Boujee Blondes

"It can be lonely" The real deal about been your own boss

November 14, 2023 Melissa Clarke & Simone grace
"It can be lonely" The real deal about been your own boss
Boujee Blondes
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Boujee Blondes
"It can be lonely" The real deal about been your own boss
Nov 14, 2023
Melissa Clarke & Simone grace

Welcome New and regular listeners. 

Are you ready for a wild ride into the maze of self-employment, the intricacies of relationships, and a hilarious look at some of Amazon's most bizarre products? Buckle up as we unravel the complexity of being your own boss, discussing the freedom and perils it brings. From the uncertainty of irregular income to the solitude of working alone, we shine a light on the real side of this often-glamorized lifestyle.

Shifting gears, we dive into the complex world of relationships. We debate societal norms surrounding breakups and the different ways men and women cope during this emotionally turbulent time. We also share our thoughts on the early adoption of Christmas tree decorations, the joy of adopting pets from shelters, and throw in an amusing discussion about the peculiar products on Amazon. Ever wondered how much a chicken harness or a cat butt tissue holder costs? We've got you covered!

Lastly, we don't shy away from injecting a dose of humor into our chat. Listen in on our funny anecdotes about attending events, the odd mysteries of makeup, and the contrast between men's and women's getting ready routines. So join us, as this episode promises a delightful mix of insightful discussions, hearty laughter, and unexpected revelations. Trust us; you won't want to miss this!

Thanks for listening 
Melissa and Simone xx


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Welcome New and regular listeners. 

Are you ready for a wild ride into the maze of self-employment, the intricacies of relationships, and a hilarious look at some of Amazon's most bizarre products? Buckle up as we unravel the complexity of being your own boss, discussing the freedom and perils it brings. From the uncertainty of irregular income to the solitude of working alone, we shine a light on the real side of this often-glamorized lifestyle.

Shifting gears, we dive into the complex world of relationships. We debate societal norms surrounding breakups and the different ways men and women cope during this emotionally turbulent time. We also share our thoughts on the early adoption of Christmas tree decorations, the joy of adopting pets from shelters, and throw in an amusing discussion about the peculiar products on Amazon. Ever wondered how much a chicken harness or a cat butt tissue holder costs? We've got you covered!

Lastly, we don't shy away from injecting a dose of humor into our chat. Listen in on our funny anecdotes about attending events, the odd mysteries of makeup, and the contrast between men's and women's getting ready routines. So join us, as this episode promises a delightful mix of insightful discussions, hearty laughter, and unexpected revelations. Trust us; you won't want to miss this!

Thanks for listening 
Melissa and Simone xx


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Speaker 1:

It's the Boojee Blonde podcast with Melissa and Simone, available on Spotify, apple or wherever you get your podcast. Now let's get Boojee. Welcome to the Boojee Blonde podcast with your co-host, melissa Clarke, and Simone Grace, and on this week's episode we have a little chat about being self-employed, the pros and cons, and is it better to be an employee or self-employed? You may wait and find out.

Speaker 2:

And we also have another Josie dilemma about a two-mix.

Speaker 1:

So I really hope you enjoy this episode. Do you find what eyeliner right? It's like a mystery, like I took off my eyeliner last night and then I woke up with my eyeliner on to the morning. Can someone explain to me why this happens?

Speaker 2:

You know what? It always happens, and it's both eyeliner and mascara. I always get that no matter. Like I went for a facial yesterday and I came out and I still had, like when I went home and had a shower, and all that, like I still had mascara come off my face. I don't know what it is, it's like a clogs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like I fully took off my mascara last night, or my eyeliner last night, and it's still there, like it just went on.

Speaker 2:

What kind of eyeliner is that?

Speaker 1:

It's the Inglot one, so it is. It is, it's stuck in, you know. Yes, it gets stuck in there, don't it Stuck into the eyeballs?

Speaker 2:

I have to start using, like Joe and I are doing, like a winged kind of liner on my eyes when I go. Now I was just started using like a black eyeshadow to like smoke it out, because I was finding the eyeliner like stick into my face literally and after a night out when I come home I have a few in me and I wash my face.

Speaker 1:

I just wake up the next morning looking like a lunatic when I put on liquid eyeliner because I don't wash my face properly it just sticks to me and I find the eyeliner as well, like you actually can't use it on some clients because they have like an oily, oily Oilage yes, couldn't speak there someone, um, oily. So you're actually better off using eyeshadow like as an eyeliner.

Speaker 2:

I know, but it's so weird, like how everyone has I know this is really random, but like different shape eyes that you can't like, not everyone. I remember doing makeup on my mom years ago and I was like what it's wrong with your eyes? Like I can't put this going on here, it doesn't work.

