Boujee Blondes

Girl math, ugly girl days & Tinder drama

October 24, 2023 Melissa Clarke & Simone grace Season 1 Episode 33
Girl math, ugly girl days & Tinder drama
Boujee Blondes
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Boujee Blondes
Girl math, ugly girl days & Tinder drama
Oct 24, 2023 Season 1 Episode 33
Melissa Clarke & Simone grace

Hey there, brave beauties! Get ready to laugh till your sides hurt and learn some profound truths about womanhood as Melissa and Simone, bring you another episode of the boujee Blonde's podcast. Ever tried ordering food while nursing a hangover or received the weirdest comments? We've been there, done that, and we're ready to spill the tea!

Venturing into the digital dating realm? Then you must hear a listeners tale about a certain Irish Tinder guy with the same name as her boyfriend - talk about awkward! But don't fret, we're here to reassure you that such roadblocks are just part of the journey and we've got some nifty tips to help you detox your mind and unwind from life's stressors.

Now let's talk money and the intriguing world of financial decisions. Are you a cash or card kind of person? Do you believe that designer bags are good investments? Well, we've got some hilarious anecdotes and thought-provoking perspectives that might just change your mind. We'll round up this episode with a lighthearted game: over or under - when it comes to toilet paper, where do you stand? So, tune in for this laughter-filled episode packed with real-life dilemmas and valuable advice!

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Hey there, brave beauties! Get ready to laugh till your sides hurt and learn some profound truths about womanhood as Melissa and Simone, bring you another episode of the boujee Blonde's podcast. Ever tried ordering food while nursing a hangover or received the weirdest comments? We've been there, done that, and we're ready to spill the tea!

Venturing into the digital dating realm? Then you must hear a listeners tale about a certain Irish Tinder guy with the same name as her boyfriend - talk about awkward! But don't fret, we're here to reassure you that such roadblocks are just part of the journey and we've got some nifty tips to help you detox your mind and unwind from life's stressors.

Now let's talk money and the intriguing world of financial decisions. Are you a cash or card kind of person? Do you believe that designer bags are good investments? Well, we've got some hilarious anecdotes and thought-provoking perspectives that might just change your mind. We'll round up this episode with a lighthearted game: over or under - when it comes to toilet paper, where do you stand? So, tune in for this laughter-filled episode packed with real-life dilemmas and valuable advice!

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Speaker 1:

It's the Boojee Blonde's podcast with Melissa and Simone, available on Spotify, apple or wherever you get your podcasts. Now let's get Boojee. Welcome to the Boojee Blonde's podcast with your co-host, melissa Clark and Simone Grace, and on this week's episode, we're chatting a little bit about detox in your mind.

Speaker 2:

Girl Matt, and we also have a spicy Jocie dilemma.

Speaker 1:

So I really hope you enjoyed this week's episode. How are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm good.

Speaker 1:

thank you how are you, my girl? Very, very good. How has your week been?

Speaker 2:

My week has been busy as usual. How about you? Have you got any, any news from your little trip for us?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so went to London at the weekend over with the girls from K-Hair for the Great Lent Hair Extension's finalists. So yeah, let me just say there was lots of vino drink and lots of belly laughs and yeah, it was. It was fun.

Speaker 2:

So were you just like a tad bit hungover from an awkward moment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I'm, I know well what is it. Well, I'm not hungover now, but yeah, coming back now, we were fairly tired, like it was all go, go, go. But yeah, there was lots of laughs and giggles. Let's just say that. Do you know what? It was so funny because on the Saturday night when we arrived and we got to the hotel could not get food in the hotel because obviously it's like certain food. You should have seen three women trying to get a delivery delivered Like.

Speaker 2:

I can only imagine Like literally pissed.

Speaker 1:

It was like the famine, like, and then we got like three different types of pastas, Right. So I think we got like a carbonara and we got two other ones, Like we didn't even. Oh my God. Like thank God we're married because we wouldn't get a man. Like there's just no hope. Like it was a bunch of scavengers. It was like just three pastas, just mixing a plate and inhaled Like I actually woke up at five o'clock in the morning a lump of my throat, Like I think there's actually pasta stuck in it. Like I was, like I'm free.

