Successful Life Podcast

Evolving with Confidence: How Personal Growth Leads to Sales Success

May 24, 2024 Corey Berrier
Evolving with Confidence: How Personal Growth Leads to Sales Success
Successful Life Podcast
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Successful Life Podcast
Evolving with Confidence: How Personal Growth Leads to Sales Success
May 24, 2024
Corey Berrier

From a small-town boy to a bestselling author and podcast success, my journey has been nothing short of a revelation. Celebrate with me as I mark the triumph of my book on Amazon and our podcast crossing a staggering million downloads. In this heartfelt episode, I peel back the layers of my own transformation, showcasing how a shift in mindset and embracing personal growth can catapult you into realms of success you've never imagined. We're talking pure, unadulterated confidence in sales—not to be mistaken for ego—and the profound belief in your product's value, drawing parallels between the essentials of life, like clean water, and often-overlooked necessities, such as indoor air quality.

We then tack towards the crux of sales success—a perspective shift that anchors you firmly in the customer's reality. Uncover the art of shedding preconceived notions about financial capacity and dive into the significance of grasping genuine client needs through powerful role-playing and crystal-clear communication. I extend my deepest thanks to you, our incredible community, for your unwavering support and engagement that fuels this journey. My excitement brims as I look forward to delivering more compelling stories and actionable insights—don't miss out on the wisdom and intimate stories, including my battles with ADHD and low self-esteem, shared in my book, and linked in the show notes.

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From a small-town boy to a bestselling author and podcast success, my journey has been nothing short of a revelation. Celebrate with me as I mark the triumph of my book on Amazon and our podcast crossing a staggering million downloads. In this heartfelt episode, I peel back the layers of my own transformation, showcasing how a shift in mindset and embracing personal growth can catapult you into realms of success you've never imagined. We're talking pure, unadulterated confidence in sales—not to be mistaken for ego—and the profound belief in your product's value, drawing parallels between the essentials of life, like clean water, and often-overlooked necessities, such as indoor air quality.

We then tack towards the crux of sales success—a perspective shift that anchors you firmly in the customer's reality. Uncover the art of shedding preconceived notions about financial capacity and dive into the significance of grasping genuine client needs through powerful role-playing and crystal-clear communication. I extend my deepest thanks to you, our incredible community, for your unwavering support and engagement that fuels this journey. My excitement brims as I look forward to delivering more compelling stories and actionable insights—don't miss out on the wisdom and intimate stories, including my battles with ADHD and low self-esteem, shared in my book, and linked in the show notes.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Successful Life Podcast. I'm your host, corey Barrier. Today, folks we're going to be talking about well, I got a bit of good news for list on Amazon, which I'm just in awe. I'm just so grateful for the people that have supported the book launch. I'm so grateful for the people who have supported this podcast. We also hit a million downloads this month, which I thought you know.

Speaker 1:

For a guy like me that you know grew up in a small town, very small town, with the mindset of a small town guy, that's a pretty big deal. That's a pretty big deal to be able to sit here with you today and tell you those two things. That almost feels Unreal. To be honest with you, I didn't set out to be an author. I mean, I didn't set out to be, you know, to hold one of the top percentages 1% in the world of podcasts. I didn't know these things were possible. I just knew that I wanted to do something great and I believe for you, you can do something great. You can be great as well, and it just takes a bit of a mindset shift and it's not going to happen overnight. It takes practice, it takes a lot of personal development, it takes a lot of failures, and my personal experience is I failed at a lot of things, I've missed the mark on a lot of things, and this week it feels like all those failures have resulted in such a positive thing. That just makes me unbelievably grateful. I'm unbelievably grateful for you, unbelievably grateful for the audience, for the people that have supported me. I just want to give you a special thanks today because I couldn't have done this without you. And so let's dive into and, by the way, I'll put a link to the book on Audible in the show notes so that way you can go download the book yourself and take a listen. I go through my nine simple steps to sell more shit. I talk about my struggles with ADHD. In the end of the book I talk about how my confidence when I was younger was shot by people making fun of me because I was a fat kid, asking me if I needed a training bra, and I don't give you too much information about that, but I would just recommend that, if you have an opportunity, to go and download the book and listen to it. That'd be great. I think it'll give you a new perspective and maybe even see yourself inside of some of these stories that I talk about.