Speaker 1:

No, it's mad. It's mad, yeah, but then as well, like while I was looking at myself in the mirror this morning, isn't it so easy for men to get up and like get out of house? Like, because even me this morning, like getting up and just leaving the house and just throwing on my clothes and up on makeup, I was like this is what men do every day, like if I actually had to properly leave the house or if I was going to work, like with, like for makeup lines. I have a full luggage with me. I have to pack it, do my makeup. It's like a two hour job before I leave the house. Yeah, and they don't understand this.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's a man's work, literally like. And you know what even pisses me off is like they literally have a two second shower, put a bit of gel in their ears, spray tracks it on out the door, even to go to the gym, like. Sometimes when I go to the gym I'm like, okay, I need to tidy myself up a bit. You know that kind of way. Yeah, I just hate. Do you know what? Sometimes I wish it was a man's work.

Speaker 1:

It is a man's work. Yeah, like I was like this is so easy, like it's. Like like you know what I mean, it's convenient for them like yeah.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, how was your week, Melissa?

Speaker 1:

My week was grand. I went to an event last night it was so funny, right. So I brought Casey with me, so two of us went up and it was like a weird experience, like we definitely see about 10 ambulances, right. So I was like, is there like omens out to get us? Then I went down to One Way Street, had to reverse back out onto like Busy Dublin Road and then we literally, after the event, literally derailed ourselves in the car park. Like, yeah, like we were flashers. We were flashers in the car park.

Speaker 1:

Like I had my coat on which Keith always skits me about being a flasher because it's like one of those brown ones, you know, my brown nude one. It looks like one of those flasher coats. Literally, that's exactly what it was last night. It was a flasher coat. Like I literally stood out to pull down like my skirt, because it was like a sequence you know the way it's like it's really sore sequence to wear, yeah, and I was like I'm not driving home with this, right. So I like pull it down, just standing there in my tongue, like put on my tracks to the bottom. I was like the two of us were like just two flashers.

Speaker 2:

Like I think back on the CCTV cameras in the car park. They're like what the hell is going on here?

Speaker 1:

Oh, we definitely would have gone for indecent exposure Like.

Speaker 2:

The things we do. I swear when we go to events like people don't realise. No, like the joy, is it being a content creator and going to events, travelling, multi-tasking? It's a nightmare.

Speaker 1:

It's as I just prefer. I'm such a cosy vibe girl, though, especially when I'm travelling and stuff. I just like cosy vibes.

Speaker 2:

I just never planned that far ahead though. Like even when I'm travelling and stuff like that or going to an event, I'm like I just go the way I am and, yeah, I put like little bits in my bag or whatever. Like I really need to start like bringing like a trackie.

Speaker 1:

I know, I know. So yeah, it was an eventful. Eventful evening, flatter Clark, because they call me now Flatter. Puff Daddy has gone out the window. Puff Daddy gone, that's old news. Now, flatter Clark.

Speaker 2:

Well, I actually had like an amazing event the other night as well. Cosmo Middle East kindly invited me to one of their fashion shows and it was on the show. Oh my, God a scene that looked unreal.

Speaker 2:

It was so good. And then what happened? My phone just decided my storage. Like I really need to like get it fixed ASAP. And you know yourself well. I said like it's harder Like the amount that we hold in our phones, but I was like recording loads of stuff the next minute. It's like storage full, storage, full. I'm like, fuck sake, why has this happened to me? But we got like cute little goodie bags. Like we got like cut of you, eat goodie bags.

Speaker 2:

And then we got like curfew so nice, it was actually a lovely event. The food was even better. So many lovely people as well, and it's so good to like mix in with, like everyone you know, like that you want really usually like back at home, like it's more just Irish, like English or whatever, but there's so much different nationalities here, so lovely to just have a good mix.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's nice under something like that.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of different cultures in there and it's fun happening this week Go on.

Speaker 1:

No, not mad, like I literally had not, since we were last chatting, because today is what tears it. So obviously, this episode, guys, you will listen to on Tuesday, so means one. Actually, we did record like two episodes this week, didn't we? We did we're on point this week, so we, literally I haven't had anything wild since I was last chatting to you, so not a mad. I'm sure, though, like, is there anything funny that happened to you that you're dying to tell us?

Speaker 2:

I actually went for a fater yesterday. I was in the car and one of my friends rang me on the way and you know me Like I just get like little giggle fun moments where I'm like I'm mad for a black art, like I'm off for a bit of black art, and he's a male, obviously. He's like really close friend to mine. So then the taxi is like, where are you going? And I was like, oh, I'm going to get a face of each other. He's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, what's that on?

