Boujee Blondes

Anti-Resolutions & New goals: Kicking Off 2024 with Real Talk

January 23, 2024 Melissa Clarke & Simone grace Season 1 Episode 50
Anti-Resolutions & New goals: Kicking Off 2024 with Real Talk
Boujee Blondes
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Boujee Blondes
Anti-Resolutions & New goals: Kicking Off 2024 with Real Talk
Jan 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 50
Melissa Clarke & Simone grace

Hey besties, it's time to drop the guilt and embrace anti-resolutions! Get ready to redefine your new year intentions with us, as we share the secret sauce to setting goals that actually stick. We're not just talking dreams; we're talking plans with a punch of reality. From emotional holiday homecomings to navigating the pulsing tempo of daily life, we're dishing out a blend of personal tales and practical tips to kick off 2024 with a bang.

Saddle up for a juicy heart-to-heart on the trials and tribulations of a love triangle – yep, we're getting Vampire Diaries-level complicated here. We dissect the messy, hormone-fueled web of romance and intimacy, pondering if adding another layer to an already intricate situation can work, or if it's just a recipe for disaster. No sugarcoating here, just raw, candid convo on navigating the battlefield of the heart.

And because we're all about that balanced life, we wrap things up with a laugh or two, throwing stereotypes out the window and diving into a guessing game that'll have you questioning everything you thought you knew about the price of... boats? Trust us, it's a hoot. So, let's shake off those uncontrollable worries and ride the good vibes together into an unforgettable year.

Lots of Love 

Melissa & Simone xox
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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Hey besties, it's time to drop the guilt and embrace anti-resolutions! Get ready to redefine your new year intentions with us, as we share the secret sauce to setting goals that actually stick. We're not just talking dreams; we're talking plans with a punch of reality. From emotional holiday homecomings to navigating the pulsing tempo of daily life, we're dishing out a blend of personal tales and practical tips to kick off 2024 with a bang.

Saddle up for a juicy heart-to-heart on the trials and tribulations of a love triangle – yep, we're getting Vampire Diaries-level complicated here. We dissect the messy, hormone-fueled web of romance and intimacy, pondering if adding another layer to an already intricate situation can work, or if it's just a recipe for disaster. No sugarcoating here, just raw, candid convo on navigating the battlefield of the heart.

And because we're all about that balanced life, we wrap things up with a laugh or two, throwing stereotypes out the window and diving into a guessing game that'll have you questioning everything you thought you knew about the price of... boats? Trust us, it's a hoot. So, let's shake off those uncontrollable worries and ride the good vibes together into an unforgettable year.

Lots of Love 

Melissa & Simone xox
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or dm us on instagram @Boujeeblondespod

Send us a Text Message.

Speaker 1:

I'm in a bit of a love triangle. Can we just sleep with the other one to know You're? Just gonna have to test the bikes out, like. Like, men don't get the hormones, that feeling of when they sleep with someone, like it's just not in their nature. It's the Bougie Blonde podcast with Melissa and Simone, available on Spotify, apple or wherever you get your podcasts. Now let's get bougie. Hi, I'm Melissa, hi, I'm Simone. Our podcast is serving you. Bestie vibes, we are just two country girls chatting about all things.

Speaker 1:

We struggle with daily life and, of course, talking about certain issues that some people are afraid to speak about. We give it to you real, while having crack along the way. Remember, these are just our opinions, girls, so don't take us too seriously. We're just giving you some best friend advice.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we're back and we're so happy to be back. So on this week's episode, we're chatting to you a little bit about new years, new intentions and new goals.

Speaker 1:

And also chatting a little bit about anti-resolutions. So we're going to have a little discussion about that. So excited to be back and welcome to our first episode of 2024. 2024, we're back.

Speaker 2:

We're back. Tell a friend to tell a friend we are back. We missed you. We missed you so much.

Speaker 1:

We had a little bit of a break, like only three weeks really, but it was needed.

Speaker 2:

It was needed it most definitely was needed and you know what I feel like the time that we took away from it. Don't get me wrong I missed coming on, I missed having the chat or whatever, but I feel like we're more kind of in sync now with, like the whole me moving to Dubai trying to kind of get everything organized, but it's all down to not being so hard on ourselves as well. Yeah, just trying to balance out life.

