fruition. And that it's very possible that this timeline has happened a few times and someone already achieved the dominion and he'll always be too late 

for it.

And we don't know who that is yet. I think it's a different hym, however, think it's a different h i. It's also 

like so red. It makes me think it might be like, the Scarlet Queen, what's 

her fucking name?. Oh, oh, Scarlet Witch. Scarlet Witch. Yeah. Sorry. That would be Scarlet Witch. That would be fascinating if it was Scarlet Witch because of like, the thing people remember about Scarlet Witch is no more mutants from from House of M, which is, it's a whole thing. So much has happened since then.

People, yeah, so much has happened since then. But it would be very interesting. It'll also be very interesting if it was Moira Muira would be interesting if, I mean, she has 

a lot of power in this.  She starts to take back her power near the end of it.

Seemingly. She defeats mother righteous. She steals mother righteous like virus power sucks her into a still beating heart and they all go back a thousand years. I think my. Dies or kills one of her own clones or something, and they all go back a thousand years.

Moira has all that information. She uploads it to the sinister from the past to make him suffer and teaches sinister that he will never create a godhood for himself and basically kills him spiritually in the thousand years in the past. Which I think stops all of this from ever happening 


Yeah. She basically sends out an information bomb into his brain that says, you're a dork ass bitch and you will never achieve any of the things you want to tual Lou. Like, here's a thousand years of information about why you're a failure. Yeah. It's just such a cunty moment. I love it. It's like 

deep pain.

It's like you, like his soul is dead and mother righteous makes it back with a lot of the information as well. And there's this character who we've all, if you've been reading X-Men since House and Powers of X, there is a character who basically gets created in the sins of sinister timeline. Her name is Rasputin four.

She is the first chimera that Sinisters ever created who has a five mutant power set. So, oh, she's like part magic part Colossus I think she's maybe part cyak, I forget, but she's five different things. She's very hot, she's very powerful, and we've all been, we're all very excited to see her.

Finally, Enterra coa, she goes, she's able to escape. She takes the sinister from a thousand years later, she brings him back, presents him to the quiet counsel, and the quiet counsel discovers that they all may or may not have sinister jeans in them. And they're scared of recreating this timeline. Mother Righteous has all the information.

She lays it out and she tells. The entire quiet counsel that he has been slowly putting Sinisters d n a in everybody who's been resurrecting. She lays it out. She completely lays it out to all of them. They're all freaked out that this is possible. And they're s they don't, they don't know what to think and they, they need to take time to understand if they have sinister d n a in them.

And Mother Righteous creates this whole plan with them. Which here I'll do, I'm just gonna show you the last page. It, it turns into everybody going into the pit except 

for like Storm. Yeah, cuz Storm has never died. And so thus Storm could not have the, the sinister jeans like kind of slipped into her.

So, so 

to speak. At the very end of all of this hope Exodus, Emma Frost, and Professor X are all put into the pit with sinister. So there's like no quiet counsel now. And this is going into the fall of X, 

which is coming out soon. Oh, fall of X will be interesting. Friend of the pod Dennis Camp's gonna be writing a children of the Vault book.

Like we're getting uncanny Spider-Man, which is Kurt Wagner, aka Night Crawler being fucking Spider-Man. I'm ready for that. I cannot wait. So that actually is a character in the night 


books. Oh, there is a Spiderman. That's where that comes from. I wonder 

if they're pulling that character or if they're doing a 

new one.

It's unclear. Yeah. I I, some of the solicits I've seen have intentionally kind of been vague on like, is this Wagner? Why is he doing this? What, what, what's going on here? Like, it's, it's been intentionally vague. On 

the very last page, it talks about how the sins are continuing. So storm's gonna keep going in X-Men Red X-Men red number 11 in the Follow The Quiet Council in Immortal X-Men number 11.

And then there's a new book called The Sons of X. And that's where we're gonna follow night crawler. And it's all leading into possibly fall of KRA koa and we've been in the KRA KOA in era since 2019, and I think we might be like moving into a new era after sins of sinister, and I'm actually really interested to see where these creators like take everything because we have been like on KRA KOA for a while that is like the status quo, not only for X-men, but for a lot of stuff in the Marvel universe.

Mm-hmm. A lot of stuff in the Marvel universe happens in and around OA and about oa. Like it's created so much fodder for writers. 

Yeah, it's, I, I'm like hopeful about it because like all the creator, like ba, almost all the creators on the Xbox right now are just like doing some fucking great work and I wanna see what they continue to do.

I really hope Marvel as like a publishing house does not take the, like, I hope what this is is creators being like, we have been in this era for a while. We need to transition, shake it up and then like continue doing the cool shit we're doing. I hope this isn't Marvel Clearing House because like for the first time in a long time, like the Xbox are really tight.

Like the Xboxs have been tight for years. Like now, like the books have been like really interesting and dynamic and like really fucking cool in a way that they haven't consistently been like, I feel like in their history and I don't, I don't say this to knock the X-Men cause I really like a lot of X-Men books, but.

I, you, you see this with a lot of books that, like a lot of the big companies push out is like, they get like these char, these big character defining runs on it. And then they just, and then the publishing just don't know what to do with, with their titles after that. Like after Immortal Hulk, like you kind of got like whatever Donnie Kates is doing, but like he's not even really on the book anymore.

And then like David propose is coming on it I think, or some somebody's coming on it. But like Hulk hasn't had like a really strong identity since like Ewing left a Mortal Hulk. Like you see that with like bat this happens with Batman all the time. Like you get it like a character defining run, whether you like it or not, and then nobody quite knows what to do with it.

Like, And, and it kind of just like flounders, or even if it's like doing good or interesting things like, like the studios just like don't quite, there's not like a strong direction, which seemed to be part of the problem with Tiny Ends Run is that Tiny n is a really strong creator. But like, I didn't see like the, there wasn't like a, as far as I could tell, like a really strong vision for the book.

It was strong writing. Cause Tiny's a good writer, but like there wasn't a strong vision. Yeah. I 


with Hickman's Run on X-Men Yeah. That is one of the strongest visions and directions that X the X-Men. And any comic like superhero book right now has been like thrust into, and it created fuel for so much different writing and so many different books for years.

