Successful Life Podcast

Unleashing Potential: Jairek Robbins' Core 4 Revolution for Business Leaders and Personal Growth

April 26, 2024 Corey Berrier
Unleashing Potential: Jairek Robbins' Core 4 Revolution for Business Leaders and Personal Growth
Successful Life Podcast
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Successful Life Podcast
Unleashing Potential: Jairek Robbins' Core 4 Revolution for Business Leaders and Personal Growth
Apr 26, 2024
Corey Berrier

Embark on a transformative journey with high-performance coach Jairek Robbins, as we explore the profound influence of his Core 4 program on today's business leaders. Discover the delicate balance between scaling ventures and nurturing personal well-being through our enlightening conversation. Jairek's decade of mentorship experience shines through in every tale of triumph, equipping you with the tools to thrive in both life and work without compromise.

Tackling life's challenges head-on, this episode delves into the resilience required to bounce back from setbacks, emphasizing the power of ownership and informed decision-making. Hear inspiring stories, from entrepreneurs overcoming the "valley of despair" to global initiatives that revolutionize education for underprivileged children. Jairek's insights on financial literacy, psychological fortitude, and the far-reaching impact of coaching tools in the classroom promise to leave you with actionable strategies to apply to your own endeavors.

As we wrap up, reflect on the narrative of John, a community member whose life was redefined through the Core Four-course. This episode isn't just about listening—it's about actively participating in your transformation. Join us as we unlock the keys to aligning your identity with your aspirations, ensuring that your inner growth propels you to external success. Visit to continue your journey towards high performance, and remember, the choices you make today shape your tomorrow.

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Embark on a transformative journey with high-performance coach Jairek Robbins, as we explore the profound influence of his Core 4 program on today's business leaders. Discover the delicate balance between scaling ventures and nurturing personal well-being through our enlightening conversation. Jairek's decade of mentorship experience shines through in every tale of triumph, equipping you with the tools to thrive in both life and work without compromise.

Tackling life's challenges head-on, this episode delves into the resilience required to bounce back from setbacks, emphasizing the power of ownership and informed decision-making. Hear inspiring stories, from entrepreneurs overcoming the "valley of despair" to global initiatives that revolutionize education for underprivileged children. Jairek's insights on financial literacy, psychological fortitude, and the far-reaching impact of coaching tools in the classroom promise to leave you with actionable strategies to apply to your own endeavors.

As we wrap up, reflect on the narrative of John, a community member whose life was redefined through the Core Four-course. This episode isn't just about listening—it's about actively participating in your transformation. Join us as we unlock the keys to aligning your identity with your aspirations, ensuring that your inner growth propels you to external success. Visit to continue your journey towards high performance, and remember, the choices you make today shape your tomorrow.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Successful Life Podcast. I'm your host, Corey Barrier, and I'm here with my good friend, Jarek Robbins. What's up, Jarek?

Speaker 2:

How are you doing, sir? It's good to be back. Thank you for having me.

Speaker 1:

It's been a couple, maybe been three years, I think it's been a little while, so I'm super excited, yeah. So you know, and I got to say this, it sounds a little weird but I, you know, I listen to. I have a playlist and I shared this with you. I have a playlist that I listen to every night. One of them is you, when you were in Cologne, yeah, which was just. It was just super inspiring and it makes me visualize what life not really what life could be like, but what that perfect day would be like, and I just want to thank you for that, because I really have enjoyed that and it's become a part of my everyday evening stuff. It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

You're so welcome If you want an audio clip. We just recorded one. We just taught that session in our Core 4 program and I clipped out the actual audio of me doing that.

Speaker 1:

So if you want it, I'll text it to you so you can have a direct audio as well, that'd be great, and if you do that, I can drop it in the show notes of the podcast, yeah, sweet. So, jarrett, tell me a little bit about you. Know, I know you've got a ton of stuff going on and you just mentioned your Core 4 program. I think that's interesting because I've been in a mastermind, if you will, that had a Core 4 program and I feel like some things are incongruent about it and I don't think that I don't really think that is going to be the case with you. But tell me a little bit about what consists of your core four program.

Speaker 2:

Sure, so I'll back my way into it. So you know why it came about. I'm trying to remember. 10 years ago I hired a business mentor who's strictly business. You don't like. Health can burn and blow up your relationship. Leave that out of this room. This room is business and in being in that room it was all business people and we grew our business over three years over 142% and I was like, wow, this is crazy, this really works.

