Boujee Blondes

Hot girl autumn skincare tips & pet peeves #32

October 17, 2023 Melissa Clarke & Simone grace Season 1 Episode 33
Hot girl autumn skincare tips & pet peeves #32
Boujee Blondes
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Boujee Blondes
Hot girl autumn skincare tips & pet peeves #32
Oct 17, 2023 Season 1 Episode 33
Melissa Clarke & Simone grace

Who needs to shine this Autumn, stay tuned for Melissa sharing her professional advice on the perfect skincare products you need to try this autumn 

Ever been so annoyed by a trolley abandoner or a slow walker that you felt an overwhelming urge to rant? Well, you are in for a treat because in this episode, we, your favorite Boujee Blondes, Melissa and Simone, spill the beans about our biggest pet peeves, and trust us, it's not always pretty. But hey, we also offer some sage advice on managing these annoying occurrences. 

But hold up! It doesn't stop at rants and pet peeves. The girls also share a rather peculiar incident at a store that had us questioning if we were cursed! It's a wild, unexpected tale that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Plus, Melissa has you covered with some of the best winter skincare tips because nobody wants to have dull skin in the chilly season. Melissa reveal our secret weapons against winter's harsh effects - hyaluronic acid, Sarmatite-rich creams, and why retinol might not be your skin's best friend. 

The girls round off by discussing one of our favorite topics - personalized skincare routines especially for young girls. We talk about why it's crucial to not be overzealous with skincare products, the surprising benefits of cold showers, and why SPF is a must-have, irrespective of the season. But they are not just about skincare, they also share some vital lifestyle tips for the autumn/winter months. With there unique blend of humor, advice, and relatable stories, we promise you that this is one episode that will make your 'hot girl autumn, winter' even hotter! So grab your green tea and get ready for a hearty dose of Boujee Blonde banter!

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Who needs to shine this Autumn, stay tuned for Melissa sharing her professional advice on the perfect skincare products you need to try this autumn 

Ever been so annoyed by a trolley abandoner or a slow walker that you felt an overwhelming urge to rant? Well, you are in for a treat because in this episode, we, your favorite Boujee Blondes, Melissa and Simone, spill the beans about our biggest pet peeves, and trust us, it's not always pretty. But hey, we also offer some sage advice on managing these annoying occurrences. 

But hold up! It doesn't stop at rants and pet peeves. The girls also share a rather peculiar incident at a store that had us questioning if we were cursed! It's a wild, unexpected tale that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Plus, Melissa has you covered with some of the best winter skincare tips because nobody wants to have dull skin in the chilly season. Melissa reveal our secret weapons against winter's harsh effects - hyaluronic acid, Sarmatite-rich creams, and why retinol might not be your skin's best friend. 

The girls round off by discussing one of our favorite topics - personalized skincare routines especially for young girls. We talk about why it's crucial to not be overzealous with skincare products, the surprising benefits of cold showers, and why SPF is a must-have, irrespective of the season. But they are not just about skincare, they also share some vital lifestyle tips for the autumn/winter months. With there unique blend of humor, advice, and relatable stories, we promise you that this is one episode that will make your 'hot girl autumn, winter' even hotter! So grab your green tea and get ready for a hearty dose of Boujee Blonde banter!

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Speaker 1:

It's the Boojee Blonde's podcast with Melissa and Simone, Available on Spotify, Apple or wherever you get your podcasts. Now let's get Boojee. Welcome to the Boojee Blonde's podcast with your go-host, Melissa Clarke and Simone Grace, and on this week's episode we're talking about hot girl winter skincare tips and body tips.

Speaker 2:

So we hope you enjoy this week's episode.

Speaker 1:

Hello Simone. I'm drinking some green tea here because my throat is like a frog in it for some reason.

Speaker 2:

No way. I think you know what. It's so funny that you say that, because most of the guys that I'm in work with have COVID at the moment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, I hope I don't have COVID.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I hope you don't either, but I'm a diva for green tea. I have to have one every morning and every afternoon, like I. Literally I'm hooked to it and I always put like a slice of lemon in it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just very soothing, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love it.

Speaker 1:

I'm hooked, hooked on the green tea Hooked on it.

Speaker 2:

After like a cup of coffee, I always feel like I need one. Really, it's weird, it's just. Do you know what it is? It's a habit that I've gotten into the last couple of years. It's like every morning I wake up I have to like have a point of war black Americano and a green tea to set me off for the day.

Speaker 1:

That's like the perfect girl boss remedy.

Speaker 2:

I need it. I feel like I can Black.

Speaker 1:

Americano and green tea. It's like girl boss energy. It has to be done. I'm liking it. I like it a lot. I like it a lot. So this, randomly, what I want to speak about today is pep eaves. Right, because, and how did this started? Oh my God, I had this on my Instagram story a couple of weeks ago what the fuck is with people leaving their trolleys randomly in a car park?

Speaker 2:

It's like I'm not lying, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like where it was left this morning, like literally it was at the railing, like the code has just went up and brought up, like I just I don't get it. Like why are people so fucking lazy? Does that not bug you? That really bugs me.

Speaker 2:

It really does, and that's the one thing I do not miss from back at home, even like baskets and stuff like that. The other way they don't tidy them up properly, like in the supermarket, or they just left in like random places and when they don't clean them, do you know, like the ones when you go into Aldi and they're like all sticky and uh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I don't get annoyed by a lot of things, but for some reason a fucking random trolley left somewhere. Like I'm just, like you're so fucking lazy. Like realistically right, what steps does it take to bring the trolley back? About 20? Like, come on, like you're not in that much of a rush.