Once Hickman got off of it, like yeah, I think a lot of people, a lot of readers dropped off. Mm-hmm. Cause they're all Hickman fans who isn't. Yeah. And then. All these other writers are trying to like, hold onto it and like figure out what to do with it. Not everyone really knows, like, there's, so, there's, so there are like 20 x books happening mm-hmm.

At any given moment lately. It's impossible to keep up with. 

Yeah. , and that is the other thing, 

 Publishing houses don't quite understand what to, to do with all of it all the time. , no one's gonna stay on X-Men forever. No one's gonna stay on Doom Patrol forever.

  It's constantly getting passed on mm-hmm. You have these , iconic,  I immortal Hulk run and then, whoever adopts it after that. 

And really, it's been mainly honestly like Ewing, Gillon and Spurry are  really, like, for the most part, like other writers too.

Like Ja or Charlie Jane Anders has been doing some good work over Lincoln 

Vila and Tina Howard are also Oh, you're, but they're star, they're, they're books. All seemed to be  on the side of everything, you know? Yeah. , none of it seems to be Cannon or whatever. None. It's all just , these things you don't have to read to really , understand the,  main stories.

 It didn't used to be like that.  Teeny Howard and Jonathan Hickman wrote the fuck out of X of Swords. Ex of Swords is probably my favorite comic book event that's ever happened. Mm-hmm. That I've read at least. And I, I don't know. Now Timi Howard is on Captain Britain and  with the Knights of X, even , I, I don't know, those are so on the, on the edge, on the side and New Mutants, it's just  on the edge, it's on the side, and that's where all the like cool women are.

That's where all the  homosexuals are , yeah, Charlie Jane Anders is writing New Mutants now, and it's  filled with trans people and like cool stuff , It's so treated like it's not in the main 

thing. Yeah. And  as much as I've shouted out our boys Ewing and, and Spurrier here, it is kind of notable that , what's really,  the people driving the main X-men, , the, the center of  the X verse right now are   men that I really like and men who are doing really good things, and men who consistently write  queer characters.

 You see this with, with Eew Wing and Spurrier particularly, and Gillon too, like have all written  trans characters,  write queer characters pretty frequently. But it is still pretty notable that  women and non-binary people in, in, in Vita's case and Alyssa Wong over on, on Deadpool,  are kind of a little bit more off to the side and it feels , 

Like, yeah, I, I'm, I'm curious to see what the future of the X-Men holds, like the KRAK and ERA can't last forever as much as I, I think it's the strongest the X-Men have ever been, and I include that even over, you know, a huge Grant Morrison person, but like, What Hickman and everyone who collaborated on the X Xbox did was simply extraordinary.

 It's something that I, I don't think a whole lot of other superhero comics have ever pulled off, and not even quite to this degree. , this is , honestly maybe even more foundational than , I don't know what Morrison did on Batman or , it's, it's, it's incredibly influential and I'm curious to see what will be done.

I, I hope Marvel just keeps putting really talented people on these books. Mm-hmm. And keeping a consistent vision, cuz I don't, I don't wanna see the X-Men titles return to a kind of period where just Marvel had no fucking idea what to do with them. And , threw Jeff Lair at the wall, threw Jason Aaron at the wall, like threw all these like, pretty good writers at the wall who just didn't really know what to do with, with any of this.

 Even my boy Matt Fraction , it's, it's so much to keep up with. It's so much to keep up with. I try to keep up with it. I don't know how you fucking do, I just, I just read it as it comes out. 

Just kinda read it as it comes out. I don't read a lot of back issues. I don't read a lot of, like, the stuff that happened in the past.

I, I try to say in the present with it. Quick shout out to Mr. Laal who also wrote Save Your Tooth, which is a 

pretty amazing series. Oh yeah. Victor Laval. Yeah. And then whoever's Brian Hill, I think is doing Bishop right now. Oh, is that Brian Hill? I think that's Brian Hill. Amazing series. Yeah, you should, you should totally check that one.

I, I haven't read 

number three, but it is chock full of like really memeable panels that have been 

all over Twitter. Shout out, shout out to the all of the X-Men in, cuz in the Bishop universe, they're like all black and they get to look inside bishop's mind and see like, The white X-men, the, the universe in which like the main universe where all the X-men are white and sinister, turns to Emma Frost and goes like, bitch, you were white.

It's an amazing panel. It's so funny. Oh, 

people have been sharing it. It's pretty amazing. God, this 

girl I follow, shared that panel and I like lost it. It's good. 

Okay. I, I, that was all a real nutshell of what goes on in the sense of sinister. Like, I really think you should read it.  If you're familiar with the Crack Cohen era and who Moira is and who Mr.

Sinister is, like, go in, , it's such a fun story that  spans just everything you want to touch on. , , I didn't really get into ax Avengers, X-Men eternals. It, it was all right. I Miss Magni Magno died in that run and hasn't come back yet.

Ooh, I need my Magni 

back. Bring my 

boy back. But other than that, It's a really, really good event. I think it'll be a much easier thing to read when it comes out in trade. Mm-hmm. Especially if they just like keep it, 

keep it all in a row. I will be picking it up because you have to, you have to read 

 Storm of the Brotherhood, mutants number one, then Night Crawlers number one, then Immoral Xmen, number one, and then number twos of all of those, and then the number threes of all of those.

And then Dominion. So if they could just like, make a trade that like, has everything in order, that'd be, that'd be really good. 

Yeah. I think they probably will hope God, God, you know, hopefully. But I will be picking up that trade. It's I need to reread House and Powers back. Cause I read that when it came out.

I loved it. I, I thought it was so fucking incredible. I, I will be rereading that. I will be picking up sins of sinister. There's a couple like ex books that I do want to, like, I want to dive into like New Mutants when Hickman and Vita Alio were on it, like, I mean, you know, Ali is still, I think we have all those in the store.

We do. We 

have a bunch of 'em needs one through 

four. We at least have one, four, and two. I think we may or may not have three. I have to 

check. But new is where all the weird gays are, honestly. Like it, it needs more appreciation. 

