Boujee Blondes

School uniforms, Peoples bad habits and icks!!

March 05, 2024 Melissa Clarke & Simone grace Episode 48
School uniforms, Peoples bad habits and icks!!
Boujee Blondes
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Boujee Blondes
School uniforms, Peoples bad habits and icks!!
Mar 05, 2024 Episode 48
Melissa Clarke & Simone grace

Ever found yourself cringing at the sight of someone else's bad habits or caught between the crosshairs of an ethically ambiguous situation? This week's episode dives headfirst into life's less pleasant moments—from the grotesque to the outright awkward. We tackle everything from witnessing public nose-picking to the moral quagmire of stumbling upon questionable behavior. The discussion promises to pull no punches, giving you an unfiltered take on what it means to confront discomfort and the choices we face in the aftermath.

The debate rages on as we turn to the familiar territory of school uniforms, questioning their place in modern education. Do they still serve to level the playing field, or stifle expression? We share our own love-hate relationship with those stiff collars and ties, reminiscing on how these enforced outfits shaped our school experiences. The conversation then takes an intriguing twist, touching upon the cosmic gloom of February and the strange notion of a mirrored Earth—pondering the existence of alternate versions of ourselves and what that could mean for our understanding of reality.

As we round off the episode, there's a moment to reflect on the ongoing journey of self-improvement and to thank you, our listeners, for your unwavering support. We're not just here to entertain; we're here to grow together, and every listen, follow, and share helps us continue this shared exploration. Get ready for a dose of raw conversations sprinkled with a bit of whimsy, and join us as we strive to be better with each passing day.

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Ever found yourself cringing at the sight of someone else's bad habits or caught between the crosshairs of an ethically ambiguous situation? This week's episode dives headfirst into life's less pleasant moments—from the grotesque to the outright awkward. We tackle everything from witnessing public nose-picking to the moral quagmire of stumbling upon questionable behavior. The discussion promises to pull no punches, giving you an unfiltered take on what it means to confront discomfort and the choices we face in the aftermath.

The debate rages on as we turn to the familiar territory of school uniforms, questioning their place in modern education. Do they still serve to level the playing field, or stifle expression? We share our own love-hate relationship with those stiff collars and ties, reminiscing on how these enforced outfits shaped our school experiences. The conversation then takes an intriguing twist, touching upon the cosmic gloom of February and the strange notion of a mirrored Earth—pondering the existence of alternate versions of ourselves and what that could mean for our understanding of reality.

As we round off the episode, there's a moment to reflect on the ongoing journey of self-improvement and to thank you, our listeners, for your unwavering support. We're not just here to entertain; we're here to grow together, and every listen, follow, and share helps us continue this shared exploration. Get ready for a dose of raw conversations sprinkled with a bit of whimsy, and join us as we strive to be better with each passing day.

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Speaker 1:

Oh, and I hate when they do that thing, you know, when they're like hold their nose and then the blood snots. That is my biggest ache. I hate, oh my God, or even men spitting. I just like spitting on the floor. I'm like, oh my God, vile.

Speaker 2:

This is probably one of the best ones that we've gotten because what Like? I don't know what I do.

Speaker 1:

It's the Boojee Blonde podcast with Melissa and Simone, available on Spotify, apple or wherever you get your podcasts. Now let's get Boojee. Hi, I'm Melissa, hi, I'm Simone. Our podcast is serving you, bestie vibes, we are just two country girls chatting about all things we struggle with daily life.

Speaker 1:

And, of course, talking about certain issues that some people are afraid to speak about. We give it to you real, while having crack along the way. Remember, these are just our opinion scouts, so don't take us too seriously. We're just giving you some best friend advice. So on this week's episode, we're having a little chat about people's worst habits. We're also having a little chat about schooling forms in schools. Should they be banned or are there advantages to them, and how? February is the most depressing month of the year. Hi, simone.

Speaker 2:

Hi, my lovely how are you?

Speaker 1:

I'm good February. What is with February this year? I'm the only person that feels like it's like worse than January.

Speaker 2:

No, it actually is. It should be February blues, not January blues. Like honestly, it's horrendous. I feel like I'm after seeing a lot of girls' stories as well. In the last few weeks I've been like what is going on? Why am I feeling like this?

Speaker 1:

There was a full moon so it was meant to be a very powerful full moon. I just haven't been sleeping like the last couple of days. Here's your sister and I feel like I don't know. I'm like all jittery and anxious this month.

Speaker 2:

It's a very unbalanced year, Isn't it? I don't know what it is really is, and I even feel like all my friends around me here as well we're all on the same wavelength. I think the universe is like testing us all.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like putting us through. I don't know if you get to. I feel like when you get to a certain age, you just seem to like want more for your life. I think like we're so, like I don't know, we said this before, but we want everything to be perfect, even though that's not life and that's not how it works. And I feel like the real in life is like there's always going to be bumps in the road, and it makes it to the person who we are. Well, I'm just like Jesus. We have enough bumps now.

Speaker 1:

I feel now, lads, I matter having enough bumps. I feel like on a roller coaster since 2020, like come on, now, come on.

Speaker 2:

I think it's since COVID, though. Yeah, it is, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

I feel like in January I felt like I was in a really good like mindset, mindset, mental space. I was calm, I was collected, very grateful. And then February came and I feel like all the like toxins are just coming out of me. I've been sick for the whole month. It's like the universe is like we need to cleanse this girl, we need to put her.

Speaker 2:

It's like a new beginning and you're like. You're like a flower is setting the seed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe I'm like a butterfly, maybe like I'm just like coming out of my cocoon and I'm going to just fly into the sun, setting out a march, exactly.