Speaker 2:

Seriously, I do feel sometimes, though it's teenagers that to be like doing it just out, pure and out, or like black art and like I don't know, teenagers be doing their shopping, though, and if they are doing their period. I've seen it so like so many times, like at home, to know when, like you're, like in the in the evening, they're like going around in the trolley, like they're pushing each other around in the trolleys, and they just leave. And why? Just for, like the laugh, like yeah, probably.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, it seems like I got riled up by this this morning Funny one seeing me in the car. Like fucks sake, I was like what is your biggest pet peeve, simone Mine? Yeah, like what a really fucking buggy. I prefer sticky.

Speaker 2:

In the supermarket or just in general.

Speaker 1:

In general. No, not just in the supermarket, just in general.

Speaker 2:

I just think, like really, really real people and people that look down on people, like it's just, it drives me, it really really does, like I've seen it a lot in the last few weeks and it's just, it's like getting to me.

Speaker 1:

You go to the school fuckers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like, it's really bad, like I've seen it like a lot with like taxi drivers or like waitresses in a restaurant where, like people are just being absolutely horrid to them like and especially taxis in the night over here. Like it's really like because the nightlife is just so busy, like it's so hard to get a taxi, and like the way they just speak to people, like people with notions I think they're somebody and think it's okay to speak to like taxi drivers or people in restaurants is just it's, it's horrendous. Yeah, no, that's upset.

Speaker 1:

It is upset as well, yeah, but these are some of the 10 biggest pepies and people who walk slow I have now. Can I just say I took some of these out, like once at night me.

Speaker 2:

That is one of mine as well, I'm sorry, and especially when you're actually like in shop clothes, like in pennies or like.

Speaker 1:

Idly toddlers? Yeah, idly toddlers, no.

Speaker 2:

I cannot be in horrible, but sometimes I'm like to know like, not old people, don't get me wrong but like elderly people sometimes like and I don't mean to me. I know, but just like come on, betsy, move, move, and it's always when you're in a hurry.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're trying to get around them. Oh God, noisy eaters is another one that I picked from the list. That bugs me. I feel like these are all my pet peeves. I just get riled up to smart. Okay, cannot stand nice eaters, oh, it just gives me. It just makes my blood shake.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like I don't know what it is. It's like close your mouth please, Seriously.

Speaker 1:

It's not that hard. This is another one. People stare at you. I'm like why are you staring at?

Speaker 2:

It's really. It's awkward though, isn't it? And then, when you make eye contact, you're just kind of like oh God, what are you actually doing? This situation?

Speaker 1:

Like why are you trying to analyze? Go away, go away, go away. Another one I picked up from the list passive aggressive comments. Oh my God, why do people do this? Like, oh, just so annoying.

Speaker 2:

I know people. Just I don't know. Like in general, though, like these are all the ones that like really aggravate me as well, like I'm not gonna lie, but it's the noisy is that kept me the most modest. I have to say it's wrong, like it really is. It's just, it's chronic and especially when you're in a place like Joe, that's really quiet and you can just hear. Like Joe, like years ago, like at work, like in your, in a canteen, there's always one thing yeah, it's just.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I grew up something in me. This is another one recently Like this will kind of only really enliven me. At a bank machine, people standing too close to me I'm like you're on top of me, do you want to see my pain? Like like people have no awareness. Like just stand back, like why are you? Like seeing the much money I'm taking at the bank machine?

Speaker 2:

Like they're just anxious to like, like as if they're like saying, come on. They're always kind of like, yeah, they're jumping to get a brand.

Speaker 1:

But they've no awareness. Though, like you're my spurt, person spurs Personal, personal. Have we got a trend? Personal space? So, like I don't know, I feel like I'm very ranty in the podcast today, but we'll let it be. We'll let it be.

Speaker 2:

It goes for you and we both just give me some good news Give me some positive vibes, Mon Give me something. Well, let me tell you I actually forgot. I'm going to send you a picture of my leg, melissa.

Speaker 1:

Why? What did you do?

Speaker 2:

I fell down like a stairs three steps, but in heels, and it was like so they're tired and it was at a pool party and my leg is literally black and blue like a big, massive circle, like on the side of my thigh, going around to my arse Like it's actually bad now.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, I'm really like crying.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't even feel it and I was sober when it happened.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, like I was like, okay, what the hell?

Speaker 2:

And then the following morning I was like, oh my god, and it's my ankle now. That's like Just like, why do these things happen me? But I feel like I've the worst look at my lower body ever.

Speaker 1:

Do you think that you like her to those? You should you get some medical assistance.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think I need medical assistance. I just feel like I'm like a klutz from my love, like from my hips down. I either lose a toenail on the nail, break a toe, fracture a hip or an ankle. There's no in between. It's like the worst Look ever my lower body.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what it is. You may wrap you from putting cotton wool small.

Speaker 2:

Someone needs to do something to me. Because it's not okay. I feel like I'm just a walk. Actually gonna send you a picture of my leg right now, because you will not believe it. Like it's not okay, though. It's like. And then my mom is like oh, be so careful. Oh, my god, that could clash.

