Successful Life Podcast

From Every Setback to Sales Stardom with Jesse Cloud

March 08, 2024 Corey Berrier / Jesse Cloud
From Every Setback to Sales Stardom with Jesse Cloud
Successful Life Podcast
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Successful Life Podcast
From Every Setback to Sales Stardom with Jesse Cloud
Mar 08, 2024
Corey Berrier / Jesse Cloud

Ever felt like you've tapped into a superpower within yourself? Jesse Cloud joins me, Corey Berrier, on a special birthday episode to unpack the concept of trusting our innate instincts and leveraging them to skyrocket growth and success. With Jesse's incredible story of purchasing his first home at 24 and my own transformation from obscurity to an internationally recognized sales trainer, we dissect the profound effects of maintaining a grateful perspective and consistently keeping one's word.

There's something magnetic about individuals who pivot from battling adversity to mentoring others in similar straits. In our heart-to-heart, we explore the immense influence mentors exert on budding professionals and how belief in someone's potential can fuel an unimaginable drive. We share tales of fortitude, from braving the tumultuous tides of car sales to the relentless pursuit of self-betterment despite the critics. Our discussion peels back the layers of resilience necessary to conquer setbacks and reinvent oneself, a theme that repeatedly echoes through the narratives of both Jesse and myself.

As we unfurl the blueprints of building successful teams and businesses, the episode morphs into a treasure trove of actionable strategies. It's about mastering the art of setting high standards, embracing the transformative power of adversity, and seizing every flicker of opportunity. Jesse's journey from the world of insurance to sales supremacy serves as a testament to the undying spirit of entrepreneurship. Together, we attest that when you marry a value-driven mindset with a relentless pursuit of personal development, the boundaries of success get pushed into oblivion. Join us for a raw, inspiring, and potentially life-altering conversation that transcends the norm and propels you into action.

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Ever felt like you've tapped into a superpower within yourself? Jesse Cloud joins me, Corey Berrier, on a special birthday episode to unpack the concept of trusting our innate instincts and leveraging them to skyrocket growth and success. With Jesse's incredible story of purchasing his first home at 24 and my own transformation from obscurity to an internationally recognized sales trainer, we dissect the profound effects of maintaining a grateful perspective and consistently keeping one's word.

There's something magnetic about individuals who pivot from battling adversity to mentoring others in similar straits. In our heart-to-heart, we explore the immense influence mentors exert on budding professionals and how belief in someone's potential can fuel an unimaginable drive. We share tales of fortitude, from braving the tumultuous tides of car sales to the relentless pursuit of self-betterment despite the critics. Our discussion peels back the layers of resilience necessary to conquer setbacks and reinvent oneself, a theme that repeatedly echoes through the narratives of both Jesse and myself.

As we unfurl the blueprints of building successful teams and businesses, the episode morphs into a treasure trove of actionable strategies. It's about mastering the art of setting high standards, embracing the transformative power of adversity, and seizing every flicker of opportunity. Jesse's journey from the world of insurance to sales supremacy serves as a testament to the undying spirit of entrepreneurship. Together, we attest that when you marry a value-driven mindset with a relentless pursuit of personal development, the boundaries of success get pushed into oblivion. Join us for a raw, inspiring, and potentially life-altering conversation that transcends the norm and propels you into action.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the successful life podcast. I'm your host, Corey Barrier, and I'm here with my man, Jesse Cloud. What's?

Speaker 2:

up, brother, dude, you know just blessed to wake up this Sunday. You know, like we said before we got on the Zoom call, you're like, what are you doing? I was like we're just sitting here taking over the universe, baby, you know, one day at a time, you know, every single day, that we get to wake up, it's a true blessing. You know, I'm so grateful that the good Lord has given me this opportunity, this platform, to display all the things that we say and do with our mind, body and spirit. So, brother, I'm just grateful to be here, man.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, my friend. Well, I always like to have somebody. You know, today's my birthday and I like to have. I always pick somebody special to bring on whatever day that falls on, and you're that guy this year. So you know you mentioned grateful for waking up this morning. I want to share a quick story with you. I had to always remember my dreams, but last night I had a terrifying dream that a guy walked out. I was sitting in a lobby I can't really picture the lobby. A guy walked out and he was like a prison guard and he said man, those bunks in there are real cold and you're going to get to enjoy that for the next five years. And, dude, I woke up, scared to death but as grateful as anybody could be because, man, that could have been my life. It was weird. It was such a weird dream to have, and so I thought to myself dude, every day that you wake up outside a prison, you need to be grateful. And it was just a real interesting perspective. I thought I'd share that with you.

Speaker 2:

I absolutely love that man and I think you know I don't really remember a lot of my dreams either, but I believe that we have a gut instinct inside of us and I believe that things happen for a reason. So maybe that was a wake up call that the higher power above was trying to tell you as a hey, you're going hard, but hey, I just need a little bit more. I just need a little bit more. And the people the people, corey that lean into that and they start to use that, as I call it, my superpowers. Right, we all have them, but we all have different perspectives on things, right? So if I'm believing it's a superpower and somebody else is just not even thinking about it being anything, well, who's going to have the better chance of winning? Probably the person that believes, right? So I always tell people, like I was literally training a company yesterday, we had about 50 guys in the room. We was just rolling and I was telling them like guys, you got to treat these little things as like a superpower. Is that little gut instinct, that little tingly feeling that you get in your stomach, you got to lean into that. You got to lean into that because if you don't. You're teaching yourself to not run towards the pressure, because pressure creates diamonds or burst pipes. But if they could just switch their perspective and that little tingly feeling that they get inside their stomach, if they'll just lean into that, brother, if they will just lean into that, they are going to grow. And you got to switch your perspective. That means you're excited. That means you're excited to learn new things, but most people they're scared about it.

Speaker 2:

So for you on the call right now, for you, the people that's listening to this, I'm going to share my story. You're going to learn a lot of stuff, but listen, if you don't grab a pen and paper, you're missing out. You are missing out. So, grab a pen, grab a piece of paper. Obviously, if you're driving down the road, you need to go back and watch this, because I don't just get on podcasts and just run my mouth. I get on podcasts to share testimonials and stories and stuff that's going to help you level up in your life. So I'm honored to be here. Corey, I'm ready to roll when you are baby. Tell us a little bit about who Jesse Cloud?

Speaker 2:

is Number one, so number one. I appreciate the opportunity to be on here. I'm grateful for it. I'm 24 year old. I just literally I'm in my $1 million house that we just purchased. It's my first house ever, two minutes from my office where I work, so I'm extremely blessed and just learning new things and just it all boils down to just being good to people, corey.