Speaker 2:

I'm sick everywhere. I don't know what it is, but lately, like after a night out and stuff like that, I feel like I can just have toast. I don't think anything else cuts it for me. I like get like gulks, like no, I need like to sell to set my belly. We were just starving you probably haven't, and all that day, though, either.

Speaker 1:

And also a very random thing, right. So hopefully this person is in the same spot as. But we were at the after party, alfa Parif and I was out chatting to this girl outside like Grant. Then we're on the bus to the way home and I said I said Lord where? And she was like, oh, she didn't recognize me because obviously she was so drunk. And then she was like, oh, I recognize you from your under eye mascara. So now I'm like what? Yeah, it was the randomest comment ever. I, like the girl who was in me, was like what kind of comment is that? Like I was like I don't know. So now I'm like, turned off everywhere and under eye mascara, because it looked almost brutal or something.

Speaker 2:

I was like oh, that's the weirdest thing I've ever heard in my entire life. What the hell does she mean by that? I don't know. I always put on under eye mascara because I feel like my eyes literally look sunk into the back of my head.

Speaker 1:

So like is there something wrong with wearing under eye mascara or what's going on like?

Speaker 2:

That is strange.

Speaker 2:

Very strange, isn't it, honestly? But we were speaking last week about like breakouts and skin and stuff like that, and I feel like you absolutely jigs the life out me a little, really, like I had the worst week of periods ever my skin has been around us. I'm just so tired. So are I down? I'm like I actually do. You know what I hate being a woman? It's like what are those weeks where I'm like I just want all the chocolate in the world, I want a hot water bottle, but I'm living in 40 degrees here. I want to be comfortable. I'm like there's just no in between. I'm like what?

Speaker 1:

is going on. I do get weeks like that where they're like periods are so bad, like they're just hormonal. They're getting spots you just want chocolate. Like it's a hard life being a woman, like a period I envy men, so much Like I was even speaking to Mark about this.

Speaker 2:

I was like you know what I know you're a great man. We're all chickens, we're all being all Like I don't say it. Why don't you have to like struggle with the pain Like I? Literally I don't know if you have to do the same, but like to put like my belly like on something really hard and just like push it in. I was like someone needs to just sit on me.

Speaker 1:

Like they need to sit on me yeah, they're already this pain Hormon just, I just find, with periods is that like just everything, like your hair does be affected skin, like everything. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

It's like the whole body goes into shut down, like yeah, so I was just like trying my best to like meditate breathe, just breathe. Melissa, I want to hear you listen.

Speaker 1:

Just literally, literally, we're taking our own advice on board. This week it's been a it's been a weird week. I'm not going to lie like there's a weird energy. I don't know what the fuck is going on, but it's heavy.

Speaker 2:

Just like every week, there's a weird energy.

Speaker 1:

I know there's an extra weird energy, that's it's a heavy energy.

Speaker 2:

It's like depression in the fog, like I just think where everything going on in the world at the minute. Obviously we won't go into detail, but it's just a little bit strange with everything, yeah, At the moment. So I do want to send a lot of love and hugs to everyone out there that are struggling at this moment of time. I know it's hard for us to kind of live and go on with normal day life and everyday life where everything that's going on out there. But all we can do is hope and pray that things will get better and all in soon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, just breathe. Melissa and Simone are here to listen. So for this week's juicy jammy Dodgers dilemma, I'm sure Simone has a very interesting one for us this week.

Speaker 2:

I do To be honest, it's like I don't know, but here we go. So, hi, girls, I hope you're about to. Well, one of my friends told me about the podcast two weeks ago and I'm absolutely hooked now here. Just hilarious. Anyway, I've recently moved to Australia and a couple of months back a couple of months back with my partner, and I'm literally just after settling in a little bit and making a couple of friends.

Speaker 2:

The other day, one of the girls on work break said that her friend was messaging this Irish guy from Tinder and he asked her to go on a date. She then mentioned that he was new here and said that his name was X in a verticomas the same name as my boyfriend. Then proceeded to ask me if I knew anyone with that name. My heart went into my stomach, didn't know what to do. I panicked and said no and excused myself from the situation. I don't know if it's just a coincidence that it's the same name. What should I do? I don't want to make drama, as I'm new here, and I don't want to mention it to my boyfriend in case it's nothing. Then again could be the worst nightmare.