Speaker 2:

On my seventh year in the program, or eighth year in the program, he pulled me aside and he said I love what you're doing. I've watched how you've participated at this level with these companies and those companies are ranging between two to probably 150 million in revenue a year and the way you interacted with everyone, the way you did it. He says you need to do something in your business. That kind of rhymes with or looks like this. I was like, are you sure? Like this is your stuff, and he's like, no, no, you have it. I've watched the way you do it, you can do it. And so we started our board program and we just launched with one board small group and it's me saying, hey, can I take what I've learned from him and can I apply it and can we get results for other businesses? We have one company that's been with us. They're on their third year on the board. They've grown 2,600%. And we have others that have grown 100%, others that have grown 50%, others that have gone through their cycle in the industry right now and they've struggled but still significantly improved the quality of their business over the time working with us.

Speaker 2:

And what I noticed was the business stuff was working and at some point, if you're going to learn how to do something new, usually there's three steps. My friend who used to train the leadership in the Air Force and the special operations groups he's one of our coaches on our team he taught me. He said there's watch me, do it, do it with me, you do it, and if you can't take people through those steps, they're not really learning and they're not learning effectively. And so I watched him do it. I've done it and he was coaching me as I did it. And now we're doing it and it's working.

Speaker 2:

And the one thing I saw is, now that we're doing it, I said how do we make this uniquely ours? What do we have to add to the process that wasn't there before us? And so the process before us was only business and I was like I have a lot of skill sets when it comes to health, relationship, wealth building, career inspiration, psychology, performance. All my one-on-one clients have been very niche business owners for 20 years now, so I really know how to work with them in all of their life, not just their business. And I was trying to think of how I could do that, because as our boards grow, we get more and more members and they're wonderful human beings and then I don't have enough one-on-one time to be working with everyone. So we trained coaches. We have a team of coaches who can do this work with people. But even then I was like how do I really make sure that they get it that they have all the tools?

Speaker 2:

And so the other piece that we did was we stirred up just we're six months into it right now we stirred up this program called the Core 4. And the Core 4 was a support system for our business people to make sure that while they're driving their business forward, their health doesn't fall apart. So I think heart attack, stroke, sleep deprivation all the things that really driven business people tend to do themselves by accident because they're not paying attention to it. So their health stays really solid, their psychology stays really solid and our unique niche in the health space is performance. So how do we get them to perform at their absolute best, which is a really important piece here?

Speaker 2:

So if you think of our clients in terms of what kind of car would they be? If you think of our clients in terms of what kind of car would they be, they would be an F1 race car. They're not a decked out minivan. Who's for size and comfort. They're not a Porsche, which is nice, but that's a normal car that you can buy and take on a normal road. Our clients are different. They're F1 race cars. They're not street legal. They move fast. They achieve far beyond what the average person thinks is even possible.

Speaker 2:

I was having a conversation last week with someone and they were telling me how proud they were that they gained the skill set where they could sell from stage and they could close $20,000 in a session, and they were so proud and they were aspiring to look up to someone like Russell Brunson who closed a million dollars from stage in an hour. And then I got on the phone with my clients and they were talking about a meeting they had, where there was the possibility of them raising $200 million from the same 60-minute meeting, I was like that's not street legal, that is a totally different category. And they're like, yeah, it's kind of a small amount in our world, but it's a good starting point. And I was like what did you just say? That's operating in a different capacity and so it's hard to explain to people because it sounds so foreign and these groups of people generally don't talk about how much they make and you don't know who they're doing those kind of deals and if you meet them you'd never know the business they're in. They're not personalities online that are talking about how many figure entrepreneurs they are. They're hidden and they're doing these deals behind the scenes and they're doing really big deals.

Speaker 2:

Those people tend to reach out to me and I help them optimize who they are because they have to be at their best when they're walking in. They have to be psychologically, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually dialed in if they're going to really perform in these areas, because it requires everything you've got and if you mess up you're out for life. They don't let you back in if you upset and the competition is fierce at that level because it's a big deal to perform at that level. And so those are the types of people we work with and I figured out how could I take the information that I use with them one-on-one and could I build it into a program where I can give them one-on-one and could I build it into a program where I can give them the lessons, the support and the process to really keep people at their best psychologically, mentally, emotionally, physically. High performance is the thought process there.

Speaker 2:

Second, relationships I don't know about you, but I've seen people, I've experienced people in my own family who they're working, they're working, they're working, they're working, they're working, they're so focused but they forget to focus on the most important relationship and they come home and it falls apart and it's like oof, what happened. And there's certain habits, there's certain patterns, there's certain little things that once you know, it's not easy. It takes consistent effort, but if you put in that effort, you see a flourishing relationship come about because of it. And so can we get them into those habits, can we get them into the rhythms where they really get to see that incredible relationship they dream of the wealth building?