Yeah. And also last thing, last thing, but like X writers, if you're out there bring my boy Phantom X back and by bring Phantom X back, I mean, let me write my Phantom X Mppr book.

I swear to God I will do this for basically free. I like, let me write Phantom X please. Phantom X is my sweet baby boy. Please let me do this. Please let me write him. I think please let me write Ava the fucking his, his, his. You should write it. Just write it, send it in. I honestly might. Like do it, like do it as like a Phantom X Max series, cuz they already did a Phantom X Max series back in the 


Just write it and if they don't want it, I'll illustrate it for you and we'll change the names. So I make everything the same. 

Oh yeah. We'll, we'll, we'll pull a, we'll pull a Michael Fife doing copper where he is like, no, no, no, this isn't Suicide Squad, this is dead shoot. Like yeah, he basically, he does just copy the dead shot, like classic design.

It's so funny. I mean that's kinda what damn them all is. Yeah. Damn them all is also kind of a, like, this is not Hellblazer, but Well, okay. Hellblazer does enough different things like, it, it does just enough different things to not technically just be a Hellblazer clone. Like it does its own things.

However, like, and Copper kind of does too, but Copper like, does just straight up use the fucking like, character designs of like dead shot and like Dr. Strange, basically like it's, it's really funny how much Michael Fife was just like, Change like a single letter and then, you know, yeah, we, we could make Phantom Max, but it'll be spelled phantom 


P a p h a like phantom with 

a pH. Ooh, I kind of like 

that. And then, yeah, sex or phantom sex. Phantom sex. Then there. 

Wow. Who among us, you know, sometimes you just go ghost. All right, 

let's move on. You weird slut. What 

do you wanna talk about next? Okay, let's, let's talk about World Tree cuz we'll do that one.

We'll do that one kind of quick. Cause we don't have a ton of information on this book yet cuz it's just the first issue. Ooh, world tree. The 

new tiny in book new tiny in book. A new number one 

from Tiny In Image, right? Image. Yeah. So quick one. I love an image. Number one. Me too Quick one sentence pitch is, it's basically Stephen King's it.

If the clown was sentient snuff porn with her whole pussy out, she's just like pussy out almost the entire book. And I know like, The most annoying second wave feminists are gonna be like, up in arms about that. , it does  feel like it's part of the point because I did ask myself that too.

I was like, why is her whole pussy out the entire time?   It's not a thing tiny and would do without reason. And it feels, it, it does the gratuity, it feels gratuitous. It feels gratuitous, but it feels very intentionally gratuitous. I mean, it's pornographic almost.

It's, yeah, it's fetishy. It's very fetishy, which makes sense. If she is sentient snuff porn. I don't actually know that she's sentient snuff porn. It's probably actually a little bit more complicated and nuanced than that. But she's basically sentient snuff porn. She's more or less like  an avatar  of this thing called the world tree, or, , the foundation of the under net, which we don't know much about it yet, but it was, it's.

For, honestly, it seems like a dark web kind of thing. , some tech people accidentally found it back in , the early two thousands. They had to kill it in a very, like Stephen King's I kind of way. But now it's coming back and it comes back as this guy's brother they're going to go visit the, it's this straight couple, right?

And they're going to go visit the guy's family or whatever, and the, the, the guy's like, Hey, I'm sorry about my edge, Lord brother. He loves four chan and shit. He's probably gonna say something racist to you. And the girlfriend's like, I ain't scared of your 16 year old edge Lord brother, who's probably never seen a boob in his life.

Like, I'm not worried about it. But then while they're driving, she's, she's scrolling the phone and she sees something and she freaks out and she's like, yo, you gotta stop. You gotta see this. . The guy's kid brother killed 60 people in one day. He livestreamed him. Yeah. Livestream. He livestreamed himself going basically door to door and  murdering all of his neighbors,  with knives and his bare hands and shit.

It's really upsetting. It's pretty real too today. It's pretty real to today. Yeah. Very close to to reality here. Yeah. Tiny end. Likes to hit real close to home. So there's  that plot line with  the straight couple,  finding out that the guy's brother  did all this and he like has an encounter with this sentient snuff porn lady.

And then you also get the, the characters who  defeated the internet or  sealed it off 30 years ago, or not 30 years ago, 15, 20 years ago and now have to, to assemble to try to stop it again. And they don't know if they can, they're like, if this thing has already gotten out,  we were able to stop it in the early days and we were able to section it off.

But if it has already gotten out and people are already , Committing these mass murders for it.  We might be too late.  We might just be fucked. We have to do this, but we might be fucked. Which yeah, it's really close to home. It's, it's a brutal book. It's pretty nasty. It's, it's quite a number one, it's quite a number one.

So much happens. So much happens, like very memorable, 

intense shit 

happens. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's really strong work. Fe Bernardo Blanco is the artist on this one. It's a lot less Well cuz with like tiny intends to work with artists who, whose work tends to be very bleedy. Like you get Esther in, in Nightmare country or , Uh, bueno over in um, nice house on the lake who it's like, it's very painterly.

Like a lot of the figure work tends to be a little more fluid. Or you get something like Department of Truth, which is a very like Bill Simovich scenes, Seins wick I scenes, I, I Jack would, I do not know. I still don't know. People have explained this to me, but Jack would kill me if you heard me try to say it, , yeah, that tends to be, I'm sure he listens to the pod.

Oh, Jack. Number one fan of the pod. Yeah, number one, number one fan of the pod. Tends to be very  sketchy and like erratic and frenetic.  It tends to, or, and very  collage as well. This is a lot more orderly in its construction I think. Okay. Fe Bernardo Blanco In, in terms of the art, there are parts where it does kind of move away from that.

Cause like Blanco belongs to a school of artists. Like He's kind of close to ACO or a c o, I don't know how to pronounce it. Who did? The Midnighter series with Steve Orlando, and he did a little bit of  he did one chapter of the Justice, like Doom Patrol Crossover for Young Animal.  

He's done some Batman stuff. I think he did some work on Tiny and Batman, actually. I think he might've done some of there. So it's, it tends to be a lot more constructed and orderly. It's using panel grid layouts a lot more than tiny intends to, to do a more traditional panel layout. But the paneling is pretty good.