Speaker 1:

and I'm like Sorry, you're like okay, it's like you know, when you look on Google and you're like, you type in headache, pain in, I am pain in here, and then it comes up you have cancer. You're like fuck.

Speaker 2:

Me like, but I overthink everything anyway. You know this. So I'm like Do research. I'm watching it every day and now it's like turning into like it looks kind of like ringworm or something it's.

Speaker 1:

I don't know me, it's not a good vibe in here.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not just, I don't know what's what's wrong with me, but I'm gonna say have you settled into your new apartment, or should we ask?

Speaker 2:

I'm living out of a suitcase and it's horrendous. Like it's just one of these things over here, I feel like the universe is testing me, whether, like it can push me to my limits enough to like Either make it or break it. I feel like the last month has just been like testing my life. So, like I moved in, it's okay, like I will ever do, like it's just change and I hate change because I was, I've seen the last one for so long. But I'm settled in here now, so I'm getting ready to go to work. This was before. Bear in mind. This is before I fell down the stairs. Okay, so.

Speaker 2:

I'm leaving for work, the next minute that there's like with three bathrooms in here, whatever, but the like I have like a bathroom in my room, like an ensuite kind of thing, and Next minute my toilet explodes, what I'm like. So I come out of the shower or whatever and I'm just cleaning myself and I I'm literally flush the toilet because it's making weird noise. So what the hell is that? So I flush it and next minute it's just like sleep and everywhere. I'm like nah, this, this actually can't happen to me, like you actually could not write it Like ringing the landlord, it's wet and panicking. I'm laughing now because if I don't laugh I'll actually cry. It's been very stressful.

Speaker 1:

So no air con. Burst a toilet nearly blows up. Living out of a suitcase, dubai testing it to its limits.

Speaker 2:

I feel like you know what I could near. This could be a movie at this stage.

Speaker 1:

Yeah well, damsel in distress in Dubai. I.

Speaker 2:

Swear like it's just a joke.

Speaker 1:

You ever get those like weeks or months where you're like, you're like, what is the point of Just like? What are you trying to teach me universe? Like don't mean, like you're, like you're. You're giving me all these tests and I don't know. Oh, my god, simone, that's not not. You need medical attention.

Speaker 2:

Like that's the side of my leg. It's huge, like it looks small there, but it's.

Speaker 1:

That's like the aftermath of like people when they get her knee operations. Like Simone, you need to go to a doctor. We need to put this on the boozy bloods page to see if Simone the voting of who Simone needs to go to the doctor like this is a normal. Oh, the stairs you fall down like that's like it's literally like If you put that picture if you put that picture into Google, if you upload it, they would just like Put into Simone's funeral range.

Speaker 2:

Oh, people think I'm being dramatic, like when I say I hurt myself and then Evidence they're like that's not normal. I Think I am like someone did say to me because right, so Obviously everything went wrong in the apartment. Right then fell down the stairs and then I was getting out of a car and the door swung back into my face and belted off my head. Everything comes in three years, I swear.

Speaker 1:

I think you just I Don't know. I think I think you need to come home and maybe we'll arrange you to go see a priest. I'm cursed. An extra says some need of Simone.

Speaker 2:

I think I was on tiktok the other day and I said that someone has like a spell on me.

Speaker 1:

My god, you need the evil eye. Oh my god, why don't you think of this? Yes, do you wear it though? No, you need to wear it. Yes, so, like you can get like evil eye earrings, I got my my nails and we're and, yeah, cuz I around that time. I was like there was a lot of shit going on and I felt like people are just like, yeah, give me the evil eye. You know bad things are happening. So then, when I got the evil eye jewelry, it actually went away.

Speaker 2:

That's actually insane, though how it works I Don't know.

Speaker 1:

Strange world, you know, so we need some evil eye.

Speaker 2:

I'm alive and cake and I'm breathing, so yeah, yeah, just breathe.

Speaker 1:

Melissa Simone are here to listen.

Speaker 2:

So on this week's Geo C dilemma, we have a very interesting Dilemma, to say the least. So, hi girls, I hope you are well loving, listening into you on the way to work every morning. Anyway, I was buying underwear the other day in pennies and this guy approached me. He asked me to help him pick out a few sets for his wife in In brackets. I was a bit up and I won't lie, but couldn't say no. But did I regret it?

Speaker 2:

Anyway, long story short, I picked out a couple for him and then he proceeded to ask me if I would be okay to try them on for him and see if he they would see what her. Obviously I started laughing and said and thought he was joking, but no girls, he was dead serious and called me rude. I Actually can't, I don't know I'm. As I was leaving the shop, he approached me again and apologized and then and did meet the bag of underwear that I picked out in Verticamas for his wife and said here you go, these are especially for you, and winked at me and walked away. I'm still in shock what's happened.

Speaker 1:

What like. Who is this person? I?

Speaker 2:

don't know like I actually Screamed laugh.

Speaker 1:

I was like there's no way this is just can't be real like this can't Be real like.

Speaker 2:

I would absolutely die, first of all for a play to her, like a message. Fair play to you for saying yes. Firstly, because if someone approached me while I was shopping and asked me to pick out underwear for their wife, I'd be like, um no, sorry, I can't do that, like I just couldn't.

Speaker 1:

I think I panicked on, but like, eh, like, I wouldn't know if they were being serious or not, so I probably ended up both picking it up.

