Boujee Blondes

Simone is home lads #41

December 20, 2023 Melissa Clarke & Simone grace Episode 49
Simone is home lads #41
Boujee Blondes
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Boujee Blondes
Simone is home lads #41
Dec 20, 2023 Episode 49
Melissa Clarke & Simone grace

Ever found yourself sprinting through a department store on Christmas Eve, or warmly embracing a relative you thought wouldn't make it home for the holidays? Well, you're in good company with us, Melissa and Simone, as we unravel our festive shenanigans and emotional homecomings in the latest episode of Boojee Blonde's podcast. We're trading in the glitz of Dubai for the heartfelt charm of an Irish Christmas, swapping tales from the trenches of last-minute gift grabs to the fuzzy feelings of family reunions. Charge your glasses and join us for a holiday huddle that's as cozy as your favorite winter knit and as sparkling as the tinsel on your tree.

As the year winds down, we're keeping it real with reflections on friendship's ebb and flow, the challenge of staying true to oneself, and the unanticipated lessons learned along the way. This episode isn't just about the yuletide joy - it's a peek behind the curtain at what it means to navigate the complexities of personal growth amidst the festive fray. We tackle online trolls with the same fervor as a New Year's Eve countdown, all while mulling over the delights and dilemmas that have shaped our year. So, if you're looking for a blend of genuine laughs, a splash of soul-searching, and a dash of down-to-earth wisdom to round out your listening roster, you've hit the holiday jackpot with us.

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Ever found yourself sprinting through a department store on Christmas Eve, or warmly embracing a relative you thought wouldn't make it home for the holidays? Well, you're in good company with us, Melissa and Simone, as we unravel our festive shenanigans and emotional homecomings in the latest episode of Boojee Blonde's podcast. We're trading in the glitz of Dubai for the heartfelt charm of an Irish Christmas, swapping tales from the trenches of last-minute gift grabs to the fuzzy feelings of family reunions. Charge your glasses and join us for a holiday huddle that's as cozy as your favorite winter knit and as sparkling as the tinsel on your tree.

As the year winds down, we're keeping it real with reflections on friendship's ebb and flow, the challenge of staying true to oneself, and the unanticipated lessons learned along the way. This episode isn't just about the yuletide joy - it's a peek behind the curtain at what it means to navigate the complexities of personal growth amidst the festive fray. We tackle online trolls with the same fervor as a New Year's Eve countdown, all while mulling over the delights and dilemmas that have shaped our year. So, if you're looking for a blend of genuine laughs, a splash of soul-searching, and a dash of down-to-earth wisdom to round out your listening roster, you've hit the holiday jackpot with us.

Send us a Text Message.

Speaker 1:

It's the Boojee Blonde's podcast with Melissa and Simone, available on Spotify, apple or wherever you get your podcasts. Now let's get Boojee. Welcome to the Boojee Blonde's podcast, which recalls Melissa Clark and Simone Grace. And it is Christmas, so this week's episode is going to be a bit random. We're not going to lie, we're a bit unprepared with the Christmas antics, but we're still going to have a little phone episode for you, yeah absolutely, and I'm home. She's home, so thank you. Oh, simone is back on Irish soil.

Speaker 2:

I'm back, baby, tele-friend to tele-friend and I'm back home. I'm literally. I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm not going to lie like the bags underneath my eyes. I just can't cope. I'm just going to find a difference.

Speaker 1:

I didn't think it hit me that much. Like I don't get much sleep anyway, yeah, you do look a bit. You do look a bit now on the tyre site.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because worker like texted me, answered me at like five in the morning at our time because obviously it's four hours ahead in Dubai. I woke up the other night in my bed and I was like I jumped with the fright. I was like where am I? I actually got up and was like what the fuck is going on. And then you don't realise because, like I didn't sleep for 24 hours due to travelling, and I was like and I went around surprised and everyone like had to sneak around and I was just exhausted. I was just on a journal and I think, how'd you get home from the airport? My little cousin and his girlfriend picked me up. They kept the little secret.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how they did it, but yeah, and who was the most shocked to see you?

Speaker 2:

No one, no one. Like no one had like an instant or anything. Like my dad did say, I had a feeling you come home a little bit early, but not this early. What are you expecting? But like my mom was upstairs and we came in because I got my little cousin and his girlfriend went to the house first and like everyone was downstairs, my mom, she, was up in our workshop. Don't feel bit. And they go and get her down.