Speaker 2:

And I was like he was actually a barber before and I was like I was going to get my laser done as well and obviously it's for derrius. And I was like, yeah, yes, we have a barber before, but he actually specializes now on like waxing and facial stuff, like that. I was like his wife actually owned a salon and he was a barber but he's really good at like specializing in like short hair. So he found like the perfection and like waxing and specializes in like Joe Faisal's and like derma plane and all this kind of stuff. So it's like he does the whole, whole lot for me. And he was like oh, and I was like, yeah, his name is Michael and him and his wife works together Like he just closed down the barbers because it makes everyone feel so comfortable and know it's on. Okay, waxed. Now I'm not even joking, but if I could have recorded this conversation because the reaction it was one of them once where you're like, oh my God, I wish I think I saw something on TikTok before this man.

Speaker 2:

I'm always just talking to his, explaining like she was taking the piss out. But anyway, I was like, yeah, going to get a facial off, michael or whatever, and he's going to wax me as well. He was like whoa, whoa, whoa, shut up, shut up. What do you mean? And I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, he just waxed him like. And he was like, see, you mean to tell me that Amanda has a wife that owns a salon that used to be a barber. It's called waxing your bunda. I don't know how I kept myself together. If he was in front of me I probably would have seen his crying, laughing. I was like, yeah, why, what's wrong with that? What's wrong with a man waxing a woman's vagina? I don't understand. He especially was there.

Speaker 1:

Why is it?

Speaker 2:

awesome. That's so weird. So he was like so, michael, yeah? And I was like yeah, michael waxes and does my facial. He just makes me feel so relaxed and comfortable, like he just has a special way of doing things. And he was like fuck off, simone you're lying and I was like no, I swear to God, like this is what he done. He closed down his barber is because he makes a woman feel more comfortable, because it's probably more easier going into a man and he just relaxes and he's really soft and gentle down there.

Speaker 1:

But Simone, what the hell, that sounded like a portal. No, I'm so happy for him.

Speaker 2:

It was actually hilarious. I've never laughed so much. I got off the phone. The taxi driver was in the stitches because he heard the whole conversation, because I had it on the speaker, because the traffic was just jammers. But oh my God, I'm like. The next time I deal with this to someone, it's being recorded, number one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I literally I don't even know how, do you know, when one of these like spontaneous things just come in here and you're like I'm ready to take the piss out of someone today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but he thought I would lose me. So did Michael Wax your like foo-hoo-ha.

Speaker 2:

I would never leave a married man Go down and wax. My wonder no.

Speaker 1:

But does he? Does he actually do that, though? Or does he actually wax women's vagina like oh Michael, there is no man called Michael.

Speaker 2:

I made up this story, I made it all oh sorry, I don't know if you.

Speaker 1:

I thought you actually went to Michael to get a facial and wax him. I was like I was like.

Speaker 2:

I was like. I was like, what's going on?

Speaker 1:

I was like does he actually do that?

Speaker 2:

So basically, I made out that this woman owns a salon and her husband was a bar owner and then he was like he was obviously like her from waxing or whatever when they opened up the branch. This is how I went about the story, because it takes 15 minutes to get there. I was like I entertained. So I just I wonder if there?

Speaker 1:

is there any male waxers? Waxers that watch women's. You just as Well. Yeah, I wonder, is there like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Like, I'm sure there is like a lot of men, but I don't think they're married men that have a wife. Maybe, if you get, my, I don't know. I've been sexist like the good, the good special.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if I'd like a man waxing my.

Speaker 2:

I don't think you need to worry there to be on no Making you feel very comfortable. Yeah. Sound like you're going into like some sort of like the section no, but I said it so casually I was like yeah, Michael is like your therapist, yeah. My husband is like oh, maybe if I said like all him and his husband or something, yeah Like yeah.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, that was my little. That's funny. That is funny If I am copped on there and actually I was there listening. I was like, oh my God, michael does facials and waxing. I'm like and I was like over thinking. I was like, does his wife mind? And I was like, why not? Well, not a lot of people. It's weird Like we invested in the story, not well, hotel. Well, while over near Christmas, like I think it's okay to talk about Christmas now because it's November, but what is the exact?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when is it acceptable to actually put up your Christmas tree? Well, if I was at home now I would like my mom has her is up, but I put it up at the foot November, definitely 100%.

Speaker 1:

Would you put up that early?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm obsessed with Christmas Like very badly. Yeah, like I'd be watching home alone in. September Okay.

Speaker 1:

So usually I'm like really against button up in November. I think I'm like, oh my God, these are cracked. But because I'm going away this year after Christmas and I'm taking my tree down earlier, I was like I think I'm going to put it up like in the next Two weeks. So it's open November, which is a first for me ever. Yeah, so I'm thinking I'm going to put up early, going into the Christmas spirit bit earlier this year, because I feel like it was a depressing year. So why not? No, what's wrong with?

Speaker 2:

I know 100%. I'm like Melissa. If you're lived with me, that tree will be well and truly up by now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Like 100%, we're going to put up.

Speaker 2:

Do you actually have like a real tree or no, I only have.

