Boujee Blondes

Dealing with mean girls

February 27, 2024 Melissa Clarke & Simone grace Season 1 Episode 47
Dealing with mean girls
Boujee Blondes
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Boujee Blondes
Dealing with mean girls
Feb 27, 2024 Season 1 Episode 47
Melissa Clarke & Simone grace

Ever felt like the world of social media is just a highlight reel of everyone else's perfect lives? Melissa and I pull back the curtain on that illusion, sharing our own battles with bullies and the importance of resilience. We recount moments of vulnerability, such as my recent power outage ordeal and the life adjustments it forced upon me. In our heartfelt discussion, we stress the value of genuine connections and self-care over the often misleading portrayals online.

Navigating the treacherous waters of bullying isn't exclusive to childhood; it extends into the very fabric of our adult lives, including the workplace. Join Melissa and me as we share our strategies for overcoming the emotional scars left by mean-spirited encounters. We dive into the motives behind bullying behaviors and how, by nurturing kindness and self-compassion, we can rise above the hurt and reject the cycle of bitterness. Our conversation offers solace and strategies for anyone facing the adult version of 'mean girl' tactics.

As we wrap up this episode, we touch upon the dicey terrain of teacher-parent romantic interests and the complexities they invite into the classroom. We also open up about our personal belief systems, contemplating the comfort and distress found in the question of a higher power. Ending on a note of self-empowerment, we leave you with affirmations to foster deep self-acceptance and encourage you to share your own stories and dilemmas. Join us on this journey of growth, laughter, and the pursuit of a more connected and peaceful existence.

Melissa and Simone xx

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Ever felt like the world of social media is just a highlight reel of everyone else's perfect lives? Melissa and I pull back the curtain on that illusion, sharing our own battles with bullies and the importance of resilience. We recount moments of vulnerability, such as my recent power outage ordeal and the life adjustments it forced upon me. In our heartfelt discussion, we stress the value of genuine connections and self-care over the often misleading portrayals online.

Navigating the treacherous waters of bullying isn't exclusive to childhood; it extends into the very fabric of our adult lives, including the workplace. Join Melissa and me as we share our strategies for overcoming the emotional scars left by mean-spirited encounters. We dive into the motives behind bullying behaviors and how, by nurturing kindness and self-compassion, we can rise above the hurt and reject the cycle of bitterness. Our conversation offers solace and strategies for anyone facing the adult version of 'mean girl' tactics.

As we wrap up this episode, we touch upon the dicey terrain of teacher-parent romantic interests and the complexities they invite into the classroom. We also open up about our personal belief systems, contemplating the comfort and distress found in the question of a higher power. Ending on a note of self-empowerment, we leave you with affirmations to foster deep self-acceptance and encourage you to share your own stories and dilemmas. Join us on this journey of growth, laughter, and the pursuit of a more connected and peaceful existence.

Melissa and Simone xx

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Speaker 1:

someone to put somebody else down or bully somebody else, they have serious issues, in my opinion.

Speaker 2:

People who are bullies are deeply insecure. It's the Boojee Blonde podcast with Melissa and Simone, available on Spotify, apple or wherever you get your podcasts. Now let's get Boojee. Hi, I'm Melissa, hi, I'm Simone. Our podcast is serving you, besty vibes.

Speaker 1:

We are just two country girls chatting about all things we struggle with daily life.

Speaker 2:

And, of course, talking about certain issues that some people are afraid to speak about. We give it to you real, while having crack along the way. Remember, these are just our opinions. Girls, don't take us too seriously. We're just going to use some best friend advice.

Speaker 1:

So on this week's podcast we are speaking a little bit about bullying and how to deal with mean girls.

Speaker 2:

So we hope you enjoy this episode.

Speaker 1:

Hi Simone, Hello my lovely, how are you without your electricity? Gone?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so I had to like move everything to the sister's house and I didn't even have tap water, like nothing, like absolutely nothing in the house, rebecca is currently feeding and watering you today, giving you life, yeah she's giving me life. So it's actually bad, though the electricity lads, how much you can have a bit of water now these days. So yeah, we're in new location, new vibe.

Speaker 1:

New vibes. Well, we're getting it done, that's the main thing yes. No excuses.

Speaker 2:

So this month we're all about living life and more enjoying life and trying to do the best we can. I feel like February is a weird month.

Speaker 1:

It is, and I feel like I don't know everyone, just anyone who's been talking to ladies, just that we're on a weird little vibe, I think Aren't we yeah, I feel like it's just I don't know, after January you're meant to be productive, but I feel like though you like in the new year you kind of focus so much on getting on the straight and narrow and trying to kind of have the most perfect year and try to make everything like so scheduled and like in a perfect ideal world.