Speaker 2:

It all boils down to just being good to people, doing the right thing and serving people at the highest level. That's it, and sticking to your word. There are so many people nowadays that their word don't mean anything because they've said stuff. Nothing ever happened. How you become everything you could ever want in your life is sticking to your word, whether you're a man or a woman, because I know for a fact if I say anything to any of my people, they understand. Oh crap, he's getting even more crazier because I execute on everything that I say and that right there alone. If you could just do that, that separates you from the 99% of the people in the world, because most people are frauds and they're not living what they're preaching, and that's exactly what you don't want to be.

Speaker 1:

So let me ask you a question have you always been that way, or was there a switch that maybe you did? You make a turn into that, or have you always felt like that was your core?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 2:

Absolutely not. I was lost. I was lost a long time ago. But I also learned that people that come from nothing can end up with a most. So I work with a guy named Andy Elliott. We train about one million businesses and sales professionals all over the world. I had some clients out from Australia last month who flew out here and trained with us.

Speaker 2:

So no, absolutely not. I wasn't just gifted with this. This is something that I had to put in the work, and most of the time I didn't even know what I was doing. But I seek the mentor that had gone the places that I wanted to go. Corey, and I'm getting cold chills ever since I've been on this dad gum call with you, because it's just real, brother, it's just real. And the fact that this is your birthday I just want to come on here and over deliver to all your people so much, share a little bit of my story and let them know that they don't have to be good to start, but that they don't have to start to be great, but they do have to be. They don't have to be great to start, but they do have to start to be great.

Speaker 1:

So you have to get that right, it's that simple.

Speaker 2:

You just got to start because we all suck until we don't. So a little bit of my backstory. I'm 18 year old. I don't know what I want to do. I'm in college playing football. I'm around a lot of people that's doing a lot of bad things, as in drugs, violence, gangs. I mean, I had a nine millimeter pointed at my skull one point in time while I was training in football. It's just. I was around a lot of bad people, right? So how I got this scholarship to go out and play football after I graduated high school? Well, I wrote a story about my life and it first started was I wasn't one of those kids that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. So that little list goes down. We send it to a couple of presidents of the leagues. Next thing, you know, one of them calls me back, says Jesse, I just heard your story, absolutely love it. I want to give you a full ride to come down here and play football for us for the next four years. Is that where you open to doing that? I'm like, absolutely. I'm in because I love football.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't the most talented person, but I put in so much work that I became one of the top guys on the team because you had to put in the work. I wanted it. I wanted to win because I was unathletic, I didn't really have the abilities, but I had more work ethic than anybody on the field and it showed up. Because time I caught up to all those people that had more talent than me. Brother, I caught up to all those people that had more talent and that's just and it's just so beautiful because that was the starting point of me figuring out what all is possible. And that's even before I got into sales. That's even before I be able to be able to speak like this. Make my words flow like water. Because I was the biggest introvert Corey I'm talking about. I remember in high school I'm pretty popular guys what they would say, but, dude, I would sit by myself at lunch. I was like, oh gosh, what are they thinking about me? I didn't want to talk to anybody. I was shocked and just the fact that that was me a long time ago. And now I get on phone with business owners that's running multi-million dollar companies, have a complete conversation with them and they know that I'm real and I'm not just some sales person trying to sell them something that I actually have some value that I could provide to help them have a better life, whether it's with their marriage, whether it's with their finances, whether it's with their building a team, whether it's with them getting in shape. That's what I live for, dude.

Speaker 2:

So, 18 year old, I'm in college playing football. I'm going down a path where I'm doing some things that I shouldn't be doing. I'm around people that I shouldn't be around, but that was just the environment that I was in. Everybody on the team. They wasn't really doing the good things. I mean, they're young, 18, 21 year old kids.

Speaker 2:

Let me just paint this picture. I'm the only white kid. We had two white kids on the team of 60, where I'm from, that's different. Okay, it was completely culture shock for me. They call me the crazy white boy. I come in there with my cowboy boots and my blue jeans first day of practice you know what I'm saying and it was just a whole nother ball game because I had a pretty deep accent back then. It's a lot cleaned up now, but back then, man, it was deep, it was deep.

Speaker 2:

So I'm playing football, one of the only two white kids on the entire team and, like I said, that's all we did was smoke weed and play football, and I didn't know about Bloods and Crips, like I didn't know that gang stuff was like a thing, right. So I'm sitting at practice one day, and literally at practice in our cars, like we would drive to this little field that we again someone let us use to practice, because this team, like I don't know if you've ever heard of, like Last Chance U, like the football game on Netflix. Well, anyways, it's like a bunch of D1 athletes that didn't get to go D1, because they either got a girl knocked up, they was doing some drugs, they got busted doing something, they robbed a house. That was the players that I was around, the talent on this team, corey, it was dangerous. I'm talking about the best of the best that done the worst of the worst and couldn't go and play for a big school. They all come to this school. I've never seen anything like it. We had a safety one time.

Speaker 2:

That dude could jump six foot in the air flat footed. Just an absolute freak, just a freak man. And long story short, I'm at practice and I'm like what up, cuzz Cause I'm country, what up, cuzz. Well, I said that to a blood, apparently like and you're not supposed to say anything with a C to him. Well, he pulled out a gun out of his car and pulled it right at my face at practice, like what it's. Just I was like and just me seeing that as like, oh I'm, I've got to watch out. Like these people are, like, they're crazy, like they're serious about this stuff. Anyways, I had some good buddies of mine that come over there and like, well, man, you don't know, they broke it up.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, we went off to practice and we, we, literally as the season went on, corey, I didn't start until the third game of the season because there was people that were showing up late for practice. People weren't showing up to practice, but you, but me, how do I get where I got? By showing up every single day, day in, day out, when most people wouldn't do it. So by the third week I started on defense and it was. I started every single game until the end of the season. So we, absolutely nobody stood, nobody held a candle of touching us in the pre, in the, in the season, right, we just destroyed everybody. Just just raw talent, man, it was, it was, it was, it was so awesome. I mean we'd beat people 60 to nothing. It was. We had some very high caliber players.

Speaker 2:

Well, we're going to the national championship. It's the. It's in the prep school. It wasn't like D two or D three, it was like prep league. So we're going to the national championship and there's a team that won it last year and in the pre season we beat them 21 to nothing and we're the only team that beat them.

Speaker 2:

Well, with what all the I call them, with all the thugs and people then the bad people that I was around, I became, I was becoming one of them because that was my environment. So after being in that environment, corey, literally we our head coach. He got fired. So the president fired our head coach for some bullcrap reason and next thing, you know, half of our team whipped because they fired the head coach and it was an absolute garbage reason. So we're going into the national championship with half of our team and now it's just, we have another head coach that fills the position and he had no business being there, dude, he didn't know his butt from a hole in the ground. And that's just me being real, that's just me being straight up. So, anyways, we go all the way to the national championship. We're about to get rings. Because we get rings for winning that.