Speaker 1:

And I feel like that break is after giving us a whole lease of life. New goals, new intentions, new energy has been brought to this podcast 100%.

Speaker 2:

It's all down to the mindset.

Speaker 1:

It's all down to the mindset, yeah. So I'm so excited for this year. Like I, feel good.

Speaker 2:

I feel like it's our year. You know, 2023 is such an odd number. And I feel like for both me and Melissa, and obviously you best who's listening. I feel like 2024 is everyone's year.

Speaker 1:

And also thank you to everyone who listened to us in 2023. Obviously, we're getting our bearings about us. We were like literally adapting to starting off a podcast, editing a podcast, producing a podcast, so and then we're obviously in two different countries.

Speaker 2:

So, like I think we nailed it in fairness for Absolutely Like, especially like down to like, doing all the editing and stuff like that. Do you know that kind of way? It's just, it's like anything, it's just a matter of getting used to it, isn't it? Yeah, so same with starting up anything your business. If you want to start off Instagram, if I start up YouTube, it's just kind of getting it all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I feel like this year we're going to have a fresh energy. We know what direction we're going, so we're really excited to bring you some long ways. And thank you to everyone who listened to us last year. We hope you stay away for this year, but for this year's podcast. I mean, some of them are saying that we just want to serve you and make you feel at home and somewhere you can come to just step away from daily life. Yes, yeah, that's that's our vibe. But how was your break Like? You came home for Christmas, how did it feel?

Speaker 2:

You know what, if I'm being honest, it was absolutely amazing. It's so nice to be able to come back to reality a bit. I feel like I didn't realize, like how much I missed people until I actually went home yeah, if that makes sense. Like obviously, jesus don't get me wrong Like it's hard moving away and having no family and like meeting a circle of friends and get yourself out there and whatever. But coming home made me realize how lucky I am and how lucky I am to have such an amazing support group around me and amazing family, friends or whatever. But you know what it's so hard saying goodbye and I think that's something that I struggle with. Ok Is saying goodbye. I'm the type of guy that's like see you later and I get her like I just don't like saying goodbye, because I feel like I say goodbye, like what does that actually mean?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah but it was so nice, but then again coming back as well, it was hard to try and get back into the flow of life over here again. It's such a fast paced environment. Everything is now OK and I think this year, with my own New Year's resolution, I really need to just learn how to kind of relax, because if, like, it's really hard to explain it because city life in general, but in Dubai it's like, if you want, if someone wants something they want to do yesterday.

Speaker 2:

OK, and I'm that type of person myself, but when it comes to like work environment, it's just like now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now. Ok, like it's really like crazy. So it's just for me to try and be able to control my own kind of flow. Yeah, and no kind of whether in common or go on, and just it's all down to organization. Like sometimes I can be a little bit of a last minute guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I understand, yeah, but it's just like I want things proper in order so I can actually decide to self time, to just just to just to breathe. So yeah, it was just a pity I didn't get to see you. That was the biggest downfall of the mobile, but you had an unbelievable holiday.

Speaker 1:

So me and some ones like schedules, like just, were not adopting. Over Christmas I was working and then I was on holidays at the best time, literally. Like I said, needed that refresh. I've never went away in all my years of being self-employed like at Christmas time. So I went on the 28th I was away for my birthday. It was just beautiful. Love Lanzari. I recommend it. It's just low-key, chill vibes. Yeah, it's such a good time, apart from losing my phone. If you've seen that on my social media.

Speaker 2:

Lisa, I tell you you're absolutely devastated.

Speaker 1:

I just couldn't say nothing worse, it's just mad how much we rely on our phones. Like it's actually scary, like scary, like everything was on my phone Like couldn't get into emails, couldn't get back to clients, couldn't get into my banking, you know what it is.

Speaker 2:

It's like your whole life is on it, but it's your business, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But it's just, it's mad, even though, like even things like what's up with your family, like I, just I was totally disconnected, like do you know what I mean? Had no money because couldn't do any bank transfers Cause I only brought my Revolut, not a self. Always bring a backup card, not just your Revolut card. So Keith was like ching-ching, I have an expensive wife for the week. So, yeah, it was just I'm sure he wasn't, he wasn't impressed with Me using his bank card oh we push your rock, you do that's like sugar daddy but sugar daddy, mr Murphy.