Speaker 1:

But things happen, things get in the way and you just have to learn with coping with it and try to do life on a day to day basis rather than kind of put perfect in an ideal, not an ideal, not a really ideal world, if that makes sense. Because, like I even noticed out here, like it's just people think you're living the best life ever and it's not that, it's just what you see on social media and you don't see what goes on behind behind the scenes, especially in the job world and kind of people you meet on a day to day basis.

Speaker 2:

It's just I feel like Irish people as well. They're very good at putting up a barrier like your face, where, even if there's shit going on, like we're very good at coming out of the world, that we're okay. I feel like we perfected this Irish nation that we was on behind closed door stays there. So yeah it's, I don't know. I feel like we need this year to be all about living life and just enjoying life. I feel like I'm going like that, though like lately I'm just gone more relaxed, like kind of just kind of taking a day by day, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm not as like control for if that makes sense, just living life day by day, kind of trying to prioritize this year as a self care kind of year, and I don't mean now go on and get like you know, like just like go out for walks and work outs and even if it's like having a bath or like you know, yeah, I feel like we put so much stress and pressure on ourselves.

Speaker 1:

So don't we?

Speaker 2:

I like, definitely do it ourselves. Are we pressured by society, or a bit of all?

Speaker 1:

I think we are in, social media definitely plays a big role in it. Like when you think about years ago, like you go to work, you come home, have your dinner, sit down with your family, you're chatting, you're watching something on the TV or whatever. Now it's constantly, like more so than anything, most people are so focused on Instagram, youtube and TikTok and they're so like even down to young adults, teenagers or whatever their main focus is is social media. Like it's not just having one job, coming home, relaxing or going to the gym. It's like you have a job, then you have folks on social media, then you have collaborations, then you have everyone and that's just our lives and we're so used to it. But I think when you actually take a step back and sit down and realize that, like you need to prioritize your mental health a little bit, they need to be a happy, steady balance Because, like I even noticed that where kids come home from school, like they're constantly, there's no escape.

Speaker 2:

I was even speaking with this, my mother and sister, like years ago. She was saying that like you know, you leave your house, your front door open and people just walk in and come in for like dinner and stuff. I mean, rebecca were like you kind of don't do that anymore because people are too busy. She was like, yeah, like people don't do that anymore because we don't have time to entertain people, because our lives are, like in this generation, so busy with working and things. We're back then I suppose they didn't have the like external resources like to be overly busy, like they're like entertaining people was there, like social media, which is sad, like really, when you think about it, that we were not a nation to like sit down really and communicate with people anymore Definitely, and it's something that I think I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I think I realized it more so when I come back here, like how important it is to surround yourself with your loved ones or your friends and stuff like that, and stop being so focused on like social media or like looking at other people and comparing yourself, comparing your appearance, your body image, everything is just. I think like we need to start realizing that you need to be so grateful for what we have and what's here right now.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Live in the present moment.

Speaker 2:

And I know people say that all the time, but I think it's very hard to though, yeah it is hard because there's so many external things going on with like work, and we're put pressure ourselves have to go to the gym, have to do this, have to do this and it is hard, but I think once you do that you find happiness Definitely. I don't think you're going to be in the present moment every day, though, like I feel like you just have to even a couple of minutes a day to try to ground yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we definitely need that more often than or not. If we're not, we need to be brought back down into reality a little bit.

Speaker 2:

A little bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I was saying, like you come home from school and stuff like that, and I think there's a lot, a lot of bullying going on at the minute. I've seen it so much like We've got a few DMs in with teenagers about being bullied and how hard it is going to school and when you come home it's kind of it's constantly there, doesn't even I know what happens in work. I know I have an adult life as well and you know you, you have so many friends like, are whatever, but you can only can trust everyone, and Not everyone is going to be on the same level of kindness or understanding as you and they might not see it themselves said they're being a horrible person. No, and I know it sounds so wrong and so weird, but some people just genuinely I feel like they don't see it, especially in police.

Speaker 2:

No, and they, I feel Like I don't think it even matters what age aren't like. I think I think you're right. I think, like some people just don't see themselves as being Cruel or unkind to people. I mean, it's just nearly the way they were brought up, their values maybe from Situations that has happened to their life, that is, maybe they're like projected onto other people as well, exactly, it's like a barrier.

