Boujee Blondes

"Is he losing interest?" & unexpected pregnancies #40

December 12, 2023 Melissa Clarke & Simone grace Season 1 Episode 40
"Is he losing interest?" & unexpected pregnancies #40
Boujee Blondes
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Boujee Blondes
"Is he losing interest?" & unexpected pregnancies #40
Dec 12, 2023 Season 1 Episode 40
Melissa Clarke & Simone grace

Ever wondered how brave you'd be when faced with your worst fears on reality TV? Would you rather munch on pig's anatomy or roll up in a bed of creepy crawlies? Join us, your favorite hosts, Melissa and Simone, as we brave the conversation on the infamous celebrity challenges in "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!" Spoiler alert: our reactions may not be as heroic as you think!

Just in time for the festive season, we dive into the conundrum most of us face every year - the elusive perfect Christmas gift. We share our personal struggles, a couple of chuckle-worthy gift flops, and a treasure trove of gift suggestions for all the special men in your life. Whether it's your dad, granddad, husband, or boyfriend, we've sorted through the chaos of the holiday season shopping, so you don't have to!

But it's not all fun and games in this episode. We spill the tea on some serious relationship dynamics. From unexpected pregnancies following one-night stands to deciphering signs of dwindling interest in relationships, we tackle these complex scenarios with honesty and respect. Remember, these situations require a delicate touch, lots of open communication, and considering everyone's well-being - especially the child's. So, buckle up, listeners, for an episode filled with laughter, shock, and thought-provoking discussions. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on these topics!

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever wondered how brave you'd be when faced with your worst fears on reality TV? Would you rather munch on pig's anatomy or roll up in a bed of creepy crawlies? Join us, your favorite hosts, Melissa and Simone, as we brave the conversation on the infamous celebrity challenges in "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!" Spoiler alert: our reactions may not be as heroic as you think!

Just in time for the festive season, we dive into the conundrum most of us face every year - the elusive perfect Christmas gift. We share our personal struggles, a couple of chuckle-worthy gift flops, and a treasure trove of gift suggestions for all the special men in your life. Whether it's your dad, granddad, husband, or boyfriend, we've sorted through the chaos of the holiday season shopping, so you don't have to!

But it's not all fun and games in this episode. We spill the tea on some serious relationship dynamics. From unexpected pregnancies following one-night stands to deciphering signs of dwindling interest in relationships, we tackle these complex scenarios with honesty and respect. Remember, these situations require a delicate touch, lots of open communication, and considering everyone's well-being - especially the child's. So, buckle up, listeners, for an episode filled with laughter, shock, and thought-provoking discussions. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on these topics!

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Speaker 1:

It's the Boojee Blonde's podcast with Melissa and Simone, Available on Spotify, Apple or wherever you get your podcasts. Now let's get Boojee.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Boojee Blonde's podcast with your co-host, Mo Grace. I'm Melissa Clark and on this week's episode we're chatting a little bit about Christmas gift guides, and we're also speaking about things that men and women do when they don't have interest.

Speaker 1:

So I really hope you enjoy this episode and stay tuned. So, first of all, apologies to everyone. This is probably going to be a day late getting up on the pod. It's just been cray cray.

Speaker 2:

Mary and Brite, and the Christmas season is upon us and it's just hectic.

Speaker 1:

And I can't stop eating chocolate. I was telling Simone, it's like every ago.

Speaker 2:

It's so bad. I don't know what it is this year, but do you know what? Do you know what? Capris don't taste the same over here and it's my favorite chocolate ever. The only chocolate that actually genuinely tastes the same is Maltesers. Really, go and go to turn into one. The girls are kind of went up. The girls even said to me in the house they're like stop buying Maltesers and kind of went up please, because we're just munching on them Every night, yeah, but they're just there and like even.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, I love the toffee ones out of the celebrations the eclairs. I don't really like eclairs. This is a toffee at the celebrations. Just keep eating them, I like stop.

Speaker 2:

What toffee on come feels now what toffee one.

Speaker 1:

They're like in the gold wrapper In celebrations. Yeah, just like gold, and there's like actually long ones as well.

Speaker 2:

Is that not quality street?

Speaker 1:

Oh no, maybe I'm getting confused. It is quality street.

Speaker 2:

Quality street is the purple box.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it's quality street. God, you know you're a chocolate girl, we won't be codding you. So if this is episode, we said we chat a little bit about gift guides and what is the best little gifts to get that special person in your life. So I always think the dads are the worst, hardest. The wife are like.

Speaker 2:

They are genuinely dads and grandkids? I think, yeah, you say I don't know men in general, I don't know what it is Like a woman is just so easy to buy for Like it really is. I think, what men? They're just so odd and picky.

Speaker 1:

They're just a bit stuck in their ways, aren't they? Yeah, and like, especially like my grandad's like, because obviously he's 90. He doesn't want anything, yeah. I know he doesn't want anything Like.

Speaker 2:

Literally it's so cute though, isn't it Like grandparents like they, literally they're just like oh, we just want you without the one. Save your money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and they're at that generation as well, like we're, especially my grandad, like he is the type of man that would like fix everything. So if an old sauceman was broke, he would go try and fix it rather than buy it.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, it's the exact same of mine.

Speaker 1:

He spent war in that house of buying new saucepans for grandad and he just wasn't having any of it.

Speaker 2:

It's just that generation, though, because I suppose back then, like you just fixed everything, it wasn't just as easy to go like buy new things, you know, because people didn't have the money as well, so like, but I genuinely do think that that's what keeps them going and keeps them content, Because when you're retired like I swear my grandad don't sit for two minutes Like my grandmother is like Lord Muck there, Like she'll sit down and she'll get the tea and the toast brought her in the bed, Like, and he's out, like up on a ladder in the garden cutting the dishes, so like it's just I don't know. I feel like, though they just don't come the same anymore, and I'd say they say the same about a woman as well. Like that generation is just different, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's so different. Yeah, like, yeah. So grandads like this is so hard to fight. Like what did we? I usually get my grandad an Aldi voucher because, yeah, this boy is a little bit shopping out.