Speaker 1:

I literally had to, like buy a smaller tree because obviously the cottage is so small that like I had a savagery but like it literally was taken up, like you couldn't even open the door to get out, like I had to get a smaller tree, I know.

Speaker 2:

I'm just upset, like to be honest with you. Like real trees, yeah, they smell unreal, they look nice at the beginning, but you know when? They start like losing all the leaves and stuff.

Speaker 1:

I'm just like no, and you can get. You can get like really nice, like fake trees now, like they're like so nice. Do you know I'm not sad, yeah, but speaking of Christmas, I actually seen an ad that I'm really sad. So, like you know the way I'm like obsessive cats and dogs and everything, but I seen an ad like for people who are buying like dogs for Christmas instead of adopting. So like I'm really trying to encourage people to like go to shelters and like taking little doggies and eat a home.

Speaker 2:

You know I know it's so sad. It's actually like I don't know. It just breaks my heart how cruel people can be to animals. So that kind of way, like I just don't understand it. I'm like if you can be cruel to an animal, it can be cruel to a child.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so, genuinely, don't get up. I'm like because the next dog I get it will be out of the shelter, but at the moment I'm just I have to wait until my house is done because obviously I wouldn't get a dog in this, had time for it. But yeah so like just please go to shelters and just take just so many dogs that need homes. Like I mean, I think we're like so obsessed with buying, like you know, these, like breeds of dogs and like adopt one, adopt the old little dogs please.

Speaker 2:

We have my dog. We got her for Christmas, I think also like seven years ago now, coco, but like she can't, like we got her Christmas Eve like Santa made like an early Christmas gift and she came. She was tiny like so small and she turned little white and red Christmas jumper. It was like the cutest thing ever, like I can't wait to go home and just squeeze her.

Speaker 1:

It's the best, aren't it? Like dogs, like yeah, well, we won't say anything about cats. But anyway, please, I'm encouraging anyone to just please go to shelters and adopt some cats or dogs and give them a home with this Christmas. Just breathe. Melissa and Simone are here to listen. So we have a juicy jammy Dodger Dilemma this week and talk about cheaters.

Speaker 2:

So on this week's juicy dilemma. We have hey love the podcast. Can we have a live show? Please come to Cork, maybe in the future. Thank you. I have an issue. I'm worried about my friend. We have been best friends since we were 12. She recently broke up with her long-term boyfriend, which she was devastated about as he was caught with another girl. But since this happened she has gone off the rails a little bit. She won't talk about how she's feeling. Instead, she has went on a rampage of having one night stand with men more than I think is healthy. I'm just worried that she isn't dealing with the breakup and sleeping with random people isn't helping the healing process. I understand men usually do this. Do you think this is healthy for women to sleep around? Every time I try to talk to her about it, she gets defensive. What should I do or not do to help her deal with this grief?

Speaker 1:

Ooh, that's a juicy one. It is very, Isn't it Like? Ok. Well, first of all, about the. It's a bit of a contrast here, because it is Like I get what she means, that men do this and not on a set of it, and women do it and it's an issue. So is it different between boys and girls to sleep around?

Speaker 2:

I do think so yeah, do you? I do, because I think as a woman, you'll have a reputation. Like a reputation you have respect A man. There's a difference between a woman and a female Like this is why we have female energy, they've masculine. There's difference. Men are just constantly thinking about the opposite sex, constantly, constantly, like we're just built differently. As a woman, like, yeah, we're boss bitches or whatever, we want to go out there, be independent or whatever. When you come home after a long day, you just want to be with one person. I'm sorry, I don't know how you feel about that, but yeah, I think that's.

Speaker 1:

Do you think the society has medded that way though, like do you think the society has medded that it's okay for men but it's not okay for women?

Speaker 2:

Or I don't think it's that, I don't think it's okay for a man to do it at all. I just think it's the way their brain thinks.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I just yeah, like it's just, it's weird, Like I'd love to be able to get into a man's brain just for one day to see what way they think.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I get you, no, I'm not saying it's not okay.

Speaker 2:

Like everyone is different. If that's what you want to do, if you want to be a girl and you want to be one of those girls that wants to sleep around and enjoy life or whatever, each their own. But I don't think to get over somebody is to get up on multiple of people. I think that's just ruining, I mean, like, the respect that you have for yourself, if that makes sense. Like I know it's hard when it comes out of the long-term relationship to just kind of Jo, I think what it is when you're in a routine with someone on a day-to-day basis and then you just don't know what to do with yourself and you're like I need to stop thinking about this person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I think I have two minds about it, right. So in one way, I'm like I do think society has mapped the way men and women should act. Right in one sense right. So I'm like it's been acceptable for men to be like womanizers and, you know, to treat women on a sexual nature, or I feel that women were so like in society we're just there to be available for men, and then on the other side of it, I'm like I don't. I think women are so much more emotional than men that I agree with the listener saying that she's not going to go through the healing process because she's not dealing with the emotions of the breakup, and obviously such a terrifying breakup as well. Obviously, he cheated on her, so there's a lot of like. You know, trust issues heart. So, yeah, I feel like she's the sleeping around, is not going to help her healing process and it. But is she doing it then Because she's trying not to get attached, or is she being needy? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's like yeah, and then apparently, is it just trying to like revenge, yeah it's like anger, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

It's like nearly like a hatred of men.