Speaker 1:

And so, speaking of confidence, that's what we're going to be talking about today confidence in sales. And why is confidence so crucial in the sales process? Well, if you're not confident in yourself, if you're not confident in the product that you're selling, it's going to be hard to move that sale forward. And look, successful people have confidence. Successful people do not have ego. They have confidence. And I know there's a fine line between the two. But confidence is when you believe in what you're talking about, you believe in what you're selling, you believe in yourself that you're providing the best possible solution for that customer. And if you're not doing that, then you're probably in the wrong business or you're selling the wrong product. If you're in a situation and God knows, I've been in that situation where you're selling something you just don't believe in, it just feels like constant failure Because at the end of the day, people can pick up subconsciously on that unbelief, that lack of confidence in yourself or in the product. So you know, if you're selling something that you don't align with, if you're selling a product or service that just doesn't feel right.

Speaker 1:

I'll give you a quick example. I, you know, I've been hounded by insurance, people to sell insurance. I don't feel like insurance is a product that aligns with me. I'm not saying people shouldn't have insurance. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have life insurance, health insurance, all that stuff yeah, of course you should have all that stuff. Yeah, of course you should have all that stuff. But I'm just not super. It just doesn't really align with how I look at. You know, I just don't. It seems like an odd thing to sell to me. That's nothing against insurance agents or people that sell life insurance or afterlife insurance. Like, go for it. If that's what you believe in, do it. And it's just not something that aligns with me personally and that's okay. It doesn't have to align with me, but also don't have to do it, and so it's just not something that I really think is, you know, something that I can get behind.

Speaker 1:

But what I can get behind is indoor air quality. What I can get behind is having air conditioning or heat in your home in the summer or the winter. I can get behind that because every single person in the United States needs and wants a cool house or a warm house, needs and wants a cool house or a warm house. Everybody in the United States, whether they know it right now or not, wants to breathe clean air. They want to have fresh oxygen in their lungs because that equates to living longer, and so I know a lot of people push back on the idea of indoor air quality products.

Speaker 1:

But at the end of the day, if you're breathing unhealthy air, you're breathing unhealthy oxygen, which is what we have to have to live. What is that doing to your body? You know what is that doing to your health. What is that doing to your body? You know what is that doing to your health? And a lot of people just don't look at it that way, because we don't have to consciously think about breathing on our own. It is an unconscious movement that God blessed us with the ability to have lungs to function without us thinking about it. Thank God, because we'd probably all be dead.

Speaker 1:

And so you know you want to drink clean water, right? Everybody wants to. I think everybody wants to drink clean water, so why would you not want to breathe clean air? And so when you think about this from a technician standpoint, let's just take it from a technician standpoint. If a technician goes out to a house and the capacitor is bad in the system, that technician has no problem telling the customer the capacitor is bad and we need to replace it. However, if a technician goes out to a house and their UV light is burnt out and not working anymore, then there's hesitation about telling the customer. This needs to be taken care of.

Speaker 1:

Today, at some point, that customer purchased that UV light for a reason, and that reason is to clean the biological growth off of the system. So they're not breathing in particles, dirty air. They're not breathing in bacteria. It didn't get there by accident. So what's the difference in explaining to the customer that they need to replace their UV bulb, opposed to they need to replace their capacitor? It's the same thing. I mean, it's not the same exact product, but it's the same exact premise.

Speaker 1:

If the product is bad, it needs to be replaced, and the only person that can convey that conversation is the technician. The technician. If they approach this UV light with confidence, as the expert in their field, which you are, then that customer is going to tell you to put the UV light, to take the old UV light out, put the new one in, because they don't want to breathe unhealthy air Again. That UV light got there for a reason At some point. Somebody in that house said this is what I want to improve the indoor air quality in my home. Or if it's an air scrubber, it doesn't matter. If it's a bad product. You've got to be the person to explain to that customer. This is something we need to take care of today. I can either, if you've got it on your truck, put it in today, or I can get it scheduled. Which would you like to do? And there's a level of confidence that comes with that conversation. It is again.

Speaker 1:

It's no different if you've got to replace another part in that unit. I mean, if the ducting is falling all to pieces and they're losing 50% of their air conditioning in the attic or the basement, you're going to tell them hey, dude, you got rips all in your duct work. You're losing 50% of the efficiency in your air conditioner. You are literally throwing 50% of your money away every month when you pay that bill because your ducting needs to be replaced, and there's no reason you as the technician or the sales guy should feel bad about that, because you didn't cause those holes. You didn't destroy that customer's ducting.