Speaker 2:

Play in the day. But you know what, like I just feel like Imagine if you were on your own, like I know we were kind of laughing about it or whatever, but like if you were on your own, like I'm a diva lives Well, like I literally like never bring my bank card. Like I always tap my phone. Yeah, and my dad always says to me I swear, if you lose that phone, it's gone. Like it's gone and you'll have no access to money, even if you're in a taxi. Like we need to start being more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we do need to start more prepared, like and like I feel like cuz I would always kind of have cash on me and but Like Keet never has cash on him, like, so he's always robbing my cash, so that's just payback now from him. He's been him in my sugar daddy for the week, um, but like, like I was like what would I do over there? Like literally say, if, like, I wasn't With them? Like I literally have to like beg on the street or I don't know, start being like an Escort.

Speaker 2:

No, what would?

Speaker 1:

you do.

Speaker 2:

No, I know, but that's the thing. It's actually so scary like our whole world, our whole life, has come some by our phones.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, don't it everything say, for example right, you were one, these people because I know a lot of people go to Lanzarote on their own and hold it. It's like my auntie, actually, I think, went to Lanzarote in your own right. But so in that scenario, say I went on my own right, lost my phone at the beach it's obviously out now in the sea somewhere swimming. But Like, what would I do? Like if I literally only brought my ever loop cart and I'd no access back into, like especially iPhones you know they're so awkward because you have to like verify on your device. I like I fucking get into my device because that would see like so how can I get into my emails or my bank? Like what would you do? Like, just like her phone.

Speaker 2:

She hit rock bottom, yeah gone. My phone is swimming with the waves and in the tide, with the dolphins somewhere, so you know what it gave you time to kind of be able to enjoy the moment as well. I know, yeah, your house was probably going absolutely bonkers.

Speaker 1:

You can't really, I think I manifested it because at the start of the holiday I was like, right, gonna kind of cut back on my phone, I'll take some like content and then I like when I'm on holidays I kind of like to post it in the next day, so like I'm not Taking up the present moment. So it's like I manifested losing my phone. I was like, for fuck's sake, for fuck's sake.

Speaker 2:

Like it's not even that. Like I know, sometimes we do need to kind of Stay off it and stuff like that when it comes down to your business, melissa Like it is hard.

Speaker 1:

It is hard, yeah, for you man at the end of the day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's what we're used to, yeah you know, so don't be so hard on yourself I know, I know, just breathe.

Speaker 1:

Melissa and Simone are here to listen. So we have our juicy jammy dodgers, dilemma, and Simone has won from us it's actually from December because obviously we didn't have Any boxes up for new dilemmas, so give it to us so more. What is our lovely bestie listeners telling us?

Speaker 2:

So, hey guys, I hope you had a lovely Christmas. Simone, I just wanted to say I was bored and watching your coming home from Christmas video. Oh, I'm so glad you're here.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

It's funny. Anywho, I proper needed advice. Guys. I'm in a bit of a love triangle in brackets, feel like I'm in love with both and their proper in their fields, and also obviously don't know about each other. Oh, oh god. I don't want to say it to my girls and I don't want them thinking I'm a slag either. I've only slept with one of them as I feel super guilty in myself to be that girl. But now I'm confused as AF, as I don't know if I'm proper in love with one and the other is just a friendship, but I've kissed both. Help.

Speaker 1:

Just reminds me of the vampire diaries with Alina, with Damon and Stefan. Oh my god, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It actually is.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it yeah?

Speaker 2:

No, you know what I just like. Do you know what it is? It might come across weird, but I just feel like you get more emotional attachment with someone when you sleep with them.

Speaker 1:

I was just about to say you literally are my spirit animal. When women sleep with men, they release hormones that actually Make them like, attach to them, more than men get like. Men don't get the hormones, that feeling of when they sleep with someone, like it's just not in their nature. So now I'm like she makes a sleep with the other one to know, yeah, but you know what I was going to say. But I was like no, because something I definitely wouldn't do.