It's a strong use of, of that kind of grid paneling to build tension and, and scenes. But it, it does get nasty  I'm curious about this artistic construction. It tends to be a more standard one than tiny, and books tend to have. But I don't think that's a bad thing.

Like I, I don't mean that as a derogatory, I, I think you can do a lot with a more, a, a slightly more standard format, and I think that'll really work for the kind of like under net snuff porn thing they seem to clearly be going for. Yeah. The book, the, the, the 

book is strong and I can tell Tiny's got a strong vision for it.

I'm very curious to see where this is going. Like as a number one, I really suggest picking it up. Mm-hmm. Tinian has described this as something that has been in his head for such a long time that he's really, really excited to finally get to tell this story. Ooh. And he's been working on it for a long time.

We got well, the book actually was supposed to come out like two weeks ago. A lot of them got printed wrong. And so they decided to move the date of the release to two weeks later so they could reprint everything properly because Tiny and I think just really wanted this book to be good. Mm-hmm. As good as it could be.

And we got this little note at the comic book store. It was like, Hey, like, sorry. Like, we want this book to really be able to, we, we want to be able to sell something really, really good at your comic book stores. Like, we want your customers to like, have a really good experience with this book. We're really excited about it.

And tiny and on. It even says like, I've, I've been working on this for so long and I, I want this to be perfect. So we're, where were you doing this print? A lot of the Misprinted books are going for a lot of money on eBay right now, so That's interesting. 

Yeah. It's, I'm, so, I've, I feel like 

we've been reading so much of Tiny End right now.

Mm-hmm. If, I'm so excited to see what he's gonna get into with this book. Yeah. I'm, I'm kind of trying to conquer a lot of Tien's books this year. 

Department of Truth, department of Department of Truth two, book one and two. Now I think. Oh, you've, oh you did. I think, yeah. And then like individual chapters or like volumes.

Like the volumes. Oh, you got through volume two as well? Maybe 

I didn't, maybe I'm halfway through volume two. I forget. Okay. 

And yeah, that's in nuts. Yeah. It might 


on like book nine or something, or like single issue nine. 

Oh yeah. Cuz they did cut it up in, in kind of a weird way. Yeah. I'm, I don't know.

I can explain that later. That's, I, that's another 

book. We should like, have a whole podcast 

just to talk about. I would love to. That'd be a really podcast. Podcast about department of church. It was really, it was 

really fun just doing that one podcast all about Tinian in the last episode. That was really, really fun.

And a little bit of sins of the Black Flamingo. Yeah, it was just like our gala episode and that, that was kind of like where I got the idea to like, focus on 

one thing. Yeah. I really like that idea. And I think that's gonna be very fruitful for us to be able to like deeper so fruity. Self Fruity. Ab.

So fruity. So Fruity Absa, fruity Bitch. 

Abha Fruit. Ooh, that should be the name of the podcast. Absa Fruity 

Bitch. Absa Fruit. Actually that would be pretty tight. 

That would be pretty, not that 

you know, not that tight. Possum and peril shit. And I will just let that tight, so tight. I alright, so this week I won't be getting into it. But Sandman Universe, Ted Boy, detectives number five came out. It's fucking great as usual. Go read it. We already did a podcast on it. It's wonderful. I adore it. I'm really curious to see where it's all gonna conclude and how it's gonna tie into Nightmare Cunt.

And if, if you're reading 

Nightmare Country, definitely get into Dead Boy Detectives. It's the number six of Nightmare Country. Is directly goes into dead detective. Yeah. 

Dead in, in a way. Dead boy detectives in a way that agency in a way that you wouldn't have to actually like read both of them if you didn't want to.

But there does seem to be some kind of small level crossover, which actually that that will be the one thing I talk about Dead Boy Detective, is that I actually learned this reading, the, the Rachel Pollock run is that there was only one Vertigo crossover really ever like, and it was the Children's Crusade and you get one chapter of the Children's Crusade in the Rachel Pollock Omnibus and the whole thing about the Children's Crusade reference to some Christian shit that I didn't totally understand when I Googled it.

But basically in that storyline across a bunch of Vertigo books, including like Animal Man and Doune Patrol and some other stuff, was basically like, there was these people that were like, oh, children suffer too much in this world, so if we kill them and send their spirits to this like, Child dimension where they can, they, they can stay children eternally and not be hurt by the adult world, but we gotta kill these children first.

And it supposedly wasn't very successful. Like, I was actually really interested reading the one chapter of it that we got with Do patrol. The Dead Boy Detectives were, were really central, actually. Oh, really? And Children's Crusade. Yeah. Actually that might have been where they really, like, they technically came outta Sandman, like Yeah, you were, but you were saying the dreaming was in it.

Yeah, the dreaming was in it. Like yeah, like Animal Man, like a lot of, a lot of kids were central to the Children's Crusade, like animal Man's kid. Maxine Baker was, was central to a Dorothy Spinner and due patrol the Dead Boy detectives were like kind of the, the glue that held it all together and were eventually what kind of led to the Dead Boy Detectives having their own like book.

After, after the stuff in, in Sandman, in the original Sandman. So we might be getting like a small scale like Vertigo crossover and I'd be very interested to see that because it, it, the children's crusade is kind of understood as like a failure regardless. I don't know how the story other stories were, but like was considered like a failure, a commercial failure.

And so I would be really curious to see if Vertigo's like trying for that again. But it also does seem loose enough too that it's like not quite as like, I don't know. I'm curious to see where that's gonna go. But, cause there, there's a lot cooking with, with Decali, so that's all we'll say about that.

, I'm gonna jump over to Deep Cuts 

yeah. So I'll try to, I'll try to go through these quick deep cuts. Really new good. Image number one. It's, it's a, basically it's like a historical, like jazz book with a different artist on every issue.

So we got the first issue of it by Kyle Higgins and Joe Clark with Art by Dan. Dan DLO Bei Ruth, who I've never seen before, but his art really reminds me of Bill Quest Eley, who did like the Dreaming and Superman or super Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow. Woman of Tomorrow. Yeah. Oh, his book reminds me a ton of that.