Speaker 1:

At the end of the day, you're there to provide solutions for the customer and if you don't confidently provide those solutions, they can't move forward. You're doing yourself a disservice by even going out to the house if you don't convey this message in a way that they can understand and you need to be. You want to be confident when you're expressing to the customer. This needs to be taken care of today and not put off until tomorrow. There's some other things that need to be done a couple of years from now, but right now this UV light is burnout and it needs to be replaced today and not put off to tomorrow. And if you can convey that message the way I just conveyed it to you, they're going to move forward. Now think about your paycheck for a second, and how much larger it would be if you sold your customer, every customer you went out to with a burnout UV light. We all know most of those UV lights got put in in 2020 or 2021 when COVID hit. We all know they last about two years. It's 2024. They all need to be replaced.

Speaker 1:

This is a revenue stream for your business and for your technicians and for your sales guys that likely you're missing if you're not conveying this message the same way I just conveyed it to you. We're not out there to just sell products, but we are out there to provide adequate service or above adequate service to our customers. That's why they called us customers. That's why they called us. That's why they didn't call Joe Brown down the street or Jim's HVAC down the street. They called your company. They ask for you because they believe what you tell them.

Speaker 1:

Now, don't take what I'm saying and use it for bad, and you can do that. But I highly do not recommend you suggesting to someone that they buy something that they don't need and that they don't or don't want. You know you're not going to go in and suggest that they change that you replace the bulb in their UV light. If the bulb doesn't need to be replaced but that conversation needs to be we don't need to replace that bulb today. The next time we come out we're likely going to have to replace it because it's at its life expectancy, and so you're setting the expectation for the next time that you come out to that house, we're going to have a conversation about changing out that UV bulb and it's not going to feel so awkward because you've already let them know. Hey, I'm not going to sell you something that you don't need, but I got to be honest with you. Next time I come out likely it's going to be time to change that bulb, no different than your filters.

Speaker 1:

You don't have a problem telling a customer their filters are dirty and they need to be changed, right, because you don't want to have dirty filters in your own home. And how you show up in a home is how they perceive you act in your own home. So if you show up and you're like, well, you know you need to, you know you might want to look at this UV bulb. I mean, I know it's expensive, but you know it's something that could help you. That is not confident at all. Sir, your UV bulb is burnt out. We can either replace that today or I can get someone to send out here next week to have that replaced. Which one would you like to do next week to have that replaced? Which one would you like to do? Because it's not doing the job that you think it's doing? I've beaten this to a dead horse, I feel like.

Speaker 1:

So you got to shift your mindset. You've got to shift your mindset and stop selling from your bank account. You've got to start selling from the customer's bank account and you don't know what that customer's got. You do not know if they have money in the bank. You don't know if they have a credit score that's 400 or 900. I don't know if you can have a credit score for 900, but the point is you don't know. And so if you walk into that house with the mindset of I'm broke, so they're probably broke, you're going to lose. Just about every time You've got to walk in there, regardless of how much money you have in your bank account, it doesn't matter. You're not buying the product they are. So you cannot sell from your own bank account. You've got to sell from the customer's bank account. And we don't know what that is until we ask the right questions.

Speaker 1:

And look, this is a mindset shift. If you grew up with not a lot of money, like a lot of people do, if you grew up and you struggled, you saw your parents struggle. Maybe you think everybody struggles, but you're wrong. Not everybody struggles. It is a mindset shift and it takes practice. And look, our minds are powerful, powerful things. We can convince ourselves of anything. We can convince ourselves they're going to buy everything or we can convince ourselves they're going to buy nothing.

Speaker 1:

And if you had a choice between the two and you do. What are you going to choose? It's like being happy or being unhappy. That is a choice between the two and you do. What are you going to choose? It's like being happy or being unhappy. That is a choice. If you had a choice to be unhappy or happy you're always going to choose the choice of being happy. So choose to make the choice that you're going to be successful today, in every one of your sales. Make a choice that you are going to provide enough value and enough confidence in your conversations with your customers that they are going to have no question whether they're going to move forward or not.

Speaker 1:

So some ways that you can build unbreakable confidence is role-playing. Don't role-play with your customers. Role-play with your fellow employees. Role-play with your wife. Role-play with your five-year-old kid.