Speaker 2:

No because when you think about it, like obviously she's in her local town or city and this man approaches her, like and she's walking around the shop with the man picking out underwear, like I genuinely like I don't know. Like, when I read the, the messages, like there's like I replied I was like there's no way, this, this just can't be true.

Speaker 1:

Like, what would you actually do with them? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I'd run the guards and then the fact, like obviously it wasn't far his wife, he was just wanting her to try them on.

Speaker 1:

What do you think? It's like a like a fucking omie-fans shop or something like. Do you know what I mean? What's going on? Like I don't know, like it was just like genuinely.

Speaker 2:

That's just weird, like that's just well apparently it would be like terrified because like, yeah, stalker, like it's like giving.

Speaker 1:

It's giving stalker vibes 100%, isn't it? It's? It's given like creepy stalker. I need to like change my locks and my house vibes 100%.

Speaker 2:

It's so weird. I just I couldn't. I want to like know more, though. I want to know what it is, and then it's happened.

Speaker 1:

Like and winked at me and walked away Like I'd be in such shock. I would just stand there with a bag. I'd be like what the fuck just happened, like I don't know. I don't think I'd even be able to bring the bag with me. Have to leave outside pennies 100%.

Speaker 2:

I would not. I'd be like no thanks. But then again, like it won't be in so much shock if that had happened, like if it were me, I'd probably be just standing there like with my joy in the floor just staring at me Like what the hell is wrong with you.

Speaker 1:

Was he just lingering around the laundry like oil and then just like approach random women or like I don't know?

Speaker 2:

Like I need to. I actually need to reply to this girl again and just be like can you fill me in on the rest of this please, because the curiosity is killing me.

Speaker 1:

Did you recognise him? Yeah, did you get any weird follow requests on Instagram or Facebook or anything? Do you know?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we need to know. You need to fill us in, please.

Speaker 1:

Let us know what you would do in this situation, because I think I just freeze 100%. It's awkward, it's like the weirdest thing ever, like what I'm like. Is this real, is it not? I'm just like what is going on, I know like. I could not think of that like, but you can't make something like that up like how Did he look like a creep, like on a scale of one to 10, what creep vibes would you give him Like? You need to let us know that.

Speaker 2:

Like do you look like her?

Speaker 1:

like a respectable man, or do they have creeps, stalker like facial features?

Speaker 2:

You know what I find, though? Sometimes it's the men that actually look well dressed, really reserved, very professional, and they're the ones sometimes that can be a bit insane in the hurt. It's like a mask, isn't it? Yeah, 100%, but we need to know.

Speaker 1:

So you need to know, Post it and fill us in please, please, and you can send any dilemma or stories or anything for the bit of crack to the Beauty Browns podcast, a T-Mil. Our topic of the week is Hockerl Winter. So Hockerl Summer is gone, hockerl Winter now, or Hockerl Autumn, is all the vibe. So we're going to talk about little skincare tips and body tips and just life tips so we can all have Hockerl Winter. So this is from a study that I found online, and then also little bits myself. So, number one we need to moisturize frequently because obviously in this weather, like especially in the hot and colds, you're in device, you're like the opposite.

Speaker 2:

So what was it? You know what, though, that I find, before we get into this any deeper. Back at home, my skin used to be kind of a little bit dry sometimes because I was a dabbler for wearing fake tan, but the last few months, I literally haven't been wearing any fake tan at all, and I know it's because I've been moisturising, looking after my skin a lot more and tan for a year or whatever, because tan can obviously play a massive effect as well on your skin, and it doesn't matter kind of what tan it is, I think it's just when you're constantly using it and it's like I know we exfoliate and moisturiser and stuff like that, but your skin does get a little bit clogged with it all, doesn't it?

Speaker 1:

Oh, 100%, like you need to be. If you're going to wear a tan every week, you can have to use the proper products exfoliate and moisturise. Do you know what I mean? 100%, and then?

Speaker 2:

it comes down to obviously having the time to do it all. I know a lot of people out there. They're working, they have kids, they're running, doing errands. It's just, it's a long process.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's like a full on mission on a Thursday night to do your tan. It's like a full on routine. It's like military action. You need to doot, doot, doot like two hours out of your day. It's gone. You're exfoliating, you're exfoliating more. You're showering, you're applying, you're cooking, you're sun, you're wet. It's just a process. Do you know what I mean? It's a full on process, but are you? But are you Top tips, mike? I'm sorry, go on.

Speaker 2:

I do find, since I've moved over here, that my skin has cleared up so much and it's like so soft, like I'm so proud of myself, it's like so clear. You know that kind of way. Now I'm not saying like my actual, like face or anything, because I do get a pimple now and again, like I am human, but I think the sun has helped it so much, so much. So don't get enough back at home.

Speaker 1:

I say I thought about eczema and psoriasis, like people suffer with it over here because of the dry weather or like the cold weather, like when they go out far and so, like hot countries, it clears up because of the sun, which is mad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because I used to get it like that, dry patches like under my arms, now and again. I don't know if that ever happened to you, but I think it could have been possibly from where in town.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it could be, and just the weather and then a bit of eczema and so well. So, number one we have moisturize. Frequently Hyaluronic acid is necessary, ladies. So if you haven't been using hyaluronic acid, I would really recommend that over like retinol, I think. I think, oh my God, I think it's so underrated. The hydration that gives to your skin is just unbelievable. See, the problem is at winter, like our skin gets dry, but it's also so dehydrated that the hyaluronic acid acid acid is for hydration, like it just honestly pumps out your skin, like it's so such an underrated product, so highly recommend. And also any creams with Sarmatite, and so Sarmatite will actually lock in moisture, and so any like ticker creams the seruvive one is actually really good.