Speaker 2:

So before I left, like I didn't think with chargers, like my brother's sister is always taking my charger, my mom and my step-son, like just someone else to take it, and I've come in from work and I've like who took my charger? Like for a minute. So I came in, I opened the door and I was like who took my charger? And their faces just went white. They were like what the hell? And then my mom ran down the stairs and I was like am I hearing things? What's going on? She was born. Everyone was crying, though, Like everyone, I was born and I was like I can't cope with this. The emotions were just flying.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I see, everyone was just ecstatic to see it and you're granny in your reel. Is that your granny in your reel? Yeah, two of them were my grandkids and my grandad.

Speaker 2:

She fell when she didn't fall and I was like I nearly gave the woman an eye to actually sit down on the stairs. Oh yeah, it was lovely. So good to be home.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I say her delight is yeah, but I'm freezing. Oh my, I'm rattled with the cold. I actually have a dressing underneath it, like didn't even have time to even like make myself look gray for like potential last episodes of the year, but I see you always look good. It's been a busy, busy, busy, busy season. I think I'm done with 2023, though I'm like checked out. I'm done Brimming in 2024.

Speaker 2:

Exactly and, like I said, an odd number. So I just want to bear in mind that this is not going to be our last episode of the year. I can promise you that, because we're jinkers, jinkers out yeah.

Speaker 1:

One more. We have to, so we are going to have a little bonus episode that will be released for the new year, because someone said, no, we can't do it on an uneven number.

Speaker 2:

So you can't. I'm a freak, I know, but it can't happen.

Speaker 1:

Speaking about Christmas, is everyone set for Christmas? Is everyone about their shopping done? I say everyone is going around like blue arse flies. I am done with drinking already and it's not even Christmas yet. I feel like I just need a detox.

Speaker 2:

I know I'm like not even joking. I think I'm so tired and withered from everything Like I'm just like I can't do it. Yeah, I genuinely can't. Yeah, even to the thought, I won't lie, I have loads of shopping to do and I'm absolutely dreading that.

Speaker 1:

When you want to get on like. It's like what day is it today? It's I don't even know. Like, is it 20th? So you literally have like about three days.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I need to get. Like. I'm going to go tomorrow though I'm making up my mission to go tomorrow, get everything done, because I just can't like I brought so much home with me but I still have so much to get. Yeah, so that kind of way.

Speaker 1:

I'll be better off like going up early and just making a full day of it. Where are you going to go?

Speaker 2:

Dublin, no, I'd probably go to Waterford.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just easier.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll just go down there and get everyone done.

Speaker 1:

Driving in Dublin would send me into Franzy. No, no.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to be on the road for 20 minutes. Down the road I can do this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can do it. Yeah, you can do it.

Speaker 2:

But I've never been so unprepared for Christmas.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I see I'm unprepared because obviously I'm going away on the 28th. So we're like, right, we want to like big presents, but now I just like I've not them, because I had that in my head, but I still have a lot of presents to get.

Speaker 2:

I'm like crap. I know how many of you are going away.

Speaker 1:

There's the four of us, so it's not too bad. I'm jealous.

Speaker 2:

I am. I'm like I'm going to be here in the cold jump weather and you'll be off chatting high in the sky.

Speaker 1:

No, I haven't even talked about it, Like I'm not not that I'm not excited about it, but I just need to get Christmas over at first.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel like I'm like, but you're obviously super busy with work.

Speaker 1:

Like everyone, I'd say it's hectic, everyone's going to get in for an appointment, like I, just to be a shell of a woman after Christmas.

Speaker 2:

You do need a break after this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so tell us about your journey home, my journey home.

Speaker 2:

I don't do you know what I even said to my parents. I was like you should be so proud of me doing all that by myself. Like I left my apartment in Dubai at 1am, I was like freaking out, going to the airport, all that kind of stuff, had so many log, so much luggage with me. There was just no need, right. So get there anyway. Everything's fine. Obviously, my suitcases are just person.

Speaker 1:

Why did you bring home, huh, my suitcases. You bring home Three.

Speaker 2:

Fuck, did you? But the only thing is obviously one of them was overweight and I never weigh anything on a disaster, so I'll get up anyway. I'm checking my bags, blah, blah, blah, and the woman looked at me and I'd say she was like to be fair to her. She was probably like it's Christmas. I'm just going to leave her off with it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I was blessed because it was like 26kg coming back to Ireland, but I can bring back 35kg.