Speaker 2:

I cannot, I can't do. Okay, fair enough, she's the above them. She don't want to come across like it's like. I get that. I know a lot of girls Believe me, no judgment, you do, you will. Whatever you think is best for you, you go and do it, but in my opinion I couldn't. It's like If you sleep with yeah, that person, slept with that other person and you did catch feelings and maybe he is the one and maybe the other is just more of like a friendship thing, because why did you end up sleeping with him? I know could be an inspiration, yeah, or whatever.

Speaker 2:

But then another part of me is like I don't know if you don't try. So I'm like Josh, she's sleeping.

Speaker 1:

I know this is someone that's not terrible, but I think she needs to sleep with the other man because she's going to just I know this is terrible, but she's, she's gonna feel more attached to boy number one because she slept with him. Right. She's gonna put boy number two off because she doesn't have that like hormones now, like that, like comfort, that attachments, that like extra bit. Do you get what I mean? You girls know, I mean like when you sleep with someone, like it is that bit of like, which you know what mean, like whatever. So now you're just not gonna know.

Speaker 2:

Unless you sleep with boy number two, you're just gonna have to test the bikes out, like Boy number one finds out and she's actually in love with boy number one, is that gonna ruin everything, because the trust is gonna be gone, because they both don't know about each other. They're both in their field.

Speaker 1:

Are they? Are they in a relationship or just seeing one other?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're not really exclusive. Yeah, they're not exclusive yet.

Speaker 1:

Do you know what I mean? They're like she doesn't need to put all her bit eggs in one basket, as they say in Love Island. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Exactly exactly.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's a tough one. My opinion. If, like, I wouldn't do that because I'm just not that overpressed and I just can't, I don't know if I'm talking to someone in front of them, seeing someone that I just I can't.

Speaker 1:

I think, personally, like I don't know if I'd be able to do it, like because like that I'd feel I don't know. Yeah, the guilt, like you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

So but, then I'm like wait a minute, it's 2024.

Speaker 1:

It's 2024, the man can do it the woman can do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're in our dating era.

Speaker 1:

In the dating era. Yeah, it's a hard one. It's like I don't know. I think she needs to do a list, like she needs to do the list of the pop rolls and the cons. But, like we said, did she like she obviously was clearly more sexually attracted to boy number one if she slept with him? Yeah, you know what I mean Exactly, like you need to have both of them. But maybe, maybe she's sexually attracted to boy number one, but boy number two is actually more of husband material, better personality. Yeah, you know, elena and Damon vibes. You need to kind of you need to give us.

Speaker 2:

feed us with more juice, feed us with more information, because we need to know what they're personized. Yeah, what way do they make you feel?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Is one more loving and caring? Is the other one more kind of a sexual feel? Yeah, like what's going on?

Speaker 1:

Like boy number one could be very like you know, like flirty and touchy and, like you know, giving her all the vibes and the good like in the areas. Do you know what I mean? And then boy number one.

Speaker 2:

You know what, when a man is cheeky though I don't know what it is, but when and they have that little cheekiness about the man's, drive more like women do, like a little bit of like you know like yeah, or what does, what does more?

Speaker 1:

he can say Fanny flowers, Like so maybe boy number one is giving Fanny flowers and boy number two is giving security vibes. You know, like home, like she knows that she's going to be like a secure, like he's going to care for, like that safety. So like she stuck between the safety or the sexual tension. So like do you know what I mean? This is, this is tough. I'm like, I'm fine for this, like so we can help, like your decision, because at the moment we just don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my head's gone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm like I want to know what to do with this situation? Yeah, it's hard, like because then you don't want to make the wrong decision either. Do you know what I mean? You're like, fuck, did I make the wrong decision? But then, like I don't know, I can do a list of pros and cons.

Speaker 2:

Do you know what I mean. So far. Now, I think this is like indoor vices we're all in a room together discussing it and next week the advice is going to come to it. Yeah, we need more, we just need to plan out a proper strategy for you.

Speaker 1:

We need a proper strategy for you. Like, we need to do like a business meeting on this. So we need pros and cons of both personality. We need a bit more in depth, do you know?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but make sure to send us another DM.