Speaker 2:

From here on in, I promise you it's got. We're all going to be shining little butterflies.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah no, it's the moon, though it's going to be a powerful, a very powerful full moon. I know people like I see an M or it's like, oh, girls, blame another problems on the full moon. I'm like it's a thing. I'm telling you it is, it is a thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because we're so connected with the universe. I feel like some people like I don't laugh about it, yeah, we actually are. Like I don't care, I just think of an obvious access, but I just think men just take the whole piss out of it anyway. Yeah, they do. Yeah, this whole manifestation, yeah Little moon thing, or like your horoscope, they all seem to have like a weird vibe about us, even like yeah no, they hate, they have to hate it.

Speaker 1:

I think there's a little witch in me. I think I was a witch in a mask. I do, I do, I'm sure they're going to tell you witches?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think like the smell of sage. In my house, people like smells like weed. They're like, oh my God, is she smoking weed? No, it's sage hunts. Yeah, just saging you Like she's, like we're in our healing, healing, healing month, healing month. So I was, I was I seen when you were younger in school, right, I seen a couple of people in our schooling and farms, and this is what brought me up to this topic. Do you remember when we were younger and like we refused to wear coats going to school? Yeah, why did we do this? Can someone tell me yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's like you're too cold to wear it. Yeah, and a tie as well. Like from primary school to secondary school. Like I have to wear a tie, always have to wear a tie in school. Like if you didn't wear a tie, like you're, you're banned. Basically Like you'll have to wear a tie. And I absolutely hated it because it was like is that the ones that you do yourself? It's the one like with the band around it. Ah, I mean so I suppose for like primary school and stuff like that. But oh my God, I actually got a class for a week.

Speaker 1:

I see an young one like today, and it's Baltic, and I was looking at her. I was like are you not freezing? Like I was like where is her coat? And then I was like I think I was like that though I don't know if I was, though, because I was always a cold crayer but like it was like I could be purple Melissa, and I still wouldn't wear one when I was younger. Yeah, but why Like like, why do we do that to ourselves?

Speaker 2:

I don't know Do you know, what I mean. It's something that you just think about as you get older and your parents, your grandparents, be absolutely nagging you for something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, bring a coat to school and it's like minus three out and you're like, no, I'm grand, like literally. We were not grand, we were like Baltic shaking all day Like I wouldn't be able to do that now.

Speaker 2:

No, no, not a chance. Like I, literally, when I'm at home, I will do layers upon layers upon layers. I can have about five pairs of socks on me. I remember seeing my dad doing that, going out to work, like when I was younger, and I was like he's a weirdo, Like what's he? Doing I just get older. It's so true you just get more sense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if I'm cold now, I would put some bad humour for like the whole day, like I'm like a completely different human being, I'm just one. I'm cold, the mood is just gone, like I'm in bad form, it is so.

Speaker 2:

Definitely. I always say a quote to weather effects or health.

Speaker 1:

Oh for sense, Like when I'm.

Speaker 2:

I'm physically though, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like I'm just so much better humour when I'm like warm, do you know?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, did you have to wear skirts in school?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, now we had options for trousers, but no one wore them because, in fairness, they were fairly manky. They were like they weren't fashionable. Trousers, like I think they kind of like were like boo-cup, like you know, tight the ankle, but they were like saggy on the arse, do you go?

Speaker 2:

on me and I feel like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I feel like back then, if you wore, like anyone, the board the trousers, like we're like oh my god, they're so cool, like it's terrible. Everyone wore skirts. We're like, sure, the skirts used to be rolled up and they were like twisted and everything, do you? Know I mean like we're already with stroke to the last and I had such an issue because I was so small and high anyway. So like mine has to be extra old. So like the nerdy, start like puffing out, like because you're all nuts.

Speaker 2:

I remember in secondary school, like ours are, you know it wasn't the worst, but I see and like Joe, and they go up like yeah, the country, if you go to a city, and I remember like seeing girls and their skirts were done or their ankles with the yeah, no, but thank god we didn't put our skirt in school, was a kid, but it was made to be like underneath, like journey.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so was ours.

Speaker 2:

That just never happened. We're all wearing tan going to school. Yeah, absolutely. When you look back on it, it's horrendous. I go look at my little sister in school and I'm like the tan, it's the hands for me, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I Used to see the tan like your knee, like I used to just hand my knee.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I used to have that going to this, because it's like I just have my legs and my arms on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, now that is my worst nightmare. Well, that's my worst ache now. I wouldn't be able to do that. I have to tan everywhere now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, do you know what it reminds me of Angus tongues and perfect snogging? You know that film?

Speaker 1:

No, I've never seen that and she has like I'm.

Speaker 2:

She puts on fake tan, so first time using tan and she's going to meet a boy at the pool. But she put him on our upper body and she's in the pool and she does a handstand and flips up and he's like your legs are like two giant cheeseballs. Stop, it's the point. Boy just brings me back to life, my teenage years, like it actually genuinely does. It's so. It's so funny, it's hilarious, it's a much one like a must watch.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'm a lot of layer. I just I feel like they tried to implement us, like to have our skirts underneath, ernie, and like I feel like we just didn't listen to me.

Speaker 1:

It's just yeah like in fairness, our uniforms were talented, you know yeah, like I feel like our uniforms weren't that bad and, in fairness, like they weren't really that like strict on like Makeup and stuff compared to other schools. Like I'm a variety the demo in a school and and the principal used to go around baby wipes to make like every girl take off even a bit of foundation. Yeah, like he was really strict. Well, ours now was more so like Pearson's or yeah, like I think you weren't like like mad hair colors or anything. But yeah, wasn't I strict at makeup.

Speaker 2:

Like you cut and have like your nails done stuff like that, like little things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I'm embraced how my lip here's. And these mental trainer?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I've been living Reveille right, oh my gosh. We need to do like an episode where, like we show like pictures of our younger self.

Speaker 1:

Why did I get that done? What's that called? It's above your lip there. I can't think what. There's like a name and that Pearson. I was like you know, like you were like a lot of people. I was a cool thing to have it done, like if you were. But like now, I still have a mark and I'd so regret it. Like you can still see the mark of the Pearson like it's hate.