Speaker 1:

That's really weird. Okay, which was?

Speaker 2:

annoying. That is annoying. Fuck. The airport in Dubai is ridiculously big, like huge. Like you know the way like I get overwhelmed and double an airport, like drastically, and I've never flown by myself anywhere before.

Speaker 1:

Is this the first time you've flown solo?

Speaker 2:

Yes, and a long hold flight as well, and a big, massive view to airport. Sure, I got lost, did you? Yeah, and I panicked, but I gave myself plenty of time, okay, like so that kind of way. I didn't necessarily get lost, but I just went a little in the wrong route.

Speaker 2:

And then I was like get a few bits of shopping done in the airport, because I hate coming home with like empty hands as well. So I like got sweets and stuff like that. Lads, I kid you not, I bought, you know, the cabarets. They're like jumbo packs of sweets. They're all different types of. I got four of those and I got two kind of wino's like the other mix as well. Yeah, do you know how much they cost me? What In euros?

Speaker 1:

For six bags of sweets. Six bags of sweets 50 euro 200 euros?

Speaker 2:

What 198 euros?

Speaker 1:

I've been like sorry, they can say they're fucked up.

Speaker 2:

I was like, no, this can't, this just can't be possible. Like a rob for chocolate, like Robbery.

Speaker 1:

I was like no, if you could cause love, like is it because they're like an import, really like cabarets, not?

Speaker 2:

really like I just think in airports, which I do think is really bad, because they know people are rushing and getting through and they want to bring stuff home for Christmas and all that kind of stuff and they know that people are just going to pay for it anyway. Yeah, I was like Melissa, I wanted to cry.

Speaker 1:

I actually wanted to cry. I'll be back in a minute. Anna's on the work.

Speaker 2:

I swear to God. Then got on the flight. No, I'm okay travelling like to be fair. The turbulence on the way home I thought was the end of me.

Speaker 1:

Really, I would have been like no, I need a Xanax. No, I'm not joking.

Speaker 2:

I did panic at one stage and then I was like, and to make a funnier, I was in the bathroom when it happened on the plane. Simone taking this to me and then, when the air hostess is knocking on the door, return to your seat and I'm like, I'm on the toilet.

Speaker 1:

I'm on the toilet. She can't get up right now like.

Speaker 2:

I was like this is it. This is the end of me and I don't know about you, but you freak when you're you're on the toilet on the airplane.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I'm going to suck my shit. I have this thing, I don't know. I just don't like the toilets on the airplane for so many different reasons. Number one I just think germs.

Speaker 1:

Number two I'm like what happens if I get stuck in here, and how embarrassing would that be? Number three like that I'm like, okay, well, I'm gonna go down in the toilet, like if I can happen, and yeah, and then I could just like, if you do have to go toilet, like it's just like, it's just oh, no. Like you're like what happens if I actually like have like verbal diarrhea or something and everyone outside they're waiting? No, I can't really hold it. No, I called it eight hours.

Speaker 2:

There was no way on the amount of water I consumed in that airplane. Now, to be fair to Emirates, the journey is always amazing when you're flying with them. I have to say it is, and the food isn't that bad either. Like to be fair, like they roast dinners no way Watching the polar express. Obviously me, being pescetarian, didn't book like a vegetarian option in advance, so I had cheese and crackers and like a little dessert thing For the whole day and everyone else around me have a lovely Christmas dinner up in the sky and I just vanilla aren't I.

Speaker 2:

I'm just vanilla.

Speaker 1:

Vanilla, born in the East. Vanilla baby, you're home now. You got here in safe, a safe little little piece.

Speaker 2:

But when I arrived in Dublin, I swear Ireland was backwards, like I'm not even joking, like the whole silk case situation. I was waiting 40 minutes for a silk case 40 minutes for a silk case to come.

Speaker 2:

Then my cousin was after a message from me. So bear in mind I'm surprised that my whole family, or whatever Virgin Media, were outside, like with the cameras, and it was going to be obviously beyond the news. I wasn't going to be able to surprise everyone until like by the time I got everyone finished would have been like nine o'clock in the night. Realistically. Okay, I was like the six o'clock news. I literally had to. You should have seen the cut on me running out and the two of their heads then on the news in the background. I was blessed they didn't catch me.

Speaker 1:

You're more like paparazzi, huh.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to vomit. She'll see me like coming out with the trolley. I was like woo.