Speaker 2:

You're like it's like an anger thing, you know, yeah, but like I don't know, though, melissa, like if it was me and like if I was given my friend's advice and I know it's hard because you don't want to upset your friend even more by sitting down and saying what she's doing is completely and utterly wrong, like you know. But I don't know. I just don't think it's the right thing to do, sleeping around. What are you doing?

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think so either, Like I don't think it's the correct way to go about a breakup, because I think it's affecting your emotions even more.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it is, yeah, because you don't have to change the person who you are just because this is what's going on in society or someone has cheated on you. Like I think when somebody does this to you and like you know, it does affect your emotions or whatever, but it makes you stronger and it makes you realize the next relationship that is going to come into your life in the future. Like it makes you like realize what's going to come with that person. I think it makes you more aware of who you're going to be dealing with like and then sitting around with, like, multiple people.

Speaker 2:

It's just going to play with your head and mess with your head more, because you're going to live with it. Yeah, I think she's.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think people who do this are trying to delay the feelings. So I think they're doing it to try to avoid the hurt and the grief that they're going through, like it's like a way they think they're going to avoid it, but it's just going to hit them harder in the long run, isn't it? Definitely 100%.

Speaker 2:

But my advice for the friend is just be persistent.

Speaker 1:

Like I know she's getting defensive, but she's obviously not going through her phases of like the grieving process, through the breakup, so all you can do is just really be there for, like, I don't think you can really tell her what to do, but she needs to learn herself, she needs to learn herself and just be there for her when she does need you, obviously, share your opinion with her. Well, I think she's going to need you, definitely in a couple of weeks when the shit goes to the fan.

Speaker 2:

Definitely she's going to realise that yes.

Speaker 1:

So I'd just be patient at the moment, like be there when she needs you, but I wouldn't push it either because she just seems in a really like volatile state at the moment. That's my little bit of advice. Well, thank you so much for sending in your dilemma and make sure to send us in any funny stories, even any dilemmas, to the Booty Bands podcast at gmailcom. So the self-employed life this really like this comes up to the topic with me. Last week when I was sick because someone said it to me, I was actually discussing it with another girl that was self-employed as well. She was like it's really difficult and I was trying to get the pros and cons of being self employed or working for someone I mean someone were like we're trying to figure the pros and cons. So definitely my number one con anyway, is that when you're sick and you still have to work and you still you can't push off the work to anyone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a nightmare.

Speaker 1:

It's a nightmare, it's a nightmare, yeah, and then like having to like push through when you're sick as well. Do you know the kind of way that you like you feel like even obligation to your clients to provide a service, and it's not like.

Speaker 2:

Another thing is like when you're sick, then you're like oh, people are going to call when they're going to go. Oh my God, she's so inviting, she telling me, so you can never make, make them happy like there's never like a happy medium.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, yeah, so, like that was definitely my number. Like people are always asking me. They're like oh you know, like, do you enjoy being self employed? And I said, yeah, I do, but I don't think it's built for everyone, because, even though there's like a lot of cons, I think you have to build different to be self employed as well, though, like you have flexibility of it, just how control of it. Like you just never know what's going to happen.

Speaker 2:

You know, kind of a way like it's exactly, and it's like you know you have, like you could have one hour to a gap and then you just come back and be like it's not like proper routine really yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I did some like pros and cons. So employee right. So a con is if you probably get this because obviously you work like with events and stuff, so in a team you can disagree over tactics to other team members. We have to be respectful to others even if your opinions don't agree. So you probably deal with that a lot more now because I don't work like in a team environment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I don't. I used to work in a team.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do now, but it's just, I don't know. It's very hard, I think, sometimes because people have so many different mindsets and different ways of looking at things and it's hard to like. Like obviously now I work in events, so like I'm working with graphic designers and stuff, and like my colleague would be like oh yeah, that's unreal, let's post that or let's use this, and I'm like no, we cannot use it. Like it's hard. Like it's hard to kind of compromise when you're working in a team environment. I think.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 2:

Especially, I don't know why, right, you may say I'm wrong, but when you're working alongside a male rather than a woman, I think, like when you're looking at different aspects and like interesting, like they see things totally different than we do, like visually, mentally, like anything along the lines, like that. It's just so weird, down to every detail, like I can't even explain it. It's like sometimes I'm there and I'm like, okay, let's just compromise, let's just breathe for a minute.