Speaker 1:

I think they hold up an ideal feels are for people that tend to want to burn other people down or Put other people down to make themselves feel better. And I think it's hard on the younger generation going to school because, like he said, when we went to school we didn't have that like yeah, we had a little bit of it. I know, when I was going to school I did have social media, but it wasn't as bad as what it is now.

Speaker 2:

Like when I went to school and I got bullied, it was more like now it's probably the same now, where, like people are right stuff on desks about you and like. Remember that like, and these all be a room and there was a desk everyone like roll shit about and I like that, everything like following you around the corridors and but kind of when you left school, it was gone like, unless you were kind of around from the town, you might see those people, but you could leave it there at the door and come home and actually like have some sort of life. Yeah, we're. Now we have the problem where, actually, no, like when we come home, like you actually get prank phone calls. You remember that like, yeah, the only thing you get, we like prank phone calls. Um, but now you have social media like and Instagram and tick tock and so like it's hard to escape for like younger generation, like people in school now, which is sad.

Speaker 1:

I know it is and I think that I Don't know, no matter what age you are, like it. Just it does come and it's just life, unfortunately, and it's it's chosen how to deal with it. Like a lot of people can knock it down and make smart remarks on a day-to-day basis. I can go to school or you can go to work or you know a night out, it doesn't matter where you are, but I tell you a couple of it in your own head. Yeah, I think that's what makes you as a person don't get me wrong, it's very upsetting and especially being a young, a young girl, a teenager or adult like no matter what a bully. It's bullying. But I think it's how you cope with it and how you respond to them Is what helps you Cope and deal. Put it on a day-to-day basis or if it's happening regularly or Whatever it might be, if you're in school or work or you're coming home and it's on social media, it's how to kind of block it out, I think is hard, or someone isn't it like that age to?

Speaker 2:

try and process, it Isn't it like? Like, I think very upset though.

Speaker 2:

It's very upset because I think a lot of our listeners at some point in your life you have either a couple eat in private school, secondary school or Even in the work placement, like this still goes on. And like when we're adults some people don't grow up and I apologize about my voices, I'll add to that so you die here my cold and but it's hard sometimes. I think sometimes you're so upset that it's hard to nearly get clarity in your head of Trying to block it out as well. I just what, like I don't know, like what would be Like if you were getting bullied in the workplace now? Like what? How was you corporate? Like what would be your corporate mechanism so we could like a voice, younger people or anyone adults even on to how to like deal it.

Speaker 1:

I think from when I was younger. So, and you're probably saying I got bullied for so many years and it kind of helped me grow as a person. I helped me, obviously, build up my strength, my inner peace and and help me kind of to become the person that I am now because I didn't leave their bitterness Make me better or like, yes, I did lack confidence when I was younger. I you know what obviously fanfare, insecure, didn't really know why they were treating me the way they were. And I just remember, like my grandmother always saying, not everyone is going to be Kind in the world, but it's up to you to still not not let a changer.

Speaker 1:

And it was hard to try not retaliate to get me. It's hard to kind of Not like shelter and scream and just ask why what? I think I was kind of I Was very calm. That makes sense. Yeah, I think I just ended up saying are you okay to people like, are you okay? Like why? Why you being so nasty? Why you treat me this way? And it's to be able to block it out and I know it's very hard thing to do, but for some, what reason they are Trone all their negative Thoughts on you and just trying to bring you down to make them feel better. So you kind of have to look at it in that perspective.

Speaker 2:

People who are bullies are deeply insecure.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Want to admit or not. They're not never gonna admit it, but they are. They clearly have something that Is either happening to them in the current moment that they are projecting on someone else, and or they're not liking something about someone else because they don't like it about themselves, like a lot of people. For example, if to see someone that is quite outgoing we're gonna use maybe a dancer for an example right, like in a stage school, okay, do you have a little dancer that's in a stage school? She's very confident and she's out, you know, you know thing, and then someone is gonna bully her because a lot of the time, they want to bully her, because they want to be that person doing that, yeah, and you just don't have the confidence to do it. So, just see this little girl that is so confident, and then they're like, well, I want to do that, but she's stupid for doing that. Like that's how the brain works, and this happens in adult life as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely, and it does. There's never going to be like this. I always say there's always going to be someone that's going to Try and knock you down and try and push into the ground, because they're obviously struggling in their own head, even though they might look like the most confident, like person on the planet, they're obviously not, because for someone to put somebody else down or bully somebody else, they have serious issues. In my opinion, like there's no way, like in this day and age, even if I hurt somebody and I didn't mean to but get upset me to hurt somebody else.