Speaker 2:

I've had the chance to work with people who, when they started, they were dreaming of making $1,500 a month and we got them into the hundreds of thousands or multiple hundreds of thousands a month of earnings. And there's a phrase it's not how much you make, it's how much you keep and what you do with it. And so I've also watched some of those people. I warned them. I'm like I hope you're like if your lifestyle could fit in $1,500 a month, I hope you're saving $95,000 a month to invest. They didn't. They bought cars and houses and planes and all the cool stuff, and then at some point, if their cash machine stops a lot of time, their spending doesn't stop at the same moment. So they're stuck spending more than they're making and all of sudden, not only do they go down, but they land up upside down completely and it's like oof, that's rough watch.

Speaker 1:

I want to stop you there for just a second. Um, psychologically, since you've been through, since you've seen this, what happens to a guy that is, you know, printing cash? He's doing all of his things, he's super, feels like he's on top of the world, and then the cash machine stops. Psychologically, what happens? It's got to be a nightmare well, the first step is they?

Speaker 2:

they kind of go into denial. So the first step is don't of go into denial. So the first step is don't worry, I'll turn it back on.

Speaker 2:

Okay do it, you know, go for it, turn it back on. I mean, you turn it on once, turn it on again, go. And then, as they start to realize it takes time, they don't remember how much time it took to catch traction in the beginning. And so there's a gap. If you've ever seen that image where it's, you know what you think will happen. And there's a straight line up and then what actually happens? And there's this big dip. And then eventually it picks up and goes. That big dip is it picks up and goes. That big dip is what do they call it?

Speaker 2:

The valley of despair. It's the difference between putting in all the time, effort, energy and action without seeing the tangible results and they don't remember how long that actually took the first time they did it. And so, because they don't remember how long it took, they think it's going to magically happen overnight, because eventually they got there. And if they haven't saved and invested like crazy no, I'll do an asterisk. If they saved and invested properly, they can enjoy the heck out of that regaining traction period because they'll have plenty of cashflow coming in from their investments.

Speaker 2:

If they haven't saved and invested properly, that's a really stressful period. That's a moment where psychologically, at first it's denial, I'll turn it back on, it'll be fine, everything will come back around. Then it's oh shoot, this isn't working like I thought. And then they start to freak out. Then the bills catch up and this overspending happens. And then they start to freak out. Then the bills catch up and this overspending happens. And then that becomes a human moment and every human makes that different decision at that moment. I've watched people turn devices. I've watched people turn to horrible life decisions. I've watched people get a divorce because they thought their spouse deserved the life they used to have and they didn't feel worthy of being married to them if they couldn't provide that life for them. I've watched people make really, really interesting life choices. But that's. You get to see who they are when they're squeezed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you mentioned you haven't gotten to health yet, so I imagine that's one of the areas between the relationships and health that probably get neglected first.

Speaker 2:

Well, three of them. I always say heart attack, divorce or bankruptcy. There's some combination of those three that normally whack people 35 to 55-year old business owners. Those are kind of the three death sentences.

Speaker 1:

And how do you bounce back If somebody comes to you and they're like dude, I didn't invest, I have burned it to the ground. I'm trying to build it back. I've lost my wife. Spiritually I feel like I don't even know if you know. Spiritually I'm bankrupt. How do you get that guy back on top?

Speaker 2:

My very first question every single time to those people is what did you learn? And then I wait and listen. And if they didn't learn the lesson, then even if you help them get back into where they were, they will screw it up again. And so my very first question is what did you learn? And I just wait and listen to see what meaning and what lessons they pulled from the experience and what lessons they pulled from the experience.

Speaker 2:

And in that moment you get to find out if they have a victim mindset. It was someone else's fault. Life did this to them. It was out of their control. There's nothing they could do.

Speaker 2:

Do they have a victim mindset or do they take ownership? Are they able to clearly articulate reality? Here's what happened I stepped, wasn't a stare, I fell. Okay, now what they own it. Here's what I can take responsibility for. I know where I am, I know where I want to go and I'm willing to do something about it. So they see it, they own it, they solve it. What's the solution? They sit down and say you know what? Here's the yellow brick road. I don't know if this will work, but I've come up with a path of what I can do to get moving in the right direction. And then they do it. So see it, own it, solve it, do it. Are they willing to get ownership psychologically? If they are, we can make anything happen. If they're not if they're, you know, blaming and avoiding and ignoring the truth and pretending like it's not happening. I can't help them until they get out of that mindset.

Speaker 1:

Yep, I, you know, I agree with that, I totally agree with that, and you know, I think, being able to. You mentioned the yellow brick road and I thought when you said that, I thought about you know, visualizing what you want, which is kind of what the thing that you take. You know that I listen to every night with you. You try to help me visualize the best scenario, the best person, the best dude, so on and so forth, and I think that's really, really important. However, I also believe that if you're not willing, first off, you do have to take responsibility 100%, and it has to be 100% you. But the second thing is, you got to.