Speaker 2:

We got beat 21 to it was like 26 to 20 or something like that, and it sucked, but you know what? That's why I'm a firm believer that the power is in the team. No matter how good of a, how good your abilities are, no matter how talented you are, at the end of the day, the powers in the team and the team that you could can unite when it matters the most is the one that's going to win every single time. So after that, I mean still had amazing. I mean we had 60 players, so we still had 30. So we had some good guys, but the fact is, man, nobody cared. I mean there was guys smoking weed before the football game. They didn't give a crap, dude. So we deserve to get beat every single bit of it because there was no leadership. So after that, I could decided to play for three more years and be around the same terrible people that I was around, or I could. You know what? I'm going to go home and I'm just I'm just going to get away from this and I'm just going to get into sales. So I come home.

Speaker 2:

My grandfather loved that man to death. He had a little used car lot. I said, papa, I just want to, I want to go to, I want to go to work with you one day and just see what you do. Well, long story short, I go to work with him. He has about 15 cars on the lot. He goes to these big dealerships and these big dealerships, they sell hundreds of cars a month. Well, he goes down there and buys their wholesale pieces, which is like the anywhere from the 1,000 to $20,000 cars for wholesale. So he's in there, he's negotiating with the manager.

Speaker 2:

I'm in the office, I've got long black hair down to my shoulders, I've got a big jacket on, I've got a nice. I've got a beanie on my head, I got my cowboy boots on. They're going back and forth and I'm just sitting there and spitting snow outside. So I'm sitting here and I'm just like, hmm, they're going back and forth. I was like. I was like, hey, man, when are you going to hire me? I just, I, just I just hit him with it.

Speaker 2:

The general manager. And this general manager he's about 250 pounds, not fat, but just like big, like his hand was like like like a baseball glove, just a big dude. He leaned up. He says son. He says do you do drugs? And I hadn't done anything by the time I got back and I was like no, sir. He's like go get him an application.

Speaker 2:

So I started that next week and I go home and I'm like I don't know how to sell cars. So I get on YouTube how to sell cars. Andy Elliott pops up. Andy Elliott pops up. I'll watch a video I've got. Let me just paint this picture. I watched this video. He puts his number in there. I texted it cause he says text me at this number if you need help. I texted that number. It's 10 o'clock at night. I've got 200 bucks in my bank account and I just got approved for a thousand dollar discovery credit card because somebody told me I need to start building my credit.

Speaker 2:

Well, andy calls me at 10 o'clock at night.

Speaker 2:

I'm in my bed and he's like what's up, jesse? Anyways, I talked to him for like 30, 45 minutes. He tells me. He says son, you remind me a lot of myself when I was your age, cause he had a. He had a difficult, a different upbringing, as well as most people, right? So long story short.

Speaker 2:

He says Jesse, this is what you need to do. And he says I'm telling you this because I've, I've, I've been where you're at and I know where you're trying to go. So I have, I have a 200 and I think I have like 300 something. I was like 304 or something dollars in my bank account at the time. He had a training course, an online course. You could go in and train to learn car sales, so it was 299 bucks. He's like you need to buy this and then you also need to book a ticket to my live event here in. It was in Oklahoma at the time. You need to buy a ticket to come out to train with me live in person so that way I could meet you and I could show you like how to you know, sell cars.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That ticket was $997. I've never spent more than $300 at one time in my life. So I'm sitting there like I don't have the money. I've got a credit card I can max it out, but I don't have any income coming in to pay off the credit card. And he looked at me. He said, son, he's like, literally, this decision is either going to be the pivotal point in your life, you're going to continue doing the same stuff, you're going to have slow wins, you're not going to get what you want as fast when you can literally learn from somebody that's gone to places that you want to go get a little bit uncomfortable, because this is something you've never done. And I said, he said I tell you what he says. You remind me so much of myself.

Speaker 2:

I want to actually book your plane flight tickets so you could come out here, cause I've never been in a plane. I've never been, I've never been out of the States Alabama, georgia, tennessee or Florida. I've never been out of that surrounded areas. I'm getting on a plane, brother, to fly across the country to Oklahoma. What with a stranger that I don't even know. I just seen him on YouTube.

Speaker 2:

Well, guess what he says Jesse, my wife Jacqueline, I'll have her book your plane flight tickets and I'll actually pick you up at the airport and you could just I want you to fly in a couple of days early, cause I want you to spend some time with me and my family and I was like I'm in. I was like I'm in. If I get kidnapped, whatever it is, I'm down. But really, you know, what sold me the most is like I've never been in, like I've never seen like a an actual family, like like be a part of it, like kids and a mom and a wife and like a husband and a wife, and I was like I wanted to see what that was about. So I wanted to see that when he told me that, I was 100% in.

Speaker 1:

So Do you think that is because he believed in you more than you believed in yourself at that time?

Speaker 2:

100%. He believed in me more than I. I didn't even have any idea, I didn't know what believability was, I didn't know, but he believed in me and that's what gave me the courage to spend the money that I didn't have, get in an airplane which I've never been in and fly to a state that I've never even come close to her thought I would ever go to. Absolutely so the fact that he'd done that it's totally changed my life, has totally changed the trajectory of where I'm at, and obviously now I'm starting to see like all this hard work that I put in for the last six years is starting to pay off. And I haven't even scratched the surface yet. I'm a two compared to my 10, but when I do reach my 10, the whole world's gonna know.

Speaker 1:

So all right, so walk me through. You get off the plane, you go to your, get your bags. Andy Elliott, I assume, is standing there. And how did the rest of that trip go?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. I get off the plane, I'm walking in there, I'm texting him like hey what do I do?

Speaker 1:

Where do I? Where do I supposed to go? I?

Speaker 2:

didn't know.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, well, he calls me and he was out front. He had a green Toyota 4Runner, green, lifted up Toyota 4Runner, like 300,000 miles on it weirdly. Well, he's out there, I see him for the first time, we shake hands, he grabs my stuff, throws it in the back, we get in the car and then we go straight to the office which he had a little bit of. He had a little bit of office inside of his house. So we technically went to his house. I met his wife, his kids and just seeing how, like him and Jacqueline like talk to each other, it was just so awesome, like it was so just, it was so cool, you know, and seeing how he played with his kids and like showed him massive amounts of love, and that's something that I'll never forget. And we smashed the gym. We worked out. He had a gym in his garage and he also had a little obstacle course outside. He has a beautiful home, beautiful, and we start the seminar. That it was, I think it was on. I got there on Friday, saturday, sunday. We did the seminar and we literally done the seminar in his house. Like he had 10, 15 people there. We literally done the first seminar ever in his house and I got to be a part of that. So that's how that started.

Speaker 2:

And now we're getting back into me selling cars. So I'm selling cars my third month in. I'm getting my butt warped. The first 90 days was learning curve. I was absolutely terrible, but I obsessively trained every single day on my 30 minute commute to work, 30 minute commute from work, in the morning before I got to work and at night before I went to bed, every single day. So for three months I got my butt kicked. But on after that third month I got salesman of the month for the first time and at that dealership I never got beat again, period. So I was crushing it. I was breaking records.

