9000 Miles of Stories

A Moist Pokemon? The Loveland Frogman

July 18, 2023 Season 1 Episode 11

Today we take you to Loveland Ohio for the legend of the Loveland Frogman. Is there a giant frog hiding in the rivers of Ohio? Or is it a man in a wetsuit and a catfish?
Would you take a DNA test to find your genetic soulmate?

Don't forget to find us on Facebook and Instagram to see the photos for this episode! Did we forget anything? Have you seen a frogman, even beyond the shores of Ohio? Have any story recommendations for us? Start a conversation on socials and let us know!

Hot Damn! I'm The Loveland Frog Song

Hot Damn! It's The Loveland Frog Play

What we've been loving this week:
Tyrannasaurus Sext
Maniac Menagerie
The Haunted Series
Cryptid Force Six
Law & Order SVU
The Walking Dead
Fourth Wing
Spiderman: Across the Spider-Verse
Episode Thirteen
Every Heart A Doorway
I Survived A Serial Killer
The One Book & Tv Series

Special thanks to Bon & Lou designs for our logo artwork, and Nikki's top favourite cryptid, for the theme song.

Podcast intro (in order of appearance)
Footsteps, Dry leaves InspectorJ
Wolf Growl newagesoup
Alien Spaceship foxraid
Fox Cry InspectorJ
Wolf Howl Ganscaile
Female Scream DigestContent
Wolf Growl newagesoup

Podcast outro (in order of appearance)
Footsteps, Dry leaves InspectorJ
Alien Spaceship foxraid
Evil Laugh The Baron
Wolf Howl Ganscaile