Speaker 1:

Yeah because I just genuinely don't think it's human to want to some to hurt somebody else as feelings, even the sirens.

Speaker 2:

Sirens are greeners. They're like. But you're right, like, like, even sometimes right, don't get me wrong. We can all be in bad mood and we can lash out at people. That is human life, it's human behavior. But Most of us take a step back or like shit. I shouldn't do that. You're like. Apologised to the person. Explain the situation. Other people are human being as well. They've been like look, it's grand, don't worry about it. These things happen, you know. But when you purposely go out to intentionally leave someone out, bully them over their appearance, over their looks, exclude them, make them feel sick, call them names and Try to turn people against them, you're not a nice person. You're a bully.

Speaker 1:

And I think that's the main one. And the main one is leaving people out. Even though you might get funny, you know when you might get a group of your friends to kind of say, oh, let's see how they're gonna react, or let's see what way they're gonna respond if we say this or if we leave them out or we do something without the other person. For me I think that's the main thing, because you're making number one, you're making someone feel like they're not worthy, you're making them very insecure, making them feel like that they're not welcome, they're not invited. It's, it's not okay. And I do think when there's a group of friends involved, there's always a main leader. There's always, like you see it in the movie main leader.

Speaker 2:

Yet and the main leader is the most person this one person is more secure.

Speaker 1:

Literally so I Don't know. For me it's just I Don't know. I'd never be the type of person to leave anybody out, no matter what, even if I was in a group of girls, and you're not gonna get on with everyone.

Speaker 2:

Expected to get on with everyone, and you're not.

Speaker 1:

You still make people feel welcome no matter what, like you may not fight, but other people are. You may not see it to I book. At the end of the day, it's nice to be nice, and there's no point in leaving somebody out to make yourself feel better. I made yourself feel more worthy because you feel like. I do think, though, that sometimes, when Girls are a group, or maybe male or female, if you leave someone out with definitely insecurity within yourself because Sometimes there is a lot of jealousy involved and they have troubles at home or they have troubles in their past relationships to form that mentality to somebody else.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's, it's. It's definitely something that they are like a lot of the time. I think it is something that's happening at home or in their personal life, that the projection to the people, and it's something that the person that they're attacking they usually want, something that that person has. They don't, or don't have the confidence to do so, so it's really hard, like I feel sorry for your girls in school now, like cuz. My only advice is, though, is to try, like if you have friends that are doing this to you, you know, number one, I think you need to step back, because they're not working friends with and I'm just fine.

Speaker 1:

Be hard to try like, especially like if we are speaking for teenagers, like it's hard to kind of jump ship. And, frank Brooks, because it's what you're used to, it's what you know, when you're in secondary school. Your switching groups and you know your will it work out one to what way they're gonna respond. Does the bullying gonna get worse? So they're going to be more nasty to me if I don't want to be friends with them anymore and a lot of people don't want the drama.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, I think it's boundaries as well, like people need to understand people's boundaries.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't think no people, that young age understand that boundaries? Yeah, don't, do not know.

Speaker 1:

I think I need to be spoke about more in school, though. Yeah like to get me. I think they need to bring it into schools in Ireland a little bit more and help the younger generation understand what bullying is and how to be kind and nice to be.

Speaker 2:

I think that it's neat to do a bit of a revamp on the whole thing. Yeah, you know they need to do a bit of a. I don't know like these are like a, you're like a fun kind of course, but it's like targets bullying, do you know? I mean like there's something that's a bit Interactive and like I Don't know. I just think the whole system of school is a bit yeah.

Speaker 1:

It is. It's just, you see so many people like, and it's horrible, think to say well, because of bullying, a lot of people take their own lives. Do you know what I mean? I don't think people understand how serious it is and how it can get to somebody's head, because a lot of people aren't strong enough to kind of Be able to approach the situation or speak down and talk to their parents or talk to their teachers. Or Do you know their friends about how they're feeling inside or how much it's hurting them? Yeah, me, and I think the bullies themselves don't realize how much pressure they're putting on that individual, because they take it to the next step and then they're the ones that are sorry.

Speaker 2:

And then a lot of people, a lot of people are getting bullied, don't really show signs, like the kind just laugh it off or the like sit there, been, like yeah, and they keep taking it and taking it, and taking it, and taking it and eventually gets in on them so much. Yeah, it can lead to that route, which is really, really sad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't think people understand the Do you know like, the impact it can have, the consequences even though they might think it's bullying, like it could be something small, but some people, like you have to remember everyone's Sensitive to different things like I could be more sensitive to something than you, someone you could be more sensitive to me. Do not mean so. Like, oh, I don't know. It's just, I think people need to be more aware and of their like actions and what they're saying and how they're treating people, because, even if you don't realize it, you need to bring yourself back to that awareness. But like, okay, maybe that person would be okay with that, do you know?