Speaker 2:

I think, though, like it's one, a petra voucher, because my grandad's like my jaxie when I'm at home.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's what my father always wants is a petra voucher. I'm like a petra voucher, really like, do you know what I mean? But yeah, apparently petra vouchers are a thing.

Speaker 2:

So I think they're very handy though as well. Oh, but they are handy and convenient. Like a woman bought one like a petra voucher.

Speaker 1:

Imagine getting a petra voucher. Like seriously. No, we're grateful that we are grateful, we are grateful, but I don't want petra voucher for Christmas, so no one think you get me a petra voucher.

Speaker 2:

And I swear I'm not joking, but I always say it as well If anyone ever buys me a Hoover for Christmas, I'm like no, I know like yeah, Dyson or whatever, like I get it, like to get me, but not for.

Speaker 1:

Christmas? No, because I just insinuate then that you just want to clean. Like what do you think I'm there for? Just to clean your house? You know what I mean. But these are some of the best gifts for dads. And a massage roller likes. You know, those rollers like massage and like your feet and stuff. Is that like the electric?

Speaker 2:

What are they? Massage guns.

Speaker 1:

No, they're just like. They're like the terminal flow, like they're like kind of like have beads on them and like they're meant to like relax out your muscles, and this is actually a really good one, a smart thermometer, you know for like. I suppose this wouldn't work for everyone's house, though, but if you had a more up to date house, like you know, breaking like do it on the app and stuff, like things like that to control the heating in your house, and stuff.

Speaker 2:

But we have that for lights at home, like yeah, yeah, if an app on the phone like you can turn the lights in the garden and the lights on.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, it's a little. Yeah, it's like.

Speaker 2:

It's a booty. Now, my step child is literally like a freak when it comes to technology. It's weird.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's my. That's my goal now to be able to like be driving home and have everything on the app of like turn on room three here to 26 degrees. Like turn off the immersion.

Speaker 2:

Like love is like you know when you come home and like, obviously we're adults, like whatever, we don't know what our parents bought. Like for someone to have the dinner made for you, cause like life just gets so hectic.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to be an adult anymore. I'm really sick of it. Yeah, I want to go back to like just coming in and get my dinner handed to me and just that's it.

Speaker 2:

I'm like well, see you worry about it. I'm just like I'll go on to the Korean map and just order it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm just just not bothered like. I just don't want to be an adult anymore. Have you any gift ideas for dads For?

Speaker 2:

dads. Well, I think, personally what I my opinion, what I always get, mine is like, if they're into like, say, like gym gear or I don't know, like it's very hard to buy for a man in general, but my go to is like a nice jacket, like it's winter, like a nice rounded cozy coat, aftershaves like pack or a band. I think every man loves go pack or a band.

Speaker 1:

And a safe option is, if you're trying to buy for like a man on a budget, is the links set Links Africa. I think every man has got.

Speaker 2:

That reminds me a teenage disco. Link Africa like the lads and we literally, like I swear I've been eating links Africa.

Speaker 1:

But it's just, I know like, it's like one of those gifts that's like oh no, links Africa, but that links Africa you will love throughout the year. Like, because it's so convenient. Like, and it's like a present you get for like an uncle, a brother, like a brother in law. It's like one of those things that you could like, mix it up with like socks, isn't it? Like a nice pair of jazzy socks now, not like just normal ones. I opinion is like so links, after that some socks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, some socks and onto where you can't go around yeah. Yeah, you know something a little bit bogey, but don't be buying your granddad. I'm here, a couple clients.

Speaker 1:

No, god, no. I don't even think, though, like you want to be buying your father Calvin Klein's either, though I don't know, like, really I don't know. Like normal boxers, like, yeah, I mean Normal ones. Like, yeah, not like, yeah, I don't know, we a nice jacket.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like, I don't know like, and I scarve a wallet as well. I always trying to go through like a good wallet. I think our good watch is just, yeah, the way to go, because. I want it I love the good wallet and a watch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wallet is actually a really good one. It's something that you get, like you know you wear every day, and Aren't you meant to put like, was it like you or something someone else's?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're never supposed to buy it for yourself.

Speaker 1:

No, never, yeah, and that's it. Watch is actually nice one as that, because, man, it all is a real watch, you know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Or some cuff links.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I got them For my dad. Off to the notes. Yeah, so does I. They're really nice, aren't?

Speaker 1:

they, they're fab, yeah, they're especially like if they're going for like special occasions or because they're engraved. They're actually really nice, Um, and it's something I suppose they wouldn't buy themselves either Exactly, and like at the end of the like.

Speaker 2:

For Irish there's always like a wedding or something, some sort of event that they'll come in so handy 100%.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So gifts for husbands or boyfriends, I don't know. I find Keith so awkward by, for Like he's like so hard to buy, for like, as you said, like I think, maybe like Jim gear, stuff like that, like Apple ear pods or something like that, like to not mean, but clothes wise I Don't have to worry about you, don't have to worry about that. Free as a bird. Well, we started doing. Was we just like book trips now instead of buying like presents For Christmas?

Speaker 2:

because our women for the present, no, I mean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you have his book trips, oh yeah and yeah, so I just I wouldn't buy key clothes are him, because he's just too difficult wiper.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know what you, I feel like a new, like Apple watch, like you said, or like air pods, or like I don't know, like Jim gear, like, yeah, like every man and this day and age, like that's they're go to, yeah, it's, or something, yeah, yeah. So like it, you're not got, there's no loss or a good pair of like runners as well.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Jim runners.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or like I think honestly, vouchers are such a good idea as well.