Speaker 1:

For me, I had to be willing to take a step that was either uncomfortable. Take a step that was either uncomfortable or maybe that I didn't really want to take in order to get that visualization that I've in picture or visualized to start happening. You've got to move in order to make things happen. You can't sit and just visualize and think it's just going to knock on the door with a big check, right?

Speaker 2:

But the other part about being honest or being real is like when COVID happened, everyone's businesses got kicked to some extent. Some of them took off like a rocket ship, like grocery stores took off, the toilet people, the toilet paper people somehow took off Like there's a few that just went rocket ship in that moment. But most of them got kicked pretty hard. And the interesting part is I'd ask people how's business? And they'd be like better than ever. I'd be like how are you the anomaly in that industry? Because I've read the stats. I'm looking at all the numbers In our program.

Speaker 2:

You can't BS like this, because I open your books and I see what's real. And to walk around being delusional like you won't even acknowledge reality. You won't even accept what's actually happening. That won't get you anywhere. That's like being 150 pounds overweight and someone saying what are you focused on? You're like I'm going to win the Olympic gold against Usain Bolt. And they're like well, how often do you train? You're like once a month. What's your current time Doesn't matter, I'll get there. I don't know which coach at which Olympic training center is going to take you on as a client, but good luck. It doesn't work that way versus if you're able to say, hey, I have a dream of going to the Olympics right now. I'm not training enough. They're 100 pounds overweight, they're not eating the right stuff, they're psychologically unfit. That's what's real. We can work with that if you can tell us the truth. It's going to take longer than most, but we can get you there. And it's that piece where you're willing to acknowledge what's real. Are you willing to say, hey, you know what's good in my life? This is great and this is great and this is great. You know what sucks right now? These three things those need to improve, and here's what I think I can do about it.

Speaker 2:

The moment you can get real and honest and follow that, see it, own it, solve it, do it, step now, we can make just about anything happen over time, and the key is over time. Most people I grew up my dad used to use this phrase most people overestimate what they can do in a year and completely underestimate what they can do in a decade, and so whenever I sit down and look at something, I always look at it with a 10-year landscape of okay, cool, if I had 10 years to get you to the Olympics, could I get you there, or at least significantly get you closer to it. Yeah, if I had 10 years to help you earn a certain amount in your, your business, or invest a certain amount and and create so much cash flow or build a really incredible relationship, could I do that? Yeah, there's certain things. If I get you doing every single day for the next 10 years, we can get a radically different result over a period of time.

Speaker 1:

It compounds, right it does. Yeah, that makes sense. But people don't want to put in just a little bit of work each day to get there. You don't have to put in a lot more. I mean I think Ed Milat says 1%, right, Put in 1% more. 1% is not much, but over a year that's 365% if you do it every day.

Speaker 2:

That's right, it stacks up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 100%. What does that do to your mindset? I know what it does for me, but what does it do for your mindset to know that you've achieved just that little bit more each day? At what point do you recognize that? I'm curious.

Speaker 2:

Usually when you get out of that lull period, so where it starts to feel like, oh my gosh, it's working, is when it catches traction. And so in that lull, in the beginning you're like it's gonna work, it's gonna work, it's gonna work. In the lull you're like I don't know if it's working. I don't know if it's working, but I'm still trying and trying, and trying and trying and trying. But then, once it catches traction and it goes, you're like, holy smokes, it's working. This is crazy. And you start to look at things where I have my vision boards up here of things I've always dreamed of. And what's fun. If I look at my life, I can go through just about every single piece of that board and it's all real. And I was like, wow, there was a time in my life where none of that was actually real in my life. It was just a dream, it was just a vision of possibility. Taking my grandparents on their dream trip to Europe for a week was just an idea. And then it happened and I was like, oh, that was cool.

Speaker 2:

Building a school We've built two of them. What else is on there? Having abs I always wanted to have like a six pack abs. Like that took 90 days to accomplish, having a certain amount of money invested and yielding cashflow. We now have more cash flow coming in from investments than used to be the main financial goal. We used to aim for Finding the love of my life and having an incredible, incredible, loving, passionate, incredibly fun and exciting relationship. Almost everything on there is literally real. Now there's some things that were on there that became less important over time.

Speaker 1:

What would be one of those things?

Speaker 2:

There was a Bentley on there. I rented one. I drove it a little bit, it was fun, but it wasn't. I was like you know, I could spend this much on a car or I could buy another. I could invest in the more apartment buildings or buy another house or buy more rental properties or build something for people in need or like there's so much we could do with it. And so there's stuff on there that, as I gained more experience in investing and learning about how to make money work for me, the stuff or doodads became less interesting to me.

