Boujee Blondes

It's our first birthday & Simone had a birthday hangover #50

March 19, 2024 Melissa Clarke & Simone grace Episode 50
It's our first birthday & Simone had a birthday hangover #50
Boujee Blondes
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Boujee Blondes
It's our first birthday & Simone had a birthday hangover #50
Mar 19, 2024 Episode 50
Melissa Clarke & Simone grace
Ever woken up the morning after a big celebration feeling like you've time-traveled a few decades into the future? That's exactly where you'll find us, Melissa and Simone, nursing a Paddy's Day hangover and celebrating a year of podcasting shenanigans! As we toast to our first podcast anniversary and our 50th episode, we invite you to kick back with us and enjoy a hearty mix of laughs, tech nostalgia, and of course, some post-celebration makeup disasters. From Walkmans to smartphones, we're reminiscing on the gadgets that scored our lives and pondering the futuristic wonders yet to come, like those elusive flying taxis.

Have you ever had a Tinder date that turned into a full-blown catfishing escapade? We've got that story and more as we tackle the unpredictable world of online dating and the quest for genuine connections beyond the screen. Join us as we share tales of digital mismatches and ponder the age-old question of whether true love will find us or if we're just swiping in the dark. We also open up about the importance of emotional maturity in relationships, and how a good sense of humor might just be the glue that keeps a partnership together through life's rollercoaster ride.

We're getting real about the confusion in gender roles and how the dynamics of dating are shifting beneath our feet. As women step into traditionally masculine roles, we discuss the impact on relationships, the emotional intelligence needed from our partners, and the balancing act between independence and seeking a bond. It's an exploration into the pressures to settle down, the evolving landscape of expectations, and how we navigate love in today's society. So whether you're a hopeless romantic or a love-skeptic, curl up with your favorite cup of something nice and join us for a heart-to-heart on all things love and modern dating.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
Ever woken up the morning after a big celebration feeling like you've time-traveled a few decades into the future? That's exactly where you'll find us, Melissa and Simone, nursing a Paddy's Day hangover and celebrating a year of podcasting shenanigans! As we toast to our first podcast anniversary and our 50th episode, we invite you to kick back with us and enjoy a hearty mix of laughs, tech nostalgia, and of course, some post-celebration makeup disasters. From Walkmans to smartphones, we're reminiscing on the gadgets that scored our lives and pondering the futuristic wonders yet to come, like those elusive flying taxis.

Have you ever had a Tinder date that turned into a full-blown catfishing escapade? We've got that story and more as we tackle the unpredictable world of online dating and the quest for genuine connections beyond the screen. Join us as we share tales of digital mismatches and ponder the age-old question of whether true love will find us or if we're just swiping in the dark. We also open up about the importance of emotional maturity in relationships, and how a good sense of humor might just be the glue that keeps a partnership together through life's rollercoaster ride.

We're getting real about the confusion in gender roles and how the dynamics of dating are shifting beneath our feet. As women step into traditionally masculine roles, we discuss the impact on relationships, the emotional intelligence needed from our partners, and the balancing act between independence and seeking a bond. It's an exploration into the pressures to settle down, the evolving landscape of expectations, and how we navigate love in today's society. So whether you're a hopeless romantic or a love-skeptic, curl up with your favorite cup of something nice and join us for a heart-to-heart on all things love and modern dating.

Send us a Text Message.

Speaker 1:

It's the Boojee Blonde podcast with Melissa and Simone, available on Spotify, apple or wherever you get your podcasts. Now let's get Boojee Music. Hi, I'm Melissa, hi I'm Simone.

Speaker 2:

Our podcast is serving you, besty vibes, we are just two country girls chatting about all the things we struggle with daily life.

Speaker 1:

And, of course, talking about certain issues that some people are afraid to speak about. We give it to you real, while having crack along the way. Remember, these are just our opinion scouts, so don't take us too seriously. We're just going to use some best friend advice. So it is our first birthday. Well, a technique was like three weeks ago. I mean, simone forgot yeah. So it's our birthday episode. It's our birthday episode.

Speaker 1:

It's all birthdays in this podcast, and happy birthday to our little Simone as well. Well, Jesus, I feel farty. Well, stop it. So it's our podcast birthday. It was Simone's birthday this week and also is our 50th episode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see good things come in trees also.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's it. So it's mad, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can't believe we're down in a year, though Like it's actually crazy to think, and when we look back at how far we've come and how much we've grown our audience, everything, and to everyone that is on this little journey with us, we just want to say thank you so much because it means so much to us, even though we're coming on and just being us and talking about random, daily, fucking weird things on a day to day basis.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, yeah. So thank you Everyone who's tuned in for the year. If you're still waiting from the beginning, that's you've made it. This far was.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you have, and I'm sorry. I will put my hands up and say I'm a little bit hungover today, so bear with me, because stupid things could come out of my mouth.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, we love a now go down theory episode. It was Paddy's day yesterday, so Simone's feeling a little bit ropey. I was the born granny who didn't do anything like literally. I did have a few glass of wine, but it was like during at the afternoon, so it wasn't out. But yeah, so do you have the fear today?