Speaker 2:

Oh, Vouchers are actually illegal when it comes to my dad, like they're still on, like the corner of the room For like he's not spend them. He won't you some, he's the most He'll kill me now, oh, my god, it's like I'm sensitive that I'm talking about money. But like he just he's so odd, like you won't, he won't actually going and use it. Like you give it to like my little cousin or something to you, what? Yeah, I'm like that's so weird. Yeah, I just stopped. Now he just gets a present and if you don't like it and I, just I don't, I just think I love vouchers because at least then I can pick my own Things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I prefer it as well, but, to be honest, like my family, are quite good when I come. Sorry, there's a fly and it's actually.

Speaker 2:

Rating? I do, but I do, I do prefer about here as well. Like are someone giving me money and then like they can wrap it to get me? Yes, you can go buy something yourself, yeah, hmm, you know I, I love a good hour about, sure. Now I like stuff that I wouldn't buy myself for Christmas presents. Does that make?

Speaker 1:

sense, like I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like things that I wouldn't buy myself. Yeah, you know I.

Speaker 2:

Do you love personalized gifts? Yeah, like and it was one as well that I was thinking like about like grandparents and stuff like that. Like I got mocks and stuff like wait, like pictures of like Us on them and then like Teal nan or Teal granddad or whoever it might be, and then like a photo collage of you on the Picture and like like your grandparents drink tea like every single day. Yeah, so like they're looking at that book and I just think it's something special as well and like it's something so small but very like Lovin. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's something to see every day as well. Well, I did see this cool thing on Amazon and it's only like a tenner, so it's an LED plaque that can be personalized with your song and a special photo, so kind of looks like you open it like Spotify. So it's like, yeah, it's just like a plaque and you have say like picture and then your favorite song. I like I think it's so cute. It's only a tenner, so something really sweet. So it could be like that'd be lovely, like for Like your wedding song or like maybe a song that's like specialty, like maybe news mesh or, but actually is a really cute. I'll actually leave the link in the Description of the podcast so people can actually go look up. It's actually really cute. That's actually your quality. I'd love that myself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's really cool, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Another one I think is wrong about Like person things and A book, at least journal, so yeah, so, like for a couple, you could do things you want to do together or things you've already ticked off. So even at the start of the relationship, like the two is, could. It is bucket lists, journal, and for everything is one, and then just take it off as you go along. That's only like seven year old on Amazon as well. That's quite cute to be fair, isn't it? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm looking back on that like in a few years and we like, oh yeah, it's cute.

Speaker 1:

Another one actually we're speaking about like Christmas movies and all last year, last week, but this is something else. I actually seen them as well. It's a hundred movies scratch off poster. So Every time you scratch off one of the things, you have to look at that movie. What, yeah? Yeah, that's so weird. I know it says perfect for long-distance couples. So like I don't know, I don't know. Okay, I don't know what the difference is between long distance or not, but yeah, yeah. So some of the cute little ones on Amazon. There actually is loads of cute things on Amazon for, like, as you said, like really, um, personalized kind of Nice ones yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like, and actually the clothes off Amazon are actually really good. I do get on the gym clothes are actually.

Speaker 2:

I've actually like I put my hands up and say I need to start using Amazon a lot more, because I love many people. I never buy off it on a whim. Really, no, never, ever, ever. I need to start doing it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, brilliant. You get everything like because it's so many Like brands and businesses on it now like it's Matt, so good.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't know, it's just, it's like me, you know, when I go into like TK Max yeah, get dizzy, yeah, I can't, I mean there's just too much going on and then you just say, well, amazon, because when I go online shop and like I hate going into shops, like I actually genuinely it's my pay hate, I go into a shop and I know exactly what I'm looking for.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm the same I have to scan the shop. If I can't see it when I scan, I'm not going to look through the bar, I'm doing it.

Speaker 2:

My own producer always say to me is I'm going to be a scratch shop and people are like, how do you know that you don't like getting in here? I'm just like I know because I just quick look now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the intuition is just telling me it's like a girl thing. I just know there's not in here for me. This is actually really cute. There's a Bluetooth beanie. A Bluetooth beanie, yeah, like a hat, like a beanie hat, but it's Bluetooth, that's not. It's not really cute. That'd be such a good idea now for, like a father what I don't, so like this Bluetooth beanie has it all. It keeps him more money's out on or he can listen to it in his favorite, to his favorite hype songs. Yeah, so obviously I do not. The phone just connects to it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, can you hear it then from the outside? That's what I like. I don't know what someone, but he probably can. Yeah, I don't know if I'd like that now, but you know, it's like you know when you're younger and you're going around with your phone and you're, yeah, asking someone for the song sharing with me on the internet.

Speaker 1:

There's a man that walks around the road here and he just has like a little boombox like and it's like everyone can hear it, like what's your look? Let him on Whatever makes him happy. Yeah, but what was your top gift then? I know we kind of discussed this like was it last week? Yeah, Top gift for girls then, for if there was any males listening Perfume, jewellery.

Speaker 2:

Perfume, jewellery yeah, I think we spoke last week, obviously that the perfume was in last week. But yeah, definitely jewellery. Every girl loves a good handbag. You can't go wrong with a handbag.

Speaker 1:

And you know it'll be really nice like a hotel break way.

Speaker 2:

I think will be nice, yeah, and makeup, Like I'm sorry, but every girl loves makeup and good skin care and creams, stuff like that, and I'm not saying anything but pajamas as well.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, pajamas, fluffy socks like malt, teasers, chocolate, Like you could do a little, like just a little gift bag of like just yeah, like a little sock and a sock, yeah, cutie, pretty kind of stuff. You know what I mean? Definitely yeah. So I'm a celebrity as well. We had, are you wearing? Look and I'm celebrity, are you no?

Speaker 2:

unfortunately, we don't have anything here that I can watch it, so I missed out on this year's. I never really, if I'm being honest, have gotten into it, because stuff like that actually genuinely grosses me the hell out.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I just I think it's the best TV ever, really, oh my God, it's just the best. Tv and what we just had mentioned is like that teary of a TV show, it's just brilliant.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I just like don't get me wrong. I like when I'm at home, I'll watch it here and there. I was never like addicted to it, if that makes sense. The way I would be like would love Ireland if I'm at home, like I'm just like it's the only thing that I love watching and I make sure that I record it and watch it. But I was like what's stuff like that? I hate like creepy crawlies, I hate anything like that, so it's just a no go for me.