Speaker 1:

Some glasses, the big hat on her. It's not me mustache, it wasn't me, it wasn't me, it wasn't me mom.

Speaker 2:

I was like let Nani the scarf over my head. I was like run it out. That's hilarious. So good to be back, fresh air.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you feel like you could breathe again. Yes, the Irish soil.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I really do.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But then again I'm like you wouldn't miss city life, like I'm in a little small town and even driving down the street last night I was like this is weird. Yes so how does it?

Speaker 1:

feel to be back in like a little small town after Dubai after a year.

Speaker 2:

To be honest with you, I think it's really nice to come back to normality. Dubai is like a bubble. Everyone is in a bubble. Like. It's not that life is perfect over there. It's far from it. Like, do you?

Speaker 1:

know what it's.

Speaker 2:

Everyone has their up and down days and stuff like that, don't get me wrong. But it's just so pristine, it's a little bubble and you know it's just. Sometimes I don't think it's like the real world, so like I obviously haven't seen what was going on in the middle, as I wasn't seeing like all the stuff that was going on in the world the whole time. You're constantly on the go and they don't showcase much stuff over there because it's like a shadow fan and all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2:

So you can come and home to family and friends and stuff like that, and it is quite emotional because it's like you don't realize that home is always going to be home, no matter where you are in the world. Even though, like I, consider Dubai as like my second home, so that kind of way At the moment, because I'm so settled there. But I think you take so much for granted when you actually come home and you realize that everything that you actually need in your life is here to get me.

Speaker 2:

So it is quite emotional, but at the same time I'm just kind of like I am grateful to be able to come back with so much support and love Do you know that kind of way.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it nice to be. I think Christmas is like that. It does open up, especially the end of the year. I feel like we just should express gratitude and just it is just about like, I think, your values and your family and just the small things, and it's not about like even like your goals, like all that's going out the window, like the main thing is just your family, love and just you know, just your home. Isn't it Like 100%? Yeah?

Speaker 2:

Like it's just. I think personally, like I know we get so wrapped up in like material things and everyone wants something nice for Christmas and stuff like that, but I genuinely all I couldn't wait for, like this year, was like to come home and see everyone and a hug, Like to be able to hug like your mom or your dad or your brother and your grandad, your friends, like your little brothers, your sisters, like just to be able to hug people.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like waiting for that moment because it's like it's never gonna happen, so that kind of way. Well, it makes like cause the people around your dinner table them are the most at Christmas and that's what's under the tree that comes 100%.

Speaker 1:

I think as you get older as well, you do like realize that mortal, like when you're like a teenager, you're like, oh, what a presence. But then as you get older, you do value like time more.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And you just like the people in your life and those little moments. So do you think you're gonna find a heart to go back?

Speaker 2:

I do, yeah, like I do and I don't Like my youngest sister, skylar, like she's five and like I'll say I've been FaceTime and I want to put like my heart kind of on the way home. I was like what if she doesn't recognize me? What if she doesn't know me? Do you know, that kind of way Like it's a weird feeling. Yeah, yeah, and she ran to me Like and what, and like she's autistic, like, but she's really really clever. You know, that kind of way Like I'm just with her. So it's kind of like, do you know, will she be kind of a little bit taken back? Will she be a little bit overwhelmed? What way is she gonna react? And I'm just so proud of her and in a year, how much she's after growing, how clever and smart she's gone, like it's amazing to see, like how clever children actually are. So that kind of way. And she was like she can't pronounce my name properly. She's like oh, phone, I miss you, phone, phone.

Speaker 1:

I miss you. I was like, oh, I can't go. Oh, I see.

Speaker 2:

I get emotional again.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I get emotional again. I know when that I swear. What it is is the little things in family is everything.

Speaker 1:

Oh, 100%, it is Like go on to the next one. Yeah, so we had some little question answers that I got people to send in and, honestly, so some of them I can't read out, obviously, because there was no porn over on by Jesus Christ. Oh, gosh, go. So someone wrote in tell me who you were trying to get with, and I don't know what that even means, so I presume that's towards you.

Speaker 2:

Tell me who you were trying to get with. Yeah, who's that supposed?

Speaker 1:

to be? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Is there someone that you're trying to be with?