Speaker 2:

This that at night, 18, 19 year old, I made six figures my first year in automotive sales. I didn't even know that was possible. One time my sister found my a pay stub and she's like is this fake? What are you doing? She had no idea. She's like I've been working for like six years. I've never even made this much combined. I didn't know. I was like I thought everybody was supposed to make six figures. I didn't know.

Speaker 2:

But where I'm from, like if somebody's like oh, if I could just make six figures, I'll be good. If I could just make six figures, I'll be good. Dude, you can't do nothing with six figures anymore. A hundred grand, you can't do nothing with it. If you're not making 250 to plus, you really can't enjoy life. I mean, I'm just being real, because everything's expensive gas going up, milk going up, everything's expensive. If you want to go out and do some stuff, if you want to go buy the nice toys, buy the houses, you're going to have to make some money. So what are you going to do to separate yourself from everybody else so that way you can provide a service to help them get what they want? Because Andy told me a long time ago. He said, son, if you help people get what they want, you will have everything you want in your life. And that is a hundred percent the truth.

Speaker 2:

Long story short, I sold cars for three years. I dominated my industry, made hundreds of thousands of dollars by doing good business. I never lied to anybody, never cheated, and literally I couldn't even walk into the store because I built a brand so big where people were like oh, you're that guy that sells cars. Hey, my hand bar to car from you. Hey, jesse, I seem to have. Oh, my goodness, I just own social media.

Speaker 2:

But you know what happens. People made fun of me, corey, for making videos. People said I was corny. People told me my pants was too tight. People told me I was going to the clown show to train. I just wanted to go out there and work out all the critics. Bro, when you leave and nobody's in the room, the crickets start to chirp. The crickets start to chirp, but when you come back in the room they're silent.

Speaker 2:

So all the people out there that's doing some things that you know it's kind of against the grain and most people are not willing to do, because they don't have the balls or the courage to go out and do it, because they don't have believability in themselves and they would rather value somebody else's opinion on what they think than what they think about theirself internally. Piss on those people, screw them and guess what? It's going to be hard, because a lot of times it's people you care about the most. It's your friends and it's your family, right? So what are we going to do? We're going to sit there and listen to our friends and family that's making fun of us and telling us oh, don't spend that money to go train. Why are you fine out there to do this? You're good enough. You don't need that training. You don't need to do that. Get it out. That's toxic. Get it out of your life. You don't need that. You do not need that. And if you continue to allow that to come in and penetrate your brain and your thinking in your mind, you will never become the most elite version of yourself until you nip it in the butt and you get it out.

Speaker 2:

I had to draw a hard line with my family and tell them listen, this is the path that I'm going on. You can either support me or I will. I will literally detox you from my life because I see the vision. I understand where that I'm going and what the good Lord has planned for me. You can either be a part of it or I have nothing to do with you. I love you. Thank you for bringing me into this world, but this is the path that I'm 100% certain on. And guess what, after I drew that hard line Okay, jesse, you're right. They support me more than they ever have. Now they're on the same mission as me. If I tell them there's a monkey in the tree, they're going to bring bananas because they know my word is gold Period, so that's right.

Speaker 1:

So how did life change for you when you drew that line and you cut that toxicity out of your life? So that's one thing that it is very hard to do, depending on who that person is, and lots of times, as you mentioned, it is family, it is a mom, it could be a dad, it could be a wife, it could be a brother. What happened? What happened when you drew that line in the sand? Where did your life go when you once you did that, and how did you feel? I want to say one word clarity.

Speaker 2:

It was clarity, corey. It's just like all that weight that I was carrying, that I was just worrying about what other people think I didn't carry anymore. Dude, I didn't care. I was like this is the life that I'm at. You're in or you're out. You're in or you're out. And once I drew that line and I seen who was really there, it was like I just had all this weight just fall right off of my back and I'm like this feels good because I'm being who I'm supposed to be and I don't care what anybody else thinks about it. So it was the best feeling in the world. Man, I feel like I had shackling change. It's just been released from me and I'm just a new man because I got sick and tired of being sick and tired and I made the change. So after I made the change, I continued to crush it and dominate it and sales.

Speaker 2:

I get a phone call from Andy Elliott one day. I'm literally sitting in my office making a comfortable six figures with my feet on the desk, just because I built up a brand and repeats and referrals. He calls me. He says son, he's like you're playing so small. I was like Andy, what are you talking about I've done everything you told me. I'm literally crushing it, man. I could literally sit here and make a lot of money, not just being doing repeats and referrals. He's like you're thinking so small.

Speaker 2:

Jesse Says you're thinking so small. He's like I trained you to be 10 times better than this. He says you have a message in the world needs to know about it. He says if you don't let them know, you're doing them a disservice. He says this is what I want you to do. I want you to move to Arizona and I want you to live with me and my family, because this is when Andy moved from Oklahoma to Arizona and then they're starting to blow up. People are noticing okay, this guy's serious, he's providing results, because results sell. How do you get more business? Get people, more results.

Speaker 2:

So anyways, he calls me out on that and I'm just like I've got. This is my calling, this is what I've got to do. I can only help so many people. Just get in my car. It's just a fact. I can only help so many people by getting in a car. And he's like we have this opportunity with the Elliot group and we also. I just partnered with a guy named Brad Lee for insurance. So you could literally come down here, do both of them whatever you want to do. I just want you here with me, bro, and you could come live with me and my family.

Speaker 2:

Well, I packed my stuff. The next month or the next week I was gone, sold my Corvette that I just bought, sold my Corvette, sold all my stuff, got rid of everything, packed up my GMC pickup truck drove 25 hours to Scottsdale, arizona. So here's the deal when I get there, corey, I didn't do the Elliott group because I seen this picture with this insurance where I just think I could just get an insurance and become a millionaire in one year and be set and whatever it after work again, that was my process in my brain, because I worked so hard to make a quarter of a million. I worked so hard to make 200,000. This one year I'm gonna make a million, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna go hard. So for the next I got there, when I got to Andy's house I had a hundred grand in my bank account saved up.

Speaker 1:

So your eye was just on the money, right? Yes, all right, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Yes. So I get there. I've put in the work and my eyes was never on the money. But now my eyes was on the money. Oh, I'm gonna get down here. I'm gonna be a millionaire in a year and two years. I'm gonna work as hard as I can and I'm gonna never have to work again in my life and I could do whatever I want. So I get to Andy's house, I'm living in his house with him. I'm eating steaks every night. I didn't change my diet. I'm eating good. I'm going to get massages, I'm going to pay for these gym memberships. I've got a hundred grand in real financial In this company that I was in.

Speaker 2:

It was just the beginning of it. So how you get leads is you have to buy them. So I was buying leads and I necessarily wasn't qualified enough. Well, everybody's qualified, but I wasn't talented enough to speak over the phone and close these people that's 60, 50, 60, 70 years old on final expense policies, because most of these people they didn't have much money. So I'm sitting here spending $5,000 a week on buying leads and I haven't to call them, and when you couldn't convert them, well, guess what? That's not a good ROI on your money. But you know what, jesse, I'm gonna put in the work.