Speaker 1:

I do as well. I'm terrified, but I just love looking at like I love the games it is, looking at people under pressure, like with their fears do you know what I mean Of how they're like trying to overcome it. But like some of the eating challenges, like so obviously we know because it's been released now that's Sam won, but oh my God, he's eating challenge at the end. So he had like what did he have someone? So he had like an anus. No, a pig's vagina, I think was one of them. So like, obviously it's really chewy Like yeah, oh, my God, I guess so.

Speaker 1:

One of them was he like a scorpion.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm sorry, but who would let someone eat a pig's vagina?

Speaker 1:

I know it's part of the game. You have to do it. You have to do it to get the meals. You know what I mean and like it's a cup like what.

Speaker 2:

I'm very curious what way was this like brought out on a plate like oh?

Speaker 1:

I think it was just like some of the pig and then like the vagina on it. Like you know, just pick it off Like I don't know. I don't know if it was cooked or not, like I doubt it was cooked, do?

Speaker 2:

pigs vagina look like ours.

Speaker 1:

It was. It was kind of like round, I don't know what kind of shape it was. It was just weird. It was chewy anyway and like a scorpion, no. Then one of them had to like lie in a coffin of rats or not, rats, snakes. I'd rather do that now than I think the eating challenge.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, look, if I'm being honest, I'll never, ever, ever do anything. I would never put myself in that sort of situation. I feel like you're the bold one, but in the two of us here that would do that.

Speaker 1:

I'd be terrified. I'd be terrified.

Speaker 2:

But you would do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do it to like make I do it just because I'd be so stubborn yeah, like I'd probably cry while I'm doing it. But I do it to like test myself of what could bring me to my limit.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you see? No, I got a notch on my ass.

Speaker 1:

I would shit myself with spiders, though I think I'd like cry, I'd pass out, I'd give them the spiders. Oh my God, the fucking size of them. Like, oh, there's a scum.

Speaker 2:

I can't. I remember even being at home. Now I am like don't get me wrong, I hate spiders or whatever. But I'd be upstairs or whatever and I'd just hear screams Like what the hell is going on. And my stepdad is right, my mom. When I come to spiders as well. Really, some men are actually like traumatized with, like spiders. I don't know what it is, but my mom is actually terrified of butterflies.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people are terrified of butterflies. I think it's because it's just kind of like it's so unexpected to just like flap out of nowhere, isn't it like? They're just like ugh, I think they're so pretty though. I think they're pretty as well, but they do kind of always frighten you a bit, though. You just kind of like I just see them. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

I used to like I think did I speak about this on podcast before Like have like key butterflies, like in a children's box. Yeah, you did, actually, and he used to get the letters and ladybugs. My granddad had the sea grows his own bedchamber and he used to like get the letters out of the garden and put it into the jewelry box and put ladybugs.

Speaker 1:

And did they die like? No, they're still alive.

Speaker 2:

I remember my mom coming into my room. She was obviously keen on the mirror when she has a clear like phobia of Anakin the Fly is. I was grounded for a month, Really, and I tried to be nice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you just trying to save all the little lady birds and have them in your little jewelry box. How do we go from Christmas? I don't know. I don't know. Time is celebrity bunny.

Speaker 1:

Like I say, did you see? I didn't see it, but you want like? A couple of them got ticks. You know, have you ever heard of ticks Like so, like they like bury underneath your skin? And I remember when I was younger I actually got a tick because at the back of our house, like they used to be like really high grass, like we're hit, they used to make into hay and I used to always play in it like. And I remember one day I was sitting down and I was like there was like a black dot on my groin. Like I was only about like maybe eight I say even younger, like, and I was like I remember I started picking at it and all I seen was like this leg flick out. I remember I remember your skin, yeah, so like they're little, they literally like bury underneath your skin, like it's suck blood out of it. Yeah, and I remember screaming and I remember I was like mommy.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm sorry, but I'm traumatised.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she just had to flick it out. But yeah, because a couple of them, I remember celebrity, got that and actually brought me back to my childhood moment where I still remember that. So do you feel it in like under your skin. No only for I seen it Like you don't really feel it like so when I started picking it out. Obviously you can see like kind of a bit of blood because it's sucking on your blood and like a little leg flicked out and I freaked out. I was like it's only a child.

Speaker 2:

No, I am freaking. My whole body is itchy.

Speaker 1:

But a couple of them got ticks on. I was literally actually reminded me of that when I was younger and I got one and they're disgusting it, fuckers.

Speaker 2:

So what exactly are they though?

Speaker 1:

They're just like little bugs that like live in grass and stuff like the suck off. How did they?

Speaker 2:

manage to get into your skin without you feeling them getting in.

Speaker 1:

They latch on first and they try to bury their way under it slowly. To get what I mean.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to know anymore.

Speaker 1:

Isn't there vile, disgusting like?

Speaker 2:

Oh, can you get an infection off it or anything? Oh no, you're just like I didn't.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I survived the tick so I didn't know it didn't kill me, but yeah, I miss Leverety is literally something that Simone anyway, since she definitely wouldn't do I think I would challenge myself to do it, even though I probably cried. Do you know what I'd really struggle with? I think with the food, because I'm just constantly hungry Like I don't know how I'd survive. I can't see hangry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think when you're so hungry, like because it's obviously the way we're made as well, the way we're created, like that. I think, anaton, like I and I try to be horrible, but like you know, even eyeballs, like generally that people like when they're at sea and like they they're obviously strangers, but the first thing they look at is like when they take to fish out of the water. It's their eyeballs. They look so juicy.

Speaker 1:

Actually, that's one thing I wouldn't be able to eat now as an eyeball, because the pop oh how do you know they pop? Because on I was Leverety you can hear a popping when he eats it. It's not like a crunch now, no, like a pop thing. Like all the time I don't know what I'm going to vomit.