Speaker 1:

or something I don't know. Does someone murder so random? Tell me who you were trying to get with. I don't know. I don't even know how to answer that? Yeah are you talking to anyone Was another one, but they didn't direct like who these are for, whether it's me or you. I presume it's you because you're the single one, so another one. We should go watch a movie.

Speaker 2:

We should go watch a movie.

Speaker 1:

So they're just the random ones. So someone wrote in. Do you think you will end up in Dubai full-time?

Speaker 2:

Full-time? Not sure, because in the summer, because I'm more settled now, I'm like in the summer I would like to leave for three months and then come back and like have my apartment as an Airbnb or something like that. Yeah, I'm not 100% sure yet, but I do see myself living there for a long period of time.

Speaker 2:

But I just like life happens, I think, and you just don't know. You never know what next week could bring. Like anything could happen where I do have to make the move to come back and live in Ireland, but for now I'm quite content there, so let's see.

Speaker 1:

So, girls, what was your first job? What was mine? Oh well, my first job was I worked in the bookies. I used to work with my father, so I worked there when I was like 14.

Speaker 2:

That's insane, I remember you saying that actually. Yeah Well, my first job, I was an elf when I was 15. Oh, an elf, santa's helper yeah, lovely job that was.

Speaker 1:

Someone wrote what was your favorite sex position. I swear it's like an episode of Barn Hub.

Speaker 2:

No, I know what already was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what? What I'm not answering that. Okay, it's Kids Friendly podcast.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's not really yeah, kids Friendly.

Speaker 1:

What was both of your hardest lessons you have learned so far? That's a good one. I don't know what to say on that end. Hardest lessons, I think mine is. I think as you get older, you realize that maybe some people that you're in your life you how do I phrase it? As you get older, you kind of look back at your younger self and like why did I put up with like certain things in my life, like you know what I mean. You're kind of I suppose you're like you're a different version. You're like why couldn't I be that version back then? But I suppose it is about the growth. Do you get what I mean? Like 100%, yeah, yeah. So like people that you're in your life you're like. Why, like people, only come into your life to?

Speaker 2:

give you a lesson and they're only getting a job. Yeah, hmm, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think that's my biggest lesson are like people that I've met. People aren't always going to be there. Yeah, or the people that maybe you think are going to be there are not going to be there. I feel like I'm fucking riddling now.

Speaker 2:

No, no, 100%. I just think mine is that not everyone is going to want what's best for you and you can't trust everyone. And I think we get to a stage in our lives as you get older, like you said, and you've so many friends growing up, and then you come to an age where you get a small circle because you realize that you know you grow older, you evolve. It's a hard lesson, but not everyone is always going to want what's best for you and, like we said, we always talk about the evil eye and not telling everyone your next move, because there's a lot of people out there that want to see you fail. They don't want to see you progress. They don't want to see the success.

Speaker 2:

I know it's bittersweet the fact that, like you know, I tend to trust a lot of people. I always think I always look. How do I explain it? I never see the bad in people, like I always wrote for the good, and it's something I think that I learned on as I got older, like I became very much more how do I explain it? Aware of the people who I surround myself with, people who I'd rather spend my time with, like I don't like to be around negative people, or people that want to bring me down, or people that have really a bad outlook of life, because it's like. It's like if you put a gone off apple beside a fresh pear gone off apple.

Speaker 2:

I like that the pear. I tend to just try my best to like. How do I explain it? Like, surround myself with like-minded people. Yeah, and I think as you get older you learn that with age Don't learn that like in school for everyone, it's like you're so like when you look back on your friend group in school like thank God, I still have like my best friends, my childhood friends still, but obviously there's some like that. You know, we didn't fall out, we just outgrown each other.

Speaker 1:

We still talk, we still get on. That's it, I just move on and people are just busy in their own lives though, aren't they? Yeah, it's just people.

Speaker 1:

It's not that you fall out with people, it's just people either have kids or they're building their house, or they've moved away or they're busy in their career. It's not that like saying against anyone, it's just like that. You just kind of not that time got in the way as well, like you know. I mean, different people are different like values as well. Okay, this is a funny one. Do you get butt treatments?

Speaker 2:

Sorry, what Do we get? What Butt.

Speaker 1:

So like I presume to mean like, like, like BBL or like injections. Absolutely not Excuse me, my bum is real. Thank you very much.

Speaker 2:

Bums are real. Bums are real here.