Speaker 2:

I don't have the fear because I've been celebrating with a week for my birthday and last night just was the last straw for me. I was like, nope, I'm going into hibernation. Thank God it's Ramadan here. Because, seriously, I'm just like no, I feel like my voice is kind of gone as well, like I'm a bit croaky, I'm a bit deeper.

Speaker 1:

How do you even get up to go to work after midnight?

Speaker 2:

You know what, I don't know how, I don't either, because I just feel like you know, when you're so hungover you're not even thinking about it. Your alarm goes off and you just jump up out of the bed and it's like after three o'clock in the day. It kind of hits me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I find that around half to three years so tired. Yeah, I'm like I find as well when you're hungover like I don't know if the same at you, but like it's like my makeup just doesn't stay on. It's like a sweat off. Yeah, why is it like? What is with that?

Speaker 2:

Like it's like it's like just saying I literally look like I've been dragged back and forth through a bush. The eyes are just hanging out on my head.

Speaker 1:

I just find like even my eyelids go like really like I don't know like oily or something.

Speaker 2:

I think it's because you're just sweating all toxins out your body.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's like and then I don't know would you find like this might sound really random, but because you're so dehydrated, I feel like really suck it, like I'm just like. I'm literally like a night-year old woman, like yeah, you're just like.

Speaker 1:

Everywhere is sore, you're just, you're just. You're like, defeated, like. You know what I mean. I don't know how we went to work, so fair play to you.

Speaker 1:

So I think I was more there in spirit than yeah, I know, like I remember when I used to work in other jobs I would be able to go in homeover, but I find when you're like on top of someone doing makeup, you can't, because I'm always like twice my life drink. Do you know what I mean? Like in the shaky hands and you're trying to do eyeliners and stuff, like it's just a no sign, that like.

Speaker 2:

I would not go down one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it's tough, it's tough going. But yeah, I wonder, does? I'm sure some people listening here definitely have the fear still on Tuesday morning, because this will be out tomorrow and which will be Tuesday, so I'm sure they'll have the second day hangover of the fear of Paddy's day Of course, and we'll have a feeling we're going to have some funny dilemmas next week after Paddy's weekend.

Speaker 1:

Paddy, everyone just goes wild, don't they, and there's just, I don't know just such a big crowd of personalities as well, though Isn't there for Paddy's day that I feel like there's always a row? There's definitely always a row on Paddy's day with someone Always.

Speaker 2:

No matter where you are in the world.

Speaker 1:

the drama of the Irish and would they celebrate like Paddy's day big over in Dubai?

Speaker 2:

Not really. It's there, obviously because there's so many Irish people over here, and especially with English and Irish and. Americans, I suppose, like Australians well, sorry, there's a wide range of people that do celebrate it, but like in the Irish bars and stuff like that, I'd say it was absolutely meh, like I saw a few people's stories and it just looked nuts. I mean honest I didn't think that was nice, I think. I liked that brunches and dinners. Yeah, but that at the minute because I really with the heat over here as well.

Speaker 2:

Being in a pub just makes me feel claustrophobic with hundreds of people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm like.

Speaker 2:

I can't breathe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you like more spacious vibes at the moment. Yeah yeah. Not like party party animal vibes at the moment. Yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's actually so weird over here because for Becca- is here, obviously, and with Ramadan Happening, that there's no DJs really, or anything like that. Yeah good thing in a way yeah in a way.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, it keeps. It keeps you on the straight and narrow for a while it does.

Speaker 2:

I think, if I'm still here next year, I definitely am going to do it, though Well, I'm actually going to do proper intermittent fasting.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, I was actually speaking with this I want to do after my photo shoot. Now I'm gonna do it.

Speaker 2:

And photoshoots for weeks.

Speaker 1:

Are you excited? Yeah, but I'm, I'm, I'm shitting myself for the week of the photo shoot. This is gonna be hard.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, no, I, so we so hard food. I look at Melissa lads right and I'm like I Can't cope. Like she is ripped, like you are ripped. I'm sorry, like your body, everything, like your motivation. I don't know how you do it, but I need some of that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I don't be looking at you and smonny me in the gym at like, fucking 11 o'clock. I'm more of a Five o'clock or a gym person. I wouldn't be able to late nights like like even.

