NZCPR Podcast

If I Wanted New Zealand to Fail

June 04, 2023 Muriel Newman
If I Wanted New Zealand to Fail
NZCPR Podcast
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NZCPR Podcast
If I Wanted New Zealand to Fail
Jun 04, 2023
Muriel Newman

If I wanted New Zealand to fail...
To suffer, not prosper; to despair, not dream.
I would start with democracy itself.
I would say it is not working. 
I’d say that a House of Representatives that represents all people, does not suit a modern society.  I’d call it old-fashioned. 
I’d say everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others because their ancestors arrived here first.

If I wanted New Zealand to fail …
For every concern, I’d invent a crisis; and for every crisis, I’d say the Government is the answer.

If I wanted New Zealand to fail…
I’d say politicians are the single source of truth – I’d say they are right, even when they are wrong. 
I’d say free speech that does not agree with me, is hate speech.
I’d say truth is a lie. That information is misinformation and misinformation is information.
I’d say to be cruel is to be kind, and to fail is to succeed. 

If I wanted New Zealand to fail… 
I’d condemn the wise for being fools and convince the fools that they are wise. 
I would say we are a team of 5 million, and then divide us all by race, by gender, by sexual preference, by vaccination status. 
I’d create a them and us society. 
And when the people protest, I would look down on them, and call them a river of filth.

If I wanted New Zealand to fail …
I would say that poverty is noble and wealth is greed. 
And to those who seek opportunity, I would say the best opportunities in life are ones that only politicians can deliver.
I’d convince New Zealanders that economic freedom is harmful and that more regulation is the answer. 
And when those regulations fail, I’d say, we need more. 
I’d tax those who aspire to a better life and give it to those who aspire for nothing but the wealth of others.  
I’d make it more fashionable to resent success than to seek it.
And what would I do to those who do prosper? 
I’d tax their income and when I can’t tax that any more, 
I’d tax their spending, and when I’ve taken all they have to spend, 
 I’d tax their savings until they have no more.
And then, I’d say that’s fair. 

If I wanted New Zealand to fail …
I would impose regulations that make it impossible for farmers to farm, miners to mine, loggers to log, and builders to build.

If I wanted New Zealand to fail… 
I’d cripple small businesses with high taxes, high wages, and high compliance costs. 
I’d make it easier to stop commerce than start it, easier to kill jobs than create them. 
And when prices rise, I would blame the supermarkets, the banks, the service stations so we can regulate them too.
I’d convince New Zealanders that prosperity itself is harmful, and villainise those who’ve prospered from their own endeavours. 

If I wanted New Zealand to fail… 
I’d make welfare easy to get but hard to get off - a hand-out not a hand-up, for as long as they want it. 
I’d then give people a house to live in for life, so they never get on the property ladder that has, since the beginning of time, been a pathway towards prosperity and financial freedom.
I’d turn an opportunity society into a dependency culture, and say it was for the greater good. 

If I wanted New Zealand to fail…
I would take away the dreams and aspirations of children and confuse them by saying a boy is a girl and a girl is a boy and 2 plus 2 is…whatever you feel it should be.


Show Notes

If I wanted New Zealand to fail...
To suffer, not prosper; to despair, not dream.
I would start with democracy itself.
I would say it is not working. 
I’d say that a House of Representatives that represents all people, does not suit a modern society.  I’d call it old-fashioned. 
I’d say everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others because their ancestors arrived here first.

If I wanted New Zealand to fail …
For every concern, I’d invent a crisis; and for every crisis, I’d say the Government is the answer.

If I wanted New Zealand to fail…
I’d say politicians are the single source of truth – I’d say they are right, even when they are wrong. 
I’d say free speech that does not agree with me, is hate speech.
I’d say truth is a lie. That information is misinformation and misinformation is information.
I’d say to be cruel is to be kind, and to fail is to succeed. 

If I wanted New Zealand to fail… 
I’d condemn the wise for being fools and convince the fools that they are wise. 
I would say we are a team of 5 million, and then divide us all by race, by gender, by sexual preference, by vaccination status. 
I’d create a them and us society. 
And when the people protest, I would look down on them, and call them a river of filth.

If I wanted New Zealand to fail …
I would say that poverty is noble and wealth is greed. 
And to those who seek opportunity, I would say the best opportunities in life are ones that only politicians can deliver.
I’d convince New Zealanders that economic freedom is harmful and that more regulation is the answer. 
And when those regulations fail, I’d say, we need more. 
I’d tax those who aspire to a better life and give it to those who aspire for nothing but the wealth of others.  
I’d make it more fashionable to resent success than to seek it.
And what would I do to those who do prosper? 
I’d tax their income and when I can’t tax that any more, 
I’d tax their spending, and when I’ve taken all they have to spend, 
 I’d tax their savings until they have no more.
And then, I’d say that’s fair. 

If I wanted New Zealand to fail …
I would impose regulations that make it impossible for farmers to farm, miners to mine, loggers to log, and builders to build.

If I wanted New Zealand to fail… 
I’d cripple small businesses with high taxes, high wages, and high compliance costs. 
I’d make it easier to stop commerce than start it, easier to kill jobs than create them. 
And when prices rise, I would blame the supermarkets, the banks, the service stations so we can regulate them too.
I’d convince New Zealanders that prosperity itself is harmful, and villainise those who’ve prospered from their own endeavours. 

If I wanted New Zealand to fail… 
I’d make welfare easy to get but hard to get off - a hand-out not a hand-up, for as long as they want it. 
I’d then give people a house to live in for life, so they never get on the property ladder that has, since the beginning of time, been a pathway towards prosperity and financial freedom.
I’d turn an opportunity society into a dependency culture, and say it was for the greater good. 

If I wanted New Zealand to fail…
I would take away the dreams and aspirations of children and confuse them by saying a boy is a girl and a girl is a boy and 2 plus 2 is…whatever you feel it should be.