Speaker 2:

It's math. Oh, I remember everyone was getting their nose pierced and I just want to Worrying off.

Speaker 1:

No, I got my nose pierced, like years ago. I took it out then when I started Beauty therapy college and I try, got it done. Then what about, like three years on, it again? I love, my love.

Speaker 2:

I would like it though, but I just feel like. I do feel like, just on the topic of here, since they still other people yeah, so then they yeah, somebody else yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I can't imagine you Without it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, do I want to say? Yeah, I don't know if it because you're so used to seeing some pop Realistically, could you imagine me?

Speaker 1:

No, I think you'd be nicer in those person though. Really, yeah, yeah, like cuz you can get like little tiny one. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know, I like. I just like after weirdest notes ever.

Speaker 1:

I think you'd be really weird now a tattoos or something, yeah, like a sleeve, like I don't think I think you look so like. It just would not be your vibe with some over big sleeve like no, I don't think it's my vibe either. I think we're too girly. I think it's your.

Speaker 2:

I know it's something to do with your personality, though I think so too, isn't? It. Hmm, it's like what you bring to the table, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'd like little tattoos, like I have one in the bottom my back. But I'd like Like a few little tattoos, do you know? I mean like a cutie one.

Speaker 2:

We should get like a little, just great matter.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, we should.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, love some. I would love something like just like Joe under, like my ribs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, like something like, like an affirmation or something yeah. I'm like yeah so cute. For the next time someone's home we have to go mean her after that and like that too.

Speaker 2:

Oh why do we put this out to the universe? Yeah, I know come at us, been like with the minute I'm home after playing the like residential girls.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, longer out of the book. Yeah, so I need to have two recommendations for me and someone to go to that snow. No, oh my god Not a chance and so like, do you like? So, when you were in school, like, do you feel that Uniforms are good or a bad thing? Like I think they're personally a good thing, because, yeah, I think, like I remember, these have no uniform days.

Speaker 2:

I remember I don't know about you, but we used to have to wear like our own PE uniform. We could technically wear what we kind of want to say and like. I remember I don't know if you remember Hollister and apple Grumpy yeah but it was like if you didn't wear that for PE like you were, no, but that's it Like yeah, I'm like who you like. They kind of turn your nose up, yeah you know that kind of right.

Speaker 1:

I'm probably school. We were like we're wherever we wanted, but I remember like I used to always feel a bit insecure because I never used to have like, never got peace to be a really big thing as well. Yeah, and I used to have like just like I was like non-branded, like tracksuit Well, I feel them a minute. In second school we did have a House so vile, oh my god, that fucking key tracks. It was like white collared, like t-shirts oh my god, they were so vile. And then you had like the like navy joggers. There weren't even like nice jogger. Oh my god, they were so bad. They were so on flattering, like Like they were not nice. But anyway, I think it's a good thing, though, that they actually do have uniforms, because I think this especially now imagine when it's a school now and Not having a uniform, the pressure parents will be under.

Speaker 2:

It'd be so hard. But I just think, with girls going to an old girls school and definitely was way more bitchier than like my friends, that I thought that went to a mixed Really even on the non uniform days and stuff like that, like it's just I don't know. I think it's a lot of pressure on kids and it's nice to have a proper steady Kind of routine. It does help you in the future. Like to wear a uniform and you know To kind of, I don't know, we're kind of set the up for your life. I think a little bit, at least in one sense, everyone is On the same wavelength. Like to get me like everyone looks the same. I Don't know. I just I feel like with some schools you can get bullied a lot as well. Yeah, I'm pulling into a point. You can. I like it's nice when you have a set uniform.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think it gives you like an identity, like it gives helps students Put them into that identity and mindset of this is school and I need to learn and it's education. Like I know that sounds stupid from a uniform, but it does. Yeah, it's like when you get up in the morning, you're going to, like, say, your office job. You're going to put on like your office clothes. You're not gonna wear your gym clothes. Like I feel like your mindset when you put on your gym clothes is like different than your mindset when you're going to a work environment. Yeah, and I feel like we all have different, like Nearly personality traits per roll. Does that make sense? Definitely? Yeah, I can act every time you put on an outfit. Yeah, it's like we're playing the game a bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like on a night out, like I love, like are even just going for dinner, getting dressed up, coming home, taking off my Sail from work yeah, getting dressed up, going out and then like I'm a different person when I go into the gym. You're so right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's completely different, isn't it? Like I like, even like today, I was like, right, I feel like I need cozy lounge wearing it today because, like, obviously, the podcast is more like a chilled out environment. We're like, if I was going to like do like a wedding, I'm not gonna run this. Yeah, like, I feel like I don't know. Like I remember it like music about, about you scooting for him. But now, looking back, I think it was like it is such a good idea that every School has a uniform, but then some schools don't. And I just wonder, is there any like drama in those schools?

Speaker 2:

Like, do yeah, we need to do, we need to get people to send us in, yeah, the truth of their uniform and, yes, we need this Nice and we're gonna pick the worst one.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, we're gonna pick the worst one.

Speaker 2:

And we have to we're going to write my uniform rate my uniform.

Speaker 1:

I mean you would put pictures of our uniforms and as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I'm not putting up a picture of me in my school uniform. Oh my god.

Speaker 1:

We're if we're given over the uniform.

Speaker 2:

We have to okay.

Speaker 1:

Yes, send us in the uniform that you wore in school. Or, if you still are in school, send us in uniform. I will rate the worst one. I love it, I love it. I love our little games.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like that so my weekend was actually Quite sad, to be fair everyone's leaving Dubai. At the minute, like a lot of people do go to like Marbella or they go back home for a while, cuz, like I said, it does get really hot number.