Speaker 2:

I woke up at 2.45 every morning. I was training for a marathon at that time. I was wake up at 2.45 and I'd go to bed at 10, 11 o'clock, sometimes 12, and dude for six months I got my butt beat. Finally I made 30 grand one month, like 26,000 one month with insurance 26 grand. Then we go to Mexico and he takes us out of Mexico. I did 21K.

Speaker 2:

Well, I get down there and I could only use one carrier, for I had like 12 different insurance carriers that I was using. I was figuring it out. Well, none of my other carriers would work because I couldn't dial for Mexico because you have to be in the United States to sell the insurance. Well, I didn't like using this one carrier. So I was like I don't wanna put people in that carrier, so I'm not gonna do it. Well, we're in Mexico for 10 days. Corey and I come back and I had $25,000 in charge bags that I had to pay back to all those people because their policy laps, because when their next payment got withdrawn out of their account there wasn't enough money in there. So I had to pay all that money back. So guess what? I just thought I'd figured it out and I'm dead and broke, with no money in my bank account. I'm literally off my credit card. I'm literally living off my credit card. Again, going from hero to zero.

Speaker 2:

And not one person knew it, because I never changed my attitude and I showed up early and I left late every single day and he didn't even know it. He didn't have no idea. Long story short, he was asking me to book my ticket to go out and train with. He wanted me to book my plane ticket to go out and travel with him to train a company. I'm like I don't have any money. He's like what are you talking about? I was like I don't have any. He's like, dude. He's like this is what I want you to do. He's like you've been a product of my training. You're literally a spitting image of everything that I preach and embody and talk about when I'm training all these people.

Speaker 2:

Why don't you just try to just sell Elliot Group just for one week? Don't worry about the insurance. Just try it for one week, dude. My first week I absolutely knocked it out of the park, finally starting to make some money. I never turned back to insurance again. I still license in like 25 different states, but just being able to connect with people and not just old people, that's living on final expense, like and I'm not saying that's a bad business, I just it wasn't the right vehicle for me. It wasn't the right vehicle for me.

Speaker 1:

Do you think it's because there was a part of you, or maybe a big part, that you just didn't believe in the product?

Speaker 2:

So I liked it because I feel everybody needs it, because I still got policies on myself Like I still I liked it. I think it would be good to pay for something. Now I've learned that there's more stuff to pay for, but obviously I mean it's not going to be $30 a month, it's going to be a lot than that. So I actually believed in the product and it works because I've still got two policies that I wrote on myself that I liked. It's just I wasn't.

Speaker 2:

I didn't enjoy doing it Like I didn't enjoy making 400 phone calls a day, sometimes 500, and just getting the shit kicked out of you man, just getting hang up after hang up, people thinking you're scammers and stuff. And now I put in the work for six months but I was miserable doing it. I was miserable doing it. I still picked up the smile and dial, but you know what? You can only do that so far and I couldn't. I wasn't helping people and I knew I could help them in so many better ways than just that. So when I started doing the Elliot group and I can actually interact with people and business owners and sales reps, I felt my passion. I could do this for free, corey, this is how much I love it. Like I don't ever plan on retiring. Like this is this is you get a dopamine rush every time you help somebody.

Speaker 2:

Like I just bought this house. Right, I just bought this house and I'm like, okay, like I should already had it. That's how my brain went. Oh, I should already had it. I didn't know it was such a big deal. To like somebody, just like this is a big deal, like it's just a house. Like it's just it's just a house.

Speaker 2:

I had a better feeling. I just hired somebody he's my, he's my camera guy and I hired him as an assistant. Well, I just got him in an apartment. It's like two. It's like 2,500 bucks a month and I just here. You know, this is part of your, it's what I'm gonna pay you, I'm gonna pay your salary for this apartment, and he's never had anything like this, apparently, and he literally almost started crying because he was so grateful.

Speaker 2:

I got a better feeling just from him, just seeing how appreciative he is and me helping him to buying this freaking million dollar house. This doesn't mean nothing, bro. This doesn't mean anything. What drives me and what makes me freaking go is impacting other people's lives. Like his name's Manny, like me. Doing that for Manny was a better feeling than me than buying the Corvette and this Carcass I really had. It's just a house, bro, like. At the end of the day, it's cool. Yeah, I got one. What's next? But the fact that I got to change this young man's life and get him out of the freaking projects hood where he was living at and him and his girl can have a beautiful, beautiful apartment and I get to help him do that and he works his ass off for me, dude, that's the best feeling in the world, man. That's what I live for. You know something?

Speaker 1:

Jesse, you couldn't have taken a guy that would have been, let's say, even average and had that same feeling. That guy, manny, mark my words, he will break his ass to support you from now to the end of time. Because, I'll be honest with you, dude, people that come from a rough life. You know, I'm a recovering alcoholic. I didn't have a rough childhood but, man, I've definitely set myself up for rough stuff in my life and so there is a level of tenacity that comes from people that have gone through hard stuff and if you can pull somebody out of that hard time, I believe they make the greatest employees, the greatest partners, the greatest people to be around, because they have a level of appreciation that most people don't have.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you're 100% correct. He literally sent me a message yesterday. He says, brother, I'm ready to go to war with you and I'm going to be with you till I die. And he meant every word of it, every freaking bit of it. That's called building an unrecruitable team, helping people that's been through some stuff, that when nobody else wanted to help him or give them an opportunity, those people will literally give you their life. And that's literally how we've built our company. We're all a bunch of broken people that's come together and now we're the most dangerous and powerful team on the planet Earth, because we speak the truth and we don't sugarcoat anything and we tell you exactly how it is. And if somebody doesn't like that, that's totally cool. They could go have a great life somewhere else with some friends that don't really give a crap about them and they talk shit about them behind their back. That's great. Go enjoy that. You're not for us anyway, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So when you say you sell the Elliot group, dive into that. What do you mean by that? Because Andy does a lot of different things. His brand is going completely bananas. So when you say that, are you talking about the live events or are you talking about certain trainings? Just dive into that for a moment.

Speaker 2:

So we've got products that's for everybody. Like I'm just going to paint this picture real quick. Our goal for the Elliot group is all of our coaches literally to be the influencers of the world and us be like a massive hub that anybody in any industry can plug in. We're training doctors, we're training lawyers, salespeople, owners, business owners I mean I don't know of a company that we haven't trained from dog training companies to massive, massive organizations. When thousands of people they call them employees, we call them team members, right. We call everybody team members. We don't have employees. Employees are numbers. We have team members, right.

Speaker 2:

So we automatically fixed our thinking right off the bat. So I mean we have trainings from 99 bucks all the way up to. I mean there's companies that pay us millions to really get invested into their company and really just change their culture, change how they talk, look physical. We have an entire fitness division Like there's there's nothing that we can't do and in one day we're going to have divisions branched out from like the big hub and people's going to be over some stuff.