Like the coloring, the way that like he does hatching and like the way he does like characters. Huh. Reminds me a ton of, of Bill Quest Eley which I really like. I love Bill Quest. I think she's a phenomenal artist. He reminds me a lot of that. And then Igor Monty's colors. Wait, Quis is, wait, I thought that was a woman.

Yeah, no, she, oh, oh. And then I transitioned back talking about Delo. You're always transitioning. I do. I do be transitioning. But then, yeah, the, the colors by Igor Monty are also very reminiscent of that. And I kind of wanna check some of Bill's work, because I think he might color her work too.

There's a very similar coloring, but beautiful coloring. And then it just needs to be said Hassan, who we've talked about with like above snakes, he did actually Dead boy detectives. His lettering is some of the best in the business. Him and Adi Bik are doing just excellent, excellent work. Hassan is, he's queer.

He's queer. He's well, BIK is queer. I'm not sure about Hassan, but Bik is queer. Oh, Bek. Bik is queer. Oh, Bitar is non-binary and queer. I don't know about Hassan. I don't know about Hassan, but I know Hassan is like, Cool as hell about shit. Like he, he does a comics magazine or he's like, actually the, the, the last issue of it Pan is I think it's Panel X panel but that might have been his YouTube show.

I might be mixing that up. But he's, he does a, a comics magazine that he's just about to end. . Hassan has published a bunch of trans women in that, in that anthology. He published my friend August who did a Retrospective on Zero, which is like one of my favorite comics of all time.

It's really cool. But anyway, deep Cuts. It's gonna be an anthology. Actually, sorry, rewind a bit. Hassan is wonderful. His lettering is some of the most expressive and like, Has so much character like in the business. I love Above Snakes was so good above Snakes was so fucking good. I love the lettering and above snakes and he's just doing it like here too.

Like it's, it's phenomenal. Like he's just fucking killing it the entire time. And, but yeah, this book Deep Cuts, I don't know where the other issues are going to go, but this one takes place in 1917. A young black boy is playing the clarinet, like he ends up getting a gig through this guy named Joe to play in these brothels.

And he starts kind of coming up, he starts getting closer with like some of the brothel girls. He gets closer with this man on the piano whose name I'm forgetting off the top of my head. But he starts getting closer with Piano Man who is queer as well. So I, I apologize that I'm kind of flubbing a little bit.

But yeah, it's, it's just the story about this kid like kind of developing his name is Ace or he goes by Ace as his musician name and he invents the Ace High Stomp was this little musical Diddy that he writes in 1917 New Orleans. It's a beautiful little book. It's a, it's very New 

Orleans. It's very New Orleans Jazz.

It's like incredibly beautifully drawn and, and it is lettered. It is, it's got really good art. It's got incredibly good art. I gotta pick this up. Next time I'm in the store. The way he draws, like there's a bit where they're doing their first like concert or whatever in this brothel. Yeah. And you see the way that like the, the clarinet itself is like melting, like the notes are like melting from, they're in the zone.

They're in the zone. It's so fucking cool. It, like, it's incredibly beautifully drawn spoilers. But the ev the issue eventually culminates that Joe, the guy who kind of got in this gig has been stealing this child's wages. Like he told the, he told ACE that there was no wages. It was just a tip job.

And then he was stealing all this kid's wages while getting like swank here and swank your gigs and leaving behind like the gay people and sex workers who like basically helped him get work. And so eventually they confront him about it. And he's just like, I, I, you know, I didn't teach you how to play music.

I taught you how to play the game kid. And they're like, okay, fuck you. Whatever you go play in your swanky clubs. But then this other guy that he fucked over Joe fucked over this guy named Johnny Two Fingers because he's only got two fingers and he still plays and two fingers is like, Hey, you know what the thing is about fucking over people?

Like cl like clawing your way to the top by fucking over other people. There's gonna be no one to help you when, when you need help. And so two fingers basically has some of his friends like hold Joe down and cuts off his fingers. For like being a piece of shit and like stealing this child's wages and just being an all around asshole.

He also like throws all of the like sex worker girls like that. He was like playing these like sex, like these brothels basically. And he just throws them under the bus and he just like calls them whores, derogatorily and just is like a horrible piece of shit. But I do really like that this book is very much like, yeah, you know, who's really like a jazz belongs to black people first and fucking foremost.

And then also a lot of those black people are queer and sex workers. Like I really appreciate that. This book just fucking says that, like very bluntly. It's a really cool book. It's very well written. There's this really cool look at that. 

There's some, there's 

musical notes in here. Yeah, the thing actually I, I did read that so I'll summarize that.

Basically Joe Clark the co-writer on this was talking about how he has his friend Thaddius. I think the last name is Stady, something like that. Who's a jazz musician who put out an album called Let's Vibe in 2020. And it has done all of this work in like Chicago to like bring jazz to the people and like does all these like benefit concerts and cool things like that.

Basically wrote some music for I think this book. And so that's the, the Sheep music that Thaddius wrote. Yeah. The sheep 

music in here that you could, 

like, you could play. Yeah. It's really cool. And there's gonna be other artists on this book. The, one of the big reasons I picked it up is that Ju Ba who I, I love Juni Ba is one of my favorite cartoonists working right now, is gonna be doing an issue of, he, he did Monkey Meat and jelly really wonderful books.

He's putting out a book that Hassan wrote actually in October. I can't remember what it's called, but it's Oh really? Yeah. It's got like a, it's got like a. A slightly more halloweeny like fosters home vibe to it. It looks really good. I I will, I will show you the link to that. It looks fucking good. I'm ex so wait, is, does the story 


Because this is the end at the very end, which 

means I, I don't know. It's not to be continued. I don't think so. I, so they're gonna be kind of one shots. I think they're going to be one shots all within a 

certain jazz historical context. 

Yeah, I think so. I'm not a hundred percent certain, but I think they're going to be doing that.

Like some of the preview art on that poster that we have at the store, like shows some more like modern kind of context. Like I think Juni BA's gonna be doing some stuff like during the Harlem Renaissance potentially. Or actually the next issue might be Harlem Renaissance, Juni Bomb. Might be doing like the fifties, sixties by the looks of the poster.