Speaker 2:

But here, yeah, the summer. So we had a little go-away party last week for my friend who was supposed to go last Friday but got the day we stopped, is actually going this Wednesday. Oh really, you had like more time, whatever. So like I meant for a last Sunday roast dinner, and Then another girl is leaving in March and another girl is leaving this week.

Speaker 1:

So like I feel, like everyone's trying to find us. Three people are going, three of the girls are going from Dubai, actually altogether four of them. And are you going back?

Speaker 2:

home to Ireland or somewhere else. So two of them are going back to the UK, okay. Then another girl is going to Marbella and then Two others are going back to Ireland and then going to Marbella, but they're probably come back in like September or something like that. But it just made me realize, like I know I was home, that Christmas and stuff, yeah, it's like it's making me miss home a lot, even though, like I was only home, I feel like it kind of broke that happy, steady medium. Yeah, love and I hear, and getting into, because I'm such a creature I have it. So, when you think about it, for the last year, like my whole life was set out like I was in a proper routine. Then a little few things went wrong, such as like apartments, jobs, this and the other, like payments all this written rules and I'm sorry that we can talk about.

Speaker 1:

You're like an old curveball, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. But it just shows like people come and go and life moves on and you just have to get on with it or whatever, like I'm so lucky, like I do have a lot of friends here. But it makes you realize when you leave home, like back at home, like when you go to work and come home, at least You're surrounded by your family and yeah, oh, it's nice to have, like it's back at home. Like I go and visit like my nan and my granddaughter, yeah, my aunt, my couple. So, yeah, here you just go visit your friends. They're like your little family.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because it's like saying goodbye Consist like goodbye, bye, bye when you come back. But yeah, it's, it's hard in a way you know what I mean. Like it is hard and it does get lonely. And picking up your whole life from over to another country and starting up it does get lonely. Yeah, even though it's it's an amazing country, like it's on the weather or whatever, but it's not all sunshine and roses. Like people like on human, do you know what I mean? Like a lot of people look at what stories or look at my grip books. They don't see what goes on 24 hours, each and every day.

Speaker 1:

We only thought the best. You know, I mean and it is true what you're actually saying as well like it's mad. It's how quick things change all of a sudden you don't even see a comment and you do kind of have to make decision or I need to go with, or I have to fight it. So half the time we just kind of have to like go with the change, because life is just about changing constantly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it just shows as, like humans and adults or whatever, like, they're constantly evolving. So when the time comes for you, when things aren't going and in the path that you wanted to it to go, in the same in a relationship, at the end of the day it's, it's your life. So what's meant for you will never pass, your pass, your bio, let go. Always say, but if something is constantly not working out and not working out, you need to take another path.

Speaker 2:

Yeah do you get me like so? Obviously the next path that you're supposed to take is going to make you a better person. Then Something else might pop up and you have to take another row or another path with life. You have to take all these different routes and turns in the road.

Speaker 1:

In the universe, like secretly sends a sign To like to push us in a new direction, like and that can be signs of things Not working out, which is annoying because like you're like I wanted to work out, but then you're like it obviously has a bigger plan in picture.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just, it's an eye-opener, like yeah, like it just. I think it does make you who you are, though, like the difficult times and the difficult measures, like Transform transforms your mindset, like your aspects of life, your aspirations, everything it just it makes you into who you are. Yeah, um, and I think, like Back at home, like how everything is like proper, like routine, like you go to work, like you come home whatever, like what it's all kind of a slower pace. When you come out here, it's like, uh yeah, guys, when you think about it, like it's only 50 years old, so they're still trying to Like evolve as a country, or is that she's?

Speaker 1:

already. Do you think like we are ahead of them as in like mindset and like Living like I don't mean like now and like like I know they're like lifestyle is like a lot more lavish, but do you feel that we're more like intent, are slower pace lifestyle in there?

Speaker 2:

I think we're more equipped for.

Speaker 1:

Reality. Okay, yeah, I get you. Yeah, it's a very futuristic city.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a lot of people make it. A lot of people don't. A lot of people struggle the same back home. It's the same everywhere really. But it's just to kind of Find your place here. It's not far everyone. Yeah, I say that it's. It's not for everyone. People come for a month and they're like nope, it's not for me, like a lot of people, like when you're so used to being back at home, like being in the nature of fresh air Constantly and just kind of down time, yeah, and I've been able to sit back and chill, that doesn't happen here. Okay, there is no general. A lot of people can do it like. I'm not that type of person anyway, so I don't need to go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I get it.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people that I've spoken to that didn't really like it was just. They're basically just saying, like it's just like. If you want to go on a mountain hike, like it's, it's all, it's sad.

Speaker 1:

And I think, I think I'd struggle with that, because I actually am very I didn't realize it, but I am I'm very much like a nature gal. Yeah like I love being out, like In, just yeah, like greenery, like fresh air.

Speaker 2:

It does help a lot because, like even when, I was speaking to my dad, he was like oh, I miss our walks of the mountain. Yeah, like on a Sunday morning I'm sure you come on and I'm like I know, I know it is hard, but like Joe went back at home, like you're climbing mountain to twerk and see of you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, not, really, do not mean because they're so far out, it's just a different yeah, yeah, like it is more Like wow out on Dubai, like a static, like beautiful buildings, like beautiful food paths, like Just like beautiful, like even restaurants, and like you can see that like it's like Like Aesthetically beautiful. Yeah, I like probably in a lot of ways so much better in Ireland, but I think in Ireland we are like it is sometimes the simplistic things that we miss that we should be like so grateful or like that I'm just going out for a walk and like seeing a few sheep, you know, and like we said like having that like Little neck to family, you know, I mean.

Speaker 2:

You know what is. It took it wrong so much easier, but sometimes like one of the girls who say it's time to call it a day now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like you do it, like you set yourself a challenge to see this new, like lifestyle and culture and Like, and you do bring back stuff that you've learned from living there. Do you know? I mean, you've like clearly like grown and you know change from the person that you left going out, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a hundred percent and then I feel that way. Yeah, I think it's a lot of its mind up there.