Speaker 1:

She should have asked for a picture.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know. It's just a bit of a mess, isn't it Did? She just panic. She doesn't want to make a new friend, she don't want to be a drama queen. She obviously just moved there with her boyfriend on her own. If they have an argument, what goes on?

Speaker 1:

She should have been like oh, let me see him. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

And then but I think the way she said it was the friend that she was talking to with her.

Speaker 1:

Ah sorry. Yes, I get you. That's awkward.

Speaker 2:

It is. It's really awkward, but then again I'm like Irish names, like even boys names, like every second person is either John Jared Kean, like there's so many similarities and names so a couple of you have to coincidence that they have the same name.

Speaker 1:

But then again I'm like I don't know, it could be a coincidence, but unless she says it to her boyfriend, oh, you're wanting to work with her, blah, blah, blah and explain the situation and then make a joke of it. But like, oh, his name was X, hope it's not you. You know, lol. And then like, go, but is it you in serious eyes?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I'm just such an honest, open person. I feel like that if it was me in that situation, I'd probably say it to the fellow first, before I give the girl a chance to get back to him to make up a scenario.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'd say it to the boyfriend first, rather than saying it to our colleagues, especially if you're like new in the job and you don't want to feel awkward. Like you know what I mean, like it could be just a massive coincidence. You know what I mean Because, like there is a lot of people and then again.

Speaker 2:

A part of me is like, if she's been at a lunch table with girls the last month, say how she's known them. Obviously they know her boyfriend's name.

Speaker 1:

You get me yeah.

Speaker 2:

So everyone has Instagram, everyone has Facebook, Snapchat. Obviously they put up stuff together, so I don't know if the other girl is trying to make like a sneaky little comment to tell her that maybe yeah, like sure to God, like the girl said, like her boyfriend's name in passing, like of in situations you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

So you could be right, your one could be giving her a bit of a sneaky hint.

Speaker 2:

That's the thing like my mind just goes on overdrive when I come to see situations. When I was reading it I was like something's not up here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're right. It could be like your one giving a sneaky hint because they don't told her.

Speaker 2:

And I don't know these people, but I get the worst spot feelings ever and I'm always right and I hate them all but it's right. It annoys me, but I don't know what to do with Melissa.

Speaker 1:

No, I think you actually could be onto something there. I actually never taught her that, but now I'm like, yeah, you know. Yeah, like I feel like the girl that was on Tinder told girl number two but like I think that's your one's boyfriend and she's like no way. And then girl number two was like fuck this, I'm going to try hint it to her.

Speaker 2:

I think so. Yeah, could be, could be, but then again I feel a little bit sorry for the girl in the situation, because obviously she's after moving to a very new country, meeting these people with the love of her life, and if it is that case, it's heartbreaking though, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's really sad. It's an endless enemy. Man dirty bastards I know, but if it is true you move on. Yeah, you're in a new country, just find a new hot man, but we lost our girls.

Speaker 2:

We could just be over thinking it. It might not be Hamilton, but definitely Absculpt yeah.

Speaker 1:

Just come out and say it, I think, just say it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I think just put a lull at the end of it and everything would be sweet.

Speaker 1:

No but no, you do a lull and then put is it in serious like bitch face. So you're doing a bit of both. So if you want to send us in your dilemmas or stories, you can send us to the Booty Blondes podcast at gmailcom. So our topic of the week we have detox in your mind and staying positive. So what is like your top three things more to like kind of help you unwind?

Speaker 2:

So for me it's literally like my go to lately is I get up, I listen to 15 affirmations every morning, I do yoga and I go to the gym, and in the evening time to reset again, I listen to them affirmations before I go to the gym. It's just my new way coping mechanism of everything that's going on. I think it's very hard sometimes to just turn off your brain and unwind, especially everybody has a busy schedule on a day to day life, whether it's for a single girl that has 20 different jobs at once and just needs to switch off your phone. But I think for mothers or for families out there, just even people just in relation ships living together, you need that downtime by yourself. And if it's going for a walk, if meditation doesn't work for you, you need an hour of your day just to unwind, breathe and relax and switch off. And you need to.

Speaker 2:

I know it's a really hard thing to do, but I started doing it. It's just turning my phone off for an hour. You have to do it, and when you're going to sleep at night, airplane mode is a lifesaver. So my top tips that I do. But what?