Speaker 1:

Yes, if you're listening. Send us a little DM and give us a follow up, and if you do have any dilemmas or funny stories, make sure you DM us or send us a message and we'll see you again into the Booty Blondes podcast at gmailcom. So for our topic of the week, we're doing new year, new intentions and goals, and also anti resolutions. I did this this year. I did. I decided not to make new year's resolutions, oh really, yeah, like I did, goals.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I did goals of like things I want to do, achieve and like personal life, career, like travel, things like that. But I didn't do resolutions because I feel like you say, right, I'm going to do this, this and this every week, and then you just get overwhelmed and the shit goes to the fan. Do you know?

Speaker 2:

Because life is not a plan Like it's. No matter how much you try, sometimes the universe just sets you in a different direction. Yeah, and like, things happen and you know it's not always, you're not always going to wake up every morning with list and get everything done and ticked off.

Speaker 2:

No, you're not like but I do feel like at the start of every year, everyone is always like oh, this is my plan, this one going to do this year and going to get fit and going to get healthy. I'm going to change my mindset, like no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But it's down to really the little things that you do on a day to day basis, like what you watch, what you listen to, who you surround yourself with.

Speaker 1:

I don't think this. I don't think they speak about this, though. I think it's just like oh, you have to get to gym and you have to get healthy, but like this set, instead of like changing people's mindset, like, and you're right, it is about the little things. So this is like a little article from Holland and Bart and it's like what's anti resolutions? And it's about like how to actually stick with your resolutions. And number one is it says maximise tree goals. I think, like I think they're right, because I think we do too many and then we get overwhelmed. Our brain is not able to comprehend that much without small changes, isn't it not like, yeah, 100%. So it says quality, not quantity. A total overhaul won't work for most. Allow yourself to focus on a few things and don't let others long lists sway you. Number two is focus on fun, not fitness. I actually like this, because I know we all want to get fit and healthy, but not everyone like likes to go into the gym.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

If they like, go for a run, if they like playing paddle or tennis, maybe, yeah. You know, it's just been active.

Speaker 1:

It's just about movement, yeah, it's just about moving your body. Like that's, I think we need to change it to movement rather than, you know, like Fitness, fitness, yeah, do you know what I mean? Like I think, if you say movement, it just sounds more fun and upbeat, doesn't it Like? Yeah, and the benefits, obviously, of movement is exercise, and once or twice a week can actually reduce heart attack and stroke, which we know it is very good for our cardiovascular system. But like that, I think, like there's so much like, do like a Sunday hike with your family, go for a walk in the park with your kids. Do you know? Like there's so much more you could do than just not stressing yourself out? So, even if you want to start small, then like, right, I'm going to go for like a walk with the kids now twice a week, yeah, and then eventually maybe you might move into the gym, like six weeks down the line.

Speaker 2:

It's all down to the baby's and progress over perfection. That's what I always say.

Speaker 1:

Number three is break down your goals. So I find this is good, I think and there's nothing wrong with setting large goals, but I think if you have a large goal, you have to break down the steps to get to the large goal. I think that's why a lot of people fall off, because they're like how do I get there? Like, because I don't know. It's like when you say this, isn't it when you put your destination on the sat nav and you have to go through all the towns, like that's what your little steps are. It's like how do I get to each town? I love that, yeah. Do you never heard of before? No, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So it's like, if you put your end destination in on the sat nav, like you're not just going to jump there, you have to go through all the little towns to get there. So you need to do, you need to do like the curves, yeah, a little 10 steps of how to get there. So that is like that's what I kind of do now. It's just like right, this is what I'm going to do, and then when I get here, then this is what I'm going to do. It kind of like helps your brain. Like what's that word? Like no-transcript. Visualise a bear like it kind of it's not overwhelming. This is nice. Pay yourself a compliment every day. I've seen this of people saying you should look in the mirror and like tell yourself that you love yourself every day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 100%.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Definitely, I think we're Something. I think I don't know. I feel like we're so hard on ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we are.