And then we're, Toby Cypress seems to be doing a little bit more modern stuff, but then again, I'm just basing it off of like tiny glimpses of preview art on a poster. So who fucking knows? But I'm excited for the Harlem Renaissance. Like this takes place right before Harlem Renaissance, which was like in the twenties.

Harlem Renaissance is a fascinating time period, and also this gets kind of whitewashed a lot, but most of the Harlem Renaissance is queer. We do not have time to get into that, but like a ton of, a ton of people in the Harlem Renaissance were queer explicitly and, and unsurprising, honestly. No, it's deeply unsurprising, but it's a history that gets like washed over.

Right. But it's really interesting. I I, I spent some time like really focusing on the Harlem Renaissance in college and I really loved it. It was one of my favorite courses I took and I just spent a lot of time like. Looking into that. It's really, really cool. So we will jump away from that cause we are running low on time.

I think we'll end it just kind of talking about the new doom Patrol six issue miniseries that is coming out right now. Issue two just came out. It's spinning out of this Lazarus planet bullshit. You, you, oh, it is, it's technically spinning out of Lazarus planet. I did not know that. It technically is like, there was some, I guess I read the first one.

I forgot though. Yeah, there was some whole thing that during Lazarus, blah blah, fucking blah, like a bunch more people got. Superpower jeans and I, I don't fucking care. Like, you can't, you can't convince me to read any of these fucking like event series. The only, the only person who's like actually doing event series I give a single fuck about right now are either stuff like the sin, the sins of sinister, tie in all the sinister, all the sins of sinister, or it's stuff that Hickman is doing.

Otherwise, I don't give a fuck. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't care. The Batman is sad. I don't, I don't care that the bat, the Batman, who is sad, the Batman, who's sad, there's there, there's a bunch of like Wonder Woman in Shazam or doing some stuff about God's, here's the thing, it's taking up too many, too much space on her fucking shelves cuz they're all one shots and they're all, they're all ass.

I don't really care, like, fuck off. But like, anyway, doom Patrol's coming out of that and so I, I kind of had low expectations because it's like there's no doom Patrol run worth reading that. Didn't cut. That isn't like a, a vertigo or black label thing. And that's just historically been true. Like I could not give less of a fuck.

However, I, I, I'm actually coming around on this, like the first issue I enjoyed well enough, Chris Burnham did the art, the writer done. It was cute. It was cute. I enjoyed it. I haven't read book too. Yeah. Dennis, like Dennis, Dennis Culver and Chris Burnham first worked together on is for Extinction during Secret Wars.

They basically were riffing around doing they were, they were Chris one, yeah, they were playing around in the sandbox of basically is for Extinction Morrison's X-Men era, new X-Men era. They're basically like fucking around in that toy box and getting to do some like fun alt universe, like new X-Men stuff.

They're now jumping on Doom Patrol, which funnily enough is like a big Morrison thing and also a big Rachel Pollock thing, as we talked about earlier, and also a big Gerard Way thing. But yeah, anyway, the first book I enjoyed. I thought it was fun. I liked the, I I I I, I found it decent enough, like the idea of the Doom Patrol kind of being, you know, taking new people in during this event.

The one thing I did really like is that Jane is now the chief. Like they Yeah, I like that too. I did like that too. Yeah. The chief is the new, instead of Niles being the chief, Niles Calder, Jane developed another personality. So she gained a 64th personality instead of having just 63, who's now the chief who's like fronting mainly.

And I did like that the chief is this kind of like no nonsense, like girl boss bitch, but she's also like, she tells Batman to go fuck himself, basically like the first issue, which is the best scene in that whole first issue is they go to Gotham to like pick up one of these like. People who are just getting superpowers and Batman's like, oh, I'm gonna take him to Aham.

And the chief's like, no, you the fuck or not. The best case scenario is he's gonna turn into one of your super villains and the worst case is he's gonna rot institutionalized in your fucking horrible Gotham thing. So like, just let us take him in. Like, fuck you Batman, you authoritarian, fascist piece of shit.

Like, we'll just take him in and then Robin's in the corner like, Ooh, she's got a point. Best. Best part of that first issue. But like other than that, I didn't love it. It was like, all right, second issue. I liked a lot more. Yeah. I'm liking, 

yeah, even the art is like kind of picked 

up. Yeah. Burnham is a really solid artist.

I like him. He definitely is like a student of quietly. Of Frank Whitely and Nick Patara. Like, he's definitely of, of that kind of type. And it's a, it's a lot of fun. Like peacemaker being kind of the villain is really funny cuz there's a strong like, through line in both Rachel Pollock and Morrison's book of like the United States government being like villains.

And usually that's through the Bureau of Normalcy. This time it's peacemaker, which is a actually really funny, I wasn't sure how I would feel about that at first, but it's actually kind of really funny. Who is this? Oh, who is this kid with a blue bug. Oh, worm. Okay. Well Worm about him. Yeah. His power is that he doesn't actually have a power.

It's that fucking, it's that worm. That worm is kind of his power. That worm. The worm lives in his belly. Yeah. The, the worm's name is Velvet. Aw. His superhero name. The human person is Worm and the worm's name is Velvet. And so we get Yeah. Is that a new character? New character, yeah. And he's working with, with peacemaker.

Because you find out later that he's a plant that peacemaker basically sent this kid over here and is like, Hey, I got that bomb in your head from when you were doing taskforce X shit. So like, go Spy on the Doom patroller, I'll blow your fucking head off. You like 10 year old or however old this kid is.

And eventually he like, worm kind of goes along with it, but then worm's like, no, actually I don't want to do that. So he's like, I'm about to, to blow up. But like I got like they're the Doom patrol's temporarily blocking the blow up his head signal, but it's not going to last. And so he's like, Hey, take care of velvet this worm.

Like, and I, I gotta go. And so robot man's like, I'm sorry kid. Also, I can help you get far away. So Robot man, like basically does a fastball special on him and then he blows up like peacemaker just straight up. He blows up peacemaker, straight up kills a kid. Oh my god. Peacemaker straight up. Blows up a child.