Speaker 1:

When you come here like you're probably so much more in, you're more independent now and everything Like that. You were just like pushed into a fast Like.

Speaker 2:

Back on the year though, like how should I do that?

Speaker 1:

like yeah things like along the way that I'm like yeah, I might actually and I don't people realize like they like like doing a podcast independently, like two people independently doing a podcast with no external help, like to be that consistent for like a Year. Like is crazy yeah.

Speaker 2:

Things that kind of made us like push back about what we still get, to go Like like what's a heart? I just think for me like it's comfort thingy, yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I I appreciate you and you and your listeners.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but yeah it's been. It's been an interesting year and yeah let's see what comes next. Yeah, you just need to get out February first, cuz, fuck you. February. Fuck you. I'm done my healing phase now. Make me better, just Breathe. Melissa Simone are here to listen. This week's juicy jammy and Dodgers a dilemma we have. We have a good one.

Speaker 2:

Very interesting.

Speaker 1:

Hey, gals, hope you're good. No, I'm in shock, horror, right. I went to a hairdresser's in Blanche last week and I actually can't hope but hope with what I saw. Lol, before I begin, I absolutely love my hair, Was the first time going to this particular salon and the service was 10 out of 10. However, I asked could I use the bathroom real quick? The woman's bathroom was locked, so I use the disabled one. And lo and behold, I walked in on the owner, which is a man and a girl Giving him head. Oh, my god, god right, a lot needs to go back to where I was reading Giving him head. I honestly don't know. Didn't know what to do. I just walked away and closed the door. I couldn't breathe, laughing when I got back to my seat and I just had to tell the girl to my hair. Now she wants to take a further, as the girl was a lot younger than him and it's very inappropriate, but she wants to use me as a witness. What should I do?

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

Was a hairdresser, or was it just a?

Speaker 2:

I think it was one of the girls here that she was getting her hair done off.

Speaker 1:

I Wouldn't be getting involved in that. I'm like sorry. No, I'm sorry, I know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I will come back and I'll be laughing. Wait, be open. He. So the hairdresser is, and I just wanted to go in, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm after seeing like a full-on, like literally porn hope, nah, what is it?

Speaker 2:

people like doing things in public places lately, like the most randomist I've ever heard in the like no, no, I'm sorry, no, no, no. I'm very curious to know Because, like, why would you want to take a further otherwise? Yeah, I Need to know the age. I need more juice on this.

Speaker 1:

I personally won't get involved in that situation, especially now, like unless we came out that, like the girl was like, obviously a teenager and I didn't want obviously. That's a complete different scenario. Well, if it was just a general hook-up thing, I will be no witness, my eyes are closed, I didn't see a thing. I don't be involved in people's drama and good luck. I just wanted to get me fucking highlights on, like I don't be seeing porn hub. Like please Just do my highlights. You know, I don't even think I'd be laughing. Coming back from I think I was shook.

Speaker 2:

I'd be like I don't know, though, I get really awkward in situations like that. I actually do like I don't know why I do. I'd be like if the ground could open up and swallow me there, and then I would dive into it.

Speaker 1:

I think I'd have to make an excuse that I have to like family emergency and I have to leave, or something like I'm so awkward some more, wouldn't it like?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but obviously like they come back out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this see her. So what did they do? To just let on, nothing happens, like to see, give her just the look as if, to Show up and say not like what, I don't know, I'm like no, I don't want to. I'm leaving us on cliffhangers, like I know we need.

Speaker 2:

We follow. I Don't know, I don't think I would take me personally. I don't want to play. Situation. This is why we need to know a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wouldn't be taking a further. No, I mean, I would just saying Shut my catches, no flies.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, what is it? Is there? You're so filthy animals, lads, these are gone. Why? I asked, I wonder, was it? Or also I wonder, was it around the time with the full moon? Yeah, I'm like.

Speaker 2:

What I mean last week's. What would we hear about, which is very. My conspiracy married. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he's a fucking sheet bastard.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm reading to it now. My head's going nuts.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I'm reading into it now as well means some one kind of our own theories. I love it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because why would the other woman want to take a friend?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no I need to know. Come on now. Stop leaving us in cliffhangers. We need the rest of the story. Like that's just unfair. I'm gonna think of this all night now. I know, I know what the thing is. I'm like.

Speaker 2:

I know this, so fuck on like. I want to know what Sam on the list yeah, who is?

Speaker 1:

the person oh yeah, blow job, blow job. Here's your salon up in Blanche. I love drama like this is. Oh yeah, it makes me actually like I'm putting this after now.

Speaker 2:

So people are gonna be like Looking up every man.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, like, maybe, like our little spies, they'll be trying to find out and they'll probably tell us. If you know what, tell us, if you know, please.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah, little investigators, we want to know if you do have any more juicy jammy dodgers, elements or stories. Make sure you email us at the bootie France podcast at emailcom, or you can send a DM to me or Simone, or the podcast page. We have our big, massive pink boogey hat of mystery. So let's see what topic is in first this week. I love this little section that makes me scared. Right, it's a long one. What have you found out? There is another earth out there, the complete mirror of your own in every way, and that another you existed on it. Would you want to meet the second you? This is so weird, why.

Speaker 2:

Because I actually watched a documentary on this years and years and years ago. Oh, did you? I swear to God. There was like, before we get into it, there was like it was another earth but was underneath us, if that makes sense, oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

They had.

Speaker 2:

It was like yeah, the earth is round the river. And then it was like it's a mirror underneath us. So it was like a dome.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I get you and then again the Sims, the way they don't know, and I was like, oh my God, this is weird.

Speaker 2:

And it just got my head and I remember I remember my dad been like to me, stop reading it. To her he was like you can have an open mind to a degree, but you need to shut it out a little bit. Because I was like, why, for what? I just, oh, my brain goes crazy. But it's weird because there is a couple of various possibilities. Yeah, what do you think?