Speaker 2:

I would. I go in the morning usually. Okay just I hate rest days. Hmm, she got me like I just hate rest days. So if I'm busy or Something happened early in the morning that I couldn't just go to the gym, I make sure I'll get it in the evening, even if it's just carry or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, something just get something in like isn't it. Yeah. So the week of the photo shoot, I'm really scared because there's it like you'd. So, basically, like you have to do daily check ins, okay. So like you manipulate, like your fats and carbs every day, so like if it needs to be tweaked, so like I'm just hitting myself, I'm like, oh, my god.

Speaker 1:

Is it really strict, though, to the fact like no like branch, like I still eat snacks every day and stuff, like you know I'm gonna dictate. You know those rice crispy, marshmallow square bars, the blue ones, I fucking love them. I love a big bacon tray of them, like oh.

Speaker 2:

No, my gosh, they're amazing, are they? Yeah, so nice, you should actually make them. What? How make them and have like a big, massive. Like you see, the problem is, simone, I'm like I am literally like a sow.

Speaker 1:

Like I just once I, if I had five of them there, I'd eat the five bars. Like I'm just like, I'm just that person where I can't stop. Yeah, just I can't like. But no, but like, in fairness, to like the fitness thing, like I've been silly in, like chocolate every day. You know things like that, square bars. Like it's just you. They have to obviously like, try, hit your macros and like to like your calories. And it's mad how you would notice like the drop of a hundred calories. Do you know Down? Like when you're so used to like, even though it's only a hundred calories, but you would notice it like it's mad. Yeah, it's crazy. Like, but no like.

Speaker 1:

I'm still like eating loads of food. Like, do I mean?

Speaker 2:

you have to bring us on the journey with you.

Speaker 1:

Because, yeah, I know, I know I'm just Already week at the photo shoot. I'll probably like fucking stressed. Do you know what?

Speaker 2:

we'll do, we'll pre-record to make sure you have. Yeah, great yeah.

Speaker 1:

I feel like going around fucking it's just you know, when you can't have, you're trying to eat sugar, anyone sugar like that's the problem, like you know.

Speaker 2:

I do think it's all in your head, though. I always feel like in my head, if I'm, if I say I'm going on a diet, I always tend to like crave Mm-hmm of the things that I love, yeah, so like I'll have a kind of window and then Automatically in my head I'm like, okay, I need another one right now. Yeah, use another one. Yeah. I'm just saying to myself no, I'm just doing my thing, going to the gym, whatever, and not really tracking. Yeah, I see, okay, don't get me wrong, I always over indulge in chocolate anyway. Oh, so I just can't.

Speaker 1:

I think it's like it is really important to like have your little treat today, like you know, I mean, and the fairness with like my coach, like it's not like I'm still on so much food every day, like people Probably like you're silly not much, and that's been to your calorie deficit. I'm like, yeah, because you're burning off, like with the cardio and the workouts, you know I mean. So what?

Speaker 2:

way do you do? Then? How many days of cardio do you have?

Speaker 1:

and then, Four days cardio well, five days, but to be honest, I'm struggling to get the fifth one in, just on top of, like your five workouts, daily steps. So I get four in and then after you're consistent.

Speaker 2:

There's a run in. Like is a hit training.

Speaker 1:

I do mix of hit training. I might do a hit train one day, step or one day, and then I'll do two runs. Yeah, we'll be back to like reducing it to one car, because it is a lot like it's. It is very time-consuming.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you're going to kill it. You're going to look great. I can't wait to see Thanks it's exciting I'm speaking of.

Speaker 1:

Actually I've um Remember, do you remember? I just think this is really weird scene. I've seen a man outrunner today like the wired earphones, Like I know this is wired, yeah, but I've seen a man outrunner with wired earphones and I was like that's really weird. I haven't seen wired headphones in ages.

Speaker 2:

It is not, though, like I just remember. They always remind me of an iPod.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So then I started thinking back. Remember like Walkmans, like you said to put the tape on them, like, and then you had, like the Discman. The Discman, do you remember like, yeah, it seems like a lifetime ago, but it's not really? And then remember you had the mini Discman. Do you remember them? No, yeah, and then I think it was the iPod, or isn't it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was the iPod then. Yeah, then it was the iPod touch.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and then you had to like download them off Limeware, like I don't know. That just seems like a lifetime ago now, doesn't it? It's actually crazy, isn't?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, when I seen him out running, it brought like he was an older man but it brought me back to like. I was like, oh my God. And then I got me thinking. I was like can he talk with us in the podcast? Like how quick things like change. Like Like who would have taught, like when you had a Walkman, that you just be able to like play music randomly on your phone? It is.