Speaker 2:

I also had some really, really great teachers who just royally beat those ideas into the ground as the biggest waste of capital you could ever do, and so they called it pimping your wagon. They called it throwing cash in the fire. They just royally killed the idea, and after I hung out with them long enough, those things became silly to me and anyone who has them. I kind of chuckle and go. It's interesting If I would have taken that same amount and put it over here. Here's what I could turn it into in 10 years.

Speaker 1:

Different sort of mindset, that's for sure.

Speaker 2:

Totally different mindset. It's an investor's mindset. Warren Buffett has that mindset, which is why he still drives an ancient Cadillac. That's right. He owns NetJets, but he drives a Cadillac Right.

Speaker 1:

It's hilarious. So you mentioned schools. Tell me a little bit more about that.

Speaker 2:

The schools we built. Yeah, that's just something we wanted to do. We got excited about the idea. I have a friend who's now built 600 plus schools around the world and he started off with $25 and just an exciting dream of helping people in underdeveloped regions of the world to have access to education. And so Adam put a dream together, put a vision together. He built one hell of a nonprofit business around it and then he launched it and he scaled it and now they have over 600 schools and they didn't just build it and leave. They built it integrated in the actual community it's in and they still continue to support those 600 schools. And so we helped build one school with him. We built another school with a different friend of ours as well, and it's absolutely incredible. Adam actually wrote the foreword to my book because I wanted everyone to know about the work they do around the world and hopefully go help build a school with them as well.

Speaker 1:

So are the schools there not in the US right?

Speaker 2:

No, all over the world.

Speaker 1:

Okay, very cool For the US schools.

Speaker 2:

This is something that recently came about that I'm actually really, really excited about, and we're working. We have a meeting next Friday, I think, with our friend who works with the State Board Education of Illinois and I'll give you the backstory on this. I sat down and I said, okay, what are the biggest challenges that are going on in the world right now, like real problems? Food, you know, in the US inflation's up so people are feeling that crunch on food. But in other parts of the world, you know, there's a mother of five who's a single mom, who works 18 hours a day to earn enough to bring home a orange to try to feed her whole family. There's situations like that going on where most people are surviving on less than US $2 a day, kind of deal. And so around the world there's definitely challenges with hunger and food. My dad's focused on that one and they did a billion meal challenge that they did, where they were going to do 10 years to provide a billion meals and they actually did it in eight. It's already wrapped up. They completed donating a billion meals. Now they're going to 10x it and do a hundred billion meal challenge, which they're starting, and in process of doing so. I was like, okay, he's focused on hunger there's still a lot more to help with there but he's focused on that one.

Speaker 2:

There's access to clean water. I lived in a village in Uganda with no running water, so I know what it feels like to have to walk a quarter mile to go get a jerry can of water and drag it home to boil it, to wait 30 minutes till it cools, to finally have a cup of water to drink. It's rough. I don't think most people we do business with don't have any, don't have any first-hand experience with that, though they don't know what that actually feels like it. They're like oh wow, that's tough, but they don't have any actual experience. I was like what? What's another problem? Education. You know the like. They're like oh wow, that's tough, but they don't have any actual experience. I was like what's another problem? Education, the education system. Everyone's complaining about it. It's old, it's ancient, it was built for the 20th century. They have all these statements and there's education reform. There's trying to figure out what's the right way to do it. There's all this new stuff being pushed in and people pushing back. There's all kinds of stuff going on. But I was like what part could we actually help with? I don't want to go to Washington and try to navigate policy changes. That seems like a royal pain in the face to deal with. Do for education. That would actually be really helpful.

Speaker 2:

And the part that sparked in my head when I was asking that question was just about everyone has had an experience with a teacher where, without the teacher knowing how powerful they were or how much influence they had, the teacher said something to you before class, during class, after class, they just said something and when they said it, it caused you to think maybe the dreams I have will never actually come true. And just about everyone's had an experience where before class, during class, after class, a teacher said something without realizing the power of their words, and it caused you to believe maybe my dreams will come true, maybe that can happen for me, holy smokes. And I thought about that and I was just. I was like what experience do I have with this? And when I was in my mom's belly, she was learning all these coaching tools with my dad way back when, when they were 17, 18, 19, 20 something years old, and she used to volunteer at the school I went to in San Diego and she'd volunteer as a teacher's assistant each day and she'd always tell the teachers hey, if you have kids that are struggling, why don't you put them at my table in the back here and I'll work with them? And she would work with them not only on the homework or the assignment, but she'd work with them using these coaching tools how to upgrade your identity, how to create empowering beliefs, how to overcome limitations, how to psychologically prepare yourself each day, how to get into healthy habits, like all these little things. And those children would land up. You know, a DC struggling student would turn into an A and B student within a year to a year and a half.