Speaker 1:

But like are they more like. Are they more like logical? Where I think women are a bit more, is there a bit more creativity, maybe yeah definitely, but it's like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes a man just thinks as well and don't take me up wrong. And they're like no, I'm right or wrong, let's do this way. And then this is where my masculine energy comes up, like I'm a nice person but I'm like no, yeah, places on, let's get you done. But I don't know it's. It is like some days like I can work on my own initiative. So it's hard to kind of balance it out and I'm sort of getting used to it. But the one thing I will say is I have so much respect for our country back at home when it comes into employing people Over a year and not just saying every job is the same. I could like I started working in a company a few months ago and they could decide not to pay you at the end of the month, like we get paid on a monthly basis at home. That would never happen.

Speaker 1:

We've got bubbles made. That happens over there Like it actually happens.

Speaker 2:

It happens to everyone. They might not get paid, so they and then somebody leaves the company and they might never see their money again. They could be back for two or three months, so like it's an expensive place to live. But I do want to say Ireland. I have so much respect for the way I know our taxes and stuff like that, with a lot of different global issues going on. Yeah, back at home was definitely more studied out late. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, like, yeah, like even listen to you like because I would have never seen that side of Dubai, obviously because you're over there now. But it's nice to bring awareness to people who are like even listen to the podcast, who were thinking about going to Dubai, that you know, that they have that insight because you've lived there for the past year of like things like that, even with accommodation and jobs, like it is a bit it's difficult, like you know, in the cause of a lot of stress. So it's nice to actually like make listeners aware if they were thinking of traveling over, just for something to be aware of before they go over, like you know and I think we will have a proper podcast.

Speaker 2:

Once I've done my year here, I'll be able to give like the whole run up of what I'd like here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah we'll have that. That's definitely want to come. Just said Dubai podcasts of things do not to do and the negatives and the negatives. So this is the one that was in mutual agreement with both. High pressure environment. So this can be in both self employed and employees, like I think we both have high pressure environments in the matter of what job or in another kind of been an employee is progression and development. Maybe you're controlling some aspects. So I mean by that is like, for example, say, if I want to take control of my business like All the pressure I have the full control to do that. So if I want to progress In whatever level that I want to go for, I have control doing that. When your employee is someone, you're kind of dependent on management To give you the go ahead to do that or until they think you're worthy of doing that. So I suppose that's a kind of been an employee or probably an advantage of being self employed, if control over that progression yourself. What do you think?

Speaker 2:

100%. I can't do it with you more. Yeah, it's put then again like it is a lot of pressure, you know it is like and it's to make everyday life and make sure that the financial income is coming in and like all the Invite is all the admin, everything like it's. It's not as easy as what some people make it up to be.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no love, oh like, but then again, I'm like you can like.

Speaker 2:

I don't know you can more things around, like or whatever, but I don't know, if it's messy, then when you're just don't have a steady flow on it, yeah, I'm a day to day or weekly basis.

Speaker 1:

So so basically with like, I feel like the cons of self employed is number one.

Speaker 1:

You have no sick leave, where I feel that you do get that well, not in all jobs and most jobs Of being an employee, not all jobs like, because obviously some people don't but there is more of a chance you get if you're an employee and no annual leave as well again, this isn't for all jobs that if you're working for someone and the most annoying thing is the non consistent errors on yourself, employed, so like you never know what wage you're going to bring in at the end of the week. But I think that's what I was saying at the beginning I think you have to be that type of person that's okay with that. So, even though like there's like it's shit sometimes with the like lack of money and the lack of hours, but then you could go into boom hours and a high volume of money, you have to be okay with the flexibility of it and I think you need to have proper money management mindset, yeah, like when you do that get that big bulk, like I think, for you as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I'd advise that to anyone starting out is to properly like, because I went into being self employed like not even been educated about how to start a business, you know, I mean even from a business side of you like I literally like Taught a lot of it myself and then like, thank God, I have an accountant to like manage all that side, but like, like I didn't have a clue. Do you know what I mean? And my mind, my money management was so bad as well. Because you have to remember that your money you're actually make at the end of the week is not your money when you have a business Like or I didn't know that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is all my money. Yeah, let's go splash it.

Speaker 1:

Like you know me, you're still taking money for product costs, or like your, to pay your tax at the end of the year. But like, yeah, like I really would advise someone to even do, like that could be something that I could sell up a little starter and business self, business self yeah, could be on the agenda. Maybe I'll do that. And but this is the biggest thing I actually spoke with this a while ago it's the loneliness of being self employed. So, like, even, for example, if I'm under pressure with a lot of things I have, I can't turn around to someone and be like, can you just cover for that for me today I need to go do this. Like there's always that pressure and sometimes it can be very lonely. That, like, if you want to ask a voice on something, you don't ask, do you know? Like it's different even for like me and you working together. Like if there's, I'd like to text them on, to be like what you think? This or what about this idea? And it's nice to have that bounce. Yeah, for a change.