Speaker 1:

Booty bums are real Bastards. Yeah, but your butt is given like, but thank you, maybe it's a compliment, yeah 100% I just need my hip trust and the protein. The hip trust are given, trust are given. Oh God, how many X's have you had? I've had two, three. God, they're getting very nausea here. Do you find it upsetting when people don't like your content?

Speaker 2:

No, no, if they don't like it, I don't tend to, if I'm being honest, like two years ago, like I'd be like, oh, like, what the hell Like? Why is there a person that way? Now? I don't look really no.

Speaker 1:

At all. No, I think it was. Whoever was meant to be, is meant to be like. You know what I mean? Like your content is not going to be like appealing to everyone, that's completely fine. Yeah, I mean it's like if you're not interested, that's fine. You know what I mean. What about it? You know what is your favorite lunch? Mine will be. I do love eggs. I eat eggs. Now. I eat a lunch, morning, evening eggs. Just give me eggs. I can make anything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no idea, I love that, I love that, I love that, I love that I love that I love that, I love it. Do you get a?

Speaker 1:

lot of hate? And if you do, how do you deal with it? So I don't know if, like I wouldn't get, like I wouldn't get like a load of hate, but like there's obviously certain amounts of comments and stuff, but like doesn't it bother me anymore. Does it bother you?

Speaker 2:

No, to be honest, Richard, I don't get like any requests that like come in on my social media platform, Like I would never. If I see a negative or like a little bitchy bit at the beginning, I don't tend to click on it, I just need it straight away. But I've been lucky enough. I don't necessarily get them on my comments or anything like that where I can see them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. And I just think like I've gone to the point now where, like, if someone's saying, has the energy to write to you, like to say something awful, there's obviously clearly something they're very unhappy about. So I kind of feel sorry for them. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Do you know what I mean? I do? I definitely feel sorry for people that if you've not a nice say, don't say anything at all. And I do think that some people, like I do feel sorry for people that have to like make horrible comments under people's pictures or direct message them with nasty things like there's just no need and obviously they're insecure. The fact that they're going out of their way to try and ruin your day yeah.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, Another one that came in was if you had to choose another career, what would it be? Oh, oh.

Speaker 2:

I do fashion design.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think I'd probably go towards that as well. Yeah, I couldn't see myself being happy and I think it's like definitely.

Speaker 2:

It would definitely be something involved with fashion?

Speaker 1:

With fashion, yeah yeah, probably fashion design, probably something like that. Like I actually don't have no other interest, that was a good one. He puts on the spot there. Are you still friends with any of your exes? No, you can't be friends with exes, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

No, no, say hello, that's it. Yeah, like I. Just I'm very civil. Things happen. You get older. You mature of nothing personally really against your own. You mature of nothing personally really against anyone, because I always say that everything happens for a reason and without them things happen. I wouldn't be the person who I am today. So I do think that breakups make you into a strong person and they do change your life and your outlook on the way you see things in the world. But for me it's like I probably wouldn't have made that big jump to move to another country without things happening in my life that made me into a strong, stronger person to get me to make the move. So I just put everything behind me.

Speaker 1:

Everything is just gone. It's in the dust. What was your longest relationship? Well, I'm married, so we're still going so far, so she wins, so I win so what was your longest relationship?

Speaker 2:

I think it was three and a half years.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's good going, simone. So what is it? You know, yeah, have you ever been on? Like what sorry have you ever been on? Or what was the worst date you've ever been on? Cardi, like when I was younger, like I have a couple I don't really want to yeah, I just think like things like that, like you know you don't be hurting the person that you know there was one time, though, like I went to the cinema with somebody and I left after 15 minutes, and then he stayed there much.

Speaker 1:

There's no way, stop he said there looks at the movie in his own, poor chap on his own. Oh my god, he must really like the film. If he said the unfairness, you know I mean.

Speaker 2:

Perpetual, because I and this is the heart most horrible thing is we were working together at the time, so I had to face him the next day and that's when I realized you never date.

Speaker 1:

Ever. That's? Yeah, that's awkward. Do you believe in soul mates? I think that, like I don't know, like I think you can have soul mates, but not just in like a romantic partner. Like I feel like friends are people you meet like. Do you ever just meet someone that's like and you just have this connection, like you're just, you know you're gonna be friends, like it's on fire, he's vibe, yeah, so I do definitely do, though, even in romantic way.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I think you can have multiple soul mates, if that makes sense. And Do you find? Do you actually enjoy being an influencer and is it really bitchy, like I presume it is?