Speaker 2:

We are True life and especially in this generation, like it's constantly wanting better, needing better. You need to progress, you need to do this, you need to do that, like instead of just living in the moment and just expressing like who you are to yourself, if that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Like I always feel like outside sources can kind of limitate your personality or your goals or your mindset or your focus. Yeah, to get me like thinking like a lot of people will try to put you down or that say things and smart comments and smart remarks or whatever. But I think you need to kind of focus on yourself and we were actually speaking about it yesterday but I said like the fact that, like every day, it can be very stressful and overwhelming, especially being in your 20s or 30s.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like it's a constant battle with how to kind of balance everything out all in one, yeah, and I think you just need like even five to 10 minutes of the day to kind of say like you know, I am like evolving, I'm loving myself right now. This, this is just the beginning. Every day is a new beginning. To set my goals, to kind of rejuvenate, to kind of take a step back and just kind of be present. Yeah, that's what we need to do.

Speaker 1:

That was my intention this year, so my anti resolution was to go with the flow. I know that sounds so like what should we go to flow To be?

Speaker 2:

straight yeah, it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

No, like, I feel like I'm always like on a routine, like a schedule and, don't get me wrong, I need to be organized, but yeah, like, if my schedule gets interrupted it's for a reason Don't be so hard on yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I'm just going, I'm actually just going to like more listen to my body and like what I want to do today. So, like, if I don't feel like even like creating content, for example, I'm just going to use that because the first thing came to my head. I'm like no, I actually feel like I need an actual like three hours just chilling reading a book. I'm going to do it, you know. So I feel like it's more like being in tune with your body and like just going, just riding the waves and seeing what happens, because I think we try to like force things a lot and then we actually delay our manifestations because we're forcing it too much. So, yeah, just be easier on ourselves and it's kind of like go to flow. It's kind of what my main resolution was this year.

Speaker 2:

I love that, though I feel like I'm kind of in the same position myself. It's like we're constantly like striving to do better, be better, instead of just kind of like, like you said, listen to our bodies.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And like life's not a race and what's meant for you will never pass your boy. And you know, like we always say, like Joe, if we're thinking about something or if we want to make our dreams come to reality or whatever, sometimes we want too much pressure and like there's steps, like you said with the sat-nav, yeah, there's steps in the road that you need to take before you're going to get that destination.

Speaker 1:

So you just need to relax. Yeah, 100% Like, just little things, like. Do you know what I mean Like and I'm going to use like just because it's the easiest one. Fitness, for example like your nutrition, instead of being like I'm only eating like this many calories a day, or like I'm giving up all chocolate, just been like right instead of, I don't know, having like chocolate 20 kinds of granules that have 10.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or even like little things then, like swapping out, like do you know milk for almond milk, or like you know little things that don't, you don't really notice, but they're like massive changes by the end of the year. Yeah, do you know? So, number five what they're having this is make swaps, not sacrifices, so kind of what we spoke about. It says swap one night a week at first, then work your way up. So this means like if you're cutting out like any chocolate or cutting down alcohol, and it says like if you're drinking a lot of Coke Zero, just have every second one of Coke Zero instead of having like three Coke Zero. Say I have a Coke Zero, then more than Coke Zero.

Speaker 1:

So like it is about just switching your mindset. You know what I mean. Definitely this is interesting. Number six ask yourself why Is everyone around you pleading to quit chocolate or train for a race? You might feel like you have to. It's worth asking yourself why do I want to do this goal? So like that? Does that mean that like people are kind of been forced to do something that's not really their choice?

Speaker 2:

Like for me as well, and it's probably down to you and like you listen like I stopped drinking alcohol this month because I was like I feel like I can go out and have fun without it. Yeah, I don't necessarily need to be drinking Not that I ever drink much on an I out anyway but it's like a lot of pressure when you go out. People are like why aren't you drinking? What's wrong with you? Like it's constant, like peer pressure into things. Yeah, if that makes sense. And like it shouldn't matter.