Speaker 2:

You definitely need it. Like to know. Like I don't know. Part of me is like, yeah, I love kind of working on my own, but you're so right in saying that, like if I was fully on my own, like I don't think I could, like I just feel like it got into a shell.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that can happen. You can get into a bit of a routine, like you really have to like Force yourself to do things like to not mean.

Speaker 2:

That's why I was actually watching Every, I think, was on Instagram yesterday. It was a guy and he's he has his own business and he was talking about that as well. So basically he was saying like three times of the year he go to a pizza with boys or whatever. And he'd look so happy on an Instagram post on stories, love and life or whatever. But deep down he was stressed to press, didn't want to be here anymore because he had his own business and all these different things. People thought he was making a big deal, so much money. He was, but he wasn't happy. He felt lonely but don't know what to go to, know what to talk to get three times of the year going to Ibiza with the lads was a good escape when he said the drinking part, socializing part, messed with his head and if I, like the people were only there with him because he was the one making the money, bringing, bringing his friends on this trip and he'd know when to talk to on a day to day basis.

Speaker 1:

That's really sad.

Speaker 2:

So I get you could like have All the money in the world, your own business or whatever, but I don't think people understand the stress Like you can see people going off to the mall do with a laptop and they're working on their laptop. They're not really enjoying the holiday, are they?

Speaker 1:

they're working. But it's really hard to switch off, though like from my own personal experience on your self employed, like even when you're on holidays and people are like and it's not the people's fault but the message in about, like, say, appointments or this, and then it's more the guilt from us. You're like I have to reply, but like you do get that like I don't know. I feel like you never switch off on yourself employed. Your brain is literally like just spinning constantly because there's always something you have to do, and I think it is because you are working on your own. Like I think you have so much pressure to like handle definitely like 8 to 10 job roles in one human being, so it's like it's a lot, but then I wouldn't change it either. So like does that make us weird? Probably.

Speaker 2:

I just feel like in this generation, though I feel like we're just bit differently into having so many different jobs at the moment, I feel like that we're striving more to progress For us, like that we always want better, which is a good thing.

Speaker 1:

yeah, that's it. Like these, you know, these are the pros and all being for employee. You're working for someone working nights out, so work friends can be your best friends. That's really true. That's something, obviously, that I don't get. Like you know, it's like working nights out and stable income and some job jobs provide good benefit packages, which is true, like if you're in like corporate companies or stuff that do provide like healthcare and things like that, and working part of a team can load, can take the load off people, yeah, and the work can still be done. So, yeah, we like that Say, if someone was out sick and someone needs to leave, the work will still be done and a good manager helps you to progress. This is a massive one that I feel that's what takes, I think, a good company from a great company. Like, I think, a good management skills makes a company and their employees are happy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you don't have that kind of in and out. They're stable, it's under there.

Speaker 1:

And even the same with that, like it's same with the social media business, like a lot of agencies, if they have a good manager, like you know, the agencies that have good managers, like you can see the influencers that are thriving.

Speaker 2:

Definitely from a million miles away and I was like I want to be in that agency in jail. It's a good thing they're there for a long time. I don't know there's so many different ones out there now that I just think people need to be very careful. There's a lot of sketchy people in the industry and in any job role that is to be honest. You just have to kind of be clever and switch down and make sure that you're reading all the terms and conditions.

Speaker 1:

Because 100%, yeah, 100%. And I feel like with agencies now because, like, especially influencers and stuff, there's a lot of new ones and stuff coming Like it's obviously a new job role that's becoming more like popular obviously, but agencies are as well like companies. So it's like going to work for someone. So you have to make sure that, like you know, like not all companies that you work for are great. There can be a lot of you know shit. Next one consistent hours, but late shift hours. So that's obviously for employees. You get paid sick leave in some jobs, not all, and I said that, yeah, but I think that's really it. Like I think the main thing between the I think the main thing between is the loneliness, like I think the self-employed year of loneliness and not relying on anyone, but then, as you said, trying to work with someone with different opinions can be hard as well. So, like the ball kind of like balance each other out, nearly like balance of life in general.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But yeah, that is our little discussion of the week. Fact of the week. So the cornea is one of only two parts of the human body without blood vessels. Isn't that mad? What? Yeah, the cornea is one of only two parts of the human body without blood vessels. That is so weird. Oh, he's freaking me out. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know so, but to be honest with you, I kind of terrified me out, oh no, I just.

Speaker 1:

I just Even like do you see the people getting the laser? Oh, I can't do you.