Speaker 1:

You really need to think before you speak. I always say it. Yeah, you really have to. But if you have any questions or if you feel like you want to talk to anyone, me and Melissa's DMs are always open and you can email us Whatever, whenever you want.

Speaker 1:

Don't feel lost. Don't feel like give no one to speak to If your problems are always welcome in our DMs, no matter what. You don't want anyone to feel alone, no matter what age you're, if you're a young adult, a teenager, or you're even older than us. We just want you to know that we're here, no matter what. Even though you might not feel like you want to reach out and and talk to us, we just want you to know that You're always welcome in our DMs. Sir, if you want to reach out to us on our whatsapp, we're always there.

Speaker 2:

We are open, we are ready for we are. Don't claim to be therapists, but we're fair. So some of the adults mean girl behavior, so that was gonna quickly go through. These is cyberbullying. So rude comments on your poll, share videos or photos of you without your permission or impersonate anyone line. It's all examples of cyberbullying. Number two gossiping.

Speaker 2:

The bully may spread rumors about you to your friends, family and co-workers. Harassment you may feel cornered by a mean girl who goes out of their way to bother you on a regular basis. Are you finding them unavoidable, even if you try to ignore them? An intimidation, a bully may go on so far to threaten To harm you, unless overt from invitation, may look like a warning for you to stay away from Friends over whom they are territorial love. And and then we have verbal insult. Insults as well. I can't speak to it because my like don't a lot, but he's got the gist. So If you feel that you have any of them in your workplace Like it does happen, though, like it happens that adults as well, it's just I don't think it ever stops. It's like a cycle.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't, and I think as you get older, then you just learn how to cope with a little bit more. Yeah, to get me like it's. They're going to be everywhere. No one is going to Like have the same harsh as you, even though, like I said before, they don't realize they're doing it. They think it's funny. Some people are very sarcastic, but the sarcasm can take over and they don't realize how much that tree hurt in someone. That's why I always say like I never, ever, ever, comment on another person, even in a friend group. I feel like if you're speaking about your friend, then they're not your friend. Like I always find like if I'm in a circle of people and they're talking about somebody else, I'm like they must be talking bad about me if they're talking about someone that they consider as their friend.

Speaker 2:

There's always that one person that does that. They give out to everyone. I think everyone knows this person gives out to everyone. They don't really take it seriously as you go older. I mean whatever yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's just life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but sometimes you get to the point where you just let them on. You're like I'm not challenging over this because I actually don't care.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like. I'm not in for this drama, I just like. I don't care for this drama. Do your thing, because you're never going to change.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, there's no point in even trying to change your mind. Try trying to leave them in the right direction, because some people just love it, don't? They just love bitching gospel and whatever. But I'm just at the stage of my life and prioritizing my piece. No drama, no night of day. We want.

Speaker 2:

We want meditation, we want long walks, we want good books. I actually need to start reading more books.

Speaker 1:

I just yeah, I do as well. If I'm being honest, I'm desperate.

Speaker 2:

I'm desperate as well, like I have so many books and I'll start them, and then I'm like I get too tired. But I need to do that. I need to prioritize more books. Journaling, just just a peaceful monk life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Just want to live like a monk. This month I actually put down a list of what I'm going to do. I started journaling and I was like it just had so much.

Speaker 2:

It goes and I'm really bad for it Like I started and then I won't continue. What is your list for this month so?

Speaker 1:

my list is this month more living, more walks, more music, more laughs, more journaling, more exercising, more doing sunrises. I need to like get up. I got into a little rush after Christmas of like getting out of bed the last minute, which was never me. Like was never me. Yeah Well, you were like up at 5am.

Speaker 2:

You were working to the bone. I wonder if you want to get over it.

Speaker 1:

I literally I was like I can't do it anymore, like I feel like I don't know why, because I was so used to getting up at that time. I feel like I'm doing something wrong now To get me no that happened to me.

Speaker 2:

That happened to me Like I used to be the same right and then in the last I'm not so bad now in the last Saturday year, but from about September to December I couldn't get up anymore. Like I went to that same phase. I was like what is wrong with me? I used to be really like a morning person. And then actually my Reiki girl said to me she was like listen to your body. So I was meant to kind of like knock it up early.

Speaker 1:

You needed the rest.