Speaker 2:

Like if somebody doesn't want to do something. It's all down to the control of your own mind and you shouldn't leave other people's thoughts affect you either, because you know who you are. You can control what you want and what you want. It's not just about like down to you on January or, like you said, melissa, like not trying to go for the chocolate. If a drink is put in front of me, it's down to me. Like, do I drink it, do I not? Yeah, you know that kind of way. But whatever makes you feel good and you know, like yourself, if you eat the bar is not a good thing it's just like you're just trying to change your mindset.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, on how you're looking at it Exactly, and there's like there's not an wrong with eating the bar or like having the drink, as I thought you said. It's how it makes you feel, like I know, for example, like when I don't drink for like a couple of weeks, I feel absolutely great. I'm so positive, I have more energy, my brain is literally like on just rolling my ideas and creative ideas. I do feel like after like a week or a week of drinking but even after holidays, like you do feel like you've less brain cells, like yeah, you know, yeah definitely you do because you're so dehydrated, and your body is like oh, what's going on?

Speaker 2:

So it is, I thought I've nothing against people.

Speaker 1:

Oh God, no, we just want to go. I love, just, I love an old drink, but like, like that you kind of have to cut back sometimes and like, if you want to like feel good, then you need to cut out the alcohol, or you need to get more sleep, or you need to cut out, like, the process foods, because all these things do Drain your energy, like, and you're tired. So it says, ask yourself why you want to go to the gym. Why do you want to go to the gym? I want to feel strong. Why do you want to feel strong? And so this is a question yourself why? And then you're more likely to stick with. It's important to be aware of the fact that you're tired. Number eight is be kind to yourself. We spoke about that. And the last one is work smarter, not harder. This is what I'm focusing on. This year means more even saying this that we like, even for the pod, or trying to work smarter, not harder, so we're not overwhelmed by the end of the week. So it is about planning, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yes, you can still go with the flow, but you do need to plan out a little bit. Oh yeah, like you have to make it kind of feel more like set for the week or for the month or whatever your goals may be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's all about balance, so you can still go with the flow, but you still have to plan as well.

Speaker 2:

so we are very spontaneous.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, if I feel like for this year, I feel I think we just have to all be kind to ourselves and just yeah, just get a little bit of structure and be kind to ourselves and be in the present moment. I think is what I'm planning anyway, yes, definitely, I agree. So we have a new segment and I said this is the moment she closed up laughing.

Speaker 2:

I was crying, I was like this girl literally is giving cat and a half.

Speaker 1:

So we have a new segment which is called the hat of mystery. So basically there is about 20 to 30 topics. Let me just show you the hats. So here we. It's the high, actually more of one of my like photos yesterday, but like I was like, I love that this is like the perfect hat like look at this like do you know I?

Speaker 1:

mean, like this is the perfect hat for the pod, is pretty cool. Like this is the perfect hat for the pod, is pink and is booty, right. So basically, I'm going to pick out a topic. I do not know what these are, so an external source did all these topics and we have to talk about it for five minutes. So I'm kind of scared because I don't know what I'm going to pull out. Okay, so it could be anything, could be serious, could be funny, so let's, let's give it an elbow now. Right, we'll go with this one. I'm actually scared, you know. Like, okay, so here we are. If you were a man, if you were a man for 24 hours, what would you do for the day? I know exactly what I've been doing, anyway.

Speaker 2:

I think this is the weirdest thing ever for just the whole like down there thing.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I've just gone around and I like yeah, like you'd have to do it like to see, like yeah, I was just saying the curiosity kills me of how everything feels, the sensation. Yeah, like, what's the difference between like men and female orgasms? Like, do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Like, and the emotions is another one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think I go around and like I don't know, like I just go around and like have sex or whatever, yeah, but then you're like you're still a female, though on a male body. So you're like yeah, so how could you have?

Speaker 2:

to. I don't really get like. If you're a man for the day, does that mean like you have all their emotions, all everything, or it's?

Speaker 1:

a, just a woman? Yeah, are we in their body? We'll say that we're actually a man. Then for the day, right, okay, I just go around and see like is due to find it easy to shut up women. Like daily things, like what their emotions, like I do, things that I feel that females wouldn't get away with Do you know what. So like I just think that men can kind of get away with a lot more than females, like do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely yeah, they can get like everything, if I'm being honest, yeah. And another thing is like down to showering, down to get ready to go places. Like imagine I haven't like wash your hair, do your makeup like I'm still a pristine. I literally you know what I will be a slob.

Speaker 1:

I definitely go to like out and see like how much Like a man can drink compared to a woman. Do you know like I want to do the? Do they get a different drunk than a woman?