Speaker 2:

I think it's so funny, though, how, like, say 12 years ago, like we're all in there with our iPods listening to music, I didn't think like the iPhone would be the way it is now and everything is on it, like I just think it's weird how they were able to, like I don't know, it's mind blown combine everything into one device. Yeah, do you get me.

Speaker 1:

Apple or just genius, aren't they?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they are they really are. But things like that just blow my mind Like we need to come up with one of these ideas. When I say I'm become multi-visionaries.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like you think, now, in like three years time, are we going to be sitting on the podcast with our like thinking back when, like my God, you really just play music on our phone. Like what's us going to change? Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

It's so funny, even like when you were younger, like do you know you could share the music with your friend. Like you're outside on your phone, the music is playing on your phone, just walking around listen to DJ coming.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's mad, isn't it Like so funny. I just, I think it's crazy like.

Speaker 2:

but yeah, it brought me back to the world of Walkman's tastes and speaking of all of this, they're bringing out over here next year flying taxis like Sorry, what Flying taxis?

Speaker 1:

How the fuck does that work?

Speaker 2:

So like they're flying carriers basically.

Speaker 1:

What, like? How does that even work, though? Is it kind of like, are there like little mini helicopters, like, like what I actually don't know.

Speaker 2:

I need to look into it properly. I just saw what it is. It is happening. Let me double check what way it looks and I'll send it to you. But it's insane to me, like how futuristic it is. And you know what always baffles me? The Simpsons, because they show all of this.

Speaker 1:

You think that's coincidence, though, or like you think he's in some little cult thing that he knows?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I do feel like I think we we touched him on this before but like the governments of the world are in control of the Simpsons and they know what's coming and they're just putting it in a in a cartoon.

Speaker 1:

Well, if I could see anywhere having flying cars, it probably will be Dubai, or like Japan, japan, or definitely I'd love to go to Japan. I swear this is. This is actually mad, because I was just looking at a vlog of a girl traveling on Japan on their own and I've been saying for weeks that I really want to go. We need to go to Japan.

Speaker 2:

I think we shall plan a trip to Japan next year. I'd love to go to Japan.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'd love it. I think it'd be so cool.

Speaker 2:

How cool would it be, Like I would love it.

Speaker 1:

I actually would. It's there's, there's just so far, like I had a picture, the two of us on holiday.

Speaker 2:

I just feel like a bit of disaster.

Speaker 1:

Me and Simone was zero dollars in our bank account on our plan to trip to Japan.

Speaker 2:

I can't even afford to be in zero.

Speaker 1:

I mean we're like, yeah, we're going to Japan, not a fucking five euro between us.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm sorry, but the affirmations we are going to Japan we are going to Japan. We will be going to Japan.

Speaker 1:

We will be going to Japan Means we positive and attract good energy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we need this good energy in our lives.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All the good energy.

Speaker 1:

All the good energy Send us our way.

Speaker 2:

So, on this week's Tiosui Dodgery's Dilemma, we have you ready, I'm ready.

Speaker 1:

I got a little glimpse of it there.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I went on a Tinder date last week with a girl who I've been talking to for two months. We've been, we've been even talking over the phone nonstop and, honestly, I was actually cat and feelings for her in brackets how to admit stuff like this, being a man, anyway, sat waiting in the restaurant all excited to see her and, my God, I was catfished. She was. She was not who she was in any of her socials. A completely different person and a 47 year old woman.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

Only thing is she's very attractive and we get on like a house on fire. She's aware of my age and still wants to keep things going and bear, confused as to what to do. As I know, my family and friends won't prove any advice.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I don't know. I just like I feel like the trust has just gone straight away, like because if you want to lie, she didn't say her age. Now, maybe she was a bit like. I feel like as a woman, though, when you get a bit older as well, like people do judge you by your age. So maybe that kind of thing, like I don't want to say my age until I meet them and then see if I have a connection, because he would have shot her down straight away if she said she's 47. But I don't know. Like I feel like if you have to like lie about who you are, like she's obviously a bit insecure. But I'm just like, what other lengths would she go to then Exactly?

Speaker 2:

And. I don't think I don't know, though I don't think it's very, very weird like, especially like on socials, like those dating apps, like if you don't show your age, plus the fact she obviously only looked like in her 20s on her profiles, why would you change your appearance, even though she is, like he's saying, like he is very attractive to?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't understand why she'd go into that. So what else is she lying about?

Speaker 1:

You know, you just don't trust him. Don't you not Just give you a bit of the Gb's, eb's?

Speaker 2:

no, no and like why does she want to? I mean, I do think it is a bit weird, because I personally can't look at someone that younger than me.