Speaker 2:

I needed the rest, but now I feel like I'm back in that early buzz. Now again I'm excited about like sunrise and stuff Like, and I think I will go, like you know, go to like the beach for sunrise and then we're about to become an earth girl. Well, I am a Capricorn, so I'm an earth sign. So you know.

Speaker 1:

Same actually, and Pisces so oh yeah, but you're like water, you're like water. So, yeah, I need to be by the sea.

Speaker 2:

There's a reason we may check our compatibility, I think Capricorn, oh, we won't get into that right now.

Speaker 2:

We hear that's another episode of the week was beaten of him. Since I'm sick, I was prepared myself for gallbladder surgery all week because of my stomach issues. Yes, so fill us in, tell us. So. Basically, I put this on my social media If anyone's not aware of this. That way, protein can have a serious side effects on you.

Speaker 2:

So I had severe bloat and like severe cramps, I mean like chronic pain where I could not stand up, and like that, like I was just felt like I took a toilet but I couldn't go toilet, like do you know? That kind of way Like I'm not saying I had like diarrhea, or like I wasn't concentrating either it was a really weird feeling. I just felt like even my face inflamed, like everywhere in flames, my whole body just inflamed. So like I was like what is going on? Like. So it went to doctor and he was like yeah, it was two different issues, it was my ovaries and then he taught with my gallbladder. So I was preparing myself mentally for gallbladder surgery all week. I was waking up in the middle of the night and like I still want my gallbladder, like I don't want to get my gallbladder out. I don't know what it really does, but like I know it's not like life threatening, but like I want to keep it in tact.

Speaker 1:

It was just scary, jesus Christ. It just doesn't sound right to get that removed, doesn't it?

Speaker 2:

No, but it so all the way for scans and all and everything is healthy. So they've been there. So not around my gallbladder. And yes, then I was like what? I was really more confused, simone. I was like right on the test, they're clear, my blood's coming back fine. He said they're excellent, I'm not CVAC. And then he goes are you taking away protein? And I went, oh my God, I fucking am. He's like you don't normally take away protein. I was like no, I don't keep it because you don't normally take the vegan one. I was like that's fucking it, because he was the same he got adult athlete when he was on it. So, oh my God, unbelievable.

Speaker 2:

But like, the amount of women who wrote me were like did not know the side effects, because I was like will I put it up or won't I? I was like no, I put it up because not everyone is in. Some people are into fitness but they're not into fitness to just take it. And they're like even a lot of fitness people wrote me and they're like, oh my God, I wonder, is that my blood? And I'm like is this not your job? I just thought it was mental that a lot of people didn't know about it and then I went researching it and it actually can cause low grade, weight-free flu symptoms. Hello yeah, so now we're taking it to late.

Speaker 1:

It definitely is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because I think my goat is like obviously trying to repair itself. Yeah, it was obviously connected to it as well, so I haven't taken.

Speaker 1:

I was a devil for taking it years ago, like, and then I switched to the vegan one, like you did I haven't. And another thing I cannot eat protein first. They kill me. I will look six months pregnant, yeah, like when I overindulge in protein. Anyway, I know they say oh, you should be having this amount, that amount.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think, follow your body and what you can take yourself.

Speaker 1:

I agree.

Speaker 2:

I agree, so listening to other people.

Speaker 1:

You know your body, you know yourself, you know what you can, but for years you're still learning, like the job of the self-reformer. Yes, we saw your stomach scared, your stomach scared, the living daylights out of me, like, and the way you reacted, everything I was like is she actually okay? Like what the?

Speaker 2:

hell. I was in chronic pain. I couldn't stand up Like it was, like it was just like, and like what you said, a lot of people wrote into protein bars and that they can't take a meter. I've learned this, like I've over the last couple of weeks. I'm really going to tune about listening to your body and not listen from other people of what you should be eating or not eating, because I know my own body, like I have got to this point where I know what I can eat, foods that work for me and I kind of went against that and now I'm like my goat was after flaring up because of it. So yeah, it's just mad. I just thought I bring awareness to it. Like it's actually crazy. I was looking up the stats because, like, obviously I'm sitting at lactose intolerant, so you can still be allergic or not allergic intolerance to it, because your body just finds it hard to break it down. But I'm not actually lactose intolerant, I just have my body just quite sensitive to when you're over in Georgia.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So back to my pea protein.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, it's actually crazy, I don't know. I just think it's worse as you get older, though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you could be maybe as like an older as well, that maybe I'm more sensitive, I don't know. I found, since I stripped back and, like you know, I got really upset at like go health and stuff, so I stripped back and started to eat all clean foods. I found now, if I I think that's like process mate Stomach reacts, which is mad isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, people always say to me as like how do you not eat meat? How do you eat this? How do you eat that? It's not that I'm on a strict diet, it's just. I know I will be in chronic pain. I will be bloated for five days. I want to get severe heartburn, like I wake half the night when I eat something that's not not so much meat. You get me Like yeah, even for I can think I have been slicked.