Speaker 1:

And another good one for your body, actually speaking of hyaluronic acid, is the Q and A one. It's in a red bottle, so good, it will try. Like I'm not a big person, like I love another body cream, but some of the body, most of the body creams I use, like I'm more about the scent, so I'm like, oh, that smells so good. Where the Q and A one. Your skin will be literally like so smooth and it doesn't. It's not full of like chemicals and you just know straight away when you like apply it.

Speaker 2:

It's like it just soaks into your skin, like yeah, so I think that's not on most pharmacies and it's actually not that expensive.

Speaker 1:

So highly recommend the Q and A range. And another thing as well people, we always talk about like changing up foundations, you know, like for like winter and summer, but we actually don't talk about changing skincare between winter and summer. So like by switching up, like your cleansers to a more hydrating one, instead of like using something that's too dry on the skin, like some of those washes can be very dry on your skin, like you know the gels. Like yeah, so switching to a hydrating cleanser for hot or winter, we need that.

Speaker 1:

And as well, like a lot of people, acne. They think just because of acne that they don't need anything hydration, but they do Because it's completely different. Yeah, because acne prone skin it's, it's, it's an overproduction of sebum, like, so that's oil, but oil and oil and water are completely different things. Like, yeah, so like, so, like, so water and oil in your skin. We both have water and everyone has water and oil in their skin. But with acne is because it's an overproduction of the oil, but what happens is your skin can still be left dehydrated and that's why you can get that like it's nearly like you're oily, but you have like the orange peel effects on your skin, Because it's like lack of water but an overproduction of oils. So Even though you have acne skin, you still need to add hydration back to your skin, but just make sure it's like fragrance free as well.

Speaker 2:

It's mad that you say that, though, because I like, like I said, like a such a creature habit and most people out there probably are when it comes down to Like their skin routine and their skincare like I have never changed over my products from summer to winter, but now you're, after getting it into my head to do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like because we never it's something that people like kind of forget about bodies like our skin changes, like it changes like every year, so every year, which actually should be like adjusting our skincare slightly, but especially from winter to summer, like we need to change the products because you do it in winter. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

But you're like that we kind of overuse products on our skin nowadays. So like, do you think, because like it's so. Yeah, like you see on Instagram, people don't skincare routines. I'm all for it, like I love it, but I feel like there's just so many products out there and Like there's so many products that we think we need to be using on our skin on a day-to-day basis and we definitely don't need to be having layers and layers of moisturizers on no skin.

Speaker 1:

I think we overuse the amount of product. Yeah, so like, even with like, if we, if you're using a cleanser toner, say, a serum, a moisturizer and SPF, but you need to reduce the amount of each one, we're putting too much product onto our skin. You need to, like, use a small amount of each product and work it into the skin.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, make so much sense, like I even know us, like even teenagers nowadays, like they're you, like even my little sister, like she's 14 and the amount she probably has more skincare products than I do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a lot of the girls there are, so into their skincare routine. It's like that tick tock, though, because it's influencing to buy this and buy that, and buy that.

Speaker 2:

And it's so expensive. I'm like, oh my god, literally. When I was 13, I think I was using like a new year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it's not the book. Maybe it's such a good product.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was literally just using like Nivea daily moisturizer. That was it like. It wasn't like Five different creams on my face getting up, getting ready to go to school in the morning.

Speaker 1:

I think I could have been using that and maybe a bit of pan stick or essence Foundation, you know problem with with tick tock influencing the young girls from like 11, 12, 13 years of age is they're seeing the likes of, say, a 25 year old using it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and they're forgetting that their skin is literally so much different yes, so much different. And then they're putting they're putting products on their skin that number one or not for their skin type number two that Are full of chemicals that might react good to their current skin type. So they're over using all these products and there's no need for that. You know what I mean. So okay, Next on the list is hot showers. I actually seen this and I was like I'm a fucker for this. Like apparently you're not meant to have like stay in a hot shower for longer than like 10 minutes, Because it's actually really bad for like drawing at your skin.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well I'm. You might think I'm crazy, but I have like a cold shower first and Then I have like a hot one, sense.

Speaker 1:

I don't.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't be able to have a cold chair though like when I wake up in the morning, I feel like I need a cold shower first. Right meow.

Speaker 1:

Well, I finish off my shower with like 30 seconds of cold water, if I'm watching yeah, like I literally like stand under for like 20 seconds.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I'd be like, okay, you can do a minute of like just freezing cold, and then obviously I'll go to warm, but I always feel like I just need to have a cold one first. I don't know why.

Speaker 1:

Well, they say that, that's. They say that cold showers. So this could be actually on our hot girl autumn winter list. Everyone to say that you're meant to have. So you're probably doing right, simone, that's why you're so resilient. It's meant to increase your mindset Like so they say, if you're able to like increase, like have like a three-minute cold shower every morning, it's meant to like increase your mindset of like, resilience and making more focused. Really, yeah, I, actually I heard that like last year it was actually on a bootcamp. I was saying that like you should have a cold shower every morning and Like go for a run or something like that. It's like, it's like it's actually part of the like a military routine.