Speaker 2:

I have to get it, so stop scaring me yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I can't, it's only through the clampy eye. Oh, it's a vial. Melissa shut up and then, like, like, burn it, like you could smell a burn, and one of my clients told me Sorry, simone, we have a little game of the week. Come shopping with us, come shopping with us.

Speaker 2:

So, melissa, I'm going to send you a few bits of the most popular random pieces on Amazon. Okay, that people are buying lately, so I'm just going to send you this one first, and I want you to guess how much it costs and what's going for on sale.

Speaker 1:

Okay, oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

So the first one we have for Melissa is a chicken harness on leash On a leash right. So some people are buying these in America for, like people are buying pet chickens. I don't know why, because I don't know if it's the whole veganism that people want to save the planet and they just want to go walking around with a chicken all day but eat the chicken.

Speaker 1:

Okay, like I know, right, I know I put my cat on a leash, right, but this is fucking weird A chicken.

Speaker 2:

A chicken and it's prime deal day deal Like okay, right, okay.

Speaker 1:

So we have a lovely pink little harness with a little black bow for this little chicken. Oh, I don't know, let me guess. Okay, I'm going to say about 18 euro.

Speaker 2:

You're close, am I? It's in dollars, because it's one America, okay, okay. So it's going at $15, which is a bargain. Yeah, that's a deal of the day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay. So if anyone wants a chicken harness on leash, amazon is your place to go. Fucking hell. It didn't make anything.

Speaker 2:

It's so weird, though, how like people come up with these inventions. Who actually buys? Some people, too, like I'm going to start like selling on Amazon. I think yeah, anyway, the next one we have this is.

Speaker 1:

It's more than just literally. We're having a nightmare. Like we had to refresh this podcast like six times, like the university does not want to.

Speaker 2:

Oh my, Next we have finger covers for cheesy food. Oh my God. So people, obviously, when they're eating now I don't know they don't want to get their fingers dirty. So they're basically like covers for your fingers, like if you're eating a wrap or if you're eating cheesy. I don't know, do you actually buy these, like people?

Speaker 2:

are buying these and I swear to God, it has a four star rating. Wow, it has a four star rating. I'm like. What the hell, by the time you put it? If you don't like leftover cheese dust on your fingers even though that's the best part you can always try these. Just wash your finger.

Speaker 1:

By the time you put them on, though, it just be as quick to wash your hands, no Like after each of your cheesy puff. Yeah. I don't know, okay, I'm going to guess these. These can't be two dear. So how many do you get in a packet? Just two, you get five. So you get one for each finger. Okay, I'm going to say about $4.50.

Speaker 2:

No, it's insane Like what?

Speaker 1:

Okay, right, I'll upmarket then 15 Euro. 15 Euro, yeah Well $20.

Speaker 2:

Wow, yeah, $20. Like, would you pay that for them? And that hope you're going to hell right at the next one, like it's actually serious. I feel like it's. So you, I feel like this is something that you will buy, so I'm intrigued of how much you would spend on this.

Speaker 1:

Right, go on Okay. So my God, a home x cat butt tissue holder. Ew, okay, I probably will buy it.

Speaker 2:

You won't buy it, no, but it's tell me how much you think it is Like. I'm actually intrigued. How much would you spend on that?

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't spend more than like six Euro.

Speaker 2:

Guess how much sorry, my life's gone.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

How much? $40. No way it's. It's common on Amazon. Look, I don't know if you can see through my phone, I'll send you a screenshot, but $40 like swear to God. And it has a 4.6 star rating and 86 feels like videos.

Speaker 1:

I'm like whoever would spend money on. That is absolutely ridiculous, like what the hell?

Speaker 2:

Like the next one I think we all need and it's like I'm sorry, but I'm not even joking. Everyone in Ireland anyway, definitely needs this, and I've definitely spent more money on this than I would with the tissue holder. Guess how much this oh my God. How handy would that be.

Speaker 1:

An umbrella.

Speaker 2:

I'm not really sure of the whole thing going onto your chin because it like no, ruin your makeup, my makeup.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm going to guess about 30 Euro $9.

Speaker 2:

That's a bargain.

Speaker 1:

That's cheaper than the tissue holder. Yeah, what Unreal. That's a bargain, isn't it Unreal. So if anyone's a boy, these are on Amazon, or this one? Yeah, they are. I'll send you the link, guys. Leave the link in the podcast bio, but we hope you enjoyed this week's episode. Make sure to follow us on whatever podcast platform we're using and to follow us on our social media, which is Boutie Blonde's podcast. So if you want to see any of our behind the scenes, you can go over there and we will see you next week. Bye.

Pros and Cons of Self-Employment
Sleeping Around After Breakup Impact
Pros and Cons of Being Self-Employed
Popular and Unusual Products on Amazon