Speaker 2:

For me right now, who 90, I would say, let's just say, at minimum of 80% of my clients, corey, they're either business owners or leaders and people running teams, because I, just, I, just I hit them when I just really just struck them right in the heart and tell them the truth. This is what we need to do. This is what happens. Hey, I've done this, I fixed this problem, this is what we need to do. When you do this to the team, he doesn't need to be in that position. Boom, boom, boom and just the, the knowledge and the self development that I've just done over the years. It's just crazy. Like I could just talk to somebody. I just automatically know what we need to do.

Speaker 2:

Repetition is the mother of skill. Like, literally, I've got a landscaping company. I trained them for a year. They went from 200,. A landscaping company took them from 200 K two years ago to last year, netted 700,000. What, what, dude, what? And I didn't teach you nothing special, I just taught them how to be good people, how to talk to people, how to get repeats and referrals, how to own your marketplace. That's simple stuff that I just think people should know, and they don't have a clue. They don't have a clue, corey. And then you could come in there, you could provide results, and after I heard that, my confidence busted through the roof and now I feel obligated to get on the phone with as many people possible because I know what stuff that I have will help them get results and what sells results sell.

Speaker 1:

That's right. So let me ask you this. So let's just pretend for a second. A business owner calls you up to Jesse, you don't really want you to come in and train our team. Doesn't matter what the company is, right, but I'm going to, I just want you to come in, I want you to handle it. You know I'm the owner, so I just kind of stay in the background. But I want you to come in and transform my team because you know I try to train them, I try to teach them, but you know, just, things are not really working. But I don't really, I don't as the owner, I don't really want to be involved in, I just want you to handle how well is that going to work 100%.

Speaker 2:

Well, number one if the owner and the person is not on the front lines with their team, how in the hell is their team going to respect them? They're not Right Because I've got some dickhead manager that doesn't really care about him. That's rude and not training them properly. So you already got cancer everywhere. So we need to just reverse engineer all this stuff and I need to say how do you look like when you look in the mirror? Are you out of shape? Are you giving these young men and kids like these people that's on your team? Are you being an example for them to actually want to aspire to be like you? Okay?

Speaker 2:

Well, that's number one. We need to fix you. It's not your team, because the fish stinks from the head down, brother, and you're the leader. So let me ask you this who's in charge, corey? It's you right, right, okay. So you're the first thing we need to fix, brother. So once we get you dialed in, I'm not stepping foot into anything, because you are literally the starlight, the starship and everything, and it falls and it goes straight to you every single time, because that's what leaders do, even if it's your fault or not. It's your fault because you're the leader, and that's how we scale this. And once we can see that your team, once we can show your team that you're invested, that you're willing to do the training that we tell you to do, that you're willing to go to the gym, that you're willing to treat your wife better, that you're willing to spend some time with your kids once we're there, then we can start.

Speaker 2:

So I could either take them on this $500,000 package right here, start training their team immediately, or I'm like no, we're going to spend a couple of grand, we're going to fix you, bro, because this is not going to work. I'm not here. I'm not here for the money, dude, I've got plenty of it. I'm good. I'm here to help you get the results you're looking for, and this is exactly where we're starting. So if you're coachable and you can put your ego aside and you can listen to somebody that's been freaking, fully invested in this for the last six years. I don't know everything and I never will, but I promise you I've geeked out on this. I've not went to the bars, I didn't chase women, I wasn't watching playing video games. I was successively studying this every single day and I'm obsessed with it. So if that's something that you want to be a part of, if you really want to change your team. This is where we're going to start. It costs this much right here.

Speaker 2:

But, number one, I don't care about the money, I just want to know if you're going to do the work, boom, we're going to see where he's at. We're testing his temperature. We're going to see how bad he wants it, and if he wants to grow, he's going to fix himself, and if he doesn't, I don't want to do business with him, because he's wanting the easy route, and nothing in life is easy. It's going to be hard, but guess what? You can have a hard life building a business or being in sales, getting your face kicked in when you're knocking on the doors and ringing the phones, or you can have a hard life working nine to five at McDonald's. But what I've learned is we also need people. That needs to flip the burger. So I'm totally cool, whatever they want to do with it.

Speaker 1:

All right. So let's pretend I'm the business owner. I call you and say that and I say, well, yeah, jesse, I'm willing to make some changes. Let's just role play for a second. Yeah, jesse, I'm willing to make some changes. Yeah, I'm not really going to the gym a lot, but I can get a gym membership and I probably can meet with you once every two weeks because you know I'm a busy guy. What do we do next?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, number one I don't want to do anything with anybody until, because, obviously, the people that are reaching out to us, I don't have to sell them nothing. They already know what we do. That's the beautiful thing. I don't have to sell them anything. They want a better life. This is what we're going to do.

Speaker 2:

So, number one, they need to start with coming to a seminar, because we believe in total immersion. Tony Robbins speaks about total immersion. Total immersion, total immersion, completely submerge yourself in this. So, like before we start anything before, I want to invest time into you and your culture. I really want to see like your core values, see where you're at. So, to start this process, you need to come out to one of our live events. You need to work out with us. Then you need to come and sit and train with us for eight hours and then, if you still want to do business with us after that, then I'll show you the game plan.

Speaker 2:

But this is where it starts. I don't just like to jump in and immediately start training your company. I want to see if you're going to be 100% committed, because I want to see if you're a trusted client, because you know, at the end of the day. If there's a fitness, if there's a fitness guy right here and you're paying him to teach you stuff and he asks you are you a trusted client? If I tell you to eat this and not eat this, are you going to listen to me? Okay, if you're not, if you're not going to be a trusted client, if you're not going to be a trusted client, I don't want to be beating my brains out because what I'm telling you is not working when you're not running the play because you can't stick to the diet.

Speaker 2:

Now, going back to business, I want to meet these people. I want them to bring their wife with them because once they go back and they're like brainwashing or like believe they could just take over the world, which they can, they just have a believability problem when they leave here. They've got more confidence, they've got more energy than ever just being around this magical place which is the lion's den here in Scottsdale, arizona. Once they go back and they're telling their wife how they're going to change, their wife doesn't believe them because they haven't stuck to their word the past 10 times that they told them. That's it. So, before we go anywhere, you're going to come out to an event You're going to sit through. You're going to, we're going to show you massive amounts of love. You're going to see how my team runs, you're going to see how Andy speaks, and you're going to see, you're going to see something in this room packed with 400 people, that you've never seen in your life.

Speaker 1:

Well, so I just want to say my team out there. I don't really think I need to come out there, right?