Speaker 2:

That's how the train and the military is becoming like really Extremely popular as well. I'm ice baths, yeah, either good, like after a workout or whatever, but In general, when it comes down to your mindset and overall as well, it's definitely all in our head like cold. Oh like, don't get me wrong, yeah, it's cold like, but I think we overthink it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I think that's the whole thing of ice baths. So obviously it is for like recovery from, like, for people doing sports, but I think it is actually like the thing of like I'm gonna sit in this for 10 minutes. It's like mind over matter. So so you know, it's Simone. You're just. Maybe I should have like start doing cold showers in the morning. Maybe what sorry, ice start doing cold showers in the morning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, honestly, it just gets me so set up for the day. Now you're after making me think tomorrow morning I'm literally going to be like okay, three minute cold shower.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm trying, we're on we're adding a three minute cold shower to the hot girl winter. It's 100% so, since we're speaking about cleansers as well, like changing our cleansers and you also need to like avoid especially in the winter, if you do suffer from like eczema or and avoid like harsh exfoliants, harsh scrubs on your face, like there is actually exfoliants out there now that they're actually just like a gel, so they're really soft, and then like naturally like break down the oil in your skin, because you know what Sometimes they're like some of them are like to have the beads in them and they're actually really rough on your skin, like yeah, I.

Speaker 2:

I even find as well sometimes like I overdo it when I'm exfoliating, like I don't think we realize how tough and harsh we can be on our skin. When it comes down to it, like you know, we wish it would be absolutely taken layers upon layers up, and that's why I feel like I used to do back at home as well. Like Joe, like I said, we're tan or just kind of even on your face, like there's. There's just no need to be scrubbing that off your skin.

Speaker 1:

I don't think what happens is it actually can cause like broken calories, like, especially if you've already sensitive skin or if you do have like really dry skin. Anyway, your dry skin can be a bit more sensitive, especially like in the examines or I system stuff. So like by over exfoliating you're actually like worse than like calories. So that's why there's like ones that are real soft gel, ones that have like they're not going to like like rub your skin. That makes sense.

Speaker 2:

But I don't think people realize as well, like even even back to know when I was younger you do need to wear SPF every single day. Even if it's not somewhere like, you need to be wearing it like out and about under your makeup.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's, because it's not even the direct sun like a UV and UVB rays. It's, it's everything. It's like the heat in your house, it's the air conditioning, it's the heat in your car. It's going from hot to cold. So you're outside in the cold weather and you're coming in and sent by a fire Like that's actually damaging your skin, like that's what's causing dehydration to your skin, you know. So we need SPF for hot girl out in winter and also as well. Lactic acid is actually really good to make sure it's in your moisturizers, because it acts as like a humectant, so like humectants attract water, so like it locks it in, absorbs in moisture into your skin as well.

Speaker 2:

It's mad, though, isn't it Like all these things like help every every little bit like you need to need to like, I feel like I need to like set an actual planner for winter, when I come back home on my day to day routine of what to use on my skin and what to put inside my body.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because you're gonna get shot when you land.

Speaker 2:

And I'm going to be a Mr Freeze.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, number eight water, water, water and avoid alcohol. But it's very hard to avoid alcohol Well, especially at Christmas time, because we're all with family. But water and I'm really trying to be good this week my water like some weeks I'll be so good and then some weeks I'm so bad. I don't know what's wrong with me like it's like I go to like phases.

Speaker 2:

But it's hard though, like I even find like when you're constantly on the go, like it's hard to remember to drink so much, and then when you're traveling a lot, like the more water you drink it's a pee.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So it's like, do I wear an api or do I drink more water?

Speaker 1:

You're like I'd rather not piss on myself and be dehydrated.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it is hard but you need so much fluid, like you do on your knee, like that's why the minute I get up and it's probably the same for you Like I try my best to have like a leader within the first hour of waking up, because you're actually supposed to like I don't know if you do this, melissa, but you know in the morning the way everyone's like oh, you need a coffee. The minute you get up in the morning You're actually not supposed to have like a coffee until 90 minutes after you wake. That's interesting stats.

Speaker 1:

Simone yeah, interesting, it's not like the other way.

Speaker 2:

It's like oh, it's gonna wake you up or whatever It'll wake you up, but then after, like in the afternoon, you'll just hit a brick wall.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do, I was really good at that, like last year I used to always get up and like have a pint of water the minute I woke up and I feel like that, though it's the same, like we use some water, try to get in like before lunchtime or whatever, and I feel like that. It's like that with protein intake. I know this is really off topic why, fine, if I don't have like a high protein breakfast, lunch, you're hungry, I'm hungry, yeah, and I'll eat shit for the rest of the evening. So I feel like for hot car winter, we need to have more water and more protein in the morning, so we're like ready for the day, you know definitely 100%.

Speaker 2:

And I do find as well, if you have like a high car breakfast in the morning, you're more hungry.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, I kind of agree with this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's why I'm always like I either have like eggs I don't know, I don't have eggs First thing and then like later on that day then like obviously more protein, but like try not to kind of have bread or like high search foods in the morning time until like lunch after, like a workout maybe. But then again it all depends on you as an individual. You can't really.