Speaker 2:

I actually want to vomit my dinner tonight. That's all I know, well in general.

Speaker 1:

I just think I could come across very like an arc you people, because I was so hungry. That'd be my biggest concern.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I don't know. I just couldn't like. You see people even eating cockroaches and all that kind of stuff like a walk of true. We are ahead to like it. Why, see, this is what I don't understand. You don't have to do that, so why would you put yourself through that? Just to prove a point to yourself and to people watching.

Speaker 1:

Because it's meant to be like a very good humbling experience, like there's no way in hell.

Speaker 2:

That's a humbling experience.

Speaker 1:

Well, they say it is. They say it's not to be very like, kind of like you're so grateful after it. Like you know what I mean, you're kind of away from like the mad world and you're just living like basic humans trying to survive.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I suppose I'll have it.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not having it, I'm sorry. No, yeah, I'd like, I'd gladly, if you want, to put me in a jungle or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'd eat berries and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

I won't be like. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

I would do. Apples and bananas grow, yeah, but they only eat the. They only have to eat the cockroaches door to get the meals.

Speaker 2:

Like, so to get the.

Speaker 1:

I would eat the. They eat them to get, like the rice and beans and the proper meat. I wouldn't even say it's proper meat. Sometimes it could be a fag and anything. I think I'd become vegetarian in there, but anyway, yeah. So anyway, small and small, for I'm a celebrity. Maybe I will, who knows?

Speaker 2:

In the future we're going to see Mel on the floor, 100%.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we used to get me famous enough, though, so let's see if that happens. Of course, manifest Manifesting Just breathe. Melissa and Simone are here to listen, so we have our juicy jammy dodgers dilemma. Simone, what is the first this week?

Speaker 2:

So, simone and Melissa just want to start off by saying you two are hilarious. From a last point of view, you have me crippled, aha. Last week I found out that I'm going to be a dad from a one-right stand with a woman that's 12 years older than me. I honestly don't have a right to do. I know she's married and has no kids, but how am I meant to know that the child is actually mine? She's claiming she wants to leave her husband and wants to be with me, but I was aww, I can't, I can't.

Speaker 2:

I'm actually still, she's just doing it for fun at the time. I don't like her in that kind of way. What should I do? Oh mama, oh mama is right. I don't know, because at the end of the day it's a child.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I have so many questions. 12 years older, married, no kids, she wants to leave her husband. He has no interest. Holy mother, fucking god. This is a shit show. It's giving me fear. It's giving me fear of never to have a one night stand.

Speaker 2:

Like this happens. Don't get me wrong. One night stands happen, you have a baby and to know happy days, the child will be looked after and cared for and loved no matter what. But the thing that's baffling me the most is that she's married, she has a husband and she's age is just a number.

Speaker 1:

Don't really mind that, not really concerned, but the fact that she's married leaves her husband because she's age is just age is just a number, but like I don't know if he's like 18 and she's 30, I still think that's fucking weird. Yeah, you see, they didn't give an age, but anyway, I think there's an ulterior secretness going on here. Do you want to hear my conspiracy theory? Go on. I think she's married and the husband doesn't want kids and she basically went out to try to get pregnant.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I think you cause. There's a high possibility that you're right.

Speaker 1:

I honestly think that is what my gut is telling me. I have a feeling there's more to this, because, I'm sorry, you're married, you're going out to have a one night stand. You see, you're obviously mature. You're older than this chap, so you're not stupid. I think she went out on purpose to try to get pregnant.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but then the part of me is like is it an ongoing thing? Have they been seeing each other? Because they don't really know to get me.

Speaker 1:

He said the one night stand, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But she's saying like she wants to leave her husband for him. So obviously like maybe they were talking afterwards to get me?

Speaker 1:

Or is it just thing that she's pregnant now wants your man to be just in her life because of the baby, which makes me think.

Speaker 2:

But the thing is, is what if it's her husband's?

Speaker 1:

This is what I don't know. This is what's making me have this theory, because he said she's claiming she wants to leave. Her husband wants me to be him, but I was just doing it for fun. But obviously she must know. If it's not the husband's or I don't know, maybe it is the husband's or I just think. Maybe the husband can't have kids and that's why she's like.

Speaker 2:

If I'm being honest, I kind of don't seem that way, or maybe I don't know. It's a very tricky one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm not psychic lads, do not. This is just my opinion, so don't come at me. I'm just saying this is what it's looking like At the end of the day. Like, for example, right, if you did go out and have a one night stand with this young snap and lad and you got pregnant for him, would you really be texting him when, like, I want to leave my husband for you if you didn't love your husband? You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

I know you're saying that maybe your husband obviously can't have kids or whatever, but to me it sounds like she doesn't even love the husband. Yeah, she wants to kind of leave him for this younger man. I don't really know. Like we haven't given much detail because it's coming from the man's point of view and not the woman. So we don't know if she's still in love with the husband. If she's not, but if she's claiming she wants to leave him for this guy from a one night stand, I just don't understand how you could fall in love that quickly from a one night stand and want to leave your husband for someone that you don't really know. So I'm just kind of like, is there more to it? Like were they going on dates before, maybe, and then slept together and like, boom, here comes baby.

Speaker 1:

But I don't know or she just is looking for an excuse to leave the husband.

Speaker 2:

I know, but how could you go about telling your husband that I'm sorry, even if she did approach the husband and say, look, I want to divorce, and then nine months later, she's having a baby? Yeah, he's going to know that he was cheated on and I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's a heart breaking story because I feel bad for the husband and I'm like I feel sorry for the guy that she had the one night stand with because he don't like her that way and now he might be having a child and it's just going to be so comfy it's just a hard situation but what happens if the young lad rejects her, right, obviously, if he says, oh, if it's mine or whatever, or who says that he doesn't want to be where?

Speaker 1:

well, she gets snappy and then like, what happens if she lets on, that's the husbands and it's not? If the husband say, obviously can have kids If she gets rejected by the young lad and then just let's on that like it's the husband.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know you see the thing is at the end of the day.