Speaker 1:

are you guys my top tips. So I definitely listen to like affirmations and probably the gym as well. But sometimes I think you just need like a Netflix day. Yeah, I feel like you need to have like ugly girl syndrome day. Yeah, like literally, don't get dressed, feel sorry for yourself, eat food, don't get out of bed Like I feel it's necessary for growth. Like I feel like sometimes you just have to do that. Like just switch off from everything and not even overthink it. Like like doing workouts and exercise, just literally lazy bitch day. Just cut it off, just cut everything off. Let your brain just look at Netflix for like 10 hours and just not think about it. Binge watch a show Like I feel like that can actually give you more motivation sometimes than the next day to go do stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're somewhere I could, something that I need to start to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah like I feel it's just so, like yeah, just switch off. But like on a daily basis, I think, like obviously try to get your like your workout in and the affirmations. I think detoxifying your mind is like different again, like I think it is a total cleanse. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Like it's, I feel like it is just sometimes you need to do a lot of your life.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that means like I know it sounds really bad but like being mindful of, like your surroundings and the people that you're in contact with on a day to day basis. I think people are definitely a main factor in your mind. If you're in environments where it's constant negativity and they just want everyone to be feeling down, feeling shit and just that negative energy, then that's going to bounce an impact on your day to day life as well. So, if it's your friends, even if it's your family, or if it's your work life, if you're finding that that's triggering your mental health, then you need to overcome this and just get yourself out of the situation, because I definitely do think I know, as you get older, you're probably the same as I said, like it's not that you don't want to be in contact with people, but for your own sanity and your own I don't know your own mental health.

Speaker 2:

I think sometimes it doesn't matter if they're close friends or family or whatever. You can still be friendly with them people, you can still talk to them, pass them off or whatever. But when it comes to like being in close contact with them and you're going to do on your own energy, then I think you just need to like step back a bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I agree 100%. I think detoxifying your mind is like a total clear out. So I feel like it's like a clear out of emotions, so maybe like a good cry. It's like detoxing like your environment, so, whether that's even like cleaning your house and like getting rid of shit, like getting like a skip, do you know what I mean? Do you ever feel?

Speaker 2:

like that. I'm not going to like keep these clothes that you're like. For me, it's like that reminds me of this or reminds me of that. I'm like just get rid of it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like I feel like.

Speaker 1:

I feel like once you'd like start throwing out stuff like like of, like your shedding the skin. That's why I would kind of feel like the toxin. It's like you're just getting rid of stuff. Like you know what I mean. Yeah, like I feel it's letting go nearly of stuff and situations and people is what I would consider detoxifying your mind, you know? Yeah, definitely yeah 100%.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, yeah, that's my little tips. But speaking about actually cleaning, because when I was trying, because I'm trying to obviously like do up like my content room and stuff, and you're trying I want like a new unit and I seen this thing called girl math, like where you try to like you know like guess what the measurements are. Sometimes I do that with my feet. So I'd be like you know, yeah, so like I'll like measure like an area in my room, and I'd be like you know I needed like this, so I'll just like measure, like I'm like well, that's three in my feet. So then I got like a ruler, I grew up a ruler but just like you know, I try and guess, like because I'm just oh, I hate doing shit like that Like it's just I don't think it's on a woman's agenda to do stuff like that, I'm like I need a man for this.

Speaker 2:

It's definitely not my thing and I don't care. I'm an independent woman. When it comes down to measurements and getting all that shit on, I'm like no no, yeah, it's yeah, no, I'm just, I'm not good at like, like, like.

Speaker 1:

sometimes you would like you'd get like. You just measure it by finger and then go to the other area, like we're so lazy. Why are women so lazy when it comes to like things like that, like?

Speaker 2:

I think men are lazy in other ways.