Speaker 1:

I was about to say, like why is she going for 21? How old is he? 21?, yeah, 21. Yeah, like that's 47. Like I know, age is only a number, but I still think it's a bit weird when you're 47, woman going for 21 year old chap Like.

Speaker 2:

No, you hear of it, don't get me wrong. You hear of it and people can't be very happy or whatever, but it's usually backwards, it's usually the man she's going to be going through menopause and he's barely fucking in his peak of testosterone.

Speaker 1:

No, it's the truth to us. Someone like I know Like she's going through menopause. I'm sure she is Like why would he want to go out with a menopausal woman? No, like they're at completely different stages of their lives. Like he's a young chap, he should be able to explore and like go fucking travel. Like Exactly, it's weird, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't know, but my advice, because obviously he probably really likes her right.

Speaker 1:

And then maybe they do get on, but in my eyes, I'm like.

Speaker 2:

Is it like just getting on with your mother?

Speaker 1:

Exactly like Now. It'd be different, right, if he was like 35 and she was 47. I don't see an issue with that because I feel like they're both at like the same stage. You know where I do take a 21 year old chap as a completely different stage than even a 30 year old. You know, like 47, no.

Speaker 2:

And plus the fact I know he's listening and looking for advice, I do think that do whatever makes you happy in my opinion, right, but you need to think of the consequences Like you actually genuinely need to look into it. Like well, I give a several lessons when it comes to, like, having kids, getting married, settling down. Is this what you want, or do you just want like a little fun?

Speaker 1:

time. Maybe she wants a little fun time, like I feel like why would she want to go for a 21 year old chap Like? If she's looking for a lifelong partner, would she not stick with someone in the same age category Not yet, but just in the same, like, like I said, people are at different stages of their lives. Like if she went for someone, you know, even if she liked younger men, like, but just not young, like it's a kitty fiddler. I'm sorry, it is weird what?

Speaker 2:

advice would you give to think you should call it a day and move on?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think so. I think he needs to call it a day Like. I think they're not looking for the bigger picture. I think she's only out for a bit of a fun time as well. I don't think she's looking for any serious now, and if that's what he wants, fair enough. The two will have a little fun time together. But in terms of like, you have to remember as well, even if she is out for fun time, women catch feelings quicker than men, and if she's going to get attached do you know what I mean to this young 21 year old that is going to be flaunting his way around like he should be 21. He's 22 at once. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

I just in my head, I'm like 21.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know. I just feel sorry for her as well. I feel like she could be having a midlife crisis, like she's like. She's like she doesn't know what she wants either. So, yeah, yeah, like she could be under a she out of like a long term relationship, like she's forced, I don't know, like well, I feel like she's just like if I came home or if my brother came home to awesome, my mom would be like are you actually for real?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's it.

Speaker 2:

Like because the fact as well like is it probably the same age as his parents.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like that's true as well. Like you know what I mean, it's weird, I know.

Speaker 2:

My advice will be if you're looking for some fun time, okay, fair play to you. The lads are probably going to tap you on the back more than like you, but you need to think of the consequences, think exactly what you want and have a little chat with her also, because somebody's going to get hurt.

Speaker 1:

She's going to get hurt because what's going to happen is, even if you just like go off or sleep or like you don't want to hurt her feelings either, yeah, she's going to get attached, no matter who it is. Every woman gets attached to me, they sleep with someone, they it's just destined. As women, we just automatically get attached to a man like and she's always going to get hurt. So you need to think of her feelings, like, if you're not going to be committed for a long term, long haul, you just call it a day, bro. Call it a day, bro. Yeah, that is our dilemma for this week. So if you have any other dilemmas, make sure you send them to us. You can dms or send us your email at the Bougie Blonde's podcast at gmailcom. So for our little topic of the week, we have love languages. What would be your love language, simone?

Speaker 2:

My love language. So I just think I'm I don't know. I'm at the stage where I just I don't even know how to explain it Like I know it might sound weird, but I need someone who is able to have a proper laugh like be physically and emotionally capable of dealing with every scenario that comes my way To get me like it's just I don't, I don't know you like.

Speaker 1:

you want someone that's like emotionally mature.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like I. Just I'm sick and tired of like hearing even the girls or whatever cause we're all single. I just feel like men in general need to start getting their shit together a little bit. Like they're not. I don't know if it's the generation or what the hell it is, but I'm done with the whole dating thing.

Speaker 1:

Are you You're just done. You're wiping your hands with it.

Speaker 2:

I'm wiping my hands with it if I'm being honest. I just I feel like the right person is going to come at the right time and I'm like done, which can mean in the big one at all, like I'm very happy by myself, though I don't. I don't know what would yours be.