Speaker 1:

I don't know what I want to meet my other me that's on another earth. That is exactly the same as here. Would I just be the same then? Is it just the same how?

Speaker 2:

weird. Would that be Like? Would you like yourself for who you are if you physically see you from your own?

Speaker 1:

body, like, I wonder am I the same? Am I living a different lifestyle? Like, or I'm like, I'm Like. So they're saying the earth is the same. So is it me Like? I'm still the same person, but like, could I be living like?

Speaker 2:

a different life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like, am I living a completely different lifestyle without change my values as a person, my personality? Would it be change my characteristics? You know what I mean? Because, like, obviously people's, like, environments, can change who they are a bit as well. Would you like to meet your other self? I don't think.

Speaker 2:

I would, would you not? No, like even the fact that I know they say as well that they have a doppelganger out there. Yeah doppelganger, yeah yeah, exact same as you and I. That freaks me out, yeah it terrifies me, it's kind of cool and I would. Then again I'm like no, I don't know. Yeah, no, I personally don't think I would in my open youth.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I don't think I would either, because I'm like what's it really going to gain? I end up could probably hate in my other self, yeah, and then I kind of hate me.

Speaker 2:

So I'm like it's like the future you, or what if it's like reincarnation of another world?

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, it says it's the exact same and everything is the exact same. But why would that?

Speaker 2:

even be a thing, though I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Is it just like a mirror? Yeah, it is like a mirror. That's what they said in the OAK. It's like a mirror version of Earth. Everything's the exact same, so like.

Speaker 2:

So would it be the case that the same family would be then?

Speaker 1:

Hmm, so no.

Speaker 2:

Tell me.

Speaker 1:

See, these questions trigger my mind. I'm like then I'm like, hmm, you know, I don't know, I don't think I'd be bothered me in my other self. No.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I would either. I'm quite happy and content. My mind is stupid enough as it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't think that so I wonder what our listeners like. To meet their other self with their own completely murdered Earth? Yeah, have a think about that one. Sit down now with a cup of tea and think about that. Would you like to meet your other self? Right? Think about it long and hard.

Speaker 2:

We have to know?

Speaker 1:

Oh. So for this next topic of the week, we have strange habits that people do, or worse habits people do People's bad habits. Why can't I say it People's bad habits. Do you have any bad habits Me?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Not that I come to like it, unless someone said it to me. Yeah, that's how I feel. Really well, I know I'm very impatient.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

I am, I am All right, I'm really impatient, and then I don't help myself by it, because I constantly carry a tailsome task to do on a day to day basis and then I want them to like I don't know if it's a little bit. Ocd I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I mean I've been like that though, like I'm a bit. I'm a bit like I'm terrible for like ask, like I'll expect someone to do something, but then we'll criticize them when they do, because it's just never right. Yeah, you know, I like that's why I've never worked with anyone like or like Anyone else who referred to kind of do your own thing Are you kind of hired anyone like for makeup.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like yeah.

Speaker 2:

Because everyone has their own way of doing things.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't think that's. That's not. I don't think that's a bad habit. That's just kind of being independent and being a powerful force yeah, to get me and not want to.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Cause you get so used to doing your own thing and your own way. Yeah, I suppose I don't think that's a bad habit.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, here are some bad habits that this has come from Berkeley well-being. So examples of bad habits. Number one the couple of lists is smoking. So that I think can be. Obviously it is a bad habit and I think maybe a lot of people will get the ik from smoking as well. Do you know? But even like you know, you smell smoke like I hope sometimes you're like yeah, I personally hate it.

Speaker 2:

My opinion, like I, don't think, and I'm not judging anyone that does it. So I know a lot of people that do but like even when it comes to like relationships and stuff like that, it's a no go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wouldn't be able to go out with someone like who smokes now, like do you know what I mean? Well, it's actually mad how much like a lot of your pink countries are still really high, have a high smoking rate, like the likes of like Germany, france, italy they all have like a really high smoke compared to like UK and Ireland.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy, though, because even out, here you can smoke anywhere.

Speaker 1:

Really, can you smoke inside?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

London what.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, stop. Yeah, there's no ban, like at all. Like in a restaurant yeah, there is what like that's just before. But like in like clubs, bars, nightclubs, everyone's like, and I even vaping. Or she shouts like. I find really weird, that's mad.

Speaker 1:

And you can't even get into the country with a vape. It could be arrested, but you can see. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I know I know it is, it's something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay. Bad habit number two is not exercising. This is a bad habit that is not obviously as bad for you as smoking, but sometimes bad habits can be an inaction. Exercise is important for your health and mental state. It might be helped to start by doing exercise in small chunks, such as 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes after work. I do think exercising, though, is so important, like just for your head, I say the 15 minutes exercise a day is like enough, like fear does, like I know it's hard to juggle it because a lot of people like work it in and off of it.

Speaker 2:

Specifically, and they're sitting down that and it's tiring working on a computer all day. But I just feel like you need to get up even like two hours before and go out, get a walk in, then the evening time like two, a little bit of cardio or something like that, because it definitely takes years off your life when you don't. Oh, it does Like your heart is like are we? This organ like we need it to get me, so needs to keep pumping. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I actually heard this really weird stuff that your heart can actually let off, let go of magnetic fields up to five meters. Yeah, it's not crazy, it's not just pretty to have energy and manifestation so like if you're like full of, like gratefulness, it lets off a magnetic field. It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

The next one is not sleeping not getting enough sleep. Yeah, that's our bad habit.

Speaker 1:

We're right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, definitely. I know what as well. I think it is. It's a hard one to not be like. Most people suffer really bad. Like with that, like if you've a child or if you've so much going on, like it's hard to kind of like. I know about your relationship. I found it very hard to switch off in the night. Yeah, like I get them. I think about everyone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in the night.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what, what, what, what what.