Speaker 2:

And it's the chat off lines, isn't it? Yeah, that's what strikes me the most. Yeah, like their confidence is second to none.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So we definitely are going to like have a little play of the tingling thing and see what that is all about. And yeah, that's kind of the main thing I would do if I was a man like I don't see really what else I would like. Do you know what I mean? No, I wouldn't do that like that's the only thing that intrigues me like.

Speaker 2:

I think we're too much in our feminine energy to kind of think of yeah, but I do, I do get you feel like that they can just go around and just be with whoever they want, to do whatever they want, go as they want. Then again I'm like do they? I feel like girls you'll get away with a lot, like if there's an argument or something like that, we cry and it's all okay. Yeah, true, yeah, I don't know. What else could you actually do I just, I was just going around.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so what do we do with the helicopter? I'd be in the shower so you cook or I'm flashing people, because if you're giving back the body after 24 hours, so like. I hope it's a victim down there because it's not.

Speaker 2:

You'll be flashing anyone. So go and buy a 12 pack of Jenny sausages and just strap it on.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, that is a big mystery. Interesting to see what's going to come out next week. So yeah, I hope you enjoyed that little banter. Okay, so for our little game of the week, we have come shopping with us, where I pick out random objects and Simone has to guess what the cost. So, simone, number one, you have a lovely internal door and you know what?

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna stop you right there, because this is how we know. We're back with a band, the first one You've sent me. The price is on it, ah, shy.

Speaker 1:

Sigh, right, right, it may go to the next two. Then I'm at a room there for right number two.

Speaker 2:

This is just like what we spoke about. It's life, yeah right.

Speaker 1:

Number one we will call this one is a lovely bail trailer, so it's silent trailer. A big, long green trailer. How much you think that cost I?

Speaker 2:

Think, if I'm being honest, farm and equipment is quite expensive, isn't it? So, maybe I 100.

Speaker 1:

No, it's actually 9500 For that. Yeah, like, and I was silent trailer.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's ridiculous, isn't that ridiculous? What was cause my Must the cost farmers a bomb right. Next one we have a lovely 17 foot seaboard with a 20 horsepower Honda For something. It's a big outboat up in Galway. I'm sure they get used to it up there. And it's called seaball Is the name of the outboat. So how much do you think that's lovely? You would look lovely in that. Now some more with your hair blonde.

Speaker 2:

In the way, in the way it's like.

Speaker 1:

You'd look gorgeous in that. Now, wouldn't you Going around, going around the West Coast of Ireland? Yeah, it's a you wouldn't? You wouldn't fit money in it. Now, like literally about two or three people like I.

Speaker 2:

Think, if that's more than three grand, then I'll give up on life.

Speaker 1:

It's three grand. Your final answer yeah, say ten, ten grand, just having to put up. There's no way. That is from three to ten. Tree, right, it's 8,550 euro.

Speaker 2:

Like. No, I Definitely pick the trailer any day open. That than that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, at least you could like Potentially carry something, your trailer, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but like honest to God, like how, how could you even go out to see in that thing, like it's one way of it, like, yeah, I'm into next year. Yeah, definitely 23.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like you know what it's forward.

Speaker 2:

I want to go my life.

Speaker 1:

You could be out on the boat and then you know what, like you could find my phone out and see it was sorted. Then it's a brand new 15 pro started.

Speaker 2:

Simone sets to see.

Speaker 1:

In the hundred twenty. I'd love to see out with that. Oh Well, that is our come. Shopping was first week back and Melissa made an absolute blunders of it. But that's life or one with the flow.

Speaker 2:

So this week's affirmation is do not stress over anything I cannot control.

Speaker 1:

Yes, good energy for 2024. Feel that good energy only good vibes, good vibes, good vibes loving that. Well, thank you everyone for tuning into our first episode of 2024. Really hope you enjoyed. Make sure that you follow us on whatever podcast platform we're using and you can follow us on our social media as well.

Speaker 2:

And we will catch you next week. Bye, guys.

New Year Goals and Reflections
Love Triangle and Relationship Advice
Achieving Resolutions With Small Changes
The Importance of Self-Care and Planning
Exploring Gender Stereotypes and Shopping Prices