Speaker 2:

I know you're saying that you don't like her that kind of way, but if it is your child, then you need to take actions for that, because, oh yeah, you know it's a part of you.

Speaker 2:

When a baby is not that you can just play around with as well as you get me like that, I need to be loved and cared for, and I do. When it's yours, like, you need to take ownership of that. Fair enough, if you don't want to relationship with her, you can always like I know it'll probably be a hard pill for her to swallow, but you can just say look, I don't love you in that kind of way. I don't really care for you in that kind of way. I do care for you as a person and if you are going to be the mother of my child, then I'll 100% love you in that kind of way because you are the mother of my child. But I just can't see a future with us together. Obviously, like you can get tests done when the child I know it's quite dangerous to get tests done, isn't it when?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that has to be born. But like I think what you're saying is 100% right, like I think if you've no interest there, you just need to be straight up and say look, I'm just not interested in having a relationship. Obviously I'm here to support you. Blah, blah, blah. I would make it clear that, like you know that you were wanting to have a paternity test when the child is born. Like it is fair, like do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Do you need to think of yourself as well. Like I know, it's hard, and it's probably hard for her being a woman as well, because we obviously have different feelings than men. And it's going to be a very emotional journey for her because at the end of the day, she's her husband's going to find out, she's going to be losing a husband, she's going to be wearing a child like her own but you know what I mean, unless the husband still wants to stay with her after it. You just don't know.

Speaker 1:

But I'm just wondering, like, if he's no interest in her, will she want him? Have I got to the child? Like will she try to keep it from the husband as well? I'm thinking, oh God, this isn't sticky. Oh, it's so many different directions. I feel sorry for her as well because, like that, like if she is, maybe she really wants the baby, and now this man is like potentially the father of her baby. She obviously has, like women like obviously have more, like falling in love quicker as well. Do you know what I mean? So she's a lot of love towards this man and now she's going to get rejected by this man, but yeah, he'll probably still be there to raise the baby. Oh, my God, I know it's hard, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

It's like I feel sorry for both.

Speaker 1:

I do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, maybe when the baby comes along he could build that relationship, he could fall in love with you. You just don't know what the future holds, but in the way that he's feeling now, but all about his feels like, I do think honesty is the best policy in this case, definitely 100% and like be honest from the get go, because it'll just get messy if you don't just tell her how it is, see what way it works out at the end of the day, like you're going to have to wait and see if it genuinely is worse anyway, before you take things further. Yeah, and she'll understand that too, I suppose. Like you know, she's not going to, unless there is a fact that you said, melissa, the husband has been tested and he can't have kids.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but then it'll be hard for her as a woman if it is actually your man's and he's not really supporting her through the whole pregnancy journey because he's waiting on paternity results.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we heard that way as well. Oh, this is sticky.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know we need you, who has wrote into us, to come back in the next two weeks and update us on where you went to build this relationship.

Speaker 1:

And if any of our listeners has any advice for this man, please let us know, because me and Simone are a bit. We don't even know what to say, so please help us out.

Speaker 2:

I'm just giving you the advice that I think we should. Yeah, yeah, so if someone else's will be a little better than mine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you have any advice, let us know and so we can help this young chap, you know. So the first topic of the week. We have things men or women do and they have no interest.

Speaker 2:

So what do you think?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know what would you say yours would be. Like I'm just the type of person that if I genuinely, just from a woman's point of view, if I'm not interested, like I hate letting people down, so I just like, oh, I'm busy, like I'm sorry, like I'm really busy, I just can't make it or take, I put my hand up and say it with everyone. I am just lethal at responding to messages in general, but if I'm really not interested, like it could take me a week to reply yeah, and I feel like that's the number one thing with both men and women, I think, when they show a lack of interest because, like you do match your reply time, when you like somebody, yeah, like, and especially with a man, like if he's quick to respond to you and you're interested in him, like you reply like within a couple of minutes, like you know. But yeah, yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I think that's my top one anyway, and I think most women are the same and I did look into it. It's like this kind of excuse that you're busy or you're working or you're focusing on you right now and you just genuinely don't want anything, or whatever it might be. But yeah, I think that and then like making up excuses, obviously, like do you know, if you go on a first date and like they're more to you or whatever, and then they want to go on a second date and you're kind of like, oh, I can't, I'm working and working later, I have like to catch up with girls this week or some sort of going to just kind of dodge you dodge.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you do, and like I feel like it can happen as well when people are in relationships as well, like where you see, you know, either side losing or lacking interest and is from, like, say, lack of communication, definitely.

Speaker 2:

And it's picking arguments as well. Yeah, and it's the same in a relationship. I think some people in a relationship like when it's kind of like they're getting on your nerves like something stupid, like you could argue over them throwing a pair of socks on the floor, and I think it's the little things like that when you start seeing those little signs you're like okay, something's kind of wrong here, because he's shown like something like that should not annoy him that much, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But then I think sometimes it's like what's that saying is the camel that breaks the straws back, because that is where it's like you might need to be about the socks in the ground, but it could be like other things that they've been doing, like for like last week. You know that kind of way. But I do think in relationships, though, like you have to like both make an effort, like I still feel that relationships can become stagnant as well, that like, yeah, like it just gets, I think both like it might get bored, like we do have to like go on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you need to have like date nights. Yeah, you know, you could just say, oh, if something plan for us this weekend like be here at such and so the time, or like just be ready at such and so time, and I'm taking it Like just be spontaneous and like yeah, like little cute surprises, kind of a thing, you know, I mean you have to be big things either.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, another thing as well. I think it's if what, if I'm not interested like, I just be like, encourage them about another girl, and if you look, when you like somebody, you don't want them to kind of be like, you won't provoke them to like, you won't turn around and say, oh, you should message her.

Speaker 1:

If you were saying to me like, say a lot was like chatting me up or whatever you'd like, like, would you not like say so and so over there. Is that what you mean?