Speaker 1:

The heartburn is hitting the roof. I swear. It's actually like I feel like the two of us are just two walking yeah.

Speaker 2:

Honestly like we just don't know what's in them?

Speaker 1:

Like you said, like process foods are the worst. Like anything that comes in a jar comes in a tin. Yeah, that's wrapped at this rate.

Speaker 2:

I just feel like the reason I never took really way approachee was because I didn't take pre-workouts or like people think they're weird, but I just do that trust within them. I just I just take a cabbie, go for your body and I don't know why I went against my goat. I went to a way approachee and I was trying to like increase calories and I just went against what I normally do and I just shouldn't have done that. So yeah, Back to the vegan side.

Speaker 1:

You live and you learn, and once you're healthy and nothing major is wrong, that's the main thing, exactly.

Speaker 2:

So, anyway, anyone that's on whey protein out there if you are bloating, if you're feeling shit, come off it and see this actually help. I'd be interested to know if anyone has any whey protein disaster stories like myself. Just breathe. Melissa and Simone are here to listen. So on this week's juicy jammy Dodger Salema, we have a very interesting one.

Speaker 1:

So no girls. Where do I begin? Dot dot? I started a new job in a primary school over a month ago. Long be hobbled. I had my first parent teacher meetings, Anyhow always going well until I had one of the students dad proper flirting with me. One thing led to another and we ended up having a sneaky kiss in the classroom.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, no stop, oh my God.

Speaker 1:

No, I can't. I'm like, oh what? And he's asked me out on a date. I'm not sure what to do. Is this a good idea or a bad idea? You're a dirty devil in the classroom.

Speaker 2:

You, naughty teacher, you naughty, naughty girl. My Brazilian doesn't have white.

Speaker 1:

He's single, If I can hope he is. She hadn't mentioned that.

Speaker 2:

Well, I presume he is, I don't know. It's hard when you have his child in your classroom. If he didn't, they'd say go for it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know. It is a hard situation because it's like if it did come out and it did happen, like someone saw them on the jacket or whatever it may be. It's like favoritism over the child and, as well as the golfy hours? And then what if it doesn't work out? How are you gonna feel about him coming to the school gate picking up your child picking?

Speaker 2:

up the child I don't know, I just try to think of, like I know a few teachers, like I'm trying to think like that, what would I tell you? It's hard, it is.

Speaker 1:

But you know what I'm just kind of like maybe go for it, see how it goes like worst case scenario, like we're in February, it's going to be summer soon, yeah, but unless you say well, I'll do it when I finish school, I'll go on a date with you and, like June, yeah that's it February, I know, but like I don't know, I just think it's awkward, like yeah, no, it is like each other and then, like she's seeing, like dropping the child's gay, and then yeah, I don't know, maybe just be messaging for a while.

Speaker 1:

See the vibe you get, have a few phone calls or whatever, and then kind of consider going on a date, just see, kind of like a match man in heaven. So yeah, like you, just don't know everything happens for a reason, like she did. Just say that she started the job policy, that you're not like I don't know, we need some teachers.

Speaker 2:

Like send us the msx. Is there a policy in your schools? Are you allowed it? Like, are you allowed to date? Like your students, I feel like it does happen, like she could easily get sucked, like you can't you get sucked from that, like is it a policy I don't know, like I don't know you?

Speaker 1:

realistically, let's come out, be fucking like having a shift in a classroom like.

Speaker 2:

I'm literally just shifting the classroom.

Speaker 1:

I would die. I actually don't know it must have been, though, like a very intimate sexual tension to that almond so, which makes me think that they're mostly feel like I wanted a little bit more juice and I'm a little bit more but I need teachers.

Speaker 2:

Can we please have teachers send us in DMs about like funny stuff that has happened in schools? Because I thought like give us some dilemmas, like yeah, we need a little bit more yeah like to the principal, like having a fair with, like, the art teacher, something like something dramatic. Give us some dramatic, yeah, but I don't feel like I don't know, I don't feel like that.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it's just because, like she didn't say, that it was a month ago and now she is great. Each of means and this tall Prince Charmin just comes running in and yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I would say, give it a go yeah, give it a go, but like I text for a while and towards the end of the year, then maybe gonna do him yeah, see how the vibes are see other vibes are, but in a teacher's.