Speaker 1:

It's a hard one. Like there's different types of like, love language, like. So the main ones are like words of affirmation, so verbal acknowledgement of affection, so like kind of like compliments, words of appreciation, verbal encouragement. Then you have quality time and then you have acts of service. So this would be, you know, like someone bringing you a coffee, I don't know. I think I'm more of an acts of service kind of guy. Like you know, like someone like making you a coffee in the morning or like helping you like clean the house or yeah, like I think actions is louder than words. I think I'm more of an acts of service person. Like I think it's really nice when someone like makes you like coffee in the morning or cup tea, or yeah, bring you a cup of tea to bed, like little things like that. I'm real sucker for her.

Speaker 2:

I don't know I'm a very like. I don't know I'm not materialistic, like I'd much rather quality time with someone than just kind of been trun gifts if that makes sense. I know a lot of women do like that and they don't mind it. But I just think for a nice, proper relationship it needs to be quality.

Speaker 1:

to get me like I just I just you know, definitely quality time, like I think prioritising your relationship like that, like having a day together, having an evening together and just chatting and communicating, is really important.

Speaker 2:

Communication is definitely important.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it? Yeah, absolutely. Well, I get what you're saying. Like I feel like a lot of men lack the emotional maturity Like you want a man to be able to. Like that when you fall, that they're able to like hold the show together. Yeah, do you know what I mean? Like in an emotional way, like pick up the pieces a bit and build you back up, kind of a thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, 100%, yeah. I just feel like most men now are kind of in a little bit of feminine energy.

Speaker 1:

Do you think? Explain what do you mean by this? So like.

Speaker 2:

I think, in my opinion, because we're kind of in this generation, I think, women are very strong and independent and we have that little bit of masculine energy with us. Because we're grafters, we want to succeed in life, we want to, like, achieve our goals, and that's okay, that's fine, we shall be able to do that. Do you get?

Speaker 1:

me yeah.

Speaker 2:

We'd be who we want to be. But in the past generation of us like the norm for a woman to have kids, clean the house, sit around, do things while the man goes out and work. And I feel like most men are a little bit triggered into the point that his wife or his girlfriend could be on a higher income than him and for to be a man they're like just built to be a provider. So I feel like they're a little bit on their toes from where they stand and they're just confused emotionally.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think you're right. Like I feel like it is that generation where a lot more women now are in like masculine energy and our goals are. We're probably. I think it's been confusing really for men, like in this era. Like are they a bit like what do I do? What's my role now? Yeah, like do if I don't have this like masculine energy, like they nearly resent women for it as well, so kind of pull back.

Speaker 2:

But then again it's because sometimes, like you get like in this generation as well, like, yeah, there's a lot of dating going on. It's not the same way as it used to be. So if a man automatically is in some sort of feminine energy with a woman, then he's ruining her chances to find another man because she's emotionally detached and in a bit of masculine energy that she's not able to attach herself to someone in masculine energy or someone to be a provider. Does that make sense? Because she's so independent herself?

Speaker 1:

And it can be like a toxic trait as well, having a woman being too much in masculine energy, not like they nearly don't accept help and support off a man because they nearly see it as we are this generation, we're like no, we can do it ourselves. We're independent women, which has become a bit toxic in a way where we should allow ourselves to step back into that feminine energy. But like it's okay for a man to treat me and it's okay to like you know, need to kind of like show my vulnerability to a man. So I think it's like a mix where, like we're in this era where it's a bit confusing for both exes, like of where their role is Definitely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do think it's very confusing, isn't it? Because I see it more. I think because back at home, like it's completely different, so like from small town, everyone is. All my friends are with their partners, with years of kids, they're settled down. Then you come out here and you're in a different front group and like you're listening to their dating dramas, their boy traumas, like it's just you kind of get more sunk in with what's actually going on. Right, it's to get me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I get to yeah, it's very educational in a way not online, yeah, but it's interesting and I think you just need to know what I need to learn, like, just be careful of what you're walking into because, like I said, a lot of men are kind of I don't know if they're intimidated by women, in a little sense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think they get. I think, especially if you have a beautiful woman who is very like you have a beautiful woman like I'm talking like, say, looks like it's a beautiful woman, a strong woman who is also extremely intelligent, I think it is a bit threatening for men. Yeah, isn't it Like? It's a bit-.

Speaker 2:

No, I feel like we're not good, men we're not good?

