
Katie Stepford Britt, Big Little Lies, Satan in the Kitchen | Scrood | Show 15

March 29, 2024 B S
Katie Stepford Britt, Big Little Lies, Satan in the Kitchen | Scrood | Show 15
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Katie Stepford Britt, Big Little Lies, Satan in the Kitchen | Scrood | Show 15
Mar 29, 2024

Katie Britt, her Big Little Lies and Satan in the kitchen. Uber pubs and their deception just never stops. Help us get these deceivers and corrupt politicians out of our political system. Share and comment to help Scrood inform while entertaining @ScroodFM.  Thanks and lets take em down!  Ben and Elly

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Katie Britt, her Big Little Lies and Satan in the kitchen. Uber pubs and their deception just never stops. Help us get these deceivers and corrupt politicians out of our political system. Share and comment to help Scrood inform while entertaining @ScroodFM.  Thanks and lets take em down!  Ben and Elly

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Katie Britt Stepford, Big Little Lies, Satan in the Kitchen. Back to the kitchen, girls. Gather round the strong, white men of the past.


Ooh, America remembers our strong leaders. So virile. We remember when they took control and manhandled us. And shot those pesky border bouncers. But now, now we have a dithering and diminished leader.


Maybe we should ask Mercedes about diminished leaders.


She would say, not funny, we know he was talking about Melania.


Right, that's why he called her Mercedes.


We can do better, she said.


Shouldn't she have said, be best. That's what Melania Mercedes preached. That poor woman, There's no love lost between her and I, but I still feel sorry for, for being married to Trump.


You get what you pay for, if you know what I mean. Remember that kook?




What she said, no. In her little speech? No. We are at a crossroads.


More like the crosshairs with that crazy shit.


I'm a mom. I'm just like other moms. And we're frustrated. We're frustrated. We all feel it.


This Brit woman is crazy, man.


Oh, she is frustrated. She is really frustrated.


So what was the point she were trying to make about strong men? And the border.


That Biden has let Americans down.


But her party,


Her party, after Don the Con's request to turn down the strict Republican, conservative, and bipartisan border


bill. Crazy. Just crazy. That shit's just crazy.


I wonder if she's on medication, or anti psychotics maybe? She had some serious, facial problems when she was doing that. I mean, it looked like she was constipated.


Her affect was all over the place. She is such a kook.


We do not endorse or trivialize sexual assault as Katie Britt did. We mock Britt in our parody below. For instance,


she said. I put my feet on the ground on the front lines and went to Texas to speak to a woman who told me the cartel sex trafficked her since she was twelve. You know, for her womanhood, and men came on to her every day, every night. She was raped over, and over, again, every single day, for hours on end. Ground control




That would explain the hallucinogenics. There


we go, there's something, I don't know


what's going on here. Didn't you know? Sex sells.


Those uber pubs, that's all they think about.


Dicks, balls, wombs, and sex.


Stepford should stop lying, or is it Brittford? Well, what's her name?


No, no, you got it right the first time. Stepford. Yeah. Moving,. Ethan: Moving right along, like her party, she tells big little lies. misleading the public. She She did not meet one on one with Jacinto, the victimized woman she was speaking about.


The victim, now a grown woman, is Karla Jacinto Romero She was speaking to other advocates. That is, Jacinto was speaking to other advocates and news outlets. Not to Brit specifically. Jacinto did not say that the cartel sex trafficked her. But by a man she fell in love with and his family. What? I Yeah. Further, she was not sex trafficked in America, as was implied by, um, Stepford. But in Mexico, she also inferred that this happened under the current administration. The Biden administration, and that's incorrect. Stepford's lying. Yeah, of course. Jacinto said it happened between 2004 and 2008. Let's be clear, this woman was victimized during the Bush II administration, not the Biden administration. What the hell is wrong with her?


Why would she skew this tragic story to serve her own ends? Shh, it's a secret. won't tell anybody. Sex. I just, I still wanna. Sex




In the Old and New Testament, Satan was described as the deceiver. What does that make her? And those in her party that defined their policies and themselves with lies.


Yeah, the whole party. Yep. They define themselves and their policies with lies. You know


what's that movie, 12 Monkeys with Brad Pitt? They're all nutbags. nutbags.


Hey,, Stepford said Biden stopped building the wall. What about that? What?


There was nothing to stop. Like we reported on the previous show, in four years, Don the Con only built about 50 miles of the wall and repaired two rails of fence. He said he built the wall. I know he said I built the wall, if the wall was built, people would not be coming over it so how could Biden stop anything when nothing was happening?


Oh, but didn't you hear Connie built the wall? It's there. It's really there.


I wonder why she didn't mention the Build the Wall fraud hatched by Bannon and Friends.. Elly: I wonder. She knows. Maybe she was referring to the private border wall Abbott built for a friend.


Yeah, I remember that. Supposedly using some of the 54 million in Texas donation funds. Kind of like Texas build the wall fund. Ring a bell.


Let's move on. Okay. She mentioned moms.


I was ready to hurl when she spoke of being a mom. Like all the other moms. Having concerns about fentanyl, the border, crime, and morality.


Kind of like Bridget Ziegler, co founder of Moms for Liberty.


That's too funny.


She was filmed in a kitchen atmosphere. What motivates her to present herself in this way?


I am speaking to fellow moms, fellow moms that are up at 2 a. m., have to be in three places at a time, who sit at the table just like this, and put dinner on the table, each and every day, over and over and over. Wait a minute. She works in D. C. Her children live in Alabama. How can she put dinner on the table? Alabama.




Yeah. How can she put dinner on the table?


How did Forrest Gump say that? Well, what was the green bow Alabama green bow Alabama?


Yeah. He real mad about that. That's how he kicked that guy's butt both,


She and her husband are millionaires. They hire help. Lots of help. How was her circumstances like that of most American women? Most American men for that matter.


We're not rich. We're not rich. Oh my goodness. She reminds me, of multimillionaire Maggot Mace who re victimized and defamed E. Jean Carroll by questioning the authenticity of the judgment against Don the Con when she was being interviewed by George Stephanopoulos. Furthermore, malingering Maggot Mace also had the insolence to call Hunter Biden a rich elitist. As if she is like everyone else, not rich, not elite. Katie Stepford Britt is following the same script. How is she just a mom, like Everyone else, I want to mention another deceiver while we're at it. Kari, Scary Lake in a lawsuit she just admitted to lying about and defaming Stephen Richer, the Maricopa County recorder, accusing him of rigging the 2022 election by sabotaging the vote tabulators. My goodness, will it ever end?


The judge in Kari Lake’s defamation lawsuit ruled against her by default after her lawyers implied that she would not challenge the claims, admitting guilt. Publicly, she stands by her false statements, trying to save face. Sounds like someone we know. Moving right along, Britt, or should I say, Brittford, Stepford, Britt is just a glorified Stepford wife. Successful in her own career, and relegated to the kitchen, but allowed to speak for her party, but not use her own voice. Destroying her chances of real advancement, like the vice presidency, or presidency.


We've been examining her speech patterns, word choice, and affect. An affect. Yep. And we have one last question. Just one more. When did she die inside?


No laughing matter, but when, we want to know. Insiders want to know.


When did she die inside? Shh,


don't say. Scrood they're usin her. Wake up, honey. Yeehaw! Giddy up! Giddy up!


Scrood does not endorse or trivialize sexual assault, and we find ourselves left with a strong gag reflex, listening to Katie Britt exploit and weaponize a tragic event in an effort to gain more republican votes. Britt further, and without shame, added fictional statements to the sexual assault further victimizing Karla Jacinto Romero.