Speaker 2:

And I was like, well, wait a minute, what if we took our coach training and extracted the most useful modules for teachers and created a new training that was coaching tools for teachers? I was like that would be epic, because now we have the chance that if we could get this into teachers teachers on average of 25 students, a class-ish man, there's millions of teachers we could get to millions of young people. I'm like, well, wait a minute. What if we could set a crazy goal? What if we could reach a billion young people through this program. I was like what are the actual barriers, what are the obstacles?

Speaker 2:

If we were going to do that, I was like, well, teachers don't get paid hardly anything. You know, trying to sell them another course seems ridiculous when they already don't get paid enough. I was like, what if we gave it to them? That'd be cool. I was like, okay, how in the world are we going to fund that? You know, to get to a billion students, we need a 40 million teachers in the program. And I was like, what platform is going to host 40 million participants in the course? And how in the world will we fund that? And I was like, well, what if we did this? What if we did a buy one, give one with our normal program? That'll kind of get us off the ground. So every time someone signs up to get the coaching tools and do that from us, we'll gift a teacher. And I'm running the math right now to try to figure out. Can we afford to do like a buy one, give five or buy one, give 10.? So every time one person signs up, 10 teachers get the tools. That would be cool.

Speaker 2:

And then I was talking about it on a live like this and one of our community members and friends reached out and he said hey, I work with the State Board of Education of Illinois. Let me show you how to build this program so that it helps teachers improve how teachers are graded and measured, it helps principals improve how principals are graded and measured and then it helps the overall school's performance increase in how a school is measured. He said if you build it that way, this will be a no-brainer. And he said by the way, I've also written for hundreds of grants. I know how to get this comp so that big corporations or investments or nonprofits or equity funds or whatever, they'll place capital into this, especially if we can prove that it actually improves the teacher's scores, the student's scores and the school's performance overall. If we can prove that through measurement and an actual pilot study, we can get this funded all day long.

Speaker 2:

And I was like that's cool and so that's something that sparked to me. And I was like man, what would it feel like 10 years from now if we were able to get to a billion young people every single year and help them at an early age in life, build empowering identities, set up really healthy and solid daily habits to be their best self, learn how to navigate challenging situations, learn how to use breath work, learn how to focus throughout the day, learn how to build into the best version of themselves. So little things, done consistently, and they get to learn those things you know all the way back in the beginning, because teachers are now sharing these types of stuff and they're not trying to build this into the curriculum per se. These are the conversations they're having before class around work after class. These are the things that teachers are now talking to them about, because teachers have the firsthand experience of learning it and applying it in their own life and now they're able to share these little messages with students throughout the day when they see them.

Speaker 1:

Wow yeah. So the magnitude of that is it's really unfathomable, truthfully, because most people don't. Unless they've gone through some sort of, you know, self or personal development, they're able to, you know, look at things differently, and language is such a big part of all of that. Language is such a big part of all of that, and so if you could, you know, if you could implement something like that for the teachers, I think, by and large, it's going to change how they're speaking and how they're thinking, which will impact the students massively. I think that's what you're saying, right.

Speaker 2:

That's right, totally right. And the neat part is any teacher who've gone through our course we've had a few teachers actually go through our course they were transitioning out of teaching to go become a coach because that was kind of their calling in life. And all of them have said I wish someone would have given me these tools when I was a teacher because I could have used them with the kids and God, that would have made such a big difference for them. I shared it with a friend of mine's, aunt, debbie, who travels the world and speaks to teachers to help them reignite their passion as a teacher and re-engage them in their mission of really guiding young people, and she said honey, this is not an if we do it, this is a when we do it, and we will absolutely help bring this to life. And so it's very cool.

Speaker 2:

One of our members I'm watching on Instagram, john. He just said being self-employed is a personal choice and for me, making the decision to enroll in the course, the core four, has been the best thing I ever did. He's one of my favorite people. He, at one stage of his life, amputated one of his legs and he shared with me. He struggled psychologically, he struggled emotionally, he struggled with relationships and family of how to make this transition, and we've been able to support him in again building that empowering identity, stepping into this part of himself and he's one of our members I'm most proud of where he amplifies these trainings and lessons, not only using them in his own life, but he amplifies them loudly into the community online that he reaches as well.

Speaker 1:

That is. That's phenomenal. I can't imagine having to go through that and reinvent myself, so to speak. But you know, identity is something that I think, you know, we latch ourselves. I can speak for myself. I have many times in my life attached myself to an identity and fill in the blank whatever that is, whatever that is, and wholeheartedly believe that was my identity, until I looked outside of the box or I dug for information that could change that identity and I just I got to believe that willingness has a lot to do with that.