Speaker 2:

I Don't think it's bitchy. No, don't meet people and they're quite different, like put, that's life. It's the same in any job. It's the same Like in everyday day, today life. So it's like we said, like I just think in that industry as well, you do find your soul mates and you find the people who you click with and buy with, so you tend to stick with them people. But yeah, I feel like me and you, melissa, with a type of girls that will support other people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Like I feel like when it like all the influencers events I've been at, like all the girls are lovely, because it's like like mind of people connecting and it's really nice to like connect to people, share information, like About the industry, about like content, ideas or brands, or like connections.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, you know what kind of bounce off each other and like get like I don't know how I explain that like we get like ideas off each other, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I feel like it's like any job, though, like there's always going to be people in competition with each other, but like I Don't think it's like read that. But you know, like I mean Thank God and yes, I do enjoy being an influencer, I love it, I know.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to further around.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that is our little Q&A, so thank you for everyone who wrote in Quickly. For our next little topic, we're gonna talk about fake accounts. About what fake accounts?

Speaker 2:

Yes, so I'm going to start off with saying that, yes, we have a couple of fake accounts going around, and Melissa probably has some of herself as well, but there's one account of me and I never came out properly to say it. It's just my cousin messaged me as we're doing the podcast and the page is back. She's after posting again. She has me blocked. He, she, he, she, whoever she may be, has me blocked, so I can't access the account. So she literally screenshot out my real of me coming home for Christmas surprise and everybody and her name is If everyone that's listening can report this, I would really appreciate.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pages up with a year and a half. I don't know if it's someone in my town. I don't know if it's someone. The account is Emma, underscore, bella X, 23. Don't know why this person wants to do this. They're very sad people because I genuinely don't get a minute barely to reply to people at times, let alone Make a fake account their messaging people there. I don't know what the account is genuinely doing. I don't know if they're selling products to people. There's all these scams that are gonna gone on out there and I do not want my face on somebody else's account. Yeah, it's. It's clear and simple. It's weird. I will get to the bottom of it.

Speaker 1:

You know what you can actually do now. An Instagram you can actually another way you can report it for being someone else. You can actually type in who they're trying to impersonate.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, are you doing that right now?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm doing that right now, can you find your Melissa. Yeah, why can't? She's not following me, though. Obviously she's probably clever, and but this she had, this account was a couple of weeks ago. What's our couple of months ago?

Speaker 2:

It's going on with like over a year to it could be even two years. Hell, instagram haven't got rid of the account. Like my passport details, my face is like on Instagram, so how do they not Like? I don't understand.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and like, I just want to sell what people do with, though, like, what people get the time to do, it is this catfish thing. So what are they gonna do? Like, like, what are they gonna do? Is it just because they're like what? Like, I don't get it, like it's, it's weird, it's fucking weird. So, yeah, it's weird. So big accounts. If you're doing it, it's sad and stop in a catfish and let people live their lives.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day, emma Bella. Whoever you love, you, emma Bella.

Speaker 1:

Bye. So for our game of the week it's called Christmas alphabet, so I'm basically just gonna say a random letter and you have to say something that has some Christmas meaning behind it. Okay, you ready? Three, two, one, d.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Declars G.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You're good at this, All right W.

Speaker 2:

Winter Wonderland B.

Speaker 1:

Oh, bells, bells. Okay, h Holly, jolly Christmas. I think they bring in little scenes because I didn't say it was a word. I'm here for it, I'm here for this vibe, right? Why, why, why.

Speaker 2:

Yankee can't go.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my god, you're good, you are a Christmas queen, Christmas queen, right. And last one, we have G. Oh, we said G, did we say G. Yeah, we did, all right, we said G. Okay, last one. Then we have P P Poi. Well done, simone. You are a Christmas winner of 2023.

Speaker 2:

Ten out of ten? I don't think there was ten out of ten.

Speaker 1:

Right, well, merry Christmas everyone. We really hope you have the best Christmas day ever. Literally. Eat all the food, eat all the celebrations. The turkey sandwiches, the alcohol, the prosecco is acceptable at eight o'clock in the morning. Absolutely four comma and alcohol comma. So this is our last full episode. We'll be back with a little bonus episode after Christmas, so until then we will chat to you. Merry Christmas everyone Merry Christmas Bye.

Christmas Antics and Journey Home
Home, Family, Emotions, Reflections
Lessons on Trust, Friendship, and Self-Belief