Speaker 1:

No, we're not. We're actually kind of we're just trying to figure out what's going on because, like, I feel like it is that, like women, like this feminine, like this masculinity from women is kind of nearly becoming a bit toxic because we're not allowing ourselves to step back into that role of being, like looked after by a man either, which is not in row. It. There's nothing wrong with a man looking after a woman Like it's you know what I mean, it's your feminine energy is what you crave. But I feel like we've told ourselves now when, like, we're independent women, we're going to do this, we're going to do this, we just kind of become a bit toxic.

Speaker 2:

We're independent women, but when we come home from work we want someone to look for us, care for us or whatever, like we won't be a boss bitch in the day, but when you come home you want to be looked after.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like you want to be able to be that boss bitch but also want to be able to be in a loving, like relationship where you're looking at, like, not that you're looked after I don't mean like you expect them to support you financially, but, like you know, just care for and like respected and supported. You know, and I think that's where men are going wrong at the moment. Yeah, it's the lack of emotional intelligence.

Speaker 2:

I do think it's very weird, though, and very unheard of as well, From like, even when I speak to my grandmother, my mom, my dad, whatever, like for my age being 26, like usually people like it's considered oh, you have to be settled down or you know how come you didn't meet anyone or what's going on. Like you do get these questions, yeah, and then you kind of look at yourself and you're like is it me. Is there something wrong with me. Is there something wrong with me?

Speaker 2:

Yeah it's terrible, isn't it? Yeah, but it's not that like I'll put my hands up and say, yeah, I love being on my own, like I'm not going to force anything, I'm not going to force a connection, just to say I'm with someone, I'd rather meet the right person and then be with them for the rest of my life, rather than like going on dates here and there and wasting my time. Yeah, well, it is. It's weird because I think there's just so much like, especially for men, like they've just a choice to get me. They feel like they can just have whatever they want whenever they want as well. And social media does definitely pay a big impact on it. I think, because you're looking through social media, you're always looking for the best option I get now. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So it's like a kid in a sweet shop, basically yeah.

Speaker 1:

And even the dating scene over here. Like, I feel like it's really hard for women like, like, even there's like one, a couple, like if my friends are single and like it's just like you're like, where do you go, like to meet someone now, like, do you know me? Like, where do you go to meet a nice, decent man, like that If you want to settle down, like, because it's hard. Like, but there is this app, but I've heard of this, not an app. It's like group things, like Facebook group, where if you match with someone, say like on Tinder, wherever you put their profile in, and I forget what way it works. I think it's like the other women will red flag it as if, like, they went on dates with this man or they'll put me like a black hole. No, yeah, so there's be a lot of married men on it. Like they got caught out. Yeah, it's mad, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

I have never heard that that is a danger, I think it's like a Facebook page or something.

Speaker 1:

I can't remember what it's actually calls, but yeah, that's mad, that. Yeah, yeah, crazy like it's actually mad. Like how much more, how many married women are on Tinder? Yeah it's.

Speaker 2:

It's airy, yeah, but you know what? It happens a lot, especially over here. Yeah, oh my god, people think Dubai is a big place. Believe it when I say it. If you like somebody. They were probably what your friend last week stop.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's crazy, it's so small. It's like a mini Dublin, isn't it? Yeah, like you think, for like a city like what's your? Everyone knows someone, who knows someone, you know what means. Yes, the number three was acts of service and and number four is gifts. So some people like the visual symbols of love. I don't get me wrong, I like and I'll get spoke like. You don't want to be like just showering some gifts to like, not like to not put yourself fully into relationship either. Like I feel like a lot of Well, do and do that. Like just I'm gonna spy or something She'll show up now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like, obviously we're gonna like gifts and nice things or whatever, but we need the love, we need stability. You need someone to not only be your partner but your best friend.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I wouldn't put gifts as my number one, like you know. I mean I put I think I'd put acts of service as my number one. Number five is physical touch to show signs of affection, including kissing, holding hands, cuddling on the couch. I don't know, I'm not a very like. You know, these couples are out like I am, but not when I'm out all over. Someone like Do you ever see those couples? I'm like she's not going to run away.

Speaker 1:

He's not gonna run away, bro, like stop, like suffocating her, like that would give me the ache now. Now don't get me wrong. Like obviously like physical touch, like do you know me? Like your holding hands, go for a walk or something, but like you know, those couples are just all over each other and you're like Just don't see any of them.