Speaker 2:

It does Also timing, life events, life experiences. Generally speaking, we live in a world where, 30 minutes from the time you're born, you're assigned a language you're going to speak. You're assigned some type of religious beliefs you're going to have, you're assigned which tribe you belong to, type of religious beliefs you're going to have You're assigned which tribe you belong to. You're assigned. All these things are more or less placed on you the moment you're born, or 30 minutes after-ish, and you grew up believing that that's the way life is. Yeah, and so all these things. And I don't know about you, but when my son was born, within the first couple of days, I don't think he was ready to really decide all those pieces. He was working on eating, sleeping and pooping really well, and so that concept becomes and this was a big one for me at what stage of your life did you consciously sit down and take a peek at all the options and, after becoming familiar with all the options, make a conscious decision and choice of I choose this one, and here's why. And so 90% or more of people are just living in default. Wherever they were born, whatever tribe they were born into, whatever parents told them, whatever that community said, this is who you are and this is how you do it. They're just like. I guess that's the way life is and they stuck with it. And if you happen to be born in the right place, good for you Holy smokes, you got lucky. And if you happen to be born in the wrong place, oops, you're bad and deal with it. And so the ability to stand back and this was one of my mom's most important lessons she ever shared with me she goes, honey.

Speaker 2:

Most people don't realize they have a choice. And most people don't realize. Number one they have a choice. Number two they don't realize what choices they have. And number three no one's ever taught them how to actually make that choice. And so one you might want to remind people there's choices, there's a lot of choices.

Speaker 2:

One of my favorite quotes is you're one decision away from a totally different life. Most people just don't know which decision it is. So look around. What's the decision you can make that would absolutely transform your life into the dream you have for it? You're probably one or two decisions away from actually being on track and on course for that life. Number two realize you have the power to make that decision. You can do it. You can make that decision, you have that power to choose. And then three if you do make that choice, how are you going to back it up with the right mindset, habits and actions? And what you're talking about, of identity, of psychology, of self. If you don't upgrade your identity to align with the choice you're trying to make, your identity will constantly drag you back to whatever it thinks you are. And so that's the first work I do with anybody. If they're going to try to upgrade their relationship, I ask them in context of a relationship, I need you to take a pen and paper and write down who are you?

Speaker 2:

Just write it down. Don't write down the big, fluffy, aspirational version. Write down the truth who are you? Just write it down. Don't write down the big fluffy, aspirational version. Write down the truth who are you In your relationship? Who are you? And write down whatever comes to mind.

Speaker 2:

And then what I do is I take that from them and I said okay, imagine me putting this in an envelope. I'm going to hand it to you and I'm going to say we don't know who this person is. We don't know what they're going through, we don't know where they've been or what they're about. All we know is this is who they are. You tell me the probability of success that they're going to have a healthy, long-lasting, loving, passionate, wonderful, fulfilling relationship. If that's all you know about them, is that one statement. You tell me if you think the odds are good that it's actually going to work out for them in the category of their relationship. Nine times out of 10, people read that statement and go yeah, I don't know how well they're going to do I said okay there's your answer.

Speaker 2:

Your psychology is not set up to succeed in your relationship. You probably have a lot of oopses in there so far. Huh, they're like yeah, I was like okay, let's upgrade. Who would you need to be for this to really work? If you were going to have the relationship you dream about, who would you need to be? Take whatever you just wrote down, rewrite it. Who would you need to be if this relationship was going to be the best relationship you've ever had in your entire life? Who would you need to be if this was going to work out better than you ever imagined? Who would you need to be to really step up and deliver in the way you know you're capable of, for the person you love most? Who would you need to be for this to really really not only happen but last and be something you'd be proud of, not just now, but 10 years from now, 20 years from now, 50 years from now? You'd be so proud of the relationship you created. Write that down. Once they do, I said, okay, now let's look at the difference, because now we're going to figure out what the gap is. Look at who you think you are, look at who you think you need to become and let's come up with a plan of how we're going to transition from who you are to who you need to be. We got to do the work. You can't just write it down and poof. It magically appears and that's just who you are. That's nice and all. But what's the work that needs to be done for you to actually become this person? What do you need to start doing psychologically every day? What do you need to be doing emotionally every day? What do you need to be doing physically every day? What are some of the habits you need to build? What are some of the communication skills you need to gain? What do you need to do to become this person, and not only become them, but really master being this person, own it. And as we do that work and transition these people all of a sudden, as they become that person, guess what starts to happen? That relationship starts flourishing. And they think back and they're like, wow, I don't feel like I've done anything different in the relationship. I said you didn't do anything different. You showed up differently, you became a different version of yourself. And by being this version of yourself, look at what happens naturally in a relationship Wow.