Speaker 1:

Well, that is true, that is very true. So on, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

We're very neat around the house, very tidy and like take the shows off whatever.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm actually right. I'm actually like, not all women, some women are dirty bitches, I'm sorry. I remember when Keith was in atlone and he was in college and lads, right. So I used to go up, I used to drive up to him and he used to go to college and I used to literally just stay in the house and, like, look in Netflix, but he lived with four girls. Alas, the dirt of the fucking bathroom. Like I remember when Tim wanted, oh, come on, you know the Sally Hansen tan, right, it was literally all over the toilet seat, like the sink, the back walls. It's like the old stood naked in the bathroom and sprayed one under with Sally Hansen tan and then you could see just like a big white cheek mark on the fucking toilet. They were actually vile. So I actually disagree that all women are fucking clean because some of them are vile.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you are right, yeah, disgusting, like like I even remember like years ago going to like my friends house in college. Like they were in a book, it was like we're blad forever and they were living with like four girls. Like I remember opening like the press and I was like what the hell is this man? Like I actually felt weak with the smell of the sink. Like you know, beer bottles yeah, like a pyramid out of the beer bottles, but they never washed the beer bottles out. So the house stunk a beer, right, no, and it's like what is this Moved the smell and I opened the press and it's like a gone off.

Speaker 2:

Misania that was there for like it was green, it was, yeah, it was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life and there was two boys out there and, like I think, maybe three or four girls, if I can recall. But, like for a woman, clean you live in that environment. Like I know I will be depressed off my head if I was living in clutter and stink and smell and definitely a thing like you just need to do clutter and cleanse yourself and your surroundings.

Speaker 1:

You dirty bitches, so speaking obviously of girl.

Speaker 2:

I remember when you were younger and you go shopping with your parents and they obviously give you money to go off and do your own little thing or whatever. When you're a teenager, you pick up something, you go home to try it on and it doesn't fit or you don't like it and you bring it back and you explain and to like. I remember when I explained to my dad like oh, I actually earned money off of that because I brought it back. Yeah, what?

Speaker 2:

do you mean you earned money. I'm just like, because I brought it back, I didn't actually wear it, so I earned money like I earned a profit. But it's like that you know when you buy, when you buy stuff even like online, like now even my clothes, and you like bring them back.

Speaker 1:

Like you feel, like you're up money, but you're not. Like it's the same thing, isn't it? It's like girl brain or thinking, or when like pretty little thing.

Speaker 2:

or Zara have a sale it's like 60% sale. I feel like if I don't buy anything in that sale, I feel it was the money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's it Like for sure.

Speaker 2:

Like if I want it in next week and it's like trying to or extra. I am losing money when I was like explaining this to my, explaining this to my father, because it was going up to Christmas. I think it's like my Friday or something like that.

Speaker 2:

I was like oh my God, no, we have to get it now. And he was like what should we eat? And I'm like, but we're losing money If we don't get it now. He's like it's fine, it's a scam, it's a fix. Like no, how is it? It's like you do not need to buy them clothes right now. You can buy them next week, it doesn't matter. And I'm like I'm going to lose money if I don't buy them. But the only reason why you're buying it is because it sounds like so like next week that one did be in your head to buy it. We're just pushing it into buying the product.

Speaker 1:

It's like, it's like you feel, like in your head, it's like an investment, so maybe it goes.

Speaker 2:

They think so differently and I'm like no, I still don't understand what he means by that, because I know that I would have lost money if I didn't buy that, and that's a joke thing, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, girl, math is a thing. It's just how we operate.

Speaker 2:

But there's like a few bits here as well that I have and it's like so if you go to Starbucks and you have a Starbucks app and it's loaded and loaded, the coffee is for free.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, that's true. Yeah, yeah, like that's, that's true, that's true. Do you know?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I like that one yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's so many that I just laugh at because I'm like, it is true, like the one, there's one here as well. So it's like if my favorite clothing store, which I just said, is having a sale, I have to buy something. I'm actually losing money. Cash isn't real money, so if I buy something with cash, it's free.

Speaker 1:

That is true, though, because it's like, you know, when you go on a night out and like you spend like cash, you don't actually see what you're spending or like. If it's on your card and you're like tap, tap, tap, it's like the fear of God the next day when you look at your like your, yeah, you're like what the fuck?

Speaker 2:

Well, anytime I use cash, I don't consider it spending money ever. Yeah, because it's not so simple to me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

On the screen that I've spent money.

Speaker 1:

And that's the problem with, like my job as well, because a lot of my work will be cash, so like you're more inclined to spend a quicker. Yeah, you know what I mean, because, like, obviously you have to go lodging into the bank and stuff, but like somebody be like, oh, let's take that out, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It was never there.