Speaker 2:

like, yeah, if we're in a bar or something like like oh, look at my friend like she's interested. I think you should chance it, okay, yes, yes, yes. It's even a random girl in the back like I literally just try and like because I don't know what it is, but I feel, really mean, just turn around, just being straight up in front of someone. I'm just being like no, sorry, I'm not interested. Yeah, or definitely like yeah, or you literally, just now, some girls do, don't get me wrong, but I'm just not that type of person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, are your friends on like we're such good friends.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm going to like, do you know, even like in the start of like, if they're messaging you or whatever, you could say oh, my friends are like I'm proud to whatever. Come, come meet my friends, come eat the girls. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't feel like it's just, I don't know. That's just my opinion of how I react if I wasn't it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or like yeah, no, I go to me and he's are talking about someone else. That like yeah, like you be great with them, like do you know? I mean yeah, like you kind of deflected and like I'm not interested, but just like you directly ask me kind of a thing, because you just know you're getting the vibe that they are interested.

Speaker 2:

Or like, if I'm being honest, though, I'm not a jealous the jealous type, because I feel like you don't need to have full on trust in a relationship. Like I don't know about you, but I'm this way person like if I'm sitting down with someone that I'm interested in, like if a pretty girl walks past, I'd say, oh my God, she's actually stunning, yeah, yeah, like, do you get me? Like I would never like if, or if he turned around to me at the table. Like if we're out or whatever it's, and she's on, really got. If the girl is pretty and I think that's a thing in a relationship as well like you can like my grandmother. Always you say you can smell the roses, but you can't think, oh, I like.

Speaker 1:

So, like you're in a relationship like it's, it's okay to say somebody else is good looking, like it's yeah, of course, I often do it like I'd always have, like me, and you'd have games like right with your other guy, with this person, this person like celebrities or whatever, like Do you know? I mean, I think that's like, that's right, crack like.

Speaker 2:

There's no time for jealousy and I don't know if you have.

Speaker 1:

If you have jealousy, there's no, you're just not, your relationships not gonna work, like you know. I mean have to have complete trust and just, and if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen.

Speaker 2:

So by control the situation, like that you learn when I age, like when you're.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, you do you learn? Yeah, yeah, but yeah, anything else that we can think of?

Speaker 2:

Have you any more of like self from a woman's point of view when they?

Speaker 1:

know, I just think it is the friends on and ignore them Are like that. Even if you don't want to be rude, like not replying someone, stuff like that you're just gonna reflect like I can't this again. I busy, right, do you think if you're in all aspects of life, if you do want to be up or like friends or even Like any sort of relationship, not just like romantic, you will make an effort to reply on time, as you said, and to arrange me up time. Do not mean and it goes the same as well for friendships like some you know I mean like Friendships like you can see people not making efforts as well, despite people visit you know, I mean definitely like you just have to compromise, I think.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah so from a man's point of view then, okay, so my number one thing is if a man likes, yeah, I don't care, they'll call you, yeah, call you the one, call you 50 times the day if they wanted to the day, if they wanted to, they would, oh, yes, 100%. So like I feel like the number, like I know it's not really much of a big thing. Like some people don't like necessarily call them people. They much Refer to like text, but if they are really 100% interested in you know they will call yeah, your voice. So that's, if they don't like it, so that obviously if they don't they won't call you. But don't think that they don't like it just because they aren't calling.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, some men are shy as well, like you know. I mean, they're probably like more like Texan. They may be like voicemail or something, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Definitely, yeah, definitely. So they take forever, obviously, to reply. Forever works both ways. But when I'm women and talk about other females, now this is one that's kind of like yeah, so obviously we spoke about like if you're in a relationship and like you can pass a comment that someone's good looking at a river, but if they're going really into jet about like other girls and like saying, oh my god, like I'd love.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're like making sexual remarks about another woman, like yeah.

Speaker 2:

But I don't know, like personally, if, like my partner, if someone that was interested in, or they were messaging me and just like wanted to be my friend and they were kind of like it is hard as well when you are talking to someone Like you do, you don't think like the energy is the same from both ends. Yeah, yeah, they are speaking about other people. Then you're kind of like, yeah, no red flag, no friends, but every like you just keep it at that level. So if they're not looking, the best is another one that's on the list. So for guy is like not interested in me, he's not going to like dress.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know if that, I don't know why that's on the list because Especially for the start, like, if they're not, like everyone's looked their best, don't they like the best version of themselves and I think, at the start, an effort, the best versions of ourselves. Obviously, as you go into relationships, like, everyone gets comfortable with one another and like, but the start, if they're not making an effort you can, I don't think they're interested in you then, do you know, I mean, it's not going to be like in the middle of the relationship, do you know? I mean yeah.

Speaker 2:

So that that is one, I suppose. Is he investing his time and money making your priority example like going for dinners or activities? That's another one that's on the list. So like, if he's not actually genuinely interested, if he just like coming over like for like I don't know, a little bit of give me, give me now, yeah, yeah. But if he's just like not making your priority midweek and he's just wants to see on the weekend or a night out and stuff like that, or if he's saying he's busy during the week and then you're on a night out and he comes home with your, your go home with him, or whatever it might be like, then it's really not like something that he wants to like move forward with me, like, yeah, kind of wants to have a little bit of fun.

Speaker 1:

I think if he's on, I think, if, if, if he's only seen you at the weekend and just wants to basically bed you without like Doing day activities or you know, I mean like something that's not involved around, like, say, drinking, and back to bed, like, as you said, not trying to like get to know you. It's just kind of like, oh, we'll go for drinks and then it's like buying or call over to my house or like this shit.

Speaker 2:

No like, no like for me straight away. It's a red flag when they do that like yeah, just after one thing.

Speaker 1:

Really, isn't it like?