Speaker 1:

How do you need seven to eight hours sleep? I've only got seven to eight hours sleep. Who'd be like two?

Speaker 2:

battery bunnies jumping around the place Like what.

Speaker 1:

Like, yeah, I just think as well this day, like our, like this time we're in as well. It's just it's given us lack of sleep because we're all busy and like working like long hours and stuff. But I am trying to prioritize my sleep. I am because I know how important it is, like for just your, your whole brain, like you know you juvenile and like your brain was juvenile at night, like so, yeah, see, I'll keep you updated. Yeah, I think in noses is another bad habit. No, no, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

But you ever know some people like they do it.

Speaker 1:

They do it, but like like that. You just know it's such a habit with them because they're not even like concerned to people looking. Do you know what I mean? Like it's just normative.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to get sick with us. I know we're on nose picking and we're on school and stuff like that. This is not even about nose pick. I'm sorry I'm going off track, but just a boy popped into my head to nose and primary school. I remember this was sandwich school when I was in primary school. Okay, yeah, and this little why you always pick as nose and eat it like always, no matter what. So my mom and my grandmother said that they were getting phone calls from my teacher being like Sloan's not eating her lunch to stop. Mom like told her to eat her lunch.

Speaker 2:

They used to sit there and tell you like you need to eat your lunch. So there's that. We do it Now. Bear in mind I was chubby when I was trying to like, so there's no harm in me not eating my lunch and food, because I'll be coming home for a feast, but like what he started doing, was I still remember, so well, what do? You do. He has to be picking as I was eating it. Then he come around at lunchtime and he dab his fingers into my sandwiches.

Speaker 2:

They're just just going around and he's just sticking out and he be like Stop.

Speaker 1:

You need to look this man up and see what he's doing now with his life, because he's not going to be like that.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't need to do that. No, no, no.

Speaker 1:

I'm feeling she knows already what he's doing with it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm sure for little things that you imagine, no.

Speaker 1:

No, so that's a big ick for you.

Speaker 2:

A lot of men do it, though. I think yeah, but it really isn't. It's just really matches or football matches and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and I hate when they do that things, you know, when they're like hold their nose and then the blood snots. That is my biggest ache. I hate, oh my God. Or even men spitting, I just like spitting on the floor. I'm like, oh my God, violent, Right too much screen time before bed. I think we're all can be guilty for this Mess up with the hormones that can help us go to sleep.

Speaker 1:

We should also we should have mindful meditation instead before going to sleep. Number five slouching. A lot of us now on computer screens, our desk, are slouching. I don't think I really slouched that much.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't. And what I did find, since I've been doing pilates a lot, it has hurt me.

Speaker 1:

How often do you do pilates? Every week, yeah every week.

Speaker 2:

I love pilates. I try again.

Speaker 1:

I need to find we're good to go though.

Speaker 2:

I try again three days a week, do you? Yeah, it's so much. I don't know what it is, but it helps me so much mentally, physically. It does something to me. I don't know what it is, but I like you because when you go to the gym and you're lifting heavy weights and stuff like that, I was finding it's a distraction. Yeah, locked up so much in my pilates and just not being able to need I don't know, you don't need recovery time, and I feel like pilates is kind of like yeah, recovery time.

Speaker 1:

I need to find somewhere nice to go to a pilates class.

Speaker 2:

It's very wholesome as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I want a nice vibe though, like you know. I want to be cute.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, can be aesthetically thick.

Speaker 1:

Aesthetically pleasing, you know, so my mind can adapt to it. Number six overspending, and this is my worst one. Number seven procrastination. I'm not as bad this year. Maybe it's because I set the intention, but sometimes I feel like when I self-sabotage myself, I will procrastinate.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. So if I think, if I have that fear or limited belief, I will procrastinate to stop me doing it, I do think we're all good students.

Speaker 2:

I think it's human nature.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is like you know what I mean. Yeah, negative self-talk Interesting. Often, people are too incapable of saying anything nice about themselves. I think we are so bad, actually, the Irish. We as people are often taught to be our own worst critics. Sometimes this can become overwhelming and lead to low self-esteem. That's why it's good to engage in positive self-talk. Encouraging ourselves may help you look at the brighter side of situations and ultimately feeling better. Definitely, I feel like we all get like some days, though we negatively self-talk ourselves. It's human nature as well.

Speaker 2:

Isn't it? I think so. Like you said, it's definitely an Irish thing. It's something that they really need to start bringing in schools. Oiling personally as kids and teenagers and stuff like that you can always think about it. They spend eight hours of their day in the classroom. To get me like, a lot of kids need that reassurance and need the confidence, because you see, in America I've never seen anything like Americans. I'm sorry, they're like cool. Yeah, kids really like that, yeah, unbelievable.

Speaker 1:

Another one Gossiping, overindulging, lying too much television, nail biting. You see some people who are like the nails to be in bits. I know someone actually pulls out their hair like twisting it.

Speaker 2:

I think that's an anxiety. You do do that as well?

Speaker 1:

Do you pull out your hair? No, no it's not you.

Speaker 2:

Definitely not me. The hairdresser cuts my hair and I'm like nope.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but like some people actually pull out with stress.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know, even I know a girl that does it with her lashes.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no stop.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she doesn't even realize she's doing it. I don't know. I do think it's like an anxious thing?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it definitely is Definitely related to anxiety, Living to impress others, failing to say no to things you dislike, Staying in a bad or toxic situation, cutting corners to finish that. Seriously, making decisions while you're angry I think that is something that I've definitely learned is never to act on impulse. If I'm angry about something, because I always try to say give myself 24 hours to think about it, because that could be World War 3 if I acted on things and I'm angry Eating poorly, poor money and savings management I need a fucking force in that. And number three I think we are number 13,. We also for this over thinking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I think I should have a golden medal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, why do we over think things like?