Speaker 2:

Let me ask you something. Let me ask you something, corey Do you think your team is going to appreciate this more if you just send them out there, or if they actually see you come out of the woodworks and actually see that their owner, the company, the one that hasn't really been invested in the time into them what if they see? If they see you out here with them training, you think that's going to make them want to do it more or do it less? Obviously, they're going to want to make it do it more because you haven't been around, right. Okay, so to get the best benefits, this is what we want to do and, honestly, I don't even want you to send your team out here if I'm not going to get to shake your hand, because I believe in iron clad handshake. I want to look a man in the eyes and I want to see how serious he is and I want you to feel how serious I am.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So yeah, I mean, that sounds good, jesse, what you know, what's this going to cost me?

Speaker 2:

So number one, seminar tickets. I started at $9.97. It's $1,000 a piece. If you want to roll with the big dogs, if you want to network, you want to be around other badass owners and be around people that just want to get close to Andy and be on stage with him, you know those tickets range from $2,000 to $6,000, depending on the event. So all of our ticket prices for our master closer seminars are $9.97. So there are $1,000 a piece.

Speaker 2:

We do have some events with that's with some some different people. Like if we have Patrick but David, you know we had to pay him a quarter of a million to come out here. So those tickets to get in the door is going to be $19.97. You know it's just supply and demand on how we have to pay people. Our events with Bradley we have to pay him. So what does that cost? Those tickets to get in the doors? $19.97. How many people do you want to send? Generally, if you send more than 10 people you get a little bit of a discount on the ticket. So if you get them all up front, that's the only way we could save money. We don't believe in discounts because if we discount this you're going to discount your life. You're going to discount everything you come in. And why would you want to do that? Because when what you sell is good and your product works, there's no reason for discounts.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my guys discount stuff all the time. But you know, I got just. I just got a bunch of shitty employees, jesse, like there's just a bunch of, just bunch of dumbasses 100%.

Speaker 2:

Well, number one why did you hire them? Why did you allow them to be in your team? And it all goes back to you Every single time, whether they suck. They had to get brought into the company.

Speaker 2:

Maybe when you hired them, you didn't actually talk to their wife as well and ask them and tell them that they're probably not going to make money for the next three to six months and you need to.

Speaker 2:

You didn't ask them if there's going to support their husband to go through this time, because once they can go through this time of the of the drought technically took to the learning curve for the next 60 to 90 days.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, if you know, you talk to their spouses and told them how hard it was going to be, but also showed them the fruits of their label, where they can make hundreds of thousands of dollars in this sales position, but they're just going to have to take the learning curve on, and that's where most people that's where most people quit because they don't understand it. So maybe if you could just actually spend a little bit more time and got a little bit closer with the people that you brought in on your team and actually interviewed them and their wife and told them how hard it was going to be and try to talk them out of joining your company before they did. Maybe they would be just a little bit more invested in. When it did get tough, they wouldn't quit and they wouldn't half acid, because they actually treated us like a business and not a job.

Speaker 1:

So I think what I'm hearing, great job. Here's what I think I'm hearing setting expectations. If you set the right expectations for your future clients, your current customers, your wife, your kids, if you set expectations, you're going to have far more success. Because if I set expectations for you, this is what I expect, this is what you're going to get. Then guess what, if these things don't fall into place and you don't get what you think you're going to get? Well, we've already talked about that. You didn't do your part. Therefore, you didn't get what the final result was right Setting expectations.

Speaker 2:

I want to share something for all the managers and people that do hiring that's going to be listening to this, because you probably have a lot of those that listen to this podcast right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah 100% they're going to want to write this down. So when you're hiring people and these guys are just saying I'll do anything just to get an opportunity to be a part of this company, I love it, I'll give my blood, sweat and tears, I'll do anything for it. Well, guess what? Six months down the line, they're not waking up and fixing their hair, they're not getting all dressed and stuff. They're slacking. They're not on fire anymore because they was hot when they first started. And then you have a meeting with them because they keep showing up late to meetings. And then you asked them hey, remember when I first hired you and you told me you do absolutely anything to be a part of this wonderful organization, in this company. But now you're showing up late, you're rolling your eyes in the meeting and that's not the original person that I hired. So do you believe that you roll in your eyes in the meeting and you show up late? Do you believe that that raises the standard or lowers the standard of the company?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so what are we going to do about this? I'm going to fix it, okay, and you understand what happens if you don't fix it right, absolutely You're going to be out the door. But the fact is, I told you when you first come in here, the person that can self-correct will forever be wealthy. It's going to be hard, it's going to be tough, and this is the time where most people quit. But you told me when you first started you'd do anything for this opportunity, and now you're literally pissing it away. So what are we going to do about that? Oh, I'm going to fix it, okay, but you held them to their word, corey, because they said they would do anything. They would be just honored just to be a part of this team, to do anything, to grow. And then, when they come back, you ask them if they're raising or lowering the standard of the company, and they say lowering it. Well, if you was in my position, corey, would you keep somebody that continued to lower the standard of the company? Probably not. So I think we need to fix some things, and if we don't, we know what's going to happen. Am I right? Absolutely. And you're not yelling at them, you're not telling them. You need to fix this right now. You're literally hanging them with their own rope, because they told you this before, when you did the hiring procedure, literally, and that's how you get them to flip the switch and then go back into it, because there's going to be a lot of people that you're going to have to flip the switch on and it's up to you.

Speaker 2:

How elite do you want to run this? How elite do you want your team to be? How high do you want these standards? Because there's some people that run it so hot Like, for instance, if our team, if we cheat on our spouse, we're gone. Forget a DUI and wreck and kill somebody, we're gone. That's not the image that we're trying to portray towards the world. So we hold ourself to an extremely high standard and now it's the owner's decisions of how high he wants to raise the standards. And obviously, if he keeps letting shit stink, well, guess what? It's going to start to rub off on everybody else too. So it starts right there, before you can hire them.

Speaker 1:

So how quickly when the shit starts to stink, how quickly do you let that linger around before you cut bait?

Speaker 2:

You don't? You immediately you nip it in the butt period and you have that hard conversation with them Because, hey, listen, corey, I love you, but remember when you first started and you told me he's going to do this, this and this, the fact that you're showing up to late to the meetings and you've been eye rolling the core values on the wall that we have up here which one did you disobey? Okay, you disobeyed being good to the team, treating the team right, being good to the team Okay. Let me ask you this If you was in my position, like, and you had your company and you invested all of your time into building this, which is your absolute baby, and you had somebody that was lowering the standard of the company, you probably wouldn't keep them around, would you?

Speaker 2:

No, okay, me neither. So I don't think we should have this conversation again, but if we have to, it'll be the last conversation we have. Is that understood? Beautiful, we love you, bro. I'm going to always be direct with you. I'm always going to tell you the truth and I expect you to do the same for me. Have a great life. Let's go kick some butt.

Speaker 1:

Now, what happens if you don't do that? Because I know we see that. Yeah, what happens if you go? All right, you know? Look, I know we had a conversation. I told you the next conversation. You know it was going to be the last one, but I'm going to give you another chance.