Speaker 2:

And then you apply the same concept in their wealth. If I were to ask you in the category of wealth and wealth is three things time freedom. I know a lot of people who have a lot of money but no time. So time freedom is true wealth the ability to choose where you're doing it, when you do it and how you do it. Second is financial freedom.

Speaker 2:

I've met a lot of people who have a lot of free time and no money, so they can't do what they actually want to do or the way they want to do it. So you need both. But then I've met people with a lot of time and a lot of money who don't have a purpose. And that's kind of the worst position to be in, because you have everything people say they want, like you could fly however you want and own whatever you want. Do whatever you want. Like you could fly however you want and own whatever you want, do whatever you want and you have all the time to do it. And then you're like but what am I really doing?

Speaker 2:

So the third is purpose, purpose and meaning. Do you have something more than yourself that you're doing it for? That makes you feel alive and fulfilled and passionate and really grateful to be every day. And so, if you have all three of those, if I were to ask you right now, in terms of wealth, who are you? Not the fluffy statement of who you want to be, but who are you right now. Write it out. Do the same thing, based on the vision or dream you have for what wealth looks like long-term in your future, 10, 20 years from now. Who would you need to be for that to be the obvious result in your life? What's the difference? Can we come up with a plan to help you evolve and become that version of yourself If you do this in all the main parts of their life?

Speaker 1:

all of a sudden, you see the external starts to reflect who they've become internally. Starts from the inside out.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

If you don't do the inner work first, what happens is, even if you work your face off and go get the result, you'll find a way to sabotage it and drag yourself right back down to where you used to be, kind of like the lottery winner that wins the lottery, and they're broke in two years, right.

Speaker 2:

They didn't change. They're in debt, right. Right, like they had a hundred thousand dollar net worth. They went up to 150 million and four years later they're at like negative 20 million. You're like what happened? How'd that work? Like they land up way worse because of that situation. Because they didn't upgrade who they were, they just upgraded the external features. And because who they were wasn't ready for that level of responsibility, they sabotaged it and landed up, dragging it way worse than it used to be.

Speaker 1:

So if there's one thing you could recommend for the listeners, if they were to listen to this and they think, well, I would love to just start today upgrading one part of my life how would you recommend them doing that?

Speaker 2:

Just do those steps we just outlined. You can do that on your own. I just gave you the process. If you want to do it with a group of people, so you don't feel like you're trying to navigate the jungle on your own, come join our Core 4 Challenge. This is the kind of work we do in that course every week.

Speaker 1:

Where can they do that?

Speaker 2:

I can send you a link. You could throw it in the notes or, if you just do thecore4challengecom, that'll bring you right to us.

Speaker 1:

Perfect. Now I know we're getting close on time, jarek. I want to be respectful of that. What else? What else do you? I know you've got a lot of stuff going on, but is there anything else that you think would be important for us to share before we wrap up?

Speaker 2:

I'd love people's help on spreading the word about our coaching tools for teachers program. It's not up and running yet. We don't have a website to send people to just yet, but if you follow me on Instagram or stay in our community, I'll let you know when it's ready, and we'd love your help in reaching teachers. I think we have the business and funding side that we'll take care of, but we're going to need to reach approximately like 40 million teachers to make this really go. So we're going to need to reach approximately like 40 million teachers to make this really go. So we're going to need a lot of help reaching out to teachers and inviting them to come check it out. We're going to do some research to find out if it's smarter to just give it all for free or like $100 for materials type deal. We'll figure that out. I just want to make sure that teachers who get it actually use it. They don't just go oh thanks, and never log in. We want to make sure it actually gets put to use if we're going to be giving it to them. That we'd really love help on.

Speaker 2:

If you're interested in gaining these types of coaching tools for yourself, we're always looking for more people to come and get certified in in performance coach University, where you gain these tools and step one is learn the tools and do self coaching, where you apply them to your own life and get the actual real-world results. And then the real benefit of that is after you've learned them. You can guide other people through these tools. If you have family or friends or community or a team, if you own a business and you have a team that you lead, these are wonderful tools to have in your tool belt to help keep your team at high performance as well. If you want to interest in that, go to performancecoachuniversitycom. That's our site for that. I guess those are the biggest things.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, man. I really enjoyed this conversation, as I knew I would. I think you brought a tremendous amount of valuable information to the audience. Jarek, I really appreciate you. If somebody wants to get out directly with you to hit one of those websites, or is there another way?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you go to JarekRobbinscom, it's also kind of a hub. It has all of our programs and books and everything on there. You can browse through and figure out whatever is best for you. Okay, perfect, thank you my friend.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome.

High Performance Core 4 Program
Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success
Empowering Education for Young People
The Power of Personal Choice
Transforming Your Life Through Decisions
Internal Transformation Leads to External Success
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