Speaker 2:

and then the last one is If they're not getting it from you, they're getting it from somebody else. So if they're really not interested, you and like you're after going on a few dates or whatever it might be, and you know they're saying they're busy and they're saying that this and the other day, like a man has needs, at the end of the day, like you know, if he's not getting it from you, he's 100% getting it from someone else, but that's not to say that he does not have interest in you either. What, yeah, what are you doing?

Speaker 1:

No, I actually. I agree with them, and especially the thing I think the major red flag is like that if he's only, if you're only, seeing his bedroom at the weekend and not saying anything else outside the relationship, that's a red flag. And he's not interested in you, girl or boy with the girl, bring over, who knows. So move on, so, move on. So now we have a little fact of the week. Is it physically impossible for pigs to look directly up into the sky? It is physically impossible for pigs to look directly up into the sky.

Speaker 2:

That's mad why is that that backflip to me? I was like what the hell?

Speaker 1:

Is it because our next one go back like Do?

Speaker 2:

you know what I actually don't know?

Speaker 1:

It probably is. It's probably because our next one go back far enough.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to do like not look up with their eyes to get me. Like we can like. If we're looking straight, we can.

Speaker 1:

Maybe they have. Yeah, I don't know, it's weird, isn't it? Yeah, it's weird. I don't know if it's like that's mental, like oh. So for this week's little game of the week, we have a toy to where I'm a celebrity. Get me out of here.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I'm going to give Melissa some would you rather dirty little questions. So you ready, ready, give it to you, melissa. So would you rather eat pigs testicles or lie in a bed of rats for two hours?

Speaker 1:

Eat pigs testicles or lie in a bed of rats for two hours. I'd eat the pigs testicles. What you actually? Yeah, I don't want to lie there for two hours or rats, that's a quite a long time. I need to pick testicles. Give me the balls. Give me the balls, I'm going to eat them.

Speaker 2:

Give me the balls. You need to go on this, because not Give me the balls, I can't. So would you rather swim in horse, pee or eat 20 cockroaches?

Speaker 1:

I'd rather swim in horse pee, but I can't swim, so can I just like float around it what you're saying?

Speaker 2:

is like, if you're swimming in, that I could go to go in your.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't know. I don't want to eat a cockroach, though they're hard and crispy, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, just close your eyes. I'd rather, I think I should do that.

Speaker 1:

Cockroaches are hard little fuckers like. Do you know? Yes or do you know, I just, oh, no, no, I couldn't do that.

Speaker 2:

Give me the testicles, so would you rather drink milk from a goat's otter or let a spider crawl around your mouth for a minute?

Speaker 1:

Milk, milk, milk. Do I want to know the rest? I can't be dealing with spiders. No, give me the milk, I'll suck it from the otter. No, no, no way. If a spider gone around my mouth, I can't, no, I suck it from the otter. Give me the testicles, not to a spider.

Speaker 2:

So the next one is crawl through mice and get a Prada bag or a goat's penis for 4000 euros. I probably do?

Speaker 1:

I probably do both.

Speaker 2:

The thing is I was thinking about this right. So if you crawl through mice and get, you're only getting the Prada bag right Right. Okay. Well, if you eat a ghost penis, you get four thousand euros. So that means you get the Prada bag and you get supplements.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I eat the penis. Yeah, I don't know. So apparently I'm eating testicles, I'm eating penises and I'm sucking from a goat's udder. Your life has gone very well. I'm trying to try to. My life is just escalating isn't it now?

Speaker 2:

Okay, last one Drink to your stomach.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I don't like it. For some reason, blood gives me a bit of the ache.

Speaker 1:

I think I just see the sperm. God, I'm so I balls the sperm penis and I'm so gonna know there, I don't know what it is. I feel like, yeah, I don't know, like a f**king, like a murder or something. Like, yeah, yeah, like at least it's, or something. Yeah, yeah, at least the, the sperm is meant to come out anyway. So, like here, look at me, grand, I'll swallow it something with the blood. I don't know, I think it's something magical. And boom, yeah, I feel like I'm gonna be in the blood I'm gonna be in the blood.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna be in the blood. Definitely not. Give me this. Give me the sperm. I'm like you know. Give me the sperm, it's fine. Well, they were, they were juicy ones. Some more I have to give it. You know you, you definitely stepped up this week to the game.

Speaker 2:

I just wanted to see if you were like 100% going to be committed when you're in the blood. I'm not for it and not me?

Speaker 1:

Not at all, so ITV in future. If you need someone, for I'm a celebrity, you know who to call. So for this week's little weekly affirmation we have, I forgive myself for my mistakes and I forgive others for their mistakes.

Speaker 2:

I love that yeah it's cute, it is.

Speaker 1:

It's cute for our podcast. I think we have. We definitely have another. We do one more podcast, don't we've come out before Christmas? Yeah, we do so. Yeah, it's coming to the end. It's been a. It's been emotional. It's been emotional. Yeah, it has been emotional. Yeah, and this was our.

Speaker 2:

This was our 40th episode today. I love it. I think we need that. We just need, like, the evenness in our lives.

Speaker 1:

So next week, for next week's episode, we might see what you want to have on the pod, since it's probably going to be the last one before, the last one of Christmas, before Christmas. So, yeah, get in touch with us.

Speaker 2:

What do you want to know? What was your favorite, before we go? If it's the last one, I don't want to leave it at forty-one, so maybe we'll stick another two in before.

Speaker 1:

Christmas Party. Two we might even do a little bonus episode, maybe. So we might do a little full episode and we might do a sneaky little bonus episode which maybe might be released, maybe around Stevens Day or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So yeah, we'll, we'll, we'll end it on forty-two, because someone's very weird, or her numbers. Yeah, so let us know what you want to hear. What was your favorite episode of the year? And yeah, I hope you enjoyed this little video.

Boojee Blonde's Podcast
Gift Ideas and Shopping Preferences
Fear Factor
Complicated Situation With Potential Pregnancy
One-Night Stand, Pregnancy, and Relationship Dilemma
Signs of Interest and Relationship Dynamics
Bizarre Would You Rather Questions
Podcast Reflections, Christmas Plans