Speaker 2:

Then your word is meaningless, right? You just lost all authority. You literally lost all authority, because you don't have that second meeting. Next thing you do, you call them. Hey, man, we appreciate you, but you no longer work here. Have a great life, I'll recommend you to anybody you ask me to, but you're just not going to be a part of this company anymore.

Speaker 1:

What does that do for the rest of the team when you set that example?

Speaker 2:

It raises their standard and shows them that you're 100% serious and what you say you need to implement it, because if there's no accountability, how are you going to wipe the piss off the toilet seat? How are you going to clean the sink with water spots after you wash your hands? How are you going to take the trash out when it's not your chore but you see it needs to be done? How are you going to pick up the bottle that's laying in the parking lot and go pick it up and put it in the trash? Can? You're not, unless you really want to hold yourself to the high standard when you're around people that are actually living by this and the core values is to do the right thing, and you do it, no matter regardless if it was yours or not.

Speaker 1:

Right, all right. So where does God come in? We talked about this before the show. You said, hey, I read the Bible every morning. I believe what you said. You have another book that you read. Tell me how God's played a part in your life and where you're at now 100 percent.

Speaker 2:

Well, I got saved at 19 year old. I give my life to Jesus on July 25th, and he's everything because there's a. There's a higher power and there's also another power that's powerful, but we call that the lower powerful in the devil. So there's things that's called vices and a lot of people. It's how the devil used to control people. It's alcohol, it's drugs and it's women. That's the most three. That's the most three vices that men have, right.

Speaker 2:

So who controls those powers? The devil. You pick up the beer. You're going to lean more into the devil. You pick up the smoke you're going to lean in more to the devil. You go out with women every single night. You're going to pick up more stuff from the devil.

Speaker 2:

So the more that you could detox yourself from that and turn to this, the more powerful you are going to become in the positive side. Because I know that every single time that it gets rough and I just feel like nothing's going my way, I know that I could literally Peter 157, cast all anxieties on God, for he cares for you. I know that. Look at that. I know that whatever I got, he'll say all my demons. I just have to give them to him, and I know that I'm going to have to answer for the cuss words that I say. But you know what I'm also going to get? Praise for the lives that I changed, and we're all sinners. We're going to continue to get better and I'm just getting better 1% every single day, and doing the right thing, what I believe is going to put me to the best position to help myself grow, as well as every single person I come in contact with.

Speaker 1:

So have you found that you know, if you were let's say you were, you know, a great person, didn't know cuss words, and that's where you started out, so to speak. You didn't cheat on women, you didn't use women. Do you think I come from the belief that God can work on you if you're broken? Like really. The truth is Jesus was he hung out with prostitutes? He hung out with the tax guy who everybody hated. He hung out with the riffraff, your football team, right? That's who Jesus hung out with. Yeah, right, because he could help fix those people.

Speaker 2:

At least, that's what I believe yes, 100%, he absolutely can. He absolutely can. And you know what I believe God uses broken people to heal other broken people Like yourself the story that you told me. I know that you was a piece of shit a long time ago. Now I know the fact that you was a piece of shit. You can help impact millions of more lives because you've touched the stove, you know it's hot and you know right from wrong. So the fact that you told me that story, you instantly got my credibility and believability in you, because I know that you've done some bad things in your life and that's made you the man that you are today and that's why your message is reaching millions of people and that's why you're going to continue to grow and that's why, when time gets tough, you've already went through the toughest shit you'll ever go through, so that's just going to push you through and make you continue to be a better person. Brother.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's faith right. You gotta have faith in something other than yourself, other than your own ego, other than your own pride. And sometimes that's hard to do. Sometimes that's hard to do, sometimes I get caught up in. Well, you know, I know what decision to make here, but it's my decision, it's me making that decision and lots of times my decisions suck right. If I don't lean on somebody else to make decisions, I may make the wrong decision 100%, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So you guys have some stuff coming up. Can you share a little bit about that, where it is, the dates of it and all that stuff and how people can either get ahold of you, get ahold of the information, and I would like to ask you, if you've got you know, if you would either send me a link? Do you mention some free training? Do you mention some how to get that? If you could provide us with some of that information as well, I would be killer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll hook the whole podcast family up, right. So I'll tell you what. If you want to text me my cell phone number my personal cell phone number, area code 256-605-7800, tell me you're listening to this podcast and send me your name, I'll send you over a recording of one of our live events and we sell these recordings for a thousand bucks. So I'll give you one for free. I don't care if it's 10 people or 10,000 people, I will send it to you. So also our next live event we have one coming up this weekend. It's a couple's mastermind. We're completely sold out. So the next one, after that one, we're going to be in Florida. Now our home base is in Scottsdale, arizona. We're going to be in Tampa, florida, march the 24th that's on a Saturday, I believe. So we're going to be training. We've got a couple tickets left for that. I probably won't have no more tickets within the next 72 hours for that one, but after that our next event will be in April, april 12th and 13th. Andy Elliott, bradley growing your team, growing your business, lowering it to overcome every single objection you could possibly think about that's what you're going to learn at the ultimate closer summit. There's two different tickets. There's a general mission and there's a VIP. If you want to spend a little bit more time on my team and all the other people that are rolling VIP with Andy and Brad, you know Brad's going to be smoking his cigars, we're going to be hanging out eating steak and lobster. So if you want to be a part of something like that, the next one's April 13th April 12th and April 13th I've got a lot of business owners that's coming in there that do amazing business, have amazing lives and they're just great people to connect with. So again myself on numbers area code 2566057800. Text me your name, text me. You heard it on this podcast. I'll send you over the free training.

Speaker 2:

And also I'm on Instagram. I post every single day dropping value on Instagram every single day. My Instagram is jesse J-E-S-S-E, underscore cloud nine. Jesse, underscore cloud nine. I drop value every single day. So if you listen to these words that was coming out of my mouth, I'm always talking on there. My guy, he puts every, does it all for me. I don't have to do anything, I just make the content, he posts it for me. So it's great.

Speaker 1:

Love it. Jesse, this has been such an incredible conversation. I can't thank you enough for coming on and just providing a tremendous amount of value for the audience. They're going to absolutely love this and, yeah, man, I really feel very blessed to have this conversation with you.

Speaker 2:

Well, dude, I appreciate the friendship that we've created over this time. I appreciate you for giving me the opportunity to display this message, and what the good Lord has has my calling to do. So I'm honored. I don't get on my mini podcast, brother, but the ones I do is I get on with people that I believe has a good in heart and actually gives a crap about people, wants to help them grow. So that's why I'm on here with you on this beautiful Sunday on your birthday, which is an honor 39. Never looked better and appreciate you, jesse. Thank you 100%, brother. Well, thank you so much for everything. God bless, you're welcome.

Grateful Perspective and Superpower Mentality
Overcoming Adversity and Keeping Your Word
Belief and Opportunity
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