Speaker 1:

And I think for, like Hucker, winter, autumn, that we need to like change up our foods so like having more like rich, warm meals, like to kind of give us that cozy vibe. Yeah, oh my.

Speaker 2:

God, you know what I actually. I'm craving my nanny's homemade vegetable soup.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, like that's just. That's just what I mean. So I'm like trying myself like to try like make my Hucker winter like enjoyable because, let's be real, like it's kind of fucking depressing like all winter here because it's like fickle to do. So. I'm like, if you can have little moments in your day of having like your Hucker winter routine, so if you like get up, do your like skincare maybe, like getting a little workout in before you go to work and then just coming home and like having like rich, wholesome foods and like even like just starting a new book or learning something new or educating yourself and keeping your mind active for them when you're out and about in the summer again, then you can go into Hucker summer.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. Do you know? Yeah, and it's just. Do you know what it's exciting, though, being able to switch things up a bit and like different seasons, because I feel like it's just it's good and it's exciting. You know, then, like after Christmas, you're looking forward to kind of getting into that Hucker summer era again. So it's all about a balance and trying to like stay focused even though it's winter. You just kind of want to like get into a little bubble, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think, because I'm the worst, I despise autumn and winter. So like I'm trying this year to kind of make it a bit more exciting, so to kind of change my identity a bit, where I'm like, right, how can we make like autumn the best thing for self growth? So, whether that's even doing something like starting Pilates or like starting like some sort of exercise, like it doesn't have to be like going to the gym, but starting like something that maybe get you out of the house on like an evening, like if it's like Pilates, if it's like a hit session, it could be even like a little song class. You know something, do you know? Yeah, definitely. Well, actually, since we're speaking about tea, green tea, ginger tea, I'm actually starting to drink ginger tea now for Hucker autumn because apparently it's very good for fighting colds, flus and actually really improves your immunity and it's really good for skin and stomach upset.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's good for your kidneys as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we all need to get ginger tea into our cupboards for all.

Speaker 2:

And it's actually really nice. Like, I don't know about you, but I'm addicted to ginger shots. I don't know if you see them on my story.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've actually seen them. The ginger shots are very strong, though, aren't they?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they are, but they're so good for you, like so good, and I just I think I don't know, I think I've become like a little bit of a weirdo. It's like I have like the same things every day. But no, I'm not a weirdo.

Speaker 1:

Because I eat the same things every day, Like my routine of food is the same every day, Like my weekly food.

Speaker 2:

Well, I've been doing it since I started like drinking them. I don't feel like even like my stomach when it comes down to like my abs and stuff like that, just being able to digest food properly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, I'm going to eat the ginseng ginger tea. I love now peppermint tea as well.

Speaker 2:

I find peppermint tea very soothing, like yeah, it really helps with like acid reflux, doesn't it?

Speaker 1:

Mmm also as well. I actually took these last year. So obviously we need supplements, more supplements for obviously hot girl winter Garlic tablets. I took them last year and I actually found them really good. They're really good as well. Really, what Garlic yeah, garlic tablets, yeah. They're unbelievable for fighting like colds and flus.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I just feel like I don't know. Is there a weird taste of them?

Speaker 1:

No, there's actually not Like and you don't get like. You don't be going around with garlic bread or anything, yeah. So I thought that is that. No, they're actually like. Really, really good. I need to try this, yeah. So we're all going to be the whole lot of us are going to be in hot girl autumn, our new skinger routine. We're going to be having like ginger tea. We're in our SPF, drinking our water, starting a new like challenge.

Speaker 2:

It's a summer glow up and awesome winter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like our pre-summer glow up. It's like a self growth season. I feel like autumn, winter is, and then we just bloom. We bloom in spring, we come out of our little cocoons and we bloom.

Speaker 2:

We turn into like little butterflies.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, that's my little hot girl autumn, winter tips, so I hope you enjoy them. So we have most annoying person of the week because I feel like my mood's, like I've had to change the section and some on my rant, but my most annoying person of the week. So now I know this is going. This episode is going to be a week behind, but I started looking at big brother last night. Have you started looking at it?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't. Like I said before, I don't have a VPN, so I can't watch anything like that.

Speaker 1:

So no, oh my God, big brother, last night now we only literally got a glimpse of all the characters but, there's a girl called Olivia and, oh, my fucking sweet Jesus Christ, I have never met someone.

Speaker 2:

She's under your skin.

Speaker 1:

I have never met such a drama queen and just annoying and wingy and just in the space of like her 15 minutes airtime Like that bad. It actually made me like question whether I can continue looking at big brother for the rest of how many weeks is on really, yeah, I just I couldn't like. So basically, one of the challenges was where they all came in. It's sitting on the couch and it's a pass around a box like a past the parcel, yeah. And big brother stops it. And so one of the guys opens it and the question was who do you think is going to be the most hard to live with in the house? And he said Olivia. Now they've only all met each other.

Speaker 1:

So, like they were all put on the spot, like you just had to pick someone. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, and basically then it said, okay, because you picked Olivia, now she's up for eviction on Friday night. And well, she went off crying. She went off like just she wouldn't stop talking about everyone. Oh my God, that's so. And your man was like I'm so sorry, like obviously he didn't know that was going to happen, like he had to pick someone. It was just. I was like I mean, keith, were like I actually can't look at the tube, is just looking at each other and we're like we actually can't listen to her.