Speaker 2:

We want you next week. We want some juicy, juicy, juicy stuff. We have a big cat of mystery. So if you haven't listened to our podcast, we have a big pink hat that we put out a random topic, that means one don't know what they are, and we speak about it for a couple of minutes. I'm always scared to read these, are you?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I know it always brings me out. It's like what's on the second? Pop off. Never prepare for it.

Speaker 2:

So, oh, you believe in God?

Speaker 1:

discuss, I don't believe that there's a man sitting in the clouds on a chair no. I don't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't believe there is any sort of man. I think I believe in like that everything is energetically aligned, because that is scientific, like that science, that's physics and and the same manifestation and things like that, like it is all got to do energy and what you put out, you get back and but I don't believe there's a God. I do believe that there's something, because every religion says there's a God. So I don't believe there's any difference between any of us, like any religions. You get what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Like we're all, it all came from somewhere yeah, it all came from somewhere, the stories, but everyone is kind of branched out into their own little inches.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but no, I am an atheist no idea I do, but I would put my hands up and do think that there, there is something there. I obviously don't know, because I physically haven't seen him or she or it or whatever it may be, but I definitely do think that there is something there. Well, I'd like to believe that there is yeah. I feel like quit, loved ones and when people go to heaven and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

I do like to believe that that's lovely because that's like and I would never like take that away from anyone like if someone's to believe that like it's so nice to have hope and I suppose if you are at that point in your life you know where you are sick and stuff it's really nice to have the hope. But then I don't agree with, like people who do believe then getting on to people who are atheists, like yeah, they're all believe their own opinion yeah, I mean everyone just and I'd never judge anyone, ever.

Speaker 1:

No. I think it's a very kind of deep like I don't think anyone 100% knows what they believe in them, because I like always second guess and don't know that you're in there.

Speaker 2:

I feel like our, your beliefs could change it at certain points in your life, you know. I mean like there could be a certain point in your life where that you need like God's and you need to go to church and you need that like hope and connection, and I think that's lovely, like my hands up and say it like Jesus, I don't know when the last time we went to mass.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I do believe. And then there's other parts of me, like when something bad happens, I'm like why you doing this, like if you are there to get me?

Speaker 2:

yeah, it's very hard, to kind of put my thing I think God or Buddha or any of them is just like. I honestly think it's just manifestation, except where it's the same thing, I think if we all everything's energy, like the whole earth, like everything we touch is energy, so like if you're on a high vibration, you're attracting high vibrations or a low vibration, you're more inclined to bad things. Yeah, do you go?

Speaker 1:

I mean yeah, yeah it's like private man say, like you know, when they say like a candle, like I know you don't always say go like a candle and I'm gonna hope this happens. But vibrations is the energy you're like it's burning yeah to get me station it's the same thing.

Speaker 2:

I'm telling you this is just just. Over the years they met it more political. But religion the problem is where religion is that it's it became like very political and it's actually after causing a lot of wars. Religion is cause half of the wars out there. That's the problem, yeah, where I think it's over complicated, do you know? I mean so. I do believe in reincarnation, though I do think we come back as another story yeah, I 100% believe in that.

Speaker 1:

That's what my hands up and say definitely is, I don't care.

Speaker 2:

I've seen a lot of things that like reading off about from like different people online and stuff that like people that are in your life now, you've known in a past life but could make different forms, so like you would have been my sister, for example, and that's why we reconnected again. Do you know that? Anyway, it's like it goes in the circle. Yeah, that got a bit deep and that is our question answered. Do you believe in God? Very deep, very deep episodes this week.

Speaker 2:

It's deep as needed, deep as needed so hopefully anything that we spoke about helps one. So on this week's weekly affirmation we have I accept myself for who I am. I am strong, brave and powerful.

Speaker 1:

Love, I love that we needed that this week yeah, yeah, we did need that this week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so if you want to send us in any dilemmas, we're waiting on teachers. Yeah, 100% send it into the Booty Blonde's podcast, or you can. Dm us and don't forget to follow us on Spotify and Apple to help our little podcast grow so we get bigger and better guests and hopefully have a little studio soon. So yeah, yes, 100%, we are ready for it we are ready for it, so see you next week. Bye.

Dealing With Bullying and Social Media
Dealing With Bullying in Life
Support and Coping Strategies for Cyberbullying
Dating Dilemmas and Belief Systems
Deep Self-Acceptance Affirmations and Growth