The worm survives though. Oh, the worm survives. Yeah. He chucks him into the 

sky and then explodes a child in the sky. Yeah, I'm looking 

at it now. It's, yeah, it's wild. Horrendous. But the, the, the, the scenes I wanna get to velvet may be a spy now, but anyway, the, the, the two scenes that I want to get to that I think are really crucial for this are, there's a bit where Robot Man goes to, can I see the, the book for a quote for a second?

This is such a cool variant. You got to, oh, the Glow and the, I love them. Is there there anymore? I forgot to pick one up. There might be. So I, I will, I will, we'll come back to that in a second. We'll come back to those variants in a second. But I really like this bit where a robot man goes to the grave of a former member.

I won't say who, and he says, Hey kid, everybody says hello. Wish you were here to see the new setup. Now that we get it up and rolling, it's not like the old days, but I think you'd still love it. And you see over, he like is like looking at it all, all these people who are no longer part of the Doom Patrol like Kate and George and Marion from Rachel Pollock's run, Dorothy and some of the other characters from Grant Morrison's run.

And it's really cute to just like see this acknowledgement. This is like some of the first acknowledgement I've seen of Rachel Pollock's run in any significant way. Hmm. And also like lotion, the cat and I'm forgetting his name, but he's the Wizard kid from Ways Run are both in this as well. You only get them for a pan, you only get them for a panel.

But it's, it's really precious. Yeah. You get this little bit here. And then Dr. Calder, or sorry, not Dr. Calder Rudyard Kipling, not Rudyard Kipling, Dr whatever the fuck The wizard, the one who's not John Constantine, but is basically John Constantine, and then they're always late. But while we, while we wait, can we talk about our team name again?

Mr. Kipling? The grave minders is lame. We should call ourselves something cool like Doom Patrol dark. Ooh. 

Yeah. It, I'm, I'm definitely seeing ways 

influence here and Rachel Pollocks. Yeah. Which is one of the things I'm really grateful for is that he, like Dennis Culver is acknowledging Rachel Pollock's influence.

And you also get this with this like, complicated history with Jane, his robot mans talking and his like chief to formerly Jane Chief. You think Jane would want to, sorry, robot Man, I have a tight schedule today. I'll see you about Penciling Jane in for one of your excursions sometime in the summer.

And it just comes back to this complicated history that Robot Man and Jane have together. Between Morrison's Run and Rachel Pollock's Run and Gerard Way's Run, that's a consistent through line. We will be talking a lot about Robot Man across the runs cuz I think Robot Man is really like what Robot Man is doing in his development is really crucial to the heart of all these books.

Everything Go like Robot Man's relationship to Women is really interesting with Jane and Kate and Dorothy Spinner. There's a lot of really interesting stuff going on. We don't have time to get into that, but I like it. Like the second issue really starts to find its footing. It starts to kind of start, it starts to feel like a proper Doom Patrol book.

I don't think it's as good as like, Pollock and Morrison and Way's stuff, but I do think it's strong work. I think it's kind of, I actually think it might be better than the Doom Patrol Show, which I still really like, but Ooh, I still gotta watch season four. I still gotta watch season four too. But I, I, I like it.

I think it's good. I think it, it's going places. I'm curious to see where they go. I think Dennis Culver could be a really strong Doom Patrol writer, and I kind of like that acknowledgement in the book where like, he's kind of saying like, yeah, I know it's different, but like, I think you'll still like it if you just kind of stay with us and like see what we do.

And I'm, I'm willing to do that. I, I was willing to pick up the second book, but I was kind of unsure. Ooh, I gotta get it now. But, but I, I kind of like it. I'm, I'm curious to see where it goes. And also DC if you're listening to this, Let me write Doom Patrol. I know I said I was gonna write Phantom X for Marvel and I still want to do that, but please, I'm double dipping, but please, please.

I, I've never, I like, look, I don't wanna write big two books, but I will write Empr. That'd be so cool. If you did that, that would be really cool. I will write Empr Phantom X. I have a really fun moon night story. I have a shockingly good Penny Parker SP Spider Story. Well, but do patrol's the one It will come, it will come.

If you build it, it'll come. She will come. She will come. 

I think. Write it, send it out there, and if it doesn't work, I'll illustrate it. Under different names. 

Yeah. We could do it'll be an alternate universe version of everything. Yeah. Except this one will be called Hole patrol. Hole Patrol. Hole Patrol is my Erotic Doom Patrol riff.

Oh my God. I've been planning that one for years, actually. But that's, I like that. But that, that wouldn't, I would do a serious, a more serious Doom Patrol run. A serious, ironic, serious, and like massive exclamation and massive quotation marks. What I mean is it wouldn't just all be porn. Whole patrol is all porn basically.

But, but I'll probably include the whole patrol as part of the Doom Patrol. Cause that is the one consistent thing across all the Doom Patrol runs that are worth reading, is that they're all pretty horny. They're all very horny, Morrison's, run horny. It's the nature of the beast. Rachel Pollock's run horny Shockingly Gerard Way's, probably the horniest, like we, it's not shocking.

I mean, compared to ra, Rachel Pollock has like actual sex ghosts named the s r s and is like doing like tantrix shit in the run. But like way is like inflation kink. The ju the Justice Society, justice League of America the inflation 

kink is a real 

journey. Oh, that's a journey. I saw that panel.

Genuinely un edge astonished, genuinely unhinged. You get fucking what might be little shit, like the last line of ways run is like we all turn into babies if we're lucky. Yeah. And like robot man gets turned into a baby at the end. Like there, it's just very little core. Core. It's so little core. I, I, I like, and like, if it was just that I wouldn't like, maybe I like maybe wouldn't think anything of it, but also like, there's the inflation king stuff, there's the furry stuff.

I'm like, Gerard way, like, are you a little, like, that's okay if you are like, again, like I, I am a proud, like, supporter of littles. Like, just throwing that out there. I ain't one, I, it's not really my thing, but like, shout out to Littles. Like, y'all have to deal with a lot of annoying ass people online, like making weird assumptions about y'all and like, I don't know, I'm gonna support y'all cuz like, fuck that.

So this podcast has been brought to you by Littles. Cool. 