Speaker 1:

If you convince your five-year-old child that they need to buy indoor air quality or that it's healthy for them, then likely you can convince anybody. If you can make them understand what indoor air quality is a five-year-old, then you can take that same conversation and explain it to the customer. Because at the end of the day, we think people understand what we're talking about, and lots of times people understand what we're talking about, and lots of times they just don't get it and their ego and their pride says I'm not going to ask this guy what he's talking about, I should know. And this is all going on while you're still talking to the customer, as the salesperson, the technician, they're thinking I don't know what that is. What is that? Do I need it? Do I not need it? You got to be crystal clear when you're explaining to them what indoor air quality is.

Speaker 1:

Best example I can give you it's if you're drinking out of a bottle of water likely that bottle of water is clean At least I'd like to hope so or you're drinking tap water. Now what are you going to choose? A bottle of Fiji water or are you going to choose a glass of tap water? Likely you're going to choose the bottle of Fiji water, unless you have something against Fiji water. And why is that? Because it's going to taste better. It's going to give you a better experience.

Speaker 1:

You're going to feel cleaner drinking that water, just like you're going to feel cleaner breathing healthy air in your house. You're going to have less problems. You're going to have less allergies. You're going to have less sickness. You're going to have less of the things that you're going to have if you don't have an air scrubber, if you don't have a UV light, if you don't have these things in your home which, by the way, you spend a good portion of your life let's just call it eight hours of sleep every night. Your kids spend eight hours a day breathing that oxygen. Your wife spends eight hours a day, minimum, breathing that oxygen.

Speaker 1:

Don't you think it's important that it's clean? Of course you think it's important. What kind of crazy person wouldn't think that's important? I mean, if you look at foreign countries, you know their air quality is awful. We don't have that measuring stick in America because our air quality is pretty good, but in the home it's seven times worse than it is outside in the open air. Well, the open air you breathe, it breathes. The home doesn't breathe all that well, and you know it's kind of like an airplane. If you're in an airplane and people are coughing and hacking, you think, oh my God, I'm going to get sick because I'm enclosed in this tube and likely I'm going to pick up whatever that jackass is coughing up over there. Well, your home is no different. Right, your home's got four walls, it's insulated, no-transcript, and so overcoming these challenges are hard sometimes, but it takes practice and it takes being proactive in working towards learning how to overcome these challenges. How to overcome these challenges.

Speaker 1:

And you can just make a decision right here, right now, that you're going to change your mindset, that you're going to think about indoor air quality differently. I'm going to think about indoor air quality as if the capacitor just went out on this system and I have to replace it. Indoor air quality is the same thing. You got to have healthy air to breathe. You can't live a fulfilling life in a long life if you're breathing unhealthy air. So I beat this to a. You know, I beat this horse as dead as I possibly can. I'm very passionate about this because, guys, there's so much money you can get paid by doing the small things, by asking just the right questions.

Speaker 1:

And who's going to argue with breathing clean air? I don't know anybody that's going to argue with that. Everybody wants to breathe clean air, but I can't know. I want to breathe cleaner air if I don't know it's out there, if I don't know it's possible. It's impossible for me to know that there's a product out there that could clean the air in my house if my technician or my sales guy didn't tell me, because he believes this product maybe isn't the best or maybe doesn't work. Yeah, it's hard to understand that when you have a product that cleans something as crystal clear as the air and you can't see it working. But you can see it in your doctor's appointments. You could see it in whether you get rid of that allergy or that cough. And lots of times, you know, we don't even have to address these things because we put an air scrubber and we put a UV light in and it prevents us from having to go to the doctor. And so we can't count those times as wins because we don't even get to experience having to go to the doctor and get an antibiotic. Or little Johnny's got asthma now because he was breathing unhealthy oxygen in the home.

Speaker 1:

I would argue that, you know, if somebody told you that, hey, man, you know I could have prevented your kid from having this lung situation, or you could have prevented it if you'd have just had healthier air in your home For one hundred and twenty five bucks a month, we could have made that happen. But now you didn't do that. So You're stuck with this lung situation from now to the end of your life and what's more important money or your health? I mean, I would give you I'll throw this question out here to you If I said to you I'd write you a check for $10 million today, but you weren't going to wake up tomorrow. Would you take that? Would you take that 10 million? Hell, no, you wouldn't. So what's more important the money or the health? I think I'll let you answer that for yourself.

Speaker 1:

So, guys, I appreciate you listening today, I appreciate you sharing the show on social media. I appreciate you reviewing the show Again. I really just am so grateful for the audience, I'm so grateful for the support, I'm so grateful for you and I look forward to seeing you next week at the same time. We'll see you soon.

Building Confidence in Sales Success
Mindset Shift in Sales Strategy
Grateful for Audience and Support