Speaker 2:

It's just, it's the little things like that though, that cringy and just makes you not want to watch it, like I'm just, like you're going to have to be like my weekly update on all of this.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if I will be, because I'm questioning whether I'm going to tune in tonight Like I actually can't listen to her.

Speaker 2:

Right, I feel like you're going to have to, though, just to see what's going to go down.

Speaker 1:

I'll keep his updated, please do because I'm intrigued.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I need to actually find something so I can watch these things Like it's really pissing me off.

Speaker 1:

It was your most annoying person of the week.

Speaker 2:

My most annoying person of the week is a woman that was behind me in the supermarket the other day. So there was like one guy working in the supermarket and it was absolutely packed right like crazy and he was trying his best support, like literally trying to like every, all the customers, happy content, shopping, fast, paced, whatever. And she literally is like behind me, kind of like shoving Okay, and I'm like what the hell? So look behind me. I'm like you're okay, and she's like I just have water. She's like can I please go in front of you?

Speaker 2:

And I was like I just have like chungum, like I literally has a packet of extra green chungum. Stop, yeah. And I was like sorry. And she's like, and she's like huffing and puffing like in my ear and I'm like what the hell and you know I'm quite Melissa like push me. So she keeps doing it and she starts like making a scene in the shop and she's like this customer service in here is absolutely disgraceful. And she throw like not throw was, but like she slams like the water down on the like what's the thing called? I'm trying to think about what is that called?

Speaker 1:

What is?

Speaker 2:

that move.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but what is the call? What is that called? I don't know, it's really annoying.

Speaker 2:

But she's like slams it down. She's like this is so bad, I'm putting in a complaint and she just storms off and the guy like his face, everything and everyone is like what the hell is going on. But she really annoyed me anyway. Long story short, and I can't stop thinking about the poor man Like fair enough me. Like I was like okay, you're having a bad day, you're just taking it out on me. I don't want to make a show of them in the shop in front of everyone. Like I just feel like it's so rude and just no need at all.

Speaker 1:

He was having a car and moments.

Speaker 2:

Oh, proper car moment. I wanted to like slap her.

Speaker 1:

It's called a conveyor belt. Why? Obviously, I knew that it's called a conveyor belt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, why does that sound like something that should be in a car?

Speaker 1:

But to have the conveyor belts on the at the airports is under, you know, the five. Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It just sounds like something that's. Yeah. In a car or something. Yeah, I think there is a thing in the car.

Speaker 2:

You definitely want in the car.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely is. That's our most annoying person of the week.

Speaker 2:

So on this week's episode, we're going to ask Melissa some fun driver questions. Are you ready? I'm ready, okay, so number one what is the most visited tourist attraction in the world?

Speaker 1:

Visited tourist attraction in the world Eiffel.

Speaker 2:

Tower. Go again One more.

Speaker 1:

I knew it wasn't the Eiffel Tower, but I just said it.

Speaker 2:

No, like it's a city I'll give you.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's a city, paris no.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's something.

Speaker 1:

New York, new York, no One more. London.

Speaker 2:

No, it's the Las Vegas strip.

Speaker 1:

Ah, actually you want to go to Las Vegas. It looks like a road cross.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we really need to go. We do, we do, we're manifesting it Girls' trip.

Speaker 1:

Girls in Las Vegas.

Speaker 2:

So which sea creature has three hearts? This is really interesting because I'm like what the hell? Three hearts, three hearts.

Speaker 1:

Okay, sea creature, an octopus, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm very clever. They were made of aliens.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just say I thought I think of the weirdest sea creature and then I just have an octopus. That's how I actually did another.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like it's. Oh, I don't know, it's so weird. Okay, so Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Washington. Oh fuck, you should know this, because I feel like the answer is in the question.

Speaker 1:

Mount Olympus, olympus, olympus, I think of Greece, greece, greece, I said Greece. No, no, yeah, I said, I said Greece, I think in Olympus I was like right, I said Greece, I said Greece, sorry.

Speaker 2:

Correct. I'm proud of you. Okay, what breed of dog is the most popular in the US?

Speaker 1:

In the US. I was trying to think, oh poms.

Speaker 2:

No, I would have said poodle, but no, no, where is it? It's a Labrador retriever.

Speaker 1:

Where is it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so weird, isn't it so weird? Okay, one more. What 90s boy band member bought my space in 2011?

Speaker 1:

Oh fuck, I know this Boy band member oh.

Speaker 2:

So a 90s boy band member.

Speaker 1:

And sink no.

Speaker 2:

Blue Justin.

Speaker 1:

Justin Bieber.

Speaker 2:

In 2011. And 90s.

Speaker 1:

Justin Timberlake. He's a event, he's a event.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it's what boy band member.

Speaker 1:

Oh, sorry. Okay, that's why I said Justin. Justin, you're learning something every day. There you go Right For a weekly affirmation of the week. We have. Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen. I love that. Yeah, I thought it suited our hot girl winter globe, yeah. So we show up every day and have the best autumn girl, hot girl winter ever. So I hope you enjoyed episode 32. And make sure you follow us on whatever podcast platform you're using and shares on your social media and we will chat you next week, guys.

Speaker 2:

Bye, bye.

Pet Peeves and Positive Vibes
Cursed and Creepy Encounters
Skincare Tips for Winter
Skin Care Tips for Young Girls
Autumn/Winter Tips and Dealing With Annoying People