Speaker 1:

It was never there Gone, you know. Have you any funny ones for us? No, like I think. I think definitely. It's mostly like the. I know this is terrible, but even like buying clothes and like wearing them and returning them and all that, oh have you done that. I have lads, I'm sorry, hands up, I'm not going to lie about it. We're real in this podcast. Yeah, I have, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm just, I'm a lazy bitch, I'm just like I'm going to the wardrobes.

Speaker 1:

Stay there. Yeah, oh, no, no, like, especially something that I just that I didn't really like, or something. Do you know what I mean? Now I wouldn't be wearing like on a full night out. Yeah, like it might only be for like for an hour or something. Do you know what I mean? But, like you know, I have hands up. I'm terrible and going to jail, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

I need to be honest. You're helping the environment. What is?

Speaker 1:

that Recycling, recycling, that's it.

Speaker 2:

So there's another one here. Okay, gym classes are also an investment, because 40 euro to get yanda is less than 200 euro for therapy and I get to do that for a day. Like some of these ones are wild. Like, if I buy a 300 euro purse, I use it every single day. It will cost me less than well. It should be a euro a day, which is basically free. If we go on a girl's trip and split everything, that is also budget.

Speaker 1:

But you know, I actually I think, if you do, if I had to buy any kind of designer thing, it will be a bag, because I feel like you will get like you get daily wear out of it. I feel designer shoes are a bit of a waste, Do you? Yeah, like you know, I'd rather spend. If I had the money, I'd rather spend it on like a bag rather than a hair too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do wear like a good bit of yosa on my designer bags. I will say yeah. And my parents always would say to me they are investments because you have them forever and they never know their value.

Speaker 1:

So yes, that makes sense. Still manifest in that Prada bag that I want.

Speaker 2:

You would have got it.

Speaker 1:

That man in the Prada shop. Obviously, things on the cycle, I swear. Every time I went to Brandt Thomas I'm like letting on. I'm interested in it and I don't even have a fiver in my purse to buy it. So, like I say, the days I actually do come in to buy it, he's gonna be shocked.

Speaker 2:

The man's gonna have a stroke, you have a benefit. I know that I know the facts.

Speaker 1:

He's coming your way One day. One day we'll get designer bags. So for this week's game we have a visitor that. Are you ready, Simone?

Speaker 2:

I'm ready to go for it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, phone, call or text.

Speaker 2:

Phone call.

Speaker 1:

Toilet paper over or under. So do you know what I mean. No, do you know when toilet paper is on the holder? So, like, do you have to have your toilet paper like flipping over, or do you have a common under Over? Yeah, I have to have it over as well.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people have OCD.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people have OCD about that. They have to have it over, yeah, like if someone has OCD and it's under, it drives them mad.

Speaker 2:

I've never actually thought of that before.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, Like I think it's meant to be over, you know. So if it's under, it just means that you're like yeah, that's a bit weird Carefree spirited human being.

Speaker 2:

You've got my mind over thinking now, because I've never thought about that before. Yeah, so.

Speaker 1:

And I go to the toilet and I'm gonna be like, yes, every go, now you're gonna know with it, you know, clean as you cook or clean at the end. I clean as.

Speaker 2:

I cook.

Speaker 1:

Do you? Yeah, I do at the end Night or morning.

Speaker 2:

What do you mean by that?

Speaker 1:

Are you more of a morning or night person? I'm a morning person. Yeah, I like mornings. I, like you know, season the day If I get up at night, right, oh, this is a good one. Dirty bathroom or dirty shower.

Speaker 2:

Definitely a dirty shower I can't be walking into a bathroom. That's absolutely horrendous. At least if I get into the shower, I can just clean everything around me.

Speaker 1:

Pads or tampons. Tampons, yeah, and pads, give me a bit of the ache.

Speaker 2:

The smelly, yeah no, I don't like it.

Speaker 1:

Don't like it. So we have a little affirmation of the week.

Speaker 2:

So our affirmation of the week this week is you might not be where you want to be right now, but you will eventually. Things are aligning in your greater good. You've just got to have faith that things will manifest at the right time.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that. That's inspiration for this week. Well, thank you everyone for listening in to this week's episode. If you would like to follow us on whatever podcast platform you're using, make sure to follow us on social media and to send us in your dilemmas, so we will chat to you next week.

Speaker 2:

Talk to you next week. Bye, bye.

Boojee Blonde's Podcast
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Mind Detox and Self-Care Tips
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