Speaker 2:

I don't know what it is, because I personally think like a week ahead of myself every single time. I'm like small girl, give yourself a break.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like so hard on ourselves.

Speaker 2:

No, I know I'm really bad at something that I really need to focus on this year because I like it whatever. I don't know what it is. I could be sitting in a restaurant and I could be an old man beside me on his own. I could be a whole cook on the dinner, I cry and I overthink. Do you get me the smallest things?

Speaker 1:

obviously they're bigger than that, yeah but that's human nature, though I feel like that just shows you have empathy as a human being, though Just situations like that, do you know what I mean? That just shows kindness as you. I'm a walk, and cry emoji.

Speaker 1:

Do you ever see your man that did the video of like we all had to act like emojis? You see that? Oh, I may send it to you. It's so funny. You know what I mean. It's for emojis. On the other hand, everything all like it was actually brilliant. I may send it to you, you know that emoji there. Yeah, he actually had that in it. He was like oh, lol.

Speaker 2:

The girls that are going on this week. Lauren, that's all. She's got drunk the other night. That's all she was doing. Oh my God, I have to go to bed. I know what it's hilarious because I remember it was like a trend on TikTok for a while. It was so funny.

Speaker 1:

Was it yeah?

Speaker 2:

so funny Anyway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they are people's worst habits. Do you find it gives you the ache like someone's worst habit?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but like I have to wear, I get to wear six, so I don't even find it If I go on.

Speaker 1:

It's funny. Tell us Go on.

Speaker 2:

I get an ache when someone's reversing their car. What Do you want me? People have different ways of reversing their car and I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's the way they lean or the way they do it.

Speaker 1:

Is it like the way they put their hand back? Is it like the way they turn their head Like jeez? I won't be reversing my car this morning.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what it is, but like Disgust and X is what we're on now at the minute. And, yeah, the biggest one would be like toilet manners are the worst, like if someone doesn't like flush the toilet after themselves or if they're like literally, if they cannot clean up after like they've been eaten, or clean down like the table. It's just, it's something that I'm like, it's the small things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, poor hygiene is definitely like on a mine or like I hate people that walk over things, like I'm just like, you know what I mean. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

They're right, like I think of so, so many that it's going, but we're all not perfect, like I probably have like so many things that people are like. Oh my God, like I hate you.

Speaker 1:

I hate people licking their fingers. Do you know, after eating that? Now that is a bad habit. I'm sorry. Yeah, that's fine.

Speaker 2:

Jeffrey, see to know what my baby's fun you know when you're at restaurant, yeah, and like you can do this at home, no problem, because I put my hand up and say when I was a child is to, when someone is having a bowl of soup, and it's common to the end and they lift up, oh no, I don't know, I that I drive me mad.

Speaker 1:

Bad table manners, like, isn't it? Though I'm not saying I'm perfect like, but like because, like you never, if you ever see me drunk eating a taco chip, I would definitely give you this. Like I'm not gonna do that in a restaurant, I mean, yeah, no. Another thing I saw, you know, people in the bubbles with their Chungum. No, like with your Chungum. I used to when I was like 14, or like you know, when they get in the finger and twist it, I'm like there's like, there's actually so many, but like we'd actually need to like have full episodes.

Speaker 1:

Hey here for the day, like trying to go through them. So If you have any bad habits that's someone that you live with or a friend or even yourself Send them into us. We can share them on our stories.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so on this week's game, we have one from Melissa. We're gonna do a what you rather Question here.

Speaker 1:

I like these been a while, yes, but a while we should be like.

Speaker 2:

Mix it up a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Would you rather have to shave all your hair off or those all your teeth?

Speaker 1:

That's a hard one.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't lose my teeth, but I don't don't lose my hair either. But I suppose you could get awake. Very sure, you know where we hard like implants, like I wouldn't like Fake teeth I've taken out. Oh, as much as I want to say it, I'd have to shave off my hair and just get awake, you know.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Would you rather wear the same clothes to school every day or have your parents pick out an outfit for you every day? This is one like think of, like your younger self.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh, no, I'd have to get a parents to pick out one, because I don't know if you know one as a smelly child. You don't mean like, oh, look at, there's smelly. Clark, burn the same jumper for the last week, you know. No, I don't even know what a smelly like.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no no, no thanks Would you rather be single and lonely for the rest of your life Okay, yeah, or the bed bound and not be able to move single and lonely.

Speaker 1:

But I want to bed bound, not been able to move. That would destroy me. I Don't like that. I wouldn't even cope with that like I need to be on Add grand, I get a few cats or something very Few cats and few dogs by. Maybe now go for something. Granted, I do little farm at the back of the army.

Speaker 2:

I'm. Would you rather have to fight? A hundred kitchen-sized zebras are one size zebra pigeon so a hundred a Hundred Hundred Would you rather have to fight one hundred kitchen-sized zebras right. Okay, right, zebra-sized kitchen.

Speaker 1:

Oh god, probably the one zebra-sized pigeon.

Speaker 2:

These are weird questions, I must say. These are like, these are the one. Okay, so much. Rather flow every time you try to jump, or jump every time you try to no.

Speaker 1:

I'd rather float every time I try to jump. So for our weekly affirmation to end our lovely pod of the week, which we normally do I'm better than I used to be, better than I was yesterday, but hopefully not as good as I'll be tomorrow. That's one that you have to sit and think about. It's a brain. These are all about brain testing. Well, thank you very much for tuning into our episodes and, if I can ask you one little favor, make sure that you follow us on Spotify and Apple. This will help our little podcast grows so we can get lots of big guests on the podcast and literally takes two seconds and we will see you next week. I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll see you next week bye.

February Blues Podcast
The Importance of School Uniforms
Encountering a Strange Situation
Breaking Bad Habits and Self-Improvement
Weekly Affirmations and Podcast Growth