Speaker 2:

You're in a restaurant and they're bent over the table to kiss him. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

No I would die. I'd round the ground, open up and swallow me there and then, no, no, let me enjoy me food. Like, please, if you want to bring me home, bring me home, but like, just don't be doing it in the restaurant. No, I mean, like there's a time and a place, guys, there's a time and a place, but no, I wouldn't be now. Like those, like ones, yeah yeah, that is our love languages. We have the big hat of mystery lads.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So let's see what comes out this week. If you had one day left on earth, what would you do for 24 hours? One day left? She's very morbid, isn't she? Oh god.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I've only one day left after that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah well, simone already feels like she's one day left on earth because the poor girls are hanging there, if I have one day left on earth.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna be like. I'm gonna be like I'm gonna be like.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna be like what's the poor girls hanging there? If I have one day left on earth, what would I do? Like, could I do anything I wanted? I don't know. One day left on earth, what would I do? What's a hard one, isn't it? Like, because obviously, like, the most like sensible thing to say would probably like I'll spend it in my family. You know, like, but like, then you're like you've one day left, so you don't want to do something like a bit risky, you know.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. This is a hard question.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it Like, would you like want to do something risky? Like, do you know what I mean, something that you could? You know what I do? I go to space Because I'm gonna die anyway. So, like, do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, go to the moon or something like.

Speaker 1:

Go on. Take it three days to get there. I didn't even get there because I've been dancing in the rocket launcher. If I did have three days, I would go to the moon, so I spent my last 24 hours on the moon. Why not? Yes, I spent my last 24 hours on the moon with a big bottle of wine. You know what I mean. I'm not going to join in yet. I need to hear you talk today. Let me join the two of us on the moon with a bottle of wine. I feel like today is my last day, so I've just gone a bit wrong.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know what I mean. I'm not going to join in yet.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to join in. Yet I'm not going to join in.

Speaker 2:

Yet I'm not going to join in yet I'm not going to join in yet, so I'm just going to bedrock, you need no bedrotting evening now, with some loads of snacks and a bit of old Netflix or something. No one is serious now, though I will probably take all my family with me.

Speaker 1:

To the moon.

Speaker 2:

At the time. Oh no, I'm actually sweating here.

Speaker 1:

She's crying out at the time to the end of the vodka. She's so wet.

Speaker 2:

The jacquina is just coming out of my eyeballs.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't know how you're working. I'm getting me anxiety looking at it. But no, yeah, like in all of it, you'd probably just spend it with your family. I suppose, it would be the most wholesome event or go to the moon with a bottle of wine. One or the other Depends. If you fight with one of them, then you go to the moon up on a way.

Speaker 2:

It takes three days to get it. That was so funny.

Speaker 1:

Good luck, Kat. I'm off you. I go to the moon. You'll never see me again. Good luck, Bathalicious, Bathalicious. Well, that was our big random mystery hot question of the week. Okay, so we have a quick little diss, or dat, Simone. So are you ready? Okay, go for it For our little game of the week. So we're gonna have. Would you have iced coffee on a snowy day or hot coffee in a heat wave?

Speaker 2:

Um iced coffee absolutely.

Speaker 1:

You can see the hangover kicking in and out.

Speaker 2:

She's like wow.

Speaker 1:

Right sandals or crocs, oh sandals, Toesocks or toe rings.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, no, because that actually freaks me out.

Speaker 1:

You know toe socks are a massive thing in Japan, by the way. They have little accessory shops and everything in front of my sweat, god, why, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Why don't you cover your whole foot? I don't understand why they're like that. That makes no sense.

Speaker 1:

I don't know I understand you what they're like in Japan.

Speaker 2:

That is the weirdest thing that I've ever heard of.

Speaker 1:

In the way you've heard of. I don't like things between my toes.

Speaker 2:

The toe socks that want to try them out actually.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll send you a picture of them Right burping or farting Farting, Okay, being sweaty in cold weather or sneezing in hot weather.

Speaker 2:

Sneezing in hot weather.

Speaker 1:

A bad haircut or bad dye job.

Speaker 2:

Bad what.

Speaker 1:

Haircuts or bad dye job like getting your hair dyed wrong.

Speaker 2:

Oh god, that's my worst nightmare.

Speaker 1:

Nothing wrong when you get a bad blonde? Yeah, no believe it.

Speaker 2:

I think bad dives, you can change it. It's called, it's very long.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, that is our little dessert after the week.

Speaker 2:

Okay so, on this week's affirmation, we have a better than I used to be, better than I was yesterday, but hopefully not as good as I'll be tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

Aw that's nice. It's your last affirmation for the week. Well, thank you, guys for tuning in for our 50th episode and our first birthday. Birthday bashes, birthday bashes. So make sure that you like our podcast on Spotify or Apple and make sure you follow our podcast Instagram page at the Boojee Blondes podcast and we will see you next week. Bye, see you next week, bye.

Podcast Birthday Hangover and Ramadan
Evolution of Technology and Relationship Dilemma
Navigating Relationships in Modern Society
Confusion in Gender Roles and Relationships
Dating Challenges in the Modern Era