Okay. We have been recording for like two and a 

half hours. Oh my God. Yeah. We've been recording for quite a long time. Anything, let, let's try and wrap it up. Yeah, let's try and wrap it up. Anything else we wanna say? Yeah, I'll say we, we skimmed over a couple of books.

We, we rushed a little bit in the back half there, but like, we talked a lot about other shit, but we talked a lot about other shit. Definitely pick up deep cuts. Definitely pick up World Tree. Definitely pick up all the, the sins of sinister stuff. Like even check out like the, the, the New Doom Patrol book going on.

I even like the gimmick cover thing they're doing. Like the first issue had scratch off covers. That was so cool. That was really cool. Like a, like a lottery 

ticket thing that with a scratch off. Yeah, I have that variant. I haven't scratched it off because I'm retaining its monetary 

value. Yeah. You'll be able to sell that for millions.

12 bucks on eBay in three years. Or the, the glow in the dark cover. That's 

so funny. We were playing the Guardians of the Galaxy p s four game yesterday. And there's like, one of the first things you do in that game is you walk around Peter Quill's childhood bedroom, and there's some shitty comic book, all doggy eared and stuff.

And he, you, if you click on it, he says like, I have to save this comic book. It's gonna be worth a thousand. 

It's gonna worth so much money in the future. And it's just like, kid, oh, you don't even know, kid. It's not this, it's 

not a 

9.8. It's, it's not, it's not gonna be making those 9.8 like dollars. It's Mm.

It's not gonna be making divorced man money. Uhuh. No. The only other thing I wanna say 

is that we might not do a podcast for a couple weeks because I'm gonna be hunkering down and reading all of Rachel Pollock's Doom Patrol. Mm-hmm. And Possum's already done with it. But yeah, I think we're both gonna be taking a good long look at it mm-hmm.

Over these next couple of weeks and really trying to like, put together a podcast. A podcast that could like. Span two or three episodes or something. Like, we're really gonna go in on it and we're gonna talk about it. I wanna do research on like, on what she was doing. Yeah. I know in the Omnibus it talks a lot about how she came to be a writer because she'd never written a comic book before.

And we might just go in on Rachel Pollock as the woman, the, the legend, the myth. Yeah. She did so much with her life, like we should, like, talk about her a bit. Like, I, I really wanna do a strong deep dive in honor of Rachel Pollock. 

Yeah. I, her life's work 

mainly focusing on her Dune patrol run.

So yeah, we're both really excited about that. I think you, the listener, should also take this time to read Rachel Pollock and read it along with us. Mm-hmm. Maybe we'll do a live stream about it if people want to like talk about it with us. I think if there's anything you wanna talk about or if you have any questions, send me an email.

I am at peril doom 3000 gmail.com. Let me know what you think of the book. If you have any comments on it, like things you think we should bring up during the podcast. Like, I'll give you a shout out and and if there's enough of that, then yeah, maybe we'll do a live stream about it and answer everyone's questions and like have a discussion.

I would really like that. Mm-hmm. Yeah, so that is the plan. Yeah. We, it's possible we do a podcast in between now and then if we just want to like do a chat or something. But 

yeah, we could probably, I mean, new single issues, we could probably do something as killing the children in one. No, that's stuff like that that could, that could be a one and done full podcast, but it would still be only focused on something as killing the children and House of Slaughter, but, We're both caught up on that now.

That book is fucking stunning. I can't, I cannot believe I fucking slept on that one. As much as I did. It's extraordinary. I read like 30 issues in like two days. I like broke a little bit. It was great. Oh, you're talking about something. Something's killing your children. Yeah. Yeah. Great. Fucking yeah.

Get into get into House of Slaughter. Mm-hmm. House of Slaughter is really, really, really good. Yeah. Each volume kind of focuses on different characters and the character in A House of Slaughter Scarlet is like really fascinating to me. Like something I feel like I've never seen in comics before.

I'm really excited. That's, that's gonna be one of my big next ones if you want. Actually, I may just, I may just pick it up and borrow it. Yeah, it's 

good. And yeah, I think that's that about wraps it up. So today we talked about. Trans misogyny. Today we talked about working in a comic book store as a trans woman.

We talked about trans 

misogyny again, trans misogyny again featuring Rachel Pollock and featuring Pollock. I talked about 

the sins of sinister event. I kind of rushed it, but honestly, go check it out. Mm-hmm. We talked about deep cuts comic 

that came out yesterday. Also rush that a little bit, but it was, it's, it's beautiful.

Go fucking read it. We talked about World Tree James 

Tinian. Mm-hmm. And we talked about the new Doom Patrol number two from the six part miniseries coming out right now, which also came out yesterday, 

number two. Mm-hmm. The Unstoppable Doom Patrol. Unstoppable Doom 

Patrol. And we talked about a bunch of 

other stuff too.

Mm-hmm. You know, homosexuality how Nazi fucks will die shriveled and broken in the streets, like the pig dogs that they are, you know, just, just the usual things. And we did it all in 


cool fort. So t tldr before we sign off. You know, like, like the things are so hard and so scary and so bleak out there for trans people right now.

But you know what? Like if you're trans, keep on party rocking, keep, keep on doing your thing. Like keep on like loving and supporting each other materially and emotionally, like keep on building community with each other. These fascist cunts will not fucking win. We will not seat a fucking inch to them.

And whatever they take, we will take for, we will, we will take from their next a thousand fold. So this may get brought up in a court case later, but like I do stand by it. So, amen. Amen. Ah, and you know, if you're not trans, consider transitioning. And if you're not trans, consider not being a fucking coward and a voice.

Give us money. Give us money. Give us material support. Like support like poor trans folks, like protect trans folks in your communities and your households, like in your fucking workplaces. Like, really step up to fucking bat because these freaks are trying to genocide us. Like these craven fucking ghouls, decrypt of the human spirit are really trying some shit.

And like, you know, fuck 'em. You don't even have to like us that much. Fuck 'em. Fuck these people. You can do it outta spite if you want to. All right. All 

right, we're outta here. Love y'all. I'm kicking us off the airwaves for now, but it's all, it's all true. So it's all true. So, okay. I love you. Goodbye. We will see you again.

